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Chapter 4

A Review of Hook’s Law for

Isotropic Materials

Dr. Nisrin Abdelal

Uniaxial Loading – Isotropic Materials
• For an isotropic material subjected to axial
Isotropic material
loading (stress) σx there is an associated
axial deformation (strain)

x  y z  0

σx : axial stress (Pa)

εx : axial strain
E : Modulus of elasticity (Young’s Modulus) (Pa)

σx = E εx Simplest version of Hook’s law

Dr. Nisrin Abdelal

Uniaxial Loading – Isotropic Materials
• The elongation in the x-direction is
accompanied by a contraction in the
Isotropic material
other directions. Assuming that the
material is isotropic (no directional
dependence),     0
y z

• Poisson’s ratio is defined as

lateral strain y z
  
axial strain x x
• Both E and ν are material properties, and
they are related to each other and to σ &ε
by the constitutive equation:
𝜺 𝒚 = 𝜺𝒛 = − σx
Dr. Nisrin Abdelal
Multiaxial Loading – Isotropic Materials
• Strain response under the three possible uniaxial loading conditions
σx, σy, σz:
• If σx is applied, then the primary strain is εx and the secondary
strains are εy & εz , same applies when the isotropic material is
subjected to σy & σz

σx σy σz
εx 𝟏 −ν −ν
εy −ν 𝟏 −ν
εz −ν −ν 𝟏
Dr. Nisrin Abdelal
Multiaxial Loading – Generalized Hook’s Law-
Isotropic Materials
(A) Generalized Hook’s law for the multiaxial
loading of a homogenous isotropic material (no
shearing stress)

• For an element subjected to multi-axial loading,

the normal strain components resulting from
the stress components may be determined
from generalized Hook’s law:

x  y  z
x    
 x y  z These equations can be
y     written in a matrix form
 x  y z
(next slide)
z    
Dr. Nisrin Abdelal
(A) Generalized Hook’s law for the multiaxial loading of a
homogenous isotropic material (no shearing stress) ε= Sσ
The previous equations can be written in a matrix form as the following:

εx 1/E -ν/E -ν/E σx

εy = -ν/E 1/E -ν/E σy

εz -ν/E -ν/E 1/E σz

Compliance matrix (S)
1. The compliance matrix (S) is a symmetric matrix

2. The equation in matrix form above can be written in a reduction form as ε= Sσ

3. Two elastic constants E &ν are only needed
Dr. Nisrin Abdelalto define an isotropic material
(A) Generalized Hook’s law for the multiaxial loading of a
homogenous isotropic material (no shearing stress) σ=Cε

σx 1-ν ν ν εx

σy 𝑬 ν 1-ν ν εy

σz ν ν 1-ν εz

Stiffness matrix (C)

1. The stiffness matrix (C) is a symmetric matrix and it is the inverse of (S)

2. The equation in matrix form above can be written in a reduction form as σ=Cε
3. Two elastic constants E &ν are only needed to define an isotropic material
Dr. Nisrin Abdelal
Multiaxial Loading – Generalized Hook’s Law-
Isotropic Materials
(B) Generalized Hook’s law for the multiaxial loading of a homogenous
isotropic material under the most general stress condition (normal and
shear stresses)
• The most general state of stress at a point may
be represented by 6 components,
 x , y , z normal stresses
 xy ,  yz ,  zx shearing stresses
(Note :  xy   yx ,  yz   zy ,  zx   xz )

• Stress components are denoted by σij or τij (i,j =x,y,z)

• The first subscript (i): the stress is exerted on a surface perpendicular to (i) axis
• The second subscript (j) indicates the direction of the stress component
• Therefore, the compliance matrix (S) will become as shown in the next slide:
(B) Generalized Hook’s law for the multiaxial loading of a homogenous
isotropic material under the most general stress condition (normal and
shear stresses) ε= Sσ

εx 1/E -ν/E -ν/E 0 0 0 σx

εy -ν/E 1/E -ν/E 0 0 0 σy
εz = -ν/E -ν/E 1/E 0 0 0 σz
γyz 0 0 0 1/G 0 0 τyz
γxz 0 0 0 0 1/G 0 τxz
γxy 0 0 0 0 0 1/G τxy

Compliance matrix (S)

• Two elastic constants to define the isotropic material G=
Dr. Nisrin Abdelal
(B) Generalized Hook’s law for the multiaxial loading of a homogenous
isotropic material under the most general stress condition (normal and
shear stresses) σ=Cε

σx 1-ν ν ν 0 0 0 εx
σy ν 1-ν ν 0 0 0 εy
σz 𝑬 ν ν 1-ν 0 0 0 εz
(𝟏 + ν)(𝟏 − 𝟐ν)
τyz 0 0 0 (𝟏 − 𝟐𝛎) 0 0 2εyz=γyz
τxz 0 0 0 0 (𝟏 − 𝟐𝛎) 0 2εxz=γxz
τxy 0 0 0 0 0 (𝟏 − 𝟐𝛎) 2εxy=γxy

Dr. Nisrin Abdelal

Generalized Hook’s law using
different forms and notations

Dr. Nisrin Abdelal

(B) Generalized Hook’s law for the multiaxial loading of a homogenous
isotropic material under the most general stress condition (normal and
shear stresses) Another method to write ε= Sσ

εx 1 -ν -ν 0 0 0 σx
εy -ν 1 -ν 0 0 0 σy
εz 𝟏 -ν -ν 1 0 0 0 σz
2εyz=γyz 0 0 0 2(1+ν) 0 0 τyz
2εxz=γxz 0 0 0 0 2(1+ν) 0 τxz
2εxy=γxy 0 0 0 0 0 2(1+ν) τxy

Compliance matrix (S)

γ: Engineering shear strain expressed in radians
Note that: γij = 2εij ε: Tensor shear strain
Dr. Nisrin Abdelal
(B) Generalized Hook’s law for the multiaxial loading of a homogenous
isotropic material under the most general stress condition (normal and
shear stresses) Another method to write ε= Sσ using double subscripts

The matrix in the previous slide can be written using double notations (ij) as shown
below. For example εxx= εx , σzz = σz , etc.

εxx 1 -ν -ν 0 0 0 σxx

εyy -ν 1 -ν 0 0 0 σyy

εzz 𝟏 -ν -ν 1 0 0 0 σzz
2εyz=γyz 0 0 0 2(1+ν) 0 0 τyz

2εxz=γxz 0 0 0 0 2(1+ν) 0 τxz

2εxy=γxy 0 0 0 0 0 2(1+ν) τxy

(B) Generalized Hook’s law for the multiaxial loading of a homogenous
isotropic material under the most general stress condition (normal and
shear stresses) σ=Cε using double subscripts

σxx 1-ν ν ν 0 0 0 εxx

σyy ν 1-ν ν 0 0 0 εyy
σzz 𝑬 ν ν 1-ν 0 0 0 εzz
(𝟏 + ν)(𝟏 − 𝟐ν)
τyz 0 0 0 (𝟏 − 𝟐𝛎) 0 0 2εyz=γyz
τxz 0 0 0 0 (𝟏 − 𝟐𝛎) 0 2εxz=γxz
τxy 0 0 0 0 0 (𝟏 − 𝟐𝛎) 2εxy=γxy

Dr. Nisrin Abdelal

(B) Generalized Hook’s law for the multiaxial loading of a homogenous
isotropic material under the most general stress condition (normal and
shear stresses) σ=Cε using double subscripts and Lame’s constants
The matrix in the previous slide can be written using Lame’s constants λ&μ where:
𝟏−𝟐ν 𝑬 𝑬ν
μ= λ=
𝟐(𝟏+ν)(𝟏−𝟐ν) (𝟏+ν)(𝟏−𝟐ν)

σxx 2μ+λ λ λ 0 0 0 εxx

σyy λ 2μ+λ λ 0 0 0 εyy

σzz = λ λ 2μ+λ 0 0 0 εzz

τyz 0 0 0 μ 0 0 2εyz=γyz

τxz 0 0 0 0 μ 0 2εxz=γxz

τxy 0 0 0 0 0 μ 2εxy=γxy

Dr. Nisrin Abdelal

Stress and Strain Notations
Tonsorial notation Material notation
(laminate) (Principal=Lamina) Contracted notation

εxx σxx ε1 σ1 ε1 σ1

εyy σyy ε2 σ2 ε2 σ2

εzz σzz ε3 σ3 ε3 σ3

2εyz=γyz τyz γ23=γ4=2ε23 τ4=τ23 2ε4=γ4 τ4=σ4

2εxz=γxz τxz γ13=γ5=2ε13 τ5=τ13 2ε5=γ5 τ5=σ5

2εxy=γxy τxy γ12=γ6=2ε12 τ6=τ12 2ε6=γ6 τ6=σ6

Dr. Nisrin Abdelal

Dilation and Bulk Modulus
• When an elastic material is subjected to normal stresses (σx , σy , σz)
its volume will change (Vfinal –Vinitial =ΔV)
• The change in volume per unit volume is called the “volumetric strain”
or the “Dilation e”
e= = εx + εy +εz

• If we relate it to Hook’s law

e= (σx+ σy + σz)

• If hydrostatic pressure P is applied to a body (the body is subjected to

equal normal stresses (σx= σy = σz = -P)
• Bulk modulus K (volume modulus of elasticity), has the unit of stress
−𝑷 𝑬
𝑲= =
𝒆 𝟑(𝟏 − 𝟐𝝂)
Thermal Strain on Isotropic and Homogenous Materials
• Change in temperature can cause the material to change in dimensions
When the temperature increases => the material expands
When the temperature decreases => the material contract

• Expansion or contraction linearly related to temperature increasing or

δT = α ΔT L

δT : (Thermal deformation)change in length of the member as result of ΔT

L: Original length
ΔT: Change in temperature
α: Thermal expansion coefficient
• Thermal strain ε𝒙𝑻 = = α Δ𝑻

• The total strain on a body due to temperature and mechanical load is:
ε total = ε thermal + ε mechanical
End of Chapter 4

Dr. Nisrin Abdelal

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