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Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Lesson 1: Hebrews Review Part 1

Before you begin each day:

a. Pray asking God to speak to you through His Resident Teacher.
b. Use your Bible only unless otherwise noted.
c. Write your answers & verses you’ve used.
d. “Challenge” questions if you have time & desire.
e. “Personal” questions are to share if you wish.

Day One

1. Challenge: Read through the book of Hebrews. (Try to do it in one sitting). Pick
out a key verse.

2. What was the situation of the believers? Hebrews 10:22-25 and 12:1-2 are clues…
write out the verbs.

3. What do we know about this unknown author’s:

a. faith? Hebrews 2:3-4

b. personal life/desire? Hebrews 13:18-19

c. possible location? Hebrews 13:23-24

4. Why was Hebrews written? Hebrews 13:8,22

5. He wants the people to do what? Hebrews 10:22-25 and 12:1-2

Day Two
1. Personal: II Peter 1 encourages us to grow our faith with the help of the Holy
Spirit. (II Peter 1:5-8) Where have you seen this personally this summer?

2. How have you been encouraged when life has challenged you this year?

Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Day Three
1. Where are we to fix our eyes? Hebrews 12:2

2. How is sin described in 3:13?

3. What do we need to do? Hebrews 2:1

4. Write out a verse of encouragement for yourself from Chapter 4.

Day Four
Describe the recipients of this letter with a phrase from:
1. Heb. 3:1

2. Heb. 2:1

3. Heb. 4:1-2

4. Heb. 5:11-13

5. Heb. 6:9-10

6. Heb. 10:32-33

Day Five
What is an important fact in these key verses for Hebrews?

1. Heb. 3:1

2. Heb. 4:14-16

3. Heb. 7:24-25

4. Heb. 8:1

5. Challenge: Define exhortation (3874 parakiesis) in study helps, or dictionary, etc.

Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Lesson 2: Hebrews Review Part 2

Before you begin each day:

a. Pray asking God to speak to you through His Resident Teacher.
b. Use your Bible only unless otherwise noted.
c. Write your answers & verses you’ve used.
d. “Challenge” questions if you have time & desire.
e. “Personal” questions are to share if you wish.

Day One
Look through the 13 chapters of Hebrews and list six verses of exhortation.

Day Two

1. Personal: Do you have a verse that has been meaningful to you lately? Why?

2. What action do you plan to take this year to grow your faith?

Day Three
The secret of spiritual growth is reading, studying, and applying God’s Word to your life.
1. What can be the result of studying His Word? Ephesians 1:17-18

2. What does Hebrews 13:21 regarding this?

Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Day Four
1. Write the description of God’s Son from Hebrews 1:3-4 (Helps: 541 apaugasma is
translated radiance NASB, brightness KJV, radiance NIV; 5481 charakter is
translated exact representation NASB, express image KJV)

2. Write the description of God from John 14:9

3. What is the warning from Hebrews 12:25?

Day Five
1. Why the need to prove Jesus better than the angels? Hebrews 2:1-2

2. What does Colossians 1:16 say about this?

3. Challenge: Read Hebrews 1-2 and list five important facts you find.

a. ________________

b. ________________

c. ________________

d. ________________

e. ________________
Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Lesson 3: Hebrews Review Part 3

Before you begin each day:

a. Pray asking God to speak to you through His Resident Teacher.
b. Use your Bible only unless otherwise noted.
c. Write your answers & verses you’ve used.
d. “Challenge” questions if you have time & desire.
e. “Personal” questions are to share if you wish.

Day One
Hebrews is a book about “betters” Compare the office of the earthly high priest with the
“better” Jesus as our High Priest. (Hint: Hebrews 4, 5, 8)

Human Priest Jesus

Day Two
Hebrews also makes a comparison between Moses and Jesus in Chapter 3. Read that as
well as Acts 7:1-56 (especially 17-50) and note what you find.

Moses Jesus

Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

1. Why was God provoked with His people? Acts 7:51 (in Stephen’s day and today!)

2. What descriptions of disobedience do you see in I Corinthians 10:1-12?

Day Three
1. Personal: Look up perseverance (4343). Where have you noticed that growth?

2. What verse(s) can your brain use to speak to your will?

3. What “Deadly D” have you battled with armor on?

Day Four
1. Challenge: Hebrews 4:15 shows Jesus was subject to temptation and experienced
it becoming fully capable of understanding and sympathizing with His human
brethren. He felt the full force of temptation. Often we yield before that. Explain
Luke 4:1-13 or Matthew 4:1-11.

2. Write out Luke 22:31 with your name instead of Peter’s.

Day Five

1. Read Hebrews 5:14 with the phrase “believers in Christ” instead of “mature”.
2. What are we to do? Colossians 1:28

3. Look up mature (5076) in or dictionary etc.

Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Lesson 4: Hebrews 8

Before you begin each day:

a. Pray asking God to speak to you through His Resident Teacher.
b. Use your Bible only unless otherwise noted.
c. Write your answers & verses you’ve used.
d. “Challenge” questions if you have time & desire.
e. “Personal” questions are to share if you wish.

Day One
1. What characteristics were needed for Jesus to meet our need? Hebrews 7:26

2. Why are these characteristics necessary? II Corinthians 5:21

3. Personal: Write out I Corinthians 6:19-20 using your name instead of “you, your”.

Day Two
1. Read Hebrews 8:1-13. In verse 1 what fact pointedly shows the greatness of our
Great High Priest?

2. What did Jesus do as our High Priest? Hebrews 8:3

3. What was His gift and sacrifice? John 6:51

4. What was Moses warned of when he was to build the earthly sanctuary? Hebrews
8:4-5; Exodus 25:3-9

5. Why was Jesus’ ministry better? Hebrews 8:6-7

Day Three
1. Read Numbers 16 and describe in one or two sentences the sin of Korah.

Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

2. How did the people feel about approaching the Lord after seeing what had
happened? Numbers 17:12-13

3. How did God instruct Aaron, his sons, and Levites regarding how to protect the
Israelites from His wrath? Numbers 18:1-5

Day Four
1. The Old Covenant was never “bad”; its purpose was good. Now Hebrews says the
New Covenant is superior. Read II Corinthians 3:6-11 to compare new with old.

2. Personal: With the New Covenant we are constantly in the presence of God
through His Spirit within us. Read Corinthians 3:18 and paraphrase this with your
name, or write what this means to you.

3. Hebrews 8:8-12 quotes whom in the Old Testament?____________________

The Israel nation was separated by now to whom does God say He’ll make the New
Covenant with?

Day Five
1. How is the New Covenant different from the Old?

2. What makes the blessings listed in 8:10-11 possible under the New Covenant? 8:12

3. Is this New Covenant available to more than just physical descendants of Abraham?
Matthew 28:16-20; Romans 4:16-17

Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Lesson 5: Hebrews 8-9

Before you begin each day:

a. Pray asking God to speak to you through His Resident Teacher.
b. Use your Bible only unless otherwise noted.
c. Write your answers & verses you’ve used.
d. “Challenge” questions if you have time & desire.
e. “Personal” questions are to share if you wish.

Day One
1. Read Hebrews 8:7-13. Why is the New Covenant better than the Old according to
vs. 10-11?

2. To what Old Testament passage is the writer referring?

3. Read Hebrews 9:1-5. The New Covenant is superior to the Old Covenant in the way
they were worshipping also. What had God set up under the Old Covenant (9:1)

4. How did the author begin to describe the earthly sanctuary that God laid out? (9:2)

Day Two
Summarize the following passages regarding detailed instructions on how to make the
tabernacle and it’s furnishings. (Most of us have re-decorated or made a room or
1. Exodus 25:1-9

2. Exodus 25:31-40

3. Exodus 25:23-30

Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Day Three
1. Personal: What does it mean to you that God went into such detail and ordered the
use of such beautiful, precious materials for the tabernacle and its furnishings?

2. The tabernacle was divided into 2 sections. Describe the first curtain (Exodus 26:36-

3. What was behind the second curtain that divided the tabernacle? Hebrews 9:3

Day Four
1. What items were in the Most Holy Place? Hebrews 9:4

2. Challenge: Briefly summarize Exodus 30:1-10 giving instructions for the golden
altar of incense. Where was it located?

3. Although the golden altar of incense did not actually sit in the Most Holy Place,, it
was connected with the ark of the Testimony (that’s why the author grouped it with
the Most Holy place items.) What is described in I Kings 6:22 when Solomon builds
the temple?

Day Five
1. Summarize the ark of the covenant as in Exodus 25:10-16.

2. Summarize the gold jar of manna from Exodus 16:33-35.

3. Summarize Aaron’s staff that had budded from Numbers 17:1-11.

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Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Lesson 6: Hebrews 9

Before you begin each day:

a. Pray asking God to speak to you through His Resident Teacher.
b. Use your Bible only unless otherwise noted.
c. Write your answers & verses you’ve used.
d. “Challenge” questions if you have time & desire.
e. “Personal” questions are to share if you wish.

Day One
1. Find a picture representation of the tabernacle we’ve begun studying.

2. Summarize the stone tablets from Exodus 31:18; Deuteronomy 9:9-10

Day Two
1. What final item connected with the Most Holy Place does the author mention in
Hebrews 9:5?

2. What do you learn about this from Exodus 25:17-22?

3. Personal: Where do you meet with God daily? when?

4. When the tabernacle was completed, where did the priests do their work? Hebrews

Day Three
1. What were the priests regular duties?
a. Exodus 27:20-21

b. Exodus 30:7-8

c. Leviticus 24:5-9

2. What duty was reserved for the high priest? Hebrews 9:7

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Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Day Four
Sins of ignorance DO matter to God. What attitude should we have about these sins
according to the following verses?
1. Job 6:24

2. Psalm 19:12

3. Psalm 13:23-24

4. Jeremiah 17:9

5. I Corinthians 4:4

Day Five
In order for the conscience to work as God designed it, it must be informed to the
highest moral and spiritual level—and best standards which means submitting to the
Holy Spirit through God’s Word. Write something from:
1. Romans 12:1-2

2. I Timothy 1:19

3. II Timothy 2:15

4. Hebrews 9:14

5. Hebrews 10:23

Personal: How do you regard the sins you commit in ignorance now?

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Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Lesson 7: Hebrews 9

Before you begin each day:

a. Pray asking God to speak to you through His Resident Teacher.
b. Use your Bible only unless otherwise noted.
c. Write your answers & verses you’ve used.
d. “Challenge” questions if you have time & desire.
e. “Personal” questions are to share if you wish.

Day One
1. Read Hebrews 9:8-10. No one had direct access to God. Paul explains the change in
Ephesians 2:14-18. How did Jesus accomplish access for us?

2. How did gifts and sacrifices fall short of fulfilling people’s real need? Heb. 9:9

3. Challenge: Read Leviticus 11 and choose 3 dietary regulations to summarize.

Day Two
Summarize these ceremonial washings:
1. Exodus 30:18-21

2. Leviticus 15:4-13

3. Leviticus 17:15-16

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Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Day Three
1. Personal: What rules/regulations might you be trusting in to clear your conscience?

2. Read Hebrews 9:11-14. How was Christ’s sacrifice superior?

3. What did He obtain? Vs. 12b

4. Find a definition in a dictionary, study help or (G166, G3085)

Day Four
1. After being made righteous by faith in Christ’s sacrifice, how are our daily lives
changed? Heb. 9:14b

2. How does Paul express this in Romans 6:13?

3. We are still under the influence of our sinful nature but what does Paul say in
Romans 6:19?

Day Five
1. Read Hebrews 9:15a and write the result of Christ being the mediator of a new

2. What was our spiritual state when Christ died for us and became this mediator?

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Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

Lesson 8: Hebrews 9

Before you begin each day:

a. Pray asking God to speak to you through His Resident Teacher.
b. Use your Bible only unless otherwise noted.
c. Write your answers & verses you’ve used.
d. “Challenge” questions if you have time & desire.
e. “Personal” questions are to share if you wish.

Day One
1. Read Hebrews 9:15-20. What is necessary for God’s covenant to be effective?

2. What did Moses do first? (19)

3. How did the people respond? Exodus 24:7

4. What is pictured in Exodus 24:6,8?

5. Hebrews has details not mentioned in Exodus 24. Find what ties in with other OT
a. Exodus 12:22

b. Leviticus 14:4-6

c. Numbers 19:6

d. Numbers 19:8

Day Two
1. Personal: How could you have felt listening to Moses and watching him slaughter
the calves and seal the covenant?

2. When the Old Covenant was made, the tabernacle was not yet built. When it was
built, what did Moses do? Hebrews 9:21

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Women’s Bible Study Bethel URC 2017: Hebrews (Part II)

3. What does vs. 22 say about the law given under the first covenant?

Day Three
1. What exceptions were there to the requirement of blood for cleansing?
a. Leviticus 5:11-13

b. Numbers 16:46

c. Numbers 31:22-23

2. Personal: What impresses you regarding OT requirements for purification?

Day Four
1. In Ephesians 5:22-27 what verse do you see a husband in the role of a priest?

2. Why did the “heavenly things” (Heb. 9:23) need to be cleansed?

a. Ephesians 6:12

b. Colossians 1:19-20

3. Where did Christ enter when He finished His atoning work? (vs. 24)

4. What condition of life affects all? (vs. 27a)

Day Five
1. What do these verses say about judgment?
a. Ecclesiastes 12:14

b. Romans 14:11-12

2. What did Christ’s sacrifice accomplish? (vs. 28a)

3. What did Jesus say He’ll be doing? John 14:1-6

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