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S3-Assignment 3.

1: My invention
Semana: 3

Nombre del estudiante:

Luis Rodolfo Paz Aguilar

Número de cuenta:

Sede de estudio:
Sede Central SPS

Lic. María Florencia Montes.


Fecha de entrega:
7 de febrero de 2022
To: Inventors Weekly Magazine
From: Luis Paz.

Hello sir editor, I hope you are in good health.

The following letter is to tell you that I have a prototype of an invention that can bring a
great solution to a problem that afflicts many citizens of North America and Europe. I
see how at this time many citizens have problems going to their workplaces for the
reason that there is a lot of snow on their vehicles and this prevents them from traveling,
two years ago I went to New York and observed how many people had this problem and
I thought why nobody has found a solution. Well, from that moment I thought of a water-
based liquid that can melt snow from doors and windows just by spraying it with a spray.
Many of my attempts failed and I couldn't find the right formula, but I finally solved it. I
have the perfect formula and I tested it yesterday in my car and it worked, the snow
melted in seconds.

Do you know someone who can finance my project? because I do not.

If you would be interested in my invention, I could travel tomorrow so that we can put
this excellent invention to the test.

I really hope a positive response from you and we can start this very good project.


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