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Digital Signal Processing

Question Answer
The product of two odd signals is:
A) Odd
1 B) Even B
C) Both A and B
D) Zero
The system given by y(n) = x(n) + 1/x(n - 1) is:
A) Linear
2 B) Causal B
C) Both A and B
D) None of these
Which of the following is not a type of discrete system?
A) Recursive systems
3 B) Dynamic systems D
C) Non-causal systems
D) Non-dynamic systems
Which of the following is the characteristic of the power signal?
A) Power signal is infinite.
4 B) Power signals are time-limited. A
C) Aperiodic signals are power signals.
D) None of the above
The Digital Signal Processing system:
A) Consumers more power.
5 B) Consumes less power. D
C) Applicable for low-frequency signals.
D) Both (a) and (c).

The length of the output sequence (n) of the two sequences (n1 and n2) can be
calculated using the formula:
A) n = n1 - n2 + 1
6 B) n = n1 + n2 – 1 B
C) n = n1 - n2 – 1
D) n = n1 + n2 + 1
An analog signal has a bandwidth of 5KHz. If we are using an N-point DFT to
compute the signal spectrum with a resolution less than or equal to 25Hz. Find
the minimum length of the signal.
7 A) 0.2s B
B) 0.04s
C) 0.02s
D) 0s
Which of the following is/are incorrect about the Cascade realization of the
IIR systems?
8 A) It requires less amount of energy. C
B) It is helpful in determining the overall transfer function.
C) The filters in the cascade are connected in parallel.
D) None of the above

Which of the following is/are features of the digital signal processor?

A) It can handle real-time processing.
B) It performs fast processing of arrays
9 C) On-chip registers of the processor cannot store intermediate D
D) Both (a) and (b)

Which of the following bus is used in the Digital signal processor?

A) Program memory bus
10 B) Data memory bus C
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) None of the above
Which of the following form is used for the IIR filters?
A) Direct form-I
11 B) Indirect from-I A
C) Direct form-III
D) Direct form IV.
If x(n) is a discrete-time signal, then the value of x(n) at non integer value of
‘n’ is?
A) Zero
12 D
B) Positive
C) Negative
D) Not defined
The discrete time function defined as u(n)=n for n≥0;u(n)=0 for n<0 is an
A) Unit sample signal
13 B) Unit step signal C
C) Unit ramp signal
D) None of the mentioned

Which of the following is a Dirichlet condition with respect to the signal x(t)?
A) x(t) has a finite number of discontinuities in any period
14 B) x(t) has finite number of maxima and minima during any period D
C) x(t) is absolutely integrable in any period
D) all of the mentioned
When the frequency band is selected we can specify the sampling rate and the
characteristics of the pre filter which is also called as_______ filter
A) analogue filter
15 B
B) Anti aliasing filter
C) Analog and Anti aliasing filter
D) none of the mentioned
A real valued signal x(n) is called and anti symmetric if
A) x(n)=x(-n)
16 B) x(n)=-x(-n) B
C) x(n)=-x(n)
D) none of the mentioned
17 Time scaling operation is also known as__________ A
A) Down sampling
B) Up sampling
C) Sampling
D) None of the above

The function given by the equation x(n)=1,for n=0,x(n)=0,for n≠0 is a______

A) Step function
18 B) Ramp function D
C) Triangular function
D) Impulse function
Resolution is expressed in
A) Bytes
19 B) Bits B
C) Word
D) Nibble
How many common ways are there for implementing and ADC
A) 2 Ways
20 B) 5 Ways D
C) 8 Ways
D) 10 Ways
Other name for data conversion is
A) Flash ADC
21 B) Wilkinson A
C) Sigma delta
D) Ramp compare
The analog signal is ______ in _______
A) Continuous, frequency
22 B) Continuous ,time B
C) Discrete frequency
D) Discrete time
At what condition the digital to analog conversion is made?
A) Va > Vd
23 B) Va ≤ Vd B
C) Va ≥Vd
D) Va ≠ Vd
Which of the following is/are standard test signals?
A) Step
24 B) Impulse D
C) Exponential
D) All of the above

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