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Jumao-as, Maryrose V.

M-W-F | 1:00- 2:00
SAT | 2:00-5:00
September 26, 2021

1. Physically mixed - It is physically mixed since we can very easily point out where the
chocolate is and where the dough is and aside from that the chocolate is not uniformly
mixed with the dough.
2. Chemically combined – it is a chemical property of iron to form rust when combined
with air.
3. Physically mixed - Salad dressing is a mixture of oil, vinegar, and various other
ingredients and there are different substances can be seen in the mixture.
4. Chemically combined – Soft drinks is a chemically combined because the syrup that used
in soft drinks and water are mixed evenly throughout the solution. In the soft drink, we
find components like sweetener, carbon dioxide and water forming a single phase.
5. Physically mixed – If you add sugar on the tea with milk it will just dissolve but the milk
will not dissolve in the tea and you will have a type of mixture called a suspension. It will
be a chemically combined for a while until the milk separates out and will become a non-
homogenous mixture.




1. Physical change – Soda water is carbonated water, which means that it is water with
carbon dioxide dissolved in it. If you could examine the individual molecules in soda
water, you would find a mixture of both CO2 and H2O molecules. All shaking the
bottle does is release the CO2 molecules as a gas. [“CO2 (aq)” stands for carbon
dioxide dissolved in aqueous solution and “CO2 (g)” stands for carbon dioxide in a
gas state.] Because no chemical bonds are broken and no new molecules are formed,
this is a physical change in the system.
2. Physical change - It is a physical change because the boiling water will turn into
steam (process called gas), and in reverse it will turn into water again (process called
condensation). It will be the same substance all the time.
3. Chemical change - Dry ice will readily vaporize and leave no liquid traces at room
temperature is a form of sublimation and it is a physical change. When a substance
sublimes, it changes from a solid to a gas without going through the liquid phase.
This does not result in a chemical change, though. Dry ice is carbon dioxide in the
solid phase.
4. Physical change - cutting wood into smaller pieces for firewood is a physical change
as there is no change in the original composition of wood
5. Chemical change - Toothpaste is a foamy substance caused by the rapid
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide using potassium iodide or yeast and warm water
as a catalyst. How rapidly the reaction proceeds will depend on the concentration of
hydrogen peroxide.

TASK # 4

1. No, chewing gum is made of either natural or synthetic materials (gum resin),
preservatives, flavorings, and sweeteners. The body can absorb sweeteners, such as sugar,
and they can add up to a lot of calories if you chew a lot of sugary gum.
But the human digestive tract can't digest the gum resin. Your stomach is unable
to break down the gum in the way it would other foods however your digestive system
can still cope with it. It's moved through the digestive tract by the normal pushing
(peristaltic) actions of the gut. The gum's journey ends during a trip to the bathroom.

2. Yes, urine is sterile at the point when it is excreted from the body and is uric acid. A mild
acid is beneficial to stings. Urine or even vinegar is good as a "first aid" for the sting and
can help to relieve the pain, but it should ideally be followed up by a healthcare

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