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23 Three-Dimensional


Objective of the Activity

To verify that the angle between two planes is the same as the angle between their

Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖❖ Knowledge of a plane and equation of a plane. Knowledge about normal to the plane and
angle between two planes.

Materials Required
✧✧ Two thick card board sheets
✧✧ Straight pieces of wires
✧✧ Glue sticks etc.

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take two thick card board sheets of suitable size says P1 and P2 and fix them perpendicularly
using glue stick as shown in the figure.

2. Fix two straight wires on each plane to

show normals to these planes. Wire l1 is
normal to plane P1 and wire l2 is normal to
plane P2. Let these wires meets at a point A.
Now join these wires at A.

3. Now using a set square measure the angle

between the planes i.e., angle at point O.

4. Also measure the angle formed at the

crossing point of the wires l1 and l2 i.e.,
angle at point A.

1. P1 represents the plane.

2. P2 represents the plane.

3. l2 represents the normal to the plane P1.

4. l2 represents the normal to the plane P2.

5. Angle between l1 and l2 is equal to the angle between planes P1 and P2.

From the above activity we conclude that the angle between two planes is equal to the angle
between their normals.


This activity is helpful to measure the angle between a line and a plane.


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