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1. Introduction
Koncept of fluids
Fluids as a continum
2. Pressure Distribution in Fluids
3. Integral Relation for Control Volume
4. Differential Relation for Fluids Flow
5. Dimensional Analysis
6. Viscous flow induct
7. Flow Past Immersed body
8. Compressible flow
Fluid mechanics is the study of fluids either in motion (fluid dynamics)
or at rest (fluid statics)

Concept of Fluids
•Fluids is material cannot resist shear stress
•Any shear stress applied to a fluid, no matter how small,
will result in motion of that fluid

There are two class of fluids: Liquid and Gas

•A liquid, being composed of relatively close-packed molecules with strong

cohesive forces, tends to retain its volume and will form
a free surface in a gravitational field if unconfined from above
•Gas molecules are widely spaced with negligible cohesive forces,
a gas is free to expand until it encounters confining walls.
A gas has no definite volume, and when left to itself without confinement
Fluids as Continuum

Distance between fluids mulecules is large compare to size of mulecules

Its common to assume that variation in properties is so smooth that differential

calculus can be used to analyze the substance. Such a fluid is called a continuum
Fluids as Continuum

Distance between fluids mulecules is large compare to size of mulecules

Its common to assume that variation in properties is so smooth that differential

calculus can be used to analyze the substance. Such a fluid is called a continuum
Euler and Lagrangian concepts

•In the eulerian method we compute the pressure field p(x, y, z, t) of the flow pattern,
not the pressure changes p(t) that a particle experiences as it moves through the field.

•In the Lagragian methods we follows an individual particle moving through the flow,

•Fluid dynamic measurements are also suited to the eulerian system. For example,
when a pressure probe is introduced into a laboratory flow, it is fixed at a specific
position (x, y, z). Its output thus contributes to the description of the eulerian
pressure field p(x, y, z, t). To simulate a lagrangian measurement,
the probe would have to move downstream at the fluid particle speeds;
this is sometimes done in oceanographic measurements,
where flowmeters drift along with the prevailing currents.
Velocity Field
The velocity of an object is the rate of change of its position vector with respect to
a frame of reference, and is a function of time

Acceleration Field
The velocity of an object is the rate of change of its velocity vector with respect to
a frame of reference, and is a function of time


Vector Posisi


V = p2 - p1

The temperature of a substance is proportional to the average

kinetic energy of particles in the substance

Ek = 3/2 R T
T temperature in Kelvin
R universal gas constant = 8.314 J /K mol

The temperature of a substance is proportional to the average

kinetic energy of particles in the substance

Ek = 3/2 R T
T temperature in Kelvin
R universal gas constant = 8.314 J /K mol
m is dynamic viscosity

Kinematic viscosity
m is dynamic viscosity

Kinematic viscosity
Variation of viscosity with temperature
Newtonian Fluids
Tekanan di dalam fluida
Keseimbangan tekanan di dalam fluida

Pada fluida diam fvis=0 dan a=0

Hydrostatics forces on plane surface

F  PA
Lim 
F  Pi Ai
A  0 i 1
F   PdA

hcg  hdA
F  p a A  hcg A
F  ( p a  hcg  ) A
F  p cg A
Hydrostatics forces on plane surface

F  PA
Lim 
F  Pi Ai
A  0 i 1
F   PdA

hcg  hdA
F  p a A  hcg A
F  ( p a  hcg  ) A
F  p cg A
Fy p   pydA

  y ( p a  h)dA

  p a ydA    (hcg  y ) ydA

 hcg  ydA   y 2 dA

 I xx
I xx
yp 
p cg A
= 0
Bouyance and stability

Total gaya vertikal yang dialamai benda sama dengan gaya berat fluida sebanyak fluida yang ditempatinya nya
Gaya apung bekerja pada titik apung B, karena tidak ada momen, gaya tersebut segaris dengan gaya berat
Tongkang lebar 2L , panjang b, tinggi H, pusat berat di titik O

Tongkang stabil jika

Jika M terletak diatas G, MG positiv, benda stabil

Jika M terletak dibawah G, MG negativ, benda tidak stabil

Tongkang lebar 2L , panjang b, tinggi H, pusat berat di titik O

Tongkang stabil jika

Pressure distribution in rigid body

Jika tidak ada keceptan relatif antar partikel fluida, suku difusi berharga nol
p  p 
p  i j
x y
p  Gh

G  a x2  ( g  a z ) 2 
Tekanan di A ketika gelas bergerak

Control volume
Ruangan yang ditempati oleh systim
Q=V.n A
Control volume
Ruangan yang ditempati oleh systim

t  t  t
Laju perubahan B di dalam CV

Laju B masuk dan keluar sistim

Laju perubahan System B didalam CV. Jika B adalah energi B dapat berarti
Perubahan energi karena ada reaksi pembakaran dll
Persamaan momentum linear


mV 2

 
F  mV1
     
(VVr  n A) out  (VVr  n A) in
Conservation of mass
Conservation of mass
Mass conservation
Substitute mass inlet and outlet in conservation Eq.

Steady incomprssible
Differential eq. linear momentum

Force equalto rate of change in momentum

Surface force
Diffrential energy Eq.

Persamaan energy untuk fix Control Volume

Persamaan disederhanakan menjadi

Jika radiasi diabaikan

Transport equation
Compressible flow

The so-called speed of sound is the rate of propagation of a pressure

pulse of infinitesimal strength through a still fluid.
Isentropic duct flow

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