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I can show that I am practicing my Nationalistic and Patriotic Filipino in our country amidst the

pandemic by practicing my freedom of expression, I keep myself educated and aware in political
and social problems. Defending what is right and beneficial for the country and its people. It’s
not bad to be engaged in issue or problem because this only means your care for your country.
Also one of the ways that I do is being a law abiding citizen, I know what is right and what is
wrongdoings that’s why I avoid it.

In this time of the pandemic, our country suffers more than we expected. But as a Filipinos we
are not beaten by any disasters or even a pandemic. The government made rules on how to
help our country in this fight with the virus. We tend to follow the rules that they amend so we
cannot harm everyone. We close all our boundaries in each place even internationally. We
cannot travel just like before because now there many rules that we need to comply. As we face
this pandemic many jobs have been affected especially the first three months of lockdown, there
are many people who lost their jobs, businesses that forces to close, even schools were close,
and classes postponed. Many people suffer from hunger. Many families worry on what they’re
going to eat in following days. There are people suffers from hunger even before without the
pandemic but when pandemic came the people who suffers from hunger triples or even more.
There are many sacrifices we made during this time. Our frontliners sacrifices their lives to save
us. They were tired, emotionally, and physically. The support in frontliners is overwhelming,
there are many individuals that donates and helps them despite of their own sufferings. We can
also see how helpful Filipino’s despite of their own suffering they are tend and choose so
support our local businesses who also fights to supply their own needs. Lasty, we can help our
country by choosing the right persons to seat in our government so in our next election we
should vote wisely.

As a result, nationalism has the potential to be a powerful weapon in the war against Covid-19.
It is frequently believed that nationalism may instill in people such a strong sense of belonging
that they will die for people they will never meet. In the 'war' against Covid-19, this kind of
cooperation is essential. We can give our individual efforts a feeling of collective purpose if we
can tap into the more inclusive, community-building aspect of nationalism
As a student, I do my very best to practice small steps that I know if all of us do this, these can
be a big change to help save our environment. I always do 3R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. I
consider how much trash I can avoid if I just follow these guidelines. Before leaving the bed I
make sure that I turn off all the lights and fans and I don’t use lights in the morning because I
get enough brightness from the sun. I only go outside when very much needed in this time of
pandemic like going to the supermarket to buy some food, I always bring my own eco-bag to
avoid the usage of plastic or paper. Whenever I am outside I always keep my trash with me if I
don’t’ find any trash cans to avoid littering. I don’t waste water by bathing, washing, or cleaning
for a long period of time. And lastly, I take use of public transportation as much as possible or if
I’m going to a near place I just walk.

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