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Eating Disorders

Bulimia nervosa

Causes Consequence Possible solution

Bulimia is a psychological Electrolyte imbalances The primary treatment for
eating disorder in which that can lead to bulimia often combines
you have episodes of irregular heartbeats psychotherapy,
binge eating (consuming a antidepressants, and
and possibly heart
large quantity of food in
failure and death. nutritional counseling.
one sitting).
Eating Disorders

Anorexia nervosa

Causes Consequence Possible solution

The exact causes of anorexia Liver problems No medications are approved to treat
nervosa are unknown. Gallstones anorexia because none has been
However, the condition Slow metabolism found to work very well. However,
sometimes runs in families; Osteoporosis antidepressants or other psychiatric
young women with a parent or Heart disease medications can help treat other
sibling with an eating disorder Kidney problems mental health disorders you may also
are likelier to develop one Dehydration have, such as depression or anxiety.
themselves. Muscle wasting

Eating Disorders

compulsive eating

Causes Consequence Possible solution

The exact cause of eating disorders A shrinking in the overall size of For food addiction recovery, it
is unknown. As with other mental the brain, including both gray will take a lot of willpower and
illnesses, there may be many and white matter. An adverse
sacrifice to overcome it. It may
causes, such as: Genetics and effect on the emotional centers
of the brain may lead to
take weeks or months, but you
biology. Certain people may have
genes that increase their risk of depression, irritability, and have to believe in yourself to
developing eating disorders. isolation. overcome this.

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