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HLNG - Pipeline

Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 2021
Incident Free Workplace

Financial Performance

Identification of Cost Identification of Cost Identification of Cost Identification of Cost Identification of Cost Identification of Cost Incorporation of Potential Monitor Forecast Monitor Forecast Monitor Forecast Monitor Forecast
Underspend Opex Budget Savings into 6+6 Forecast Forecast Update 9+3 YTD Opex < Budget
Savings Opportunities Savings Opportunities Savings Opportunities Savings Opportunities Savings Opportunities Savings Opportunities Compliance Compliance Compliance Compliance
by setting SMART target

Operational Excellence

Develop Excavation & Initiate excavation Initiate excavation Complete assessment of

Assessment of DCVG indications Inspection plans activities - Progress of 6% activities - Progress of 12% Progress of 20% Progress of 34% Progress of 48% Progress of 62% Progress of 76% Progress of 90% Progress of 100% Preliminary report issued Final report approved 05 DCVG indications

Receive Commercial and Commercial and Technical Issue Recommendation for Contracts Committee Contractor Mobilization (if Contractor Mobilization (if Contractor Mobilization (if Pipeline Maintenance
Pipeline Maintenance Contract ITB Prepare ITB Package Issue ITB Shareholder Approval Contract Negotiation Contract Signature
Technical Proposals evaluation of bids Award Approval new) new) new) Contract Awarded

Extend current contract

Geotechnical Maintenance until July 2021 Commercial and Technical Issue Recommendation for Contracts Committee KOM & Contractor Review Progress against Implement Corrective Geotechnical Maintenance
Shareholder Approval Contract Negotiation Contract Signature Actual vs Plan Actual vs Plan
Contract Receive Commercial and evaluation of bids Award Approval Mobilization (if new) annual Maintenance Plan Actions Contract
Technical Proposals

Complete Pipeline In-line Receive contractor's plans Receive contractor's plans Review of contractor's Review of contractor's Approval of contractor's Complete installation of Complete In-line Preliminary Report Bending Strain Report Complete Pipeline In-line
Contractor mobilization Initiate In-line inspection Final Report received
Inspection and procedures and procedures plans and procedures plans and procedures plans and procedures AGMs inspection received received Inspection

Perform the backup of Describe current system, AVEVA review of current Receive available Analize the available Define Hardware Complete Acquisition of
Receive hardware vendor Issue PO to Hardware Follow up with hardware Issue PO to AVEVA for Install OS and Virtual
SCADA Upgrade SCADA servers and documentation and system, documentation architectures of OASys architectures of Oasys Requirement for new Receive Hardware in Plant Harware for SCADA
workstations backups and backups 2021 2021 OASys 2021 princing Vendor vendor OASys 2021 Machine Software Upgrade

Organizational Effectiveness

HLNG - Pipeline

2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Weight Finish Date TPC Description/Definition Measurements and Tracking
Incident Free Workplace
LTIR 0 5.0%
RIR 0 5.0%
TVAR 0 5.0%

Financial Performance

YTD Spend < Budget with tracking via Monthly Reports, Forecast
Underspend the Budget. Encourage innovative ideas for Updates, and Advisory Committee Reporting.
Underspend Opex Budget YTD Opex < Budget YTD Opex < Budget YTD Opex < Budget YTD Opex < Budget YTD Opex < Budget 5.0% YTD ∆ <0% 0% ≤ YTD ∆ <5% YTD ∆ >5% 31-Dec-21
cost savings initiatives and value-added activities
Cost savings opportunities to be presented in 6+6 Forecast

Operational Excellence

Complete assessment of Complete assessment of Complete assessment of 1 month behind 2 months behind Assessment of 05 SEVERE indications detected on the 2018 Actual progress versus planned with tracking via Weekly and
Assessment of DCVG indications 05 DCVG indications 05 DCVG indications 05 DCVG indications 15.0% On target schedule schedule 31-Dec-23 DCVG Survey to validate or revise the classification of Monthly Reports.

Complete the bidding process for the Pipeline

Pipeline Maintenance Follow up on Contractor's 1 month behind 2 months behind Actual progress versus planned with tracking via Weekly and
Pipeline Maintenance Contract ITB 20.0% On target 31-Dec-22 Maintenance Contract ahead of the expiration of the
Contract Awarded performance indicators schedule schedule Monthly Reports.
current contract on January 31st, 2022.

Geotechnical Maintenance Geotechnical Maintenance Execution of Geotechnical 1 month behind 2 months behind Complete the bidding process for the Geotechnical Actual progress versus planned with tracking via Weekly and
Miantenance Plan above 12.0% On target 31-Dec-22
Contract Contract schedule schedule Maintenance Contract. Monthly Reports.

Complete Pipeline In-line Complete Pipeline In-line 1 month behind 2 months behind Execute the Pipeline In-line Inspection as required by Actual progress versus planned with tracking via Weekly and
Validate ILI Indications Validate ILI Indications 15.0% On target 31-Dec-23
Inspection Inspection schedule schedule Peruvian Regulation with no impact to Plant deliveries. Monthly Reports.

Complete Acquisition of Complete the acquisition of hardware for the SCADA

Implement OASys 2021 1 month behind 2 months behind Actual progress versus planned with tracking via Weekly and
SCADA Upgrade Harware for SCADA 18.0% On target 31-Dec-22 Upgrade project and initiate the implementation of the
Upgrade SCADA in Pipeline schedule schedule SCADA OASys Software. Monthly Reports.

Organizational Effectiveness

0 0.0%


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