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BSM Unit-1 Questions & Solutions

1(a) What do you understand .by 'Central Tendency'? Name some measures of central tendency. Under what conditions is
the median more suitable than other measures of central tendency?
Sol.: Central tendency is a measure used to describe a set of data that yields information about the center, or middle part of
a group of numbers. Measures of central tendency do not focus on the span of the data set. The measures of central
tendency for data are the mode, the median, the mean, percentiles, and quartiles.
As the median is unaffected by the magnitude of extreme values, it has an advantage of not being influenced by large and
small values in the data. This makes the median often as the best measure of location to use in the analysis of variables such
as house costs, income, and age.
1(b) Find Mean, Median, Mode and variance for the following data.
Profit (Rs..Crores) 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Number of companies 5 12 18 25 30 15 8 7
Sol.: Table 1: Mean, Median and Mode
Profit (Rs..Crores) 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 Totals
No. of companies f 5 12 18 25 30 15 8 7 N= 120
Cum. Frequency F 5 17 35 60 90 105 113 120
Mid-point (x) 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
xf 75 300 630 1125 1650 975 600 595 ∑f x=5950
x-µ -34.58 -24.583 -14.58 -4.583 5.4167 15.4167 25.4167 35.4167
f(x-µ) -172.91 -295 -262.5 -114.6 162.5 231.25 203.333 247.917 ∑f(x-µ) = 0
f(x-µ)2 5980.03 7252.08 3828.1 525.17 880.21 3565.1 5168.06 8780.38 ∑f(x-µ)2=35979.17
Mean µ=∑f x/N = 5950/120 = 49.583, S. D. σ =√ (35979.17/120) = √299.83 =17.3155.
Median Q2 lies at frequency N/2=120/2=60 in class 40-50. Median or Q2= xL+[{N/2-Cp}/f]*h=40+[(60-35)/25]*10 =50.
The modal group (the group with the highest frequency 30) is 50 – 60.
Mode = xL + [(fm − fm-1) / {2fm − fm-1 − fm+1}] × h = 50+ [(30-25)/ {2*30-25-15}] *10= 52.5

2. (a) The following are the daily wages of the workers in a factory. Calculate mean, median, mode and variance of wages.
Wages (in Rs.) 100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 700-800 800-900 900-1000
No. of workers 2 3 12 28 30 12 10 6 4
Sol.: Mean and variance are obtained as in the table below.
Wages (in Rs.) 100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 700-800 800-900 900-1000 Totals
No. of workers f 2 3 12 28 30 12 10 6 4 107
Cum. Freq. F 2 5 17 45 75 87 97 103 107
Mid-point x 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 850 950
xf 300 750 4200 12600 16500 7800 7500 5100 3800 ∑ fx=58550
x-µ -397.196 -297.196 -197.196 -97.1963 2.803738 102.8037 202.804 302.804 402.804
f(x-µ) -794.393 -891.589 -2366.36 -2721.5 84.11215 1233.645 2028.04 1816.82 1611.21 0
f(x-µ)2 315529.7 264976.9 466636.4 264519.2 235.8285 126823.3 411294 550141 649003 3049158.879
Mean=∑ fx/N = Rs. 547.20, σ2 = 28496.81195.
Median Q2 lies in the class with cumulative frequency N/2=107/2=53.5, i.e. in class 500-600.
So, Median or Q2 = xL+[{N/2-Cp}/f]*h =500+[(53.5-45)/30]*100 =Rs. 528.34.
The modal group (the group with the highest frequency 30) is 500 – 600.
Mode = xL + [(fm − fm-1) / {2fm − fm-1 − fm+1}] × h = 500+ [(30-28)/ {2*30-28-12}] *100= Rs. 510/-

2(b) The following is the distribution of height of the people in an industrial area of Bangalore city. Find median and mode
of the data.
Height(in cms) 150-154 155-159 160-164 165-169 170-174 175-179 180-184

Number of persons 3 8 10 32 20 18 9
Sol.: Median and mode are calculated as given below.
Height(in cm) 150-154 155-159 160-164 165-169 170-174 175-179 180-184
Number of persons f 3 8 10 32 20 18 9
Cum. Frequency F 3 11 21 53 73 91 100

Median Q2 lies in the class with cumulative frequency N/2=100/2=50, i.e. in class 165-169.
So, Median or Q2 = xL+[{N/2-Cp}/f]*h =164.5+[(50-21)/32]*5 =169.0313.
The modal group (the group with the highest frequency 32) is 165-169.
Mode = xL + [(fm − fm-1) / {2fm − fm-1 − fm+1}] × h = 164.5+ [(32-10)/ {2*32-10-20}] *5= 167.7353

3.(a) What is coefficient of variation? What purpose does it serve?

Sol.: The coefficient of variation is a statistic that is the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean expressed in
percentage and is denoted CV. Thus, CV = 100*σ /µ. It is used to find to compare the consistency of some statistical
dataset in comparison to others.
3. (b) During the 10 weeks of a session, the marks scored by two candidates, Jayanth and Mahesh, taking the computer
program course are given below
Jayanth 58 59 60 54 65 66 52 75 69 62
Mahesh 87 89 78 71 73 84 65 66 56 46
(i) Who is the better Scorer: Jayanth or Mahesh? (ii) Who is more consistent Jayanth or Mahesh?
Sol.: Here, N =10. The values of Mean and Standard Deviation for the data of Jayanth are calculated as
Jayanth 58 59 60 54 65 66 52 75 69 62 ∑x-=620 µJ=∑x /N=62
x-µ -4 -3 -2 -8 3 4 -10 13 7 0 ∑ (x-µ)=0
(x-µ) 2
16 9 4 64 9 16 100 169 49 0 ∑ (x-µ)2=436 σJ=√[∑ (x-µ)2/N]= √43.6= 6.6
and similarly the values of Mean and Standard Deviation for the data of Mahesh are calculated as
Mahesh 87 89 78 71 73 84 65 66 56 46 ∑x-=715 µM=∑x/N=71.5
x-µ 15.5 17.5 6.5 -0.5 1.5 12.5 -6.5 -5.5 -15.5 -25.5 ∑ (x-µ)=0
(x-µ)2 240.25 306.25 42.25 0.25 2.25 156.25 42.25 30.25 240.25 650.25 ∑ (x-µ) =1710.5 σM= √171.05=13.078
CVJ = (σJ/µJ) *100 = (6.6/62) *100 =10.65 and CVM = (σM/µM) *100 =18.29.
(i) Since µM (=71.5)> µJ (= 62), Mahesh is better scorer than Jayanth.
(ii) As CVJ (=10.65) < CVM, (=18.29), Jayanth is more consistent than Mahesh.
4. (a) Explain different measures of dispersion.
Sol.: We have five measures of variability for statistical data: range, interquartile range, mean absolute deviation, variance,
standard deviation and coefficient of variation.
Range = Highest – Lowest; Interquartile Range = Q3 - Q1; Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) =∑f |x - µ|/N.
Variance = σ2=∑ f (x - µ)2/N, Coefficient of Variation (CV) = 100*σ /µ.

4. (b) Calculate Karl person’s and Bowley’s co-efficient of Skweness for the following data.
Profit (Rs.Crores) 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
Number of companies 15 20 30 10 5

Sol.: Person’s and Bowley’s co-efficients of Skweness are calculated as given below.
Profit (Rs.Crores) 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 Totals
Number of companies f 15 20 30 10 5 80
Cum. Frequency F 15 35 65 75 80
Mid-point x 15 25 35 45 55
xf 225 500 1050 450 275 2500 µ=∑fx/N =31.25
x-µ -16.25 -6.25 3.75 13.75 23.75
f(x-µ) -243.75 -125 112.5 137.5 118.75 0

f(x-µ)2 3960.938 781.25 421.875 1890.625 2820.313 9875 σ2=∑f(x-µ)2/N=123.4375


S.D. = √(123.438) = 11.11024, Pearson’s skewness coefficient Sk = 3(mean-median Q2)/σ;

Mean µ=∑fx/N =31.25, Median Q2 lies in the class with cumulative frequency N/2=80/2=40, i.e. in class 30-40.
So, Median or Q2 = xL+[{N/2-Cp}/f]*h =30+[(40-35)/30]*10 =31.66667.
Therefore, Pearson’s Sk = 3(µ-Q2)/σ =3*(31.25-31.66667)/11.11024 =-0.1125097
Bowley’s Skewness coefficient Sk = (Q3+Q1-2Q2)/(Q 3-Q1).
Also N/4=80/4=20th item called Q1 lies in 20-30 group. Q1 = xL+[{N/4-Cp}/f]*h=20+[{20-15}/20]*10 =22.5.
Similarly, 3N/4=60 ie Q3 is 60th item which lies in 30-40 group.
Q3 = xL+[{3N/4-Cp}/f]*h=30+[{60-35}/65]*10 =38.33333.
So, Bowley’s Sk = (Q3+Q1-2Q2)/(Q 3-Q1) = (38.33333+22.5- 2*31.66667)/( 38.33333-22.5) =-0.1578954.

5. Calculate coefficient of variation from the following data.

Class <30 <40 <50 <60 <70 <80 <90
Frequency 3 64 155 280 360 435 500
Class 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89
Frequency 3 64 155 280 360 435 500 N=1797
Mid-point x 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
xf 75 2240 6975 15400 23400 32625 42500 ∑xf=68.57
x-µ -43.57 -33.567 -23.567 -13.567 -3.567 6.4329 16.433
f(x-µ) -130.7 -2148.29 -3652.89 -3798.78 -1284.1 2798.33 8216.472 0
f(x-µ)2 5694.26 72111.82 86087.95 51538.2 4580.6 18001.5 135020.8 Var=207.5877
σ = √207.5877 = 14.4079. So, CV= 100 σ/µ = 100*14.4079/68.57=21.01197

6. Find Karl persons coefficient of skewness to the given data:

C.I 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35
f 10 21 40 35 32 12
Sol.: Pearson’s skewness coefficient Sk = 3(mean-median Q2)/σ;
C.I 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35
f 10 21 40 35 32 12
Cum. Freq. F 10 31 71 106 138 150
Mid-point x 7.5 12.5 17.5 22.5 27.5 32.5 Total
xf 75 220.5 700 787.5 880 390 ∑fx=3095 µ =∑fx/N=20.63333
x-µ -12.8533 -9.85333 -2.85333 2.146667 7.146667 12.14667
f(x-µ) -128.533 -206.92 -114.133 75.13333 228.6933 145.76 0 Var =σ2
f(x-µ)2 1652.082 2038.852 325.6604 161.2862 1634.395 1770.498 ∑f(x-µ)2 =6827.33 ∑f(x-µ)2/N =45.515
Mean µ=∑fx/N =20.6333, S.D. = √45.51556= 6.746522,
Median Q2 lies in the class with cumulative frequency N/2=150/2=75, i.e. in class 20-25.
So, Median or Q2 = xL+[{N/2-Cp}/f]*h =20+[(75-71)/35]*5 =20.57143.
Pearson’s Sk = 3(µ-Q2)/σ =3*(20.6333-20.57143)/ 6.746522= 0.027527.

7. The following data give the savings bank accounts balances of nine sample households selected in a survey.
The figures are in rupees.
745 2,000 1,500 68,000 461 549 3750 1800 4795
(a) Find the mean and median of the data;
(b) Do these data contain an outlier? If so exclude this value and recalculate the mean and median. Which of
these summary measures has a greater change when an outlier is dropped?
(c) Which of these summary measures is more appropriate for this series?

Sol.: The data in ascending order is written as 461, 549, 745, 1500, 1800, 2000, 3750, 4795, 68000.
(a) Mean = (461+ 549+ 745+ 1500+ 1800+ 2000+ 3750+ 4795+ 68000)/9 = 9288.889

Here n =9, Median lies at (n+1)/2 =10/2=5th place which is 1800. Thus, median is 1800.

(b) These data contain an outlier 68000 which is extremely larger than any other entry in this data.
By excluding 68000 from this data we get 461, 549, 745, 1500, 1800, 2000, 3750, 4795
Now n=8, So mean = (461+ 549+ 745+ 1500+ 1800+ 2000+ 3750+ 4795)/8 = 1950
Median lies at (n+1)/2 = (8+1)/2=4.5th place. Thus, median is (1500+1800)/2 =1650.
(c) The summary measures as given in (b) is more appropriate for this series.

8. The Whitcomb Company manufactures a metal ring for industrial engines that usually weighs about 50 ounces.
A random sample of 50 of these metal rings produced the following weights (in ounces).
51 53 56 50 44 47
53 53 42 57 46 55
41 44 52 56 50 57
44 46 41 52 69 53
57 51 54 63 42 47
47 52 53 46 36 58
51 38 49 50 62 39
44 55 43 52 43 42
57 49
Construct a frequency distribution for these data using eight classes.What can you observe about the data from the
frequency distribution?

Sol.: As the number of classes to be found is given k=8 and range= highest-lowest =69-36 = 33, the class-interval
= 33/8 ≈ 4 in this problem.
Note: Generally, number of classes k is given by Struges formula k=1+ 3.322 log10 N, N being total frequency.
Weight in Ounces x 36—39 40-43 44-47 48-51 52-55 56-59 60-63 64-69
Frequency f 3 7 11 8 11 7 2 1
Cum. Frequency 3 10 20 28 40 47 49 50
Mid points x 37.5 41.5 45.5 49.5 53.5 57.5 61.5 66.5
fx 112.5 290.5 455 396 642 402.5 123 66.5 ∑ f x=2488
Mean µ=∑ f.x/N= 49.76
Median Q2 lies in the class with cumulative frequency N/2=50/2=25, i.e. in class 48-51.
So, Median or Q2 = xL+[{N/2-Cp}/f]*h =47.5+[(25-20)/8]*4 =50.
The modal group 1 (the group 1 with the highest frequency 11 is 32) is 44-47.
Mode 1 = xL + [(fm − fm-1) / {2fm − fm-1 − fm+1}] × h = 43.5+ [(11-7)/ {2*11-8-7}] *4= 43.5+12/7 = 45.214.
The modal group 2 (the group 2 with the highest frequency 11 is 32) is 52-55.
Mode 2 = xL + [(fm − fm-1) / {2fm − fm-1 − fm+1}] × h = 51.5+ [(11-8)/ {2*11-8-7}] *4= 51.5+12/7 = 53.214.

9. The following shows the top 16 global marketing categories for advertising spending for a recent year
according to Advertising Age. Spending is given in millions of U.S. dollars. Determine the first, the second, and
the third quartiles for these data.
Category Ad Spending
Automotive $22,195
Personal Care 19,526
Entertainment & Media 9,538
Food 7,793
Drugs 7,707
Electronics 4,023
Soft Drinks 3,916
Retail 3,576
Cleaners 3,571
Restaurants 3,553
Computers 3,247

Telephone 2,488

Financial 2,433
Beer, Wine & Liquor 2,050
Candy 1,137
Toys 699

Sol.: For 16 marketing organizations, N = 16. Q1 = P25 is found by i = (25/100) *16 =4

Since i is a whole number, Q1 is found to be the average of the 4 th and 5th values from the bottom.
Q1 = (2433+2488)/2 = 2460.5
Q2 =P50 = median; with 16 terms, the median is the average of the 8 th and 9th terms.
Q2 = (3571+3576)/2 = 3573.5
Q3 = P75 is solved by i = (75/100) *16 =12, Q3 is found by averaging the 12 th and 13th terms.
Q3 = (7707 + 7793)/2 = 7750.

10. The following lists the 10 largest automakers in the world and the number of vehicles produced by each in a
recent year. Compute the median, Q3, P20, P60, P80, and P93 on these data.
Auto Manufacturer Production (millions)
Toyota Motor Corp. 9.37
General Motors 8.90
Volkswagen AG 6.19
Ford Motor Co. 5.96
Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group 3.96
Honda Motor Co. Ltd. 3.83
Nissan Motor Co. 3.68
PSA/Peugeot-Citroën SA 3.43
Chrysler LLC 2.68
Fiat S.p.A. 2.62

Sol.: For 10 automakers, N = 10. Q3 = P75 is solved by i = (75/100) *10 =7.5 ≈ 8,

Q3 is 8th term from the bottom. Thus Q3 = 6.19 million.
P20 is found by i = (20/100) *10 =2.
Since i is a whole number, P20 is found to be the average of the 2nd and 3rd values from the bottom.
P20 = (2.68+3.43)/2 = 3.055 million
P60 is found by i = (60/100) *10 =6.
Because i is a whole number, P60 is found to be the average of the 6th and 7th values from the bottom.
So, P60 = (3.96+4.96)/2 = 4.46 million
P80 is found by i = (80/100) *10 =8. Because i is a whole number, P80 is found to be the average of the
8th and 9th values from the bottom. So, P80 = (6.19+8.90)/2 = 7.545 million. P93 is calculated by i = (93/100)
*10 =9.3 = 10 P93 is the 10th value from the bottom = 9.37 million.

11. Eight coins were tossed together and the number of heads resulting was noted. The operation was repeated
256 times and the frequencies (f) that were obtained for different values of x. the number of heads, are shown in
the following table. Calculate median, quartiles, 4th decile and 27th percentile.
x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
f: 1 9 26 59 72 52 29 7 1

x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
f: 1 9 26 59 72 52 29 7 1
cf.: 1 10 36 95 167 219 248 255 256
Median: Here N/2 = 256/2 = 128. Cumulative frequency (cf. just greater than 128 is 167. Thus, median Q2 = 4.
Q1: Here N/4 = 64. cf. just greater than 64 is 95. Hence. Q1 = 3.
Q3: Here 3N/4 = 192 and cf. just greater than 192 is 219. Thus Q3 = 5.

D4: 4N/10 = 4 (25.6) = 102·4 and cf. just greater than 102·4 is 167. Hence D4=4.
P27: 27N/100 = 27 (2·56) = 69·12 and cf. just greater than 69·12 is 95. Hence P 27=3.
12. Case Study: A factory pays the amount to workers on piece rate and also bonus to each worker on the basis
of individual output in each month.
Output in units 70—74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-99 100-104
Bonus (in Rs.) 500 550 600 700 800 900 1000
The individual output of a batch of 50 workers is given below:
94 83 78 76 88 86 93 80 91 82
89 97 92 84 92 80 85 83 98 100
87 88 88 81 95 86 99 81 87 90
84 97 80 75 93 101 82 82 89 72
85 83 75 72 83 98 77 87 71 80
By suitable classification you are required to find (i) Average bonus per worker for a month (ii) Average output
per worker (iii) Total monthly bonus paid by the company.
Sol: As the minimum value is 71 and maximum value is 101, the range =101-71 =30. Using Struges formula for
the number k of classes : k = 1 + 3·322log10 N, we get k = 1+ 3·322log10 50 = 1+ 3.322(1.69897) =1+5.644
=6.644 ≈7. So, the class interval h = range/k = 30/7 =4.28 ≈ 5. So we can get the following table for the data
Output in units 70—74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-99 100-104
Bonus (in Rs.) y 500 550 600 700 800 900 1000
Mid points x 72 77 82 97 92 97 102
No. of workers 00012 20 012 332 43 2 2 51 32110 02211 01010
No. of workers f 3 5 15 12 7 6 2 ∑f= 50
fx 216 462 1148 1261 644 485 204 ∑f x=4425 µX=88.5
fy 1500 3300 8400 9100 5600 4500 2000 ∑f y=34650 µY=693
(i) Average bonus per worker for a month = Rs. 693/-
(ii) Average output per worker = 88.5 units
(iii) Total monthly bonus paid by the company = Rs. 34650/-
Note: The class intervals as given in above table gives the discrete frequency distribution. Instead of the above,
we can take class intervals as
70—75 75-80 80-85 85-90 90-95 95-100 100-105
Here we keep in our mind that
70< x<75 75< x < 80 80< x < 85 85< x < 90 90 < x < 95 95< x < 100 100 < x < 105
The form of frequency distribution with such class intervals is known as continuous frequency distribution.
13. The average salary of male employees in a firm was Rs.5200 and that of females was Rs.4200. The mean
salary of all the employees was Rs.5000. Find tile percentage of male and female employees.
Mode. We consider the following statements:
(i) The average height of an Indian (male) is 5'-6'.
(ii) The average size of tile shoes sold in a shop is 7.
(iii) An average student in a hostel spends Rs. l500 p.m.
In all the above cases, the average referred to is mode. Mode is the value which occurs most frequently in a set of
observations and around which the other items of the set cluster densely. In other words, mode is the value of the
variable which is predominant in the series. Thus in the case of discrete frequency distribution, mode is the value
of corresponding to maximum frequency. For example, in the following frequency distribution:
X: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
f: 4 9 16 25 22 15 7 3
the value of X corresponding 10 the maximum frequency, viz., 25 is 4. Hence mode is 4.
But in anyone (or-more) of the following cases:
(i) if the maximum frequency is repeated,
(ii) if the maximum frequency occurs in the very beginning or at the end of the distribution, and '
(iii) if there are irregularities in the distribution,
the value of mode is determined by the method of grouping. which is illustrated below by an example.
14: Find the mode of the following frequency distribution:
Size (X): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Frequency (f): 3 8 15 23 35 40 32 28 20 45 14 6
Solution. Here we see that the distribution is not regular since the frequencies are increasing steadily upto 40 and
men decrease but the frequency 45 after 20 does not seem to be consistent with the distribution. Here we cannot

say that since maximum frequency is 45, mode is 10. Here we locate mode by the method of grouping as
explained below and given in the first table above:
The frequencies in column (i) are the original frequencies. Column (ii) is obtained by combining the frequencies
wo by two. If we leave the first frequency and combine the remaining frequencies two by two we get column (iii).
Combining the frequencies two by two after leaving the first two frequencies results in a repetition of column
(U). Hence. we proceed to combine the frequencies three by three. thus getting column (;v). The combination of
frequencies three by three after leaving the first frequency results in column (v) and after leaving the first two
frequencies results in column (vi).
The maximum frequency in each column is given in b1ack type in the first table. To find mode we form the
analysis table as above. On examining the values in column (3) above. we find that the value 6 is repeated, the
maximum number of times and hence the value of mode is 6 and not 10 which is an irregular item.
Variance of the combined series: If n1, n2 are the sizes; 𝑥̅ 1 , 𝑥̅ 2 the means, and σ1, σ2 the standard deviations
of two series, then the standard deviation σ of the combined series of size n1 + n2 is given by
15. The first of the two samples has 100 items with mean 15 and standard deviation 3. If the whole group has
250 items with mean 15·6 and standard deviation √13·44, find the standard deviation of the second group.

Geometric Mean xG. Geometric mean xG of a set of n observations is the nth root of their product Thus the
geometric mean G/ of n observations xi, .i=1.2 •...• n is xG = (x1. x2 ..... xn)1/n
The computation is facilitated by the use of logarithms. Taking logarithm of both sides. we get
log xG = - (log xl + log x2 + ... + log xn)/n = ∑log xi/n.
So xG =Antilog [∑log xi/n]·
In case of frequency distribution xi |F. (i = 1, 2, ..., n ) geometric mean, G is given by
𝑓 𝑓 𝑓
xG =[𝑥11 𝑥22 … 𝑥𝑛𝑛 ]1/N where N= ∑fi
Taking logarithms of both sides, we get
log xG = (f1 log x1 + f2 log x2 + ... + fn log xn).
So xG =Antilog [∑log + fi xi/N]·

Note: In the case of grouped or continuous frequency distribution, X is taken to be the value corresponding to the mid-point of the

16. Show that in finding the arithmetic mean of a set of readings on thermometer it doe .. not matter whether we
measure temperature in Centigrade or Fahrenheit, but that in finding the geometric mean it does matter which
scale we use.
Harmonic Mean. Harmonic mean of a number of observations is the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the: reciprocals of the
given values. Thus, harmonic mean xH, of n observations Xi, r = 1, 2, ... , n is

17. A cyclist pedals from his house to his college at a speed of 10 m.p.h. and back from the college to his house
at 15 m.p.h. Find the average speed.

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