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Read the article and choose the correct gist meaning for each paragraph 1–8.

Shooting Scotland
Early morning on the top of Stac Pollaidh in the West Highlands of Scotland: there was drama
everywhere I looked. The cold sunshine catching the snow on the summit of the mountain; the
pale sea around the Summer Isles contrasting with the cobalt water in the lochs; the hollows of
the land, formed 10,000 years ago by the glaciers of the last ice age.

On an autumn photography course with the acclaimed landscape photographer Colin Prior, it
soon became clear that camera skills are only one aspect of a great image. Details such as the
play of the light and the way the landscape changes through the seasons are equally important.
‘Where’s the colour? What emotionally grabs you?’ he shouted through the wind.

With 30 years experience of shooting in the Highlands, Prior is a perfect guide. ‘The Assynt
area of the Highlands is one of my favourite places,’ he says. ‘For me what defines this region is
its ancient quality.’ The rock we were standing on is some of the oldest rock on the planet,
formed three billion years ago.

Prior prefers to shoot the area between autumn and early spring (October to April). The sun
makes a lower arc in the sky, allowing him to avoid the flat sunlight of the summer months. The
risk of ‘lively’ weather does not put him off.

There were nine of us on the course and we’d come up from London on the Sleeper train. Prior
met us on the icy platform at Inverness station in the middle of a blizzard. The snow lessened as
we drove to Ullapool, but we were still happy to spend the afternoon on an indoor tutorial.

Prior showed us a sequence of photographs showing powerful images of landscapes. ‘What can
you tell me about these images?’ he asked. He paused and then continued: ‘They were taken
with a phone camera. It’s not about the size of your equipment or how much it costs. It’s about
seeing the picture.’

The ice was broken. Prior is famous for his work with a Panoramic lens but he designed the
course for novice photographers – like myself – with basic equipment, as well as dedicated
amateurs and more experienced professionals.

As he took us through the pictures, he explained the elements that made each one so striking. A
central theme was composition. Prior urged us to simplify the graphics in our shots, to ensure
the subject has clean, sharp edges. He showed us the way light and shade can be used to create
three-dimensionality. His advice will be useful far beyond the realm of shooting landscape,
improving any camera phone snap or social networking site profile.
Paragraph 1
It was surprising that it wasn’t colder. There were exciting views in all directions.

Morning was the best time to enjoy the scenery.

Paragraph 2
Several factors affect taking photographs. Light and colour are most interesting during
autumn. Landscape photography can be an emotional challenge.

Paragraph 3
Prior is the most experienced guide in the Assynt region. Prior feels the Assynt region
is characterised by its great age.  Prior claims that the Assynt region contains the world’s

largest rock.

Paragraph 4
It is unusual to look for images during the winter period. Winter’s changing weather
provides many opportunities for images.  The light conditions in winter enable more

interesting images.

Paragraph 5
More people would have come if the weather had been better. Due to the cold
conditions, the group spent the first day inside.  The overnight train was the best way to

reach Ullapool. 

Paragraph 6
An effective image doesn’t depend on particular equipment.  Excessively sophisticated
equipment is a waste of money. Basic equipment encourages you to see strong images.

Paragraph 7
Prior focused the course on the needs and interests of beginners. The course included
guidance about using panoramic lenses.  The course was designed for people with various

levels of knowledge.

Paragraph 8
Prior’s clear explanations about photography will have long-lasting value. Prior
described how graphics improve three-dimensionality in photographs. Prior showed that

landscape is the most rewarding kind of photography.

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