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[Opened for s i g n a t u r e a t London, A p r i l 9, 1965]


FACILITATION OF MARITIME TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT, 3. The Governments of the following States were represented
1965 at the Conference by Observers:

Ceylon Sudan
1. A Conference was held in London from 24 March to 9 April 1965 Chile Switzerland
Holy See Syrian Arab Republic
upon the invitation of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Iraq Thailand
Organization, for the purpose of drawing up a Convention to Peru Turkey
facilitate international maritime traffic.
k. The following inter-governmental organizations were
2. The Governments of the following fifty-seven States were
represented at the Conference by Observers:
represented at the Conference by delegations:
United Nations
Algeria Malagasy Republic International Labour Office
Argentina Malaysia World Health Organization
Australia Mexico United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Belgium Monaco Organization
Brazil Netherlands International Civil Aviation Organization
Bulgaria New Zealand Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Cameroun Nicaragua Customs Co-operation Council
Canada Nigeria International Office of Epizootics
China (Republic of) Norway Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Colombia Panama
Congo (Leopoldville) Philippines 5. The following non-governmental organizations appointed
Czechoslovakia Poland
Denmark San Marino observers to the Conference:
Dominican Republic Senegal
Ecuador Spain International Chamber of Commerce
Federal Republic of Sweden International Chamber of Shipping
Germany Trinidad and Tobago International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Finland Tunisia International Organization for Standardization
France Ukrainian Soviet International Shipping Federation
Ghana Socialist Republic International Union of Official Travel Organizations
Greece United Arab Republic International Union of Marine Insurance
Honduras Uruguay
Hungary Union of Soviet 6. The Conference elected Mr. G.E. do Nasoimento e Sllva,
India Socialist Republics Head of the delegation of Brazil, as President of the Conference.
Ireland United Kingdom of
Israel Great Britain and 7. The Conference elected as Vice-Presidents Mr. Marian Fila
Italy Northern Ireland
Ivory Coast United States of America (Poland), Mr. F. van Usaeldijk (Netherlands), Mr. S.M.A. Banister
Japan Venezuela (United Kingdom), and Mr. D.E. Ogisi (Nigeria).
Korea Yugoslavia
Lebanon Zambia

*[Reproduced from a t e x t provided by t h e I n t e r - G o v e r n m e n t a l Mari-

time C o n s u l t a t i v e O r g a n i z a t i o n . The following s t a t e s signed t h e
Convention on A p r i l 9, 1965: A l g e r i a , A r g e n t i n a , B r a z i l , Canada,
Republic of China, Denmark, Dominican R e p u b l i c , Ecuador, F e d e r a l
Republic of Germany, F i n l a n d , F r a n c e , Ghana, Greece, Hungary, I r e -
l a n d , I s r a e l , I t a l y , I v o r y Coast, Korea, Lebanon, Malagasy Repub-
l i c , M a l a y s i a , Monaco, N i c a r a g u a , P h i l i p p i n e s , Poland, San Marino,
Sweden, T r i n i d a d and Tobago, Ukranian S o v i e t S o c i a l i s t R e p u b l i c ,
United Arab R e p u b l i c , Union of S o v i e t S o c i a l i s t R e p u b l i c s , United
Kingdom, United S t a t e s , and Y u g o s l a v i a . ]
- 5/6 -

The Secretary-General of the Conference was INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAFFIC
Mr. Jean Roullier (Secretary-General of the Inter-Governmental
Maritime Consultative Organization), and the Executive Secretary The Contracting Governments:
of the Conference was Mr. Roger Grosclaude (Head of the Secretariat
Desiring to facilitate maritime traffic by simplifying and
Section of External Relations and Legal Matters).
reducing to a minimum the formalities, documentary requirements
8. For the purposes of its work the Conference set up the and procedures on the arrival, stay and departure of ships
following committees: engaged in international voyages;

General Comuittee: Have agreed as follows:

Chairman: Mr. R.W. Radford (United Kingdom)

Mr. G.M.M. Duval (Malagasy Republic) Article I
The Contracting Governments undertake to adopt, in
Credentials Committee!
accordance with the provisions of the present Convention and its
Chairman: Mr. M.J. Wilson (Australia)
Annex, all appropriate measures to facilitate and expedite
Drafting Committee: international maritime traffic and to prevent unnecessary delays
to ships and to persons and property on board.
Chairman: Dr. V, Seferna (Czechoslovakia)
Vice-Chairman: Mr. A, Hofman (Netherlands)
Article II
Committee on Customs and Related Matters:
(1) The Contracting Governments undertake tn co-operate, in
Chairman: Mr. R.V. Mclntyre (United States of America) accordance with the provisions of the present Convention, in the
Vice-Chairman: Mr. C. Martelll (Italy)
formulation and application of measures for the facilitation of
Immigration Committee: the arrival, stay and departure of Bhips. Such measures shall
Chairman: Dr. A.J. Fonteijn (Netherlands) be, to the fullest extent practicable, not less favourable than
Vice-Chairman: Mr. T. Takehira (Japan) measures applied in respect of other means of international
He alth Committee: transport; however, these measures may differ according to
particular requirements.
Chairman: Dr. Lembrez (France)
Vice-Chairman: Captain G. Harln (Union of Soviet (2) The measures fnr the facilitation of international maritime
Socialist Republics)
traffic provided for under the present Convention and its Annex
9. The Conference had before it and used as a basis for apply equally to the ships nf coastal and non-coastal States the
discussion a draft International Convention on Facilitation Governments of which are Parties to the present Convention.
of International Maritime Traffic, and its Annex, prepared by
(3) The provisions of the present Convention do not apply to
by a Group of Experts and presented by the Secretary-General
warships or pleasure yachts.
of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization.

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Article III

As a result of its deliberations, as recorded in the records and The Contracting Governments undertake to co-operate in
reports of the respective Cotimittecs and of the Plenary Sessions, securing the highest practicable degree of uniformity in
the Conference established and opened for signature and acceptance formalities, documentary requirements and procedures in all
a Convention on Facilitation of International Unritime Traffic. matters in which such uniformity will facilitate and improve
The Convention appears hereafter as Annex "A", and the Annex to international maritime traffic and keep to a minimum any
the Convention as Annex "3", to this Final Act. alterations in formalities, documentary requirements and
procedures necessary to meet special requirements of a domestic
10. The Conference adopted the following Resolutions which are
appended as Annex "G" to this Final Act, and relate to:

(1) Encouragement of acceptances of and accessions to Article IV

the Convention
With a view to achieving the ends set forth in the
(2) Acceptance of Standards preceding Articles of the present Convention, the Contracting
(3) The creation of national and regional committees Governments undertake to co-operate with each other or through
the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
(4) Establishment of an ad hoc Working Group
(hereinafter called the "Organization") in matters relating to
(5) Future work on facilitation formalities, documentary requirements and procedures, as well
(6) Facilitation of International Travel and Tourism. as their application to international maritime traffic.

In.j.7itne3s whereof the Representatives have signed this

Article V
Final Act.
(1) Nothing in the present Convention or its Annex shall be
Done at London this ninth day of April, One thousand nine
interpreted as preventing the application of any wider
hundred and sixty-five, in a single copy in the English, French,
facilities which a Contracting Government grants or nay grant
Russian and Spanish languages.
in future in respect of international maritime traffic under
The original texts of this Final Act shall be deposited with its national laws or the provisions of any other international
the Secretary-General of the Inter-Governmental Maritime agreement.
Consultative Organization who shall send a certified copy of
(2) Nothing in the present Convention or its Annex shall be
this instrument to each of the Governments invited to be
interpreted as precluding a Contracting Government from
represented at the Conference.
applying temporary measures considered by that Government to be
necessary to preserve public morality, order and security or
to prevent the introduction or spread of diseases or pests
affecting public health, animals or plants.

(3) All matters that are not expressly provided for in the
present Convention remain subject to the legislation of the
Contracting Governments.

- io

Article VI (2) Notification by a Contracting Government of any such

difference in the case of an amendment to a Standard or of a
For the purposes of the present Convention and its Annex:
newly adopted Standard shall be made to the Secretary-General
(a) "Standards" are those measures the uniform as soon as possible after the entry into force of such amended
application of which by Contracting Governments or newly adopted Standard, or after the adoption of such differing
in accordance with the Convention is necessary formalities, documentary requirements or procedures and may
and practicable in order to facilitate Include an indication of the action proposed to bring the
international maritime traffic; formalities, documentary requirements or procedures into full
(b) "Recommended Practices" are those measures the accord with the amended or newly adopted Standard.
application of which by Contracting Governments (3) Contracting Governments are urged to bring their formalities,
is desirable in order to facilitate international documentary requirements and procedures into accord with the
maritime traffic. Recommended Practices insofar as practicable. As soon as any
Article VII Contracting Government brings its own formalities, documentary
requirements and procedures into accord with any Recommended
(1) The Annex to the present Convention may be amended by the
Practice, it shall notify the Secretary-General thereof.
Contracting Governments, either at the proposal of one of
them or by a conference convened for that purpose. (4) The Secretary-General shall inform the Contracting
Governments of any notification made to him in accordance with
(2) Any Contracting Government may propose an amendment to
the preceding paragraphs of this Article.
the Annex by forwarding a draft amendment to the Secretary-General
of the Organization (hereinafter called the "Secretary-General")! Article IX

(a) Upon the express request of a Contracting Government, The Secretary-General shall convene a conference of the
the Secretary-General shall communicate any such proposal Contracting Governments for revision or amendment of the present
directly to all Contracting Governments for their consideration Convention at the request of not less than one-third of the
and acceptance. If he receives no such express request, the Contracting Governments. Any revision or amendments shall be
Secretary-General may proceed to such consultations as he deems adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the Conference and then
advisable before communicating the proposal to the Contracting certified and communicated by the Secretary-General to all
Governments; Contracting Governments for their acceptance. One year after
the acceptance of the revision or amendments by two-thirds of the
(b) Each Contracting Government shall notify the Secretary-
Contracting Governments, each revision or amsndment shall enter
General within one year from the receipi; of any euch communication
into force for all Contracting Governments except those which,
whether or not it accepts the proposal;
before its entry into force, maxe a declaration that they do
(c) Any such notification shall be made in writing to the not accept the revision or amendment. The Conference may by
Secretary-General who shall inform all Contracting Governments a two-thirds majority vote determine at the time of its
of its receipt; adoption that a revision or amendment is of such a nature that

(d) Any amendment to the Annex under this paragraph shall any Contracting Government which has made such a declaration and
enter into force six months after the date on which the
which does not accept the revision or amendment within a period
amendment is accepted by a majority of the Contracting
of one year afttr the revision or amendment enters into force shall,
upon the expiration of this period, cease to be a party to the
(e) The Secretary-General shall inform all Contracting Convention.
Governments of any amendment which enters into force under this
Article X
paragraph, together with the date on which such amendment shall
into force. (1) The present Convention shall remain open for signature for
six months irom this day's date and shall thereafter remain open
(3) A conference of the Contracting Governments to consider
for accession.
amendments to the Annex shall be convened by the Secretary-General
upon the request of at least one-third of these Governments. (2) The Governments of States lieabers of the United Nations, or
Every amendment adopted by suoh conference by a two-thirds of any of the specialized a 0 encies, or the International Atomic
majority of the Contracting Governments present and voting Snergy Agency, or Parties to the Statute of the International
Court of Justice may become Parties to the present Convention by:
shall enter into force six months after the date on which the
Secretary-General notifies the Contracting Governments of the (a) signature without reservation as to acceptance;
amendment adopted.
(b) signature with reservation as to acceptance
(4) The Secretary-General shall notify promptly all Signatory followed by acceptance; or
Governments of the adoption and entry into force of any amendment
(c) accession.
under this Article.
acceptance or accession shall be effected by the deposit of
Article VIII an instrumsnt with the Secretarj-General.
(1) Any Contracting Government that finds it impracticable
(3) The Government of any State not entitled to become a Party
to comply with any Standard by bringing its own formalities,
under paragraph 2 of this Article may apply through the
documentary requirements or procedures into full accord with it
Secretary-General to become a party and shall be admitted as a
or which deems it neoessary for special reasons to adopt
Party in accordance with paragraph 2, provided that its
formalities, documentary requirements or procedures differing
application has been approved by two-thirds of the Members of the
from that Standard, shall so inform the Secretary-General and
Organization othsr than Associate Members.
notify him of the differences between its own practice and such
Standard. Such notification shall be made as soon as possibls Article XI
after entry into force of the present Convention for the The present Convention shall enter into force sixty days
Government concerned, or after the adoption of ouch differing after the date upon which the Governments of at least ten States
formalities, documentary requirements or procedures. have either signed it without reservation as to acceptance or
have deposited instruments of acceptance or accession. It shall
enter into force for a Government which subsequently accepts it
or accedes to it sixty days after the deposit of the instrument
of acceptance or accession.

Article XII Article XVI

Three years after entry into force of the present Convention
The present Convention and its Annex shall be established
with respect to a Contracting Government, such Government may
in the English and French languages, both texts being equally
denounce it by notification in writing addressed to the
authentic. Official translations shall be prepared in the
Secretary-General who shall notify all Contracting Governments
Russian and Spanish languages and shall be deposited with
of the content and date of receipt of any such notification.
the signed originals.
Such denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer
period as may be specified in the notification, after its IE WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being duly authorized
by their respective Governments for that purpose have signed
receipt by the Secretary-General.
the present Convention.
Article XIII
DONE at London this ninth day of April 1965.
(l) (a) The United Nations in cases where they are the
administering authority for a territory, or any Contracting
Government responsible for the international relations of a
territory, shall as soon as possible consult with such territory
in an endeavour to extend the present Convention to that
territory, and may at any time by notification In writing given
to the Secretary-General declare that the Convention shall
extend to such territory.

(b) The present Convention shall from the date of the

receipt of the notification or from such other date as may be
specified in the notification extend to the territory named

(c) The provisions of Article VIII of the present

Convention shall apply to any territory to which the Convention
is extended in accordance with the present Article; for this
purpose, the expression "its own formalities, documentary
requirements or procedures" shall include those in force in
that territory.

(d) The present Convention shall cease to extend to any

territory one year after the- receipt by the Secretary-General of
a notification to this effect, or on such later date as may be
specified therein.

13 - 15

(2) The Secretary-General shall inform all the Contracting

Governments of the extension of the present Convention to
any territory under paragraph 1 of this Article, stating in
each case the date from which the Convention has been so


The Secretary-General shall inform all Signatory For the purpose of the provisions of this Annex, the
Governments, all Contracting Governments and all Members of following meanings shall be attributed to the terms listed:
the Organization cf: Car
fl 0 ' -'^y goods, wares, merchandise, and articles of every
(a) the signatures affixed to the present kind whatsoever carried on a ship, other than mail, ship's
Convention and the dates thereof; stores, ship's spare parts, ship's equipment, crew's effects
(b) the deposit of instruments of acceptance and passengers' accompanied baggage.

and accession together with tho dates of Crew's effects. Clothing, items in everyday use and any other
their deposit; articles, which may include currency, belonging to the crew and
carried on the ship.
(c) the date on which the Convention enters
into force in accordance with Article XI; X?H.iiember. Any person actually employed for duties on board
during a voyage in the working or service of a ship and
(d) any notification received in accordance with
included in the crew list.
Articles XII and XIII and the date thereof;

(e) the convening of any conference under Iiail. Dispatches of correspondence and other objects tendered
Articles VII or IX. by and intended for delivery to postal administrations.
Passengers' accompanied baggage, property, which may include
Article XV
currency, carried for a passenger on the same ship as the
The present Convention and its Annex shall be deposited passenger, whether in his personal possession or not, so long
with the Secretary-General who shall transmit certified as it is not carried under a contract of carriage or other similaj
copies thereof to Signatory Governments and to acceding agreement.
Governments. As soon as the present Convention enters
into force, it shall be registered by the Secretary-General Public authorities. The agencies or officials in a State
in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United responsible for the application and enforcement of the laws and
Nations. regulations of that State which relate to any aspect of the
Standards and Recommended Practices contained in this Annex.
Shipowner. One who owns or operates a Bhip, whether a person, a
corporation or other legal entity, and any person acting on
behalf of the owner or operator.

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- The document required under the Universal Postal Convention

Ship's equipment. Articles, other than ship's spare parts, on
board a ship for use thereon, which are removable but not of a for mail

consumable nature, including accessories such as life-boats, - Maritime Declaration of Health

life-saving devices, furniture, ship's apparel and similar items.
Ship^s spare parts. Articles of a repair or replacement nature
for incorporation in the ship in which they are carried. 2.2 Standard. The General Declaration shall be the basic docu-
Ship's stores. Goods for use in the ship, including consumable ment on arrival and departure providing information required by
goods, goods carried for sale to passengers and crew members, public authorities relating to the ship.
fuel and lubricants, but excluding ship's equipment and ship's 2.2.1 Recommended Practice. The same form of General Declaration
spare parts. should be accepted for both the arrival and the departure of a
Time of arrival. Time when a ship first comes to rest, whether
at anchor or at a dock, in a port. 2.2.2 Recommended Practice. In the General Declaration public
authorities should not require more than the following infor-

In conjunction with paragraph 2 of Article IX of the - Name and description of ship

Convention, the provisions of this Annex shall not preclude - Nationality of ship
public authorities from taking such appropriate measures, - Particulars regarding registry
including calling for further information, as may be necessary - Particulars regarding tonnage
in cases of suspected fraud or to deal with special problems - Name of master
constituting a grave danger to public order (ordre public), - Name and address of ship's agent
public security or public healthy or to prevent the introduction - Brief description of the cargo
or spread of diseases or pests affecting animals or plants. - Number of crew
Standard. Public authorities shall in all cases require - Number of passengers
only essential information to be furnished, and shall keep the - Brief particulars of voyage
number of items to a minimum. - Date and time of arrival, or date of departure
- Port of arrival or departure
\7here a specific list of particulars is set out in the
- Position of the ship in the port
Annex, public authorities shall not require to be furnished
2» 2 «3 Standard. Public authorities shall accept a General
such of those particulars as they consider not essential.
Declaration dated and signed by the master, the ship's agent or
some other person duly authorized by the master.

- 17 - - 19 -

1.2 Recommended Practice. Notwithstanding the fact that 2.3 Standard. The Cargo Declaration shall be the basic document
documents for certain purposes may be separately prescribed
on arrival and departure providing information required by publio
and required in this Annex, public authorities, bearing in
authorities relating to the cargo. However, particulars of any
mind the interests of those who are required to complete the
dangerous cargo may also be required to be furnished separately.
documents as well as the purposes for which they are to be
used, should provide for any two or more such documents to *3.1 Recommended Practice. In the Cargo Declaration public
be combined into one in any case in which this is practicable authorities should not require more than the following information:
and in which an appreciable degree of facilitation would (a) on arrival
- Name and nationality of the ship
- Name of master
- Port arrived from
This section contains the provisions concerning the - Port where report is made
formalities required of shipowners by the public authorities - Marks and numbers; number and kind of packages;
on the arrival stay and departure of the ship and shall not quantity and description of the goods
be read so as to preclude a requirement for the presentation - Bill of lading numbers for cargo to be discharged at
for inspection by the appropriate authorities of certificates the port in question
and other papers carried by the ship pertaining to its - Ports at which cargo remaining on board will be
registry, measurement, safety, manning and other related discharged
matters. - Original ports of shipment in respect of goods
A. GENERAL shipped on through bills of lading

2* 1
Standard. Public authorities shall not require for their (b) on departure
retention, on arrival or departure of ships to which the - Name and nationality of the ship
Convention applies, any documents other than those covered by - Name of master
the present section. - Port of destination
The documents in question are* - In respect of goods loaded at the port in question:
marks and numbers; number and kind of packages;
- General Declaration
quantity and description of the goods
- Cargo Declaration
- Bill of lading numbers for cargo loaded at the port
- Ship's Stores Declaration
in question.
- Crew's Effects Declaration
- Crew List -3.2 Recommended Practice. In respect of cargo remaining on board,
- Passenger List public authorities should require only brief details of the
minimum essential items of information to be furnished.

2.3.3 Standard. Public authorities shall accept a Cargo 2.7.1 Hecommended Practice. Public authorities should not
Declaration dated and signed by the master, the ship's agent, require Passenger lists on short sea routes or combined ship/
or some other person duly authorized by the master. railway services between neighbouring countries.
2.7.2 Recommended Practice. Publio authorities should not
2.3-4- Recommended Practice. Public authorities should
require Embarkation or Disembarkation Cards in addition to
accept in place of the Cargo Declaration a copy of the ship's
manifest provided it contains all the information required in lassenger Lists in respect of passengers whose names appear on 4
accordance with Recommended Practices 2.3.1 and 2.3-2 and is those Lists. However, where public authorities have special s
dated and signed in accordance with Standard 2-3-3- problems constituting a grave danger to public health a person v|
on an international voyage may on arrival be rsquired to give a i
As an alternative, public authorities may accept a copy destination address in writing. ,
of the bill of lading signed in accordance with Standard 2.3.3
or certified as a true copy, if the nature and quantity of 2.7-3 Recommended Practice. In the Passenger List public |
authorities should not require more than the following information
cargo make this practicable and provided that any information
in accordance with Recommended Practices 2-3-1 and 2-3-2 - Name and nationality of the ship
which does not appear in such documents is also furnished - Family name ^
elsewhere and duly certified. - Given names
2-3-5 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should allow - Nationality
- Date of bjrth
unmanifested parcels in possession of the master to be omitted - Place of birth ^
from the Cargo Declaration provided that particulars of these - Port of embarkation
parcels are furnished separately. - Port of disembarkation
2.4 Standard. The Ship's Stores Declaration shall be the - Port and date of arrival of the ship
basic document on arrival and departure providing information 2.7.4 Recommended Practice. A list compiled by shipping
required by public authorities relating to ship's stores. companies for their own use should be accepted in place of the ?
2.4.1 Standard• Public authorities shall accept a Ship's Passenger List, provided it contains at least the information li
Stores Declaration dated and signed by the master or by some required in accordance with Recommended Practice 2.7.3 and is
other ship's officer duly authorized by the master and having dated and signed in accordance with Standard 2.7.5.
personal knowledge of the facts regarding the ship's stores.
2.7.5 Standard. Public authorities shall accept a Passenger
2.5 Standard. The Crew's Effects Declaration shall be the List dated and signed by the master, the ship's agent or some
basic document providing information required by public other person duly authorized by the master.
authorities relating to crew's effects. It shall not be
required on departure.

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2.5.1 Standard. Public authorities shall accept a Crew's

Effects Declaration dated and signed by the master or by some 2.7.6 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should ensure
that shipowners notify them on arrival of the presence of any
other ship's officer duly authorized by the master. The public
stowaway discovered on board. t
authorities may also require each crew member to place his
signature, or, if he is unable to do so, his mark, against the 2.8 Standard. Public authorities shall not require on arrival
declaration relating to his effects. or departure of the ship any written declaration in reapect of
2.5.2 Recommended Practice. Public authorities shauld normally other than that prescribed in the Universal Postal Convention,"
require particulars of only those crew's effects which are 2.9 Standard. The Maritime Declaration of Health shall be the *
dutiable or subject to prohibitions or restrictions. basic document providing information required by Port Health
authorities relating to the state of health on board a ship during.
2.6 Standard. The Crew List shall be the basic document
the voyage and on arrival at a port.
providing public authorities with information relating to the
number end composition of the crew on the arrival and departure C. DOCUMENTS ON ARRIVAL
of a ship. 2.10 Standard. In respect of a ship's arrival in port, public
2.6.1 Recommended Practice. In the Crew List, public authorities authorities shall not require more than:
should not require more than the following information: 5 copies of the General Declaration
- Name and nationality of the ship - 4 copies of the Cargo Declaration
- Family name - 4 copies of the Ship's Stores Declaration
- Given names - 2 copies of the Crew's Effects Declaration
- Nationality - 4 copies of the Crew List
- ilank or rating - 4 copies of the Passenger List
- Date and place of birth - 1 copy of the Maritime Declaration of Health
- Ilature and number of identity document D. DOCUMENTS ON DEPARTURE
- Port and date of arrival
2.11 Standard. In respect of a ship's departure from port,
- Arriving from
public authorities shall not require more than:
2.6.2 Standard. Public authorities shall accept a Crew List
- 5 copies of the General Declaration
dated and signed by the master or by some other ship's officer
4 copies of the Cargo Declaration
duly authorized by the master.
- 3 copies of the Ship's Stores Declaration
2.7 Standard. The Passenger List shall be the basic document - 2 copies of the Crew List
providing public authorities with information relating to - 2 copies of the Passenger List
passengers on the arrival and departure of a ship.

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2.11.1 Recommended Practice. A new Cargo Declaration should authenticated, or previously dealt with by any of their
not be required on departure from a port in respect of cargo representatives abroad. This shall not be deemed to preclude
which has been the subject of a declaration on arrival in that a requirement for the presentation of a passport or other identity
port and which has remained on board. document of a passenger or crew member for visa or similar
2.11.2 Recommended Practice. A separate Ship's Stores
Declaration on departure should not be required in respect of SECTION 3. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PERSONS
ship's stores which have been the subject of a declaration >n This section contains the provisions concerning the
arrival, nor in respect of stores shipped in the port and covered formalities required by public authorities from crew and
by another customs document presented in that port. passengers on the arrival or departure of a ship.
2.11.3 Standard. Where public authorities require information A. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE REQUIREMENTS
about the crew of a ship on its departure, a copy of the Crew List, ABD PROCEDURES
presented on arrival, shall be accepted on departure if signed 3.1 Standard. A valid passport shall be the basic document
again and endorsed to indicate any change in the number or composi- providing public authorities with information relating to the
tion of the crew or to indicate that no such change has occurred. individual passenger on arrival or departure of a ship.
E. MEASURES TO FACILITATE CLEARANCE OF CARGO, 3.1.1 Recommended Practice. Contracting Governments should as
far as possible agree, by bilateral or multilateral agreements,
2.12 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should, with the to accept official documents of identity in lieu of passports.
co-operation of shipowners and port administrations, take
3.2 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should make
appropriate measures to the end that port time may be kept to a
arrangements whereby passports, or official documents of identity
minimum and should provide satisfactory port traffic flow
accepted in their place, from ship's passengers need be inspected
arrangements, should frequently review all procedures in connexion
by the immigration authorities only once at the time of arrival
with the arrival and departure of ships including arrangements
and once at the time of departure. In addition these passports
for embarkation and disembarkation, loading and unloading,
or official documents of identity may be required to be produced
servicing and the like. They should also make arrangements
for the purpose of verification or identification in connexion
whereby cargo ships and their loads can be entered and cleared,
with customs and other formalities on arrival and departure.
in so far as may be practicable, at the ship working area.
3.3 Recommended Practice. After individual presentation of
2.12.1 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should, with
passports or official documents of identity accepted in their place,
the co-oparation of shipowners and port administrations, take
public authorities should hand back such documents immediately
appropriate measures to the end that satisfactory port traffic
after examination rather than withholding them for the purpose of
flow arrangements are provided so that handling and clearance
obtaining additional control, unless there is some obstacle to the
procedures for cargo will be smooth and uncomplicated. These
admission of a passenger to the territory.

- 25 - - 27 -

arrangements should cover all phases from the time the ship 3.4 Recomiiiended Practice. Public authorities should not require
arrives at the dock for unloading and customs clearance and for from embarking or disembarking passengers, or from shipowners on
warehousing and re-forwarding of the cargo if required. There their behalf, any information in writing supplementary to or
should be convenient and direct access between the cargo wars- repeating that already presented in their passports or official
house and the customs area, both of which should be located olose documents of identity, other than as necessary to complete any
to the dock area, and mechanical conveyance systems should be documents provided for in this Annex.
available, where possible. 3.5 Recommended Practice. Public authorities which require
P. CONSECUTIVE CALLS AT M O OR MORE written supplementary information other than as necessary to
PORTS IN THE SAIiE STATE complete any documents provided for in this Annex, from embarking
or disembarking passengers, should limit requirements for further
3 Recommended Practice. Taking into account the procedures
identification of passengers to the items set forth in Recommended
carried out on the arrival of a ship at the first port of call in
Practice 3.6 (anbarkation/Disembarkation Card). Public
the territory of a State, the formalities and documents required
authorities should accept the Embarkation/Disembarkation Card
by the public authorities at any subsequent port of call in that
whon completed by the passenger and should not require that it
country visited without intermediate call at a port in another
be completed or checked by the shipowner. Legible handwritten
country should be kept to a minimum.
script should be accepted on the card, except where the form
G. COMPLETION OF DOCUMENTS specifies block lettering. One copy only of the Embarkation/
4 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should as far as Disembarkation Card, which may include one or more simultaneously
possible accept ths documents provided for in this Annex except prepared carbon copies, should be required from each passenger.

as regards Standard 3.7 irrespective of the language in which the 3.6 Recommended Practice. In the Ijnbarkation/Disembarkation
required information is furnished thereon, provided that they may Card public authorities should not require more than the
require a written or oral translation into one of the official following information:
languages of their country or of the Organization when they deem - Family name
it necessary. - Given names
2.15 Standard. Typewriting Bhall not be required in completing - nationality
documents provided for in this Section. Entries handwritten in - Number of passport or other official identity document
ink or indelible pencil Bhall be accepted when legible. - Date of birth
- Place of birth
2.16 Standard. Public authorities of the country of any
- Occupation
intended port of arrival, discharge, or transit shall not require
- Port of Embarkation/Disembarkation
any document relating to the ship, its cargo, stores, passengers
- Sex
or crew, as mentioned in this Section, to be legalized, verified,
- Destination address
- Signature
- 28 - - 30 -


3.7 Standard. In esses where evidence of protection against
cholera, yellow fever or smallpox is required from persons on
board a ship, public authorities shall accept the International 3.11 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should, with
Certificate of Vaccination or Re-Vaccination in the forms provided the co-operation of shipowners and port administrations, take
for in the International Sanitary Regulations. appropriate measures to the ond that satisfactory port traffic
flow arrangements nay be'provided so that passengers, crew and
3.8 Recommended Practice. Medical examination of persons on
baggage can be cleared rapidly, should provide adequate personnel,5
board or of persons disembarking from ships should normally be
and should ensure that adequate installations are provided,
limited to those persons arriving from an area infected with one
particular attention being paid to baggage loading, unloading
of the quartinable diseases within the incubation period of the
and conveyance arrangononts (including the use of nechanized
disease concerned (as stated in the International Sanitary
systems) and to points where passenger delays are frequently
Regulations). Additional medical examination may, however, be
found to occur. Arrangements should be made, when necessary,
required in accordance with the International Sanitary Regula-
for passage under shelter between the ship and the point where
the passenger and crew check is to be made.
3.9 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should normally
3.11.1 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should:
perform customs inspection of inbound passengers' accompanied
baggage on a sampling or selective basis. Written declarations (a) in co-operation with shipowners and port
in respect of passengers' accompanied baggage should be dispensed administrations introduce suitable arrangements,
with as far as possible. such as:

3.9.1 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should, (i) on individual and continuous method of

wherever possible, waive inspection of accompanied baggage of processing passengers and baggage;

departing passengers. (ii) a Bysten which would permit passengers

3.9.2 Recommended Practice. Where inspection of accompanied readily to identify and obtain their
checked baggage as soon as it is placed
baggage of departing passengers cannot be waived completely, such
in an area where it may be claimed!
inspection should normally be performed on a sampling or selective
basis. (b) ensure that port administrations take all
3.10 Standard. A valid seafarer's identity document or a necessary measures so that:
passport shall be the basic document providing public authorities (i) easy and speedy access for passengers
with information relating to the individual member of the crew on and their baggage, to and from local
arrival or departure of a ship. transport, is provided;

- 31 -
- 29 -

(ii) if crews are required to report to premises for

3.10.1 Standard• In the seafarer's identity document, public
governmental purposes, those premises should be
authorities shall not require more than the following information:
readily accessible, and as close to one another
- Family name as practicable.
- Given names
3.12 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should require
- Date and place of birth
that shipowners ensure that ship's personnel take all appropriate
- Nationality
measures which will help expedite arrival procedures for
- Physical characteristics
passengers and crew. These measures may include;
- Photograph (authenticated)
- Signature (a) furnishing public authorities concerned with an
- Date of expiry (if any) advance message giving the best estimated time of
- Issuing public authority arrival, followed by information as to any change in
time, arid stating the itinerary of the voyage where
3.10.2 Standard, ^nen it is necessary for a seafarer to enter
this may affect inspection requirements;
or leave a country as a passenger by any means of transportation
for the purpose of: (b) having ship's documents ready for prompt review;

(a) joining his ship or transferring to another ship, (c) providing for ladders or other means of boarding to
be rigged while the ship is en route to berth or
(b) passing in transit to Join hie ship in another
country, or for repatriation, or for any other
purpose approved by the authorities of the country (d) providing for prompt, orderly assembling and presentatis
concerned, of persons on board, with necessary documents, for
inspection, with attention to arrangements for
public authorities shall accept from that seafarer in place of a
relieving crew members for this purpose from
passport the valid seafarer's identity document, when this
essential duties in engine rooms and elsewhere.
document guarantees the readmission of the bearer to the country
which issued the document. 3.13 Recommended Practice. The practice of entering names on
passenger and crew documents should be to put the family name or
3.10.3 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should not
names first. Vvhere both paternal and maternal family names
normally require presentation of individual identity documents
are used, the paternal family name should be placed first,
or of information supplementing the seafarer's identity document
'."here for married women both the husband's and wife's paternal
in respect of members of the crew other than that given in the
family names are used, the husband's paternal family name
Crew list.
should be placed first.

- 32 - - 34 -

3.14 Standard. Public authorities shall, without unreasonable U*7 Standard. Public authorities shall ensure that
delay, accept passengers and crew for examination as to their sanitary measures and health formalities are initiated
admission into the State when such examination is required. forthwith, completed without delay, and applied without
3.15 Standard. Public authorities shall not impose a ny penalty
tl.«8 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should
upon shipowners in the event that any control document in
maintain at as many ports as feasible adequate facilities
possession of a passenger is found by public authorities to be
for the administration of public health, aninal and
inadequate, or if, for that reason, the passenger is found to be
agricultural quarantine measures.
inadmissible to the State.
1+.9 Recommended Practice. There should be maintained
3.15.1 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should invite
readily available at as many ports in a State aa feasible
shipowners to take all reasonable precautions to the end that
such medical facilities as may be reasonable and practicable
passengers hold any control documents required by Contracting
for the emergency treatment of crews and passengers.
U-10 Standard. Except in the case of^an emergency constitut-
SECTION 4 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND QUARANTINE ing a grave danger to public health, a ship which is not
INCLUDING SANITARY ISASURES. VOR ..EE-JALS Ai'D PLANTS infected or suspected of being infected with a quarantinable
disease, shall not on account of any other epidemic disease
4.1 Recommended Practice. Public authorities of a State not
be prevented by the health authorities for a port from discharg-
Party to the International Sanitary Regulations should endeavour
ing or loading cargo or stores or talcing on fuel or water.
to apply the relevant provisions of these Regulations to
international shipping. lull Recommended Practice. Shipments of animals, animal
4.2 Recommended Practice. Contracting Governments having raw materials, crude animal products, aninal foodstuffs and
certain interests in common owing to their health, geographical, quarantinable plant products should be permitted in specified
social or economic conditions should conclude special arrangements circunstandes when accompanied by a quarantine certificate in
pursuant*to Article 104 of the International Sanitary Regulations the form agreed by the States concerned.
when such arrangements will facilitate the application of those SECTION 5 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
4.3 Recommended Practice. Where Sanitary Certificates or similar 5.1 Recommended Practice. Where public authorities require
documents are required in respect of shipments of certain animals, bonds or other forme of security from shipowners to cover
plants or products thereof, such certificates and documents should liabilities under the customs, immigration, public health,
be simple and widely publicized and Contracting Governments should agricultural quarantine or similar laws and regulations of a
co-operate with a view to standardizing such requirements. State, they should permit the use of a single comprehensive
bond or other form of security wherever possible.

- 33 - 35 -


4.4 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should whenever
practicable authorize granting of pratique by radio to a ship when, 5* 2
Standard. Public authorities shall, without delaying the
on the basis of information received from it prior to its arrival, ship, allow corrections of errors in a" document provided for in
the health authority for the intended port of arrival is of the this Annex, which they are satisfied are inadvertent, not of a
opinion that its arrival will not result in the introduction or serious nature, not due to recurrent carelessness and not made
spread of a quarantinable disease. Health authorities should as with intent to violate laws or regulations, on the condition that
far as practicable be allowed to join a ship prior to entry of the these errors are discovered before the document is fully checked
ship into port. and the corrections can be effected without delay.
4.4.1 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should seek 5*5 Standard. If errors are found in documents provided for in
the co-operation of shipowners to ensure compliance with any this Annex, signed by or on behalf of a shipowner or master, no
requirement that illness on a ship is to be reported promptly penalties shall be imposed until an opportunity has been given to
by radio to health authorities for the port for which the ship satisfy the public authorities that the errors were inadvertent,
is destined, in order to facilitate provision for the presence of not of a serious nature, not due to recurrent carelessness and
any special medical personnel and equipment necessary for health not made with intent to violate laws or regulations.
procedures on arrival.
*5 St^nd^rd. Public authorities shall make arrangements to
enable all travel agencies and others concerned to make available 5.4 Recommended Practice. The normal services of public authori-
to passengers, sufficiently in advance of departure, lists of the ties at a port should be provided without charge during regular
vaccinations required by the public authorities of the countries '..orkiKii hours. Public authorities should endeavour to establish
concerned, as well ns vaccination certificate forms conforming regular working hours for their services at ports consistent with
to the International Sanitary Regulations. Public authorities the usual periods of substantial work load.
shall take all possible measures to have vaccinators use the
5.4.1 Recommended Practice. Contracting Governments should adopt
International Certificates of Vaccination or Re-Vaccination, in
all practicable measures to organize the normal services of public
order to assure uniform acceptance.
authorities at ports in Order to avoid unnecessary delay of ships
4.6 Recommended Practice. Public authorities should provide after their arrival or when ready co depart and reduce the time for
facilities for the completion of International Certificates of completion of formalities to a minimum, provided that sufficient
Vaccination or Re-Vaccination as well as facilities for notice of estimated time of arrival or departure shall be given
vaccination, at as many ports as feasible. to the public authorities,

5.4.2 Standard. No charge shall be made by a health authority

for any medical examination, or any supplementary examination,
whether bacteriological or otherwise, carried out at any time of

- 36 - - 38 -

the day or night, if such examination is required to ascertain the \
health of the person examined, nor for visit to and inspection of !
a ship for quarantine purposes except inspection of a ship for the J
issue of a Deratting or Deratting Exemption Certificate, nor shall I
a charge be made for any vaccination of a person arriving by ship
nor for a certificate thereof. However, where measures other
than these are necessary in respect of a ship or its passengers or
crew and charges are made for them by a health authority, such ,'i
charges shall be made in accordance with a single tariff which
shall be uniform to the territory concerned and they shall be
levied without distinction as to the nationality, domicile or
residence of any person concerned or as to the nationality, flag, !
registry or ownership of the ship. Encouragement of acceptance of and accessions to 1
the Convention |
5.4.3 Recommended Practice. When the services of public I
The International Conference on Facilitation of Maritime t
authorities are provided outside the regular working hours referred Travel and Transport, 1965:
to in Recommended Practice 5.4, they should be provided on terms RECOGNIZING that uniform simplification and reduction of |
which shall be moderate and not exceed the actual cost of the formalities, documentary requirements and procedures on the
services rendered. arrival, stay and departure of ships engaged in international
5.5 Standard. Where the volume of traffic at a port warrants, voyages is highly desirable for the facilitation of maritime
public authorities shall ensure that services are provided for the traffic; s
accomplishment of the formalities in respect of cargo and baggage, RESOLVES
regardless of value or type. (1) that the States represented at the Conference are
5.6 Recommended Practice. Contracting Governments should invited to accept the Convention on Facilitation of International
endeavour to make arrangements whereby one Government will permit ilaritime Traffic as soon as possible; •
another Government certain facilities before or during the voyage (2) that the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative '|
to examine ships, passengers, crew, baggage, cargo and documen- Organization should invite the attention of its Members and of
tation for customs, immigration, public health, plant and animal the Members of the United Nations or of any of the specialized
quarantine purposes when such action will facilitate clearance agencies, or Members of the International Atomic Energy Agency,
upon arrival in the latter State. or Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice, >
which are not Members of the Organization and which have not r
become Parties to the Convention, to the desirability of their

- 37 - - 39 -

D. CARGO NOT DISCHARGED AT THE PORT co-operation in these international measures of facilitation aai '
invite them to become Parties to the Convention;
5.7 Standard. Where any cargo listed on the Cargo Declaration (3) that to the extent to which it is able the
is not discharged at the port of intended destination, public Organization should upon request furnish information and advice
authorities shall permit amendment of the Cargo Declaration and to the Governments which have not become Parties to the
shall not impose penalties if satisfied that the cargo was not Convention with a view to facilitating their acceptance of, or
in fact loaded on the ship, or if loaded, was landed at another accession to the Convention.
5.8 Standard. When by error, or for other valid reason, any RESOLUTION 2
cargo is discharged at a port other than the port of intended Acceptance of Standards
destination, public authorities shall facilitate reforwarding to
The International Conference on Facilitation of Maritime
its intended destination. This provision does not apply to
Travel and Transport, 1965:
dangerous, prohibited or restricted cargo.
RECOGNIZING that the provisions of the Annex to the
E. LIMITATION OP SHIPOWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic are,ii
when practicable, to be adopted by this Contracting Governments;
5.9 Standard. Public authorities shall not require a shipowner
HAVING DRAFTED the Standards which form part of the present *
to place special information for use of such authorities on a bill
Annex in such a way r,s to facilitate incorporation into national :'
of lading or a copy thereof, unless the shipowner is, or is acting
for, the importer or exporter.
5.10 Standard. Public authorities shall not hold the shipowner
responsible for the presentation or accuracy of documents which to i n v i t e the a t t e n t i o n of Contracting Governments and
are required of the importer or exporter in connexion with the Members of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative
clearance of cargo, unless the shipowner is, or is acting for, the Organization to the d e s i r a b i l i t y of accepting the Standards
importer or exporter. whenever p r a c t i c a b l e and bringing t h e i r own f o r m a l i t i e s ,
documentary requirements and procedures i n t o f u l l accord with thea

The c r e a t i o n of nat_ional_anfl_J^&ij^J^„cjTffljT^JJg£pt>
The I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on F a c i l i t a t i o n of Maritime '
Travel and Transport, 1965:

- 40 - - 42 -

RECOGNIZING the value of existing national and regional

committees for the encouragement of measures of facilitation
which will advance the purposes of the Convention on Facilitation to invite the Secretary-General of the Inter-Governmental

of International Maritime Traffic; Maritime Consultative Organization to take appropriate measures

through the proposed ad hoc Working Group of Experts of the
Governments Parties to the Convention:
(1) to invite Contracting Governments to create national
(1) to accelerate, the establishment of standardized
ana regional committees where such committees do not already
forms of documents referred to in the Annex;
exist in order to encourage the recommendation of measures of
facilitation, their adoption and their implementation in the (2) to consider special facilities for ships engaged on
States concerned; cruises in view of the world-wide development of
(2) furthur to invite such Governments to notify the
Secretary-General of the Int^r-Govommental Maritime Consultative (3) to consider the special measures of facilitation that
Organization of the existence or of the creation of any such should apply to passengers in transit and to draw up
committees. provisions to facilitate formalities concerning transit
RESOLUTION h (U) to consider the measures of facilitation which might
Establishment of an ad hoc Working Group be desirable in connexion with the operation of ships
in scientific services;
The International Conference on Facilitation of Maritime
Travel and Transport, 1965: (5) to consider special problems that exist with regard
to matters associated with animal and plant quarantine
EXPRESSES appreciation to the Inter-Governmental Maritime
and, recognizing the utility of international
Consultative Organization for convening the International
co-operation for the purpose of preventing the spread
Conference on Facilitation of Maritime Travel and Transport and
of pests and diseases of animals and plants, to
for preparing a draft of the Convention and its Annex;
formulate uniform provisions on the facilitation
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the purposes of the Organization aspects of these problems.
as expressed in Article 1 of its Convention arc, among others,
to "provide machinery for co-operation anong Governments in the RESOLUTION 6
field of governmental regulations and practices relating to
Facilitation of International Travel^ and Tourism
technical matters of all kinds affecting shipping engaged in
international trade, and to encourage the reuoval of discriminatory The International Conference on Facilitation of Maritime
action and unnecessary restrictions by Governments affecting Travel and Transport, 1965:
shipping engr.ged in international trade so as to promote the

-• 43 -
-a -

RECOGNIZING that the recommendations relating to facilitation,

availability of shipping services to the commerce of the world
adopted at the United Nations Conference on International Travel
without discrimination";
and Tourism held in Rome-in 1963» arc applicable to all means of
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the Convention on the Inter-Governmental transport;
Maritime Consultative Organization under which its Assembly nay
CONSIDERING that the application of those recommendations
establish any subsidiary bodies it may consider necessary;
nay greatly benefit maritime travel and transport;
RECALLING the Resolutions A.29(11) and A.63(III) of the
INVITES the attention of the States represented at the
Organization's Assembly relating to facilitation of travel and
Conference to the recommendations contained in the Final Report
of the United Nations Conference on International Travel and
REQUESTS the Organization to consider the possibility of Tourism, concerning facilitation of governmental formalities for
establishing from time to time an ad hoc Working Group with international travel;
consultative and advisory functions composed of experts of the
FURTHER INVITLS them to consider ways in which particular
Governments Parties to the Convention on Facilitation of
recommendations may be applied in furthering the objectives of
International Maritime Traffic to assist the SecretaryTGeneral
facilitation and the purposes of this Conference.
in carrying out the task devolving on him under the Convention,
and, in particular, to examine in cases when need may be, the
amendments proposed by the Contracting Governments to the Annex
to the Convention. Observers from inter-governmental and from
non-governmental organizations having consultative statue with
the Organization may be invited to participate in the work of the
ad hoc Working Group.


Future work on Facilitation

The International Conference on Facilitation of Maritime

Travel and Transport, 1965:

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the Convention on Facilitation of

International Maritime Traffic and its Annex;

•CONSIDERING the need to adopt additional measures in certain

fields with a view to the inclusion of appropriate provisions
in the Annex;

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