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Torres, Fatima Claire C.

ABM Loyalty
Week 7&8 (Quarter IV)
Principles of Marketing

Written Output:

Why did you choose the product and create a logo of this product?

First of all, it looks like a plate that a flat dish meant for serving one
person’s portion of food. All of us use this in kitchen in order for us to eat
properly every day. Next one is the Eiffel Tower that substitute as “A” in the
Cuisine De Amore. We all know that Eiffel Tower is in Paris and I used this in my
logo because the main dish of our restaurant is France – Filipino food. We
don’t need to go Paris, France for us to taste their food because we will give
you the one of the best dishes that Paris, France will only give. Lastly, the
moon that substitute as “C” in the name of my restaurant. Moon gives us a
chill ambiance and comfort feels every time we stare at it. And Cuisine De
Amore will also give it to you just like the moon in the night sky. When you try
Cuisine De Amore, you can relax while eating your food that you order in us.
We will give you also the best chilling time and place that everyone need
when they are stress and tires. And that’s it! Cuisine De Amore will be the best
relaxation spot that you really need in life.

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