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Portfolio in Lasallian Spirituality

Submitted to:

Dr. Bernaldo P. Eres

Submitted By:

Jose Eduardo M. Sicangco V

December 20, 2021


Profile of the Respondent

Name: Michaela A. Galusong
Age: 22 years old
Address: Caridad Subdivision, Brgy 3, La Carlota City
Contact #: N/A
Academic Achievement: College
Work: N\A

Narrative Report
In this time of pandemic, we are forced to stay inside of our homes which

cause us to think of ways how we can cope up with boredom and passiveness.

Many of our fellow Filipinos gathered and think of an idea that would turn into a

solution that can cure boredom in our homes and that is taking care of different

kind of plants and flowers. Even though buying plants of different and exotic

verities are a bit expensive it can boost our mental and physical health to be

more active and healthy. In this project I am ordered to interview some

plantita/plantito that I know personally. I have a perfect responder Michaela

Galusong which she and her mother taking care of plants before this pandemic

and now in their house they have different verities of plants and flowers that you

cannot find easily. Michaela said it is very helpful to take care of plants in your

garden because it is so therapeutic and helps them to be more active even

though they only stay inside their homes. Michaela states that she is very glad to

be a plantita because having that title to her makes her proud that she is a

protector and cultivator of God’s wonderful creations like plants and flowers.

Being a plantita gives her peace of mind and creating positive vibrations within

herself and her family. Asking her how did she sustain the advocacy work, she

said by having therapeutic intervention with her friends through gardening, it is

also a way of connecting with nature which relieves stress and inspires her to

continue taking care of plants and flowers. It is also her hobby and interest

which makes her happy and calm.







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