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Debbie Hepplewhite,s simple to complex Alphabetic Code overview

Slash marks /ai/ mainly denote single sound units (phonemes). Letters and letter combinations (graphemes) appear in single apostrophes Cay,.
References to short vowel sounds relate to the sounds as in Cat, enter, in, on, up, denoted as: /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/ and said in a Cstaccato, manner - as
opposed to references to the long vowel sounds commonly denoted as: /ai/, /ee/, /igh/, /oa/, /yoo/ as in Crain, tree, night, coat, statue,.

Key to the 12 units of Debbie,s international online synthetic phonics programme:

units1-5 mainly simple code with options to extend 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
6-12 /air/, /eer/, /zh/, split digraphs, complex code 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

simple code complex code teaching points

Debbie,s programme introduces a simple code of at least one letter/s-sound correspondence
phonemes graphemes: spelling variations of the 44+ phonemes
and and
for each of the 44+ sounds of speech of the English language. It then expands to teach
key words key words further spellings and their pronunciation variations.

*Short words ending with the /s/ sound with short medial
/s/ s -ss -ce -se ce ci cy sc -st- vowel sounds usually end with double letters Css, - as in Ckiss,.
*Sound out double consonants as one sound only.
s snake sun kiss fence house cent certain scent castle
*Double consonants alert the reader to sound out the
city circle science
cycle lacy scythe ps preceding vowel with its short sound.
*Letters e, i or y alert the reader that the preceding Cc, will
psyche represent the /s/ sound. (This is Csoft c,.)
*For Ca,, teach [try the short vowel sound /a/ first, if that does
/a/ a not sound right then try the long vowel /ai/ sound\.
*Some people pronounce the Ca, in some words as if it were
a apple ant
/ar/: e.g. path p-ar-th; grass g-r-ar-s
*Double consonants alert the reader to sound out the
/t/ t -tt -ed preceding vowel with its short sound.
*Past tense of verbs leads to Ced, graphemes for /t/, /d/, /e+d/.
t tent tin otter jumped
*Letters Ci, and Cy, and the sounds they represent have very
/i/ in i * -y -y * -ey *-ie close links. Here the letter Cy, acts as a vowel-letter and vowel-
i igloo ink pony cygnet honey movie
* End graphemes Cy,, Cey, and Cie, sound between /i/ and /ee/.

Copyright 2007 Debbie Hepplewhite and

*Double consonants alert the reader to sound out the
/p/ p -pp preceding vowel with its short sound.
p pen pot poppy
*Double consonants alert the reader to sound out the
/n/ n -nn kn gn -ine preceding vowel with its short sound.
*Some people would refer to Csilent k, or Csilent g,; others
n nut net sunny knock gnat jasmine
prefer to say that Ckn, and Cgn, are digraphs for /n/.
*Letter Cc, represents a /k/ sound when preceding the letters
/k/ c k -ck ch qu que Ca,, Co, and Cu,.
k kitten cat kit sack chemist croquet plaque *Short words with short vowels usually end with Cck, and this
grapheme never begins words.
*When reading short unknown words with single letter Ce,,
/e/ e ea teach [try the short vowel /e/ sound first, if that does not
sound right then try the long vowel /ee/ sound\.
e enter egg head
*When letter names are taught, point out that the name for
/h/ h the letter Ch, is pronounced [aitch\.
h hen hat
*Some people would refer to Csilent w, or Csilent h,; others
/r/ r -rr wr rh prefer to say that Cwr, and Crh, are digraphs (graphemes)
representing the /r/ sound (phoneme).
r rabbit rat curry wrist rhyme
/m/ m -mm -mb -mn -me *Double consonants alert the reader to sound out the
preceding vowel with its short sound.
*Some people would refer to Csilent b, or silent Cn,; others
m map mop hammer thumb hymn some
prefer to say that Cmb, and Cmn, are digraphs for /m/.
*Double consonants alert the reader to sound out the
/d/ d -dd -ed preceding vowel with its short sound.
*Past tense of verbs leads to Ced, graphemes for /t/, /d/, /e+d/.
d dog drum ladder played
/g/ g -gg gu gh -gue *Double consonants alert the reader to sound out the
preceding vowel with its short sound.
*Letter Cu, in Cgu, acts as a block between the letters Cg, and Ci,.
g gate goat toggle guitar ghost rogue

Copyright 2007 Debbie Hepplewhite and

*For Co,, teach [try the short vowel /o/ sound first, if that does
/o/ on o wa qua alt not sound right then try the long vowel /oa/ sound\.
*Alert the reader that the graphemes Cw, or Cqu, preceding a
o octopus ostrich wasp squash salt
single letter Ca, can indicate that Ca, represents the /o/ sound.
*For Cu,, teach [try the short vowel /u/ sound first, if that does
/u/ up u o -ou ough not sound right then try the long vowel /yoo/ sound\.
*The letter Cu, is sometimes a long /oo/ sound: e.g. flu, judo,
u umbrella under dove touch borough
truth, Ruth, Pluto.
*To make the /l/ sound, roll up the tongue and say [ul\.
/l/ l -ll *Short words with short vowels usually end with Cll, as in bell.
*Double consonants alert the reader to sound out the
l ladder leg bell
preceding vowel with its short sound.
*Teach the Cschwa, effect involving /l/ through words such as:
/ul/ schwa -le -il -al -el little, table, pupil, cymbal, label (pronounced close to [ul\).
Teach that literal sounding out when reading, however, helps
le table table pencil animal label
with spelling: e.g. h-o-s-p-i-t-a-l.
*Double consonants alert the reader to sound out the
/f/ f -ff ph -gh preceding vowel with its short sound.
*Short words with short vowel sounds usually end with Cff, as
f feather fish cuff photo rough
in off.
*Double consonants alert the reader to sound out the
/b/ b -bb bu preceding vowel with its short sound.
b bat ball robber build
/j/ j -ge ge gi gy -dge *Letters e, i or y alert the reader that the preceding letter Cg,
might represent the /j/ sound. (This is often referred to as Csoft
j jug jam barge germ magic hedge
*Words ending with the /j/ sound are spelt with Cge, or Cdge,.
*Teach early on that letter Cy, represents 3 sounds as in Cyes,
/y/ y my mummy, and is often interchangeable with the phonemes
/i/ and /igh/ - and the letter Ci,.
y yellow yam

Copyright 2007 Debbie Hepplewhite and

/ai/ ai ay a ae a-e -ey eigh -ea *The Ca-i, as in Cbaking, alerts the reader to pronounce the
long /ai/.
*Grapheme Cea, for the /ai/ sound is rare - note the three
ai aid aim tray able sundae cake grey eight great
common words in which it appears: break, steak, great.
*Letter Cw, preceding vowel graphemes should alert the reader
/w/ w wh to different possible pronunciations,; (w)a - wasp, wag;
(w)ar - warm, wary; (w)or - work. Note: Cwhat,
w wind web wheel
/oa/ oa ow o oe o-e ough eau *The Co-i, as in Cpoking, alerts the reader to pronounce the
long /oa/.
oa oak oats snow echo toe rope dough plateau
*The Ci-i, as in Cliking, alerts the reader to pronounce the long
/igh/ -igh -ie i -y i-e ei /igh/.
igh light night pie kind fly bike eider
*The Ce-i, as in Ccompeting, alerts the reader to pronounce the
/ee/ ee ea e * -y e-e * -ey * -ie -ine long /ee/.
*The Cy, in Crainy, is between the sound /i/ and /ee/. Similarly,
ee bee tree east she rainy swede key chief sardine
donkey movie so is Cey, in Cdonkey, and Cie, in Cmovie,. [Also in /i/ row.]
*Letter Cw, preceding grapheme Car, alerts the reader to
/or/ or aw au al oar oor ore our pronounce /or/: (w)ar - war, warn, wart, warder.
*Sound /w/ as in Cqu, [/k/+/w/] also alerts reader to pronounce
or fork orbit awful sauce chalk oar door snore four
Car, as /or/: (qu)ar - quart, quarter, quartz, quartile.

/z/ z -zz -s -se -ze /or/ war *Double consonants alert the reader to sound out the
preceding vowel with its short sound.
*Short words with short vowel sounds end with Czz, - jazz.
z zip zoo buzz is, his cheese breeze fork warm
/ng/ -ng -n augh *The grapheme Cng, can be pronounced differently according
to regional accent and dependent upon the particular word.
*In some words, the Cn, and Cg, are pronounced separately
ng ring wing lynx taught
*Teach Cnk, as if it was one sound unit for reading and
/ngk/ -nk quar ough spelling purposes even though it is really two; that is:
quarter bought /ng/+/k/. Increasingly, this Csound, may be denoted as /nk/.
nk drink sink

Copyright 2007 Debbie Hepplewhite and

*Teach that words ending with the /v/ sound always end with
/v/ v -ve the grapheme Cve,.
v van vet dove
*Teach the two sounds represented by the grapheme Coo, at
/oo/ oo oul the same time; short /oo/, long /oo/.
*Progress to linking the /oo/ as in Cmoon, with the spelling and
oo cook hook could
pronunciation variations of Cew,, Cue, and Cu-e, - all of which
/oo/ oo -ue u-e -ew -ui -ou -o ough can represent both the long /oo/ sound and the /yoo/ sound.

oo moon spoon blue flute brew fruit soup move through

*Teach the letter Cx, as if it was one sound unit /ks/ whereas it
/ks/ -x -ks -k-s /gz/ -x is really two sounds /k/+/s/. This is often denoted as /x/.
Provide word lists of C-x, words, C-ks, words and C-kes, words to
x box fox books cakes x existence exit
compare: e.g. fox, boxes, oxen; looks, books, beaks, likes.
*Grapheme Ctch, indicates a preceding short vowel sound; e.g.
/ch/ ch -tch /chu/ schwa -ture witch, fetch, thatch, notch, hutch, watch.
*Grapheme Cch, follows long vowel sounds (bleach, pooch,
ch chair chin patch ture venture picture
reaches); but also some common words with short vowels
which need to be noted: rich, which, such, much, touch.
*Grapheme Cch, follows consonants; e.g. mulch, wrench, pinch.
*Draw attention to Cti,, Cci,, Cssi, graphemes in long words.
/sh/ sh ch -ti -ci -ssi *Provide words in groups with the same Cchunk, endings: -tion,
-cian, -cial, -ssion, -cious.
sh shell ship chef station special mission
**Progress to the phoneme /zh/ as in Ctelevision,.

*Teach unvoiced and voiced /th/ together.

/th/ th *Point out the difference with the sounds /f/ and /v/ and
study mouth movements of these sounds carefully.
th moth bath
Pronouncing /th/, /f/ and /v/ frequently causes confusion
/th/ th because of their similarities.

th this that

Copyright 2007 Debbie Hepplewhite and

*In English, the letter Cq, is always followed by the letter Cu,
/kw/ qu and together they represent two sounds /k/+/w/. Treat as one
qu queen quilt sound unit /kw/ (usually denoted /qu/) for both reading and
spelling purposes when teaching in the early stages.
*The grapheme Cou, for the sound /ou/ is never found at the
/ou/ ou ow ough end of a word.
*Cough, is a rare grapheme as an /ou/ sound: bough, plough.
ou out shout owl plough
*The grapheme Coi, is never at the end of a word except in Ccoi
/oi/ oi oy carp,.
oi oil coin oyster
*Point out that the graphemes Cue,, Cew, and Cu-e, are also
/yoo/ u -ue u-e ew eu spellings for the long /oo/ sound.
*The Cu-i, as in Camusing, alerts the reader to pronounce the
ue statue unicorn rescue tube new deuce
long /ue/ (yoo).
*Letter Cw, preceding Cor, alerts the reader to say [werf\ as in:
/er/ er ir ur ear wor schwa er -our -re worm, work, worth.
*Cer,, Cour,, Cre, sound like a schwa /u/: sister, colour, centre.
er her herbs girl purse earth worm sister colour centre
*Mention early on that some people pronounce some words
/ar/ ar alm alf alv (a) with the Ca, grapheme as the /ar/ sound rather than the /a/
sound: path p-ar-th, glass g-l-ar-s.
ar arm arch palm calf calves (path)
*Teach /air/ along with phoneme /eer/ (below) as there are so
/air/ air are ear ere many similar or identical graphemes representing /air/ and
/eer/ phonemes. Teach the word Ctheir, as Ctheir things,.
air air chair care bear there
See /air/ above.
/eer/ eer ear ere ier
eer beer cheer ears here pier
note: **Progress to this sound from lessons in the /sh/ sound and its
/zh/ -si -s -z -g -ge *-y, *-ey, *-ie are pronounced between /i/ and
/ee/ when these graphemes are word-endings
spelling variations. There are no words with the grapheme Czh,
and the letters zh denote the phoneme only.
television vision measure azure courgette collage so they appear in both /i/ and /ee/ rows.

Copyright 2007 Debbie Hepplewhite and

The complexities of the English Alphabetic Code include:
1. one sound (phoneme) can be represented by one, two, three or four letters: e.g. k, sh, ng, igh, eigh

2. one sound can be represented by different spellings (graphemes): e.g. /oa/ is represented by: o, oa, ow, oe, o-e, eau, ough

3. one spelling can represent multiple sounds: e.g. Cough,: /oa/ though, /or/ thought, /oo/ through, /ou/ plough, /u/ thorough

These complexities are taught explicitly and the Alphabetic Code is taught systematically with Debbie,s international online synthetic phonics programme:

General advice for teaching the Alphabetic Code:

Choose an order of introduction of letter/s-sound correspondences to create a version of a simple code. (See left-hand column for Debbie,s version). Teach
around 3 - 5 correspondences per week. Provide a cumulative word bank (for the simple code) for modelling blending all-through-the-word for reading, and
segmenting all-through-the-spoken-word for spelling. The Csimple code,, in effect, is part of the complex code but it is just a Cfirst step, of introducing the
complexities of the English writing system for reading and spelling based on 44+ phonemes (smallest identifiable sounds of speech).

Keep the simple code revised and begin to introduce spelling and pronunciation variations of the complex code at a rate appropriate to the age and stage of
the learner. With effective direct teaching, the rate of learning can be surprisingly fast-paced.

The Alphabetic Code is not an Cexact science, and accents need to be taken into account at all times along with the notion of Ctweaking pronunciations,
when decoding to reach the regional or preferred pronunciation of the target word.

Tweaking pronunciations also helps to raise awareness of the Cschwa effect, (unstressed syllables) whereby in reality the sound /u/ is the spoken translation
of the written code in words such as Csofa, (sofu), Cfaster, (fastu), Clittle, (littul), Caround, (uround). The reverse of this is the need to be aware of the spelling
possibilities when segmenting spoken words for writing - particularly with regard to the schwa effect. The ability to spell accurately relies on a growing
knowledge of word associations (noting words with the same spelling and sound variations) and this knowledge takes much longer to acquire than learning
to decode well for reading. Always emphasise the relationship between sounds and letters when teaching spelling rather than relying on visual memory of
letter order.

Copyright 2007 Debbie Hepplewhite and

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