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The Engineering Department / CBE

Level 5

I will explain one scientific principle for the following failure (discussed in p1.1) that
happen in construction materials:

1) Fracture principles:

 Strain energy:

Strain is defined as the change in dimensions of a

material as a result of an applied stress, but strain
different according to the nature of material
whether it was ductile (like steel) or brittle (like

So, now I will explain the different stages through strain in ductile and brittle material by using
stress-strain diagram:

-Stress-strain diagram of brittle materials-

When brittle material subjected to stress higher

than its withstanding it will break immediately
without deform or passing through any of stages
like ductile material, because it's not an elastic

Student Name: Amira Bashar Al.Nas Page | 7

Submission Date: 12 \ 4 \ 2018
The Engineering Department / CBE
Level 5
-Stress-strain diagram of ductile materials-

When ductile material (like steel) exposed to tension stress, first it can absorb the
stress without changing in dimension because it is an elastic material and that
happen in elastis zone.

by continued stress ductile material reach to the yeilding point and lose its elasticity
and transform to a plastic.

Then the stress continues until the ultimate point (highest stress) then break or
cut off in fracture point.

2) Corrosion principles:

 Wet corrosion:

-It is the oxidation process of metal by the chemical reaction between metallic surface and its
environment, and it is happen when oxygen in the air reacts with metal without the presence of a

Student Name: Amira Bashar Al.Nas Page | 8

Submission Date: 12 \ 4 \ 2018
The Engineering Department / CBE
Level 5
-Dry corrosion is less harmful than wet corrosion and and it take more time to occure, so initially
dry corrosion is not a problem, but as soon as oxidisation starts the corrosion will forms on the
metal surface by time it will limit the
metal performance and its capacity to
withstand stress.

-We can solve this problem by coating the metal with layer of paint to insulate it from oxygen in
the air.

3) Physical and chemical degradation:

 Sulphates effect:

Physical and chemical degradation decay of the substance and its properties as a result of its
interaction with other substance such as reaction of concrete with sulfates.

This problem occurs in the concrete near salt water and sand saturated with salts, also there are
other factors that lead to degradation by sulfates like wind loaded with dust containing salts or
Spray water saturated with salts or the mixture of concrete such as sand, gravel and water
containing a high proportion of salts.

Concrete degrade as a result of the chemical reaction that occurs between the soluble sulfur and
the cement, which leads to weak strength and cracking and fracture and affect the outer parts of
the concrete. Also by time, sulfates reach to the reinforcement steel which increase the damage by
oxidation of steel.


Student Name: Amira Bashar Al.Nas Page | 9

Submission Date: 12 \ 4 \ 2018
The Engineering Department / CBE
Level 5
(A) I will evaluate the way the biological degradation (fungi, insect) occurs in two
timber sample tested in term of:

 Storing condition:

Generally timber is a very sensitive material for weather conditions, especially moisture and
water. so, in storing process if the store conditions was humid so that cause fungi in timber and
increase the probability of degradation by insect especially if timber wasn’t covered or coated by
proper coating and in direct contact with ground.

 Transportation condition / Shipping conditions:

In transportation process there are a big possibility of timber to be degraded by insect and fungi, in
term of, transport the timber in open truck that expose directly to weather conditions like rain and
moisture, also fungi and insect may affect the timber if it wasn't coated.

Also transport the timber in improper way may cause break in timber causing degradation of
timber by insect.

 Duration of storing samples:

The longer duration of timber storage, the greater duration of exposure to different weather
conditions like heat, humidity and rain (if the conditions of the store wasn't appropriate), causing
swelling and bulking of timber due to moisture, and that lead to weakening the timber and
separation in its particles.

In this case, the wood is not only exposed to the risk of degradation of fungi and insects, it also
becomes unsuitable for using in the construction process even after treatment from fungi and
insects due to fractures in it.

Student Name: Amira Bashar Al.Nas Page | 10

Submission Date: 12 \ 4 \ 2018
The Engineering Department / CBE
Level 5
(B) I will evaluate the corrosion occurs in the steel sample and the reason causing the
failure in term of:

 Transportation condition:

If the steel are transferred with low quality, like transporting it by an open truck exposed to the
external weather conditions, or gathering it in bond that cause friction of steel bars with each
other, all previous factors lead to steel corrosion either by weather condition or bad transport.

 Weathering condition affect structural materials:

Steel is a material that affected by thermal moisture conditions, so under moist condition steel
react with oxygen by oxidation that produces rust steel which lead to reduce the thickness of steel
so that lead to reduce the strength, so by time that lead to weakening the structural material.

 The way of storing samples and duration:

The longer steel storage period, the longer exposure to different weather conditions, and the more
damage to the steel, especially if the steel doesn't coated or exposed directly to the wet or humid
weather it will react with oxygen and then transform to a rust steel being inappropriate to be used
in construction process.

Student Name: Amira Bashar Al.Nas Page | 11

Submission Date: 12 \ 4 \ 2018

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