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Annotated Bibliography Assignment

WRIT200, Humber College

Annotated Bibliography

Civelek, M. E., Cemberci, M., & Eralp, N. E. (2016). The Role of Social Media in Crisis

Communication and Crisis Management. International Journal of Research in Business and

Social Science (2147-4478), 5(3), 111–120.

Summary: The authors' study examines how social media has influenced not only enterprises,

but also other venues where communication is facilitated through social media platforms. There

are tools available to help promote the concept and use of web-based programs that advertise

products via social media. Communication with the external environment is crucial for a

business, even more so during times of crisis. As a result, how firms manage crisis

communication via social media is critical. The purpose of this essay is to give perspectives on

how to manage enterprises during times of crisis in order to minimize loss.

Evaluation: Dr. Mustafa Emre Civelek is an Associate Professor of International Trade at

Istanbul Technical University. He is currently enrolled as a student at Istanbul Commerce

University. He served as the Director of the Ground Handling Services Management in Aviation

Program from 2012 to 2017 and as a board member of the Technologistics Application Research

Center from 2017 to 2019. He teaches e-commerce and foreign trade courses. He holds a

doctorate in business administration from the University of Pennsylvania. Additionally, the

article was published in a peer-reviewed publication, ensuring the piece's information is

reputable. The literature review method was adopted in this study, which meant that numerous

previous publications were cited and analyzed before drawing conclusions. Thus, both the author

and the information are credible.

Reflection: This study helped me in comprehending how social influence has impacted the way

corporate environments communicate and society's perception of organizations. It discusses

social media platforms and their increasing influence on society, particularly in recent years. Due

to the strength and efficacy of social media on businesses and customers, businesses must think

more carefully and strategically than ever before. As a result of a comprehensive review of the

literature, this article clarifies the relationship between crisis management and the usage of social

media in the current business environment.

Schaupp, L. C., & Bélanger, F. (2014). The value of social media for small businesses. Journal

of Information Systems, 28(1), 187–207.

Summary: A firm that is not as huge as some others rely on social media to sell their product

cheaply. A startup business has limited resources and cannot afford to pay for extensive

promotion. Utilizing social media sites enables them to engage with clients and potential

customers via advertising on these platforms without depleting their resources. A major success

aspect for small businesses is their capacity to advertise themselves efficiently and cost

effectively through the reduction or elimination of marketing and sales costs, which social media


Evaluation: Dr. Schaupp is currently employed as a professor at West Virginia University. Dr.

Schaupp is a CFE who specializes in website performance metrics, e-government adoption,

digital forensics, and REA. He has been published in a number of prestigious journals, including

ACM Communications, Journal of Computer Information Systems, and Information Systems

Frontiers. As a result, this demonstrated that the author is extremely knowledgeable in his

profession and that his information can be trusted. Additionally, the article has been peer
reviewed and is mentioned by numerous other authors and this study cited many other studies,

demonstrating the source's credibility.

Reflection: Through this article I learned how small businesses use social media platforms to

sell their products and services, and how doing so helps them save money on advertising and

marketing budgets. The study helps me to understand how social media methods aided small

firms in communicating with their customers. While small firms may first utilize social media

for sales purposes, the findings indicate that they should consider expanding their use to include

marketing, customer support, and internal processes.

Shaw, A. (2018, May 11). Council Post: How social media Can Move Your Business Forward.



Summary: This study underlined the crucial significance of social media in the success of

businesses. With an increasing number of people signing up for and using social networking sites

effectively/regularly. Over the next few years, the social media sector is certain to expand in size.

Because clients connect on to social media on a daily basis and are exposed to businesses, social

media presents great opportunity for businesses. The reach and power of social media are

priceless in business and commerce, where the need to engage and persuade the market is

critical. With the steady collapse of print and radio, social media has surpassed them as the

principal marketing and advertising medium.

Evaluation: Atanu Shaw is currently the Marketing Vice President at Roosterly and has

previously worked with some of the largest publishers in the world, including International

Business Times. Additionally, this article is published on the Forbes timeline, a business
publication in the United States of America. It publishes unique articles eight times a year on

finance, industry, investing, and marketing themes. Additionally, this article included statistical

studies from trusted sources demonstrating how social media is evolving and how it might assist

organizations; thus, this source can be considered credible.

Reflection: Given the article's facts, numbers, and data, I believe it is impossible to reject social

media's influence on the client. Social media has a huge impact on brand awareness and loyalty,

both of which convert into revenue. In comparison to traditional media, social media offers the

advantage of quickly and easily putting your brand in front of consumers. Additionally, it

captures your audience's attention even when they aren't thinking about your brand or your


Tench, R., & Jones, B. (2015). Social media: The Wild West of CSR communications. Social

Responsibility Journal, 11(2), 290–305.

Summary: The goal of this study is to evaluate the difficulties associated with communicating

corporate social responsibility (CSR) using social media. In the past, corporations connected

with their customers through a process known as mass marketing. As with the old west, the

authors assert that this model is antiquated and that the realm of social media is the new sheriff in

town. This article discusses the difficulties inherent in communicating corporate social

responsibility via social media. Social media has been shown to worsen the challenge of

executing a consistent balanced, and fair CSR communication plan.

Evaluation: Ralph Tench is the Director of Research at Leeds Business School and the newly

elected President and Chair of the European Public Relations Research and Education

Association's Board of Directors (EUPRERA). EUPRERA is the preeminent academic

organization dedicated to public relations and strategic communication. Tench's study focuses on

two areas of communication: first, social impact communications, and second, organizational

strategy, behavior, and performance. Additionally, the document reports on research from the

European Communication Monitor, demonstrating that all data evaluated in this study is reliable,

and it cites numerous government websites and scholarly papers, demonstrating the article's


Reflection: This source is pertinent to my research because it demonstrates that, in addition to

the benefits of social media for business communications, there are also negatives to using social

media sites to promote a firm. Several advantages include the fact that they use these sites to

acquire individuals and advertise via mobile devices. The authors believe that the traditional

method of CSR communication is superior to the new method in the modern era. As such, it

makes a case for the traditional method over the use of social media for CSR communication


Venkateswaran, R., Ugalde, B., & T., R. (2019). Impact of Social Media Application in Business

Organizations. International Journal of Computer Applications, 178(30), 5–10.

Summary: Venkateswaran and coauthors did study on the social media impact on businesses as

a result of the introduction of new technology. The advent of the Internet altered the way

businesses engage with potential clients via advertising. Businesses deduce that instead of

spending a fortune on advertising, they have turned to social media platforms such as Facebook,

Pinterest, and Twitter to promote their product or service. Social media marketing has become

critical for businesses for the following reasons: it enables consumers to express their loyalty or
preference for products or services, and it enables customers to demonstrate their loyalty or

preference for services or products.

Evaluation: Venkateswaran and coauthors are PHD degree holders and they have many other

publications in many related journals. The article published in the journal and peer reviewed so

its information is reliable. The article is relatively recent – 2019 – and provides many references

to other works and sources which make this source credible. Moreover, all studies and works

cited in this study are from journal articles and academic sources so we can say that all

information provided is evidence based not biased.

Reflection: I learned about social media's impact on business since the writers included a

synopsis highlighting how the use of social media has altered how customers perceive product

advertising. Advertising on television and in newspapers has evolved. This trend has altered

traditional marketing practices and the way businesses connect with their customers. Social

media advertising has made it extremely simple for users to examine and purchase an item or

product they are interested in utilizing or acquiring.

Yang, S., Lin, S., Carlson, J. R., & Ross, W. T. (2016). Brand engagement on social media: will

firms’ social media efforts influence search engine advertising effectiveness? Journal of

Marketing Management, 32(5–6), 526–557.

Summary: Previously, marketing was conducted by television and, on occasion, direct mail, but

with the advent of the internet, advertising is now conducted via Facebook and other social

media platforms. They are aware that millions of people visit the Facebook site daily and take

advantage of this by promoting their goods on the site in order to increase brand recognition.
Additionally, brand interaction on social media enhances the association between advertisement

rank and the efficacy of search engine advertising.

Evaluation: The study's authors are all Ph.D. holders in the field of marketing. Digital

marketing, branding, social media marketing, the interface between marketing and finance, and

advertising, marketing strategy, are one of the author's research interests. Authors have published

articles in various leading peer-reviewed journals, including Marketing Management, the

International Journal of Hospitality Management, etc. In addition, the author conducted a peer

review of this work and published it in the Journal of Marketing Management. This study also

cited journal articles from reliable sources and several other studies to prove the credibility of

these sources.

Reflection: This article helped me to broaden my views that social media platforms are critical

for businesses seeking to develop their brand through advertising and marketing. Marketing

executives spend a modest percentage of their marketing budgets on social media sites.

Additionally, it demonstrates how they engage with customers via social media, which has

necessitated a greater focus on how these sites enhance brand recognition. The impact of social

media on business communication is discussed in detail in this article. Owners may communicate

and advertise their products more effectively through social media networks.

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