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Endocrine Pancreas


metabolic disorders sharing the common underlying feature of hyperglycemia.


• Type I Diabetes Mellitus

Autoimmune (Failure or self tolerance in T cell)

Caused by:
• Autoimmune Genetic susceptibility; in class II MHC molecules on 6p2/(HLA-D).
• Environmental Factors: especially infections, may involved in type diabetes (mumps, rubella, and coxsackie
viruses, in particular)

▪ Type 2 Diabetics Mellitus:

Type 2 diabetes is a multifactorial disease.
• Environmental factors. such as a sedentary lifestyle and dietary habits.
• Genetic factors are also involved in the pathogenesis.
The two metabolic defects that characterize type 2 diabetes are:

(I) Insulin resistance;

- Decreased ability of peripheral tissues to respond to insulin.
- Obesity→ cytokines from adipose tissue affects receptors of insulin (theory)

(2) Beta cell dysfunction:

Excess nutrients such as FFAs and glucose can promote the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines
from beta cells, → inflammation ( insulinitis) → B cell death in late stages
Amyloid replacement of islets is a characteristic finding in persons 'with longstanding type 2
diabetes and is present in more than 90% of diabetic islets examined

Complications of Diabetes
The pathogenesis of the long-term complications of diabetes:
1. glycation end products (AGEs): responsible for atherosclerosis acceleration and basement membrane
thickening that is characteristic of diabetic microangiopathy.
2. activation of intracellular protein kinase C. → neovascularization seen in diabetic retinopathy.

transforming growth factor-ß, → Fibrosis and basement membrane thickening

3. Disturbances in polyol pathways leading to oxidative stress (Free radicals)

Diabetes and Its Late Complications
• Reduction in the number and size of islets (most often in type 1 diabetes)
• Leukocytic infiltration of the islets (Bothe type 1&2 DM)
• Amyloid replacement of islets in long -standing type 2 diabetes
Type 1 Type 2
Inflammation (insulinitis) Inflammation (insulinitis)
Reduction of Islets Less prominent
-- Amyloidosis
Diabetic Macrovascular Disease:
The hallmark of diabetic macrovascular disease is accelerated atherosclerosis affecting the aorta and large and medium-sized
arteries e.g. coronary arteries , lower extremities blood vessels, renal arteries

Hyaline arteriolosclerosis (thick arterioles)

The vascular lesion associated with hypertension is both more prevalent and more severe in
diabetics than in nondiabetics.

Diabetic Microangiopathy:
- One of the most consistent morphologic features of diabetes is diffuse thickening of
basement membranes either in capillaries or nonvascular structures.
- the basal lamina is thickened by hyaline material ( type IV collagen).
- capillaries are more leaky than normal to plasma proteins.
- Leading to : diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy, and some forms of neuropathy.

Diabetic Nephropathy:
It may lead to:
1- Glomerular lesion: diabetic glomerulosclerosis.
2- Renal vascular lesions: renal arteriosclerosis.
3- Pyelonephritis including necrotizing papillitis. papillary necrosis.

❖ Diabetic glomerulosclerosis occurs in patients with long standing diabetes mellitus for 12 years
or more. It may take the form of:
- Diffuse glomerulosclerosis
- Nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesion)

Clinical Features:
- polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, ketoacidosis
- CVS: myocardial infarction,
-Brain: stroke (cerebrovascular accident) are the most common contributors to mortality.
- Diabetic nephropathy leads to nephrotic syndrome or chronic renal failure
- Visual impairment, patients also have an increased propensity for retinopathy, glaucoma,
cataract formation and sometimes even total blindness.

-Diabetic neuropathy
• Hand and feet (Glove and stocking) polyneuropathy.
• autonomic neuropathy (bladder, bowel or sexual impotence)

- Diabetic patients have an enhanced susceptibility to infections of the skin, as well as

to tuberculosis, pneumonia, and pyelonephritis.

also known as islet cell tumors, are rare in comparison with tumors of the exocrine
pancreas, accounting for only 2%% of all pancreatic neoplasms These
tumors arise from islets of Langerhans’s which contain different types of cells:

❖ Alpha or A cells which produce glucagon.

❖ Beta or "B" cells which produce insulin,
❖ Della or "D" cells which produce somatostatin.
❖ "G" cells which produce gastrin

occur in adults and may be single or multifocal.

. Beta cell tumors (insulinomas) are the most common type of PanNET.

Clinically: This tumor produces excessive amounts of insulin which induce significant
hypoglycemia → mental confusion and loss of consciousness.
Behavior: 90 % benign - 10% malignant

Majority are solitary, small (less than 2 cm in diameter) and localized to the pancreas
- giant islets, of monotonous cells + Vascular stroma + Amyloid

Marked hypersecretion of gastrin usually has its origin in gastrin-producing tumors
Site: It arises from pancreas (G cells), duodenum and peripancreatic soft tissues
Behavior: 50% of gastrinomas are malignant.
"Zollinger Ellison syndrome"
▪ Pancreatic islet cell tumor "Gastrinoma".
▪ Gastric acid hypersecretion.
▪ Peptic ulcerations the stomach, duodenum and jejunum.
N.B: The ulcers often are multiple and unresponsive

single in sporadic cases, multifocal in MEN1.
bland looking cells, rare anaplasia.

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