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Kosala : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan


General Format
All manuscripts must be written in Word (.doc) format or .rtf filewith Arial font type. The
page set-up should be set to A4. Left, right, bottom, top margins of the page are 4 cm, 2
cm, 2.5 cm, and 2 cm, respectively.Non-Indonesian words should be written in italics.
Abstract must be written in single space but body text must be written in 1.5 space.Please
avoid using footnotes.

TITLE [Indonesian words, Uppercase, Arial, 12, bold, center alignment, single space]

Authors [Arial, 11, bold, center alignment]


Author’s main department, institution, country [Arial, 10, center alignment]


Notes:The author must provide important information under the title of the abstract as
1. Complete names of all authors. Please note only authors with significant contribution to
the study can be included. No ghost author or gift/guest author is permitted for inclusion
as an author.
2. Name of the affiliated institution for each co-author


The abstract should be structured under the following headings: Background; The Aim of
the study; Subjects and Method; Results; Conclusion.No reference citations are
allowed in the abstract. Keywords: 3-6 words that are deemed to be effective in
identifying the article in most search engines. The abstract should be no longer than 300


Background:It is comprised of the background rationale for conducting the study. This
part must contain strong rationale for the author to have conducted the current research.
The Aim of the study : This part comprises the objective of the study.
Method : study design, study site, method or instrument of variable measurement, the
measurement tools designed to obtain data on a topic of interest from study subjects. As
well as method of data analysis.
Subjects : target population, sampling technique and size, dependent and independent
variables of interest,
Results:This part reports principal and important findings from data analysis. For a
quantitative study, statement on findings of an association or effect of variables, or group
difference, must be supported by the relevant summary statistics written in bracket. These
summary statistics include measure of association (effect) or effect size, the interval
estimate i.e. 95% Confidence Interval, and p value. The p value must be reported in three
digit decimal, for example p=0.027. For example: a particular interpretation of an
association (OR= 5.67; CI95%= 4.44 to 9.23; p=0.027).
Discussion : This parts contains analysis of research results connected with the
theoretical that is supported by adequate literature. As well as comparing with previous
research, reinforcing, refuting or finding new results. It is also necessary to write down the
limitations of the research both in terms of design or other factors that influence it.
Conclusion : This part contains 1-2 sentences of conclusion. It may include policy
implication of the findings, i.e. the consequence of the findings to the current policy.
Suggestion : The author is allowed to provide suggestion or recommendation. Containing
important input related to the results of research
References : A minimum of 10 references consist of books and scientific journals.
Published last 10 years. Arranged alphabetically using Harvard writing techniques
(Author's last name, Abbreviation of the author's first and middle name. Year. Title typed
italic. Publisher's name, City of publication). Excerpt are written with the author's last name
and year of publication.

Corresponding author’s name. Name and address of the affiliated institution. Email
Additional Rules :
1. In addition to the title, researcher's name and abstract, the article is written in Arial
typeface, font 11, single space, maximum 10 pages, typing with computer is
displayed in two columns.
2. The maximum number of tables in a journal is 5 (five) pieces. Table title is written
in full. The table numbers start from number 1. Other data can be presented in the
form of diagrams.
3. The format of the border in the table is only for lines at row heading (the head of
the table) and the cover of the table.

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