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Approval Sheet…………………………………………………………………………………i




1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………...3

1.2 Statement of the Problem…………………………………………4

1.3 Significance of the study…………………………………………………5

1.4 Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………………………6

1.5 Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………..7



2.1 Local Studies……………………………………………………………………………….7

2.2 Foreign Studies……………………………………………………………….8

2.3 Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………………..10



3.1 Research Method…………………………………………………………………………………………………..11

3.2 Population and Sample of the Study…………………………………………...11

3.3 Data Collection Instrument……………………………………………………………………11


4.1 Data Analysis and Interpretation………………………………....12


5.1 Summary………………………………………………………………………………………….23

5.2 Conclusion……………………………….23

5.3 Recommendation…………………………………………………………………………………………….23



1.1 Introduction

The K-12 Program implementation started on batch 2011-2012, and the first batch

of students to go through K-12 will graduate in March 2018. The K-12 Program is found to

be adequate period for learning under basic education and its distinction requirement of

professionals and non-professionals in our country and in foreign Asian or Non-Asian

countries. It offers a balanced approach to learning that will enable children and students

to acquire, know and learn more skills in different fields of education taking up the

vocational and later professional degree courses.(Ma. Araceli Bello Verjom)

The number of educated is now decreasing because of the different circumstances

that they face during the days that they are trying to step up in their lives. A survey from

the DepEd shows that out of 100 students studying in elementary, only 80 of them will

graduate and those 80 students may be deducted and will become 50-60 students to go to

high school. In 50 students, there might only be 30 of them can only proceed to college and

only a few of them can finish college and/or masteral degree courses.(Ma. Araceli Bello


The K-12 program of the government will allow students to having mastery of

competence and enable them to cope up with the lessons. The curriculum are enriched to

the local needs of students to be responsive to choose specialization that will suit their field

of interests. The present curriculum offers a more balanced approach that students may

acquire and master their life long interests and Learning skills for livelihood income

approaching 21st century. With the K-12 education also help graduated students the skills

needed in the labor market and prepare responsibilities and opportunity to be accepted

and work to the skills they acquired.(Ma. Araceli Bello Verjom)

After finishing the K-12, particularly in the senior year of schooling, graduates are

awarded certificate of competence and national certificate showing of proof allowing them

to have middle level skills and will be offered a better opportunity to be employed and later

become young entrepreneur.(Ma. Araceli Bello Verjom)

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This research aim to answer the general problem:

1. What are the factors affecting the student’s decision in choosing their strand?

Specifically, this study sought to answer to the following questions:

1. What is the best choice students can make in choosing their strand?

2. Why is it important for students in choosing the right strand before they go to

senior high?

2. In what way can the factors affect the decision making of the students in choosing

their strand?

1.3 Significance of the study

Our research study can do a huge change to very individuals, professionals and

under pro. It can help them to be aware and sensitive in any issues that can affect their

decision making for them to be careful and wise in this kind of phenomena.

This research will provide the importance of choosing the right or desire strand and

it’s decent if they are the one who choose a specific strand so that they don’t have

drawback to comprehend the subjects. This study will benefit the teachers, students,

parents and future researchers.

To the students, it can give advice and also awareness that there are many things

that can bother and confuse their minds in the process of their decision making.

To the teachers, it can open their minds that can face this top point of their lives

which is the decision making and every action and words can affect on it.

To the parents, this study will help them understand, appreciate and support the

skills and abilities of their children and not to put much expectations on them.

To the future researchers, our study can leave a moral values not just study or a

research we conduct it to help others to open their minds and spread awareness so we

hope that we gave concrete ideas for them to be guided in their future research study.

1.4 Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted last December. Junior High School Students, we will

choose ten (10) students each sections from Grade 10 Jericho, Grade 10 Judah, Grade 10

Jerusalem, and Grade 10 Jordan at Jarmmeth College Inc. are the respondents on this

research. We choose this level as our respondents because of the upcoming senior high.

Beside, we study at Jarmmeth College Inc. as the Grade 11 students.

Questionnaire- is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose

of gathering information from respondents. It was invented by the Statistical Society in

London in 1983.

Notwithstanding- It’s a close meaning of ‘’ nevertheless’ or ‘in spite of this” it can also

serve as a conjunction.

Descriptive- it is a pattern of narrative development that aims to make vivid a place,

object, character, or group. It is one of the four rhetorical modes, along with exposition.

Sought- attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something), ask for (something) from

someone and attempt to find (something)

Bibliography- it is a list of sources used when writing a scholarly article or paper or a list

of books or articles of an author has published on a specific subject.

Public School- a school that is maintained at public expenses for the education of the

children of a community or district and the constitutes a part of a system of free public

education commonly including primary and secondary school.

Private school- is a school which is not supported financially by the government and

which parents have to pay for their children to go to.

K-12 program- K-12 for kindergarden to 12 th grade, is an American expression that

indicates the range of years of supported primary and secondary, which is similar to



Review of related literature and studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-

depth search done by the researchers. The K-12 program offers a decongested 12- year

program that gives students sufficient time to master skills and absorb basic competencies

(K-12 Philippines, 2015).

2.1Local Studies

Opportunity may influence how students have perceived their future in terms of the

reasonable probability of a future in particular career fields. Personality plays important

role in the choosing of the right career (Splaver 2000). Parental support and

encouragement are important factors that have been found to influence career choice

(Taylor et al 2004). External influences that help to shape an individual’s career choice are

also influenced by significant others through social support from peers. People around

contribute a lot in one’s decision-making (Pummel, Harwood and Lavalle,2008).

Occupational aspirations are a reflection of one’s self-concept. People seek

occupations that (a) arc congruent with their self-image and (b) reflect their knowledge of

different occupations. This theory describes that students become attracted to certain

specialization selection. Students tend to choose jobs that are compatible with their

personality. In the study of Siguan Jr., (1994) as cited in Sonsona (2012) self-concept was

also found significant on the choice of specialization of students. Another is Holland’s

theory of career choice suggested that people can function and develop best and find jobs

satisfaction in work environments that are compatible with their personalities. People tend

to choose a career that is reflective of their personality. Holland (1994), suggest that the

closer the match of personality. Holland (1994), suggested that the closer the match of

personality to job, the greater the satisfaction. Holland’s theory places emphasis on the

accuracy of self-knowledge and career information necessary for career decision making

(Zunker,1994 p.49) as cited in Abernathy (2003).

2.2 Foreign Studies

We all know that choosing your career in life is a big decision. Having and doing a

career that you really love will make a huge impact in your life and you, yourself. An

American self-help author Steve Pavlina wrote an article about the challenge of choosing

the right strand or career. According to him, those people who are conscious and

deliberated in making decision tend to choose the wrong career or strand. So if you feel like

you made a wrong choice of career or strand, it’s definitely fine. “Good choice rarely

happen by accident.”, as Palvina said. Staying in that bad decision can also lead your health

relationship, and life to bad situation. But still, making good decision will most likely be

hard unless you have tried it. If you ever made a mistake, just the same as choosing bad

strand or career, all you have to do is move and forgive yourself. Don’t stay on the situation

but learn from it. Little by little, your decision making will improve.

Decision making is very important in our day to day life because in everything we do

always make decisions. One of the most crucial people to decide are the adolescents

because teenagers are unsteady and can easily believe in what they want, not in what

should they do. The research said that after high school, some students find it hard to

choose what career or strand they will take in senior high and for college, and some took it

easy with not a care in the world as if they were just deciding what candy to buy. Students

who took peer pressure as a consideration in choosing their career mostly have difficulty

getting through senior high and college, while on the other hand, student that pursue their

desired strand with no doubt were able to get graduate with high spirits. So to avoid

having a wrong decision to make, parents must talk with their children is really good at for

them to motivated enough to aim higher. “Continuous life long process of development

experiences that focuses on seeking, obtaining and processing information about self,

occupational and educational alternatives, life style and role options”.

Richard A. Hansen defines career development. He is a researcher from the City

College of the City University of New York, he conducted a study and described career

development among the high school students. Based on his definition, he concluded that

everything we had earned is determined by what we learned and pertain to where we can

apply this skill and because it’s a non-stop process we must possess on how to improve our

lives. Career development affects and influences the career selection of a student and it is

important to know how these factors relevant to the students. Local communities and

institutional factors had generally a negative impact on career choice of the students. “

There are two main factors to consider choosing your senior high school track and strand

in K- 12 program, college plans and availability”. (Gubalane, 2016)


There are lots of factors that affects student’s decision in choosing their strand. The
first THEIRPersonality is important factors in STUDENTS
one is Personality. career choice or strand. Studies
have shown that students will choose a major that they think will fit their personality types.

The second one is influencing people. Family and friends are considered to be influential

part of the student’s choice of major. Parents with an agriculture background most often

have an impact in where students go to senior high and college. The third one is family

business, a student whose parents own and operate small business may want or fell

obligated to follow in their parent’s footsteps. The fourth one is gender. In the past, gender

roles in the work force have been uneven and unfair ( Bronstein and Farnsworth, 1998).

Women and usually had lower playing jobs than me. The fifth one is outside factors. There

are many outside factors that can affect how a young man or women will choose their

career. The environment in which a student grow up plays a vital role in their choice of

career path. If a student grows up in a environment where all young men and women go

straight to workforce as well.



This chapter presents discussion on the research design, description of the subjects,

the instruments used, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment used in this study.

3.1 Research Method

The researchers used the descriptive survey method. Descriptive method is

designed for the investigator to gather information about the present existing conditions, it

involves collection of data in order to test the hypothesis concerning the currents status of

the study.

3.2 Population and Sample of the Study

The respondents of the study were the grade 10 students of Jarmmeth College Inc.,

there are 40 respondents: 10 in Grade 10 Jordan, 10 in Grade 10 Jericho, 10 in Grade 10

Judah and 10 in Grade 10 Jerusalem. The research used pure random probability sampling

in order to give the students equal chances of participation in the study.

3.3 Data Collection Treatment

The method of collecting data used was the normative survey or descriptive survey.

Since the research is a status study, the normative survey was the most approximate

method to be used in gathering data.




56% GAS

QUESTION #1: What senior high strand / specialization would you like to pursue?

We can see here that the most strand they chose was STEM which is 56% and the next

one is ABM 25% who chose this strand, HUMMS strand percentage was 17% and GAS was



7% Parents
26% Parents
Yourself others
48% Guardian

QUESTION #2: Who would decide which track/strand specialization you would pursue in

senior high?

In this chart the most percentage was Yourself which has 48%, the next one is

parents got a percentage of 26%. Guardian got a 19% and others got 7% will decide what

strand to choose.



parents parents
42% yourself
friends friends
2% guardian


QUESTION #3: Who would you turn to for advice about choosing a strand?

We can see that students chose parents to turn for advice and got 42% while the

others chose Yourself which is 30%, next one is guardian who got a 26% and lastly was

friends got a 2% to turn for advice for choosing a strand.





QUESTION: What type of school will you be enrolling in?

We can see that there is a big gap with this two percentage. Grade 10 students chose

Private school which is and Public school chose some students and got a

Figure 5

Yes No
No 47%

QUESTION: Do you think your personal problems can affect your decision in choosing your

strand for senior high?

In this chart the students chose yes because they think that personal problem can

affect the decision in choosing strand and the percentage was 47% notwithstanding

students chose no because personal problems can’t help us to decide what strand to take.




QUESTION: Do you think your decisions can be affected by your friendship?

In this figure we can see that 95% agree that our decision can’t affect our friendship

in addition to 5% of student say that our decision can affect the friendship.

Figure 7



QUESTIONS: Do you think your decision on choosing a particular strand can be affected by your parents?

90% of students say that their decision can’t affect our parents in choosing a preferred track on

the contrary 9% of students say that it can affect our parents in choosing a strand.


Yes No
No 46%

QUESTIONS: Do you ever had a doubts when choosing a strand?

46% student’s said sometimes when choosing a strand was hard and they always

doubted nevertheless 54% students said that they never doubted when they choosing a

strand because they already knew what they really want.



Maybe Maybe

Yes No

QUESTIONS: Do you think the strand that you will be choosing is good for you?

The student’s agree that they chose a right strand and fi with their personality, got a

65%. Some of it answered maybe because they’re still undecided, 25% and No is 10%.



1. QUESTIONS: What are you good at? ( if into reading & writing take HUMMS, if you
think you’re an Einstein in the making, choose STEM, if you want to become a business
leaders and entrepreneurs take ABM, if you are undecided on which strand to take,
choose GAS)

56% of students wants to take STEM strand. 25% of students chose ABM to become a

entrepreneur. 17% of students wants to take HUMMS and 2% chose GASbecause they’re

still undecided.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings this research along with the

conclusions made by the proponents and some recommendations for those who want to

conduct a similar study.

5.1 Summary

With the changes that are needed to be face by our country in terms of educational

curriculum, the researchers have made a move to pursue this study. During the final two

years of high school of the K-12program, the students would be called senior high students.

During this span of time the students would be separated by their tracks. For each track,

they would have different skills to specialize and lessons to learn. These tracks emulate

almost the same way of learning as it is for college. The conducted study aims to determine

the factors of the choice of grade 10 students in choosing their preferred tracks on senior

high school. For this purpose, the study would be able to help the grade 10 students in

choosing their track for senior high school as well as help future counseling services in

terms of giving advices to the students.

The researchers administered a survey using the questionnaire they made, and

validated by their project advisers. These survey questionnaire were what paved the way

to achieving the results of this study. The researchers went to every classroom of the grade

10 students of the Jarmmeth College to conduct their survey with 40 respondents.

1. The research had a total of 40 respondents. Among those respondents 15 students

or 10% of them chose STEM

5.2 Conclusion

On the basis of the foregoing findings, the following conclusions were


1. The factors affecting the students in choosing their preferred track in terms of

Parental Influence, Aptitude, Interest and Environmental Factors all had a

descriptive equivalent of High. This shows that the influence of parents, the aptitude

of the students, their interest and factors that are from their surroundings all play a

big role in the student’s choice for their preferred track in senior high school.

2. Among the indicators, the greatest, factors is the interest of the students. This is

then followed by environmental factors. Next is their aptitude and then the

influenced of their parents.

5.3 Recommendations

Based on the findings and the conclusions drawn from the research, the

proponents offer these recommendations for the following:

1. Students

1.1 The choice of a track should be considered with many other factors, not just

those from the study.

1.2 When choosing a track in senior high school, students should also consider

the relationship of their track and the career they want in life.

1.3 The career plan for students must be made in a continuous manner and

should start from an earlier grade level. This is in order to help the students

to thoroughly identify the track suited for them

2. Parents

2.1 Parents should be also included in the career program development of

students so that they themselves could understand and help the students

choose the best track suited for their child.

2.2 Parents should be very understanding and considerate to be able to give

proper guidance to their children when the time comes for them to choose

their track

3. Teachers

3.1 The educators should provide a quality education that will prepare the

students to face adequately the challenges as they grow up and take the

mantle of leadership in the future.

Name: Age:

Year & Section Sex:.

2. What senior high strand/specialization would you like to pursue?

__ STEM __ABM __ HUMMS __ GAS others if needed:__________
3. Who would decide which track/ strand specialization you would pursue in senior high?
__ Parents __ Guardian __ Yourself __ Friends others if needed:__________
4. Who would you turn to for advice about choosing a strand?
__ Parents __ Guardian __ Yourself __ Friends others if needed:__________
5. What type of school will you be enrolling in?
__ Private __Public
6. Do you think your personal problems can affect your decision in choosing your strand for
senior high?
__ Yes __ no
7. Do you think your decision can be affected by your friends?
__ Yes __ no
8. Do you think your decision on choosing a particular strand can be affected by your
__Yes __ no
9. Do you ever had a doubts when choosing your strand?
__Yes __ No
10. Do you think the strand that you will be choosing is good for you?
__Yes __ No
11. What are you good at? ( if into reading & writing take HUMMS, if you think you’re an
Einstein in the making, choose STEM, if you want to become a business leaders and
entrepreneurs take ABM, if you are undecided on which strand to take, choose GAS)


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