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Generic coarse-grained model for protein folding and aggregation

Tristan Bereau and Markus Deserno

Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 (2009); doi: 10.1063/1.3152842

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Generic coarse-grained model for protein folding and aggregation

Tristan Bereaua兲 and Markus Desernob兲
Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213,
共Received 21 January 2009; accepted 19 May 2009; published online 18 June 2009兲

A generic coarse-grained 共CG兲 protein model is presented. The intermediate level of resolution 共four
beads per amino acid, implicit solvent兲 allows for accurate sampling of local conformations. It relies
on simple interactions that emphasize structure, such as hydrogen bonds and hydrophobicity.
Realistic ␣ / ␤ content is achieved by including an effective nearest-neighbor dipolar interaction.
Parameters are tuned to reproduce both local conformations and tertiary structures. The
thermodynamics and kinetics of a three-helix bundle are studied. We check that the CG model is
able to fold proteins with tertiary structures and amino acid sequences different from the one used
for parameter tuning. By studying both helical and extended conformations we make sure the force
field is not biased toward any particular secondary structure. The accuracy involved in folding not
only the test protein but also other ones show strong evidence for amino acid cooperativity
embedded in the model. Without any further adjustments or bias a realistic oligopeptide aggregation
scenario is observed. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.3152842兴

I. INTRODUCTION ments and accelerates the speed of Monte Carlo 共MC兲 or

molecular dynamics 共MD兲 simulations. It also smoothens out
Proteins are the building blocks of biology. They are the free energy landscape by reducing molecular friction,
evolutionarily optimized heteropolymers, whose physical which artificially accelerates the dynamics and makes phase
and material properties more often than not exceed what can space both smaller and more navigable. However, compared
be readily understood from conventional polymer physics to many other examples in soft matter, it is often precisely
reasoning, which derives much of its strength from unifor- these small local interactions that contribute to the overall
mity, randomness, and the law of large numbers. In contrast, stability of the native state which makes the process of
the complexity of proteins rests on the different physical and “throwing away detail for the benefit of the greater good” so
chemical properties of their monomers, the 20 physiological much more daring. One might thus prefer to wait until com-
amino acids, and their intricate combination into what at cur- puters have become even faster, and the progress in atomistic
sory inspection only seems to be a random heteropolymer simulations looks indeed promising. Yet, the undeniable need
sequence. Moreover, the main interactions that drive their to access really big systems of crucial relevance as well as
folding into intricate secondary, tertiary, and quaternary the insatiable scientific interest to find what really matters in
physiological structures are weak, comparable to thermal en- these systems both drive the development of new CG protein
ergy. The overall stability of a protein is perilously models.
marginal,1,2 so proteins very often rely on cooperative effects The field of CG protein modeling is very diverse and has
to keep them in their native structure—one appealing reason a rich history owing to a wide variety of problems to tackle,
for why they might be so much bigger than what their com- as well as length and time scales to look at.4–13 Various levels
paratively small active centers would make one suspect. This of resolution have been designed to study many different
aspect also makes them very hard to model and to coarse problems. On the coarser side of particle-based simulations,
grain, because it is extremely difficult to understand from conformational effects of hydrophobic interactions were
first principles which interactions are essential and which can studied using lattice simulations.14 This is a very powerful
be approximated. tool that is still widely used when looking at large-scale co-
As for many other soft matter systems, the success of operativity effects. Soon, off-lattice simulations were devel-
atomistic protein simulations is limited by available com- oped using one bead per amino acid with implicit solvent;
puter power. It is not so much the sheer number of atoms famous examples are Gō models.15 This level of resolution
involved that poses the main challenge but rather the long allows for much more conformational freedom, which is key
equilibration time associated with a system that in a highly to structural studies. One underlying constraint in such mod-
nontrivial phase space can so easily get stuck. Coarse- els is that structure is biased toward the native configuration
grained 共CG兲 simulations intend to address this problem by of the protein because the remaining degrees of freedom do
lowering the level of resolution.3 A smaller number of qua- not suffice to accurately represent the system’s phase space,
siatoms, or “beads,” decreases the computational require- including secondary structure motifs. Intermediate resolution
models 共more than one bead per amino acid兲 have been de-
Electronic mail: signed to investigate structural properties of proteins while
Electronic mail: emphasizing certain aspects. For instance, the recently intro-

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235106-2 T. Bereau and M. Deserno J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

duced MARTINI force field16 opts for a high resolution on

the protein’s side chains, while the backbone is represented
by only one bead per amino acid. The force field was param-
etrized using partitioning coefficients between water and a
共similarly CG兲 lipid membrane. By doing so, structural prop-
erties in transmembrane proteins can be accurately investi- C’ Cα N
gated 共see, e.g., Ref. 17兲. Other models with a comparable
overall resolution shift the emphasis 共in terms of modeling N φ ψ C’
detail兲 on the backbone instead of the side chain in order to
look at structure and conformational properties without bias- FIG. 1. Schematic figure of the local geometry of the protein chain. The
ing the force field to the native configuration. Several force solid beads represent one amino acid. Neighboring amino acid beads are
fields 共see, e.g., Refs. 18–20兲 have been reported to fold de represented in dashed lines.
novo helical proteins. These models incorporate only a sub-
set of amino acids, emphasizing their chemical effects 共e.g., In order to parametrize and test our force field as finely
hydrophobic, polar, glycine residue兲. as possible, we systematically compare the performance of
Intermediate level resolution models have shown prom- our CG model with experimental data. We hasten to add,
ising results in capturing local conformations and reproduc- though, that refining CG models is no attempt to compete
ing basic aspects of secondary structure recognition while with atomistic force fields. Such an endeavor strikes us as
gaining much computational efficiency compared to atomis- neither likely to succeed nor to be in line with the reasons
tic models. This is partly due to the removal of solvent, one pursues coarse graining in the first place, namely, to gain
which allows for significant speedup, as water typically rep- a physical understanding of fundamental mechanisms and
resents the bulk of a simulation in such systems. As a result, universals of complex molecular structures. However, in sys-
it is necessary to treat important solvent effects implicitly, as tems as delicate as marginally stable proteins a subtle local
they are determining factors in a protein’s conformation. interaction can have a substantial global impact, and uncov-
While ␣-helices are comparatively easy to obtain in such ering causations of this type is well within the scope of CG
models, ␤-sheets and structures are more difficult to stabi- studies
lize. There are several reasons for this. First, the enthalpic The paper is divided into several parts: the mapping
gain per amino acid is weaker compared to ␣-helices.21 Sec- scheme will explain how atomistic details were coarse-
ond, Yang and Honig21 showed that side chain–side chain grained 共CG兲 out, the different interactions as well as param-
interactions have a decisive role in sheet formation. And eter tuning and simulation methods will be described, and
third, the stabilization energy contains a contribution from finally several applications will show to what extent the
interactions between dipoles of successive peptide bonds that model can reproduce structural properties.
is usually neglected in simple models, yet it favors the ␤-
over the ␣-structure.22 Apart from these local effects, the II. MAPPING SCHEME
stability of extended conformations therefore also depends A. Overall geometry
greatly on cooperativity. Other than stabilizing folds, this can
also lead to peptide aggregation. Besides being an interesting An amino acid is modeled by three or four beads 共Fig.
physical problem, peptide aggregation is associated with 1兲. These beads represent the amide group N, central carbon
countless biological processes. It also plays a crucial role in C␣, carbonyl group C⬘, and 共for nonglycine residues兲 a side
many diseases, ranging from sickle cell anemia23 to chain C␤. The first three beads belong to the backbone of the
Alzheimer.24 protein chain, whereas the last one represents the side chain
In this work, we present a CG model of a four bead per and is responsible for amino acid specificity. This high level
amino acid model in implicit solvent. It differs from previ- of backbone resolution is necessary to account for the char-
ously mentioned intermediate level force fields in several acteristic conformational properties underlying secondary
ways. First, by improving on full amino acid specificity it protein structure. As far as reducing the number of degrees of
provides a more detailed free energy landscape. Second, pro- freedom is concerned, this high resolution is regrettable, as
tein folding is quantitatively probed by comparing our MD the backbone is represented almost atomistically. Indeed,
simulations with experimental data instead of the lowest en- models that do not require the CG protein to represent local
ergy structure that was sampled. Third, after tuning our force structure generally do away with most 共if not all兲 backbone
field with respect to one protein 共in terms of tertiary structure beads 共e.g., Ref. 16兲. However, here we explicitly aim at a
reproduction兲, others are tested to understand how reliable model that is capable of finding secondary structure by itself.
this procedure is. Fourth, an important design criterion for This is, for instance, necessary in applications where this
our model is its ability to sample extended conformations. structure is known to change 共e.g., misfolding, spontaneous
By requiring a balanced proportion between ␣-helical and aggregation兲 or not known at all.
␤-extended conformations, our model aims to avoid a bias
B. Parameter values
toward any particular secondary structure. Finally, we moni-
tor the aggregation of small peptides 共into ␤-sheets兲 to test Geometric parameters were taken from existing peptide
whether a realistic aggregation scenario in the long-time and models9,18,19 and are reported in Table I. Even though the
large length-scale regime can be achieved. spatial arrangement of the beads was fixed beforehand, the

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235106-3 Generic coarse-grained protein model J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

TABLE I. Bonded interaction parameters used in the model. The dihedrals denoted with an asterisk were determined during parameter tuning 共see Sec. IV兲.
All parameters are expressed in terms of the intrinsic units of the system. k represents the interaction strength of Fourier mode n 共see main text兲, with
equilibrium value ␸0. ␻pro refers to the ␻ dihedral around the peptide bond for a proline residue. The sign of the improper dihedral angle ␸0 is linked to the
chirality of the isomer; the L form requires a negative sign. For each angular potential, only a single mode n was used.

Bond lengths

NC␣ C ␣C ⬘ C ⬘N C ␣C ␤

r0 共Å兲 1.455 1.510 1.325 1.530

kbond 共E / Å2兲 300 300 300 300

Bond angles

NC␣C␤ C ␤C ␣C ⬘ NC␣C C ␣C ⬘N C⬘NC␣

␪0 共deg兲 108 113 111 116 122
kangle 共E / deg 兲2
300 300 300 300 300


␾ⴱ ␺ⴱ ␻ ␻pro Improper
k 共E兲 ⫺0.3 ⫺0.3 67.0 3.0 17.0
n 1 1 1 2 1
␸0 共deg兲 0 0 180 0 ⫿120

van der Waals radii were left as free parameters. Following free parameters as low as possible, such that judicious tuning
the abovementioned references, C␤ was set at the location of by hand is still a viable option. We will see below that it is
the first carbon of the side chain 共hence our nomenclature兲, also successful. While optimization of side chain parameters
directly connected to the backbone. Its location will gener- will remain a long term goal, this is certainly not the point
ally not coincide with the center of mass of the atomistic side where to start.
chain 共which for larger and flexible side chains has no fixed Finally, amino acids that are in the middle of a protein
position with respect to the backbone兲, but the concomitant chain form peptide bonds with their neighbors. This is not so
substantial reduction in tuning parameters is necessary for at the ends of the chain, and the structure is slightly different.
our parametrization scheme, as we will see below. Nonetheless, we model the end beads identically.
All side chain beads have been given the same van der
Waals radius, except for glycine, which is modeled without a
C. Units
side chain. This accounts for the biggest difference in the
Ramachandran plot of amino acids, namely, the large flex- All lengths are measured in units of L, which we choose
ibility of an achiral glycine residue, as opposed to the sub- to be 1 Å. For the energies we found it convenient to relate
stantial chiral sterical clashes between all the others.25 On the them to the thermal energy, since it is this balance which
other hand, it does not represent the size differences between determines the overall protein conformation. We thus define
nonglycine residues and will thus likely cause problems if the energy unit E = kBTr = 1.38⫻ 10−23 J K−1300 K ⬇ 4.1
packing issues are important, e.g., inside globular proteins. ⫻ 10−21 J ⬇ 0.6 kcal mol−1 as the thermal energy at room
Both the location and the size of the side chain are thus temperature.
modeled in an approximate and highly simplified way. Why Masses will be measured in the unit “M,” which is the
not be more sophisticated? Since these degrees of freedom mass of a single CG bead. We will assume all beads to have
are accounted for, one might as well give them the best pos- the same mass. An amino acid weighs on average 110 Da. By
sible parameter values. Ideally this is indeed what one would distributing mass equally among the four beads N, C␣, C␤,
like to do, but the catch is that the necessary tuning is very and C⬘, this gives an average mass of M ⯝ 4.6⫻ 10−26 kg.
difficult. Having 20 different amino acids gives—in the The natural time unit in our simulation is ␶ = L冑M / E.
worst case—203 = 8000 local Ramachandran plots for the Using the length, energy, and mass mappings from above, we
共␾ , ␺兲 angles between three consecutive amino acids. These find ␶ ⬃ 0.1 ps. This unit of time correctly describes the in-
would first need to be determined atomistically and then— stantaneous dynamics of a fictitious CG bead-spring system
via some suitable matching procedure—translated into CG 共e.g., it leads to a value of the instantaneous velocity and
side chain properties. Clearly, many obvious simplifications associated kinetic energy that satisfies the equipartition theo-
would be possible and the task is not nearly as daunting. The rem兲. However, it is crucial to understand that it does not
number of free parameters would nevertheless be substan- measure the time which the real protein system requires to
tially increased and their tuning would require both auto- undergo the same conformational changes as observed in the
mated techniques and enormous computing resources. In simulation. The reason is that the reduction in degrees of
contrast, in the present model we aim to keep the number of freedom removes friction 共smoothes the free energy land-

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235106-4 T. Bereau and M. Deserno J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

scape兲 and speeds up the motion through phase space. Trans- Vdih共␸兲 = kn关1 − cos共n␸ − ␸n,0兲兴, 共2兲
lating ␶ into a reasonable measure for actual dynamics re-
quires the determination of the associated speedup factor, with coefficient kn and phase ␸n,0. In our model we represent
which is typically accomplished by mapping an easily ob- the peptide bond using only one minimum 共n = 1兲 centered
servable dynamic process between the experimental system around the trans conformation. In this case ␸0 ⬅ ␸1,0 is the
and the CG simulation 共such as diffusion兲. However, in the equilibrium orientation of the dihedral and k ⬅ k1 is the stiff-
case of the conformational dynamics of proteins the identifi- ness describing deviations from the equilibrium angle. For a
cation of a suitable dynamic process is much less obvious. peptide bond located right before a proline residue, we
We defer this task to future work. It should be recalled that model the isomerization by a dihedral potential with two
as far as equilibrium questions are concerned the precise minima 共n = 2 , k ⬅ k2兲, one at the cis conformation and the
time mapping is, of course, irrelevant. other one at trans. This allows for a more natural represen-
tation of the different conformations proline can take. De-
pending on the problem one is interested in, the energy bar-
rier can be tuned to either freeze the isomerization or set to a
low value to allow efficient sampling. We chose the latter in
A. Bonded interactions this work. This choice will of course affect the kinetics of the
The local structure is constrained by bonded interactions.
The central carbon C␣ not only links the backbone to the
Bonds and angle potentials are chosen to be harmonic:
side chain; its sp3 hybridization imposes a tilted orientation
Vbond共r兲 = 21 kbond共r − r0兲2 , 共1a兲 of the C␣C␤ vector compared to the NC␣C⬘ plane. Its four
bonds are located at the vertices of a tetrahedron, linking the
Vangle共␪兲 = 21 kangle共␪ − ␪0兲2 . 共1b兲 backbone atoms N and C⬘, as well as the C␤ side chain and
an extra hydrogen 共not modeled by us兲. This has an impor-
The spring constants kbond and kangle are set high enough to tant consequence, because a carbon atom with four different
keep these coordinates close to their minimum 共within substituents is chiral and hence optically active. All amino
⬃5%兲. Table I reports these parameters. acids except glycine exist as two different stereoisomers. The
Up to thermal fluctuations bonds and angles are thus L form is realized in native amino acids: looking at the cen-
fixed. Flexibility of the overall structure enters through the tral carbon C␣, with the hydrogen atom pointing away, the
dihedrals, the possibility to rotate around a chemical bond. In isomer has L form if the three other substituents C⬘, C␤, and
the case of proteins, two out of three backbone dihedrals are N are arranged in a counterclockwise fashion 共“CORN
very flexible and are responsible for the diverse set of local rule”兲. This amino acid chirality is a central feature in pro-
conformations. These dihedrals are the ␾ and ␺ coordinates, teins and their secondary structure, and we account for it by
defined by the sets of beads C⬘NC␣C⬘ and NC␣C⬘N, respec- including an “improper dihedral” between the beads
tively 共see Fig. 1兲. They describe the angle between two NC␣C⬘C␤. This keeps a tilt between the backbone plane,
planes 共e.g., ␾ is the angle between the planes C⬘NC␣ and NC␣C⬘, and the plane intersecting the side chain with two
NC␣C⬘兲 and obey the following convention: taking any four backbone beads, C␣C⬘C␤, such that all angles are correct and
beads 1, 2, 3, and 4 and looking along the vector from bead the CORN rule is satisfied. The interaction has the same
2 to bead 3, the angle “0” will correspond to the conforma- form as other dihedrals, given by Eq. 共2兲. The two stereoiso-
tion in which beads 1 and 4 point into the same direction mers only differ in the sign of the dihedral equilibrium angle
共i.e., when they visually overlap兲. The rotation of plane 1, 2, ␸0 and can thus both be modeled.
3 with respect to plane 2, 3, 4 away from this state defines
the angle; the counterclockwise sense counts positive. Be-
B. Nonbonded interactions
cause the potential of rotation around the bond between
sp3-and sp2-hybridized atoms has a rather low barrier com- Probably the biggest challenge in any coarse graining
pared to thermal energy at room temperature, we let the scheme is determining the nonbonded interactions. Unlike
beads rotate freely. However, we will later include a contri- bonded interactions, their form is not intrinsically obvious
bution to the coordinates ␾ and ␺ accounting for an effective and the system behavior depends very sensitively on them.
nonbonded dipolar interaction 共see below兲. In the following section every interaction introduced will
The third dihedral along the backbone chain, ␻, defined require at least one free parameter that has to be determined
by C␣C⬘NC␣, is located at the peptide bond 共see Fig. 1兲. This by tuning. The key technical difficulty of this enterprise is
bond corresponds to the rotation around two sp2-hybridized that all parameters are typically highly correlated. Optimiza-
atoms, which involves a symmetric potential with two tion is thus an intrinsically multidimensional problem and we
minima, separated by a rather high barrier. The two confor- therefore intend to limit the number of free parameters as
mations, cis and trans, have angles of 0° and 180°, respec- much as possible. While one might envision “hands-off” tun-
tively. The cis conformation tends to be sterically unfavored ing schemes in which optimization occurs in an automated
for most amino acids, except for proline where there is no fashion,26 for the present problem we found this difficult to
specific preference due to its special side chain linkage. implement for two reasons: First, parameter variations often
Generally, dihedrals can be written as a Fourier series in have a rather inconspicuous impact on target observables,
the rotation angle. Here we will restrict to a single mode and and the determination of the right gradient in parameter
describe the interaction as space thus can require very substantial computer time. And

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235106-5 Generic coarse-grained protein model J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

second, some optimization aims are hard to quantify in num- Miyazawa and Jernigan analyzed residue-residue con-
bers and rather require judgment and choice—e.g., the ques- tacts in crystallized proteins. By modeling interactions via
tion how one balances the quality of a local Ramachandran square-well potentials, they obtained interaction strengths
plot against global folding characteristics. While we are ⑀MJ
ij for every i-j pair of residues. We reduced the resulting
aware of several obvious extensions and improvements of 20⫻ 20 interaction matrix further by deconvolving it into 20
our present model that would ultimately benefit from such interaction parameters ⑀i 共one for each amino acid兲, which
automated fine-tuning, this is not the point where we wish to approximately recreate all interactions as the geometric mean
start. of the two amino acids involved, ⑀MJ 冑
ij ⬇ ⑀ij = ⑀i⑀ j, following
the Lorentz–Berthelot mixing rule. Each term is then normal-
1. Backbone ized,
Steric interactions are closely linked to secondary and
tertiary structures for two reasons: first, local interactions ⑀i − mink ⑀k
⑀i⬘ = , 共4兲
along the protein chain will shape the Ramachandran plot; maxk ⑀k − mink ⑀k
second, contact between distant parts of the amino acid chain
will determine protein packing on larger scales. In order to such that the most hydrophilic residue has a weight of 0 and
model a local excluded volume, we use a purely repulsive the most hydrophobic a weight of 1, and the normalized
Weeks–Chandler–Andersen 共WCA兲 potential interaction contact is denoted ⑀⬘ij = 冑⑀i⬘⑀⬘j . Finally, we multiply

Vbb共r兲 =
冦 4⑀bb 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册

, r ⱕ rc ,
冧 共3兲
this term by the overall interaction scale ⑀hp. One limitation
in varying the interaction strength of a Lennard-Jones poten-
tial is that a low ⑀⬘ij will tend to flatten out the repulsive part
0, r ⬎ rc , of the interaction. This will, as a result, fade the excluded
where rc = 21/6␴ij and ␴ij is the arithmetic mean between the volume effect for certain side chain beads, which is likely to
two bead sizes involved, following the Lorentz–Berthelot exacerbate packing problems in dense regions. To overcome
mixing rule. Just like the bead sizes, the energy ⑀bb is a free this issue and keep the same excluded volume for all side
parameter, though we use only one parameter for all chain beads, we model the overall interaction by using a
backbone-backbone and backbone–side chain interactions, Lennard-Jones potential for the attractive part linked to a
since for the WCA potential the energy scale is largely im- purely repulsive WCA potential for smaller distances. We
material. Following the practice in atomistic simulations, we join the two potentials at the minimum value of the interac-
do not calculate excluded volume interaction between beads tion in such a way that both the potential and its first deriva-
that are less than three bonds apart. tive are continuous. Overall, the interaction will have the
following form:
2. Side chain interactions

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
Amino acids differ in their water solubility. This can be

冦 冧
quantified experimentally by measuring the partitioning of ␴ C␤ 12
␴ C␤ 6

residues between water and a hydrophobic environment 4⑀hp − + 共⑀hp − ⑀⬘ij兲, r ⱕ rc ,

r r

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
共e.g., Ref. 27兲. The ratio of densities of a residue in the two
environments can be translated into a free energy of transfer = ␴ C␤ 12
␴ C␤ 6

from one medium to another. Hydrophobicity is one promi- 4⑀hp⑀⬘ij − , rc ⱕ r ⱕ rhp,cut ,

r r
nent cause for certain amino acids to attract. However, there
0, r ⬎ rhp,cut .
are other reasons why residues interact 共e.g., charges or hy-
drogen bonds between side chains兲 and this combination can 共5兲
be probed by statistical analyses of residue-residue contacts
in proteins.28–32 One then arrives at a phenomenological in- Relative 共un-normalized兲 coefficients ⑀i were calculated by
teraction energy between any two residues A and B that de- minimizing the expression
pend on the number of close AB contacts that are found in a
pool of protein structures. This mean-field approach 共it aver- N
ages over all neighboring contacts兲 not only contains infor- ␹ = 2
兺 ␹2 ,
N i,jⱖi=1 ij
mation on the relative hydrophobicity of amino acids but
also partially incorporates effects coming from additional in-
teractions 共e.g., salt bridges or side chain hydrogen bonds兲. where ␹ij = ⑀MJ 冑
ij − ⑀i⑀ j, N is the number of matrix coefficients
In the absence of explicit solvent we represent this phenom- 共210 independent elements in a 20⫻ 20 symmetric matrix兲,
enological cohesion by introducing an effective attraction 共of and the sum goes over all such elements. The normalized
standard Lennard-Jones 12-6 type兲 between C␤ side chain coefficients ⑀i⬘ that were obtained by simulated annealing
beads, whose strength is mapped to such a statistical analysis followed by proper scaling 关Eq. 共4兲兴 are reported in Table II.
of residue-residue contacts. Specifically, we used Miyazawa Let us quantify the quality of our deconvolution and the
and Jernigan’s 共MJ兲 statistical analyses28 to extract a relative suitability of our amino acid specific hydrophobic strength
attraction strength between residues. To translate this into an ⑀i⬘. Recall that the correlation coefficient c between two data
absolute scale, one additional free parameter ⑀hp is needed. sets 兵Xi其 and 兵Y i其 is defined as

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235106-6 T. Bereau and M. Deserno J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

TABLE II. Normalized scale of amino acid hydrophobicities ⑀i using the Lorentz–Berthelot mixing rule for the cross terms, as well as relative and absolute error, ⌬⑀i and ␹ij, from the diagonal elements of the MJ matrix n
冉 冊冉 冊
1 Xi − X̄ Y i − Ȳ
c= 兺

n i=1 ␴X ␴Y

where n is the number of data points in each set, X̄ and Ȳ are
their averages, and ␴X and ␴Y are their standard deviations,
respectively. Our inferred 210 ⑀ij values and their original


ij counterparts have a correlation coefficient of 98%, which


decreases by only three points when comparing the MJ ma-

trix to the normalized interaction contacts ⑀⬘ij. Moreover, the

20 individual values ⑀i as well as the ⑀i⬘ have an 87% corre-


lation with the experimental hydrophobic scale measured by

Fauchere and Pliska.27 Since the MJ matrix accounts for

more than hydrophobicity, this further drop in the correlation

coefficient is expected. However, its still relatively large

value suggests that the hydrophobic effect is the dominant


contribution to the MJ energies. This is the reason why we

refer to the interactions 共5兲 summarily as “hydrophobicity.”
The fitting procedure gave a ␹2 value of 0.064, which trans-

lates into an average relative error ⌬⑀ = 0.25 between coeffi-

cients along the diagonal of the MJ matrix, where this devia-

tion is defined by ⌬⑀ii = ␹ii / ⑀MJ ii . Even though most


coefficients did not deviate more than 15% from the MJ

matrix, lysine, the most hydrophilic residue, is off by a factor

of 4. Various sets of parameters with a comparable ␹2 value


showed equivalent correlation properties, even though devia-



tions were located on different amino acids. This rules out


the hypothesis of a systematic failure of our N2 → N decon-

共see text for definition兲. Note that the side chain of glycine 共marked with an asterisk in the table兲 is not modeled.


It is possible to account for solvent effects in even fur-


ther detail, for instance, by including the layering of water

molecules around the solute into the effective potentials.33 In

our attempt to develop a simple force field and only keep a


few important aspects of protein interactions and in view of

the approximation already made, we decided against such

local details.

3. Hydrogen bonds

Since our model does not contain any electrostatics, it is

necessary to model hydrogen bonds implicitly as well. The

interaction depends on the relative distance and orientation


of an amide and a carbonyl group. A real amide group is

composed of a nitrogen with a hydrogen, whereas the carbo-

nyl group has a carbon double-bonded to an oxygen. The


hydrogen bond is favored when the N, H, and O atoms are

aligned. Several interaction potentials for hydrogen bonding

have been proposed in the literature.11,18,19,34–36 For its sim-


plicity and corresponding CG mapping, we follow Irbäck et

al.18 by using a radial 12-10 Lennard-Jones potential com-

bined with an angular term,

Vhb共r, ␪N, ␪C兲

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册

␴hb 12
␴hb 10
= ⑀hb 5 −6
r r

再 冎

cos2 ␪N cos2 ␪C , 兩␪N兩,兩␪C兩 ⬍ 90 ° ,

⫻ 共8兲
0, otherwise,
⌬⑀ii 共E兲

where r is the distance between the two beads N and C⬘, ␴hb
␹ij 共E兲
⑀i 共E兲

is the equilibrium distance 共Table III兲, and ␪N is the angle

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235106-7 Generic coarse-grained protein model J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

TABLE III. Nonbonded interactions. The length ␴ represents the diameter 5. Dipole interaction
of a bead. Most parameters were determined after parameter tuning, except
the ones denoted by an asterisk. See Sec. IV. The interactions described above were sufficient to fold
and stabilize ␣-helices but not ␤-sheets. Chen et al.22 pointed
Backbone excluded volume out that there is an important contribution usually neglected
␴N 共Å兲 ␴C␣ 共Å兲 ␴C⬘ 共Å兲 ⑀bb 共E兲 in generic models: carbonyl and amide groups at the peptide
bond form dipoles that interact with each other. Mu and
2.9 3.7 3.5 0.02 Gao34 showed that the nearest-neighbor interaction is enough
to favor ␤ over ␣ content. Effectively, all dipoles along a
helix are parallel compared to more favorable antiparallel
␴C␤ 共Å兲 ⑀hp 共E兲 rhp,cut 共Å兲
neighboring dipoles on a ␤-sheet.
5.0 4.5 10ⴱ From a computational standpoint, a dipole-dipole inter-
Hydrogen bonding
␴hb 共Å兲 ⑀hb 共E兲 rhb,cut 共Å兲 ⑀dd
Vdd共pi,p j兲 = 关pi · p j − 3共pi · r̂兲共p j · r̂兲兴, 共9兲
4.11 ⴱ
6 8 ⴱ r3

between two dipoles pi and p j at a distance r from each other

formed by the atoms HNC⬘ and ␪C corresponds to the angle is inconvenient because it is long ranged. However, nearest-
NC⬘O 共Fig. 2兲. The main motivation for using a power of 10 neighbor dipoles are all separated roughly by the same dis-
instead of 6 in the Lennard-Jones potential is a narrower tance, as all amino acids have the same backbone geometry.
confinement of the hydrogen bond length. Since our model All dipoles also have the same magnitude, as they are formed
does not represent hydrogens and oxygens, these particle po- from the same atoms. Therefore, the key component of the
sitions were calculated via the local geometry of the back- interaction lies in the relative orientation between dipoles
bone. Any NC⬘ pair can form a hydrogen bond, except if N and not on their magnitude or relative distance. Successive
belongs to proline, since its side chain connects to the pre- dipoles therefore capture the orientation of the local back-
ceding amide on the backbone. The hydrogen bond leads to bone geometry. Two neighboring dipoles will effectively
one more free parameter, its interaction strength ⑀hb. measure the angle difference between the two planes
⬘ NiC␣,i and C␣,iCi⬘Ni+1, where the index keeps track of
the amino acid involved 共see Fig. 1兲. As the effect is com-
4. Electrostatics pletely localized and only affects the conformation of the
amino acid backbone, we treat this interaction as a bonded
There is no explicit treatment of side chain charges in
one by effectively biasing the dihedral potentials of ␾ and ␺.
the force field. Specifically, we do not model the interaction
To do so, we first calculated Eq. 共9兲 for all combinations of
between charged residues. However, this piece of informa-
dihedral angles with a 5° resolution. The result is plotted on
tion is partially included in the MJ matrix, as the method is
the upper part of Fig. 3. The 共sterically forbidden兲 central
based on statistical analysis of residue-residue distances. The
part of the plot was removed to emphasize local differences
electrostatic interaction involved between two charged resi-
in allowed regions.
dues will be implicitly sampled, and its effect reflected in the
In order to be efficient, the potential should decouple
interaction coefficient. Nevertheless, an explicit treatment of
along the two coordinates, i.e., it must be expressible as a
charged residues would allow one to look into properties that
sum U共␾ , ␺兲 ⯝ U共␾兲 + U共␺兲. We use a single cosine function
depend on the environment’s pH or ionic strength. For a
centered around ␾ , ␺ = 0 with identical amplitude along both
solution that has a high salt concentration 共e.g., under physi-
coordinates to approximate the neighboring dipole potential
ological conditions兲, ions are able to screen most of the elec-
共Fig. 3, bottom兲. Higher modes in the series have shown to
trostatics, such that a Debye–Hückel potential would be ap-
be negligible:
propriate to model this interaction. By compensating for the
difference in binding energy for all the coefficients involved,
Vdip共␾, ␺兲 = kdip关共1 − cos ␾兲 + 共1 − cos ␺兲兴. 共10兲
one could disentangle charge effects from the MJ matrix.
This, however, has not been done in the present model. The value of the optimally tuned free parameter kdip is re-
ported in Table I. The discrepancy between the plots is due to
Cα the enforced decoupling of the two coordinates ␾ and ␺.
Cα 1
1 1
C’ Even though the final result looks rather inaccurate on the
θC whole domain of the function, it nevertheless recreates the
one important effect of the interaction: the ␤ region is more
1 N favored than the ␣ region 共see labels in Fig. 3兲. Moreover,
H the quality of the fit should only be tested along the physi-
cally relevant domains of the Ramachandran plot, most no-
tably the ␣ and ␤ regions. In this sense, Eq. 共10兲 makes for a
FIG. 2. Schematic figure of the hydrogen bond interaction. The light beads
共H and O兲 are not explicitly modeled in the simulation; their positions are good approximation of the dipole interaction and is enough
inferred from their bonded neighbors. to recreate the physics that favors ␤ regions.

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235106-8 T. Bereau and M. Deserno J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

180 0.06 TABLE IV. Table of free parameters in this CG model. The main test that
β was used to determine a given parameter is denoted in the second column.
120 0.04
Free parameters Tuning method
60 0.02
␴N , ␴C␣ , ␴C⬘ , ␴C␤ , ⑀bb Ramachandran plot
0 0

⑀hp , ⑀hb , kdip Folding characteristics

α -0.02

-120 -0.04
the “training set” would incorporate more information, pre-
-180 -0.06
-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180 sumably leading to a better founded force field. There exist
φ various successful parametrization schemes that rest on large
ensembles of data.37,12,38 This, however, needs to be balanced
against the need to test how reliable a given force field
180 0.06
handles proteins that were not part of its training set—a point
120 β 0.04 we deemed more relevant.
Table IV lists the eight free parameters that need to be
60 0.02
determined. Because of time constraints and to obtain some
0 0 intuition and feeling of each interaction involved, we made a

α point of having our model tunable by hand, which is why we

-60 -0.02
required the number of free parameters to be as low as pos-
-120 -0.04 sible. As explained above, this is the main reason why we
decided against amino acid specific bead sizes. Adding even
-180 -0.06 more free parameters, on top of being time consuming,
-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180
φ would make it difficult to obtain a consistent set of param-
eters that would correctly describe both local and global con-
FIG. 3. 共Color兲 Map of the nearest-neighbor dipole-dipole interaction for all formations. Different bead sizes would involve different Ra-
sets of dihedral angles ␾ and ␺ 共top兲 and the decoupled Fourier series machandran plots, and all backbone parameters would need
approximation 共bottom兲. The central part of the upper plot was not repro-
duced in order to emphasize local difference in other regions of the plot 共as to be consistent throughout.
can be seen in Fig. 4, this anyway is a sterically hindered region兲. Sterically The free parameters were tuned by trying to constrain
favored regions of the plot are circumscribed by a thick line, in addition to parameter space as much as possible, for instance, by elimi-
labels of ␣ and ␤ regions. The two graphs were shifted and scaled for nating unphysical behavior 共e.g., sterically hindered ␤ region
in the Ramachandran plot or too much helicity in secondary
structures兲. Combining both local and global tests was
IV. PARAMETER TUNING enough to settle for a satisfying set of parameters using the
constraint that the dipole interaction strength was maxi-
There are various ways CG force fields can be param- mized. Even though this may sound arbitrary when looking
etrized. For instance: only allowing nonbonded interactions for a realistic ␣ / ␤ content ratio, it turned out to be very
between native contacts 共Gō-type models兲,15 partitioning difficult to use ␤ structures as tests because they are so
measurements of amino acids between water and a hydro- weakly stabilized. Indeed, we have found that the final set
phobic medium,16 structure-based coarse graining based on point is still not strong enough to fully stabilize ␤-sheets
all-atom simulations,4 and knowledge-based potentials which during folding events 共see below兲. This shows that maximiz-
intend to optimize parameters by using large pools of exist- ing the dipole interaction strength in this model does not lead
ing structures.12 to oversampling of ␤ content but merely sampling as much
Parameter tuning in top-down CG models aims at repro- extended conformations as possible before the force field
ducing a selected subset of structural or energetic system cannot stabilize helical structures anymore. Other simple
properties. Since these parameters tend to be correlated, a tests can be used to exclude regions of parameter space. For
given set needs to be tested at all scales. In our force field, example, a hydrogen bond interaction that is too strong will
local conformations are tuned to reproduce probability dis- lead to proteins that fold into one long helix. Too strong
tribution functions of dihedral angles, which by a slight ex- hydrophobic interactions will collapse proteins into globules,
tension of standard terminology we also called Ramachan- even native elongated helical structures. Bead size param-
dran plots 共see Sec. IV A兲. Large-scale 共global兲 properties eters were initially taken from other CG models 共e.g., Refs.
are targeted by studying folding events of a helical peptide 9, 18, and 19兲 and tuned as little as possible to recreate
共see Sec. IV B兲. The final set of parameters was identified as enough sampling of ␣ / ␤ content while suppressing sterically
the one we felt most capable in reproducing properties on hindered regions.
both levels. The physical conditions 共temperature, density, As for any physical system, the representative sampling
etc.兲 of the force field will be set by the systems we try to of its phase space is prerequisite to obtaining accurate ther-
match. modynamic information. Different schemes have been devel-
Note that on the global level we tune our parameters oped to characterize and estimate the population of thermo-
using only one protein. Of course, adding more proteins into dynamic states.39–42 In the present case, thermodynamic

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235106-9 Generic coarse-grained protein model J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

calculations were performed by combining parallel 180 5

tempering43 with the weighted histogram analysis method 4.5
共WHAM兲.44–46 The main idea is to combine energy histo- 4
grams from canonical simulations at various temperatures in 60 3.5
order to reconstruct the density of states of the system. The 3
0 2.5

information contained in these histograms is used to calcu-
late a consistent set of free energy differences between simu- 2
-60 1.5
lations. Converging these free energies was done by using a
recently developed highly efficient algorithm.47 Once the -120 1
density of states is reconstructed, one can obtain continuous 0.5
approximations to all thermodynamic observables. By com- -180 0
bining WHAM with parallel tempering, we effectively im- -180-120 -60 0 60 120 180
prove sampling by reducing correlations between data
180 5
A. Local conformations: Ramachandran plot
120 4
60 3.5
The Ramachandran plot48 records the occurrence and
frequency of successive 共␾ , ␺兲 angles in a protein. Since 0 2.5

backbone flexibility is almost exclusively due to these two 2
coordinates, the Ramachandran plot is an ideal reporter of -60 1.5
local 共secondary兲 structure: ␣-helices and ␤-sheets belong to 1
peaks in different regions of the plot. And since proteins are -120
highly constrained systems, low energy points on the Ram- -180 0
achandran plot are rather well localized. Their accurate sam- -180-120 -60 0 60 120 180
pling is therefore prerequisite to the formation and stabiliza- φ
tion of reliable structures on larger scales. In the following
we will be concerned with the 共thermal兲 distribution of the FIG. 4. 共Color兲 Free energy plots of tripeptides Gly-Gly-Gly 共top兲 and Gly-
Ala-Gly 共bottom兲 as a function of successive dihedrals ␾ and ␺, calculated
共␾ , ␺兲 angles surrounding some particular amino acid and, in at our reference temperature T = 1E / kB. The coloring represents the free
a slight stretch of standard terminology, also refer to this energy difference with the lowest conformation, in units of kBT.
probability density as a Ramachandran plot.
The free parameters that most directly constrain the Ra- tween the two regions are crucial for protein folding. This is
machandran plot are the different bead sizes tuned by the bead sizes and excluded volume energy but also
共␴N , ␴C␣ , ␴C⬘ , ␴C␤兲 and, to a lesser extent, the excluded vol- depends on the dipole interaction kdip 共see below兲. The
ume energy prefactor ⑀bb. We disentangled hydrogen bond achiral glycine, on the other hand, has no side chain and
and hydrophobicity effects from the Ramachandran plot by permits many more conformations. One therefore often finds
studying systems made of only three amino acids. From a glycine residues at the ends of helices.
steric point of view we only distinguish between glycine and A particular challenge was the fact that we model neither
nonglycine amino acid, by either not having a side chain the amide-hydrogen nor the carbonyl-oxygen explicitly, yet
bead at all 共Gly兲 or by using a generic bead representing the their steric effects strongly shape the Ramachandran plot.49
19 other amino acids 共Ala, for the sake of concreteness兲. It is This required subtle adjustments of the bead sizes of the N
then sufficient to study the two Ramachandran plots of Gly- and C⬘ atoms compared to their conventional van der Waals
Gly-Gly and Gly-Ala-Gly tripeptides, the smallest systems radii.
that contain relevant information on successive dihedral A poor sampling of local conformations can thwart the
angles ␾ and ␺. The reason why we surround the amino acid formation of realistic secondary structure. Moreover, the
of interest with two Gly is to avoid hydrophobic interactions relative weight of characteristic regions of the Ramachan-
between neighboring side chains. As a result, we solely dran plot determines to a large extent the ␣ / ␤ content. Even
probe steric effects. The Ramachandran plots derived from though the analysis of abovementioned tripeptides accounts
the final set of parameters are shown in Fig. 4 as free energy for steric effects and the dipole interaction, it does not con-
plots obtained from using parallel tempering at temperatures sider hydrogen bonds and side chain interactions which are
kBT / E 苸 兵0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 2.2, 2.5其 and reconstruct- also important to stabilize secondary structure. For this rea-
ing the density of states with WHAM. The free energy plot is son it is difficult to ascertain the quality of conformational
calculated at our reference temperature kBT / E = 1. The shad- distributions without studying larger structures.
ing represents the free energy difference with respect to the
B. Folding of a three-helix bundle
lowest conformation, in units of kBT. Notice the inherent
asymmetry in the Gly-Ala-Gly system, which reflects the In this section we study full size proteins to parametrize
chirality of the ␣-carbon. Both ␣-helix 共⫺60°, ⫺60°兲 and large-scale interactions. We used proteins found in the Pro-
␤-sheet 共⫺60°, 130°兲 regions are well populated, in agree- tein Data Bank that were resolved experimentally in aqueous
ment with Ho et al.49 Proper balance and connectivity be- solvent.

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235106-10 T. Bereau and M. Deserno J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

TABLE V. Structure and amino acid sequence of all proteins studied in this paper.

PDB ID Structure Sequence












a four stranded ␤-sheet SAGNLEGGRLILQRR



Our choice of reference protein is constrained by the and the integration started by warming up nonbonded inter-
limitations of our model. For instance, salt or disulfide actions to relax high energy steric clashes. We used parallel
bridges cannot yet be represented and should thus play no tempering for all simulations to avoid kinetic traps. Struc-
role in the reference protein either. Also, it was important to tural observables were measured at kBT = 1E, the temperature
start with a simple structure rather than a globular protein for at which the force field was tuned. Simulations were set at
which packing and cooperativity are more important. Fol- eight different temperatures: kBT / E 苸 兵1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
lowing Irbäck et al.18 and Takada et al.,19 we also tuned our 1.4, 1.6, 1.9, 2.2其. MC swaps between different temperatures
force field on a three-helix bundle. Direct comparisons with were attempted every 10␶; the average acceptance rate was
their models are difficult, though. First, these authors do not around 10%. We tested convergence to a global minimum by
incorporate specificity on every amino acid and only repre- checking that different initial conditions consistently equili-
sent a few amino acid types 共e.g., hydrophobic, polar, gly- brate to the same structure. A combination of thermodynamic
cine residue兲. Second, they only compared their simulations and kinetic studies 共see below兲 will allow us to show two
to the lowest energy structure found during the simulation important features. First, the temperature used for parameter
rather than experimental data. In contrast, we use the de novo
tuning, kBT = 1E, is below the folding temperature T f of
protein 2A3D 共73 residues兲 and systematically compare our
2A3D, above which the unfolded conformation becomes the
results with the real structure resolved experimentally 共using
most stable state. Second, kBT = 1E is above the glass transi-
NMR兲.50 The amino acid sequence is given in Table V. A
tion temperature Tg, below which the energy landscape be-
similar protocol was followed by Favrin et al.20 in order to
comes very rugged and creates severe kinetic traps. It was
study a different three-helix bundle 共1BDD兲.
A first attempt in tuning parameters consisted of simu- indeed possible to observe folding events in conventional
lating proteins starting from their native structure. Testing for 共i.e., not using parallel tempering兲 simulations within this
stability is a rapid means to constrain parameter space but range of temperature.
not sufficiently so as to actually determine their values. This Quantitative comparison between the CG and the experi-
is consistent with the picture of a deep funnel-like free en- mental structures can be made by calculating the root-mean-
ergy landscape:6 the free energy minimum of a native state is square deviation 共RMSD兲 between corresponding ␣-carbons
sufficiently deep compared to unfolded states that a folded on the two chains 共after optimal mutual alignment兲. Figure 5
protein is very stable against force field parameter variations. reports the RMSD of a protein in the lowest 共kBT = 1E兲 rep-
Further tuning was therefore mainly achieved by studying lica of a parallel tempering MD run as a function of time,
folding events using a set of trial runs with different param- using the RMSD trajectory tool within the VMD package.51
eters. Observation of three-dimensional structures with VMD These results were obtained with the parameters reported in
共Ref. 51兲 was well suited to characterize simulations. The Tables I–III. The average error between the equilibrated
software was also used to render protein images in this paper. simulation and the NMR structure is around 4 Å after about
Folding was studied in the following way: The only in- 100 000␶ and at kBT / E = 1, temperature at which the native
put into our simulations was the sequence of amino acids and conformation represents the free energy minimum. A super-
the temperature. The initial conformation 共determined by the position of the simulated structure with the experimental one
collection of dihedral angles ␾ and ␺兲 was chosen randomly, is shown in Fig. 6. The STRIDE algorithm52 was used to as-

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235106-11 Generic coarse-grained protein model J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

16 25

14 kB T = 1.3 E

Free energy F [E]

RMSD [Å] 10 15 kB T = 1.2 E

kBT = 1.1 E
4 5

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0
Time t [1000τ ] 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Order parameter Q

FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 RMSD of the CG proteins 2A3D 共full line兲 and 1P68
FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 Free energy profile as a function of a nativeness order
共dashed line兲 compared with experimentally resolved structures. Both simu-
parameter Q below 共T = 1.1E / kB兲, at, and above 共T = 1.3E / kB兲 the folding
lations were run at T = 1E / kB. temperature T f = 1.2E / kB.

sign secondary structure. Overall the conformation is very

well reproduced considering that we have a resolution of mations 共in which not all three helices have properly formed兲
only four beads per amino acid and that no a priori knowl- occur for Q ⱗ 0.5. It should be noted that all three curves in
edge of secondary/tertiary structure was provided to the force the graph have been calculated by using the same reference
field. Helix regions had formed at the right place, and amino point, meaning that the vertical shift between curves ac-
acids were arranged in order to bury hydrophobic beads be- counts for the free energy difference in going from one tem-
tween the three helices, away from the implicit solvent. perature to another. The folding temperature is close to
To characterize the stability of this protein, we also per- 1.2E / kB. To make sure the model is also able to sample this
formed thermodynamic calculations using WHAM and par- important part of phase space in conventional simulations,
allel tempering at the temperatures k BT / E we provide a stability run at the folding temperature starting
苸 兵0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.9, 2.2其. By recon- from a random conformation. It can be seen that the system
structing the density of states, we can estimate the folding repeatedly switches between folded and unfolded states and
temperature kBT f ⯝ 1.2E, the point at which the folded and roughly spends as much time in either one 共Fig. 8兲.
unfolded states are equally populated. This gives a measure In 13 out of 15 independent parallel tempering simula-
of the stability of the system: below T f the native state is the tions the protein folded to the native state at a temperature
most likely conformation. In Fig. 7, we plot the free energy T = 1E / kB. However, the folding time varied substantially be-
below, at, and above the folding temperature as a function of tween different simulations. The kinetics of folding of this
the nativeness order parameter Q as introduced by Takada et protein was studied by running conventional simulations at
al.19 It measures the distance rij between pairs i and j of C␣ various temperatures. For each temperature kBT / E
beads between the NMR data and CG simulations: 苸 兵0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2其 we ran ten simulations and

冓 冋 册冔
measured the average time it took to fold the protein to its
1 NMR CG 2 native conformation, if it ever did in the time scale of the
Q = exp − 共r − rij 兲 , 共11兲
9␴2 ij ij simulation 共2 ⫻ 106␶兲. The results are reported in Fig. 9.
Temperatures 0.7E / kB and 0.8E / kB did not yield a single
where the average goes over all pairs ij. The folded confor-
folding event, suggesting the onset of glassy behavior.6,53
mation lies in the basin Q ⲏ 0.6 whereas all unfolded confor-
The glass transition temperature Tg can be estimated follow-
ing a simple pragmatic scheme suggested by Socci and
Onuchic:53 it is the temperature where the mean folding time
is the average of the minimum folding time ␶min 共lowest
point in the graph兲 and the largest time scale one is willing to


Order parameter Q





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time t [106 τ ]
FIG. 6. 共Color兲 Equilibrated structures of 共a兲 2A3D and 共b兲 1P68 sampled at
T = 1E / kB. Superposition of simulated structure 共opaque兲 with experimental FIG. 8. 共Color online兲 Conventional 共i.e., not using parallel tempering兲
data 共transparent兲 is displayed. The STRIDE algorithm 共Ref. 52兲 was used simulation of 2A3D at T = 1.2E / kB. The nativity parameter Q is plotted
for secondary structure assignment 共thick ribbons represent ␣-helices on the against time. The protein alternates between folded 共Q ⲏ 0.6兲 and unfolded
figure兲. conformations 共Q ⱗ 0.5兲.

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235106-12 T. Bereau and M. Deserno J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

2000 were achieved by using a Langevin thermostat with friction

Average folding time tf [1000τ ]

constant ⌫ = ␶−1. The temperature was expressed in terms of
1500 the intrinsic unit of energy, E. The force field is parametrized
in order to reproduce a temperature of T = 300 K. The inte-
1000 gration time step used for all simulations is ␦t = 0.01␶.


A. Folding
0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
Temperature T [E/kB] All simulations mentioned from this point onward have
not been part of the parameter tuning training set. They come
FIG. 9. 共Color online兲 Kinetic studies of the 2A3D three-helix bundle CG
protein. The average folding time t f is plotted against temperature. For tem- out as independent checks and features of the force field.
peratures ranging from T = 0.7E / kB to T = 1.2E / kB, about ten simulations Thermodynamic and kinetic studies were not performed for
were run and we measured the first passage time to the native state. The line the different proteins of this section. Here, we study the equi-
represents the average between the minimum folding time and the time scale
of the simulation. This can be used to estimate the glass transition tempera-
librium conformations of various sequences at a temperature
ture 共see text兲. of kBT / E = 1, which lies between Tg and T f for our reference
protein, 2A3D. In this respect, we expect to avoid glassy
invest in the simulation, ␶max 共highest boundary in the behavior for similarly complex proteins whose native state is
graph兲: ␶g = 共␶min + ␶max兲 / 2. This average time is plotted as a folded.
horizontal line in the graph. One can then estimate what In order to test the folding features of the model, we first
temperature this folding time corresponds to 共Fig. 9兲. In our studied another de novo three-helix bundle, 1LQ7. Even
case, we can safely assume that Tg ⬍ 0.9E / kB, meaning that though the fold is very similar to 2A3D, it has 67 amino
the protein does not experience glassy behavior when simu- acids and a completely different primary sequence. Also, the
lating at our reference temperature T = 1E / kB. Moreover, native structure, obtained from NMR,56 has the opposite to-
combining results from thermodynamic calculations and ki- pology 共clockwise兲 compared to 2A3D. From ten indepen-
netic studies shows that there is a range of temperatures Tg dent parallel tempering runs, 300 000␶ long each, one of
⬍ T ⬍ T f in which the system is not experiencing glassy be- them did not fold within this amount of time 共helices formed
havior but is still “cold” enough such that the native state is but did not arrange properly兲. Out of the nine remaining
the most stable conformation. structures, five folded consistently to the native clockwise
Irbäck et al.18 as well as Takada et al.19 reported a de- topology 关Fig. 10共b兲兴 and four to the other one 关Fig. 10共a兲兴. It
generacy in the CG structures of their helix bundles: there should be noted that this sequence had been designed such
are two ways three helices can pack 共see Fig. 10兲, and their that its native structure leads to favorable salt-bridge
models were not able to discriminate the two different ter- interactions.56 As we do not incorporate electrostatics 共and
tiary structures. NMR experiments on 2A3D found a ratio thus salt bridges兲 explicitly, we expect the CG model to have
between clockwise and counterclockwise topologies of sev- difficulties in discriminating between the two tertiary struc-
eral percentage, leading to a free energy difference of a few tures.
kBT at room temperature.54 From 15 independent simulations In order to further probe the folding features of different
we ran, one of them did not fold within 300 000␶, and 13 ␣-helical rich folds, we studied a four-helix bundle, 1P68,
converged to the NMR structure—a counterclockwise topol- consisting of 102 amino acids.57 Even though the secondary
ogy 关Fig. 10共a兲兴; only one had the other topology 关共illustrated structure is overall rather similar to the abovementioned
in Fig. 10共b兲兴. While it is encouraging to see that our model three-helix bundle, the tertiary structure and amino acid se-
is able to distinguish these topologies, it is not guaranteed quence are completely different. Again, the reference struc-
that this will work equally well for other proteins. ture is taken from experimental data.57 From six independent
V. SIMULATION DETAILS parallel tempering runs, each 600 000␶ long, our force field
successfully folded the protein into a four-helix bundle for
MD simulations were performed with the ESPRESSO every simulation except one, which did not have time to
package.55 Simulations in the canonical ensemble 共NVT兲 properly align its fourth helix. The RMSD is shown in Fig. 5
for a simulation which converged to the right topology. As
can be seen, the RMSD went below 4 Å, which, again, is
very satisfactory considering the level of resolution and the
complete absence of structure bias in the force field. It
should be noted that what appears as large fluctuations on the
graph are actually frequent MC swaps between replicas of
the parallel tempering ladder. Even though their potential
energies are comparable 共which is the reason why they swap
temperatures兲, their structures are fairly different, as can be
seen on the RMSD plot. Just as in the three-helix bundle
FIG. 10. Schematic figure of the two possible topologies in forming a three-
helix bundle. 共a兲 The native fold of protein 2A3D corresponds to a counter- case, this protein can fold into several different topologies.
clockwise topology and 共b兲 that of 1LQ7 is clockwise. Out of the five simulations which converged to a four-helix

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235106-13 Generic coarse-grained protein model J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

bundle tertiary structure, two of them represented the NMR 3500

topology. RMSD values for other topologies ranged between 3000

Specific heat CV [kB]

5 and 8 Å. A snapshot of the equilibrated structure is shown
in Fig. 6共b兲.
Also a second de novo four-helix bundle was used to test 2000
the force field. Even though the tertiary structure resembles 1500
the abovementioned 1P68, the amino acid sequence of 2JUA
is completely independent 共though it also has 102 amino 1000

acids兲 and the topology is different. Out of three independent 500

0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
runs, all of them successfully folded in a four-helix bundle Temperature T [E/kB]
structure within 600 000␶ by comparing qualitatively the CG
protein with the NMR structure.58 However, none of them FIG. 11. 共Color online兲 Specific heat of 15 GNNQQNY peptides in a cubic
box of size of 41 Å. The peak around T = 0.95E / kB separates a low tempera-
converged to the right topology. ture phase, rich in high-␤ content aggregates, from a high temperature phase
Our model has proven very efficient in finding the equi- where no aggregates form.
librium conformation of various helical structures, up to
small deviations, and independent of their tertiary structure
共i.e., number of helices兲 or sequence of amino acids. The fact sampled when simulating more dilute systems. Initial con-
that none of these proteins was part of the parameter tuning figurations were chosen randomly, and we ran parallel tem-
strongly indicates that our CG model captures important as- pering simulations at temperatures k BT / E
pects of protein physics. 苸 兵0.7, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2其 for 500 000␶ each.
The limits of the model were reached when simulating We used WHAM to calculate the specific heat of the system
globular proteins, such as 1R69 共Ref. 59兲 and 1K8B.60 The 共Fig. 11兲. A clear peak occurs between lower temperatures,
chain collapsed into a molten globule, but the arrangement of with formation of long-range fibrillar structures 共Fig. 12兲,
secondary structures 共collections of ␣-helices and ␤-sheets兲 and higher temperatures where the system mostly samples
was not accurately reproduced, leading to an incorrect ter- random coil monomers.
tiary structure. This suggests a missing sufficiently deep free At lower temperatures, where aggregation occurs, we
energy minimum, most likely due to the limitations of the mostly observe parallel sheets over antiparallel. Interestingly,
CG model in terms of cooperativity and realistic packing this is in agreement with the study of Gsponer et al. and
共recall that all side chains have the same bead size兲. The could be due to the hydrophobic interactions of the
RMSD values did not drop below 10 Å. C-terminal tyrosine. To test this, we performed single point
Stabilizing a single ␤-hairpin in small proteins is diffi- mutations in order to create a symmetric sequence. In this
cult because this relies on very weak interactions. We simu- case parallel ␤-sheets also turned out to be more stable than
lated the de novo 1K43 peptide for 300 000␶. It consists of antiparallel ones, which is unexpected since antiparallel
14 residues and forms a ␤-hairpin in water.61 Our model is ␤-sheets are generally believed to be lower in free energy.25
not able to stabilize it. The simulation shows a high tendency One possible explanation is that the model is lacking elec-
to form an ␣-helix, where 40% of all conformations are he- trostatic interactions at the N and C termini of the chains,
lical, whereas only 2% are extended 共␤-sheet-like兲. However, which will favor antiparallel sheets, as the two ends have
the CG model can successfully fold a designed ␤-hairpin, opposite charges.
sequence V5DPGV5, which contains a D-proline in order to These parallel GNNQQNY ␤-sheets also have the ten-
sterically favor hairpin formation.62 This peptide has been dency to align within a plane, with the C termini facing each
recently characterized using atomistic63 and structure-based other. This evidently results from the attraction between the
CG simulations.64 C-terminal tyrosines, the most hydrophobic amino acid in
this peptide.
To show that their force field was not biased toward
B. Aggregation
Gsponer et al.65 recently reported atomistic simulations
of small aggregation events in water. Heptapeptides GN-
NQQNY from the yeast prion protein Sup35 were shown to
form ␤-sheet aggregates. These authors did a quantitative
analysis of the number of 2 and 3 aggregates in the system at
room temperature.
We studied the abovementioned scenario by simulating
15 identical peptides in a box of size of 40 Å, without match-
ing density with the atomistic run. Indeed, while Gsponer et
al. simulated their system in a restricted sphere of 150 Å
diameter and applying forces to constrain the system in the
center, we set periodic boundary conditions in a cubic box.
Even though this represents a rather dense system in order to FIG. 12. 共Color兲 Snapshot of a typical cluster that forms by peptide aggre-
drive aggregation, we checked that similar structures were gation in the low temperature phase 共T = 0.8E / kB兲 of Fig. 11.

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235106-14 T. Bereau and M. Deserno J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235106 共2009兲

aggregation, the authors also simulated a water-soluble con- and kinetic studies when the structure is not known, not well
trol peptide SQNGNQQRG and found a difference in the defined, strongly perturbed from the native state, or adjusts
amount of ␤-sheets formed. We compared the phase behav- during aggregation events.
ior of GNNQQNY and SQNGNQQRG by using WHAM on
both sequences but did not find statistically significant differ- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ences over the studied temperature range. This suggests that We thank Zunjing Wang, Christine Peter, Cem Yolcu,
some of the details necessary to distinguish the thermody- and Bill DeGrado for valuable discussions and useful com-
namics of these two peptides are too subtle for our force field ments.
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