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Interview Questions

1. Why python is dynamically typed language?
2. Is python is interpreted language? If yes then tell me why?
3. What will be the output for : []*10 (without using any IDE)?
4. What will be the output for : [[]]*5 (without using any IDE)?
5. How you will reverse the integer value?
6. How will you find a given file if you don’t know its exact path?
7. How garbage collector works internally? Can you explain with one example?
8. Can you print Triangle star pattern in single for loop?
9. Difference between tuple and list (tell me only related to memory and speed)
10. Print first n number using generator? Tell me about yield keyword?
11. Update the dictionary using minimum 5 ways?
12. Add two list using lambda function? Lambda returns what? I mean value or object?
13. Set vs frozenset
14. How will you count of capital word from file?
15. How will you delete that file from python only?
16. What is file handling?
17. What is diff between else and finally in try n except block?
18. In which scenario you will prefer Class method and Static method?
19. Tell me Dunder methods? Is that __init__ is Dunder method?
20. What is self in class?
21. What is object in class?
22. If we can call method of the class by using class name also then why we are creating
23. What is MRO? Explain with program
24. What are the types of function arguments?
25. Design a decorator which will count the number of arguments passed in the given
26. How we can call method of one class into other class?
27. What is encapsulation? Can you tell me one example? after encapsulation how can you
call private methods?
28. Design one scenario for Abstraction?(Abstract method)
29. What is enumerate()?
30. How you will validate email by using regex?
31. What is Regex?
32. What is monkeypatching?
33. How you perform monkeypatching ? tell me with one program?
34. Find the odd and even numbers from the list by using list comphrention?
35. Args and **Kwargs
36. Polymorphism?
37. Method overloading & Method Overridding
38. What is the purpose of super()?
39. How will know the Django version?(tell me that command only)
40. How you will create a project in Django?
41. Which files get generated after project creation?
42. What is WSGI?
43. What API?
44. Tell me purpose of each file in project and app?
45. What is Django-Admin? Its purpose?
46. What is the purpose of
47. What is middleware?
48. Draw the architecture of Django? Explain
49. What is request and response?
50. http status codes?
51. Http methods?
52. Purpose of
53. How you will join two tables?
54. In scenario of library management system, you have two models for Book and Author
the how you will make relationship between them?
55. Write model for teacher and student and explain relationship between them?
56. Migration and makemigrations?
57. How will you do the settings of you projects?
58. How will you create super user?
59. What is serializer?
60. Tell me the difference between Serializer class and model serializer class?
61. Write a serializer file for student model?
62. Why we are using that Meta class ?
63. Tell me the serializer Fields?
64. Diff between textfield and charfield?
65. What is mixins?
66. CBV vs FBV
67. Difference between Django and Django REST Framework?
68. Tell me about APIView
69. Tell me about viewsets
70. Can you tell me about createmodelmixin
71. What is authentication and authorizaton?
72. Authentication classes ?
73. Authorization classes?
74. Cookies and session in deatil?
75. JWT authentication?
76. How you will implement the JWT authentication?
77. Do you know about pagination?
78. Difference between FLASK and DJANGO
79. Application and request context
80. What is create_app?
81. What is the purpose of blueprint?
82. Which orm you are using in Flask

1. Calculate the max salary of the employee
2. Calculate the second highest salary of the employee
3. What are the constrains?
4. Diff between unique key,primary key,foreign key
5. Diff between where clause ang having clause?
6. Tell me function aggregates

1. List the git commands you know?
2. Diff between git and git hub?
3. Git branching?
4. Git stash?
5. How you will stash you code?
6. In cloned repo, you made some changes then how you will push that repo on remote
git repo
7. Git config commands
8. How you will clone repo
9. What is git confict? And how you will resolve it?

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