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1.) A pump del ivers 500gpm of water a gainst a total head of 200ft a nd operating at 1770rpm.

Changes have i ncreased the total head to 375 ft. At

wha t rpm s hould the pump be operated to achieve the new head a t the same efficiency?
a .) 2800 rpm b.) 3600rpm c.) 3434 rpm d.) 2424 rpm

2.) A centri fugal pump delivers 300,000l iters per hour to a ta nk whose pressure is 284kpa. The source of water is meters below the pump. The
di a meter of the s uction pipe is 300mm and the discharge pipe i s 250mm. Calculate the KW ra ting of the driving motor, assuming the pump
effi ciency to be 72%. a .) 41.75 KW b.) 35.23 KW c.) 43.28KW d.) 38.16KW

3.) A boi ler feed pump receives 40 L/s a t 4 Mpa and 180ᴼC. It operates against a head of 900m with an efficiency o f 60%. Determine the power
output of the driving motor. a .) 450.21KW b.) 459.64KW c.) 500.21KW d.) 523.26 KW.

4.) A fan whos e static efficiency is 40% has a capacity of 60,000 ft³/ per hour a t 60:F a nd barometer of 30 i n. Hg a nd gives static pre ssure of 2 i n. of
wa ter column on full delivery. What size electri c motor shall be used drive this fan? a .) 1/2 Hp b.) 1 Hp c.) 2 Hp d.) 1-1/2 Hp

5.) A venti lation system includes a fan of 750 m³/mi nute. A ca pacity discharging through a 122cm x 91cm a i r duct against 30 cm s tatic pressure. Air
temperature is a t 21:C a nd barometer pressure is 730mm Hg (97 Kpa). What input power will be required to gi ve the fan a n efficiency of 44.3%?
a .) 5Hp b.) 10Hp c.) 3 Hp d.) 7 Hp.

6.) Wet ma terial containing 215% moisture (dry ba sis) is to be dried a t the rate of 1.5 kg/s in a continuous dryer to gi ve a product containing 5%
moi sture (wet basis). The dryi ng medium consists of air heated to 373 K a nd l eaves the dryer a t 310K a nd 70% s aturated. Ca lc ulate how much air
wi l l be required to remove the moisture.
a .) 50 kg/s b.) 55 kg/s c.) 60 kg/s d.) 65 kg/s

7.) The evaporative condenser of a n a mmonia refrigeration plant has a water fl ow ra te of 226 kg/s and enters a natural draft cooling tower a t 40:C.
The wa ter i s cooled to 29:C by a i r entering at 38:C db a nd 24:C wb. The air l eaves the tower s aturated a t 40:C db. Ca lculate the make-up water
requi red in kg/hr. a .) 8977 b.) 8000 c.) 8255 d.) 8388

8.) An a i r compressor i s to compress 8.5m³/min from 98.56 Kpa to 985.6Kpa. As suming i deal conditions, a nd with n =1.3, wha t wi ll be th e
s a vi ngs i n work due to two (2) s taging?
a .) 4.6KW b.) 5.6KW c.) 1.2KW d.) 3.5KW

9.) The cyl i nder of a single-acting compressor i s 225mm diameter and the stroke of the piston is 300mm. It ta kes i n air a t 4.8bars and makes four (4)
del ivery s trokes per second. As suming that compression follows the law 〖PV〗^n = C, a nd neglecting clearance, ca lculate the theoretical power
requi red to drive the compressor when the va lue of the i ndex of the law of compression is 1.2 . a .) 8.50 KWb.) 7.85KW c.) 5.87KW d.) 7.58KW

10.) An a i r storage vessel has a n internal volume of 566 l i ters. If the pressure is 40 a tmospheres and the temperature is 26:C, compute the mass of
the a i r stored in it. Note: density of air = 1.293 kg/m³.
a .) 26.73kg b.) 20.73kg c.) 36.73kg d.) 30.73kg

11.) Wa ter a t 55:C i s cooled i n a cooling tower which has an efficiency of 65%. The temperature of the surrounding air i s 32:C dry bulb and 70% RH.
The heat dissipated from the condenser i s 2,300,000 KJ/hr. Fi nd the capacity i n liters per s econd of the pump used in the cooling tower.
a .) 8.6 L/s b.) 6.8 L/s c.) 7.6 L/s d.) 6.7 L/s

12.) An a tmospheric cooling tower i s to provide cooling for the jacket of a four-stroke diesel generator. The cooling tower efficiency i s 60% a t a
temperature a pproach of 10:C. If the a mbient air has a relative humidity of 70% a nd dry bulb temperature of 32:C. Determine the cooling water
s upplied to the diesel engine i n liters per hour. Generator efficiency i s 97%, useful work = 30% a nd cooling l oss i s 25%.
a .) 39,800 L/hr b.) 35,700 L/hr c.) 45,700 L/hr d.) 49,800 L/hr

13.) Fi fty ga llons per minute of wa ter enters a cooling tower a t 46:C. Atmos pheric a ir at 16:C db a nd 55% RH enters the tower a t 2.85 m³/s and
l eaves at 32:C s aturated. Determine the volume of water that leaves the tower.
a .) 4.10 L/s b.) 3.10L/s c.) 2.10 L/s d.) 5.10 L/s

14.) A 250,000 kg/hr of wa ter a t 35:C enters the cooling tower where it is to be cooled to 17.5:C. The energy is to be exchanged with atmospheric
a i r entering the unit a t 15:C a nd leaving the unit a t 30:C. The air enters a t 30% RH and leaves a t 85% RH. If all processes are a ssumed to occur at
a tmospheric pressure, determine the percentage of total water flow that is make up water. a .) 2.22% b.) 3.33% c.) 4.44% d.) 1.11%.

15.) The temperature in a dryer i s maintained constant by the use of steam coils within the dryer. The product enters the dryer at the ra te of 1
metri c ton per hour. The initial moisture content is 3kg moisture per kg of dry s olid a nd will be dried to a moisture content of 0.10 kg moisture p er
kg of dry s ol id. Air enters the dryer with a humidity ra tio of 0.016 kg moisture per kg dry a ir a nd l eaves with a relative humidity of 100% while the
temperature remains constant a t 60:C. I f the total pressure of the air is 101.3 Kpa , determine the ca pacity of the forced draft fa n to handle this air
i n m³/min. a .) 85.75 b.) 87.55 c.) 55.87 d.) 58.75 m³mi n.
16.) Wet ma terial containing 215% moisture (dry basis) i s to be dried a t the rate of 1.5 kg/s in a continuous dryer to give a product containing 5%
moi sture (wet basis). The dryi ng medium consists of air heated to 373 K a nd l eaves the dryer a t 310K a nd 70% s aturated. Ca lculate how much air
wi l l be required to remove the moisture. a .) 50 kg/s b.) 55 kg/s c.) 60 kg/s d.) 65 kg/s

17.) Water a t 55:C i s cooled i n a cooling tower which has a n efficiency of 65%. The temperature of the surrounding air i s 32:C dry bulb and Rh of
70%. The heat dissipated from the condenser is 2,300,000 KJ/hr. Fi nd the ca pacity in liters per second of the pump used i n th e tower.
a .) 8.66 L/s b.) 8.96 L/s c.) 4.76 L/s d.) 7.26 L/s

18.) A dryer i s to deliver 1000kg/hr of palay wi th a final moisture content of 10%. The i nitial moisture content i n the feed is 15% a t atmospheric
condi tion with 32:C dry bulb and 21:C wb. The dryer is maintained a t 45:C while the RH of the hot humid air from the dryer i s 80%. If the steam
pres sure s upplied to the dryer i s 2 MPa , determine the air s upplied to the dryer i n m³/hr a .) 1332.25 b.) 1233.25 c.) 1223.25 d.) 1523.13

19.) Copra enters dryer conta ining 60% water a nd 40% s olids and l eaves with 5% water a nd 95% s olids. Find the weight of water removed based on
ea ch pound of original product.
a .) 0.58 lbs. b.) 0.40 l bs . c.) 0.47 l bs. d.) 0.67 l bs .

20.) The eva porative condenser of an ammonia refrigeration plant has a water flow ra te of 226 kg/s a nd enters a natural draft cooling tower a t
40:C. The wa ter i s cooled to 29:C by a i r entering at 38:C db a nd 24:C wb. The air l eaves the tower saturated a t 40:C db. Calculate the make-up
wa ter required i n kg/hr. a .) 8977 b.) 8000 c.) 8255 d.) 8388

21.) An a i r compressor is to compress 8.5m³/min from 98.56 Kpa to 985.6Kpa . Assuming ideal conditions, and with n=1.3, what will be the savings
i n work due to two(2) staging? a .) 4.6KW b.) 5.6KW c.) 1.2KW d.) 3.5KW

22.) A two (2) s ta ge compressor with first stage piston displacement of 94,390m m³/s is driven by a motor. Motor output is 35Hp, suction
temperature is 22:C, vol umetric efficiency i s 85%, mechanical efficiency is 95%, the intercooler pressure i s 30 psi gage. Air temperature in and out
of the i ntercooler a re 105:C a nd 44:C. Fi nal discharge pressure is 100psi gage, s uction estimated a t 14.5psi. FIND the compression efficiency
a .) 77.68% b.) 67.68% c.) 71.58% d.) 61.58%
23.) The s troke of the piston of an a ir compressor is 250mm and the cl earance volume is equal to 6% of the stro ke volume. The pressure of the air
a t the beginning of compression is 0.98bar a nd it is discharged a t 3.8bars. Assuming compression to follow , where n=1.25, calculate the
di s tance moved by the piston from the beginning of its pressure stroke before the discharge va lve opens a nd express this as a percentage of the
s troke. a .) 70.15% b.) 75.25% c.) 82.75% d.) 78.25%

24.) A s i ngle a cting air compressor has a volumetric efficiency of 87% operates at 500 rpm. It ta kes i n air a t 100 kpa and 30 :C a nd discharges it a t
600Kpa . The a ir handled is 6m³/min measured at discharge condition. If compression is isentropic, find the mean effective pre ssure i n Kpa
a .) 203.56 Kpa b.) 188.66 Kpa c.) 303.59Kpa d.) 353.64 Kpa

25.) The piston displacement of a double-acting compressor is 0.358m³/s delivers gas from 101.325Kpa a nd 300K to 675Kpa a t the ra te of
0.166m³/s a t 150rpm. Va lue of n for compression & expansion is 1.33. FIND the compressor percent cl earance.a.) 19.66 b.) 10.75 c.) 15.69 d.) 16.96

1.) A pump with capacity Q1with head H1 is connected in series with another pump with capacity Q2 and head H2. What is the head developed if Q2 is less than Q1?
a.) 2(H1)(H2) c.) H2/H1
b.) (H1) +( H2) d.) (H2)(H1)
2.) At ordinary temperature, what substance will behave as inert gas and will not react in the combustion process?
a.) carbon c.) hydrogen
b.) sulfur d.) nitrogen
3.) During combustion process, only limited air is supplied and not enough to supply 2 molecules of oxygen per one molecule of carbon, then the product is :
a.) water vapor c.) carbon dioxide
b.) carbonic acid d.) carbon monoxide
4.) In combustion chamber design, maximum power output of an engine can be increased by:
a.) increasing combustion time c.) decreasing combustion chamber volume
b.) increasing combustion chamber volume d.) maintaining combustion chamber volume.
5.) A water conservation device which employs both air and water is condensed in a condenser and combined with cooling tower and is called:
a.) shell-and-tube condenser c.) water-cooled condenser
b.) air-cooled condenser d.) evaporative condenser
6.) In order to attain equilibrium in the condenser, the cooling tower range must be ______with respect to temperature rise in the condenser.
a.) greater c.) less
b.) equal d.) zero
7.) The flow of the convergent section of a nozzle is always subsonic. If the flow is subsonic, then the Mach Number is:
a.) greater than unity c.) near than unity
b.) less than unity d.) unity
8.) The relation (R) between the Fahrenheit absolute scale and the Celsius absolute scale is :
a.) R= 1.8ᴼK c.)R= 3.2 ᴼK
b.) R= 32ᴼK d.) R= 18 ᴼK
9.) The sum of the internal energy and the product of pressure and specific volume is known as the :
a.) entropy c ) total internal energy
b.) enthalpy d.) total work
10.) Dry analysis is a fractional analysis of the products of combustion which does not include:
a.) water vapor c.) carbon monoxide
b.) carbon dioxide d.) sulfur dioxide
11.) The dew point temperature of the products of combustion is the saturation temperature that corresponds to the partial pressure of the ____in the combustion
products or flue gases.
a.) SO2 c.)N2O
b.) CO2 d.)H2O
12.) If the air is compressed without discarding heat, then what do you call this kind of compression?
a.) Isobaric c.) Isothermal
b.) Adiabatic d.) Isochoric
13.) What will happen when the pressure at any point inside a centrifugal pump goes below the vapor pressure corresponding to the temperature of the liquid?
a.) turbulent flow c.) cavitation
b.) laminar flow d.) priming
14.) What does enthalpy measure in a substance?
a.) coldness c.) dew point
b.) humidity d.) heat content
15.) It is important to take some moisture from the air to dehumidify it if the relative humidity reaches high levels. To do this, it requires cooling the air:
a.) at wet-bulb temperature c.) at critical temperature
b.) above its dew point temperature d.) below its dew point temperature.
16.) The pump will not cavitate if the available Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is:
a.) less than the required NPSH c.) equal or greater than the required NPSH
b.) equal or lesser than the required NPSH d.) zero compared to the required NPSH
17.) When vapor compression takes place on one side of the piston and once in one one revolution of the crankshaft, then the compression is:
a.) double-acting c.) two(2) cycle
b.) four(4) cycle d.) single-acting
18.) What is the relationship of the horsepower of a centrifugal pump, Hp, to the impeller speed, S, if the pump is at two different rotative speeds?
a.) Hp is inversely proportional to the cube of the ratio of S c.) Hp is inversely proportional to the ratio of S
b.) Hp is directly proportional to the ratio of S d.)Hp is directly proportional to the cube ofthe ratio of S
19.) What is the relative humidity when the dew point, dry bulb and wetbulb are equal?
a.) 110% c.) 100%
b.) 0% d.) 50%
What is the specific humidity of dry air?
20.) What is likely to occur when sections of the impeller of a centrifugal pump are handling vapor and other sections are handling liquid?
a.) erosion of the pump c.) excessive vibration
b.) high head and low capacity d.) complete failure to operate.

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