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·, .

The resting ce!! membrane

lf an intracellular microelectrode is inserted into a nerve or measured the minimum area of the monolayer produced by
muscle cell, it is found that the inside of the cell is electri- the Iipids extracted from red blood cells, and compared it
cally negative to the outside by sorne tens of millivolts. This with the surface area of the cells. They found that the
potential difference is known as the resting potential. If we monolayer area was almost double the surface area of the
slowly advance a microelectrode so that it penetrates the cells, and concluded that the lipids in the cell membrane are
cell, the change in potential occurs suddenly and com- arranged in a !ayer two molecules thick. (Later work
pletely when the electrode tip is in the region of the cell showed that this result was somewhat fortuitous in that an
membrane; thus the cell membrane is the site of the resting underestimate of the surface area seems to have been com-
potential. In this chapter we shall consider sorne of the pensated for by incomplete extraction of the lipids: see Bar
properties of the cell membrane that are associated with the et al. 1966.)
production of the resting potential. The idea that the essential barrier to movement of sub-
stances across the cell membrane is a layer of lipid mole-
Membrane structure cules is supported by the observation that lipid-soluble
Plasma membranes are usually composed of roughly equal substances appear to penetrate the cell membrane more
amounts of protein and lipid, plus a small proportion of readily than do many non-lipid-soluble substances. The
carbohydrate. Human red cell membranes, for example, e!ectric capacitance of cell membranes is usually about
contain about 49% protein, 44% lipid and 7% carbohydrate. 1 µ,F cm- 2; this is what one would expect if the membrane
Intracellular membranes tend to have a higher proportion were fl bimolecular !ayer of lipid 50 A (1 A = 1O nm) thick
of protein, whereas the protein content of myelin (p. 49; is with a dielectric constant of 5.
only about 23%. Davson & Danielli (1943) suggested that the lipid bilayer
Figure 3.1 shows the chemical structure of sorne mem- was stabilized by a thin !ayer of protein molecules on each
brane lipids. Phospholipid molecules are esters of glycerol side of it. High resolution electron microscopy of sections
with two long-chain fatty acids, the glycerol moiety being of cells (usually fixed with potassium permanganate) shows
attached via a phosphate group to various small molecules. that the cell membrane appears as two dense lines separated
The fatty acid chains thus forro non-polar tails attached to by a clear space, the whole unit being about 75 A across (see
polar heads. The fatty acid chains are usually fourteen to Robertson, 1960, 1989). This accords well with Davson &
twenty carbon atoms long, and sorne of them are unsatu- Danielli's model, since one would expect electron-dense
rated, with one or more double bonds in the chain. stains to be taken up by the polar groups of the lipid mole-
Sphingolipids contain an amide link between the two fatty cules and the proteins associated with them, but not by the
acid chains. Glycolipids have one or more sugar residues non-polar lipid chains in the middle of the membrane.
attached to hydrocarbon chains. Cholesterol is a sterol. X-ray diffraction studies (Wilkins et al., 1971) fit well with
When lipids are spread on the.surface of water, they forro the bilayer hypothesis, giving a distance of 45 A between
a monolayer in which the polar ends of the molecules are in the polar head groups in erythrocyte membranes. This is
contact with the water surface and the non-polar hydro- about what we would expect from the dimensions of phos-
carbon chains are oriented more or less at right angles to it. pholipid molecules (fig. 3.2).
This monolayer can be laterally compressed until the lipid About this time it became clear that the Davson-Danielli
molecules are in contact with each other; at this point the model, with its thin !ayer of protein on each side of the Iipid
lateral pressure exerted by the monolayer has reached a bilayer, <lid not really fit the facts. In red cell membranes
maximum, as can be seen by the use of a suitable surface th~re was not enough lipid to account for the observed
balance. Using such a balance, Gorter & Grendel (1925) thickness of the membrane, suggesting that part of its area
The resting cell membrane 14

C0-0-CH 2
C0-0-CH O
1 11 Phosphatidyl choline
CH 2-0-P- 0 - CH2- CH2- N( CH3)3
1 +
- O-C H2-C H2- ~H 3 Phosphatidyl ethanolamine

Phosphatidyl serine
-O-CH2-yH 7--~ H3




Figure 3.1. Chemical structures of sorne plasma membrane Jipids. The fa tty acÍ\j ;;;,,ains 011 :.,, •. 1,~f', ::.,a;,• ~:-r: .1[ ·, &inole length and may
have one or more double bonds.

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --· ·- ·---···-- - - ---1:>

~-o 1
~ O-y"- .,... P" .,- N!.-
.J o 'o_,, 1

Figure 3.2. The arrangement of phospholipid molecules to form the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane. (Based on Griffith et al.,
1974, and Marsh, 1975.)
Membrane structure 15

was occupied by protein (Wilkins et al., 1971). Enzymes Singer & Nicolson viewed the membrane as a mosaic in
which would hydrolyse phospholipids were able to attack which a variety of protein molecules serve different func-
cell membranes, suggesting that the phospholipids were not tions. There is evidence that sorne of the protein molecules
protected by an overlying layer of protein. But perhaps the are able to move in the plane of the membrane (rather like
most graphic evidence comes from a special technique of icebergs in the surface waters of sorne arctic sea) and hence
electron microscopy known as freeze fracture. A portion of the structure illustrated in fig. 3.3 has become known as the
tissue is frozen and then broken with a sharp knife. The cell fluid mosaic model. The model has been refined somewhat
membranes then cleave along the middle so as to separate since its original formulation (Singer, 1990, 1992). lt now
the inner and outer lipid leaflets. A replica of the fractured includes peripheral proteins, which are attached to the
face is made, 'shadowed' with sorne electron dense material membrane but not embedded in it, as well as the intrinsic
and then examined in the electron microscope. Small parti- proteins which enter the bilayer. Many of the intrinsic pro-
cles are seen projecting from both faces, but espetially from teins may have their movements restricted by attachment to
the inner one; an example is shown in fig. 10.7. If these are each other, to peripheral proteins or to proteins of the
protein molecules (and it is difficult to see what else they cytoskeleton. Intrinsic proteins nearly always cross the
could be) then they are clearly embedded within the lipid whole of the bilayer, so that their hydrophilic regions
bilayer, rather than simply applied to its surface as in the emerge on each side of the membrane.
Davson-Danielli model. Plasma membranes are highly asymmetrical structures
These results led to the conclusion that much of the (Bretscher, 1973; Rothman & Lenard, 1977). Phospholipids
protein of the plasma membrane penetrates the lipid are differentially distributed in the two leaflets of the
bilayer, as is shown in fig. 3.3 (Singer & Nicolson, J972; bilayer, so that there is more sphingomyelin and phos-
Bretscher, 1973). _Singer & Nicolson suggested that the phatidylcholine in the · outer leaflet and more phos-
hydrophobic parts of these intrinsic membrane proteins are phatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine in the inner
embedded in the non-polar environment formed by the one (Verkieij et al., 1973). Proteins show an absolute asym-
hydrocarbon chains of the lipid molecules, whereas their rnetry: they are nearly ali positioned in their own particular
hydrophilic sections project from the membrane into the way with respect to the inner or outer surface of the mem-
polar environment provided by the aqueous media on each brane. Thus, for example, transporting enzymes always
side of the membrane. have their ATP-binding sites on the inner (cytoplasmic)

Exterior Oligosaccharide Glycolipid

Phospholipid :··' :.?t~.
Fatty acyl
tails ts



Peripheral proteins
Figure 3.3. Fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane. The
Oligosaccharides occur on the outer surface of the membrane
phospholipid bilayer is shown split into two leaflets at the right, attáched mainly to proteins but also to lipids, forming '
as it might be in the freeze fracture technique. Integral proteins
glycoproteins and glycolipids tespectively. (From Damell et ¡
traverse the bilayer, peripheral proteins sit on its surface. 1986.) . a.,
The resting cell membrane
en it binds noradrenaline at its outer surfaee
membranewh . . .
surface, glycoproteins have their sugar residues on the outer Information about the structures of prote1~s is crucial to
surface, and the peripheral proteins on the outer surface an understanding of how they work. Protems a~e linear
have functions quite different from those on the cyto- olymers each with a unique sequence of _ammo acid
p 'd nd thi's sequence is itself determmed by the
plasmic surface. . rem~~a .
Substances that can pass through the lipid bilayer mclude . material of the cell. The DNA m the cell nucleus
gene t1c h' h .
gases such as oxygen and nitric oxide, sorne small non-polar acts as a template for the messenger RNA w ~e m turn
molecules such as ethanol, and various lipid-soluble sub- determines the amino acid sequence of the protem. A smaij
stances such as certain anaesthetics. However the lipid number of proteins have had their primary structures (their
bilayer is largely impermeable to most of the substances in amino acid sequences) determined directly by chemical
the aqueous media on each side of it. Hence the plasma analysis. But in recent years the development of recombi-
membrane acts as a barrier separating the contents of the nant DNA technology has allowed the amino acid
cell from the outside world. But sorne of the intrinsic pro- sequence of a protein to be determined indirectly from the
teins embedded in the membrane may act as doors in the sequence of bases in the nucleic acid that codes for it. This
barrier through which particular information or specific is a much faster and more efficient process than the direct
substances can be transferred from one side to the other. chemical analysis method, and many thousand~of ;n teins

have been sequenced in this way.

Membrane proteins The twenty amino acid residues in prote¡r, (:;;J?.i'.f';., \ ave
Toere are three major types of protein concerned with the different properties. Three of them are basic, ',rifo positive
movement of substances from one side of the cell to the charges, two are acidic, with negative charges, seven are
other (Stein, 1990; Yeagle, 1993). Pumps act to drive ions polar but uncharged, and eight are non-polar (table 3.1).
against a concentration gradient, and the energy for this is
Different residues have different aflinities for aqueous and
derived from the breakdown of adenosine triphosphate,
lipid environments; thus valine and leucine, for example,
ATP. Channels contain transmembrane pores that can open
are non-polar and so hydrophobic (they will tend to be
or close to permit the flow of particular ions or water down
found preferentially in a lipid environment); g]utamic and
their concentration gradients. Transporters combine with
aspartic acids, lysine and arginint an': charged .1nd therefore
specific molecules and undergo a conformational change so
hydrophilic, so they are mor~ ;ik.':ly !.'> b:'. ~1.rnnd in an
as to release them on the other side of the membrane,
without involving any breakdown of ATP. Sorne transport- aqueous environment.
The amino acid sequence is an i..-nportant :ieterminant of
ers move just one type of rnolecule down its concentration
the way in which the protein chain is folded. For membrane
gradient; these are known as uniporters, or carriers for
proteins it is particularly useful to know which parts of the
facilitated diffusion. Others, called coupled transporters,
utilize the energy released by the rnovernent of one sub- molecule are embedded in the membrane and which parts
stance down its concentration gradient to rnove another are in contact with the cytoplasm or the extracellular space.
substance up its concentration gradient; the two rnove- Non-polar residues tend to occur in the middle of the mole-
ments may be either in the sarne.direction (syrnporters) or cule or, in intrinsic membrane p~oteins, in association with
in opposite directions (antiporters). the lipid bilayer. Polar and charged residues are more likely
lt may be important for the cell to transfer inforrnation to be found on the outside of the molecule in contact with
across the plasma membrane, rather than substances, so the aqueous environment. Hydrogen bonds, electrostatic
that extracellular events can elicit intracellular responses. interactions and disulphide links (between pairs of cysteine
One way of doing this is via intrinsic proteins known as residues) all serve to hold the chain in its folded conforma·
receptors. These combine with a specific rnolecule on the tion.
outer surface of the cell and produce sorne change in the lnspection of the amino acid sequence of the protein can
~olecule so as to affect the inside of the cell. Sorne ion give sorne clues towards its secondary or tertiary structure,
c annels are also receptors: the nicotinic acetylcholine by which we mean just how the amino acid chain is folded
:~eror, for example, contains an ion channel that opens and arranged in space. A common arrangement is known
ne1· y whe~ the receptor binds two molecules of acetyl- as the a-helix, in which a section of the chain forros a bel.i.X
cho me at lts outer su f Oh
conformational chao ~: ace._ t er~ receptors undergo that is stabilized by hydrogen bonds between its constituent
inside the cell: the :-ad::::h.cacttvate other proteins residues. The helix is right-handed, with a rise per residue6
activates a G protein o th . gi. receptor, for example, of ~-5 Á anda pitch height of 5.4 A, corresponding to 3.
n e mner surface of the plasma ammo acid residues per turn (see Creighton, 1993). AD
Membrane proteins 17

Table 3.1 The amino acids of proteins. They have the genera/formula
R-CH(NH¡)C~OH, where R is the side-chain or residue. Proline,is actual/y an imino acid

Type Amino acid Side chaín A bbreviations Hydropathy index

Non-polar Isoleucine -CH(CH 3)CH2CH3 lle I 4.5

Valine -CH(CH3) 2 Val V 4.2
Leucine -CH 2CH(CH 3) 2 Leu L 3.8
Phenylalanine -CH 2C6H 5 Phe F 2.8
Methionine -CH 2CH 2SCH 3 Met M 1.9
Alaníne -CH 3 Ala A 1.8
Tryptophan -CH2C(CHNH)C6H 4 Trp w -0.9
Proline -CH 2CH2CH2- Pro p -1.6

Uncharged polar Cysteíne -CH 2SH Cys e 2.5

Glycine -H Gly G -0.4
Threoníne -CH(OH)CH3 Thr T -0.7
Seríne -CHpH Ser s -0.8
Tyrosíne -CH2C 6HpH Tyr y -1.3
Histidíne -CH2C(NHCHNCH) His H -3.2
Glutamine -CH 2CH 2CONH 2 Gin Q -3.5
Asparagíne -CH.,CüNH ,... Asn N -3.5

Acidíc Aspartic acid ---cH..coo- Asp D -3.5

Glutamic acid - f,;{-L.t~·rf.l. ( \)C; -- ·
Glu E -3.5

Basíc Lysine -{CE)i{H 3 Lys K -3.9

Argíníne -(CH 2),NHC(NHi)NH¡ Arg R -4.5

Hydropathy index from Kyte & Doolíttle (1?82).

a-helix wíth twenty or so amino acíd resídues would be long enough, we may suspect that they are embedded in the lipid
enough to cross the lípid bilayer from one side to the other. environment of the membrane and cross from one side of
A section of about twenty non-polar residues, therefore, is it to the other.
likely to forma transmembrane a-helix. Figure 6.8 shows an example of this type of analysis, for
Kyte & Doolittle (1982) arranged the twenty amino acids the voltage-gated sodium channel from the electric eel. The
' commonly found in proteins on a scale of hydropathicity hydropathy profile has four similar groups of six peaks,
(also known as hydropathy or hydrophobicity) which mea- representing four homologous domains each with six puta-
sures their ·affinity for non-polar énvironments. The scale tive membrane-crossing segments, labelled S 1 to S6. (The
runs from a hydropathicity index of + 4.5 for the hydropho- word 'putative' means 'commonly supposed to be', and its
bic isoleucine to -4.5 for the hydrophilic arginine; the use indicates the indirect nature of the evidence.)
values for the different amino acids are shown in table 3.1. Singer (1990) classified integral membrane proteins into
The scale can be used to tell us somethíng about the struc- four main groups according to their transmembrane
ture of a protein whose amino acid sequence is known. For topography (fig. 3.4). The simpler forms, types I and II in
an amino acid at position i, the average hydropathicity fig. 3.4, have just one transmembrane segment. Type 111
índex of all the amino acids from position i-n to position proteins have. a single polypeptide chain which traverses
i + n (where nis 7 or 9, for example) is plotted. The result is the lipid bilayer a number of times1 as in rhodopsin, the ~-
a hydropathicity profile whose peaks show hydrophobic adrenergic receptor,' adenylyl cyclase and many others.
sections of the protein chain and whose valleys show lÍydro- Type IV proteins ,are typical of ion channels; they have a
philic sections. If the hydrophobic sections ·are long number of domains or subunits that are arranged together
The resting cell membrane

around an aqueous pore through which the ion inovement

for exarnple, possesses voltage-gated channels, i.e. channe ---------
that are opened by a change in the rnembrane poten tia], ~n
Ion channels these are of two main types, sodium channels and Pota:
Ion ·channels are intrinsic membrane proteins containing sium channels. Voltage-gated calcium channels also occu
aqueous pores that can open or shut. When they are open particularly at the nerve terrninals. We can refer to al! the¡
they permit specific ions to flow down their electrochemical voltage-gated channels as a group distinct from others.
gradients from one side of the membrane to the other. They Channels gated by neurotransmitters include the nicc
tinic acetylcholine receptor channel, the -y-amino butyri
proyide the molecular basis for excitation processes and for
acid (GABA) receptor channel, and the glycine recepto
many other cellular activities involving changes in the ionic
channel. A third group includes all those gated by.combina
permeability of membranes (Hille, 1992; Aidley &
tion with interna} ligands, such as calciurn ions, ATP, cycli
Stanfield, 1996). We shall Iook in sorne detail at the struc-
nucleotides and so on. Sometimes these two groups ar,
ture of a number of different channels later in this book;
together described as ligand-gated or chemically gate
here is given a brief outlíne of sorne of the different types. 1
channels, to distinguish them from the voltage-gated chan
Channels vary considerably in their gating, by which we
neis. Gap junction channels connect the cytoplasmi1
mean the factors that make them open or close. Sorne chan-
compartments of adjacent cells by crossing two plasm¡
nels are opened by combination with particular chemicals membranes.
outside or inside the cell, such as neurotransmitters or cyto-
plasmic messenger rnolecules. Others are opened by
changes in the voltage across the rnernbrane, and yet others
by sensory stimuli of various kinds. They show selectivity

in the ions to which they are permeable. Sorne of them will Out

permit only particular ions . to pass through, such as a

sodiurn, potassium, calcium or chloride ions; others are In

selective for broader groups of ions, such as monovalent

cations, or cations in general.

=OiO= -
These two aspects of channel functioning, gating and
selectivity, are commonly used to describe the different b
types of channel, as is illustrated in fig. 3.5. The nerve axon,

Figure 3.5. Different types of ion channel, illustrating sorne of
the variety in their gating and selectivity. a shows a
neurotransmitter-gated channel which is selective to anions. b
shows a channel selective for potassium ions which is closed by
Figure 3.4. Topography of four main types of integral membrane the binding of an interna! Iigand such as ATP. e shows a calciUJJI•
proteins. Type I has a single membrane-crossing segment, with selective voltage-gated channel; part of the interna! structure ?f
the N-terminus on the externa! face of the membrane. Type II is the channel is charged and moves when the membrane potennal
simiÍar, b~t with the N-terminus on the cytoplasmic face. Type III becomes more positive inside, and this acts as the trigger for
proteins have more than one membrane-crossing segment. Type opening the channel. a is based Ioosely on the glycine receptor
IV proteins are composed of a number of domains _surrounding channel which mediates synaptic inhibition in the spinal coc<l, b
an aqueous pare; the domains may be either separate subunits or on the ATP-sensitive potassium channel of pancreatic cells,
may be connected in a single polypeptide chain as is suggested by and e on the voltage-gated calcium channels of neurons and
the dotted Iines. (From Singer, 1990. Reproduced with permission secretory cells. The diagrams are much simplified: channels of we
from the Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology ª and b types often require more than one Iigand molecule for
Volume 6, © 1990 by Annual Reviews loe.) gating, and channels like e usually have four interna! gating
sections. (From Aidley & Stanfield, 199 .)

Concentration cells

Concentration cells
Most of the electric potentials across cell membranes arise difference at equilibrium (known as the equilibrium poten-
from the movement of ions from one side of the membrane tia/ for X+) arises from the difference in the concentration
of x+ in the two compartments, the system is known as a
to the other through ion channels. To understand how this concentration ce//.
· happens we need a little physical chemistry.
What is the value of this potential difference? Suppose a
Consider the imaginary system shown in fig . 3.6. The two
small quantity, 8n moles, of X is to be moved across the
compartments contain different concentrations of an elec-
membrane, up the concentration gradient, from compart-
trolyte x+y- in aqueous solution. They are separated by a
ment 2 to compartment 1. Then, applying elementary
membrane which contains ion channels selective for the
thermodynamics, the work required to do this, 8 Wc, is given
cation x+; this means that it will be permeable to the cation by
x+ but impermeable to the anion y-. The concentration of
XY in compartment 1 is higher than that in compartment [X]
8Wc = 8nRTln[X];
2. We start with all the channels closed. Since the
concentration of X is equal to that of Y in compartment 1,
where R is the gas constant (8.314 J deg- 1 mo1- 1 ), T is the
and the same holds for compartment 2, there will be no
absolute temperature, and [X] 1 and [X]i are the molar
excess of electric charge in either compartment and so no
potential difference between them. concentrations of X in compartments 1 and 2 respectively.
(More strictly, we should use the activities of X in the two
Now we open the channels. x+ ions will move down the
compartments, rather than their concentrations. The
concentration gradient from compartment 1 to compart-
simplification given here is valid as long as the activity
ment 2, carrying positive charge with them. This move-
coefficient of X is the same in each compartment. For
ment of charges causes a potentia! diíforence to be set up
animal cells this is usually the case.)
between the two compartments, wii l:.:! •;:;_,mJla1t ment 2 pos-
Now consider the electrical work, 8 W.,, required to move
itive to compartment 1. The ltigher tte p oti;;n tial gets, the
8n moles of X against the electrical gradient, i.e. from
harder it is for the x+ ions to move agaim;t the electrical
compartment 1 to compartment 2. This is given by
gradient. Hence an equjlibrium position is reached at
which the electrical gradient (tending to m ove x+ from 2 8We =8nzFE
to 1) just balances the chemical or concentration gradient
where z is the charge on the ion, F is Faraday's constant
(tending to move x+ from l to 2). Since the potential
(96 500 coulombs mol- 1) and E is the potential difference
1 2 in volts between the two compartments (measured as the
potential of compartment 2 with respect to compartment
1). Now, at equilibrium, there is no net movement of X , and
x+v- x+v- therefore

x- J
x+ or

x+ :Ir:
1 J
x+ i.e.

zF [X)i
8n/zFE = 8n/RT1n[Xh


This equation is known as the Nernst equation after its for-

- + mulator. It is the most important equation in this book. The
reason for this is that it helps us to understand the origins
Figure 3.6. A concentration cell produced by electrodiffusion
through channels in a membrane. The solute is a salt XY, at
of electric potentials in excitable cells, which are in part
higher concentration in compartment- 1 than in 2. The channels dependent upon differences in the ionic composition of the
are permeable to x+ but not to y-. Hence x+ ions move from 1 cytoplasm and the externa) fluid. .
to 2 until the potential produced by their excess positive charges Equation 3,1 can be simplified by enumeratmg the con-
in 2 is sufficient to stop further net movement. stants to become, at 18 ºC,

Table 3 _2 /onic concentrations infrog muscle.fibres an~in

E= 25 In [X]¡ (3.2)
z [X]2 blood plasma

or Concentration
58 [X]¡ (3.3) in muscle fibres .
m plasrna
E= -;-Iog 10 [X] (mM) (mM)
where E is now given in millivolts. For instance, in fig. 3.16d, K+ 124 2.25
suppose [X] 1were ten times greater th an [X]
. 2• then E wou+. "f Na+ 10.4 109
be + 58 m V if X were K + and + 29 m V tf X were Ca ' c1- 1.5 77.5
the channels were permeable to y and not to ~• then Ca2+ 4.9 2.1
would be -58 mV if y were c1-, and -29 mV tf y were /
Mg2+ 1.25
so¡-. ttco; 12.4 26
How many X ions have to cross the membrane to set up ca74
Organic anions ca l3
the potential? The answer depends upon the valen~y of the
ion the value of the potential set up and the capac1tance of Note:
the' membrane. Consider, for example, a squid giant axon Most of the calcium inside the muscle fibres is not in free
with a ~~mbrane capacitance C of 1 µF cm-2, anda me~- solution. Simplified after Conway, 1957.
brane pot_e ntial V of 70 m V. Then the charge on l cm 1s
given by ·
describing fluxes across cell meml:>ranes, movement of io111
Q= CV into the cell is called the influx, and movement out 1k
where Q is measured in ·coulombs, C in farads and V in
We have seen that an ion will tend to move down in
volts. The numb~r of moles of X moved will be CV/zF,
concentration gradient and also down the electrical gradi-
where z is the charge on the io'n and F is the Faraday con-
ent. The two gradients tog~ther form the electrochemicd
stant. In this case, assuming (to anticipate a little) that the
gradient. At equilibrium, the electrochemical gradienl
membrane potential is set up primarily by a potassium ion
zero so there is no net movement of the ions through then
concentration cell, '
channels. When the potential across the membrane 18
CV 10- 6 X 7 X 10- 2 equal to the Nemst potential, then the electrochellll
zF 96500 gradient is not zero and so there will be a net movement
= 7.3 X 10- 13 mol cm- 2 ions thrnugh their open channels and down their electr&
chemical gradient.
which is a very small quantity. If the diameter of the squid
axon is 1 mm, then 1 cm2 of membrane will endose a
Ionic concentrations in the cytoplasm fl)lin·
volume containing about 3 X 10-.5 mol of potassium ions,
Various microchemical methods are available for dete . ue
and thus a loss of 7.3 X 10- 13 mol would be undetectable . t h e quanbttes
. . o f 10ns
. maassss~of_ uss
mg present in ~mal11l m flaJJII .
by normal chemical analysis. In this case the difference
These include various microtitration techmque~ deter·
between the numbers of positive and negative charges
photometry (in which the quantity of an element 15ticulal
inside the axon would be about 0.000002%.
mined from the intensity of light emission pard) anl
It is important to realize that the movements of ions from . 1t. 18· inJected¡ 10'
wavelength from a flame into wh1ch
one compartment to another which we have been· dis- 0
activation analysis (in which the element is co~verte ato~'
cussing are net movements, i.e. the overall movements pro-
radioactive isotope by prolonged irradiation lil an ·oclU~
duced by the sum of all the movements of individual ions . mustI eUul~
pile). All estimations made on a mass of ttssue
crossing the .membrane in both directions. At the equilib- n m. t he extraellY esU·•
corrections made for the fluid present
rium position, although there is now no net ionic move-
space. The s1ze. of the extracellular space 1.s usua
. -e.of 1
ment, X ions will still move across the membrane, but the . the ussu
rate of movement (the flux) is equal in each direction. mated by measuring the concentration m JI JlleJl1'
Before the equilibrium position is reached, the flux in one substance which is thought not tp penetrate t~e ~ebalan~
direction will be greater than that in the other. Fluxes can brane, such as inulin. Table 32 gives a sÍ..IIlplifie terJllÍl
be measured only by using isotopic tracer methods. In sheet of the ionic concentrations in frog muscle de ybe 01
. h.
m t 1s way. In the giant axons of sqmds, w
· hich Illa
Active transport of ions

Table 3.3 Ionic concentrations in squid axoplasm a~

Table 3.4 Application of the Nernst equation to nerve and
muscle cells ·
Concentration Concen tration
in axoplasm in blood
Ion concentrations
(mM) (mM)
Ion Externa! Interna! Nernst potential
K 400 20 (mM) (mM) (mV)
Na 50 440
Cl 40 560 Frog muscle K 2.25 124 -101
Ca 0.4 10 Na 109 10.4 +59
Mg 10 54 CI 77.5 1.5 -99
Isethionate 250
Squid axon K 20 400 -75
Organic anions ca74 ca 13 Na 440 50 +55
Note: CI 560 40 -66
Simplified after Hodgkin, 1958.

tend to flow down its electrochemical gradient if there are

to 1 mm in diameter, the situation is much more favourable, open channels in the membrane permeable to it.
since the axoplasm can be squeezed out of an axon like The resting potential of frog muscle cells is usually
toothpaste out of a tube; table 3.3 shows the concentrations around -90 to -100 mV, and that for squid axon is typ-
of the principal constituents. ically about -60 m V. Table 3.4 shows ,the Nernst potentials
The main features of the ionic distribution between the for the major monovalent ions in these cells. Clearly the dis-
cytoplasm and the externa! medium are similar in both the tribution of potassium and chloride ions is fairly close to
squid axon and the frog muscle fibre. In each case the equilibrium in both cases, since their Nernst potentials are
intracellular potassium concentration is much greater not far from the resting potential. Sodium ions, however,
than that of the blood, whereas the reverse is true for have a Nernst potential which is more than 100 m V more
sodium and chloride. Moreover, the cytoplasm contains positive than the resting poten tia!, and hence there is a large
an appreciable concentration of organic anions. These electrochemical gradient for sodium ions, tending to drive
features seem to be common to ali excitable cells. As we them into the cell.
shall see, these inequalities in ionic distribution are essen- One explanation for this situation might assume that th_e
tial to the electrical activity of nerve and muscle cells. They cell membrane is impermeable to sodium ions. However,
are dependent upon active transport processes which are this is not so; resting nerve and muscle cells do allow sorne
driven by metabolic energy, especially the active extrusion entry of sodium ions. Experiments with radioactive sodium
of sodium ions from the cell by the action of the sodium ions, for example, show that the resting influx of sodium
pump. into giant axons of the cuttlefish Sepia is about 35 pmol
cm- 2 s- 1• During activity each action potential is accom-
Active transport of ions panied by a net inward movement of 3 to 4 pmol cm- 2 s- 1,
Active transport is the name given to a process that pro- as we shall see later. If nothing were done about these
duces a net movement of an ion species or other small inward movement of sodium ions, the system would in time
molecule across the _membrane against its electrochemical run down, producing equal concentrations of ali ions on
gradient. In animal cells the energy required for this niove- both sides of the membrane. In fact, the cell prevents this
ment is derived from metabolic energy by the breakdown of by means of a continuous extrusion of sodium ions
ATP. through the activity of the sodium pump. Since such extru-
sion must occur against an electrochemical gradient, we
Sodium ions would expect this process to be an active one, involving the
Toe Nernst potential for any particular ion species shows consumption of metabolic energy.
what the cell membrane potential would be if the distribu- Let us -first consider sorne experiments by Hodgkin &
tion of that ion across the membrane had reached equilib- Keynes (1955a) on theextrusion of sodiumfromSepiagiant
rium. If the actual membrane potential is not equal to the axons. They placed aú axon in ·sea Water containing radio-
_ Nernst potential, then the ion is not in equilibrium and will active sodium ions and stimulated it repetitively for sorne
The resting cell membrane

. so that (as we shall see in chapter 5) the interior of the More conclusive evidence of the need for 11 ATP ¡ is Pro
axon became loaded with radioactive sodium. They then vi.d ed by a series of experiments by ACaldwe 1 · et a. 0960) ·
put it in a capillary tube through which non-radioactive sea one O f wh.te h is shown in fig.. 3.9. . d •sot ut10n· conta1nin¡
water could be drawn (fig. 3. 7), and determined the efflux of radioactive sodium ions was mJectefi m o1 a gian t b ·axon
sodium ions by measuring the radioactivity of samples of the squid Loligo by means of a very d h nefflg ass u eh msertec
this sea water at intervals This pa,ticular arrangement has • longitudinally intothe
d Soon after thestart
of an t e e . ux was
the expenment thetaxonen mea.
two advantages: the efflux from the cut ends of the axon is sure · · .d . . . '
not measured and the measured efflux occurs from a known Poisoned with cyanide. Cyan_1 e 1onsb .mter1e~e w_1th the
length of axon ' into a known volume of sea water. T hey energy-producing processes f mh aero 1~d resp1ration
) d (by
found that the relation between the logarithm of e e uxth ffl inhibiting the action o cytoc rome
1 1I · · ox1 ase , an
f "'T so the
and time is a straight line of negative slope (as in the first efflux of sodium fell to a low eve . nJections o n P, argi.
section of the graph in fig. 3.8), indicating that the efflux of nine phosphate or phosphoenol pyruvate into the axon pro.
radioactive sodium falls exponentially with time. Th1s . 1s
· JUst
· duced transient increases in the rate of sodium extrusion,
what we would expect to see if both the interna} sodfom ion so confirming the view that the sodium pump is driven by
concentration and the rate of extrusion of sodium ions are the energy derived from the breakdown of energy-rich
constant, since under these conditions a constant propor- phosphate compounds.
tion of the radioactive sodium inside the axon will be In terms of the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane
removed in successive equal time intervals. (fig. 3.3), we may suppose that sodium ions are pumped at
Wben 2;4-dinitrophenol (DNP) was added to ,the sea p;:i.rticular sites each consisting of a particular protein
water, the sodium efflux fell markedly, and then récovered ~ molecule or group of molecules. How many of these sites
when the DNP was washed away (fig. 3.8). DNP is an are there in any particular area of membrane? The problem
inhibitor of metabolic activity, and probably acts by uncou- has been approé,1.ched by measuring the binding of the drug
pling the formation of the ei:iergy-rich compound adeno- ouabain to nerve axons. Ouabain is a glycoside found in
sine triphospháte (ATP) from the electron chain in aerobic cert.ain plants and used as an arrow poison in parts of
respiration; hence this experiment implies that the extru- Africa. It acts by inhibiting the sodium pump of cell mem-
sion of sodium is probably dependent on metabolic energy branes. By measuring the uptake of radioactive ouabain it
supplied directly or indirectly in the form of ATP. Hodgkin is possible to estímate the number of sodium-pumping sites
& Keynes also showed that the sodium· efflux from Sepia in a system, assuming that each site binds one molecule of
axons is dependent upon the externa] potassium ion ouabain. In squid giant axons, Baker & Willis (1972) esti-
concentration; potassium-free sea water reduced the efflux mated that there are 1000 to 5000 sites per square micro-
to about a third of its normal value. This implies that the metre of cell membrane, and Ritchie & Straub (1975)
s?dium extrusion process is coupled to the uptake of potas- estimated that for garfish olfactory nerve there are 350 sites
per square micrometre.

To motor-driven
syringe, removing Figure 3.7. The apparatus used
fluid at 0.5 or to measure the efflux of
0.3 mi min- 1 radioactive sodium ions from
giant axons of the cuttlefish
Sepia. (From Hodgkin & Keynes,
r I955a.)

- Polythene tube
Axon held lnflow of sea
in forceps - -Glass nozzle
Capillary tube

Perspex cell
Active transport of ions 23

More information about the sodium pump carne from Glynn (1967) found that one ATP raolecule was split for
experiments on human red blood cells. Thus Post & Jolly every three sodium ions extrudeg.
Our understanding of the sodium pump was much
(1957) measured the ratio of sodium ions to potassium ions
enhanced when Skou (1957, 1989) isolated an ATPase from
moved by the pump. They stored red cells for two days at 2
crab nerves that was stimulated by sodium and potassium
ºC; this would stop the activity of the pump and allow
ions. An ATPase is an enzyme which splits ATP, usually
sodium entry and potassium loss by passive fluxes. On
with the object of utilizing the energy of the ATP raolecule
raising the temperature to 37 ºC the :pump became active
for sorne energy-demanding function of the cell. In this
again and so after a few hours it was possible to measure
case the energy derived from the splitting of ATP is used to
the change in the amounts of sodium and potassium ipns
drive sodium ions up their electrocheraical gradient and out
.in the cells. The results showed that two potassium ions
of the cell. Later work showed that the enzyme is a dimeric
were taken up for every three sodium ions extruded., In
protein consisting of an a subunit (molecular weight, Mr,
similar experiments with resealed red cell ghosts (red cells
112000) which contains ,the ATPase activity and. the
wh1ch bave had their haemoglobin reraoved), 1Garrahan &
ouabain-binding ~ite, and a ¡3 subunit (Mr 55 000).
Work by Albers and bis colleagues and by Post ¡md his
100 1 1
1 1 colleagues, using ATP labelled with radioactive phosppo-
r,--0.2 mM DNP7
so 1 FUS, showed that sodium ions catalyse tbe phosphorylation
.E 30 of the pump by ATP and potassium ions catalyse its
í 1 dephosphorylation (Albers et al., 19.(~3; Chamock-& Post,
.Ee: 20 1
l. 1963; Ppst et al., -1965). lt ·seeraed ~ely thac duting the
10 1 activity of the purap the Na,K-ATPase molecule cycles
., 1
between two distinct conformations, E 1 aod E2• The E1 form
z 1
1' s 1
would split ATP to become phosphorylated, the _reaction
o 1
:::, 3
1 being catalysed by sodiura ions, and the E.2 form y.,ould lose
2 1 its phosphate in the presence ofr potassium ions. ·lt was a,!.so
~..L..J.....1....L....i-~_¡_...i-~-1-..J.-u..J..U.....I...J~..L-J-Ll...i evident that the phosphorylated E 1 form · woulq change
so 100 150 200 250
spontaneously to the phosphorylated E2 forra, whereas the
dephosphorylated E 2 forra would revert spontaneously to
Figure 3.8. The effect of the metabolic inhibitor 2/~-
the E 1 fo rm.
dinittophenol (DNP) on the effl_ux of radioactive sodium ions
Putting these reactions together leads to a cycle of events
from a Sepia giant axon. The sodium pump stops once its fuel
known as the Albers-,Post raodel of the sodium pump,
source is removed. (From Hodgkin & Keynes, 1955a.)

Figure 3.9. Experiment showing

In 2mM-CN
that ATP drives the sodium
pump in a squid giant axon. Toe
rate of sodium extrusion fell
~0.002 markedly after poisoning with
E cyanide, an inhibitor of ATP
synthesis. lnjection of ATP into
the axon produced temporary
reactivation of the sodium pump.
/~ More ATP was introduced in the
second injection than in the first.
o (From Caldwell et al., 1960.)
-<>---0-<>I -<>-........._ "':.o-Y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
tATP t ATP Hour~
1 injecc ion 1 injeccion
1 2
The resti11g cell 111e111bra11e
ATPase from sheep kidney
of the Na,K• f h
The sequences f the electric organ o t e elec,
s11own in fig. 3.1 O. The model nlso suggcsts ti H1 t the . E1 íorm
• f / 19 B5) and rom .
1. . . . . . 'bl , to the 1nterlo1 o (Shull el a• • t0 (Kawa kami. etal ,, 1985) are very snnilar,
Ms an 1on-b111dmg s1te that 1s accesSI e . , whereus in
trie ray Torpe, nce identical in the two enzymes
lhe cell and prefers sodium 10 potnsslum ions, , B5o/i0 of the seque . ·
1 'bl from the externo 1 w1th over . • h heep kidney enzyme cons1sts of a
t 1e E2 form the binding sitc is acccsst e . TI the
solution and prefers potassium to sod'mn1 ions . · ius f The ª charl~~ 6t a~~no acid residues. Application of the
pump molecule binds three sod1um . 10115
. ut thc mner face oal sequence o. 1 lysis shows that there are probably eight
K t - Doohtt e ana
the membrane, and then chnnges s rnpe 1 10 release t11cm
lt Ye t maior hydrophobic sequences, suggesting
or perhaps en b . h
the outer face, splitting un ATp mo Iecule in the'"'process. f the that the protem · ehain traverses the . mero .rane
. e1g t or ten..
now binds two potassium 1ons . ªt the outer suriace h o t the .
times. n.A'TP hydrolysis seems to mvolve bmdmg
. f to a lysine
membrane, and changes shape agat.n to relea se t em. ad 'd t posi'tion 501 and phosphory 1
atlon o
res1 ue a . an aspartic
inner face, losing an inorgamc. Phosp hate group as it oes 'd 'd at 369· the chain is probably colled so
ac1 res1 ue , . . . as to
'd · these two residues together. .Bmdmg of. ouaba1n
brmg . prob·
forgensen (1975, 1992) produced sorne neat e:1 ence
the Albers-Posl model. He found that the digest1ve e~yme ably occurs at the tryptophan res1due at po_s1tlon 310 in the
trypsin cleaves the a chain at different sites acc~r~mg _to short externa!. portion between the th1rd and fourth
whether sodium or potassium ions are present. This Jmphes hydrophobic sequences. Figure 3.11 gives a general impres.
that the molecule changes shape when combined with these sion of the structure of the molecule.
two different ions; it seems probable that this shape change
is involved in the pumping activity. Further details are dis- Calcium ions
cussed by Glynn (1993) and Liiuger (1991). If a small quantity of radioactive calcium ions is injected
Toe structure of the a subunit has been determined using into a squid axon, the resulting patch of radioactivity <loes
complementary DNA cloning techniques. The base not spread out by diffusion or move in a longitudinal elec-
sequence of the complementary DNA was determined, and tric field (in contrast to potassium, for example - see fig.
from this the amino acid sequence of the protein could be 3.13). This suggests that nearly ali the calcium is bound in
deduced. Details of such methods are given by Watson et
sorne way, and that only a small proportion is ionized in
al. (1992), for example, and we shall look at their applica-
free solution ( & Keynes, 1957). The concentra-
tion to the acetylcholine receptor (one of the first large
tions of free calcium ions can be determined by using a,
membrane proteins to be examined with.these techniques)
in chapter 8. calcium-sensitive microelectrode or by injecting the protein
~equorin, which emits light in the presence of calcium
1ons. Nowadays it is common to use calcium-sensitive
Sites accessible to interior
and prefer Na+ to K+
2Ki Ouabain
Change in
binding site
by ATP
ADP 2 3 I 4 5 Externa!

---¡--.;l\--i~-\--l--l--l-1~--1 Membrane
/4;n~~~~~ii~n Cytoplasm
2K; ~
' 3Na;
Site accessib,le to exterior Phosphate/
and prefer K+ to Na+
binding site
Figure 3.10. The basic cycle of the sod' \01
molecule undergoes conform 1· mm pump. The pump ATP binding
hE a 10nal change b tw
t e , form, which will combine wit . een two forms: site
the inside of the membrane· d h h sod1um tons and ATP on Figure 3 11 M
'th . , an t e E form 11· h . · · b embrane
as suggested Sh topology of the Na ,K-ATPase molecule
w1 potassmm ions on the outsid 2 , w te Wtll combine
e. (From Glynn, 1993.) (Ovchinn· Y ull et al. (1985). An altemative model
th C ik~v et al., 1988) has the eighth hydrophobic regíon and
e -ternunus . . e.
remauung on the externa} face of the membrall
Coupled transporter systems 25

fluorescent dyes such as fura 2, often with calcium imaging electrochemical gradient: the downhill movement of one
techniques that will show the distribution of different ion is linked to the uphill movement of another ion or small
calcium ion concentrations within the ce!!. molecule, and there is no 'direct involvement of ATP break-
Investigations by these means show that most of the down. The ion gradient that drives the exchanger is itself set ·
calcium inside cells is bound to proteins or sequestered in up by an active transport process such as the sodium pump.
intracellular compartments such as the endoplasmic reticu- Sodium-coupled transporter systems are used for the
Jum, so that the concentration of free ionic calcium is much uptake of sorne neurotransmitters in neurons (chapter 10)
Jower than the total calcium concentration. In squid axons, and for the absorption of glucose in the gut. Here we look
for example, the total concentration of calcium in axoplasm at their use in transporting ions.
is usually in the range 50 to 200 µM, whereas the concentra-
tion of ionized calcium is as low as 0.1 µM (Baker & Dipolo, Sodium-calcium exchange
1984). Such values are typical of animal cells. During the normal operation of the sodium---calcium
This situation means that when relatively small quanti- exchanger, a movement of sodium into the cell down its
ties of calcium ions are released inside the cell they produce electrochemical gradient is linked toan outward movement
proportionately large changes in the interna! concentration of calcium against its electrochemical gradient. This was
of calcium ions. Thus release of 1% of the bound calcium first demonstrated in squid axons by Blaustein & Hodgkin
in squid axoplasm would increase the free ionic concentra- ( 1969) and in heart muscle by Reuter & Seitz ( 1968); in each
tion forty-fold, from 0.1 to 4 µM . The relative ease with case the effiux of 45 Ca was dependent upon the presence of
which such changes can be produced by inflow of calcium externa] sodium ions. Under suitable conditions a similar
ions through membrane channels or by release from intra- exchange working in the opposite direction can be detected;
cellular compartments allows calcium ions to play key roles this requires ATP for its activity (Baker et al., 1969; Baker,
in the control of a large number of cellular processes 1986).
In squid axons the exchange system is not very active at
(Dawson, 1990).
With an interna! concentration of around 0.1 µM and an normal calcium ion concentrations, so that most of the
externa! concentration of around 1 mM in'mammals, there calcium extruded from the cell exits via the Ca-ATPase
is clearly a very great concentration gradient of calcium calcium pump; it becomes more important as the interna!
ions across the membrane, and it is therefore not surprising calcium ion concentration rises (DiPolo, 1989). In heart
that calcium ions enter the cell whenever appropriate chan- muscle, however, it is the major route for calcium extrusion
nels are open. This influx is normally balanced by a corre- from the cell (Philipson et al., 1993).
sponding outward movement in which the calcium ions are The sodium---calcium exchanger protein of heart muscle
moved up their electrochemical gradient, a process which cells has been sequenced by molecular cloning by Nicoll
and her colleagues (1990). It is 938 amino acid residues long
must consume energy.
There are two components to this efflux. One is an ATP- and probably contains eleven membrane-crossing seg-
dependent 'calcium pump', a membrane-bound Ca- ments. The corresponding exchanger from retina! photo-
ATPase that is active at low interna! calcium ion receptors (which transports potassium ions as well as
concentrations. The other is a coupled transporter in which sodium and calcium) is different in sequence, but has sorne
interna! calcium ions are exchanged for externa! sodium similarities in three of the membrane-crossing segments
ions; we shall look at it in the next section. (Reilander et al., 1992).
The Ca-ATPase has an M, of about 140000 and is acti-
vated by calmodulin. It has sorne similarities with the N a,K- Chloride movements
ATPase in molecular structure. One ATP molecule is split In squid giant axons, Keynes (1963) showed that the inter-
for each calcium ion transported, and there is a cycle involv- na! chloride ion concentration is higher than would be
ing E 1 and E2 forros of the enzyme similar to that for the expected from a purely passive distribution of the ions. If
sodium pump. In mammalian cells at 30 ºC, each Ca- chloride were passively distributed across the axonal mem-
ATPase molecule transports 25 to 100 calcium ions out of brane, then the interna! chloride concentration would be
the cell per second (Carafoli & Zurini, 1982; Carafoli, 1991). given by

Coupled transporter systems (3.4)

Coupled transporter systems provide an alternative way of
moving ions or other small molecules 'uphill' against their (where E is the resting potential), or, in isolated axons,
The t·estin 1
-----------=--=------ ---~
cell m embra11e 26

- 60 =- 58 lo 560 Thc rcsting potcntial

g'º[Cl] 1 Th e potassium electrode hypothesis
froiu Which At thc beginning of this century, Bemstein produc
(CI}¡ = SS mM
'membrane theory' of the resting potential. At tha;~_hia
ln fact h there was sorne doubt as to whether there actually w 11l},
t· . ' owever, the average interna! chloride concentra-
ion ll1 Keyn es' s expernncnts
. .
was 108 mM , or nbout tw1ce · m
resting potent1al · t h e mtact,
· · · d ce11 . Bernsteias ª11
w1\at one wou\d expcct. The chloride influx wns halved by that there was such a potential, and that it arose as a n heJq
treating the axon wit.h DNP, t.hus suggesting that there is of the selective permeability of the cell membrane to res1¡¡t
some uptakc of chloride ions that is dependent either sium ions. It seems he was the first to apply the N
directly or indirectly on ATP production. equation to the living cell. We can restate Bern er~st
. . Ste11¡•
More reccnt work showed that chloride is taken into hypothesis in ~o?ern form m terms of ton channels: thª
squid axons by a sodium- potassium-chloride cotransport resting potential 1s produced because sorne of the Po~
system, wit.h an Na :K:CI stoichiometry of 2:1 :3 (Russell, sium channels in the plasma membrane are open.
l 983; Russell & Boron, 1990). The sodium ions enter the lf it is correct that the resting membrane is select·
cell , flowing down their concentration gradient, accompa- permeable to potassium ions, then we would expect h
nied by potassium and chloride ions. The energy for the membrane potential to be given by the Nemst equatio e
. . n,or
whole process come from the sodium ion concentration potass1um 10ns,
gradient, itself set up by the sodium pump. Interna! ATP is RT [K) 0
essential to the process, probably by enabling phosphoryla- EK =7ln [K]¡ (3.5)
tion of t.he transporter molecule rather than acting as a
primary energy supply. At 18 ºC this may be written as
Chloride and hydrogen ions are transported out of the
squid giant axon by means of an exchange with sodium and EK = 58 log 10 [K]¡ (3.6)
bicarbonate ions. The consequence of this is that the inside
of t.he cell is somewhat more alkaline than it would other- The best method of readily testing this hypothesis is to vary
wise be. (If hydrogen ions were passively distributed, then, the externa! potassium concentration and observe the
with a resting poten tia! of - 70 m V and an outside pH of change in membrane potential: equation 3.6 predicts that
8.0, the interna! pH predicted by the Nernst equation would the relation should be a straight line with a slope of 58 mV
be 6.8; in fact it is about 7.4.) The energy for this cotrans- per unit increase in log 10 [K] 0 •
port again comes from the sodium ion concentration gradi- Figure 3.12 shows the membrane potential of isolated
ent. The main function of this sodium-dependent frog muscle fibres in solutions containing different potas-
chloride/bicarbonate exchanger seems to be in the regula- sium ion concentrations (Hodgki.n & Horowicz, 1959). Itis
tion of intracellular pH (Russell & Boron, 1976, 1990). evident that equation 3.6 fits the results -~ ery well at potas-
Thomas (1977) found evidence in snail neurons for a sium concentrations above about 10 mM, but below this
similar system, in which efflux of chloride and hydrogen value the membrane potential is rather less than one would
ions was dependent upon influx of sodium and bicarbon- expect. Similar results have been obtained in squid axoils
ale ions. (Curtis & Cole, 1942; Hodgkin & Keynes, 1955b) and many
In many vertebrate central neurons, Ec, is maintained other cells (Hodgkin, 1951).
more negative than the resting potential by means of a . Je
What is the reason for ·the departure from the s~P
potassium-chloride cotransport system; chloride extrusion potassium electrode hypothesis at low externa! potassiuJJI
is linked to outward movement of potassium ions down ion concentrations? We have seen that sodium ions are
their electrochernical gradient (Thompson et al., 1988; distributed across the cell membrane so as to produceªd
Thompson & Gahwiler, 1989). This enables inhibitory potential concentration cell with t h e msi · ·d positive, an
e bl to
postsy~aptic potentials that are produced by the opening of 1 . ermea e
since the membrane is not complete Y rmp ll plaY
.transillltter-gated chloride channels to be byperpolarizing sodium ions, we might expect this concentration ce. tlo Jusi
(p. 126). In dorsal root ganglion cells, there is an inward otentJa ·
sorne part in determining the merob rane P tbe
accumulation of chlorjde as a result of a sodium-potas- how this effect will make itself felt will depend upon
sium-chloride cotransport system that operates as the
properties of the membrane. elllbraJle
result of the sodium ion concentration gradient (Alvarez- · · what the m
Leefmans, 1990). · A useful approach to determmmg . rmeable to
potential should be when the membrane 18 pe
\JI .

The resting potential 27

measuring the fluxes of the different ions through the mem-

more than one ion was developed by Goldman in 1943. lt
brane, but their ratios (such as PK/ PNa) can be estimated
is known as the constant field theory. The theory assumes
from membrane poten tia! measurements.
(1) that ions move in the membrane under the influence of
If chloride ions are omitted from the system, or if they
electric fields and concentration gradients justas they do in
are assumed to be in equilibrium so that the equilibrium
free solution, (2) that the concentrations of ions in the
potential for chloride is equal to the membrane potential,
membrane at its edges are proportional to those in the
equation 3.7 becomes
aqueous solutions in contact with it, and (3) that the elec-
tric potential gradient across the membrane is constant. RT (K] + a[Na) (3.8)
E= - ln º º
From these assumptions it is possible to show (see Hodgkin F (K]¡ + a(Na]¡
& Katz, .1949) that, when there is no current flowing
where a is equal to PNi PKº Equation 3.8 is plotted in fig.
through the membrane, the membrane potential is given by
3.12, assuming a to be 0.01; it is clear that it provides a good
RT PK[K] 0 + PNa(Na] 0 + P o(Cl)¡ (3 .7) fit for the experimental results. Results similar to those
E=-ln shown in fig. 3.12 have also been obtained from observa-
F PK[K)¡ + PNa[Na)¡ + Pc1[Cl]º
tions on the membrane potentials of nerve axons (Hodgkin
where PK ' PNa and PCl are permeability coefficients.
& Katz, 1949; Huxley & Stampfli, 1951). We can therefore
Equation 3.7 is often known as the Goldman-Hodgkin-
conclude that sodium ions play sorne small part in deter-
Katz voltage equation. The permeability coefficients are
mining the membrane potential of nerve and muscle cells,
measured in centimetres per second and defined as
their effect being greater when the externa! potassium ion
u{3RT!aF, where u is the mobility of the ion in the mem-
concentration is low. The potassitim channels are not per-
brane, {3 is the partition coefficient between the membrane
fectly selective for potassium ions, it seems, and will allow
and aqueous solution, a is the thickness of the membrane,
sorne sodium ions to pass through them.
and R, T and F have their usual significance. Actual values
One further piece of information is required before we
for the permeability coefficients must be determined by
can accept the hypothesis that the resting potential is deter-
mined mainly by the Nernst equation for potassium.ions. It
+10 is necessary to show that the internal concentration of free
potassium ions (which is involved in equations 3.5 to 3.8) is
-10 the same as the total interna] potassium concentration
(which is what can be measured by chemical methods of
analysis), or nearly so. For instance, if half the interna]
potassium were bound in non-ionic forro, the predicted
> -40 values for membrane potentials would have to be reduced
] -50 by nearly 20 m V This question was investigated by
Hodgkin & Keynes (1953) on Sepia giant axons. They
5c. - 60
] -70
placed an axon in oil, but with a short length of it passing
through a drop of sea water containing radioactive potas-
- -80
V = 58 log [K)0 +0.01 (Na)0 - - - V = 58 log sium ions. After a time, then, this short length of axon con-
140 140
tained radioactive potassium. They placed the axon in a
-100 longitudinal electric field, so that the potassium ions would
-110 -o move along it towards the cathode if they were free to do
so. To find whether the potassium ions were indeed moving
0.5 2.5 5 10 20 50 100
Potassium concentration (mM) · in this way, they measured the loQgitudinal distribution of
radioactivity at intervals by means of a Geiger counter
Figure 3.12. How the externa! potassium ion concentration
masked by a piece of brass with a thin slit in it.
affects the membrane potential of isolated frog muscle fibres. The
The result of one of these expeñments is shown in fig.
externa! solutions were chloride free, the principie anion being
3.13, from which it is clear that the interna! radioactive
sulphate. The straight line shows the Nernst equation (equation
3.6), but the points at low potassium ion concentrations are potassium ions are free to move in an electric field. From
better fitted by equation 3.8, a modification of the the rate of movement, it was possible to calculate the ionic
Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation. (From Hodgkin & ~ob~lity and diffusion coefficient of radioactive potassium
Horowicz, 1959.) 1ons m the axon: the values were found to be close to those
_ __:_1',~h~e~ re~s~t~i,~1!g~c~e~l~l~n~1e
~1:n~b:r~a~n~e~-----------~ ~~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~ - ~ - - - - ~
an internal potassium ion concentrar
11 -50 to -60 m V a t - .bl . 1011.
0.5 M solution of potassium chloride. Thus the r~di~- his relation is compatl e w1th equar
~ctlve potassium is present inside the axon in a free, iomc of a bout 300 m V· T . h • . IOIJ.
. th t p decreases w1t mcreasing (""
3.5 1f we assume a K . · ·••ore
orm . Since Keynes & Lewis (1951) had previously shown
negative) membrane potent1als.
Lhat radioactive potassium excha nges with at lea st 97 % of
lhe potassium present in c rab uxons, it seemed very reuson- Jn ward potassium ch~nnels .
a ble to conclude that ahnost ali the potassium in lile uxo- Ka tz ( 1949) discovered that m p_otassm~-d~polarizect
plasm is effectively in free solution und so ca n contribute-to muscle the membrane conducta1:ce mcrease. w~th hyper,
the production of the resting pot ential. . tº10n and decreased w1th depolanzation
po 1anza _ . · ""h·
1 18
meaos that potassium ions could flow mto the cell llluch
Experiments 011 i11tem ally pe1fused giant axons more easily than they could flow ~u~. Katz named the Phe,
lt has been possible to test further the potassium electrn d e
hypothesis by mea.n s of the technique ~f intracellular per- nomenon 'anomalous rectificat10n , but the alternat·1ve
term 'inward rectification' is generally used now. It seellls
fusion (Baker et al. 1962a; Tasaki & Shimamura, 1962). In
likely that the inward rectifier channels that n_iediate this
t.he method used by Baker and bis colleagues, the axoplasm
rectifying potassium conductance are the mam deterllli,
is squeezed out of a squid axon , Jeaving a flattened tube
nants of the resting potential in many cells.
consisting mainly of the axon membrane and the Schwann
Patch clamp experiments on the inward rectifier channe!s
cells and endoneurial sheath. This tube is then reinflated by
filling it with a perfusion fluid isotonic with sea water. of rat myotubes ( cultured embryonic muscle fibres) indicate
When the perfusion fluid is an isotonic potassium chlo- a single-channel conductance of about 1Q_,Q_S with isotonic
ride solution, the resting potential is about - 55 m V. externa} potassium ion concentrations (Ohmori et al.;
Isotonic solutions of other potassium salts, such as sulphate 1981). The conductance is reduced when the externa¡
or isethionate, produce resting potentials a few millivolts potassium concentration is lower. The channel density ,¡8
greater, indicating that the membrane is slightly permeable Iow, perhaps about one per square micrometre of surface
to chloride ions (Baker et al., 1962b). If the solutions inside membrane.
and outside the membrane were identical in composition, Cloning studies on inward rectifier channels show that
the membrane potential was within 1 m V of zero. Finally, each subunit contains just two membrane-crossing seg-
when the interna) solution was isotonic sodium chloride ments, together with a pore-lining segment which is similar
and the external isotonic potassium chloride, the inside to the H5 or P segment of voltage-gated potassium chan-
became positive to the outside by 40 to 60 m V nels (p. 99) (Ho et al., 1993; Kubo et al., 1993). It seems
By gradually increasing the interna} potassium ion likely, by analogy with voltage-gated channels, that each
concentration, it is possible to see how far the membrane channel is formed from four subunits, as suggested in fig.
behaves as a potassium electrode. lt was found that the 3.14. A number of different types a r e found, forming the
membrane potential tended to reach a saturating value of Kir family of channels (Doupnik et al., 1995).

O 11 23 37min Figure 3.13 . Movementof

l l l l radioactive potassium in a
longitudinal electric field in a
Sepia giant axon. The two curves
show the distribution of
radioactivity immediately before
application of the longitudinal
en current {a), and after 37 min of
100 current flow (b) . Arrows at 11
o and 23 min show the positions of
peak radioactivity at those tiille5-
(From Hodgkin & Keynes, 1953.)

Chloride movements in muse/e

How is the rectification brought about in these channels?

Patch clamp experiments show that it disappears if the
patch is removed from the cell and its cytoplasmic surface [K] 0 [CI].
- =- -'
exposed to a solution with potassium as the only cation. [K]¡ [CIJO
Rectification in inside-out patches can be restored by or
adding either magnesium or especially spermine (a cyto-
plasmic polyamine with four ionizable amino groups per [K] 0 X [CJ] 0 = [K] 1 X [C)] 1 (3.9)
molecule) to the cytoplasmic surface (Matsuda et al., 1987;
Equation 3.9 describes a Donnan equilibrium system: the
Stanfield et al. , 1994; Fakler et al. , 1995). This suggests that
product of the concentrations of the permeant ions on one
the channel can normally be blocked by a positively
side of the membrane is equal to their product on the other
charged cytoplasmic particle (a magnesium ion or sper-
side. Boyle & Conway (1941) tested the application of this
mine) which is drawn into the inner mouth of the channel
idea to frog muscl~ by soaking muscles in different potas-
pore when the membrane is depolarized, but which is dis-
sium chloride concentrations for 24 h and then determining
placed from it when the current is inward.
their interna! potassium and chloride concentrations. Toe
results were in accordance with equation 3.9, provided the
ATP-sensitive potassium channels external potassium concentration was above about 10 mM.
Potassium channels which open when the intracellular Do chloride ions contribute to the resting potential in
concentration of ATP falls to a low level are found in muscle? This question was extensively investigated by
muscle and other cells (Standen, 1992). In muscle they open Hodgkin & Horowicz (1959), using intracellular micro-
only in conditions of extreme metabolic exhaustion. Their electrodes with isolated frog muscle fibres. The great advan-
opening leads to sorne loss of potassium from the muscle tage of using single fibres is that, with a suitable apparatus,
cells, but will also tend to stabilize the membrane potential it is possible to change the ionic concentrations at the cell
so as to make the muscle less excitable and thus perhaps surface within a fraction of a second, so eliminating the
speed recovery. inevitable diffusion delays involved in work with whole
muscles. When the external solution was changed for one
Chloride movements in muscle with different potassium and chloride. concentrations but
Vertebrate skeletal muscle cells have a relatively high with the same [K][Cl] product, the new membrane potential
permeability to chloride ions, with the result that chloride (given by equations 3.4 and 3.5) was reached within 2 or 3
ions are passively distributed in accordance with equation s, and thereafter remained constant. However, if the chlo-
3A. If potassium ions are also at equilibrium (equation ride concentration was changed. without altering the potas-
3.5), then Ec1= EK and so sium concentration, the membrane potential jumped
RT [Cl] RT [K] 0 rapidly to a new value, but this transient effect gradually
- F [Cl]; = F
10 decayed over the next few minutes and the potential
returned to very nearly its original value (fig. 3.15).
The explanation of this effect is based on the Donnan
extracellular equilibrium hypothesis. The chloride equilibrium potential
is given by equation 3.4, or, at 18 ºC,
membrane M1

cytoplasmic Ec1 = - 58 log 10 [Cl]¡

At the start of the experiment shown in fig. 3.15 (when [Cl] 0

is 120 mM) we assume that chloride is in equilibrium, i.e.
N e that E is equal to the membrane potential of -98.5 mV;
CI • d d
this gives a value of 2.4 mM for [Cl]¡. When [Cl] 0 1s re uce _
Figure 3.14. Possible structure of inward rectifier potassium
to 30 mM, Ec1 will change by 35 mV to -63.5 mV. The
channels. Each subunit has two membrane-spanning segments,
MI and M2, and between them a 'membrane-dipping' loop H5 . membrane potential changes to - 77 m V, which is inter-
The model suggests that four subunits aggregate to form a mediate between EK and Ec 1, indicating that the membrane
channel, with their H5 loops lining the channel pore. (From is permeable to both potassium and chloride ions. Then, in
Kubo et al. , 1993. Reprinted with permission from Nature 362, order to restore the Donnaii equilibrium, potassium chlo-
p. 132 Copyright 1993 Macmillan Magazines Lirnited.) ride moves out of the cell until Ec1is equal to EK. This point

The resting ce// membrane

the results of a similar experinient .
Figure 3. 16c showds f m 2.5 to 10 mM without chann; in
b ut O6 mM and, since · hange ro btllg
is reached when [CI]¡ has fallen tof a ºter ~ut of the cell in which [K]º IS c E by 35 mV, and so the mernbr
· 11 Y [CIJo. This . ·n change K ªne
there is also some movemento. . wa. [K]. is practica wi w value intermediate between E a
. . tic eqmhbnum, ' f · 1 · mps to a ne 1( llrj
order to mamtam osmo tial (reached a ter potent1a JU . . th reached by entry of potassiurnc1¡¡
w steady poten
't originally was. Eci· Equilibnum .is t ethe fibre so that t h e merob rane Pot o,
unchanged. Hence the ne
5) · the same as 1
10 to 15 min in fig. 3.1 IS there is a similar tran- n'd e (and water) m o from -73 '
to -65 mV. On return·111g
When [CI] is returned to
12º mtv.f,
. 1 1ange m t11e o
pposite direction, tia1 g radually moves
M there is a small instantaneous repolariz
sient membrane ~otent1a c 1 d b movement of potas- [K] to 2.5 m , .
1 resting Pote
and t hen eq uilibrium (and the norma . n.
and equilibrium is then ~store fiby The fact that these
. d ter mto the re. '. tored by loss. of . potassmm
. fi chloride fro lll
sium chlonde an wa t d ·n this way pro- tial) is slow1y res
. dily interpre e 1 larger repolanzations m g. 3.16a and b are
expenments can be so ~a f Bo le & Conway's the fibre. The .
vides further evidence 111 favour o y caused bY th e fact that the internal chlonde . concentration
Donnan equilibrium hypo th esis.
has not h a d t1·me to change much from .
1ts normal
leve\, so
that Ec1 1s s 1 t'll near the normal . restmg potential.
K---------~2-~S~m:...:M_ _ _ K
Notice that the four-fold mcrease m [~-lo causes an
~1~20~m:...:M_ _ _ _ CI instantaneous depolarization of 21 mV ~n fig. 3.¡ 6c,
Cl~LM_ _ _~30~m:.:.:.M~_ __.I
whereas the later four-fold decrease cau~es ~n mstantaneous
repolarization of only 3 m V. This must _md1cate that there is
-60 sorne rectification process in the potassmm pathway, so that
potassium ions can move inwards_ very easily ~ut outwards
>E with much more difficulty. Hodgkm & Horow1cz calcu!ated
--;;¡ -80 - that p K is about 8 X 1o- 6 cm s- 1for inward current but may
be as little as 0.05 X 10- 6 cm s- 1 for outward curren~
a.. whereas P CI remains at about 4 X 10- 6 cm s- 1 irrespective 0¡
-;;¡ -100
E the direction of the current flow. We may assume that the
..: -110 potassium movements occur through inward rectifier chan-
nels, whereas the chloride channels are not rectifying.

Chloride channels
Figure 3.15. The effect of sudden changes in externa! chloride ion The cells in the electric organs of the electric ray Torpedo a!l
concentration on the membrane potential of an isolated frog
asymmetrical. They are innervated on the upper face but nol
muscle tibre. (From Hodgkin & Horowicz, 1959.)
on the lower face. When they are excited by nervous stimula•

a b e

10 mM Figure 3.16. The effect of
KJ_ J_ h.smM
changes in the externa!
potassium concentration on the
CI- 120
-------K membrane potential of an

- -SO isolated frog muscle fibre. (Froro

> Hodgkin & Horowicz, 1959.)
e - 10

l l
a. - 80
- 90
e -o

10 o 1o ~oo,'.,02if:tjos~-to--10½~~:-h-l
20 30 40 so 60 _ _J
Minutes ?O 80 90 100 110 120
The electrogenic nature of the sodium pump 31

tion, sodium ions pour into the cell through the acetyl- take place is described as being electrogenic. In the sodium
choline-gated channels on the upper face. The lower face has pump of mammalian red blood corpuscles, for example,
to have a high conductance so as to allow the current to flow there is very clear evidence that two potassium ions are
readily, and this is brought about by a high density of chlo- taken up for every three sodium ions extruded (Post & Jolly,
ride channels. The cells contain messenger RNA coding for 1957), so there must be a net flow of charge egua! to one-
these chloride channels, and cDNA made from this has been third of the sodium ion flow.
cloned and sequenced, so providing the amino acid The sodium pump of nerve axons was once thought to
sequence of the channel protein (Jentsch et al., 1990). be electrically neutral, because of a supposed one-for-one
The chloride channel protein (called CLC-0) is 805 exchange of sodium for potassium ions. Later experiments
residues long and contains perhaps twelve or thirteen trans- on a variety of cells indicated that this is not so and that the
membrane segments. Perhaps the complete channel is a pump is electrogenic (Ritchie, 1971; Glynn, 1984). Good
homotetramer made from four such molecules. Similar pro- evidence that this conclusion applies to nerves cell comes
teins (CLC-1 and CLC-2, respectively) have been isolated from experiments by Thomas (1969, 1972) on snail
from skeletal muscle and other mammalian cells. neurons; let us examine them.
Mutations in the CLC-1 channel produce myotonia The essence of Thomas's method was to inject sodium
(muscle stiffness) and decreased muscle chloride conduc- ions into the cell body of a neuron and observe the sub-
tance in mice and humans (see Pusch & Jentsch, 1994). sequent changes in membrane potential. In order to
perform the injection two microelectrodes filled with a solu-
The electrogenic nature of the sodium pump tion of sodium acetate were inserted into the cell and
Consider a membrane ion pump which is concerned solely current passed between them; sodium ions would thus be
with the active transport of one species of ion in one direc- carried out of the cathodal electrode into the cytoplasm, so
tion. There would then be a current flow across the mem- raising the interna] sodium concentration. A third micro-
brane and a change in membrane potential caused by the electrode was used to record the membrane potential.
depletion of charge on one side of the membrane. T here Thomas found that injection of sodium ions into the cell
would be similar consequences from a pump which coupled is followed by a hyperpolarization of up to 15 mV, after
inflow of one ion to outflow of another but in which the which the membrane potential returned to normal over a
numbers of ions transported in the two directions werc not period of about 10 min, as is shown in the first parts of the
equal. A pump in which such a net transfer of charge <loes traces in fig. 3.17. Figure 3.17a shows that ouabain greatly

Figure 3.17. Responses of snail

neurons to injections of sodium
ions, demonstrating the
electrogenic nature of the sodium
-40 pump. The traces show peo
> recordings of the membrane
E potential. Black bars show the
timing of the injecting currents.
The first response in each trace
shows the hyperpolarization that
normally follows sodium
injection. After treatment with
ouabain this is greatly reduced
(trace a). In a potassium-free
externa! solution (trace b) the
-40 hyperpolarization <loes not occur
until the externa! potassium is
> replaced, indicating that sodium
extrusion is coupled to potassium
-50 uptake. (From Thomas, 1969.)
The resting cell membrane

By integrating this current with r e s p ~ t .

reduces this hyperpolarization, suggesting that it is con- o h111 1·
possible to estimate the amount of charge e t \lii.
nected with an active sodium extrusion. In fig . 3.17b, the . transt
Thomas found that th1s was always much 1 errpi
second injection of sodium ions occurs while the cell is in a . . ess th 'l.
quantity of charge mJected as sodium ions. An an t~
potassiurn-free environment, when there _is ~o hyper-
polarization, suggesting that sodium extrus1on 1s coupled also found that all of the injected sodium was ext d Yet
to potassium uptake. Injections of potassium or lithium during the period of membrane current flow · h .ru~
ions produced no membrane hyperpolarization. by using an intracellular sodium-sensitive mi·c' e did th•
These observations suggest that sodium extrusion is (one which produces an electrical signal propo . r~
coupled to potassium uptake, but also that the number of the sodium ion concentration
in its environmrttona¡
ent) l\·
sodium ions moved out of the cell is greater than the means that the sodmm outflow must be partly bal · ·~
nurnber of potassium ions moved in. There is thus a net an inflow of sorne other cation, for which the obv:nCed~
flow of positive charge outward during the action of the didate is potassium. Thomas calculated that t~scan.
pump, seen as a hyperpolarization of the membrane. Is it charge transfer in the pump was about 27% of the e .n~
possible to estimate the ratio of sodium ion to potassium Ion . fl ow. ThºIS fi gure IS '" . 1y m~,:.:: t o the 33% thatsod1um
. 1a1r
. . . Wouio
ion movements? Thomas attacked this problem by using be expected from a system llkc· i :1at m red blood
the voltage clamp technique. He found that sodium injec- where three sodium ions m ovc f:_·.r every two potasce~
. smm
tion was followed by an outwardly directed current which Ions.
took about 10 min to fall to zero.

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