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Quick Inspections - Safety Training Video

Inspect Workplace: Prevent Accidents

The best way to find hazard is by doing a safety and health inspection. There are
several ways to do inspections, some are thorough top to bottom inside out inspections on
facilities, vehicles, forklifts and machinery. Another important inspection is the quick scan,
everyone should get into the habit of doing quick visual surveys of any area they walk or
drive into, no matter where you work in an office, a machine shop factory store, your home,
garage or basement. Anywhere and every place can have safety obstacles.

Here somethings to look for, every work area should have two exits clearly visible are
all the exist unblocked, unlocked and clear on the outside of the door. Where are the two
nearest fire extinguishers, are they charged properly mounted and easily accessible. If there
are mats or carpeting are the mats flat all around with no upturn edges that our trio hazard are
there any flaws in the carpeting that could cut someone’s foot while walking. Are there any
spills or wet spots on the floor that could cause someone to slip and fall, if you are using
stairs are they clear of obstacles fitted with sturdy handrails and non slip treads is the lighting
sufficient for the work being done, is the work area properly ventilated does the work area
require personal protective equipment like safety eyewear, steel toe footwear, skid resistant
shoes, gloves or other PPE a

Are there loud noises that will require earplungs, any obstructions or obstacles in the
walking surfaces like holes, uneven pavement cords, tools, debris or anything else that could
cause a slip trip or fall if you are going to be working in or around any electrical equipment is
the area where you will be working, clean and dry finally and perhaps one of the most
important issues. Is all work in the area being performed safely. Do you see anyone doing an
unsafe work practices or taking unnecessary risks. It is important to comment on unsafe work
practices because people who care less for their own safety could care less about you. If ypu
were a passenger in a car driven by someone who refused to wear a seatbelt would you feel
safe by the same token. If another person is willing to take unnecessary risks in your work
area. They make the entire plaece unsafe for everybody. They can even destroy your
workplace, putting you out of a job

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