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Name: Andi Nurhaerun’nisa Amin

NIM: 1810117220007




Andi Nurhaerun’nisa Amin Research Focus (Please TEFL

181011220007 tick one): Instructional Media
Abstract: √ English Skills
The researcher is interested in
knowing the strategies of EFL junior Textbook Analysis
secondary school students to Technology in Learning
overcome their speaking anxiety in Blended Learning
speaking English performance. In
this study, the researcher will use a Lesson Planning and Curriculum Analysis
qualitative method, precisely a case Language Testing
study approach. The research Translation Studies
subject is EFL junior secondary
school students in the 8th grade of English Literature
SMP-IT Ar-Rasyid, the academic year Micro Linguistics of English (Phonology,
of 2021/2022. The research will be Morphology, Syntax)
conducted through structured
classroom observation and
interviews. Macro Linguistics of English (Semantics,
Keywords: Speaking Performance,
Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis)
Anxiety, Strategies
Academic Advisor: Elsa Rosalina, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Advisor 12:
Advisor 23:
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
In learning English, there are four basic skills that students should master; they are listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. Speaking is one of the most important skills to be mastered by students of English as a
foreign language (EFL). As stated by Harmer (2007, p.38), speaking the way to construct words and phrases
with individual sounds, use pitch change, intonation and stress to convey different meaning.
Learning a foreign language can be so exciting. However, it can also be so scary for those who are not
brave enough to face the new challenges. The students who have that kind of anxiety will worry about and fear
of many things. Horwitz, and Cope (1986) argued that foreign language anxiety is a specific anxiety that some
people experience when learning or using a foreign language. Woodrow (2006) also argued that anxiety is
clearly an issue in language learning and has a demoralizing effect on speaking English for some students. In
this statement, the students seem to be over-concerned about their ability to perform in the foreign language,
which then causes them to feel anxious. Based on this problem, the researcher is interested in knowing the
strategies students do to control their speaking anxiety in speaking performance.

1.2 Research Objective

This research aims to identify and describe the strategies that the students of 8 th grade at SMP-IT Ar-Rasyid use
to overcome their anxiety in speaking English performance.
1.3 Significances
Theoretical: The result of this research is expected as an input in learning process especially for the students in

EFL Students’ Strategies to Cope with Anxiety in Speaking English Performance
Filled by Prodi
Filled by Prodi
context of cope with their anxiety in speaking performance.
a. For students: Students can find out which strategies are appropriate to overcome their anxiety in
speaking English performance. Therefore, the result of the study can be an instrumental in decreasing
anxiety and increasing motivation for the students.
b. For teacher and researcher:
The result of the study can be useful for teachers and researchers to consider the language learners’
speaking needs in English language teaching and learning context.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

This research will be focused on the factors that make the students in the 8 th grade at SMP-IT Ar-Rasyid feel
anxious in speaking English performance and the way they cope with it.

1.5 Previous Studies

The strategies that the participants used during preparation and while doing an oral presentation; when the
students felt very nervous, during preparation they would like to practice their parts in front of the mirror and
then when they still felt nervous while doing the presentation, they would like to not look at the audience’s
eyes. (Steffi, 2016)

2. Review of Related Literature

2.1 Anxiety
Anxiety can be defined as uneasiness and apprehensions feeling toward uncertain outcome of a given condition.
In conclusion, anxiety is every feeling of scary which is appeared because of unsure result of a particular effort.
Anxiety is a sort of fear that is manifested by visual signs. It is essential for teachers to be friendly and make
some fun class activities rather than being strict and uncared with the students. Indeed teachers should be more
aware of the existence of anxious students and show empathy to them (Ormrod, 2011) (Basic, L. 2011) (Liu, M.

2.2 Speaking Anxiety

Speaking anxiety is something that has a great impact on one’s self-confidence since it often makes one
experiences failure when not being able to speak out and show what one knows. Speaking anxiety creates a low
self-confidence, which makes the students remain quiet in all situations, even if they have the capacity to
express themselves and knowledge that is worth hearing. (Lanerfeldt, 1992)

2.3 Students’ Strategies

Strategy refers to basic a directional decision that is to conduct some purposes and missions (p.34). An
appropriate strategy is needed for students who want to reach their plan or dream successfully. Moreover,
strategy can help students to prepare of what will happen in the future. They can overcome their problem with
strategies and the best strategies will give good impact to the students. Furthermore, life is nothing without
strategies. (Steiner, G. 1979)

3. Research Methods
The researcher will use the qualitative method, precisely a case study approach. It will take EFL junior
secondary school students in the 8th grade at SMP-IT Ar-Rasyid (the Academic Year of 2021/2022). The
research will be conducted through structured classroom observation. In addition, the researcher will also
conduct a simple interview with some respondents to complete the required data. Finally, the research findings
will be described systematically in chapter IV of the Sarjana Thesis.

4. References

Basic, L. (2011). An obstacle to second language learning? Speaking Anxiety, 15, 1-25

Dung, L. (2020). Speaking Anxiety and Language Proficiency among EFL at A University in Vietnam.
International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, 03(09). doi: 10.47191/ijsshr/v3-i9-01
Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English language teaching (4th ed.). London: Longman.

Horwits, E. K. & Cope, J. A. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. Modern Language Journal, 70, 125-132.

Lanerfeldt, M. Talangslan. A part of: Rudberg, L (1992), (Red), Barns talochsprå ksvå righeter, Lund:

Liu, M. (2009). Reticence and anxiety in oral English lessons. Bern: Peter Lang

Monika, S. L. (2017). The Students' Strategies in Dealing With Anxiety in The Interpreting Class.


STUDENTS. JURNAL KELUARGA SEHAT SEJAHTERA, 16(32), 62. doi: 10.24114/jkss.v16i32.11926

Steiner, G (1979). Strategic planning. New York: Free Press.

Zheng, Y. (2008) Anxiety and second/foreign language learning revisited. Canadian Journal for New Scholars
education, 1(1), 1-9

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