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STEM in the Teaching of Biological Science

Ananta Kumar Jena

Objectives: after completion of Course the Students will be able to:

• develop insight on the meaning and nature of biological science for determining aims and
strategies of teaching-learning;
• appreciate that science is a dynamic and expanding body of knowledge;
• appreciate the fact that every child possesses curiosity about his/her natural surroundings;
• identify and relate everyday experiences with learning biological science;
• appreciate various approaches of teaching-learning of biological science;
• explore the process skill in science and role of laboratory in teaching– learning;
• Use effectively different activities/experiments/demonstrations/ laboratory experiences for
teaching–learning of biological science;
• integrate the biological science knowledge with other school subjects;
• analyze the contents of biological science with respect to its branches, process skills,
knowledge organization and other critical issues;
• develop process-oriented objectives based on the content themes/units;
• identify the concepts of biological science that are alternatively conceptualized by teachers and
students in general;
• explore different ways of creating learning situations for different concepts of biological
• formulate meaningful inquiry episodes, problem-solving situations, investigatory and discovery
learning projects based on upper primary, secondary and higher secondary stages;
• facilitate development of scientific attitudes in learners;
• examine different pedagogical issues in learning biological science;
• construct appropriate assessment tools for evaluating learning of biological science;
• stimulate curiosity, inventiveness and creativity in biological science;
• develop ability to use biological science concepts for life skills; and
• develop competencies for teaching, learning of biological science through different measures.

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic Cell, plasma membrane, cell wall , mitochondria,ER, ribosomes,
Golgi apparatus, chromoplasts and leucoplasts, vacuole,chromosomes ,nucleic acid, as
organelles.Tissue,Plant tissues are of two main types . meristematic and permanent. Meristematic
tissue simple and complex tissues. Sexual Reproduction in flowering Plants, Flower – A
Fascinating Organ of Angiosperms,Pre-fertilisation : Structures and Events, Double Fertilisation,
Apomixis and Polyembryony, Biotechnological Applications, Organisms and Populations
Ecosystem, Biodiversity and Conservation, Environmental Issue-Air Pollution and Its Control
Water Pollution and Its Control Solid Wastes Agro-chemicals and their Effects
Epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous tissue. Depending on epithelial tissue as squamous,
cuboidal, columnar, ciliated and glandular.Animals are divided into ten groups: Porifera,
Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata,
Protochordata and Vertebrata.
Plants physiology- xylem and phloem, transport of water, minerals, food and other materials,.
C3,C4 cycle,respiration,excretion, food-chain. respiration, complex organic compounds such as
glucose are broken down to provide energy in the form of ATP. ATP is used to provide energy
for other reactions in the cell.

The maintenance of life requires processes like nutrition, respiration, transport of materials
within the body and excretion of waste products. Autotrophic nutrition involves the intake of
simple inorganic materials from the environment and using an external energy source like the
Sun to synthesis complex high-energy organic material.

Human Reproduction-The Male Reproductive System The Female Reproductive System,

Gametogenesis, Menstrual Cycle, Fertilisation and Implantation, Pregnancy and Embryonic
Development, Parturition and Lactation, Reproductive Health – Problems and Strategies,
Population Explosion and Birth Control, Medical Termination of Pregnancy, Sexually
Transmitted Diseases, Infertility,Principles of Inheritance and Variation, Molecular Basis of
Inheritance, Evolution. The DNA The Search for Genetic Material, RNA
World ,Replication ,Transcription, Genetic Code, Translation, Regulation of Gene Expression,
Human Genome Project,

UNIT III Fundamentals of teaching of natural sciences

A) Nature and scope of Natural science
Concept of science and natural science. Science- steps through which it develop (observation,,
demonstration, experiment). Role of science in the modern world. Scientific method (concept,
steps, utility). Discussion about facts, concepts, principles and laws in science. Discussion about
the structure of science- product and process
B)Instructional objectives and teaching of natural science
Discussion about the concept of general and specific objectives of teaching of science. Objective
based instruction. Taxonomy of educational objectives with special reference to Bloom’s
taxonomy. Instructional objectives of natural science and its specific objectives in behavioural
Qualities of a good teacher. Duties and responsibilities. Professional growth of a teacher.
Teacher ethics. Role of a science teacher in the community (social service, awareness
development, value inculcation, imparting scientific knowledge etc
UNIT IV Techniques and technologies for effective teaching
A) Methods and techniques of teaching of natural science
Concept of teaching methods. Characteristics of a good teaching method. Criteria for selecting
appropriate teaching method. The following methods should be discussed in detail: lecture
method, lecture cum discussion, lecture cum demonstration, laboratory method, heuristic
method, project method and Dalton plan. Concept of child centred approach and activity oriented
approach. Utility of programmed instruction (linear and branched programming) in teaching
physical science topics. General discussion about models of teaching with special reference to
Concept Attainment Model,Inquiry Training Model& concept mapping.
B) Instructional materials for teaching
Teaching aids. Utility of teaching aids for a natural science teacher. Concept of improvised
teaching aids. Audio- Visual aids. (Projected, non-projected and activity aids). Detailed
discussion about the importance of black board, overhead projector, LCD projectors, charts,
computer and field trips and its use in teaching of natural science should be stressed.
UNIT V Preparation for teaching natural science
A) Planning for teaching of natural science
Brief idea about year plan, unit plan and its importance. Format of unit plan. Lesson plan. (Need
and significance). Steps in lesson planning. Format of lesson plan. (Constructivist lesson plan is
preferred for internship but a discussion about behaviouristic model lesson plan can also be
included). General discussion about science textbook (functions and qualities), science
laboratory (features, rules, and first aids), science club (objectives, activities and organisation),
science fair (purpose and organisation) and field trip (importance and organisation).
B) Evaluation of students’ learning
Concept of evaluation. Formative and summative evaluation. Continuous and comprehensive
evaluation. Construction and standardisation of a teacher made achievement test. (weightage to
content, objective, type of question and difficulty level. Blue print. Preparation of a sample
question paper. Preparation of scoring key and marking scheme for the prepared question paper.
Concept of diagnostic test and remedial teaching.
Determination of blood group
Qualitative estimation of balance diet for child, adult and old
Preparation of permanent slides on plant and animal parts
Submission of herbarium
Suggested Readings:

Section I
Dat Poly, (2004)Encyclopedia of Teaching Science, Sarup& Sons, New Delhi IGNOU
Handbook (2002), “ Teaching of Science”
Jacobson, David (1985) : Methods of Teaching & Skills Approach, Charles E Merrut
Mangal,S.K (1995): Teaching of Physics and Life Science, Avg.Book Depot, New Delhi.
NCERT (1982), “Teaching of Science in Secondary Levels” NCERT: Instructional Objectives of
School Subject
NCERT(2006) “Constructionist Approach of Teaching and Learning”
NCERT, (2006) Position Paper of NFG on Teaching of Science. Pritam Singh, (2006)
“Handbook Measurement & Evaluation”
NCERT: Exemplar Materials on some core Curricular Area
NCERT: Valuing Teacher Questioning NCERT: Science Textbooks of Class IX & X
Radha Mohon, (2002) Innovative Science Teaching for Physical Science Teachers, Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
RekhaChapra (2005): Beyond Cognition Science Text Books for Class IX & X - BOSEM
Science Teacher (NSTA’s peer reviewed journal for Secondary Science teachers).
Sidiqui&Sidiqui M.N (2008) : Teaching of Science Today and Tomorrow, Doaba House, New
Sonia Jones & Howard Tanner (2008): “Assessment” Viva.Contonmem. Turver Tony and
Wedey Di Macro, Learning to Teach School Experience in Secondary School teaching,
Routledge, London and New York.
Taber K.S. (2002) Chemical Misconceptions – Prevention, Diagnosis and cure Volume 1 and 2,
London (Royal Society of Chemistry)
Vaidya, Narendra, (1999).Science Teaching for 21st Century, Deep & Deep Publications
Wynne Harlen& Jos E1 stgeest(1990) “UNESCO Source Book for Science in Primary
School”National Book Trust
Section II
Athodly. A.G. Girton, J.R & Mc Donald J.F. 1999. The Science of Genetics, Saundors Collogo
Publishing, Fort. Worth, USA
Bhatnagar, SP and Monitra, A 1996. Gymnosperms, New Age International Ltd, New Delhi,
Davis, P.H and Heywood, V.H. 1963. Principles of Angiosperm taxonomy, Oliver and Boyd,
London, Gifford, E>M and Foster, A.S. 1998. Morphology and evolution of vascular plants.
W.H. Freeman and com. New York.
Bhojwani, S.S. 1990 plant tissue culture : Application and limitation Elsevier Science publishers,
New York, USA
Bold, H.C. ,Alexopoulos, C.J & Delevoryas, T. 1980. Morphology of plant and fungi(4th ed)
Harper and Foul Co., New York
Clifton, a. 1958. Introduction to the bacteria, McGraw Hill co, New York
Coulter & Chamberlin – Gymnosperms
Daginawala H.F.,, Powar C.B., General Microbiology, Volume I and Volume II, Himalaya
Publishing House, Girgaon, Mumbai, India.
Dube, H.C 1990 An introduction of fungi. Vikash publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
Fukul,K and Nakayama, S.1996 Plant chromosomes; laboratory methods , CRC press, Boca
Raton, Florida, Gunning, B.E.S. and steer, M.W. 1996. Plant cell gunning, B.E.S and steer,
M.W. 1996. Plant cell Biology; structure and function.

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