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Némethné Hock Ildikó - Kész Zoltán


Angol felsőfok

Negyedik kiadás

Lexika Kiadó
8000 Székesfehérvár, Martinovics u. 9.
Tel., fax: (22) 501-993 -..: ol

Némethné Hock Ildikó, Kész Zoltán: -. 'ele

1OOO Questions 1 OOO Answers. -önn
Negyedik kiadás: 2013 :::..erür
(Változatlan utánnyomás 2014) _..:acic
Kiadói kód: LX-0126 -::em,
ISBN 978 615 5200 11 3 =;

--.z új
© Lexika Kiadó 3.\11
© Némethné dr. Hock Ildikó, Kész Zoltán, 2004, 2005, 2010, 2013 _-ni é
Minden jog fenntartva, beleértve a sokszorosítás,
a nyilvános előadás, a rádió- és televízióadás, -" kör
valamint a fordítás jogát, az egyes fejezeteket illetően is.

Szaknyelvi lektor:
Dale Cochran
John Barefield
Mayer Ingrid

Felelős kiadó:
Dr. Szalai Elek

Borítóterv, tipográfia: Taná

Magstúdió Design Kft.
Magyar Rádió

Mohácsi Miklós

A hanganyag elkészítésében közreműködtek:

John Barefield és Jane Pogson

Nyomta és kötötte:
Regia Rex Nyomda
Felelős vezető:
Kis Ferenc

-i olvasó a hazai nyelvkönyvkiadásban már-már klasszikusnak számító 1 OOO Questions 1 OOO Answers
rozat felsőfokú kötetének negyedik, felújított és bővített kiadását tartja kezében.

-. ;elentős szerkezeti és formai változásoknak köszönhetően a tananyag a korábbinál is áttekinthetőbb és

.;:onnyebben tanulható lett. A könyvet tartalmában is aktualizáltuk az elmúlt évtized során a mindennapi
::.etünkben bekövetkezett változásoknak megfelelően. A kiadvány további jelentős újdonsága, hogy szi­
::-.l.aCÍÓs feladataihoz online terméktámogatás kapcsolódik. A kiadó honlapjáról ( térítés­
-::entesen letölthető interaktív hanganyag az élő beszélgetés élményét kelti: lehetővé teszi a nyelvtanuló
.=mára, hogy anyanyelvi beszélőkkel gyakorolhassa a feladatokat.

-.2 új kiadvány elkészítése során nem csupán valamennyi népszerű és akkreditált felsőfokú nyelvvizsga
3.\fE, DEXAM, ECL, EURO, ORIGÓ, PANNON, TÁRSALKODÓ, TELC stb.), hanem a gimnázi­
_-:1i érettségi követelményeit is figyelembe vettük, így az nemcsak a nyelvvizsgára, hanem az emelt szintű
::�ettségi szóbeli részére is eredményesen készít fel.

-::. könyv tartalma:

• A könyvben található 13 fejezet a Magyarországon államilag elismert felsőfokú vizsgák és az emelt

szintű érettségi témaköreit dolgozza fel. Az egyes kérdéseket mintaválasz követi - gyakran egyszerre
több is -, valamint az adott kérdéshez és válaszhoz kapcsolódó szó- és kifejezés-gyűjtemény, ami
mentesíti a nyelvtanulót a hosszadalmas szótárazás alól.
• A fejezetek végén témavázlat (Sketch Answers) található a legfontosabb témák és a velük kapcsolatos
jelenségek és kifejezések felsorolásával, ho gy az adott témakört önállóan, árnyaltabban és személyre
szabottabban dolgozhassuk fel.

• A Role Play című fejezet 30 kidolgozott szituációs feladatot tartalmaz, amelyekhez - mint említet­
tük - ingyenesen letölthető ( interaktív hanganyag is tartozik.

-:.mácsok az egyes egységek feldolgozásához

• Mindenekelőtt olvassuk végig a fejezet elején felsorolt kérdéseket, és pipáljuk ki azokat, amelyekre
már tudunk válaszolni. Ennek során kiderülhet, mennyire vagyunk járatosak az adott témában,
a későbbiekben pedig - a kérdések ismételt áttekintésével és kipipálásával - nyomon követhetjük,
hogyan haladunk.

• Tervezzük meg a tanulási folyamatot! Attól függően, hogy mennyi idő áll rendelkezésünkre a vizs­
gára történő felkészüléshez, a fejezet kérdéseit feloszthatjuk kisebb egységekre, és melléjük írhatjuk
azt a dátumot is, amikorra az adott fejezetrész elsajátírását tervezzük.
• Olvassuk el jól haffhatóan kétszer-háromszor a fejezet egyes kérdéseit a vonatkozó válasszal együtt,
ügyelve a helyes hanglejtésre és saját beszédünk folyamatosságára!

• Tanuljuk meg az adott kérdéshez kapcsolódó új szavakat és kifejezéseket a szószedet segítségével!

• A fejezetek végén található témavázlat alapján írjunk fogalmazást, vagy fejtsük ki véleményünket
rögtönözve és hangosan, mintegy 2-3 perc terjedelemben! Ezzel rutint szerezhetünk a vizsga előtt,
hogy bármilyen váratlan kérdésre magabiztosan tudjunk válaszolni.

Tanácsok a szituációs feladatok interaktívfeldolgozásához

A szituációs feladatokhoz kapcsolódó hanganyag célja az, hogy lépésről lépésre képessé váljunk az anya­
nyelvi beszélőkével megegyező beszédtempóval, kiejtéssel és választékossággal, magas szinten kommuni­
kálni. A kívánt célt három egymást követő lépésben, fokozatosan érhetjük el. A tanulási folyamat alatt
a feladatokat mindvégig hangosan végezzük el, ezáltal abban az élményben lesz részünk, mintha egy
anyanyelvi beszélővel beszélgetnénk.

• Hallgassuk meg kétszer-háromszor az adott szituációs feladatot, s közben szemünkkel kövessük is a
beszélgetést a nyomtatott szövegben!
• Állírsuk meg a hanganyagot újra meg újra - akár mondatonként -, és ismételjük el hangosan a
• Próbáljuk meg most magunk elmondani a teljes szituációt mondatról mondatra úgy, hogy ellenőr- 6
zésként minden egyes mondat után meghallgatjuk a hanganyagot is!

• Válasszuk ki a hanganyagon tetszés szerint a fekete (black line) vagy a kék szöveggel (blue line) jelzett
szereplő menüpontját: mi leszünk az adott, anyanyelvi beszélő által megszólaltatott szereplő part­ 8
nere. Állítsuk meg minden hangjelzésnél a hanganyagot, mondjuk el saját tempónkban szereplői
szövegünket, majd folytassuk a párbeszéd lejátszását.
• Gyakoroljunk hasonlóképpen a másik szereplővel is addig, amíg képesek vagyunk kellő tempóval
és biztonsággal válaszolni.

• Válasszuk újra a black line vagy a blue line menüpontot! Ebben a szakaszban már nem állítjuk meg 10
a hanganyagot, hanem pontosan annyi időnk lesz a válaszra, mint egy anyanyelvi beszélőnek.
Ha belassulnánk, partnerünk „ránk fog beszélni" a hangfelvételről, s ez azt jelenti, hogy a beszéd­
tempónk nem elég gyors még, vagyis: további gyakorlásra van szükségünk. Ha a beszélgetésünk 11
gördülékenyen halad, és egy valós társalgás hangulatát idézi, elégedettek lehetünk, és megbirkóz­
harunk a következő szituációval is.



1 FAMILY ...................................................................................................................................... 9
lA Family roles, Values, Yourh problems, Divorce, Housing shorrage, Homelessness, Feminism
1 B Children and rheir upbringing; Looking afrer rhem, rewarding, punishing and educaring rhem
2 EDUCATION .......................................................................................................................... 34
School rypes, Language learning, Educarion in English-speaking countries, Righrs of srudents
�gy 3 JOBS ......................................................................................................................................... 48
Working in rhe European Union, Job sarisfacrion, Prioriries in life, Unemployment

4 TRAVELLING ......................................................................................................................... 58
lS a Travelling by ship, rrain, plane, coach; Camping, Tourism

1a 5 ENTERTAINMENT ................................................................................................................ 70
Entertainment, Internet, Compurers, Media, Mobile phones, Adverrising

őr- 6 SPORTS ................................................................................................................................... 82

Tradirional sporrs, Olympics, Professionalism, Exrreme sporrs, Doping, Vandalism

7 HEALTH .................................................................................................................................. 97
Diseases, Addicrions, Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol, Vegerarianism, Healrhy Dier
lrt­ 8 ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................................. 121
.Jőj Environment prorecrion, Types of pollurion, Energy resources, Recycling, Endangered species,
Life in ourer space
9 POLITICS ............... ............................................................................................................... 140
Hungary, Polirical sysrem, European Union, Living standards, Economy, Indusrry, Agriculrure,
Infrastrucrure, Professional army, Bearing arms, Terrorism

1eg 10 THE CONSUMER SOCIETY ............................................................................................... 156

ek. Globalisarion, Shopping, Adverrisements, Consumerism
nk 11 MORAL ISSUES .................................................................................................................... 166
)Z- Malnurrition, Aborrion, Eurhanasia, Capiral punishment, Cloning

12 HOLIDAYS AND SUPERSTITIONS ................................................................................... 184

Public holidays, Religious holidays and festivals, British and American holidays, Superstitions

13 THE FUTURE ....................................................................................................................... 201

Furure hopes, Fears and wishes

ROLE PLAY ................................................................................................................................. 215

Family roles, Values, Youth problems, Divorce, Housing shortage,
Homelessness, Feminism

Test your knowledge by answering the questions below. Tick the ones you
can already answer.

1 D How have family roles changed in the past decades?

2 D What historical examples can you give for the changes in the family pattern?
3 D What was the family pattern like a century ago?
4 D Which rype of famíly pattern do you prefer? Why?
5 D Who is the breadwínner in your family?
6 D How does the state encourage you to have more chíldren?
7 D Is the mother's place in the home?
8 D Should housewives be paíd ín the same way as other people are?
9 D How many jobs are women responsible for?
10 D Can a woman fulfil rhe duty of a wife, mother and a career woman?
11 D Why do people get divorced?
12 D What is the reason for rhe hígh number of divorces nowadays?
13 D Are divorced parems judged fairly in Hungary?
14 D What problems can come up after a divorce?
15 D What do you think a child experiences when rhe parents get divorced?
16 D Do you rhink rhat a prenuptíal agreement should be signed between a man and
a woman?
17 D What is your opínion about pre-arranged marríages?
18 D Is cohabiting before marriage important?
19 D What can be the pros and cons of gerting marríed at an early age?
20 D What do you know of polygamy and polyandry?
21 D Can you ímagine having more spouses?
22 D What is the idea] age to start a family?
23 D What was the situation a hundred years ago?
24 D Can you imagine having 3 or 4 generations living under the same roof?
25 D How do you see rhe change of rhe family pattern?
26 D What problems do young couples have to face when they want to buy a new flat?
27 D How can you get a flat in Hungary?
28 D How can you get the money ín order to build a house or buy a f!at?
29 D What should be done about the housing shorrage?
30 D Why are there so many homeless people in rhe streets?
31 D What do you know of feminism?

' LY 9
1 How have family roles changed in the past decades?
2 What historical examples can you give for the changes in the family pattern?
As che cwenciech cencury broughc about several changes, a very significanc change occurred
in family life. The beginning of che cencury saw che rise of che suffragecce movemenc, which
culminaced in the evenc chac women received che right ro voce. Women were an incegral part
of che war induscry ín rhe cwo world wars. This means rhey did most of che jobs men had been
responsible for earlier. le mighc be crue chat women, having experienced working, opced for
going out co work and doing full-or part-címe jobs. In Hungary, living condicions also played
an importanc role in che facr rhar women starced co work. Low wages, difficulries co make ends
meec forced women co do cwo jobs ar rhe same cime. As chey worked in faccories or as pink­
collar workers, chey also had co do household chores ac home making ic very difficulc co fulfil
differenc ducies ac che same ríme. The roles have noc changed complecely, chough. le is still che
women who do most of rhe work at home, while cheir husbands rarely help chem.
ln che western councries a new cype of woman has been born. They are che so-called singles.
Single women who consider cheir careers more ímportant rhan rheir families. They do noc have
a husband and they do noc want one. They look at che old family pattern as an obsolece thing
and chey do not want co be part of it. They do noc want co be rhe slaves of cheir husbands,
however, chey want co be free and independent.

significanc [s1g'mf1bnt] jelentős

suffragette [sAfr;i'd3et] szüfrazsett
movemenc ['mu:vm;int] mozgalom
co culminace ['kAlmmert] tetőzik
to opt for [opt] választ
co make ends meec [merk endz mi:t] kijön valamiből
pink-collar worker ['prIJkol;i 'w3:b] női munkát végző
household chore ['haush;iuld tf:,:] házimunka
obsolece [' obs;ili:t] elavult
slave [slerv] rabszolga
independenc [mdr'pend;int] független

3 What was the family pattern like a century ago?

A cencury ago families lived a complecely different lifescyle. It was che husband who was che
breadwinner of ebe family. He was responsible for earning ebe money for che family. However,
che role of che wife was as important as chac of che husband. She was ín charge of ebe whole
family. She had co bring up rhe children, make sure chey had enough co eac. They were supposed
co do all ebe housework which was much more difficulc chan nowadays. They did noc have che
same household devices like dishwashers, microwave ovens, irons, and so on. A housewife's
responsibilicy included keeping che family cogecher, and it was unimaginable co have as many
divorces as nowadays. le was very common for families co live in closely-knic communities, in
which everyone relied on rhe ocher and people trusced each orher very much.

breadwinner ['bredwm::i] kenyérkereső
to be ín charge of sg [m tfa:d3] felelős valamiért
device [d1'va1s] eszköz
dishwasher ['d1JwoJ::i] mosogatógép
microwave oven ['ma1kr::iowerv ,wn] mikrohullámú sütő
ed [Am'mred3m::ibl]
unimaginable elképzelhetetlen
ch ['kl::ioslm1t]
closely-knit összetartó
-or Which type of family pattern do you prefer? Why?
ed a I believe rhar a good husband should help ar home wirh rhe household chores. I have always
ds seen good examples in my family. My farher and my morher splir rhe household duries and we,
k­ rhe children, also have our share. There are some chores rhar my morher jusr cannot scand, bur
.fil luckily my dad enjoys rhem. They include rhe shopping for groceries, mopping rhe floor and
he raking out rhe garbage. On rhe orher hand, my farher would find it impossible if he had to do
rhe ironing and washing rhe clorhes. As for cleaning rhe house and walking rhe dog, everybody
cleans rheir own rooms, and we have so-called dog days, rhar is each day a different person is
assigned to rake rhe dog for a walk. I have some classmares who always complain abour having
farhers who jusr go home, put rheir feer on rhe rable and demand to be served. I would hare to
live in such a family.
b I believe rhar a woman's place is ar home. I have a well-paid job and I can maintain rhe whole
family. I am nor saying rhar she should nor work, however, as long as rhe children are young,
bringing up rhe children should be her sole responsibiliry. I rhink ir is in rhe genes of women to
know whar is good for a child, and a babysirrer or a creche can11ot replace rhe mother.
e I believe rhar ir is more imporranr ro build up your career firsr a11d rhe11 have a family if you
i11sist 011 ir. I would rarher focus on my job. I ca1111or believe rhar I will ever have a family as I
cannor bear rhe crying and whining of all rhe babies rhar my friends have. I would nor have free
time, i11depe11de11ce a11d I would have to sacrifice a lor of rhings I have achieved. I don'r rhink
a11yone would employ me if I had rwo or rhree litrle children. They would always ger sick and
I would have to be 011 sick leave wirh rhem. Thar is a difficulr problem wome11 have to rackle
nowadays. However, I know rhar if I remai11 single, it will be hard for me whe11 I become a
pe11sio11er. I have rime to rhink of it, till rhe11 I will seize rhe day and e11joy my opporruniries.

to mop [mop) felmos

garbage ('ga:b1d3) szemét
to be assigned to do sg (::i'samd) ki van jelölve valamire
to complain [bm'plem] reklamál
rhe to mainrain [mem'tem] fenntart
,rer, sole [s::iol] egyedüli
ole créche [krerJ] bölcsőde
sed to i11sisr on [m'srst] ragaszkodik valamihez
the to focus on sg ['faobs] koncentrál valamire
fe's ro sacrifice ['srekr::ifa1s] feláldoz
rny to achieve [::i'] elér
, in to be 011 sick leave [srk li:v] betegszabadságon van
to seize the day [si:z ő::i dei] a mának él

ilLY :-MILY ll
5 Who is the b readwi n ner in you r fa m i ly?
ln my family, both my mother and father work. l do not rhink this is rhe idea! situation, but
rhis is rhe only solution to break even. Luckily, my parems share the household duries, however,
my mother does rhe bulk of the work. ln my opinion, in an idea! family, only the farher
should work and the mother should stay at home raking care of rhe children and rhe house.

to break even [bre1k i:vn] kijön valamiből

bulk [bAlk] nagy része

6 H ow does the state encourage you to have more c h i l d ren?

There is a rremendous problem in Hungary nowadays. Statistics have shown that a gap has
appeared berween the death rate and rhe birrh rare. This means rhar rhe popularion of rhe
country is decreasing. Although governmenrs have uied ro encourage young couples with
differenr subsidies, this issue has not been solved. People are afraid of having a child because
rheir financial situarions are not satisfacrory enough ro bring up children. This is the trend in
the western European counuies too, however, it is more likely that it is not the money that
stops them from having children. ln the USA, which is the most developed welfare state,
people still have large families, although the family ties are not as strong as in Europe.
tremendous [trn'mcend;is] óriási
birth rare ['bJ:0rert] születési arány
death rate ['de0rert] halálozási arány
to encourage [m'kAnd3] bátorít
satisfactory [scet1s'fcekt;in] kielégítő
welfare state ['welfe;i ste1t] jóléti állam
family tie ['fcem;ih ta1] családi kötelék

7 Is the mother's place in the ho me?

a l agree with the staremem rhar morhers should sray at home raking care of rhe children and
doing rhe household chores. If the husband can support the whole family alone, why not bring
rhe old family pattern back. l know it is quite old-fashioned, but ar least mothers would not
have to do 2 jobs at the same time. TI1ey would be full-time mothers and, what is probably
more important, ful!-time wives. This way there would be fewer divorces because rhe mother
could keep the family together.
b I would never stay ar home all day long doing norhing bur rhe housework. I believe rhar a
woman has the same rights as a man. Why can't a husband help with all rhe chores and rhe
upbringing of rhe children? A fair share of workload would make families healthier. Ir is still a
problem nowadays rhat husbands just go home and demand to be served.
lt would also be good to meet other people as well instead of rotting in the same house for
good. ln our modern world there are so many modern household gadgets and appliances that
make our job easier. You just put the dishes in the dishwasher and press a button. Even a man
could do that.
e l would never let my wife stay at home all day long and not do anyrhing. l firmly believe that
the husband is also responsible for a lot of household duries. ln our family l take the children to
school in the morning and ferch them after school. My wife prepares all rhe meals for us, but every
weekend l take the whole family out to a restaurant. I hare cleaning rhe windows, bur my wife

12 FAMILY ::
!ikes it. I help her do rhe hoovering and the dusting, I always mop rhe Aoor and do the weekend
lt shopping. We also have so-called dish-days meaning that we take turns washing the dishes daily.
T, As my wife also works, she often invices her colleagues to come round to watch football or jusc to
chat. Working gives women a loc of responsibilicy, which they enjoy very much.

workload ['w3:klwd] munkamennyiség

co demand [dr'ma:nd] követel
to rot [rot] rohad
gadget ['gred31t] szerkentyű, bigyó
appliance [;i'plai::ms] készülék
firmly [ 'fa:mli] határozottan
to fecch [fetf] elhoz
e to hoover ['hu:v;i] porszívózik
n to dust [dAst] törölget
.t to take turns [te1k t3:nz] felváltva csinál

Should housewives be paid in the same way as other people are?

a I believe chat working at home and doing all the housework is as difficult as having a norma!
job. Housewives, or househusbands if chey exist, deserve to be paid the same way as ochers are.
They are the people who stay at home and keep the family cogecher and che family is the most
important social unit in a sociecy. However, I do not think chat everybody who stays at home
should be given a salary. Only women who have chree or more children should be granced this
option. This way the state would encourage mothers to give birch to more children and the
problem of the decreasing population would also be solved.
b I do not think that women should be paid to stay at home for doing the housework. How does
it help our country to develop? Who would finance all this? It has always been a nacural thing
for women to bring up a child without getting paid for it. Moreover, there is the maternity
leave they can enjoy for three years. What more should they be given?

social unit [s;iuJI 'junrt] társadalmi egység

to finance [fa'nrens] pénzel
maternicy leave [m;i't3:n;it1 li:v] GYES/GYED

H ow mony jobs are women responsible for?

Most women in Hungary have rwo or chree jobs. They are expected to fulfil their duries at
work, they have to take care of the household and bring up the children. It is not surprising
chat women get older chan men earlier, as they are overburdened by all these responsibilities.
There are different ways to solve this problem. If wives insist on working, they should take up
part-time jobs, so chat chey can focus on other duties. The husband can also help che wife with
che children and che housework. This way a well-balanced family life could be assured.

co fulfil [ful 'fii] teijesít

overburdened [;iuv;i'b3:d;ind] túlterhelt
well-balanced [ wel' brel;inst] jól kiegyensúl,yozott
to assure (;i'Ju;iJ biztosít

1 0 C a n a wom a n fulfil the d uty of a wife, mother and a career wom a n?
I don't think that a woman is able be to a good mother, a good wife and a good career woman.
What she will be is a part-time mother, a part-time wife and an average worker. If a woman
chooses a career rather than family life, she will not be able to enjoy the joys of bringing up
a child and sharing all the problems with someone she can rely on. If you want to be a good
mother, you have to spend as much time as you can with your children. The first few years
really determine the later life of a baby, so it is most essential to be there when you are needed.
A nanny, who mighc be a very kind person, but cannot serve as a real mother, cannot replace a
mother. A good mother is someone who is always there for her children. When they break clown
and cry chey need a shoulder to cry on. When the children are first disappoinred ín love, who
could chey cum to if not to the mother? A mocher always feels when a problem arises. Ic is che
mother who keeps che family rogether, prevents it from falling apart. If someone wanted to start
a career, she would miss a loc of good opportunities that are brought about by living in a family.

Ic is also difficult for a woman to satisfy her husband if she considers starting up a career. Then
she would go home late, exhausted and irritated, which would lead to che break-up of che
couple. No surprise that a lot of men have mistresses and commit adultery, as chey do not get
what they expect from their wives.

average ['cevnd3] átlagos

to rely on [n'la1] bízik valakiben
to determine [d1't3:mm] meghatároz
to cry on sy's shoulder [kra1 on WAnz 'J;mlda] valaki vállán sírni
disappoinred [d1sa'p:imt1d] csalódott
to cum to sy [t3:n] valakihez fordul
to arise [a'raIZ] felmerül
to fali apart [fal a'pa:t] szétesik
exhausted (19 'z:i:st1d] kimerült
irritated ['mteitid] ideges
mistress ['mrstrns] szerető
adultery [a'dAltan] házasságtörés

1 1 Why do people get d ivorced?

a There are several reasons why people get divorced. Most people do not know each other at the
time of their marriage. Ic is vita! chat young couples cohabit before getting married. That is the
only way you get to know your partner. If people live rogether, all che bad habits might come
up and then you can decide whether you stíl! want to be bound to the same person or 11ot.
b I think a reaso11 for getting divorced can be the lack of communication. There are ple11ry of
issues that are lefr u11a11swered. People do 110c dare to speak about their problems thi11ki11g
that they would be a burde11 011 their partner. However, this leads to furcher trouble as every
nuisa11ce piles up a11d erupts suddenly.
People are afraid to see an expert or a therapist who might be able to help couples
to come to terms with each other. In Hungary it is 11ot widespread at all, moreover,
it is considered shameful to request help from someone who is a total stra11ger.
Still, that may be the only solutio11 to the problem.

During rhe socialist regime, Hungary ranked among the top 5 in divorces. Since traditionally,
an. it was the role of women ro bring up a child, courts almost always decided in favour of the
1an mother in the case of a divorce.
iod to get divorced [get di'v::,: st] elválni
:ars to be left unanswered [left t.n'a:ns;id] válasz nélkül marad
ed. burden ['b3:d;in] teher
:e a nuisance ['nju:s;ins] kellemetlenség
wn to pile up [paII t.p] felhalmozódik
rho to erupt [r'] kitör
rhe [' 0er;iprst]
therapist terapeuta
to come to terms [kt.m tu t3:mz] kiegyezik, megegyezik
shameful ['Jermful] szégyenteijes
1en to rank [nel)k] rangsorban helyetfoglal
What is the reason for the high n u m be r of d ivorces nowadays?
In my opinion there can be several reasons for rhe high number of divorces. These can be
infideliry, inferciliry, criminaliry or insanity. To me it is shocking that the number of divorces is
much higher in the developed than in the underdeveloped countries. In some non-indusuial
countries divorce is uncommon, because it would generally require the repayment of dowries
and other monetary and marerial exchanges dating from the rime of rhe wedding. Also, some
religions regard marriage indissoluble, so they do not allow the break-up of a marriage.
When a couple gets divorced, it is still not the end of their relationship. For some of them it
is the beginning. The beginning of a very unpleasant relationship. First, they cannot agree on
how to divide their properties and both have more claims than they are entitled to. It leads to
furcher argumems and no settlement.

infideliry [mfr ' del;it1] hűtlenség

inferriliry [rnfo 't1J;it1] meddőség
insanity [m' scen;itr] őrültség
repayment [n'pe1m;int] visszafizetés
rhe dowry ('daun] hozomány
rhe indissoluble [mdr'soljubl] felbonthatatlan
>me to be emitled ro sg [m' ta1tld] jogosult
settlement [' setlm;int] megegyezés
)' of Are divorced parents judged fai rly in H u n g a ry?
>'ery In H ungary, divorced parents are not j udged in rhe same way. lt is usually the mother who
gets the chance to bring up rhe children. For some reason, the Hungarian legal system regards
ple mothers better caregivers than fathers.
ger. legal system ['li:gl ' s1st;im] jogrendszer
caregiver ( 'ke;igIV;i] gondviselő

I\IL _y 15
1 4 What problems can come up after a divorce?
l ehink ehae during a divorce ie is very difficulr ro come ro an agreemenc considering common
properry. le somerimes eakes years uncil a final agreemenc is reached. By ehar eime, boch che
man and rhe woman have spenc an enormous amounc of money ro pay rhe divorce lawyers.
The divorce rare is very high in Hungary. This is due ro rhe facr char people don'e rake time ro
discuss problems wieh each orher. Anorher reason is rhar in our modern world, since rhe role
of women has changed, a lor of women rry ro make a career insread of raking care of family
marrers. Men cannor always cope wirh rhis siruarion.

properry ['propan] vagyon

divorce lawyer [d1'v:i:s 'b:ja] válóperes ügyvéd
ro be due ro (dju:] köszönhető
ro cope wirh [bop wró] megbirkózik valamivel

1 5 What do you think a child experiences when the parents get divorced?
ln my opinion, ie is ehe children who lose rhe most in a divorce. Obviously, rhey cannor be
splir and ir is usually noc chem who decide which parenc will have che righc ro concinue che
upbringing. lf rhe child is a baby, l believe he/she cannoc even underscand whac is happening
around him/her. The realisation of living in a broken family comes much lacer. When children
are adolescencs or reenagers, che divorce of che parencs can damage cheir soul really badly.
They are noc able ro make a judgemenc abouc cheir parencs and moscly, each parenc wancs ro
inAuence chem in favour of ehemselves. l chink chac a big problem is chac ehe parencs very ofren
don'r see how much cheir children suffer and jusc use chem for eheir selfish games.

adolescenc (reda' lesnt] serdülő

to make a judgemenc [me1k a 'd3Ad3mant] ítéletet hoz
selfish [' selfIJ] önző

1 6 Do you think that a prenu ptial agreement should be signed between a

man and a woman?
a l believe ehac a prenuptial agreemem is an essemial part of a marriage nowadays. le is che bese
way ro avoid fucure quarrels rhar mighr come up afrer a divorce. ln a prenuprial agreemenc
everyehing is serrled very carefully. lr is written clown how much properry each person has
before ehe marriage. lr is nor abour rruseing or misrruseing each oeher. le is a legal concrace chae
binds cwo people who wanc ro connece eheir lives.
b ln my opinion, a prenuptial agreemenc ruins ehe romance of a marriage. le shows rhae ehe
fiancé and ehe fiancée do noe eruse each oeher and ehink aboue whae if someehing goes wrong.
l believe ehae marriage is sacred. le is when cwo people agree ro live rogerher in good and bad
no marrer whar will happen.

prenupeial agreemenc [pri: 'nApJI [a' gri:mant] házassági szerződés

ro mistrusr [mrs'trAst] nem bízik
ro bind (bamd] összeköt
legal concracr ['li:gl ' k ontrrekt] jogi szerződés
sacred ['serknd] szent

7 What is your opinion about pre-arranged marriages?
10n Pre-arranged marriages are very popular in some other cultures, for example in India. It is
rhe when the parents of the couple agree on the marriage of their children. I do not rhink rhat
I would be able to live with someone who is not chosen by me. I believe it is very important
to get to know and cohabit with the person you want to establish a family with. The period
'. [O
of courrship before one gets married is viral. That is rhe time when you ger familiar wirh your
girlfriend or boyfriend. You have time to decide whether he/she is the person you can imagine
your whole life with. In a pre-arranged marriage, you have no chance to decide about it and it
can also happen that a very young girl is given to an elderly man, which would probably not
happen under norma! circumstances.

pre-arranged marriage ['pri:;i'remd3d] ['m.:.errd3] előre elrendezett házasság

to cohabit [bo'h.:.ebit] együtt él
to court [b:t] udvarol
courrship ['b:tJip] udvarlás
: be circumstance ['s3:bmst;ins] körülmény
8 Is cohabiting before marriage important?
a I believe that cohabitation is not important before you get married. You can get to know your
furure spouse even during the courtship. You can visit each other and go out to entertain
s [O
yourselves bur I do not think that you would have to start acting as a husband and wife before
the wedding ceremony. Moreover, another big problem is the place where you would live
together. Ir is very difficult for young couples to buy their own flats or houses, therefore, most
of them continue to live with their parenrs or if they can afford, they rent a flat.
b I fi.rmly believe that people should not get married wirhour living rogether for at least a year.
This is the only way you can get familiar with your spouse's habits, let them be good or bad.
It can be quite shocking to realise after the honeymoon that your husband snores and his feet
l a smell, or your wife cannot even prepare the most basic dish for you. I think that cohabitation
reduces the risks of a bad marriage and this way the number of divorces will also decrease.
1ent [buh.:.ebr'teiJn]
cohabitation együttélés
honeymoon ['hAmmu:n] mézeshetek, nászút
to snore [sn:, :] horkol

9 What can be the pros and cons of getting married at an early age?
I believe that getcing married early is not very fashionable nowadays. Young people want to go
on to higher education instead of starting a family. They think that they should enjoy life until
rhey can and it is enough to fi.nd a furure husband or wife at rhe age of 30.
The advantage of an early marriage is that the generation gap becween the parents and the
children would not be so large.
However, most early marriages end in divorce. In most cases, these people are not mature
enough to bring up children and to provide them with the necessary fi.nancial background. It
is very difficult to make ends meet without the support of the whole family.

'1 1 LY =- .' I LY 17
20 What do you know of polygamy and polyandry?
ln order to make judgemencs abour polygamy and polyandry, we have to have a clear picrure
abour whar rhe rwo words mean and where rhey derive from. Polygamy is a form of marriage in
which a man has more rhan one wife ar rhe same rime. lr has been widely pracrised ar various
rimes in many socieries rhroughour rhe world, and ir is srill common in Muslim counrries
and in some parrs of Africa where ir is legal under lslamic law. ln rhe Unired Srares ir is also
common in some Mormon communiries in Urah. Alrhough laws prohibir polygamy, rhousands
of people pracrise ir. lr can have several advancages and disadvancages. As far as rhe husband
is concerned, polygamy is an arrracrive form of marriage for several reasons: ir means grearer
economic concriburions from rhe wives ro rhe household income; ir provides increased sexual
availabiliry and companionship; and ir arrracrs grearer social srarus and presrige ro be able ro
afford ro look afrer more rhan one wife. Polygamy may also prove arrracrive ro women because
ir provides a role for women in socieries in which rhere is no accepred social role ascribed ro
unmarried women; and ir means shared child-rearing and domesric labour.
Polyandry is the opposite. lr means thar a wife has more husbands. ln our modern world it is
an uncommon form of marriage, and is prohibired by laws in almost every councry.

polygamy [p;i' hg;im1] többnejűség

polyandry [ 'polnendn] többférjűség
Muslim ['muzhm] muzulmán
concriburion [kontn'bju:Jn] hozzájárulás
companionship [bm'pa:m;inJ1p] társaság, baráti kapcsolat
ro ascribe [;i'skra1b] tulajdonít
child-rearing ['tfaddrnnIJ] gyereknevelés
domesric labour [d;i'mest1k 'lerb;i] házimunka

2 1 Can you imagine having more spouses?

a l don't rhink l could live wirh more rhan one spouse ar rhe same rime. However, a lot of people
have parmers or misrresses who rhey chear on rheir spouse wirh. Unforrunarely, adultery is a
very common issue in our world. People mighr rhink it is norma! as they see it on television
all rhe time. Being faithful does not mean roo much for young people. Ali rhey wanr is sexual
satisfaction and not a normal relarionship.
b I can imagine living wirh more rhan one wife at rhe same rime. l believe rhar rhe problem of
adulrery would be solved and men would not rum ro orher women and deceive their wives if it
was legalised. There are far more women in rhe world rhan men, so rhere would nor be so many
spinsrers if polygamy existed. Alrhough, you have ro be very rich in order ro make money for
all your families.

spouse [spauz] házastárs

faithful ['fe10ful] hűséges
ro cheat on sy [tft:t] megcsal valakit
ro deceive sy [d1'si:v] megcsal valakit
spinster ['spmst;i] vénlány

2 What is the ideal age to sta rt a fa m i ly?
cture I don't rhink rhat rhere is an idea! age ro start a family. Ir depends on rhe person, his/her
ige in maturity and way of rhinking. Nowadays, as more and more people go ro university, an idea!
.nous period can be after graduating from university or college. There are, however, plenry of issues
1rries to consider when founding a family: Are you ready for a serious relarionship or do you wanr
; also to enjoy life a lirde more? Most people would say rhar enjoying life a bit is a good choice. They
;ands believe that having a child is a burden on rhem. Also, wherher you are ready to support a family
band or not is rhe most important question to answer. If you don't have a good, well-paid job, it is
·eater almost impossible for one person co earn rhe money for rhe whole family. Anorher issue is rhe
exual age difference berween rhe husband and rhe wife. Today it is a trend among young women ro
)le co choose a man who has already achieved something in life. They need someone rhey can rely on,
cause someone who would be a fairhful and caring husband.
ed co
mature [m;i'tjo;i] érett
maturity [m;i'tju;intr] érettség
:! it is
co graduate from school ['grredj ue1t] végez az iskolával
caring ['ke;irnJ] törődő

.. What was the situation a h u n d red yea rs ag o?

Even in the middle of rhe rwenrieth cenrury, most people got married righr after high school.
Young couples srruggled cogerher co make ends meet and co bring up rhe children. Ir was
considered abnormal if a girl who was over 20 was srill single. Women wanred co avoid
solat remaining spinsters and rhey rhoughr it was a shame if no one chose rhem. Another important
faccor was rhe social status of rhe young. Ir was obvious thar rwo people from differenr levels
of sociery do nor match each other. Ir was quire rare for people with different backgrounds
co get married. If it happened, rhere were usually family feuds, young men were sometimes
disinherited by their farhers if rhey dared to marry someone inferior to rheir ranks.

co srruggle [strAgl] küzd

eople faccor [' frekt;i] tényező
y is a social status [s;iuJI 'stert;is] társadalmi helyzet
flS!On [fju:d]
feud viszály
exual co disinherit [d1s111'hent] kitagad
co inherit [m'herrt] örököl
:m of
:s if it C a n you imagine havi ng 3 or 4 generations living under the same roof?
manr a ln coday's world it is almost unimaginable co have three or even four generations living
:y for under the same roof in Hungary. A cenrury ago it was norma! co do so but not any more.
Today the gap berween generations is so wide that it would be unbearable co live together.
I cannot imagine living cogether wirh my grandparenrs not co menrion my mother-in-law. I have
co admit that sometimes I have penrheraphobia. I think everybody needs some privacy and it
cannot be achieved if the older ones always think they know everything much better. Obviously,
they are more experienced but everyone should have the possibiliry co live rhrough whatever rhey
need co go through. The elderly are always full of advice; they consider themselves rhe wisest of
all. They don't wanr co admit that the world has changed, and there are different problems co
tackle nowadays. They rend co live in the past and look at the world from another angle.

MIL � 19
b Yes, I can imagine living rogerher wirh my parenrs and grandparenrs. If my parenrs or
grandparenrs gor really ill, I would nor pur rhem in a home for the old, but I would rake care
of rhem as long as they were alive. They looked after me when I was young so it would be my
turn then. Anorher reason for living rogerher can be rhe issue of money. Unfortunately, a lot of
people cannot afford to buy their own Bars or houses, so they are forced to share a house with
orher family members. As long as no one inrerferes wirh rhe privare life of rhe others, it can be
a good solurion unril you are able to buy or renr a of your own.

to live under the same roof [lrv And;;i ó;;i se1m ru:f] egyfedél alatt él
unbearable [An' be;;ir;;ibl] elviselhetetlen
penrheraphobia [pen0;;ir;;i' faub1;;i] anyóstól való félelem
WISe [warz] bölcs
inrerfere [mt;;i'f1;i] beleavatkozik

2 5 H ow do you see the change of the family pattern?

A s a father I have to agree wirh some sociologists who say rhar rhere are several historical and
sociological causes of the changes in rhe family pattern. These changes were broughr about rhe
following way: Three hundred years ago men were rhe breadwinners and the most respecred
members of a family. However, as we know from history, rhe Indusrrial Revolurion broughr about
a lot of economic changes, which resulted in rhe fact that rhere was nothing to inherit in a family.
After rhe Indusrrial Revolurion most men lived from wages, so persona! farming and enrerprises
had almost vanished. All a man could leave behind was a litde bit of spare money, nothing else.
Nowadays, schools have raken over some roles rhar had belonged to rhe farher earlier: look­
ing afrer the children, punishing and awarding rhem insread of rhe farher. Thus, fathers have
become rather superfl.uous, and this has a very negarive effecr on families. Tradirionally, ir was
rhe role of a farher to acr as a "social filter", meaning that he should give guidelines to the chil­
dren in connection with politics. If the farher's authority is challenged, children can easily be
infl.uenced by exrreme ideologies.

sociologist [s;;ios1' ol;;id31st] szociológus

respected [n' spektid] tisztelt
to vanish ['vremJ] eltűnik
to award [;;i'w::,:d] jutalmaz
superfl.uous [su: 'p3:flo;;is] felesleges
to challenge ['tfrel;;ind3] kihívástjelent
exrreme [1kst ' ri:m] szélsőséges

What problems do you n g couples have to face when they wa nt to b uy a

new flat?
Young couples face two problems afrer gerring married. One is housing shortage, the other is
the lack of money to buy a house. People ofren have to wair for years before rhey can buy a
place of rheir own. Although rhe local aurhorities build several blocks of fl.ats, young people
cannot afford to move inro rhem. Nowadays, rhere is a rendency rhar you can buy a Aar wirh
a mortgage ar a high inrerest rate, however, it is very difficulr for young people to ger a loan
from a bank. Since most of rhe young do not have enough money to buy rheir own, they
can eirher renr one or conrinue living with their parenrs.

; or housing shorrage ['hauzIIJ 'J :i: t1d3] lakáshiány
care local aurhoriry [l;mkl :i: ' 8or;it1] helyhatóság
my tendency ['tend;insr] tendencia
,r of
morrgage ['m:i:g 1d3) jelzálog
inrerest rate ['mtr;ist re1t] kamatláb
1 be
loan (l:mn] kölcsön

7 How ca n you get a flat in H u ng a ry?

8 How can you get the money i n order to build a house or buy a flat?
If you are lucky and you have parems who can help you, you can have a house or a flar of
your own afrer gerring married. However, most people cannot afford it. If you don'r wanr
ro rem a flar or live wirh your parems, you can ger a loan in a bank. Getting a loan is also
difficult, because banks usually demand rhar you have some money in order ro be enrirled ro
a morrgage. So don'r expect banks ro give you loans if you don'r have a deposit. Once you get
md rhe loan, usually at a very high inreresr rare, you have ro pay it back in monrhly insralmenrs
the for normally ren years. If you have children, the srate subsidises your consrrucrion or purchase
red of a flar or a house.
deposit (d1'pozrt) letét
insralmem [111'st:i:lm;int] törlesztő részlet
lse. What should be done a bout the housing shortage?
To rackle housing as a high social prioriry requires spending on a vasr scale on public housing.
tve Inrerest rares should be reduced, run-down houses should be renovated and sold cheaply, all
,as taxes on building materials should be removed and building industries should work harder and
1il­ more efficiently.
priority [pra1'or;it1] elsőbbség
vast [va:st] óriási
scale [skerl] skála
ro renovare [' ren;ive1t] felújít

Why a re there so mo ny homeless people i n the streets?

ln Hungary, big rowns are facing a huge problem: homelessness. Homeless people and beggars
occupy many of rhe wairing rooms ar railway and bus sracions bur you can bump inro rhem in
underpasses and doorways. There are squatters who arbirrarily occupy vacant flars. They live
under rhe conrinuous threar of evicrion. Some have become homeless rhrough divorce, orhers
have failed ro keep up morrgage on paymenrs, some have become unemployed and their lives
fell aparr and rhere are perhaps a lor of people who have come as refugees from orher counrries.
is homelessness ['h;iuml;isms) hajléktalanság
a beggar ['beg;i] koldus
le [bAmp]
ro bump inro sy/sg belebotlik valakibe
underpass ['And;ipa:s] aluijáró
squatter ['skwot;i) önkényes lakásfoglaló
arbirrarily ['a:brtr;irrlr] önhatalmúlag

y =- "1 1 LY 21
vacant ['ve1bnt] üres
threat [0ret] fenyegetés
eviction [1'v1kJn] kilakoltatás
co evict [1'v1kt] kilakoltat
co keep up [ki:p Ap] fenntart
refugee [refj u'd3r:] menekült
co find refuge [famd ' refju:d3] menedéket talál
co occupy ['okjupa1] elfoglal

3 1 What do you know of fe mi nism?

As far a s I know, the first feminists emerged in part from women's sense of alliance with one
another and their shared discontent. If I 'm not mistaken, they were dissatisfied with their
status in sociery and wanced reform. Feminists are united by the idea chat che position of
women in sociery is unequal co that of men, and chat sociery is struccured in such a way as co
benefir men co rhe polirical, social and economic decrimenc of women.
The most imporcanc aspect of the movemenr was co achieve suffrage for women. Some
councries, especially Arabic ones, scill do not give voting righcs co women.
In Hungary, feminism was different from the feminism in the wesc. While in the western
councries, it was a civil rights movemenc, here it was the Communist parry that dictated what
roles and positions women should have. It was required by the parry co have more women
in leading positions, however, rhis positioning led co changes not only in rhe public, bur
in che private sphere coo. It became accepted co have a high number of divorces. Women's
sexual rights screngthened and they could even change husbands if they got fed up with rheir
spouses. Adultery was legitimised, and moral and religious values rhat had existed earlier
almost completely disappeared.
Feminism has curned the role of men upside clown. It has become vical co redefine masculine
positions in our sociery. There are some male organizations nowadays that are against the rising
aurhoriry of women. In Hungary, the League of Divorced Fathers is such a group.

feminism ['fem;:mizm] feminizmus

co emerge [1'1113:d3] felbukkan
discontenr [d1skd11'tent] elégedetlenség
if I 'm not mistaken [m1'ste1kn] ha nem tévedek
reform [n' f::i :m] reform
unequal [An'i:kwdl] nem egyenlő
to benefir [ 'bendfit] előnyre tesz szert
decrimenc ['detnrndnt] hátrány
suffrage ['sAfnd3] választójog
civil rights movement [c1vl rans 'mu:vrndnt] polgárjogi mozgalom
sphere [sfrd] szféra
ro legitimise [lr'd31tdmaiz] törvényesít
co redefine [ri:d,'fam] újra meghatároz
masculine ('mreskj ulm] férfias

22 FAM I L

1 Reasons for d ivorce

• lack of communication
• lack of companionship
• adultery
• false hopes
• finance
• unemployment
• human nature as everybody changes
• children
• lack of incencion
• inability to carry out che duties of marriage

2 Family pattern a century ago

1( • only facher as breadwinner
n • usually more children
l( • mochers were housewives
t's • more generations living under the same roof
• fewer divorces

3 Family pattern now

g • both parents work
• divorce is more common
• usually only one/ cwo generations under the same roof
• fewer children
• shared housework

4 Reasons for homelessness

• financial situation
• bankruptcy
• divorce
• unemployment
• mali.a caking your flat

'( =-\MILY
Prenuptial agreement

a no financial problems at che cime of divorce
b no quarrels
e don't have to spend much money on divorce lawyer
a not romantic
b shows mistrust
e marriage should be indissoluble

6 Reasons for housing shortages: .e

• heavy demand
• expanding city populacion
• homelessness
• expensive building materials
• old age and bad condicion of existing houses
• difficul t co gec loans
• high interest rates

Children and their upbri ngi ng; looking after them, rewardi ng, pun ishing
and educating them

Test your knowledge by answering the questions below. Tick the ones you
can already answer.

1 D What is your relationship like wich your parencs/children?

2 D How do you rear your children?
3 D Are parents too permissive to their children nowadays?
4 D Should children have pocket money?
5 D Whac is your attirude to corporal punishment?
6 D How do/would you behave if you find/found your child has/had gone out of concrol?
7 D Do/would you give your children everything they wanc?
8 D Whac are che most imporcant things about educacing a child?
9 D Do you think schools are able to meec chese requirements?
10 D Are children overburdened ac school? 2
11 D Have you or your friends ever had any experience of che generacion gap?
12 D What are some o f the problems teenagers have?
13 D How can you get your children to srudy?

24 FAMILY =-\,
14 D What are the job and career prospects for young people coday?
15 D Can you explain why many school leavers with good results cannot emer universities?
16 D How much freedom should children have in the choice of rheir careers?
17 D Should parems still support rheir children once they have grown up?
18 D What are the effects of television on family life?
19 D Do you think family life is differem today from what it was like 30-50 years ago?
20 D Are you against or in favour of large fa milies? Why?

What is your relationship like with your parents/children?
a I am very fond of my family but I don't always get on very well with them. They rry to comrol
me too much and quite often they treat me like a child. My friends are given much more
freedom while I am always told what is right and what is wrong. They expect me to regard
them as friends but at the same time they just give instructions and hardly ever ask me about
my feelings. ln fact I would never admit them least of all to my parenrs.
b I get on very well with my daughter. I see her as my best friend and she will come to me first
if she has a problem. She is a nice and obedient child although sometimes a bit touchy. I
remember I told her off once and she wouldn't talk to me for days afrerwards. She tends to take
everything to heart and doesn't like to be criticised. I think I 'll have to teach her how to take
certain things easy.

to conrrol, -led [k;rn'tr;iul] ellenőriz, irányít

to get on well with [get on wel wrö] jól kijön valakivel
to regard sy as [n'ga:d] valaminek tekint valakit
least of all [Ji:st DV :,:J] legkevésbé
trust sy [ttASt] bízik valakiben
obedient [;i'bi:d1;int] engedelmes
touchy ['tAtJr] kényes, érzékeny
to teli sy off [tel of] megfedd, leszid
to take to heart [te1k t;i ha:t] szívére vesz
ro take it easy [te1k 1t 'i:z1] könnyen vesz
lenient ['li:m;int] elnéző
strict [stnkt] szigorú
authority [:,:' Sor;itr] tekintély

How do you rear your children?

a I think I am quite child-cenrred and stress freedom over authority. I try to be loving and give
my children everything I couldn't have when I was young. I spare the rod because I don't wam
to spoil my kid's life. Others say it is no good wrapping children imo cotton-wool but I would
like my kid to enjoy life and I am determined to support him as long as I live.

= - \/\ILY 25
b I am said to be a suicr parent. I admir I insisr on puncrualiry, ridiness and courresy from my
children; for if rhey are nor polire ar home, why should rhey acr differendy ourside. I never ler
rhem avoid rhe household chores or have rheir own ways. They are coo young co know rheir
own minds. I rhink I musr educare rhem now so rhar rhey will be able to srand on rheir own
feer larer.

child-centered ['tJarld 'sent;Jd] gyermekközpontú

loving ['IAVIIJ] szerető
ro spare the rod [spe;J O;J rod] nem használ pálcát
co spoil, -ed (spoilr, spoilr) [sp:)11] elkényeztet, elront
to wrap a child in cotton-wool [nep, 'kotnwul] a szél től is óvja a gyermeket
pushy ['puJr] tolakodó, erőszakos
to put pressure on [put 'preJ;J] nyomást gyakorol
ro object ro [;Jb'd3ekt] ellenkezik
to insist on [m 'srst] ragaszkodik valamihez
puncrualiry [pAl)ktJu'a:];Jtr] pontosság
cidiness [ 'tardm;Js] tisztaság
courtesy [ 'k3:t;JSI] udvariasság
to have one's own way [;mn wer] végigviszi a saját akaratát
co stand on one's own feet [sta:nd, ;JUn fi:t] megáll a saját lábán

3 Are parents too permissive to their children nowadays?

a Yes, rhey rend ro say ro rhemselves: I want co be free, so why shouldn'r my children be free?
These kids can easily get our of conrrol and become unmanageable. ln facr rhe spread of
juvenile delinquency is largely due ro parenral laxiry. There are many children hanging around
in rhe sueers, who will grow inro criminals or good-for-nothing idlers.
b No, I don't think so. I suppose rhere are more suicr parenrs roday rhan permissive ones. They
know thar being permissive ofren does more harm rhan good. On the other hand, there are quite
a few parenrs who uy co prorect rheir children from rhe pirfalls of life, which is just narural.

permissive [p;J'mrsrv] engedékeny

they rend ro say [tend t;J ser] gyakran mondják
ro ger out of conrrol [get aut ov k;Jnt'rnul] kikerül az ellenőrzés alól
unmanageable [An'ma:nrd3;:Jb!] kezelhetetlen
to spread, spread, spread [spred, spred, spred] terjed, terjedés
j uvenile delinquency ['d3u:v;Jnarl dr'lrIJkW;Jnsr] fiatalkorú bűnözés
parenral [p;J'rent;JJ] szülői 6
laxiry ['la:ks;JtI] lazaság, hanyagság
ro hang around [ha:IJ ;J'raund] csavarog, tétlenül lófrál
good-for-nothing [gud fa 'nA0r1J] semmirekellő
idle [ardl] lusta, henye
co do harm [ha:m] árt
pitfalls of life ['prtfo:lz, larf] az élet csapdái, buktatói
laissez-faire attitude [leser' fe;J] a be nem avatkozás politikája

my Should children have pocket money?
i lec a Yes. Why not let chem learn how co manage a cercain amount of money and how co spin it out
neir for a week or a monch. The amounc should not be too much though. ln facc l use it as a kind
>wn of reward or punishment by giving more chan usual or nothing at all depending on che child's
b No, chey shouldn'c. l always buy what l find reasonable for rhem. l may change my mind,
however, when chey grow older. A teenager needs more money rhan a child and rhe parent
cannor always be on hand.

co manage money [ ' mremd3 'mAm] pénzt kezel

t co spin money out [spm 'mAm aut] beosztja a pénzt
reward [n'w::,:d] jutalom, jutalmazás
punishment [ 'pAmJm:mt] büntetés
behaviour [b1'he1v1;i] viselkedés
to pool money [pu:l 'mAm] pénzt összegyűjt
reasonable [ ' ri:z:m;ibl] észszerű
co be on hand [hrend] rendelkezésre áll

., What is your attitude to corporal punishment?

a Corporal punishment is ineffeccive as beating can hardly make an unmanageable child obey his
elders. lt only frighcens che child and makes boch che child and the parent feel unhappy. le is also
degrading for it appeals co cruel ry. le ruins che child's self-respect and does more harm chan good.
·ee? b There is nothing very wrong about corporal punishment. A good smacking has never done any
of harm co any child. ln fact it is more effective than anything else because ir is prompt and feared
md by all. lt teaches the wrongdoer that wrongdoing is followed by che suffering of pain.

corporal punishment ['b:p;ir;il ' pAmJm:mt] testi fenyítés

1ey ineffective [m1' fekt1v] hatástalan
1ire [;i 'be1]
co obey sy engedelmeskedik valakinek
degrading [d1' g re1d11J] lealacsonyító
to appeal to [;i'pi : l] folyamodik valamihez
cruelry [ 'kro;;iltr] kegyetlenség
self-respect [self ns'pekt] önbecsülés
smack [smrek] pofon, pofon vág
prompt [prompt] gyors, azonnali
wrongdoer ['wrotJdu:;;i] bajkeverő, gonosztevő

6 How do/would you behave if you find/found your child has/had gone out
of control?
a Dealing wich a naughry child is no easy matter. The only wise attitude rhe parents can adopt
cowards cheir children's behaviour is co sic clown wirh rhem, ask rhem about their problems and
explain co rhem what is right and what is wrong.
b There is praccically nothing one can do in such cases. Perhaps l would j ust spank him. There is
noching wrong about spanking a child once in a while. I f it is inevicable. l mighc also sencence
íja him to a week's housework in the afrernoons.

LY = ; M l LY
naughty ('n:i:t1] csintalan, rossz
no easy matter ['i:z1 'ma:t:i] nem könnyű dolog
ro spank, -ed [spa:1Jk] elnáspángol
inevitable [m'ev1t:ibl] elkerülhetetlen
ro sentence sy ro sg ['sent:ins] valamire ítél valakit
ro fight an uphill battle [fait, Ap' hII ba:tl] szélmalomharcot vív
meaningful activity ['mi:mIJíl] értelmes tevékenység
ro motivate the child ['m:iut1vert] motiváija a gyermeket
ro grow away from one's parents [gr:iu ;i'wer, 'pe:ir:int] eltávolodik a szüleitől

7 Do/would you give your children everything they want?

a No, I don't think so. Giving a child everyrhing he wants as soon as he wanrs it means spoiling
him. The child ought ro be praised and amply rewarded only in case he has deserved it.
b Ir is only narural for parenrs ro rry ro do so. Children, however, must realise that money is 10
earned by hard work. So parents should rry and convince rhem not ro wanr everything rhat
money can buy.

ro praise, -d [pre1z] dicsér

amply (' a:mph] bőségesen
ro deserve, -d (di'z:i:v] kiérdemel, rászolgál
it is only natural [':iunh ' na:tJr:il] ez már csak természetes
ro become selfish [br'kAm 'self1J] önző lesz
self-cenrred [self 'sent:id] egoista

8 What are the most important things about educating a child?

Ir is very imporranr ro direct a child's energy inro rhe righr channels. A child ofcen has more
energy rhan he knows whar ro do wirh. Later, youngsrers should be raughr respect for orher
people and the respect for rhe law. They should also be taught parriotism and rhe need for hard
work. They must know whar is morally righr or wrong.
11 1
ro direct, -ed [dr'rekt] irányít
respect for sy [ns'pekt] tisztelet valaki iránt
patriotism ('pretrntrz:im] hazafiság, hazaszeretet
need for sg [ni:d] igény valamire
morally ['mor:ih] erkölcsileg
honesty ('on:ist1] becsületesség
decent life ('di:snt] tisztességes élet
ro make rhe besr of [s1tJu'e1Jn] a lehető legjobban kihasznáija
rhe situarion a helyzetet

9 Do you think schools are able to meet these requirements?

Schools are obsessed with rraining rhe child rarher rhan giving him an overall mora! education.
Many youngsters are reaching marurity without learning the hard lessons of life. Parents are
inclined ro leave rhe child's education up ro rhe school, which it fails ro do properly owing ro
many different facrors. Some of these are high pupil-teacher ratios, lack of time, negligence of
teachers etc.

to be obsessed with [gb'sest] megszállottja valaminek
to meet the requiremencs [mi:t, nk'war;imgnts] megfelel az igényeknek
mora! education ['morg] ed3u'kerJn] erkölcsi nevelés
macuriry [mg' tjugrgtr] érettség
to learn rhe hard lessons of life [13:n, ho:d, lesnz, larf] sok nehézségen megy keresztül
to leave up to sy [li:v Ap tu] ráhagy valakire
factor ['frektg] tényező
to be inclined to [nJk 'larnd] hajlamos valamire
to fai! to do [ferl] nem tudja teijesíteni
pupil-teacher ratio (' rerJrgu] diák-tanár arány
lack of time [lxk, taim] időhiány
negligence ['neglrd3gns] nemtörődömség, hanyagság

Are children overburdened at school?

Yes; in most secondary schools in Hungary scudencs have ro cope with an enormous workload.
Teachers force them to do a lot ofhomework and take oral tests in class, which purs an unrelencing
menta! pressure on them. Scudencs are required ro make an even more incense efforc ín rhe third
and fourch years of grammar school so that rhey can get admission to universiry.

to put academic pressure [put xkg' demrk 'preJg] (erőteijes) szellemi terhet ró
on sy valakire
enormous [1' 11:,:mgs] óriási
workload ['w3:k]gud] teher, munkamennyiség
to do homework [ 'hwmw3:k] házi faladatot csinál
to take an oral test [terk, :,:ml test] felel
unrelencing [Ann'lentnJ] szüntelen
intense [m 'tens] erőteijes, nagyfokú
scrain for a child [strem] megerőltetés a gyermeknek

1 1 H ave you or your friends ever had any experience of the generation gap?
Yes, I suppose everybody has. The generation gap is by no means a modern phenomenon. The
young have always reacted against the accepted beliefs of their elders. I myself was a rebel in
my younger days and moscly had a difference of opinion wirh my mother. I was very critical
of my parencs and the world around me but never of myself. To teli you the truth I still don't
know why my mother was dead against me going steady with a boy at the age of 1 6. I think
it is j ust natural.

modern phenomenon ['modn fa'nomrn;m] modern jelenség

to reacr, -ed [rr'xkt] reagál
accepted belief [;ik' septrd br'li:f] meggyőződés
to rebel, -led, [n'bel] lázad
rebel [rebl] lázadó
in my younger days ['jAI)g;i] fiatalkoromban
to have a difference of [' drfrnns, ;i'prnr;in] más véleményen van
opinion with sy

=AM I LY 29
ro be critical of ['kntrkl] kritikus valakivel szemben
ro be dead against sg [ded ;i'gernst] kifejezetten ellene van
ro go steady with ['stedr] jár valakivel
ro disguise one's feelings [drs'garz, 'fi:irIJZ] elrejti az érzelmeit

1 2 What are some of the problems teenagers have?

By the time they are 1 6 or 1 7 they almost certainly have experienced some disillusionment
with the adu!t society, being very much sensitive ro social injustice. They would like to be given
unresuicted freedom at one moment and would like to be told what to do the next. They feel
that their parents do not understand them, which leads them ro ignore parental counsel. That's
why they ofren feel frustrated about their own affairs. Teenagers need extra attention both from
parents and teachers otherwise they may easily turn ro drugs or violence.

to experience sg [1k'spmr;ins] megtapasztal valamit

disillusionment [ d1s1 'l u:3nm;int] kiábrándultság
social injustice (s;iuJI m'd3t\strs] társadalmi
unrestricted freedom [,rnns'tnktrd 'fri:d;im] korlátlan szabadság
to ignore, -d [1g'n::i:] nem vesz figyelembe
parental counsel [p;i'rentl] szülői tanács
frustrated [frAs'treitid] meghiúsult, sikertelenséget érző
extra attention ['ekstr;i ;i'tenJn] külön figyelem
to turn to sg [t3:n] valamihez nyúl
drug [drAg] kábítószer

1 3 How can you get your children to study?

a You must trust a child. Give hím responsibility and lec him decide if he wants ro scudy or not.
He will never study if he doesn't wanr to even if you are standing behind his back wich a rod
and uy to bully hím into doing so.
b You can always cajole a child into studying; I just tel1 him that he'll get a bicycle or a new pair
of jeans if he studies hard and this always does the trick.

to stand behind one's back [sttend b1'hamd] a háta mögött áll

rod (rod] bot
to bully sy into sg ['bulr] rákényszerít, erőltet
to cajole sy into sg [b'd3;iul] rávesz (csábítással)
to do the trick [tnk] megteszi a hatását

1 4 What are the job and career prospects for young people today?
a Quite promising; there are far more possibilities today than ever before. Nevertheless, much
harder work, more self-discipline, more consuuctiveness and a more rational approach are
required of them than even some years ago if they want ro work their ways up. "}
b Not very promising. There are far fewer jobs than ever before and the unemployment rate is
rising. It is difficult for youngsters ro join in this rac race where efficiency has priority over
human values.

promising [ 'promISIIJ] ígéretes
self-discipline [self ' d1srplm] önfegyelem
constructiveness [bn' strAktrvn;is] alkotó jellegű viszonyulás
rarional approach [ ' neJn;il ;i 'prwtJ] észszerű megközelítés
ro work one's way up [w3:k, we1 Ap] munkájával előbbre jut,
magasabb állásba kerül
unemploymenr rate [Anim'pbrm;int reit] munkanélküliségi arány
rat race [net re1s] létharc, mókuskerék
human values ['hju:m;in 'v.elj u : z] emberi értékek

5 Can you exp l a i n why many school leavers with good resu lts c an not enter
u n iversities?
Unforrunately there are fewer universiry places in Hungary than are needed. At cerrain
universities there are 3 or 4 applicanrs for every place while admission ro others is quite easy
ro get. Understandably there is a lot of competirion at the enrrance exams and sometimes even
the best studenrs fai! ro stand the srrain and give up.

applicanr ['replrbnt] jelentkező

a lot of competition [komp;i'tIJn] nagy versengés
7 ro stand the strain [strend. strem] bírja a terhelést
few universiry places [fju: ju:nI'V3:s;itr 'ple1s1z] kevés egyetemi hely
ro set a high standard [set, har 'strend;id] magas követelményt támaszt
superficial knowledge [su:p;i'f1Jl] felszínes tudás

6 H ow m u c h freedom should c h i l d ren have i n the choice of their careers?

Jt. a Parenrs should have a say but the final decision should be left up to the child. After all it is his life;
id he should know what he wanrs ro do with it.
b lt goes without saying that the child cannot take the responsibiliry of decision-making concerning
his furure life. Parenrs should teli him what career ro choose because they have more experience
of life and only they know what is good for their child. After all they know the child better than
he does himself and can more easily decide what kind of job he is suited ro.

ro have a say [se1] van beleszólása

final decision [faml dr 'sr 311] végső döntés
it goes withour saying ['g;iuz wr'óaut 'sen!J] magától értetődik
decision-making [dr's1311 me1kr1J] döntéshozatal
experience of life [rk'spr;in;ins, larf] élettapasztalat
:h ro be suited ro a job ['sju:t1d] alkalmas egy állásra
1 7 Should parents sti l l suppo rt their c h i l d ren once they have g rown up?
IS a I personally doubt it. I think they should teach their kids how ro stand on their own feet rather
er than supporr them unril the end of the parenrs' lives. ln fact it is the parenrs who should be
given supporr when they are roo old ro be able ro look after themselves.

_y 31
b Yes, I chink so. Ocherwise newly weds for example, would noc be able co sec up cheir own 2
homes and raise rwo or chree children. Only wich che help of a grandmocher or a grandfacher
can a mocher go out co work or can parems do some emercaining such as going out cogecher or
giving dinner parcies co friends or relacives

doubc [daut] kételkedik

co stand on one's own feec [st<!!nd, :ion fi:t] megáll a maga lábán
co look after oneself [luk 'a:ft:i] ellátja magát
newly weds [ 'nju:h wedz] ifjú házasok
co do some encercaining [ent:i'temnJ] szórakozik egy kicsit
financial supporc [fa1'na!IJJI s:i'po :t] anyagi támogatás
in che prime of one's life [pra,m, la1fj legszebb korában

1 8 What a re the effects of television on fa m i ly life?

I accepc chac celevision is part of modern life but it can do a loc of harm if ic is noc used carefully
and seleccively. In our family, for example, my parencs sic glued co che T V sec almost every
evening and if l uy co calk co chem, chey jusc say, "Sssshhh + we can'c hear che T V!" By che way
I don'c chink evening programmes are worch all chac fuss so sometimes I cry co calk my parencs
out of wacching chem. Even chen che TV is on and provides an unpleasanc background noise for
our discussion.

seleccively [sr'lektrvh] válogatva, szelektíven

glued co [glu:d] odatapadva valamihez
fuss [fAs] felhajtás
ro calk sy out of sg [t::i:k aut ov] lebeszél valakit valamiről
ic is on [,ts on] be van kapcsolva
background noise ['ba!kgraund n::iIZ] háttérzaj
co keep sy informed [ki:p m'f::i:md] tájékoztat
co stop sy doing sg [stop] megakadályoz valakit valamiben

1 9 Do you think fa mi ly life is different today from what it was l i ke 3 0 - 5 0 years

a go?
Yes. I remember life used co be more fun when I was a child: I lived in a happy family and had locs
of friends. Now chere are fewer opporcunicies for enjoying che company of ocher people because
everybody is busy and chey don'c have cime for each ocher. We used co know all of our neighbours
buc this is no longer che case. We are becoming isolaced from each ocher and, whac is even worse,
from che members of our own family. Also families used co be much larger. My grandmocher was
one of six children. Very few people nowadays care co have such large families.

fun [fAn] vidámság

co live in a happy family [lrv, 'hxpr, 'fxm:ih] boldog családi életet él
co enjoy the company of sy [m'd3::ir, 'kAmp:irn] élvezi valaki társaságát
no longer che case [ke1s] már nem így van
co become isolaced [br 'kAm 'ars:ilertrd] elszigetelődik
large family [la:d3 ' fxm:ih] nagy család
fewer and fewer children ['fJu:;i 'tJrldr:in] egyre kevesebb gyermek


,wn Are you a g a i nst or in favou r of large fa m i l ies? Why?
her a I think large families are happy families. The children in a large family naturally learn how to be
r or considerate wirh others and that they are not the centre of the universe. For them the family is a
large unit in which every single member stands by the other whatever happens. They can share
their sorrows and they can share their joys. They have the advanrage of never feeling lonely. A
child brought up in a large family wouldn't dream of sending an elderly relatíve ro an old people's
home. They know it is the family's dury to look after an old parenr.
b Ir would be nice ro have a large family and a lot of children but I am afraid I couldn't afford
it. With my wife having taken up a career outside the home we are roo busy ro bring up more
than rwo children, not to speak about the huge amounr of money we would have to raise so
that we could cater for their needs properly. It is not worrh having many children if you can't
buy them proper clothes and can't give them everything they wanr.

lly considerate [bn's1d:ir:it] figyelmes

the centre of rhe universe [ 'sent:i, 'ju:mv3:s] a világ közepe
·ay ro stand by sy [st<End] mellette áll, kiáll érte
HS to share one's sorrows [Je:i, 'sor:iuz, d3::i1z] megosztja a bánatát
·or and joys és örömét
ro feel lonely [fi:! 'l;mnh] magányosnak érzi magát
elderly ['eld:ih] idősebb
old people's home [:iuld pi:plz h:ium] öregek otthona
ro cater for one's needs ['ke1t:i, ni:dz] eleget tesz az igényeinek
proper clorhes ['prop:i kkmdz] megfelelő ruházat

U CAll
School types, La n g uage learning, Ed u cation in E n g l ish -speaking cou ntries,
Rig hts of students

our knowledge by a nswering the q uestions below. Tick the ones you
can a l ready a n swer.

D Whar are rhe different school types i n Hungary?

2 D What are some recent changes in rhe education sysrem?
3 D What is the traditional Prussian rype education system like?
4 D How does the English education system differ from it?
5 D What do you know about the American education system?
6 D What are the goals of rhe Bologna process'
7 D What is the relationship between the EU and the Bologna process?
8 D What is rhe credit sysrem? Does it work in Hungary?
9 D Whar are some problems rhar schools have to face in Hungary?
10 D D o you prefer selective or comprehensive education?
11 D Would you integrate children with special needs into a norma! class?
12 D At what age would you start learning a language?
13 D What is more imporrant? Preparing srudencs for life or cramming their heads with
14 D What kind of practical subjects would you teach?
15 D D o you think failing a child at rhe end of the school year is acceptable?
16 D What would you change about the present system of education i n Hungary?
17 D What kind of discipline problems do teachers have to face i n a classroom?
18 D How would you punish srudencs who misbehave?
19 D D o you rhink corporal punishment should be allowed or nor?
20 D What rights do srudents have in your country?
21 D Are they aware of their rights?
22 D Who can they rum to if they are deprived of rheir basic rights?
23 D How important is it for you to speak a language?
24 D What English-speaking channels are available in Hungary?
25 D Do you ever use the radio or the TV for learning English?
26 D How c a n you improve your abilities b y doing this?

What are the different school types in Hungary?
Compulsory education begins at the age of 6 when children have co start elemencary school.
However, before that, children accend kindergarcen or nursery school becween 3 and 6. The
kindergarcen prepares them for school, co be in a community, among other children of the
same age.
ln the firsc four years of elemencary school, scudencs acquire basic knowledge of reading
wricing and calculus. Becween 1 0 and 1 4, they get acquainced with orher subjects like hiscory,
geography, physics, biology and chemistry.
Traditionally in Hungary there are three school types in secondary educacion: vocacional
schools, secondary technical schools or grammar schools. The first type, which gives scudencs
a trade, is diminishing because everybody wancs co have a secondary school certificate. ln a
secondary technical school, scudencs learn a trade and also obtain a secondary school cerrificate
by the end of their scudies. ln a grammar school, srudencs mainly prepare for university. There
are differenc rypes of grammar schools. Some !ast for 8 years, some for 6 and most of them for 4
years. There are some special schools for example, bilingual schools where scudencs parcicipate
in a one-year preparacory language program and in the remaining 4 years most of che subjeccs
are taught in the carget language.
Afcer secondary school, most studencs conrinue their studies in higher education, at colleges
or universities.

compulsory (bm'pt.lsan] kötelező

kindergarcen ('kmdaga:tan] óvoda
community (b'mju:natr] közösség
co acquire [a'kwa1a] elsajátít
vocational school [v;m'ke1J;ml] szakmunkásképző
secondary technical school ['sebndn 'tekrnkl] szakkózépiskola
grammar school (Br) ['gnem;i] gimnázium
high school (US) [ha1 sko:l] gimnázium
trade [tre1d] szakma
secondary school certificate (Br) ['sebndn sku:l s3:'t1f1bt]
high school diploma (US) [ha1 sku:l drp'l;ium;i] érettségi bizonyítvány
co obtain [;ib'tem] megszerez
bilingual [bai 'lrl)gual] kétnyelvű
target language ['ta:gn 'lre1Jgw1d3] célnyelv
preparacory [pn'preratn] előkészítő
college ['kolid3] főiskola
2 What are some recent changes in the education system?
There have been some changes in che Hungarian educarion sysrem recenrly. ln connecrion
wich secondary educarion rhe most imporcanc change is char any school can have a language
prepararory year, however it is different from bilingual education because srudents do not rake
rhe subjecrs in rhe foreign language.
The biggest difference is in higher educacion. 1 5 years ago chere were far fewer universicy or
college studenrs chan 11owadays. To meet che requiremenrs, a new syscem has been inrroduced
in tertiary educarion. According ro rhis new syscem, rerriary educarion co11siscs of rhree levels.
Afrer rhe firsr chree years, studenrs can obcai11 a BA (Bachelor of Arcs) or a BSc (Bachelor of
Sciences) degree, and then in the following rwo years they acquire a11 MA (Master of Arrs) or
an MSc (Masrer of Sciences). If they wanr ro conrinue their studies, the rop srude11ts may go ro
PhD courses for three more years. This system is very similar ro rhe America11 education system.
Wherher it is good or not, only the future ca11 teli. As for now rhere are no enrra11ce exams ro
u11iversities. Admission ro u11iversities depends on how srudenrs do 011 their seco11dary school
leavi11g exam. There is be a rwo-level examinatio11 system and srudencs may decide whether
they wanr ro cake rhe incermediate or rhe advanced levei examinacio11.
There are also some cha11ges in elemencary education. ln the first three grades of primary school,
stude11ts can11ot fai! at the end of the school year, only with the consenr of rheir parenrs.

tertiary educatio11 ['ta : J;m e d3u'kerJn] felsőoktatás

entra11ce exam ['entr:ms rg' za:m] felvételi
admissio11 (:id'mrJn] felvétel
ro be admitted (:id'm1trd] felvételt nyer
intermediate exam [mt:i'mi:dr:it 1g'za:m] középszintű vizsga
adva11ced exam [:id'va:nst 1g'za:m] emeltszintű vizsga
as for 110w [nau] jelenleg
to fai! [ferl] megbukik
with the co11sent of sy [bn'sent] valakinek a hozzájárulásával

3 What is the traditional Prussian type education system like?

Hungary practised rhe Prussian method of education for more rhan a cencury. l t was based
on a very discipli11ed way of learning. Srudenrs acquired rather rheoretical than practical
knowledge. Teachers were respected members of the commu11icy a11d they somecimes used
corporal pu11ishment if the students misbehaved. Students had less rights a hu11dred years ago
than 110w, however, they gor incegraced i11 che sociecy without any hardships. ln our liberal
education system nowadays, studems thi11k rhey can do whatever chey feel like doing. The general
recog11itio11 of teachers has also changed. Now teachers are blamed for all the wro11gdoings
a11d parencs believe that they are capable of maki11g miracles even without parencal help.
l believe we should have an education system in which much more emphasis is put 011 practical
k11owledge, for example cooking, sewing for girls, do-it-yourself for boys. Nevertheless, much
more respect is needed from the part of che students.

Prussia11 [prAJ11] porosz

discipline [ ' drs:iplm] fegyelem
to discipli11e ['drs:iplm] fegyelmez

36 E D U CAT I O N
disciplined ['d1s;}plmd] fegyelmezett
theoretical [81;}'ret1kl] elméleti
practical ('pra:kukl] gyakorlati
ro misbehave [misbi'herv] rosszul viselkedik, rendetlenkedik
ro behave [br'he1v] viselkedik
right [rart] jog
ro get inregrated [get ' mt;}gre1t1d] beolvad
hardship ( ' ha:dJrp] nehézség
or ro blame sy for sg [blerm] okol valakit valamiért
tO emphasis ('emfasis] hangsúly
m. do-it-yourself (DIY) [du:1tj::i: 'self] barkácsolás
1er How does the E n g l ish education system differ from it?
ln Britain, children are required to go to school berween rhe ages of five and sixreen. Before rhat
they receive pre-school education, which can either be nursery schools or nursery deparrmenrs or
kindergarrens of a school. ln Britain, primary educarion varies from disrrict ro disrricr. Children
can attend infant schools, then junior schools or primary schools which are the combination of
rhe firsr rwo. Then they go ro secondary school, which is normally a comprehensive school or a
grammar school. ln some other areas, children go ro füst school at rhe age of five, and then to
middle school, which is followed by rhe upper school at rhe age of thirreen.
Most children go ro state schools and abour seven per cent attend independenr schools, for
which high ruition fees have ro be paid. A few go ro public schools such as Eron. Despite rhe
name, public schools are not funded by the state. They are also independenr ones.
The standards of education were laid clown in 1 988 in the National Curriculum. Srudenrs have
to study the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, and also the foundation subjects of
rl Technology, Geography, Art, Music and Physical Education. They also have to rake foreign
languages in upper classes. Children are required to take standard achievement tests at ages 7,
1 1 and 1 4. At sixteen, studenrs take exams for the General Cerrificate of Secondary Education
d (GCSE). Some may take General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQ) in work-related
i1 subjects. Most srudenrs conrinue their srudies for the A-levei exam in three or four subjects. A
d lot of people are afraid that the British education system fails to correspond with the minimum
standards of lireracy and numeracy, and parenrs ofcen demand that more attenrion should be
tl paid to the chree R's (reading, writing and arirhmeric). Many srudenrs go ro universiry to obtain
t.l a bachelor's degree, and only a minority goes on to get a master's degree.

J tuition [tju:',Jn] oktatás

1 ruition fee [tju:'1Jn fi:] tandíj
public school (GB) ('pAbhk sku:l] magániskola
core subject [b: 'sAbd31kt] alaptantárgy
ro correspond with [kor;}S'pond] levelezik
literacy ('Jrtr;}SI] írni-olvasni tudás

arichmetic [;;i'n8m;it1k] számtan

: J U CATI O N 37
5 What do you know about the American education system?
ln the United States children have ro attend school berween the ages of and sixteen. These
years of school include the kindergarten, then schooling from füst grade ro rwelfth grade often
referred ro as K-1 2. It is the responsibility of rhe stares ro maimain schools and ro sec up che
requirements. As chis option of making decision abouc educacion is given ro the states, there are
lots of different school types. In some areas, scudents go ro elememary school, rhen ro middle
school followed by high school. Other states have a junior high school which includes grades
seven and eighc. In a high school, the different grades have their special narnes. Nimh-graders 9
are called freshrnen, tenth-graders sophomores, elevemh-graders are che juniors and che school
leavers are called seniors. The majority of Americans has post-secondary education as they go
ro colleges or universities. Most of them get an associates degree at a junior college and then
go on ro four-year universicies ro ger a BA and larer an MA. Normally, a two-year college is
a srepping srone co get into a four-year school. If you cannot gec into a four-year school as a
freshrnan, you can go co a two-year college and rhen you can uansfer and be admitted co a
four-year school. There are some presrigious schools such as Ivy League schools including che
respected north-eastern schools such as Harvard or Yale.
In che USA, most of the schools are run by the states. These are called public schools. However,
there are private schools, for which parents start saving up che money when che child is born.
There are also some parochial schools run by che church.

grade [gre1d] évfolyam

prestigious [pres' t1d3;is] tekintélyes
public school (US) [' pt.blrk sku:l] állami iskola
parochial school (US) [p;i' r;iukr::il sku:l] egyházi iskola

6 What are the goals of the Bologna process?

7 What is the relationship between the EU and the Bologna process?
8 What is the credit system? Does it work in Hungary?
One of the four principles of che European Union is che free flow of work-force, which
includes education coo. The main idea of rhe Bologna process is ro imegrate che education
systems of the member countries into an easily comparable, compatible systern and by 20 1 0
the signarories agree that a common educational region would appear in the EU.
The goals of the Bologna process are the following: the establishment of a rwo-level syscem in
tertiary education, a shared credic sysrem, rhe supporc of mobility and the compatibility of che
knowledge acquired.
The two-level system would include undergraduate and graduace education. The credit system is
based on che idea chat there should be a conform credit system all over Europe. It means that a
student gets credit points for rhe subjecrs he/she has completed and if he/she wants co transfer ro
another school, the credits would show rhe institution what he/she has already studied.

principle [ 'prms1pl] elv

free flow of work-force [fri: ffau, 'w3:kfa:s] szabad munkaerő áramlás
comparable ['komp;ir;ibl] összehasonlítható

38 E D U CATI O N :)
compatible [kam'pretabl] versenyképes
·se signacory ['s1gnatn] aÚí.író
�n conform [bn'fam] megegyező
he to transfer from one [trrens' fa:] átjelentkezik egyik
.re school co another isko/,d.ból egy másikba
Ue [mstr'tju:Jn]
institution intézmény
:rs What are some problems that schools have to face in Hungary?
,ol Schools are constandy in financial trouble. Many school buildings are a shambles, teachers are
go underpaid, faciliries are run-down and the lack of necessary equipmenr also causes problems.
en Due to the economic restrictions and the decreasing number of school-aged children, a lot of
is schools have been closed clown or inregrared into other schools. This demographic decrease has
;a been causing several problems. There are far more reachers rhan needed, since 20 years ago rhe
,a number of scudenrs was almost twice as high as coday.
to be (in) a shambles [Jremblz] romokban hever
faciliry [fa's1lat1] felszerelés, berendezés
run-down ['rAndaon] Lerobbant
economic restriction [i:b 'nomrk n'stnkJn] gazdasági megszorítás
demographic [dema'grrefrk] demográfiai

:> Do you prefer selective or comprehensive education?

a I prefer comprehensive educarion, which is very common in the United Srares. This means that
students with different abiliries go to rhe same school. It all depends on what school district
you live in. In my opinion rhis rype of educarion is much better than selecrive education and
I believe that there should be no differentiation becween scudenrs, and everybody should be
granred equal chances.
b We can ta!k about selective education when scudenrs are admitted to various school rypes based
on their abilities and achievemenrs in the entrance exams. This elitist rype of education stil!
ch exists in Hungary. Ir means that there are schools for rhe more gifted scudems, and obviously
011 some other ones for less talenred scudenrs.
I believe that rhe selective sysrem is much better because this way everybody can find his or
her own pace and won't fali behind the orhers. If you are not good at memorising the material,
m it does not mean rhar you are worrhless. Wirh selecrive education you can also find rhe way
:he to your own success as a blue-collar worker. The problem is that nowadays more and more
people wam to have a universiry degree, thus most people neglect traditional crades. They don't
l IS consider the fact that a diploma doesn't necessarily mean money and success. Also, our sociery
.r a needs a lot of skilled workers that are skilled in a parricular trade.
. to differentiation [d1farenJ1'e1Jn] megkülönbó'ztetés
elitist [r'li:trst] elit
gifted ['grftrd] tehetséges
talenred ['trelantrd] tehetséges
is [pe1s]
pace tempó
worchless ['w3:01as] értéktelen

)N : D U CATI O N 39
blue-collar worker ['blu:kol;i 'w::i:b] fizikai munkás
white-collar worker ['wartkol;i 'w::,:k;i] szellemi munkás
to neglect [mg'lekt] elhanyagol

1 Would you integrate children with speciel needs into a normal class?
a Teaching students with special needs requires a lot more work and attention on the teacher's
part than teaching orher pupils. The most basic requirement is rhe number of educators in
proportion to the number of srudents in a class. Obviously, there is a need for more teachers
for a class where you have mentally handicapped children. Persona! conracr and attention are
essential, since it is usually only the teacher such a srudent can rely on.
Moreover, it would be difficult to explain rhe siruation of such children to orher young children
who would also feel the disadvantages of integrarion. Children with special needs would always
be behind with the material and rhar would auromatically divide the class. This division would
only make the situation worse because rhese srudents would feel they are inferior ro those who
can srudy at a norma! pace. This way, students with special needs would never feel success in
their lives; they would think they are secondary srudents.
Maintaining discipline would also cause problems. While che teacher struggles with slower
studenrs, making the others pay attention would be very complicated.
b I believe chat we should have integrated education for every single person, no matter if he or
she suffers from an illness, is blind, is deaf and dumb. I think that it is che healthy people who
cannot handle people wirh different abilities. We have not been taught how to deal with people
with special needs. We don'r know what to teli our children when rhey see these people in rhe
streets. We just cum away so we would not have to ger in contacr with people who are different.
So I think rhar a school is che perfecr place where young children can learn how to approach
handicapped people.
in proportion to [m pr;i'p::, :Jn] arányban valamivel
mentally ['ment;ih] értelmi, szellemi
handicapped ['hcendrkcept] fogyatékos
essential [1'senJI] alapvető
to rely on [n'lar] bízik valakiben
inferior [m'forn] alsóbbrendíí
superior [su'p1;irn] felsőbbrendű
complicared ['komphkert1d] bonyolult
deaf [def] süket
dumb [dAm) néma
blind [blarnd] vak
co approach [;i'pr;iutj] közelít
co handle [hcendl] kezel

At what age would you start learning a language?

a I believe learning a language from a very early age is really essential. There are bilingual families
where rhe parents speak different languages and che children can distinguish rhem and use both

40 E D U CAT I O N
Auenrly. lt is also possible to teach your child from birth if you have a very good command of che
language. The only ching chat parenrs have to keep in mind is chat you have to be consistent and
only use one language, orherwise your child mighc gec confused and mix che two languages. There
is also rhe possibility thac your child will use both languages incorrecdy.
There are language classes even in kindergarcen where children only learn songs, nursery
rhymes, however chey are not able to make senrences even if chey know che words for them.
Ir Alchough, chis is not che aim at a very early age. The purpose of ceaching a language to young
children is ro familiarise chem wich che language and to make chem enjoy che facc chat rhey can
express chemselves in a foreign language.
b I think thac a child should spend more time playing and not learning. I bel ieve chat children are
en not able to grasp che meaning of words or expressions; chey are not able to communicate wich
ty_ a native-speaker. !t is my firm belief that only lacer, when chey are aware of grammar rules, will
tid chey be able ro learn che language properly.
m to distinguish [drs'trl)gwrJ] megkülönböztet
Auenr [fluant] folyékony
consistent [bn ' s1st;int] következetes
to get confused [get k;in'fju:zd] összezavarodik
aim [erm] cél
nursery rhyme ['113:s;in rarm] gyerekvers
,le to familiarise [fa'm1hara1z] megismertet
ne to grasp [gra:sp] megragad
lt. to be aware of sg [;i'we;i] tisztában van valamivel
:h properly ['prnp;ilr] megfelelően

What is more i m porta nt? Preparing stu dents for life or cra m m i n g their
heads with facts?
a Unfortunacely, in H ungary it is more common to teach scudents abour facts instead of making
chem think and see everything globally. Scudenrs spend a loc of time swotting for exams and
after che exam they don't remember a word. It is actually a two-fold problem. It would be much
better to teach children how to get by in life and see chings from different perspectives but if
you wanr to go to university, you are required to have huge lexical knowledge, roo. It is possible
that you know all the daces in hisrory buc you would not be able to use che underground in
Budapest or deposit money on a bank accounr.
b I don't chink you can be taught how to live your life. It is experience chat shows us how ro
handle cercain sicuacions and how to behave with each ocher. I am not saying rhat memorising
facts is a good idea, buc in order to have some basic knowledge, we have to rely on specific
pieces of information and also on faccs.

to swot [swot] magol

cwo-fold ['tu:fauld] kétszeres
:s perspective [pas' pektrv] kilátás, távlat
h lexical ['leksrkl] lexikai

: D U CATI O N 41
1 4 What kind of practical subjects would you teach?
a There are a lot of useful things young people do not know how to do in life when they get out
of secondary school. It is vita! that women be able to cook, still, it is not taught any more. My
mother used to teli me stories about what subjects they could take in secondary school. As for
the girls, they could opt for cooking and sewing. Boys had the chance to learn do-it-yourself,
which is not a bad idea because a lot of men roday are unable to hammer a nail into the wall.
b 1here is a very important issue that should be rouched upon about school. That is how to
behave at certain places, in differenr siruations. A lot of people have never heard of the correct
way of behaviour in a restaurant or at a reception. There are some who do not even know how
to use a knife and a fork properly.
C As a teenager, I find it difficult to handle a situation if I meet someone from the opposite sex.
We should be taught abour how to behave in a love or family relationship with someone. We
should be informed about sex, conrraception, AIDS, drugs and all the things related to them.
This would probably help to reduce the number of early pregnancies and aborrions. I would
also devote lessons to the upbringing of children and the ways of living in a family.

sewing ['s::io11J] varrás

to hammer ['h::em::i'] kalapál
nail [ne1l] szög
reception [n'sepJn] fogadás
contraception [kontr::i'sepJn] fogamzásgátlás
abortion [::i'b::i:Jn] abortusz
upbringing ['ApbrnJgIIJ] nevelés

1 5 Do you think failing a child at the end of the school year is acceptable?
a There are some countries where educators believe that failing a child is the root of future
problems so it is impossible to fai] srudents there. I believe that letting a child go on with his/
her studies without knowing the basics is a rather irresponsible act. It is possible in Hungary
today that a child goes all the way to the fourrh grade without being able to read or write.
Teachers have to have the consent of the parents in order to fai] the child. If the parents don't
agree, then the child goes on to the next grade even if his/her knowledge is insufficient.
b I believe chat it is a very good idea not to fai! children in the first few years of elementary school.
Some children mighc be a licde slow on che uptake, and if chey fai! righc away, chey will be
disappointed and discouraged to invest furrher energy in studying.

educator ['ed3uke1t::i] oktató

insufficient [111s::i'fiJnt] nem megfelelő
to be slow on the uptake [sl::iu, 'Apte1k] lassú felfogású

1 6 What would you change about the present system of education in Hungary?
a I would not change che present sysrem because this way we could much faster integrate our
education syscem inro that of the European Union. We should have an education system that
correlaces with chose of ocher European countries. If someone wants to conrinue their srudies
abroad, it could be done wichouc any problems.

42 E D U CAT I O N
b l believe if chere was something rhat worked well during che old regime ic was our educarion.
Ut No wonder Hungarian sciencists and educarors were welcomed all over che world. There was
ly respect for ceachers who did not have ro chink about discipline problems during the lessons. So
l think we should bring back che old Prussian rype of education and our country will concinue
lf, ro have the best brains in the world.

:o ro correlate ['kornlert] összhangban van

::r regime [re1 '3i:m] rendszer; rezsim
What kind of discipline p roblems do teachers h ave to face i n a classroom?
There are a lot of discipline problems nowadays. Teachers cannot use corporal punishment and
there are not coo many efficienc ways co maincain order in a classroom. The most common
problem is when the srudencs talk back ro che teacher, who has difficulties reprimanding the
naughry ones. Young children also like bullying each other, which can be very harmful as it
destroys che other's self-esteem, and it might end up in taking revenge. Srudencs also enjoy
playing pranks on the teachers. Ir can range from gluing the door handle to putting a drawing­
pin onco the teacher's chair.
Sometimes srudencs play truanc when they don't feel like going co school.

corporal punishment ['b:pdrdl 'pAmJm;:)nt] testi fenyítés

to reprimand ['repnma:nd] leszid
ro scold [sbuld] leszid
to teli off [te! of] leszid
ro bully ['buli] erőszakoskodik
self-esteem [self 1'sti:m] önbecsülés
= revenge [n'vend3]
[te1k n'vend3]
to take revenge bosszút áll
co glue [glu:] odaragad, odaragaszt
drawing-pin ['dr:rnJ pm] rajzszög
co play cruanc [ple, tru;:)nt] lógni (iskolából)

1 8 H ow wou l d you punish students who misbehave?

9 Do you think corporal pu nishment should be a l l owed or not?
a There are noc coo many ways co punish srudencs who misbehave. The only thing a teacher can
do is write a noce co the parencs, who, most of che time, disregard che problem. If the studenc
breaks the regulations of the school very seriously he/she can be expelled from school if he/
she is over 1 6 . ln the United States, studencs can be sent to detention, which means staying in
the school after the lessons. When you are detained, you are not allowed to say a word ro che
others around you, otherwise, you risk furrher detention. l n some Asian councries, corporal
punishmenc is scill in use. A misbehaving or an underachieving srudenc may be flogged, slapped
or whipped by the ceacher.
b I believe chat nurturing a child is not only the responsibiliry of schools, but chat of the parents,
roo. l agree with the viewpoinc that a smack from the parencs doesn't injure the soul of the child
if it comes at che right time.

: D U CAT I O N 43
ro disregard [d1sn'ga:d] nem vesz figyelembe
ro be detained [d1'temd] be van zá,rva
underachieving [ t.nd;:ir;:i'tfí:vrIJ] alulteijesítő
ro fl.og [flog] korbácsol
ro slap (slrep] pofoz
ro whip [wrp] ostorral megver
ro nurture ['11 3:tf;:i] gondoz, nevel 2:
ro smack (smrek] pofoz

20 What rights do students have in you r cou ntry?

21 Are they aware of their rig hts?
22 Who can they turn to if they a re deprived of their basic rig hts?
ln Hungary, the rights of srudems are regulated by the Educarional Law of the country. Ir
states that rhe basic righr of a child is ro have access ro primary and secondary education. The
personaliry and human digniry of a srudem must be respected, and he/she must be protected
from any form of violence. A srudem may nor be punished by corporal punishment, and no
humiliating punishment may be allowed. It is rhe righr of a studem ro acquire knowledge in
the area he/she is imerested in. Srudems should nor be discriminated against on the basis of
race, colour or gender. A srudem may choose from elecrive courses, should have free access
ro the faciliries of the school or dormirory, including the library, the gym, the computer lab,
etc. Srudems have the right ro choose rheir own represenratives in the srudenr council, which
is responsible for rhe implemenrarion of rhe rules and regularions. Any srudenr can be elected
ro the srudenr council. Studenrs have rhe right ro express rheir opinion about the school, the
reachers, rhe performance of the teachers maimaining respect rowards rhem. They have the right
to petition the school or the school board if rhey have any questions regarding their education.
Unforrunarely, in Hungary neither srudems nor teachers are fully aware of their rights and
obligarions. Ir happens rarher frequently that the righrs of srudenrs are violated and they do
not even know where they can rum for help. Even if there is a studem council ro represem the
srudems, reachers are likely ro ignore it.
If students are dissarisfied wirh rhe way rheir cases are handled, and they feel thar some
infringements happened, rhey could rum ro the ombudsman for education. This person is
responsible for education, schools and srudems' rights.

ro regulate ['regjule1t] szabályoz

dignity ('d1gn;:itr] méltóság
ro humiliare [hju:'m1helt] megaláz
ro discriminate against (dr'sknmme1t] hátrányosan megkülönböztet
dormirory ('d:i:mrtrr] kollégium
dorm (d:i:m] kolesz
studenr council [ ' stj u:d;:int kaunsl] diákönkormányzat
gender ['d3end;:i] nem
implementation [rmpl;:im;:in'terJn] végrehajtás
ro implemenr ['1mpl;:irn;:,nt] végrehajt

44 E D U CATI O N :J
co petition [pinJn] kérvényt nyújt be
obligation [obh'ge1Jn] kötelezettség
co be obliged co [ob'lard3d] kötelezve van
to ignore [1g'n:,:] figyelmen kívül hagy
infringement [m' frmd3111.i11t] megsértés, szabálytalanság

3 How important is it for you to speak a language?

Speaking a language is inevitable in our modern world. Since Hungarian is not a widely spoken
language, you have to be familiar wich ac leasc one foreign language to be able to get along
in life. ln all walks of life speaking a language at a high conversacional levei is required. One
cannot go to a job incerview wichouc being able to uccer a word in some foreign language.
Moreover, you have co express yourself clearly to gec accepced and be given che job.
Ic Nowadays che most advisable language co scudy is English. It is considered an incernational
he language in a lot of areas, especially when using a computer. Together with French, it is the
ed language of diplomacy.
In For Hungarians it is also useful co have a good command of German. Every summer we have
of thousands of studencs coming from Austria and Germany.
6. co get along [get ;i'lolJ] kijön
:h in all walks of life [m :d w:,:ks ;iv lait] az élet minden területén
:d conversational [konv.i'se1J.inl] társalgási
What English-speaking channels are available in Hungary?
Do you ever use the radio or the TV for learning English?
d How can you improve your abilities by doing this?
0 Most satellice channels offer English and German speaking programmes, buc there are also
French, Spanish, Italian and Russian channels, coo. Where I live we have access co some
English speaking channels like CNN, National Geographic, TCM, Travel Channel, Discovery
e and Cartoon Nerwork. I believe chat by watching programmes on these channels, you can
learn a loc, especially you can improve your listening comprehension skills. Also, it is possible
to get some incerescing informacion from all around the world. My biggest concern now is chat
a lot of these English channels are already dubbed, so I am starting to lose incerest because now
I cannot wacch them for the original purpose of improving my language skills.
There is also a possibilicy to have access to English radio stations. Actually, wich che help of
the Incernec, it is possible co !isten to basically any scarion in che world. le also helps me co
understand spoken English much better. The more I !isten to che English broadcasts, the more
I am able to cacch and grasp.

liscening comprehension ['hstnrl) kompn'henJn] hallás utáni szövegértés

dubbed [dAbd] szinkronizá,lt
subrided ['sAbtartld] feliratos
broadcast ['br::>:dca:st] sugároz, közvetít

: J U CAT I O N 45

1 The i m portance of learning l a n g u ages

• ro talk freely ro each other about business, politics, culture, hobbies, sport
• ro promote friendship and understanding among people
• ro establish ties wirh orher nations
• ro make friends
• ro correspond
• ro learn about other people's culrure, way of life
• ro read authors in the original
• ro understand foreign TV channels
• ro be berrer informed about the world
• to make oneself understood while travelling
• to have more chances ro rravel on business
• to get a scholarship
• to go abroad to study
• to read scientific articles
• to keep abreasr of the latest discoveries and invenrions
• to have an all around education

2 Ed ucation i n G reat B rita in

• pre-school
• nursery school
• primary school
• comprehensive school
• prepararory school
• public school
• extracurricular acrivities
• National Curriculum
• core subjects
• A levei
• the three R's

3 Education in the U SA

• kindergarten
• K- 1 2
• curriculum
• school district
• principal
• day care
• elemenrary school
• high school
• high school diploma
• freshman
• sophomore
• junior
• senior
• privare school
• college

4 Hungarian education

• nursery school • grammar school

• primary school • secondary school certificate
• vocarional school • educarional reform
• secondary technical school • Bologna process

li .r ltllli dlllJlllllC __ . :---

Working in the European Union, Job satisfaction, Priorities in life,

Test your knowledge by answering the questions below. Tick the ones you
can already answer.
D What aspects o f work do you chink are importanc when you look for a job?
2 D What j ob opportunities do fresh graduates have afrer leaving universicy?
3 D What do you think of privatisation?
4 D What are the pros and cons of having a lot of mulcinational companies in Hungary?
5 D Why is it difficult to start your own business?
6 D Is there illegal work in your country?
7 D What opportunities do you have in the EU?
8 D Are you allowed to take up a j ob anywhere in the European Union?
9 D Would you like to work in Hungary or abroad?
10 D What are your fucure goals?
11 D Are women equally paid with men?
12 D What do we mean by gross salary?
13 D What is net salary?
14 D Why is there so much difference between chem?
15 D What does che percencage of che income rax depend on?
16 D What other deductions are made on your salary?
17 D What do you think of the tax system?
18 D Which are rhe best-paid jobs in today's Hungary?
19 D What is needed in order to get a well-paid job? 2
20 D Do you think people have enough money to put aside and save up?
21 D When do people start saving?
22 D What do people save for in Hungary coday?
23 D Why can't many people afford to put money aside?
24 D How many unemployed are there in this country?
25 D Which parts of Hungary are stricken by unemployment?
26 D How do you think the unemployed feel?
27 D What is the unemploymenc benefit enough for?
28 D What different kinds of trade unions are there?
29 D What do trade unions struggle for? 3
30 D What fringe benefits do you get from your company?
31 D How many days of paid holiday do you get?

What aspects of work do you think are important when you look for a job?
a I think it is independence that counrs most when I look for a job. I would not be able to
bear a grumpy boss who would always teli me off if I didn't do something properly. If I had
independence, I would have a lot of responsibiliry, which I would really enjoy. This would
be the most challenging thing if I had a job. Yes, I believe challenge is the most importam. I
cannot imagine myself doing a monotonous job standing by the conveyor belt for eight hours.
I would need constant challenge and new ideas.
b I believe that helping people and good working conditions are inevitable. I can imagine that i11
the fucure I will devote my career to helping others. I don't thi11k that money can buy all the
feedback that you get from the eyes of the people you help. They can be so grateful, so I fi11d
such helpi11g professio11s very rewardi11g.
e I need variery a11d I believe that it can be achieved through meeting a lot of people through
work. I love uavelling and I dream of doing a lot of business uavel in my future job. For me
salary is not a secondary aspecr. I know that when you are a begi1111er, you cannot expect very
high salaries, but I would 11ot take a job if I didn't have a good cha11ce of promotio11.

to bear [be;:i] elvisel

grumpy ['gr nmpr] zsörtölődő
ro teli sy off [te! of] leszid
challe11ging [ ' tfcel;:i11d3r1J] kihívástjelentő
mo11oro11ous [m;:i'not;:i11;:is] monoton
conveyor bele [bn'ver;:i belt] futószalag
feedback ['fi : dbcek] visszajelzés
graceful [grertfl] hálás
gratitude ['grcetrtju:d] hála
rewardi11g [n'w:,:dnJ] érdemes, kielégítő
promotion [pr;:i'm;:iuJn] előléptetés

2 What job opportunities do fresh graduates have after leaving university?

Ir is 11ot so easy nowadays to find a good job righc after graduati11g from school. Beginners are
usually underpaid and exploited. lt is mainly multi11atio11al compa11ies that offer compatible
salaries to young people, however, the number of working hours is so high that people get
exhausted roo easily.

u11derpaid [',rnd;:iperd] alulfizetett

to exploit [rks'pbrt] kizsákmányol
compatible [bm'pcet;:ibl] versenyképes
exhausted [1g' z:,:st1d] kimerült

3 What do you think of privatisation?

a I think that privatisation, rhac is the selling of state-owned properry to companies, serves the
inrerests of the country. The country was so indebted after the change of the regime that that

_ OBS 49
was the only chance to puli it out of the trouble. A lot of companies and factories would have
gone bankrupt if it had not been for the foreign investors who bought them. It also attracted
foreign capital, which was badly 11eeded for the country.
� I thi11k that the government is maki11g a big mistake by selling Hungarian assets to foreign
enterprises. We should save our values a11d retai11 what is really Hungaria11. We should not let
the country fali into the ha11ds of foreig11ers.

privatisatio11 [pra1vatai'ze1Jn] privatizáció

to be indebted [111'det1d] eladósodott
i11vestor [m'vest;i] befektető
capital ['krep,t;il] tőke
asset ['reset] vagyontárgy, vagyon
e11terprise ['ent;ipra1z] vállalkozás

What are the pros and cons of having a lot of multinational companies in
a I believe that multinational companies bring variety and a wide range of choice to the life of
the country. Without them we would 11ot be able to develop. They are the 011es that offer jobs
to most Hungarians, thus reduce the levei of unemployment. They have introduced a new
perspective about selli11g products as they are professio11als and have bee11 in the busi11ess for
b I believe that multinational compa11ies rui11 the economy of the country. They e11joy a lot of
benefits that average Hungarians ca1111ot even have access to, for example, tax reductio11s.
Although a lot of new jobs are created, small compa11ies ca11not compete with most of the
multinational 011es and people who work there lose their jobs. Another thing I don't like
about multinational stores is that they are open 011 Su11days so people spend their weekends
in supermarkets doi11g some shopping i11stead of going on trips or relaxing.

perspective [p;is'pektrv] kilátás, távlat

to ruin ['ru:111] lerombol 0
tax reductio11 [treks n'dAkJn] adócsökkentés
to compete with [k;im'pi : t] versenyez

5 Why is it difficult to start your own business?

The reason why i t is difficult t o start a business is rwo-fold. First o f all, you have to have some
capital in order to begi11. If you do11't have mo11ey, you can rum to a bank for a loan, which you
have to pay back with high interest rates after a certai11 period of time. Money is not enough.
The most time-consuming i11 co1111ectio11 with starting your business is red tape. You have to
have a lot of documents and permits so as to start your own business.

two-fold ['tu:fauld] kétszeres

loan (l;iun] kölcsön
inrerest rate ['mtr;ist re,t] kamatláb
red tape [red te1p] bürokrácia
permit ('p3:m1t] engedély

50 JOBS - e
l\ f Is there illegal work in you r cou ntry?
ec I don't think chac chere is a country in the whole world where illegal work does not exist. We
have it in Hungary, coo. There are a lot of refugees coming from che neighbouring cou11cries
who are willing to work for less money and without being authorised. Most of them work 011
construccion and building sites, some in restaurants and bars. It is not good for our economy
because they don't pay taxes and they also take away the opportunity from Hu11garian workers
who would not work for so litde money.

illegal [r'li:gl] illegális

refugee [re fj u ' d31 :] menekült
to be willing to do sg ['wrho] hajlandó
construction site [bn'strnkJn] építkezés

n What op portunities do you have in the E U ?

Are you a l lowed t o ta ke u p a job a nywhere i n t h e E u ropean Un ion?
As far as I know, for some years after the accession, free flow of work-force was resuicted by the
previous fifteen members. People from the newly joining member srares were required to have
a work permit in order to take up a job in other countries. However, there are some countries,
)[ like che United Kingdom, which opened their labour market for employees coming from the
cen new states.

accession [::e' kseJn] csatlakozás

e free flow of work-force [fri: füu ov w3:k 'fo:s] munkaerő szabad áramlása
e work permit [w3:k ' p nmt] munkaváüalási engedély
s labour market [' lerb;l 'ma:krt] munkaerőpiac

Wou l d you l i ke to work in H u n g a ry or a broad?

What a re you r futu re goals?
a After graduation I would like to look for a good job that would satis fy my needs. I know that
a starting salary is not so high, but if I have a chance to be promoted after some years, chat
would be acceptable. ln my opinion, you have ro earn the respect of your colleagues and your
superiors in order to feel comfortable in your job. I would definitely work in Hungary, because
this is the place where I was born and have been brought up. I am not saying that I would rej ect
an offer from a foreig11 compa11y, but I would not be able to work oucside my country for good.

b After leaving university, I am headi11g abroad. ln order to make a fairly reasonable amount of
mo11ey, you have to work i11 a western country ro make ends meet. As I speak two languages
Aue11tly, I will 110c have a hard time finding a job abroad. Moreover, Hungaria11s are regarded
as very skilled and educated workforce all over rhe world. Yes, I know rhat I would be a part of
the brain drain but I would 110c regret it. As long as we are not given good opportunities and
salaries at home, we cannoc do a11yth ing but go to anorher country. I know there are plenty of
scholarships one can apply for in order to be given a good position, and I would l i ke to apply
for one of them .

to satisfy one's needs ('sret,sfar'wAnz ni:dz] kielégíti valaki szükségleteit
to be promoted [pr;}'m;mt,d] előlép
to reject [r1'd3ekt] visszautasít
ro head (for) [hed fa] tart valahová
skilled [skdd] szakképzett
brain drain [brem drem] agyelszívás
scholarship ['skol;:,J1p] ósztöndíj
to regret [n' gret] sajnál
to apply for [;}'piai] jelentkezik

Are women equally paid with men?

a In my opinion women get equal pay with men in most jobs. It is against the law ro discriminate
against people on the basis of race, gender or religion. Obviously, there are some manual jobs 7
that women are unable ro do, but in most cases I don't see any differenriation.
b My experience shows that in the case of full-time women manual workers, the situation is
rather bad. Their earnings amount ro only, I would say, three quarcers or even less of men's.
Moreover, it is much harder for a woman ro find a job nowadays. Employers ask you questions
whether you have any children and if the answer is affirmative, you are unlikely ro get the job,
because the children can get sick, and the mother would have ro stay at home. If you are a fresh
graduate, then it is also hard ro get a job, because you might become pregnanr and you have to
be subscicuced. Thirdly, if you are a woman in your fifties, nobody is willing ro give you a job.
because of rhe number of paid holidays you are entided ro and in most cases, you might have
ro be given more salary based on the number of years you have worked.

ro discriminate against [d1s'knm111ert] hátrányosan megkülönböztet

race [re1s] faj
gender ['d3end;:,] nem
differentiation [d1farnnJ1'e1Jn] megkülönböztetés
manual worker ['mrenj udl w3:b] fizikai munkás
earning ['3:11!1) ] kereset
affirmative [;:,'fa:m;itJV] igenlő
fresh graduate [freJ 'grred3mt] frissdiplomás
to subsricuce ['sAbstrtju:t] helyettesít
to be enrided [111' ta1tld] fel van hatalmazva

1 What do we mean by gross salary?

1 r What is net salary?
1 Why is there so much difference between them?
1 What does the percentage of the income tax depend on?
1 What other deductions are made on your salary?
The amount of money I accually receive is my net wages or net salary. 1t is, of course, considerabl·
less chan my gross salary, rhe amount of which is written at the rop of my salary slip. Tht
reason for chis is chac various deductions are made, for example income tax, che percenrage o·
which depends on che rocal amount of your annual income, social securiry and superannuatio:­
contributions, which is ten per cent of your salary, and unemploymenr contribucion, which
one per cent.

eit nee [net] nettó
gross (gr;ius] bruttó
consíderably [k:m' s1d;ir;iblr] jelentősen
salary slíp ['s::el;in shp] fizetési értesítő
deduceion [d1 'dAkJn] levonás
income eax [' mkAm t::eks] jövedelemadó
annual ['::enju;il] éves
socíal securícy ( 's;iuJI s1'kju;irnt1] társadalombiztosítás
superannuaeion contribueion [su:p;ir::enju 'e1Jn kontrr'bju:Jn] nyugdíjjárulék
unemployment contribueíon [A111m'pl::nm;int kontn'bju:Jn] munkanélküli járulék

::ibs 7 What do you t h i n k of the tax system?
As far as I know, Hungary has one of ehe híghese rax raees in ehe European Union. I don'e find
ie good praceice, because ie makes ehe coumry less accraceive co people. I, personally, would like
1 i co work abroad, ín a coumry where ehe deduceions from your gross salary are noe as hígh as
n s. here. I know ehae ehe governmem has co raise money in order co make ehe economy work, bue
I ehínk ehae a reorganisaeion of rhe budger would be much more efficiem.
reorganisarion [n::,:g;ina1'ze1Jn] újracsoportosítás
budger [' bAd31t] költségvetés
t,·e efficíem [1'frJ;int] hatékony

Wh ich a re the best- paid jobs in today's H u ng a ry?

What is needed in order to get a wel l - paid job?
le seems co me rhae in coday's Hungary wage-earners earn more ehan salary-earners, especially
if ehey work ín ehe privaee seccor. For example, the starting wages of a skilled worker wieh three
years' rraíning can be higher rhan rhe commencing salary of a reacher wirh eighr or nine years'
training. Srill, the besr-paid j obs can be found in ehe area of whire-collar workers. Lawyers,
businessmen, poliricians, accountants, brokers and company leaders earn a fairly good amoum
of money. If you have a universicy degree, it is scill not certain that you will get a good job.
The requíremems are much higher nowadays. More degrees and ehe command of at least two
languages are essemial if you want a well-paid job. Somerimes ie is enough if your family has
an enterprise and you can eake over and continue ehe family cradieions. le was widespread a
hundred years ago and it is becoming prevalem coday, coo.

prevalent ['prev;il;int] elterjedt, uralkodó, domináns

wage-earner ('we1d3 '3;11;;,] bérből élő
salary-earner [ 's::el;in 3;11;i] fizetésből élő
privaee secror ('prarv,t ' sekt;i] magánszektor
commencing [k;i'mensuJ] kezdő
n requirement [n' kwa,;im;int] követelmény
to take over [te1k ' ;iuv;i] átvesz
widespread ['wa1dspred] elterjedt

5 . O BS
2 Do you think people have enough money to put aside and save up? 24
I think there are quite a few people who have high bank accounts, while the number o f those 25
living below the poverty line i s still going up. Still, most people have their money o n savings 26
accounts, a s they get their salaries cransferred right on the account. With a n accounc, people 27
usually get a debit card, b y which they can pay in places where i t i s accepted. You can also ger
cash from a reller machine using your debir card. Nowadays, rhe use of credir cards is becoming
widespread in Hungary, roo. Ir means rhar you can spend more money rhan you have on your
accounr provided rhar you pay it back by a cercain rime. In my opinion, it is very risky, because
most people are nor aware of rhe high interesr rares and often become indebced.

poverty line ['pov;;it1 1am] szegénységi küszöb

ro cransfer money ['tnens'fa: 'm,m1] átutal
accounc [;;i' kaunt] számla
debit card ['debrt ka:d] bankkártya
credit card [' kredit ka:d] hitelkártya
reller machine ['tel;;i m;;i'Ji:n] pénzautomata
ro be aware of (;:i 'we;;i] tisztában van valamivel

When do people start saving?

What do people save for in Hungary today?
Why can't mony people afford to put money aside?
Savings begin ro accumulate when incomes more than cover che staple needs. People begin to
save when there is enough money for all that is needed in the family. Most people save for a
flat, a plot of land, a weekend cottage or for holidays abroad. Nowadays, a loc of people save 28
for the tuition of cheir children in spite of the fact that education i s free. I t i s n o r the costs of 29
education b u c secondary costs of renting a flat, buying the books and covering other expenses
that make people put aside a considerable amount of money. There are some people who save
for a car or put money aside ro purchase durable consumer goods or new furniture. Although
you can get loans from banks ro buy these things, the interest rares are rather high for most
people ro choose this option. Naturally, many people save without any definite end in view,
j ust for the sake of having a reserve and feeling secure. Orhers cannor afford ro puc any money
aside for their income is so low that it is j ust about enough ro keep body and soul rogerher.

ro accumulate (;:i' kj u:mj;:ile1t] felhalmozódik

staple needs [ste1pl ni:dz] legfontosabb szükségletek
a plot of land [plot, !rend] telek
tuition [tj u'1Jn] oktatás
secondary (' sebndrr] másodlagos
ro cover the expenses [kAv;;i, 1k 'spensrz] fedezi a költségeket
to puc aside [put ;:i'sa1d] félretesz
ro purchase [ ' p3: tf;:is] vásárol
durable ['dju;ir;:ibl] tartós
consumer goods [bn'sj u:m;i gudz] fogyasztási cikk
end [end] itt: cél
reserve [n'z3 :v] tartalék
for the sake of [serk] kedvéért

54 JOBS .0
How many unemployed are there in this country?
Which parts of Hungary are stricken by unemployment?
How do you think the unemployed feel?
What is the unemployment benefit enough for?
I am afraid rhar I don't really know rhe exacr figures. Ali I know is thar at rhe momenr
unemployment is srill rising. It is a serious problem in rhe easrern and norrh-easrern part of rhe
country and also in rhe former industrial ciries and mining areas, as most of rhe facrories have
gone bankrupt and rhe mines have exhausred. These can be some reasons why a lot of people
have been made redundant. ln order to find jobs, a lot of people migrate to the capital city
where it is considerably easier ro find a job. The unemployed may feel guilry about being out
of work even if it is nor rheir fault: rhey feel they are useless and a burden on the state. They
join the dole queue and receive just enough money not to srarve.

figures ['f1g;iz] számadatok

former [' í::,:m;i] régi, régebbi
to be made redundant [n'dt.nd;int] feleslegessé válik
to migrate [mar'greJt] költözik, vándorol
guil ry ('g1ltr] bűnös
burden ( 'b3:d;in] teher
to join the dole queue [d3:,m ő;i d;iul kju:] sorba áll a segélyért
to be on rhe dole [d;iul] segélyben részesül
to starve [sta:v] éhezik

2 What different kinds of trade unions are there?

2 What do trade unions struggle for?
A large number of unions of various kinds exist in Hungary. The oldest one is rhe Narional
Associarion of Hungarian Trade Unions, which organises workers on the basis of rhe branch of
industry in which rhey work. There are crafr unions, which organise the workers in a specific
trade; and independent workers' councils, which cater for workers doing different kinds of jobs
in a whole range of industries or independent unions for people working in professions, such
as rhe Democraric Trade Union of Pedagogues, for example. They all srruggle for higher pay,
better working condirions and betrer terms of employment. If the unions cannot achieve their
goals through negotiarions, rhey turn ro demonstrations, and if they are still unsuccessful, they
might take industrial action.

trade union [tre1d 'ju:m;in] szakszervezet

branch [bra:ntf] ágazat
craft union [kra:ft 'ju:m;in] szakmai szakszervezet
workers' council [ 'w3:bz kaunsl] munkástanács
to cater for [' kert;i] gondjaiba vesz, gondoz
to struggle for sg [] küzd valamiért
working condition ['w3:kr1J bn'drJn] munkakörülmény
berrer terms of employment ('bet;i t3:mz, rm 'pl:nm;int] jobb munkafeltételek
to achieve [;i' tji :v] elér
negotiation [mg;iuJ1'e1Jn] tárgyalás

,OBS 55
demonstration [dem;:,n 'stre1Jn] tüntetés
to take industrial action [terk m ' dAstrnl rekJn] sztrájkol
to go on strike [strark) sztrájkol

30 What fringe benefits do you get from your company?

We have good welfare services: we ger subsidised meals so I buy lunch vouchers and get a hoc
meal every day. We also have a day care where our children are looked after. We are enritled to
a certain amount of money for which we can buy our clorhes for work. We buy rhe necessary
clothes and rum in the receipt to the company and then we are given the amount of money
spent on rhe clorhes. At che end of che year we receive a bonus based on the performance of the
company, so it is our inreresr rhat rhe company should work well.

welfare service ['welfe;:, ' s3:v1s] szociális juttatás

subsidised meal [' sAbs1darzd mi:l) kedvezményes étkezés
lunch voucher [lAntf 'vautf;:,] ebédjegy
day care [de1 ke;:,J gyermekmegőrző
receipt [n' si:t] számla
to cum in (t3:n m] bead, lead
bonus (' b;:,un;:,s] extra juttatás
performance [p;:,'f:J:nrn1s) teijesítmény

3 1 How many days of paid holiday do you get?

Most workers receive a lirtle more rhan mree weeks' paid holiday. The amount depends on the
number of years mey have spenr working. The longer period you have worked che more days of
paid holidays you get. The increase is one day per year. When I was a child, I always dreamt of
becoming a teacher because of the long holidays chey get. 1hey are envied for all the school breaks
mey have, almough mey say mar rhis is how mey are compensaced for their racher low salary.

to envy ('envr) irigyel

school break [sku:1 bre1k] iskolaszünet
to compensate ['komp:mse1t] kárpótol


1 White-collar workers

• reacher a make a comfortable living

banker b not to get one's hands dirry
• lawyer e to use one's brain
• physician d intelleccual career
• architect e to require good rraining
• engineer f to think in rhe absrract
• compucer programmer

56 J O BS
2 Blue-collar workers

• carpenrer a hard working conditions

• joiner b to work outdoors
• dustman e to work by the conveyor belt
• plumber d skilful with one's hands
• bricklayer e to get a good vocational training
• butcher f to be up to one's eyebrows in oil
• baker g to stand rhe heat
• mechanic h to do shifr work
• weaver dirty but decent job
• locksmith
3 Trade unions

They struggle for:

• better working condition
• higher wages
• no child labour
• workers' rights
• better terms of employment
- ...
Travelling by ship, tra ins, pla ne, coach; Camping, Tourism

Test your knowledge by a nswering he ques i ns o low. ick the ones you
ca n already a nswer.

D How do you like to travel? 1

2 D Do you ever travel by train? 2
3 D What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train? 3
4 D Where do you like to sit when you travel?
5 D When did you !ast travel by train?
6 D Did you have to change?
7 D Have you ever travelled by IC trains?
8 D Do you ever travel by coach?
9 D Do you prefer travelling by coach to rravelling by rrain?
10 D Have you ever flown?
11 D What are the advamages and disadvamages of flying?
12 D What i s the quickest way of travelling?
13 D D o you think flying i s a safe way of travelling?
14 D What can b e the dangers of flying?
15 D What do you think of low-cost airlines?
16 D Have you ever rravelled on board a ship?
17 D Where and how did you embark?
18 D Did you enjoy the cruise?
19 D D o you like going on holiday?
20 D How often do you travel?
21 D Why c a n i t b e relaxing t o b e o n holiday?
22 D Where do you like to go on holiday?
23 D Do you prefer independent travel to a package tour?
24 D How do you prepare for a journey?
25 D Do you need a visa to go abroad?
26 D What do you think of camping holidays?
27 D Have you ever been on one?
28 D Where did you pitch your tent?
29 D Have you ever camped rough?
30 D What was it like?
31 D What advantages does camping have over staying in a hotel?

32 D Whac do you chink of couriscs descroying monuments and che beaury of nacure?
33 D Are you more afraid of crime when you go on holiday?
34 D Do you visic museums?
35 D Whac are che popular courisc resorcs?
36 D Do you like caking phocos of che place you visic on your holiday?
37 D Whac do you chink of people who spend cheir holidays working?

How do you like to travel?
Do you ever travel by train?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train?
a I hardly ever cravel by crain, perhaps once in a blue moon. I usually cravel wich my family or
friends and we almost always use che car. To teli che cruch, I don'c like cravelling by rail because
a seac in a firsc-class comparcment is coo expensive for me, second-class carriages, however, are
noc always as clean as chey should be. They are likely co be crowded, scinky and noisy. On rop
of all chac, you have co be very cime-conscious chroughouc che whole journey so as noc co miss
your crains or conneccions and co be everywhere on cime.
b I like cravelling by crain because you can stand up during che journey and cake a walk clown che
carriages. So ic is possible co screcch your muscles while you cravel. There is also a restaurant car
where you can eac, alchough che food chere is usually racher expensive. le is also possible co smoke
on a crain, as smoking comparcmems are provided. When I go on holiday and want co cake my
bicycle wich me, crains are equipped wich comparcments designed for carrying bicycles.
e I quite often cravel by crain, especially when I cravel on business. Rail cravel wichin Hungary is
noc terribly expensive and it is an excellent way co gec co see the countryside, coo. And although
che trains do not always leave and arrive on che dot, they are usually punccual and international
connections are good. There are cheap fares on crains especially for scudents, pensioners, large
families and for those working in the public services.

once in a blue moon [wAns, blu:, mu:n] nagyon ritkán

co teli che cruch [tel, tru:0] az igazat megvallva
compartment [bm'pa:tm:mt] kupé
crowded ['kraod1d) zsúfolt
scinky [ 'st11Jk1] büdös
cime-conscious [ 'ta,m konJ;is] figyeli az időt, időcentrikus
co miss one's connections [mrs. k;i 'nekJ;inz] lekési a csatlakozást
co scretch [stretj] kinyújt, nyújtózik
muscle [mAsl] izom
co equip [1'kw1p) felszerel
co travel on business [tnevl, 'b1zms] üzleti ügyben utazik
on che dot [dot) hajszálpontosan
on cime [tarm] pontosan
puncrually ['pAnktfu;ilI) pontosan
[ta,m] időben
4 Where do you like to sit when you travel?
5 When did you last travel by train?
6 Did you have to change?
7 Have you ever travelled by I C trains?
When I cravel by crain, I like to sic facing che engine racher chan back co che engine. Forcunacely, 0
trains in Hungary contain 11011-smoking comparcments. 1
I cravelled by train during the summer when I went to visit my friends in the capital. My father
gave me a ride to the railway station. I arrived just in time, as the train was due to leave in a few 13
minutes. Fortunately, I did not have to go to the ticket-office because I had bought the tickets
in advance and had reserved my seat. I cook an inter-city train, which means that the train goes
direccly to the destination and rarely stops. As it was an IC crain, I did not have to change. The
crain pulled into the station exaccly on time.

to sic facing che e11gi11e [sit fe1s11J, 'end3111] menetiránnyal szemben ül

to sic wich 011e's back to the e11gine menetiránynak háttal ül
to give sy a ride [grv, rard] elvisz valakit
to be due to leave [dju:, li:v] esedékes az indulása
destinacio11 [destr'ne1Jn] végcél, végállomás
to puli in to che scatio11 [pul, sterJn] beérkezik az állomásra

8 Do you ever travel by coach?

9 Do you prefer travelling by coach to travelling by train?
a I prefer taking a coach to travelling by trai11. Bus statio11s are usually found in city centres while
train stations are moscly out of the city a11d you have to travel some extra time i11 order to get
to your destinacion. le is also good that smoki11g is prohibited on coaches. The seats 011 a coach
are much more comforcable and it is possible to recline in your seat if you are sleepy.
b I hate cravelling by coach. 1hey are never 011 time due to traffic problems. Coaches are likely
to get scuck in craffic jams and it is quite bad chac you cannoc plan in advance because you do
noc know for sure whecher your coach arrives i11 time or not. Travelli11g by coach duri11g che
summer ca11 also be quite bad because coaches ca11 be crowded and as people sweat it smells
rather u11pleasant and I cannot stand chac. Alchough there is air-condicioni11g 011 some coaches,
drivers wanc to save fuel, so they do not swirch ic on.
If you have a lot of luggage, ir is difficulr co get 011 a coach, and although there is a compartment
where bags are placed, you have to be caucious so that chey would 110c get scole11.

coach [butj] távolsági busz

to recli11e [n'klam] hátradől
to get scuck i11 a traffic jam [get stAk, 'tnefrk d3rem] dugóba kerül
to smell [smel] bűzlik
co sweat [swet] izzad
unpleasanr [An'pleznt] kellemetlen

air-condicioning [e;i bn'd1Jn11J] légkondicionáló
fuel [fj u :;il] üzemanyag

Have you ever flown?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of flying?
What is the quickest way of travelling?
Do you think flying is a safe way of travelling?
a I have never f!own, firscly because I am a licrle bit afraid ro f!y. Secondly, I have never had ro
cover such a long disrance rhac could have been covered only by plane. Thirdly, I chink chac air
fares are much more expensive chan rail or coach fares.
b I have f!own several cimes and I rhink air rravel is definirely rhe quickesr and rhe safesr way of
rransporr. ln comparison ro a passenger plane, rhe fasresr express rrain seems ro crawl ar snail's pace.
Air rravel does save cime. le somecimes rakes longer ro ger from a rown ro che airporc chan ic does
ro fly from Budapest ro anocher capiral a rhousand or rwo kilomecres away. I am noc sure char ic is
che most comforcable way of cravelling rhough. le is definicely for chose who are nor afraid of Aying,
buc chose who are nervous fliers chink char ír is riring and exhausring. During che cake-off and rhe
landing, your ears may pop, buc if you open your mourh and swallow hard or chew a gum, chis
will definirely nor happen. Also, rhere are some people who ger airsick when rhe Aighr is especially
rough. This can happen when rhe plane hirs an air-pocker and chen ic begins rocking a bic. They can
use che sick bag if rhey do feel sick, bur most Aighrs are much smoorher chan char.
Plane cravel is also very safe, because sraciscically, rhere are far fewer crashes chan car accidenrs.
AJchough, che chances rhar you survive a crash are racher small. However, nowadays rhere are
a lor of people who are afraid of cerrorisc arracks and chus chey don'c cravel by plane. AJchough
scricr securiry measures have been raken all over che world, you can never be a hundred per cenr
cercain char nobody will carry a bomb on board.

in comparison [bm'prensn] összehasonlítva

ro crawl ar snail's pace [kr:d, sne1lz pe1s] csigalassúsággal halad
air cravel ['e;i trrevl] légi utazás
nervous A ier ['n3:vas flara] ideges típus (repülés közben)
exhausting [19 'z:i:stIIJ] kimerítő
rake-off ['te1kof] felszállás
ro pop [pop] pattan, pattog
ro swallow ['swol;io] nyel
ro chew [ tfu :] rág
air sickness ['e;i srknas] rosszullét (repüléstől)
rough [rAf] durva, nem sima
ro hit an air pocker [hrt, 'e;ipokit] légörvénybe kerül
sick bag [srk breg] egészségügyi zacskó
smoorh [smu:ó] sima
sraristically [st;i'trst1kh] statisztikailag
ro survive [sa'varv] túlél
terrorisr [ 'ter;inst] terrorista
1 4 What can be the da ngers of flying?
A health risk that one has to face while travelling by air can be deep-vein thrombosis. As I
experienced, there is not much legroom in rhe economy class of an airplane, which mighc
result in the swelling of the calves, severe pains due to blood clots in the vein. A!though l enjoy
looking through the window and down at rhe blue seas, I realised that it is much better to sit
in an aisle seat, because I can stand up any time and move around whenever I wam co. lt is also
advisable co lay off alcohol because it can also lead to these troubles.

thrombosis [0rom' b;ms1s] trombózis 9

legroom ['legru:m) hely a lábaknak 20
economy class [1' kon;}m1 kla:s] turistaosztály 21
to swell [swel] megduzzad 22
calf, calves [ka:f] lábszár
blood clot [blAd klot) vérrög
aisle seat [arl si:t] folyosó melletti ülés
advisable [dd 'varzdbl] ajánlatos
ro lay off [le1 of] abbahagy

1 5 What do you think of low- cost a i rli nes?

I love low-cost airlines because they provide the cheapest way of rransport. It is possible to go
from Budapest to any European city j ust for a few euros. The biggest difference is that these
airlines do not serve anything during the journey, but if you want to eat, you have to pay a
huge amoum of money. With low-cost airlines, even remote places are accessible for almost
everybody. Such airlines usually adverrise rhemselves on the Internet and you can purchase
your ticket on the net, too. The earlier you order your ticket, the cheaper you can ger hold of
it. ln the case of some low-cost airlines, you can also bargain for a cheaper ticket placing your
offer to see whether the company accepts it or not.

low-cost airline [!du kost 'e;}lam] fapadosjárat

accessible [dk'sesdbl) elérhető
ro purchase ['p3 ;tf;}S) megvesz
to bargain ['ba:g;}n] alkuszik

1 6 H ave you ever travelled on board a ship?

1 7 Where a n d how did you emba rk?
1 8 Did you enjoy the cru ise?
I have travelled by ship several times on Lake Balaton, but most of these trips were pleasure
cruises on which I rook my guests. After we had bought the tickets we went to the pier and 23
saw the ship entering the harbour. Then it dropped anchor and in a short time the gangway
was lowered. We went on board and the ship started. A cruise on Lake Balaton is as delightful
a pastime as one might wish for. You can enjoy the sight of the calm, green water and the white
sailing boats on it as well as the pleasam view of the surrounding hills and villages. It is also
possible co take the ferry from Tihany to Szántód, so you do not have co go around the lake by
car. lt saves time, money and you can also rely on the ferry during the shorr voyage.

pleasure cruise ['ple3g kru:z] sétahajókázás
pier [p1g] móló
harbour ['ha :bg] kikötő
to drop anchor [drop 're1Jb] lehorgonyoz
gangway ['gre1]gwe1] kikötőhíd
ferry [ ' fen] komp
to go on board [g:m, b::i:d] beszáll

Do you like going on holiday?

How often do you travel?
Why can it be relaxing to be on holiday?
Where do you like to go on holiday?
a I don't think there are any people in the world who do not like uavelling. I love it, too, but the
snag is that I cannor afford ro rravel as much as I would like ro. I have neither rhe money nor
the rime for ir. Anyway, I rry ro break away from it all ar leasr once a year, usually in summer.
Ir is good ro ger away from rhe husrle and busrle of everyday life and find an out-of-rhe-way
place miles from anywhere.
b I am a great traveller. In my opinion, rravelling is the best way of relaxarion and recreation.
You know if I sray at home, I cannor help dealing wirh my work or doing some household
chores and on rop of all rhat, I am always badgered by colleagues. When I am away, I am calm,
balanced and undisturbed by anybody and I can devote all my rime ro my family/friends/
myself. In short, I take pleasure in travelling. I can broaden my mind and learn about other
peoples and cultures by visiting famous places, leaning about cusroms and speaking foreig11
e To teli the truth, I hate travelling. I prefer sraying ar home a11d watchi11g TV or doing rhe
garde11ing. I ger sick 011 long journeys a11d I do11't want ro spend my holiday i11 hospiral. I like
spending my free time i11 rhe safery of my house a11d with my family.

snag [snreg] bökkenő, probléma

to break away from it all [bre1k g'we1] elszakad a hétköznapi gondoktól
husrle and busrle [hAsl, bAsl] zűrzavar, tolakodás
ro badger [ 'bred3g] zaklat, szekál
ro discurb [d1s't3:b] zavar
ro devore [d1 'vgut] rááldoz, rászán
in shorr [J::i:t] röviden
ro broaden one's mind [br::i:dn] szélesíti az ismereteit

Do you prefer independent travel to a package tour?

a You may call me romanric-minded, bur I prefer i11dividual rravel ro group travel. If you go
on a package rour, you have to be adaptable, you have 110 rime to look at everyrhi11g you are
inreresred in properly, and rhe worst thing is when you have a bad guide. He/she can spoil all
your holiday. Besides, rhe only thing that travellers seem to be interested in roday is shopping.
Whereas on an individual rour, I am my ow11 master, I depend on nobody and I can always do
whar I like.

b I definitely prefer package tours to individual ones because you have far less preparation to
make before a package tour. Everything is arranged for you by the travel agency, from the
necessary documents to hotel reservations. It does not seem to be very romantic to me to arrive
in a strange town at night with no idea of where to go or stop for the night and not a taxi in
sighc. This may well happen to you if you travel alone. Sometimes you have to walk with a
heavy rucksack on your back looking for a proper place to stay for the night. This is not my
idea of an idea! holiday. It is also good to choose a package tour if you go to a country where
you do not speak the language of rhe people. If you go on a package tour, you have a guide you
can rely on and he/she can help you with rhe language, too.

package tour ['pa:k1d3 tu;i) társasutazás

adaptable [;i'da:pt;ibl] alkalmazkodóképes
guide [gard) idegenvezető
to spoil [sp::>rl] tönkretesz
to be one's own master [wAnz :mn 'ma:st;i] a maga ura
preparation [prep;i' rerJn] előkészület, készülődés
rucksack [' rnksa:k] hátizsák

24 H ow do you p repare for a jou rney?

Before I go on holiday, I like making preparations in advance. First of all, I decide where to go
and make rhe prepararions accordingly. Fortunarely, by now we have un limited possibiliries to
go pracrically anywhere in the world if you have enough foreign currency or a credit card with
a lor of money on your account.
Before the journey, I usually go to several cravel agencies to enquire about both package tours
and possibilities for individual tours as well as travelling expenses.

in advance [;id 'vo:ns] előre

accordingly [;i' b:dnJ glr) ennek megfelelően
unlimited [An 'lrmrtrd] korlátlan
currency [ ' kAr;ins1] valuta
to enquire [m ' kwai;i] érdeklődik
expense [1k'spens] költség
2 5 Do you need a visa to go a broad ?
As far a s I know, it i s enough t o have a passport that entitles you t o uavel anywhere in the world
wirhout any restrictions. For most of Europe, you don't need a visa. Moreover, it is possible to
have only your identification card with you if you wish to cravel within the European Union.
There are some countries which require you to have a visa. One such country is the United
Stares. Although I understand that they are afraid of a lot of people flooding their country,
I don't see why they make a difference between European Union countries. Why is it that
Slovenians can enter the USA withour a visa while in Hungary even the application procedures
are quite expensive and you have to prove with every document you can rhar you don't wanr
to settle down in the States.

to emide [m ' ta1tl] feljogosít

to flood [flAd] eláraszt
to settle down [setl daon] letelepszik

What do you think of camping holidays?
H ave you ever been on one?
Where d i d you pitch you r tent?
Have you ever c a m ped rough?
What was it l i ke?
ln my opinion, camping is an ideal way of spending your holiday and it has become a great
pastime for holidaymakers all over the world. Every year I go on a canoe trip with my friends and
every day we arrive at different campsites where we can pirch up our tents. We carry rhe rencs and
rhe backpacks in rhe canoes and we put rhem in huge plastic bags so that they would not get wet
if rhere is rain or if we capsize. Campsites usually offer hor showers, flush roilers, drinking water,
cooking areas, washing-up facilities, guarded parking places, electriciry, bungalows, resraurancs,
barhing and washing facilities and sports grounds. However, it also happened ro us rhar we could
not find a good campsire, so we camped rough trying to find places where our tencs could be
pitched up. I think that it is very romantic to sleep in a sleeping bag, looking at rhe stars hoping
for a shooting srar and enjoying that you are far away from civilizarion.

holidaymaker ( ' hok1de1me1b] szabadságát töltő ember

canoe [b'nu:] kenu
campsite ('kéempsa1t] kemping
backpack ('brekprek] hátizsák
flush roilet [ílAJ 't::nl;it] angol WC
washing-up faciliry ['woJrtJ Ap fo'stl;itr] mosogatási lehetőség
guarded ['ga:d1d] őrzött
ro capsize [krep'saIZ] felborul
sports ground [sp�:ts graund] sportpálya
to camp rough [kremp rAfj vadkempingezik
to pitch up a tenc (prtf Ap, tent] felveri a sátrat
sleeping bag ['sli:p11J breg] hálózsák
shooting star ['Ju:tII) sta:] hullócsillag

What advantages does camping have over staying i n a hotel?

I think camping has so much to off'er. You can enjoy rhe absolute freedom and have none of rhe
headaches of advance hotel booking. For a ludicrously small sum, you can enjoy comforr. This
low cost also makes camping an attractive rype ofholiday as opposed to expensive horels which
are not very popular with average holidaymakers. It is so exciting to arrive at a campsite and
put up your tenc or park your caravan. You are active all rhe ríme and you are close ro nature.
Campsites are usually situated beside clear streams, in green valleys berween high mounrains,
by a lake or pond or a river, or at the seaside. So all the joys of outdoor sports are available
including water sports such as sailing, surfing, water-skiing or Jer Ski, and you can also go
hiking. Camping really provides you with a real change from everyday life.

absolute freedom ['rebs;ilu:t 'fri:d;im] teijes szabadság

advance booking (;id'va:ns 'bukrtJ] előre történőfoglalás
1 udicrously ('lu:d1kr;ish] nevetségesen

- AVE L LI N G 65
to put up [put] felver
caravan ['krer;men] lakókocsi
stream [stri:m] patak 36 1
pond (pond] tó, tavacska
water-skiing ['w:i:t;:i 'ski:nJ] vízisíelés
What do you think of tourists destroying monuments and the beauty of
I really condemn people who ruin all the wonders of the world including natural beauties.
monuments, pictures, statues and so on. I remember when I went to Verona, Italy to see the
house of the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet, I saw graffiti on the walls and everybody
was touching rhe statue of Julier. And it happens in other places. You find inscriptions on
walls and monograms chiselled in rocks. Also, fumes from cars and buses carrying tourists can
destroy monuments and paintings.
to condemn [bn'dem] elítél, megvet
to ruin ['ru:m] tönkretesz
monument ('monjum;:int] emlékmű 7 1
inscription [m' sknpJn] felirat
to chisel ['tjiz;:il] vés
3 Are you more afraid of crime when you go on holiday?
I think crime exists everywhere you go, but naturally people feel more secure in their everyday
surroundings. I normally pay much more attencion to pickpockets when I go to a crowded
place, especially at a place I am not familiar wirh. If l stay at a hotel, I always lock my room and
put my valuables into a safe. If I go camping, I never leave precious things in my cent, because
there is a bigger chance that they might disappear.
pickpocket ('p1kpok1t] zsebtolvaj
[se1fj széf
precious ['preJ;:is] értékes
3 Do you visit museums?
I quite often visit museums when I a m o n holiday. I r i s rhe best way to learn about rhe history
of rhe place that I visit. ln Hungary, museums are open all week except for Mondays. Scudent
and pensioners can visir museums either for free or for a small amount of money. There are
organised tours with well-prepared guides who show the visitor every detail of che exhibit.
I believe rhat Hungary, especially Budapest, has some very interesting museums such as the
Narional Museum, the Museum of Fine Arrs or the House of Terror.
exhibit (1g'z1brt] kiállított tárgy
What are the popular tourist resorts?
As far as I know, there are a lot of very famous tourist resorts all over the world. If you like
scuba-diving, you can go to the Adriatic in Croatia. If you can afford it, the best diving places
are in the Red Sea or in rhe Indian Ocean. Winter holiday resorts including skiing spots in
the Alps, however, cost a lot of money to go skiing. If you don'r have a lot of money, you can
still find popular resorts with the help of tourisr agencies which organise tours for litde money.
Popular targers include Spain, Greece, Croatia and, obviously, resorrs in Hungary, too.

rourisc resorc ['tu;mst n'z.n]

Do you like taking photos of the place you visit on your hol iday?
Wherever I go, I cake my camera wich me so chac I can reminisce abouc che place I haYe
visiced. Now chac I have a digital camera and a smart phone I don't really care about how
many phoros I cake, because I can gec rid of the ones I don't like. I like ro have some phoros
taken, which do not show the sighcs but include me or my family/friends. This way I can really
prove chac I have been ro chat place. Sometimes I cake my video camera with me. If I go ro an
amusement park, I like ro record when I cake a ride on a roller-coaster.

ro reminisce [re1TI1 ° 111s] emlékezik

digital camera ['d1d3rtl] digitális fényképezőgép
amusement park [::i'mju:zm::int po:k] vidámpark
roller-coaster ['r;iul;i'bust::i] hullámvasút
ro record [n' k:l:d] felvesz

What do you think of people who spend their holidays working?

There are a lot of workaholic people who spend all their holiday working. I believe thac a
holiday is about relaxing, switching off your mind and worrying as little as you can about your
job or projects you leave behind. Most people believe that they are irreplaceable, but it is noc
so. I chink if you go on holiday, you should devote your time ro your family. I always switch
off my mobile phone so rhat no body could reach me.

workaholic [wa:b'hohk] munkamániás

ro switch off one's mind [sw11f, mamd] kikapcsolja az agyát
irreplaceable [m'ple1s::ibl] pótolhatatlan


1 Travelling by train
1 1 Passenge s
• ro look at the timetable
• ro buy a ticket for a train ro Budapest
• ro leave one's luggage at the lefr luggage office /
in a locker
• ro meet sy at the station
• ro see sy off at the station
• ro allow for some delay
• ro change trains
• ro miss/catch one's connection/rrain
• ro wait on platform six

• 1/
ro puc the luggage on rhe luggage rack
,o pm ,h, w;ndows „p/down

• ro show one's ticket ro the inspecror
• ro sic facing/back ro the engine
• ro have a drink in the restaurant car
• ro take the wrong train
• ro puli the emergency brake

timetable ['ta1mterbl] menetrend

ro see sy off [si:] kikísér
ro allow for some delay [;i']ao, dr'le1] késésre számít
emergency brake [1'1113:d3;ins1 bre1k] vészfék

1 2 Tr
• ro stand at p latform six
• ro be due ro leave/arrive
• ro run every hour
• ro deparr
• ro speed up
• ro slow clown
• ro make up for the delay
• ro be in time
• ro be delayed
• ro run ro schedule
• ro be ahead of schedule

platform ['pl�tf:i:m] vágány

ro deparr [d1'pa:t] elindul
ro make up for [me1k] behoz, bepótol
ro be ahead of schedule [;i'hed, 'Jedj u:l] gyorsabb a menetrendben
meghatározott időnél
�------ .. J

2 Travelling by a i r 3

• ro make a flight reservation

• ro buy an apex/stand-by ticket
• ro By in a scheduled/charrered plane
• ro go ro the check-in desk
• ro have one's luggage weighed
• ro pay an excess fare
• ro queue up ac che passporr concrol
and cusroms clearance
• to have a drink in the transit lounge
• ro buy some cigarecces in the ducy-free shop
• ro hear the flighc cal!
• ro board che plane
• ro fascen che seat bele

scheduled flighc ['Jedju:ld flart] menetrendszerinti járat
chartered flighc ['tfo:tad flart] béreltjárat
cuscoms clearance ['kAstamz 'klrarans] vámvizsgálat

l..l PI
• to be cancelled due co bad weacher
• co be delayed for cechnical reasons
• to pick up speed
• co cake off
• co ascend
• co descend
• co reach an alcicude of . . . mecres
• co hit an air pockec
• co make a forced landing
• to be hijacked
• co fly off course
• co run on aucomatic piloc
• to lower the wheels
• co approach che runways
• co make a perfecc landing

co cancel [kéensl] töröl

co ascend [a'send] emelkedik
co descend [d1'send] ereszkedik
forced landing [f::,:st 'lcendrJJ] kényszerleszállás
co hijack [ 'haid3cek] eltérít
co Ay off course [flar of b:s] letér az útvonalról

3 Travelling by sea
• co come inco che quay
• co drop anchor
• co lower che gangway
• co embark che ship
• to disembark the ship
• to be seasick
• to walk 011 che deck
• to be shipwrecked
• to run aground
• to arrive ac che harbour

quay [ki:] rakpart

to be shipwrecked ['Jrprekt] hajótörést szenved
Entertainment, I nternet, Computers, Media, Mobile phones, Advertising

nowledge . 1ck ones you

can already answer.

1 D Where can people go out?

2 D Do you often go out?
3 D How has T V changed our !íves?
4 D Do you use a computer?
5 D What do you use your computer for?
6 D Do you think young children should be allowed co have access co computers?
7 D What are some dangers of using a computer?
8 D Who are the hackers?
9 D What educational purposes can computers have?
10 D What does www stand for?
11 D What information can you find on the Internet?
12 D How ofcen do you surf the Net? 2
13 D What kind of websites do you visít?
14 D Do you think there should be fi!ters on the Internet?
15 D Have you ever chatted on the Internet?
16 D Why can shopping on the Net be risky?
17 D Can you imagine life without compurers?
18 D Who is John Neumann?
19 D How have mobile phones changed our cuscoms of making a telephone call?
20 D What do you think of the mass media ín Hungary?
21 D What are some popular programmes nowadays?
22 D What do you think of reality shows?
23 D What do you think of calk shows?
24 D What do you think of the presem rating sysrem of T V programmes?
25 D Should TV programmes be censored?
26 D Do you agree wirh rhe statement rhar relevision is rhe best babysitter?
27 D Are rhere any good commercials on T V?
28 D Whar do you rhink of adverrising?

Where ca n people go out?
Going out is different for the different age groups. Young people normally go to discos or
pubs. There are a lot of types of discos providing several forms of encerrainment and music. A
very popular way of encerraining is karaoke music, which means that che background music is
provided buc you have to do the singing.
Another favoured activity is going co Internet cafés where youngscers can chat with their
friends from all over the world. I believe thac chis form of encerrainmenc has boch advancages
and disadvancages. On the one hand it can mean chac you will be acquainced with other
culcures and remoce places. On the other hand you lose persona! contact wich others if you
just scick co the screen.
A very trendy place for the young to go to is che big shopping malls of large cicies. There are
fast-food restaurants, cinemas and an endless number of shops.
Middle-aged and elderly people like going co concerts and to the cheatre, and eacing out in a
posh restaurant can also be an opcion for chem.

to be acquainced with [;i'kwemtrd] megismer

remote [rr'm;iut] távoli
to stick to [st1k] ragad
trendy ['trendi] divatos
posh [poJ] elegáns

Do you often go out?

a Personally I am a scay-ac-home type. I just like playing cards or board games with my family
and love reading books. Every now and then I cake my wife out to eac in a nice place where we
can be cogether by romancic candle-lighc.
b Yes, I go out quite often wich my friends. I enjoy going to open-air festivals in summer, where
I can see my favourite bands and dance to their music. Luckily, there are more and more such
festivals during the summer, including rock and pop music, classical music, folk music and
world music. During the year, I mainly go co parries where we !isten to music, drink some beer
and dance.

scay-at-home type ['ster:ith;ium tarp] otthonülő típus

every now and then ['evn nau ;ind ó:in] néha-néha
candle-light ['k�ndla1t] gyertyafény

How has TV changed our lives?

Since the television appeared in the 1 950s people's entertainment habits have changed
dramatically. Before the TV, popular past-time activities were going co dances, travelling,
hiking or doing some sports. Television, however, glued che viewers to the screen. A new type
of person was created, the couch pocaco, who would spend most of the day watching mindless
programmes, no matter what is on.

TV then became commercialised, and as people were watching different series, soap operas,
quiz shows or sports broadcasts, they were bombarded with ads about intelligent detergents.
super diapers, and other unbelievable products.

to glue sy to the screen [glu: tu ifa skri:n] a képernyőhöz szegez

couch potato [kautf p;i'tert.iu] TV mániás
m indless ['mamdl;is] agyatlan
to commercialise [b'm3:J;ilarz] elüzletiesít
to bombard [bom'ba:d] bombáz
detergent [d1' t3:d3;int] mosószer
diaper ( 'da1;ip;i] pelenka

Do you use a computer?

What do you use you r computer for?
It is inevitable nowadays to use a compurer. Everything is conuolled by them, and there is no way
to avoid them. When I was a student I used my computer for word processing, then when the
Internet appeared I starred ro search rhe web for informarion when I had to do some research.
Now that I have a job, I must use my PC in order to complete a report, write letters and keep
everything organised.
At home, however, I have learnt a lot of different ways to be a computer geek. I can download
music and movies from the Internet, I can get information from all over rhe world in the
fragment of a second, I can chat with my friends, write e-mails, which saves a lot of paper.
Actually, I have noriced thar I write far more letters now rhat I have a computer than before.
My whole world has been changed by the computer. I have a small laptop or a notebook thar
I can take anywhere. lt is like having your office in your briefcase, it is very convenient and
saves a lot of time.

inevitable [m'evit;ibl] elkerülhetetlen

persona! compurer (PC) ( ' p3:snl bm'pju:t;i] személyi számítógép
computer geek [bm'pju:t;i gi:k] számítógépőrült
to download [daun'l;iud] letölt
in the fragment of a [m ő;i 'frregm;int ov ;i a másodperc tört része
second ' sebnd] alatt
convenient [bn 'vi:m;int] kényelmes

Do you think young children shou ld be allowed to have access to computers?

What a re some dang ers of using a computer?
a I believe there are several advantages if a child spends hours in front of the screen. Obviously,
this child will have no problem ín the future as far as compurers and information technologr
are concerned. It will also be much easier for hím or her to get a well-paid job if he or she is a
computer expert. Since almost everything is controlled by machines, it is inevitable to know
how to operate them and withour computer skills, one is nor able to handle the problems thar
might come up.
I would not allow my child to sic in front of the computer all day long. I think the best thing
a child can do at a very early age is go out and play with children of the same age. lt can

happen that this child will have no real friends, as he/she will not even know about real human
relationships. He/she might become imrovert and live the life of a recluse that is a modern day
hermit, whose shelter is not in the woods but on rhe World Wide Web.

as far as sg is concerned [bn's3:nd] ami valamit illet

introvert ['mtrdV3:t] befeléforduló
recluse [n'klu:s] remete
hermit ['h3:mH] remete
shelter ['Jeltd] menedék

Who are the hackers?

Originally, the word 'hacker' meam a person totally engrossed in computer programming
and computer technology. ln the 1 980s, wich che advent of persona! compucers and dial-up
compucer nerworks, the word 'hacker' acquired a pejoracive connocacion, ofcen referring
to someone who secretly invades che compucers of orhers, inspeccing or tampering with
che programs or daca srored on rhem. Hacker also means someone who, beyond mere
programming, !ikes to take apart operacing syscems and programs to see what makes rhem tick.

hacker ['ha:b] hacker

to be engrossed in sg [m'grdost] elfoglalt
pejorative [p1' d3ordt1v] pejoratív
connocacion [k011d'te1Jn] mellékjelentés
to camper with ['ta:mpd] babrál
to make sg tick [me1k 'sAm0nJ tik] műkó"dtet

What educational purposes can computers have?

A computer can have several educacional purposes. As a paper saving device, ic can store
a loc of useful information chac can be accessible to anyone. le functions as a library full of
encyclopaedias. If scudems learn the right way to deal wich compucers, chey will have no problem
finding information chey will need in rhe fucure. l believe rhac chis is rhe key here. Knowing
where to look for reliable information is much more praccical chan memorising everything.

accessible [dk'sesdbl] hozzáférhető

encyclopaedia [msarkld'pi:drd] enciklopédia
reliable [n'lai;ibl] megbízható

0 What does www stand for?

What information can you find on the Internet?
How often do you surf the Net?
a www means World Wide Web. You log on to it from your PC and che whole world is wirhin
your reach. There are millions of websices scoring an endless number of daca. If you are looking
for a piece of information, you jusc have co cype in the key word, and chen loads of cips will pop
up on a search website co lec you know where you can find what you wanc. Using che lncernec
is a very popular way co pass time nowadays. People just sic in front of che screen and surf che
ner for fun. There are millions of services available on che nec. You can read and subscribe co
che online edicion of newspapers and magazines, you can purchase or sell goods, you can play

: '\JTERTA I N M E NT 73
games, deposit money on your bank account, write a postcard, find cheap offers, sales, look 4 [
up timetables, !isten to music, find a partner and the list is endless. I surf the Net once or
twice a day if I have time. I usually look for something specific and cry to find ic. One must be
careful about what kind of information he/she comes across. There are thousands of hoaxes and
unreliable pieces of information.
b I don't use the Internet too ofcen. I just use it for e-mails. 1 believe it takes up a whole lot of
my precious time that can be spent doing something meaningful. I think that this fast pace
of technological development ruins our lives and even the whole mankind. I fear that in the
fucure, machines and robots will replace people.

within one's reach ['w,őm wAnz ri:tj] elérhető távolságon belül

to pop up [pop Ap) felbukkan
tip [t,p] tipp
to surf the net [s3:f ő;i net] szörfozik a világhálón
subscription [s.ib 'sknpJn] előfizetés
to purchase ['p3 :] megvesz 5
to deposit money [d1'pozrt 'mAm] számlára befizet pénzt
hoax [h.iuks] tréfa, beugratás
unreliable [Ann'la1.ibl) megbízhatatlan

What kind of websites do you visit?

a As I work with a computer and I spend most of my time on the Internet, I have a lot of time
to visit different web pages. I have an e-mail account that I visit every hour. I get a lor of mails,
however most of them are junk. Although I get far more e-mails rhan norma! letters, they are
not the same. An e-mail is usually just a note from a friend letting me know what is going on.
Still, I can keep in touch with my friends from other countries and it is much fasrer. I also read
some newspapers on the web. I find pleasure in reading the same piece of news in differenc
newspapers and in realising the difference berween the various interpretations of the same
story. There are also some good games which I can play with other participancs from other
places. And there is my favourite, chatting. I love doing thac. You can conceal your real self and
pretend to be someone else. lt is also a game because you never know whether the person you
are chatting with is real or as fake as you are.
b I hate visiting differenc websites, although I have to do it sometimes, because my school requires
that I do some research on the web. I don't crust the information that I find on differenc web
pages. I would rather go to a library and look up the information I need in an encyclopaedia.

junk [d3A1Jk] szemét

note [n.iut] üzenet
to keep in touch [ki:p m tAtj] kapcsolatban marad
interpretation [mt3:pn' te1Jn] értelmezés
participant [pa:'] résztvevő
to participate in [pa:' trs1pe1t) részt vesz
to conceal [bn'si:l] elrejt
to pretend [pn'tend] tettet
fake [ferk] hamis

74 E N T E RTA I N M E NT : NT
Do you think there should be filters on the Internet?
There are cerrain pages on the Internet, which contain picrures or srories that are not meant
for children under eighteen. Although the user is asked whether he/she is over age, nobody can
check this. I believe that some resrrictions should be made in order ro filter out children who
might visit adulc pages. I think that it is the responsibility of the parents ro decide how ro limit
what their children are allowed ro watch. However, in public places such as libraries, Internet
cafés, there should be no access ro any kind of website that is not meant for everyone.

restriccion [n'stnkSn] szigorítás

ro resrrict [n'stnkt] szigorít
to filter out ['filtg aut] kiszűr
adulc page ['redAlt pe1d3] felnőtteknek szóló oldal
ro limit ['hm1t] korlátoz
ro have access ro sg [hrev 'reksgs] hozzáfér valamihez

Have you ever chatted on the Internet ?

a I have tried chatting several times and I find it very amusing. You can find people from the
other side of the globe and keep in rouch with them. It is also very useful if you want ro practise
English because most users speak the language. Although, chatting can be very good, it has
some disadvantages. Recently, I have found myself become addicted ro the computer screen
and wait for messages. I cannot find time for my real friends and I am losing some of them. It
also ruins my eyesight, but TV does the same.
What I do not like in connection wich chatting is thac you can conceal your real identity and
it is like cwo unreal people are talking ro each other. You can give up who you really are and
create a dream person, thus losing your personality roo.
b I have never tried chatting. I believe there are other ways of making friends and I chink that
persona! contact is much better. I would also get disappointed if I found out that che person
I chatted with was not a real one but an imaginary person, who had created a false identity in
order to make a better impression.

Why can shopping on the Net be risky?

If you wish ro buy something on the Internet, you have cwo choices. The money can be
deducted from your bank account if you give che numbers of your credit card ro che servers
upon request. It is quite widespread but you run a lot of risks. If you give your secret code,
it is not guaranteed that it won't be abused. There have been several incidents when hackers
found out the code of people's bank accounts and transferred the money from them ro their
own accounts.
The other way to purchase goods is when you pay on delivery. le is risky from the aspect of che
seller because it can be a prank, and it can happen that no one really ordered anything.
Luckily, I have some good experience in connection with buying products on the Net. I have
tried both ways and I have always been satisfied with the service.

to deduct [d1'dAkt) Levon

upon request [g'pon rr'kwest] kérésre

T E RTA I N M E N T 75
widespread ['wa1dspred] elterjedt
to run a loc of risks [rAn a lot :iv nsks] sok kockázattal jár
to transfer money [tnens'fa:] pénzt utal
on delivery [on d1'hv:in] kiszállításkor
risky ['nsk1] kockázatos
risk-free [nskfri:] kockázatmentes
prank [prrenk] csíny

Can you imagine life without computers?

a Compucers didn'c exisc a cencury ago and people had happy lives wichouc chem. However,
nowadays we cake compurers for granced and noching can exisc wichour chem. Life would
stop wichour computers. You wouldn'c even chink how many common products are operated 9 1
by computers or microcomputers; our cars, microwave ovens, wrisrwacches and chousands of
other gadgets. le is really worch pondering abour what life would be like without computers.
There is anocher issue whecher computers will replace humans in che long run. I hope noc.
Alchough chere are good advances on che developmenc of arcificial incelligence, it is scill a
human who constructs chese compurers.
b I can jusc hope chac once we will live in a world where compucers will noc have che same
influence as roday. Compurers have changed persona! relacionships so much chac we rend
to forgec what a real relacionship is abouc. People prefer on che web, chaccing wich
unreal creacures, false idencicies, co going on crips or caking cheir loved ones co resraurancs. I
know some people who cake cheir families co remoce places, far away from civilizacion and live
peacefully wichout any imervemion and discurbance by machines.

co cake sg for granced [te1k fa 'gra:nt1d] természetesnek vesz

gadgec ['gred31t] szerkentyű
co ponder abouc [ 'ponda] latolgat
ín che long run [m ifa lol) rAn] hosszútávon
arcifi.cial imelligence [a:t1'f1Jl m'telrd3:ins] mesterséges intelligencia
idencicy [ai'dent1t1] személyazonosság
imervemion [mt:i'venJn] beavatkozás
discurbance [d1s't3:bans] zavarás

1 8 Who is J ohn Neumann?

John Neumann was a Hungarian-born American machemacician, who developed che branch
of machematics known as game cheory. He was born in Budapest and educaced ac Zurich,
and at che universicies of Berlin and Budapest. He immigrated co che United States in the
1 930s. During World War II Neumann served as a consultant on the Los Alamos acomic- 20
bomb projecc. He was one o f che world's outstanding mathematicians. He i s noted for his
fundamemal concributions co quantum cheory and also for his pioneering work ín applied
mathematics. He is also known for che design ofhigh-speed eleccronic compucers, and in 1 952
designed che fi. r st compucer using a flexible scored program, che MANIAC I.

game theory [germ '81;-in) játékelmélet
consultant [bn'sAlt;int] munkatárs
outstanding [aut'st::end11J] kiváló
to be noted for ['n;iutrd] neves
fundamental [fAnd;i 'ment;il] alapvető
conuibution [kontn'bju:Jn] hozzájárulás
quantum theory ['kwont;im] kvantumelmélet
pioneering [pa1;i'm;:m1J ] úttörő
applied mathematics [;i'plard m::e8;i'm::et1ks] alkalmazott matematika
flexible ['fleks1bl) rugalmas

How have mobile phones changed our customs of making a telephone call?
Possessing a mobile phone used to be a status symbol in Hungary. Around eigh ty per cent of
the population have this little gadget. If you want to be reached wherever you are, it is a very
useful thing, but the problem is that people are addicted to their handies and they forget the
etiquette when it comes clown to mobile phones. They use them in restaurants, banks, even
in schools. It is also shocking to me that before a theatre performance the loudspeaker asks
the audience to switch off the phones. This shows that people have already forgotten basic
behavioural patterns and they have to be warned about things that should be obvious. Young
people like texting from their phones. An sms can be very practical because in a short message
you can write clown a lot of information. However, it has already brought about a lot of
changes and distortions in the language because people simplify whatever abbreviations and
signs they use to express what they want.
There are some good points about mobile phones. You can switch them off if you don't want
to be disturbed and since the caller's number is shown, you can also duck a person's call if you
don't feel like talking.

status symbol ['stert;is 'srmb;il] státuszszimbólum

handy ['h::end1] mobiltelefon
cell phone (US) [selfaun] mobiltelefon
etiquette ['et1ket] etikett
loudspeaker ['laudspi:b) hangosbemondó
behavioural [b1'herv1;irnl] viselkedési
distortion [dr'st:i:fn] torzulás
to simplify ['s1mphfar] egyszerűsít
to abbreviate [;i'bri:v1ert) ró'vidít
abbreviation [;ibri:v1'e1Jn) rövidítés
to duck sy's call (dAk) nem fogadni valaki hívását

What do you think of the mass media in Hungary?

When we talk about the mass media, we have to mention four different types: radio, television,
newspapers and the Internet. In my opinion, the biggest problem with the mass media is that
they are all controlled by money and even national channels do not fulfil their duties of being

: TERTA I N M E N T 77
democratic and unbiased. They always report evems based on what is dictated by the imerests
of the owners. They deceive the public and this is a very big power because the media can swing
the public opinion from one side to the other. Some commercial TV and radio channels and
tabloid papers even fabricate stories to keep the reader or the viewer occupied. Their srories are
cemred around scandals and sensations, since this is what most people are imerested in. M�­
biggest concern is that it is impossible ro watch a movie in one sitting because films are alway
imerrupted by commercials or I could say that commercials are interrupted by the film.

mass media [mres 'mi:dr;i] tömegtájékoztatási eszközök

to fulfil one's dury [ful'frl WAnz 'dj u:t1] teijesíti a kötelességét
unbiased [,rn'bai;ist] elfogulatlan
biased ['bar;ist] elfogult
to deceive [dr'si:v] becsap
to swing opinions [sw11J ;i'pm1;inz] megváltoztatja valakinek a véleményét
scandal ['skrend;il] botrány
cabloid ['trebbrd] bulvár
to fabricate ['frebrrkert] gyárt
in one sitting [rn WATT ' slt!IJ] egy helyben
commercial [b'ma: Jl] reklám
2 1 What are some popular programmes nowadays?
There is a wide range of channels and programmes people can choose from in Hungary.
Whatever specific ropic you are interested in, you will be able to find it on TV If you are a
sporrs fan, you can wacch sporrs all day long. If you wanc cominuous news broadcascs, you can
have them roo. We have a satellite dish so we can receive channels from all over Europe. Ir is
good if you need variery, buc it just makes people lazy. In Hungary, people are mainly interested
in talk shows, realiry shows, quiz programmes, South American soap operas and football.

specific [sp;i 's1f1k] különleges

satellite dish [' sret;ilart drJ] parabolaantenna
soap opera [s;iup ' opr;i] szappanopera

22 What do you think of reality shows?

23 What do you think of talk shows?
Realiry shows are an inceresting phenomenon in Hungary. It is the programme that nobody
admits to watch but most people do so. Some people are chosen by the audience to live rogether
for a given period of time and all their moves are watched and peeped by the viewers. People
phone in to make the show interactive, however, they are made to pay enormous amouncs even
for a call or an sms. People who act in these shows don't really represem the average person
in the sociery. There are a lot of extroverred, conceited and very laid-back people. They play a
role and do not give themselves, which raises the question of the show acrually being a reality 2.
show or not. My problem with these shows is that the participants will become role models in 21
the eyes of children and instead of waming to be artists, athletes or their fathers, they want to
be as famous as the people in the show. Even if this fame doesn't last roo long. Neverrheless, ir
makes the young think that you should not work roo hard for being famous, because you can
also achieve it through a disgusting programme.

Afternoon talk shows are just che same. Moscly chere are real situations with fake people,
played by third-rate actors or actresses. Ali these shows are centred around sex, adultery, crime,
and scandalous events.

realicy show [n'<eh:it1 J;:iu] valóságshow

phenomenon [fo'nom;:in;:in] jelenség
(pl. phenomena)
to admit [;:id'mit] beismer
to peep [pi:p] kukkol
interactive [mt;:ir'rektIV] interaktív
extroverced ['ekstrnv3:tid] magamutogató, extravertált
conceited [bn'si:tid] beképzelt
laid-back ['Ie,dbrek] laza
role model [r;:iul modl] példakép
fame [fe,m] hírnév
long-lasting ['longla:st11J] tartós
scandalous ['skrend;:i];:is] botrányos
adultery [;:i'dAlt;:in] házasságtörés

What do you think of the p resent rating system of TV prog ra m mes?

The rating system is a key effort to help parents decide what programmes their children can
watch. The rating of the programme can always be found in che TV guide and in che bottom
left corner of the TV screen. In a small circle you can find whac age group is supposed to watch
the programme. If you go to the cinema, the films are rated too. Ic is the responsibilicy of the
usherette not to allow those inco che cinema who are noc meant to watch the film.
I believe chat an internationally accepced racing syscem would be much more useful. It would
categorise films into certain groups. Some that can be watched by anyone, some wich parental
guidance, and there would be the R-rated and X-rated movies which could be forbidden for
children under eighteen.

rating syscem [' re1t11) 's1st;:im] osztályozási rendszer

TV guide ['ti:vi:gaid] TV újság
usherette [AJúet] jegyszedő
to categorise ['kret;:ig;:irarz] kategóriába sorol
parental guidance [p;:i'rentl gaid;:ins] szülői felügyelet
R-rated [a:re1t1d] erőszakot tartalmazó
X-rated [eksre1t1d] szexet tartalmazó
forbidden [fo'b1dn] tiltott

Should TV p rogra m mes be censored?

Do you a g ree with the statement that television is the best babysitter?
I don't think that censorship is the way to prevent children from watching violence on TV.
ln the United States, it is common practice to cut out certain parts of movies if they contain
violence or sex. It is not the solution, because a movie is an artistic piece in a way, and no
artist is happy if his/her work is edited. It also makes the film less enjoyable. I believe chac

:: TERTA I N M E NT 79
the solution to the problem is quite simple. Parents should pay more attention to what their
children watch. However, what appears to be the problematic part is the lack of attention,
because it is negligence mainly that we can see from the parents' side. They think that the
television acts as a babysitter and at least they don't have to worry about the children because
they are occupied in front of the screen.

censorship [' sensdJrp] cenzúra

to censor [' sensd] cenzúráz
to prevent sy from doing sg [prr'vent] megakadályoz
violence [' var;,)J;:ms] erőszak
to edit ['ed1t] szerkeszt, vág
to pay attention to [per ;,)'tenJn] figyel
negligence [ 'neglrd3dns] hanyagság
to neglecr [nrg 'lekt] elhanyagol
ro be occupied [' okjupard] le vannak kötve

2 Are there any good commercials on TV?

2 What do you think of advertising?
Advertising is carried on in a great variety of ways rhrough the media, in the streets and in
the shops themselves. A rather common form of advertising nowadays is direct advertising
right in your post box. Leaflets, brochures flood people's homes advertising what is on sale
in rhe different shops and supermarkets. Advertising with all its cheating techniques help to
hoodwink the public into buying even substandard goods. That is why it is disadvantageou
for the buyers bur on the other hand it is through advertising that you learn abour all the new
products and this makes your choice easier.
With the appearance of rhe Internet, advenising is experiencing a new area. If you visit a
website, a banner pops up advertising either another website or various products.

leaf!et ['li füt] röplap

brochure [ ' br:mJd] kiadvány
to flood [ílAd] eláraszt
banner [' bcend] weboldalon felbukkanó kis reklám


1 Internet
• plenty of information
• rhe world is within easy reach
• e-mails
• to download music, films

• co !isten co foreign radio scacions
• co perfecc a language
• co play games
• co be up-co-dace
• co purchase various produccs
• co order food
• co cransfer money

• unreliable informacion
• hackers
• co become addicced
• co have your money scolen from your bank accounc
• co forgec abouc oucdoor accivicies
• no real personal concacc

2 The moss media in H u ng a ry

Bad points:
• co deceive che public
• co bias public opinion
• co lack basic organisacion principles
• co fabricace scories
• co be cencred around scandals
• co be sensational
• co be full of commercials

Good points:
• co be democracic
• no censorship
• co cover a wide range of evencs
• co report about important political evencs/sciencific discoveries
• co be versatile
• co keep abreasc of time
• co keep che public informed

Watching TV
• co ruin one's eyesight
• co spoil family life
• co be informed about the world
• a loc of cheap form of encercainment
• mindless realicy shows and soap operas

Traditional sports, Olympics, Professionalism, Extreme sports, Doping,
wledge by answering the questions below. Tick the ones you

D Whac sports are popular in Hungary?

2 D What are the traditional British sporcs?
3 D What are some popular sporcs in the USA?
4 D Whac is che role of sports in your country?
5 D Is it worth becoming a professional achlece?
6 D What do you think of the high salary of professional football players?
7 D How are sports subsidised in Hungary?
8 D Do you think the state should support clubs, teams and other sports organisations?
9 D Do you think that the building of stadiums and other facilities should be sponsored
by che state?
10 D Do you think chat Hungary should organise big sporting evems?
11 D What sports facilities are available in your area?
12 D What are the risks of becoming a professional?
13 D Whac are some well-paid sporcs?
14 D What are che most spectacular sporcs?
15 D Can you mention some extreme sports?
16 D What is doping?
17 D What do you think of it?
18 D Why do achleces cake che risks of steroids?
19 D How would you punish chese arhleces?
20 D How do fans react at a stadium whenever a goal is scored or a new record is broken?
21 D What d o you think of vandalism?
22 D How would you punish vandals?

What sports are popular in Hungary?
Although Hungary is a relatively small country, it has always been successful in several different
sports. The most popular sport in the country, just like everywhere in the world, is football. ln
the 1 9 50s, Hungary had the best team in the world, it was respected by its opponents world­
wide. With the so-called Golden Team, Hungary had its longest winning streak ever in the
history of football. Unfortunately, they were defeated at their most important game, in the
World Cup finals in 1 9 54. The 1 960s also saw a good Hungarian team, which managed to win
the Olympic Gold several times. Talking about the Olympics, Hungarian athletes have a good
reputation for achieving well in the Summer Olympic Games.
ln team sports, the water polo team is at ics peak again. Women's handball is very popular
among girls; a lot of chem take up this sport at a very young age.
Basketball has become very popular among young boys, mainly due co che influence of
television, as now there is a chance to wacch NBA (National Baskecball Association) games on
TV. A lot of baskecball courts have sprung up in courcyards, in the streecs and in parks.
Ocher well-liked sports include kayak-canoe, fencing, boxing, swimming and pentachlon.

relatively ['rel::itrvh] aránylag

opponent [::i 'p;mn::int] ellenfél
winning streak ['wrnrIJ stri:k] győzelmi sorozat
co defeat [di'fi:t] legyőz
athlece [ 'a:01i:t] sportoló
reputation [repju'terJn] hírnév
peak [pi:k] csúcs
water polo ['w:i:t::ip::iul::iu] vízilabda
baskecball court ['ba:skrtba:l b:t] kosárlabdapálya
to spring up, sprang, sprung [sprrIJ] megjelenik
courcyard [ 'b:tja:d] udvar
kayak ['ka1a:k] kajak
canoe [b'nu:] kenu
fencing ['fens11J] vívás
pentachlon [pen'ta:01::in] öttusa

What are the traditional British sports?

Tradicional British sports include football, crickec, golf, rugby and horse racing.
The football Premier League in England is one of che besc leagues in che whole world. Anocher
major football event is the FA Cup, which is annually contested by all members of the Premier
League and Football League (other three divisions) , and also chere are amateur and semi­
professional teams that participate. It is organised on a knockout basis with the final played
at football's sanctuary, at Wembley Stadium. The English national team has won only one
World Cup so far. This success was achieved in 1 966, in a World Cup organised on home turf.

English football fans are infamous for their brutality and vandalism. Although some measures
have been taken against them, they still pose a very serious problem to British authorities and
the FA.
Cricket is a field-game which dates back to the 1 6th century. It is a very unique game in the
sense that one game may !ast from four to five hours to five or six days. It is mainly Test­
matches (international games) that !ast more than 5 days. A match consists of one or rwo
innings a game. The game is very popular nowadays in the British Commonwealth countrie
like India and Pakistan.
Golf is played on a golf course and the aim of the game is to make the golf ball go into the 3
holes of the course by shooting as few as you can. The game is normally played on grass and a
golf club is swung to hit the ball in the right place.
The game 'rugby' was invenred by a srudent from Rugby, England in the 1 9th cenrury. The
game is played by fifteen players on each side. It is the handling version of football. A game
has two forty-minute halves and is played with an oval bal!. There are different ways to score
points. The most points can be scored by carrying the ball to the opponent team's goal area.
This is called a try. ln this sport tackling is considered acceptable to a certain extent.
Horse racing is most!y associated with gambling, which is a favourite pastime of English
people. Thoroughbred horses compete at different Derbies, the biggest horse racing evenrs in
Britain. The riders who ride racehorses are called jockeys.

cricket ['knkrt] krikett

rugby ['rAgbr] rögbi
governing body ['gAv;mrlJ 'bodr] irányító testület
to contest [bn'test] megmérkőzik
division [d1 ' v13n] osztály
amateur ['éem;it;i] amatőr
knockour ['nokaut] kiesés
to relegate [' rel;igert] kiesik
sancruary ['sre!Jktfu;in] szentély
on home turf [h;ium t3:f] hazai pályán
infamous ['mfam;is] hírhedt
vandalism ['vrend;ilrzm] vandalizmus
to take measures against sg [terk 'me3;iz] fellépni valami ellen
to pose a problem [p;iuz :i 'probl;im] problémátjelent
to date back [dert brek] visszanyúlik az időben
unique uu:'ni:k] egyedülálló
Test-match [test mretf] válogatott meccs krikettben
British Commonwealth ['bntrJ 'kom;inwel0] Brit Nemzetközösség
golf course [golf b:s] golfpálya
golf club [golf ciAb] golfütő
to swing, swung, swung [SWI!J, SWAIJ] lendít
aim [erm] cél

84 S P O RTS J
version [v3:3n] változat
oval [:mvl] ovális
to score [sb:] pontot szerez, gólt lő
to tackle [txkl] leszerel
to a certain exrent [ 's3:t;m rk'stent] egy bizonyos fokig
jockey ['d3ok1] zsoké
thoroughbred [ ' 0,uabred] telivér

What are some popular sports in the U SA?

The four most popular sporrs in the United States are basketball, ice hockey, baseball and
American football.
The governing body of men's basketball is the NBA (National Basketball Association). At the
beginning of each season, professional teams conduct a draft to select promising players from
colleges and from other councries. The teams play in rwo conferences (Eastern and Western)
made up of four regional divisions. At the end of an 82-game season, playoffs are held to
determine the league champion. The NBA also gives a number of annual awards, including
awards like the Most Valuable Player (MVP) and rookie of the year. In February, the All-Star
Game is played berween the selection teams of the rwo conferences.
The National Hockey League (NHL) governs hockey in North America. The system of the
league is similar to that of the NBA. There are teams from Canada, too, since it is their national
sport. In the past decade or so, NHL teams have recruited players from traditional hockey
countries in Europe in order to make the sport in America even better.
Major League Baseball (MLB) represencs the highest levei of baseball in Norrh America. It
includes teams from the US and Canada. The major leagues are divided inco the National
League (NL) and the American League (AL) and they are divided further inco three divisions.
After the regular season the best teams advance inco the playoffs. The winners of the rwo
leagues meet in the so-called World Series, and the winner of this series becomes the major
league world champion.
The presenc-day NFL (National Football League) game is immensely popular in the USA. Ic is
played from late summer until the end of January. Just like the previous sports, football players
take part in a regular season, and then the best teams participate in the playoffs. The Super
Bowl is the final contest of the American professional season and determines the league's annual
champion. Currendy the Super Bowl routinely finishes among the all-time top 50 programs
in television ratings. The game itself is similar to rugby, alrhough players wear a protective
gear in order to save them from injuries. There are different ways to score and the most points
are given for a touchdown, which happens when a player carries the ball over the goal line.

to conduct [bn'dAkt] megtart, megrendez

draft [dra:ft] új játékosok szerződtetésére
celebrált esemény
promising ['promrsHJ] ígéretes
playoffs ('plerofs] rájátszás
to determine (d1't3:mm] meghatároz

>'O RTS 85
annual ['<enjo;}J] éves
rookie ['roki] újonc
to recruit [rr'kru:t] Leigazol
to advance [;}d'va:ns] továbbjut
television ratings ['telIV13n 're1trl)gz] televíziós nézettség
protective [pr;}'tektrv] védő
gear [9 1;}] felszerelés

What is the role of sports in your country?

Pursuing a sport is absolurely vita! nowadays when people live a srressful life. ln primary and
secondary schools, physical educarion is che subjecc which teaches children to move and do
exercise on a regular basis. Unforcunarely, people seem to have less and less time to keep fit.
Most people say rhat ic is very expensive to do sporcs. Ir is rrue if we rhink of sporcs like skiing.
squash, tennis and snorkelling. However, we can find ways to do sporcs for practically free.
Jogging, swimming, playing ball games and aerobics are easily available to basically anyone.
Needless co say, rhe biggesc problem is rhe bad scace or che lack of faciliries.

to pursue [p;}'sju:] űz
srressful [' stresfol) stresszes
physical education ['frzrkl ed3o'ke1Jn] testnevelés
to keep fit [ki:p fit] egészségesen él
squash [skwoJ] fallabda
snorkelling ['sn:i:k;}III)) könnyűbúvárkodás
scuba diving ['skju:b;} darVIIJ] palackos búvárkodás
aerobics [e;}'robrks] aerobic

Is it worth becoming a professional athlete?

a When I was a lirrle child I always dreamt ofbecoming a professional arhlere. I imagined myseli'
standing on the podium while the Hungarian nacional anchem is played for me or my team.
When I was in kindergarcen my parencs used to take me to che swimming pool where I learn�
fasr and got acquainced wich all four styles (free sryle, backsrroke, breaststroke and burrerfly).
My coach saw the ralenc in me and wanced me ro swim rhe medley, which I did and enjoyec
a lor. A few years larer I quir swimming because I was more inceresred in ball games such a.s
football, handball and baskerball. As foorball is rhe most popular sport in my country, it wa.s
no wonder chac I wanced to become a pro and rried to work as harci as I could. I learnr how ro
handle rhe ball, how to dribble, rackle, pass and do cricks like rhe bicycle kick, rhe volley, rhe
nutmeg and the diving header. Unforcunacely, I was injured on che ankle and I had to stoF
playing. I really regret it, because my dream vanished and now I just envy the athleres when rhe�·
achieve some success and wish I could be one of them.
b Since I am an athlete too, I know how much one has to sacrifice in order to gec to rhe top. :
will never forger the mornings when I had to gec up really early and go to rrainings while m:
family was still asleep. There were all chose summers when my friends wenc to che beach and :
wenc to training camps. I always envied rhem, bur now chey envy me. lt was worch giving UF
a lot of my free time, because I am a successful person. I can jusr encourage every young chilc.
to devote cime and energy to sporrs, because all the efforrs will bear fruic in che long run.

e I am not a sporrs expert bur from what I see in the sports world in Hungary I get quite disgusted.
Football players, who don't even reach the standard of good players of the world, earn millions
of forints, while some Olympic hopefuls almost have tO starve. I think this discrepancy does
not really make sporrs roo attractive. I hear that there are far fewer children now who start
doing some sporrs. I believe it is because they don't wanr tO struggle long hours at trainings,
and also there is a better chance tO be successful in other areas of life without going through all
that strenuous work.

podium ['p:md1:}m] dobogó

anrhem ['a:nedml himnusz
free sryle [fri: starl] gyorsúszás
backstroke ['ba:kstrnuk] hátúszás
breaststroke ['brestr;mk] me!Lúszás
butterfly ['bAtgflar] pi!Langó
ne medley ['medl,] vegyes úszás
pro [prnu] profi
tO handle [ha:ndl] lekezel, levesz (labdát)
ro dribble [drrbl] cselez
trick [trrk] trükk
bicycle kick ['ba1s1kl krk] ollózás (fociban)
volley ['volr] kapáslövés
nutmeg ['nAtmeg] kötény (fociban)
diving header ['da1v1IJ 'hedd] csukafejes
to regret [n'gret] sajnál
to vanish ['va:nrJ] eltűnik
ro envy ('envr] irigyel
to sacrifice [ 'sa:krnfa1s] feláldoz
u;:; rraining camp ( 'trem1IJ 'ka:mp] edzőtábor
.rr-.: tO encourage [1IJ'kwd3] bátorít
k to devote time to sg [d1'vgut] időt szentel
efforr ['efat] erőfeszítés
ro bear fruit (be.i fru:t] gyümöcsözik
ro be disgusted [drz'gAstid] undorodik
standard ['sta:nddd] színvonal
tO starve [sta:v] éhezik
strenuous ['strenjugs] megerőltető
6 What do you think of the high s a l a ry of professional footba l l p layers?
a The sponsorship of sports is very chaotic in Hungary. We can hear it from the news that this is
the issue that causes the biggest problem in every kind of sport. Team sporrs, especially those
that are frequently broadcast by the television, are obviously supporred by more firms, because
; L!; there is a chance that their logo appears on the screen. However, it is very difficult tO find a
lile sponsor for someone doing individual sports, because most individual sports do not attract as
many spectarors as team sports do.

RT:: I
b ln my opinion the biggest problem with sponsoring sports or sports evenrs is that there are not
too many businesses that can afford to do it. I think the problem has its roots in the Communist
regime. Under the old system, sporcs were subsidised and sponsored by the state. Each city,
town, village and even each ministry had ics own team which received money indireccly from
the state. After the change of the regime, state supporc has begun to disappear. If there are no
rich encrepreneurs, teams go bankrupt and dissolve. Although the state still acknowledges good
results, especially world and Olympic championships, much less supporc is given to sporcsmen
from taxpayers' money.

sponsorship ['spo11s;)J1p) szponzorálás

chaotic [ker'otrk] kaotikus
to broadcast ['br:i:dka:st) közvetít
logo ['l;)Ug;) ü ) logó, embléma
to sponsor ['sp011S;)j szponzorál
individual sport [md1'vrd3udl) egyéni sport
spectator [spek'tert;)] néző
ministry ['mrn1stn) minisztérium
indireccly [1nd1'rektl1] közvetve
to go bankrupt [g ;)U 'biel)krApt) csődbe megy
to dissolve [dr'zolv] feloszlik
taxpayer [ 'ta!ksper;)] adófizető

7 H ow a re sports subsid ised in H u n g a ry?

Do you think the state should s u p port c l u bs, tea ms an d other sports
9 Do you think that the b u i l ding of sta d i u m s an d other fa c i l ities should be
s ponsored by the state?
a I think rhat rhe state should support sporcs in general. lt should appoint an organisation.
for example the Hungarian Olympic Commiccee, to distribute the money given by the stat
benveen various kinds of sports and teams. I also believe that we should spend money or.
building stadiums, gymnasiums, sports arenas in order to make sports more attractive fo�
young children. Who would start playing football, if the crainings are still held on a clay or dir:
pitch? I believe thar we should teach our children to live a healrhy way of life and do spons.
however this cannot be done withouc adequare surroundings, good equipment, etc.
b I don'r think rhar it is rhe srare's responsibiliry ro intervene in the business of sporcs organisations.
clubs and teams. As I have said ir is a business, and the state should not deal wirh rhe individu�
incerests of business groups. If you wanc to do sporcs, you should pay for it. Why should my
taxes go to the construction of stadiums and the training camps of professional athletes. A lo:
of pros are wealchier than the average citizen and I don't see examples that they would recurr.
rhe money to the state.

Hungarian Olympic [hAIJ'ge;)mn ;)'lrmprk b'mltr] Magyar Olimpiai

Commiccee Bizottság
to distribute [d1'stnbju:t] eloszt

88 S P O RT:
stadium [' sterdr;)m] stadion
gymnasium [d31m 'ne1zr;)m] tornaterem
sports arena (sp:):ts ;i'ri:n;i] sportcsarnok
clay (kler] salak
dirr pitch [ d3:t prtf] foldes pálya
adequate [ 'a:drkw;it] megfelelő
to intervene [rnt;i'vi:n] beavatkozik
construction [bn' strAkJn] építkezés

Do you think that H u n g a ry should orga n ise big s porting events?

a I am not in favour of Hungary organising big evencs because che country is not ready for
them yet. An Olympiad has a certain standard and I don't think we can ever get close to that
standard. If we cannot fulfil the requirements towards a hosting nation, we should not apply
for hosting the achletes of the world. I am not saying that smaller events that do not attract
millions should not be held. I am implying that we are not able to host rhe Olympics or a
foorball World Cup. The infrasrrucrure of rhe country needs developing; sradiums, hocels,
restaurants and orher faciliries should be built in order to satisfy rhe needs of rhousands of
competitors. ln my opinion, more would be lost than gained. There have been examples of
famous events when extra tax was levied on the citizens in order to pay rhe debts of the games.
b Norhing venture, nothing gain. I rhink thac Hungary is ready for big events like rhe Olympic
Games. lf we got rhe chance to host rhe Games, our economy would start booming. As more
scadiums, facilities would be built, they could be used in the furure for other events, which
do not necessarily have to be sporting events, bur concerts or conferences. This would be a
boost for our infrastructure. New highways, bridges, underground lines, railways would be
built, which would serve us in rhe long run. This would also advertise rhe country, and a lot of
tourists would be attracred to see the beauries of Hungary.

to be in favour of sg [m ' ferv;i] valami mellett van

to host [h;iust] megrendez
to imply [rm'plar] érzékeltet
infrastrucrure [mfr;i'strAktf;i] infrastruktúra
to satisfy [' sa:trsfar] kielégít
to levy tax [' levr ta:ks] adót kiró
debr [det] adósság
Norhing venture, nothing gain. Aki mer, az nyer.
event [r'vent] esemény
to boom [bu:m] virágzik, fellendül
to boost [bu:st] fellendít

1 What sports fa cil ities a re ava i lable i n you r a rea?

ln my town rhere is a swimming pool with 5 lanes, which is not enough for a town of 60,000. Ir
is always crammed with people and it is difficult to swim when rhere are people all around you.
The swimming pool doesn't even have a sauna or a Jacuzzi, which I would really appreciate.

There are some football pitches where we can play our favourite game, but most of these places
are on school praperry or in very bad condition.
1here are a few rennis courts, but very few people can afford ro renr the courts even for an
hour. This is the same with squash courrs. Although I find it a very inreresting sport, I do it
very rarely because of financial reasons.
Every school has a gym, but most of them are poorly equipped. I was lucky ro attend a
secondary school, where rhe headmasrer was a sporrs fan and devored a lor of time, energy and
money ro support rhe reams of rhe school and ro buy rhe best equipmenr. There are wall-bars
on the walls and climbing rapes hanging down from rhe ceiling. We had good equipmenr for
almost every sport. We had floor mars, parallel bars, hurdles, weighrs in the weighrlifring raom,
skipping rapes and even skis as rhe school organised ski camps every winrer.

lane [lem] sáv

ro be crammed with [krremd] csurig van
sauna ['s:i:n;i] szauna
Jacuzzi [d3;i'ku:z1] pezsgőfürdő
ro appreciate [;i'pri :Jie1t] méltányol, nagyra becsül
ro equip [1'kw1p] felszerel
sporrs fan [sp:i:ts fren] szurkoló
wall-bars [w:i: l ba:z] bordásfal
climbing rape ['kla1mIIJ r;iup] mászókötél
floor mar [fh mret] tornaszőnyeg
hurdle [h3:dl] gát
weighrlifring raom ['we1t1Ift11) ru:m] konditerem
skipping rape ['sk1p11J rwp] ugrálókötél

1 2 What are the risks of becoming a professional?

I believe rhar rhere are quire a lot of risks of becoming a prafessional arhlere. They devore a lm
of rime and energy ro going ro practices, rraining endless hours and only a few of rhem can
become really famous. They ger injured very ofren and these injuries will affecr rheir larer lives,
roo. When rhey become older, they start limping, have back prablems and it hurrs rhem all
over. Most of rhem say it is worth it, bur I would never be able ro do ir.

risk [nsk] kockázat

practice ('prrekt1s] edzés
ro limp [limp] sántít
ro be worrh it [w3:8] megéri
it hurrs all over [h3:ts :i:l ';iuv;i] mindenholfáj

1 What are some well- paid sports?

ln Hungary rhere is only one sport which is said ro be well-paid and rhis is foorball. There are
some orher sporrs in which some really good players earn a lor, for example handball, water
polo or baskerball. Most individual athleres have a hard time finding sponsors and leading a
financially balanced life. A lot of arhletes rry their luck abraad. Swimmers, track and fielder
(runners, hammer thrawers, discus thrawers, shot-putters, high and long jumpers, etc.) and

90 S P O RTS
gymnascs are lucky if chey get a scholarship in che United States where rhey can pracrise under
better circumsrances, and in much berrer faciliries.
There is money in a lor of sports all around rhe world. There are some sports where an
unrhinkable number of prizes can be won. Tennis, golf, ehess are among rhese sporrs, bur
Formula One drivers, NBA baskerball players, inrernarional foorball srars rank among rhe
richesr arhleres in che world.
- financially (fa1 'menJ;ilr] pénzügyileg
balanced ('b::el;inst] kiegyensúlyozott
r- crack and field [tr::ek ;ind fild] atlétika
hammer chrow ['h::em;i 0r;iu] kalapácsvetés
discus chrow ('d1sbs 0r;iu] diszkoszvetés
shor-pur ['Jotput] súlylökés
high jump [ha1 d31,mp] magasugrás
long jump [lmJ] távolugrás
gymnasr ('d3mm::est] tornász
scholarship ['skol;iJ1p] ösztöndíj
circumstance ['s3:bmst;ins] körülmény
prize [pra1z] díj
to rank [rre1Jk] ranglistán helyezéssel bír

What are the most spectacular sports?

ln my opinion, rhe most specracular sporrs are some bal! games like foorball, handball, baskerball
and volleyball. Alchough a lot of people find foocball a boring game and rhink rhar it is jusr
rwency-rwo players chasing a bal!, I find it very inceresting. Every game is differenr. A loc depends
on che players' skills and improvisation. Handball is a very cough game, sometimes ic even seems
violenc, but I enjoy it. le is rather demanding ro chrow the ball inro rhe net over a very muscular
wall of defensive players. Baskecball, especially American baskecball is firn ro wacch. There are
some players who jusc fly ín che air and dunk rhe bal! inro che baskec, and they j ust hang on rhe
rim and celebrate rhemselves. I rhink it is nor only a game but also a big show.
Anorher big show is American foorball. I personally don'c enjoy ir because rhe game srops afcer
every ren seconds and chey discuss che next srep in five minutes. Ice-hockey is not rhe most
specracular sport because it is difficule ro spor rhe puck as it moves coo fasc.
A lot of people enjoy wacching rennis bur not me. I find it coo monoronous.
ln connection wich wincer sports, I find figure skaring and ice dancing very speccacular and
I rhink chere is a lot of art in these sporrs.

spectacular [sp;ik't::ekjul;i] látványos

ro chase [tfe1s] kerget
improvisacion [1mpr;ivai'ze1Jn] improvizálás
cough [tt.f] kemény
muscular ['mt.skj ul;i] izmos
defensive [d1'fens1v] védekező
ro dunk [dt.1Jk] zsákol

nm [nm] gyűrű (kosárpalánkon)
puck [pAk] pakk, jégkorong
monotonous [m;;i'not;m;;is] monoton
figure skating ['f1g;;i ' ske1t11J] műkorcsolya
ice dancing [a1s 'da:ns11J] jégtánc

1 r C a n you mention som e extreme sports?

There are a lot of extreme sporcs chat I am familiar wich. They include hang-gliding,
snowboarding, bungee-jumping, skaceboarding and so on. I have tried some of these sports
and bungee-jumping has become my favourice pastime activicy. It involves jumping from a
considerable heighc while attached to an elastic rope. I have already performed j umps from
bridges and other high scruccures, and once even from a low-flying helicopcer. I am able to
carry out acrobatics such as somersaults and twists during che fali.
When winter comes I take my snowboard and my pair of skis and head for the mouncains of
the neighbouring countries. Unfortunacely, chere are not any good slopes in Hungary. There
are some fairly good resorcs in Austria and in Icaly for acceptable prices.

extreme [rk 'stri:m] extrém

hang-gliding [' hre1rnlaiduJ] sárkányrepülés
snowboarding [' sn;;iub:i:dr!J] hódeszka
bungee-jumping [' 6And3i: d3Ampr1J] bungee-jumping
skateboarding ['ske1tb:i:d11J] gördeszka
pastime ['pa : starm] szabadidő
considerable [bn' srd;;ir;;ibl] figyelemremél tó
height [halt] magasság
to attach [;;i ' tretfl kapcsolódik
elastic [1' lrestrk] rugalmas
to perform [pa'hm] végrehajt
acrobatics [rekr;;i'bretrks] akrobatamutatvány
somersault ['sAm;;is:i:lt] bukfenc
to head for [hed] tart valahova
slope [sl;mp] lejtő
resort [rr'z:,:t] üdülőhely, paradicson:

1 6 What is doping?
1 7 What do you think of it?
1 8 Why do ath letes ta ke the risks of ta king steroids?
1 9 H ow wou l d you punish these athletes?
As there is a big competirion for being the best at every sport, a lot of achletes cum to doping
which means raking sreroids or other narcotics to boost cheir performance. I really condern;:
such achletes, because it ruins che spirit of a game or competition. It is mainly athleces doinI
individual sporcs, who commit this unfair acr. Alchough it is very difficult for profession;:__
sportsmen and sportswomen to observe che regulations regarding doping, because even if ch
have a flu, they have to consult their physician whether they can take a certain pill or nor.
I cannot understand athletes who take steroids deliberately. ln the long run, it desrroys rheir
body and there is a chance that they might die earlier than the average. I remember some East
German woman swimmers from the 1 980s who looked like men. Now I have heard that some
of rhem have been operated into men because they had already had male hormones due to the
dope rhey had been given.
lt is very difficult to say why athletes take the risks of using narcotics if they know that the
effects can even be fara!. I have once read a survey in which the majori ty of rhe athletes polled
declared that rhey would rather become world-famous and die ten years earlier than the average
person. Well, I would not be able to do rhat.
I believe that if an athlete is caught using illegal drugs or steroids, he or she should be disqualified
from the race or competition, and should be excluded from furrher competition for a period
up to rwo years. However, I don't think rhat the fight against doping will be successful because
of the advancement in medicine, the laboratories of some sporrs organisations will always be
ahead of rhe orhers.

competition [komp;i'trJn] verseny

doping [' d;iup11J] dopping
to ruin [ 'ru:111] tönkretesz
narcotic [na: 'kot1k] kábítószer
to condemn [bn'dem] elítél, megvet
to commit [b'rrut] elkövet
to observe [ob'z3:v] betart
deliberately [di' hb;ir;ith] szándékosan
hormone ['h:,:m;iun] hormon
dope [d;iup] doppingszer
fara! [fe1tl] halálos
survey ['s3:ve1] felmérés
to poll [p;iul] megkérdez
to disqualify [d1s'kwolrfa1] kizár
race [re1s] verseny
to exclude [1ks'klu:d] kizár
advancement [;id 'va:nsm;int] fejlődés
medicine ['medsm] orvostudomány
laboratory [l;i'bor;itn] laboratórium
to be ahead of [;i'hed] előbbre tartani

20 H ow do fans react at a sta d i u m whenever a goal is scored or a new

record is b roken?
"" All through the march, rhe crowd roots for the players or teams to encourage rhem ro do rheir
best and to score as many goals as possible. The goal scorer, usually the top player, is celebrared
as a hero. The fans stand, shout and hail him. The fans of rhe orher team, however, start booing
� and blame the referee or rhe rival, everybody but their own goal-keeper or defence. Nowadays,
unfortunately, some fans rum to violent action and attack rhe fans of the opponent team or
start tearing up the sears and destroying rhe fences.

ro cheer for [tfid] szurkol valakinek
to rooc for [ru:t] szurkol valakinek
goal scorer [gdul "sb:rd] gó!Lövő
ro hail [heil] éijenez
ro boo [bu:] kifütyül, pfújol
rival [ra1vl] e!Lenfél, rivális
ro break a record [brerk d 'reb:d] rekordot megdönt
record holder ['reb:d 'hduldd] rekordtartó
defence [d1'fens] védelem

2 What do you think of vandalism?

2 How would you punish vandals?
Vandalism has become a part of sports nowadays. There are a lot of sports fans who just go to
the games in order to make rrouble. They rear up the fences, start fights with the ultras of th
opponent team, throw crackers on the pitch and perform ocher brutal acts. Inside the stadium
it is relatively easy ro conrrol them because nowadays there are video cameras everywhere.
However, once they are on the streets, it is almost impossible to stop them. They break shop
windows, throw stones at each other and the police, ruin buses, cars and rrains. I am even afraid
of going to football matches because I might get beaten and lynched by some abnormal people.
I believe that it is the responsibiliry of the legislature ro pass laws in connection with sporrs
hooligans. They should be senrenced to spending some monrhs in prison and they should no
be allowed ro enrer a stadium for a certain period of time. I don't think that we should wait for
the first person to die due to a violent incident.
Inrerestingly, in western Europe, another rype of sports fan has appeared lately. They are calleé
srreakers, who run onro the field naked, usually protesting against something or advertising

to make trouble [merk trf,bl] bajt okoz

to tear, tore, rorn [ted, t::>:, t::>:n] eltép, feLtép, felszakít
ultra ['AJtrd] ultra, szurkolói keménymag
cracker ['krreb] petárda
ro lynch [lmtf] meglincsel
srreaker ['stri:b] meztelenül pályára rohanó
naked ['ne1k1d] meztelen
ro protest [prd'test] tüntet


1 Sports and their classification:

• ro do/play/pursue sporrs
• ro be inrerested in sport
• ro go in for sport
• to take up/give up a sport
• to play for a team
• to be involved in regular sporrs activities
• to go for work-outs
• professional sporrs +--> amateur sporrs
• outdoor sporrs +--> indoor sporrs
• mass sporrs +--> qualiry sporrs
• winrer sporrs +--> summer sporrs
• team sporrs +--> individual sporrs
• water sporrs
• athletics
• ball games
• aerial sporrs
• equestrian sporrs
• gymnastics
• weighrlifting and combat sporrs (wresrling, karate, judo, boxing)
• dangerous sporrs (hunring, motor racing)
• extreme sporrs
• shooring and archery
• board games and parry games (cards, ehess, dice, dominoes, roulette)

aerial ['e;in;il] légi

equestrian [1'kwestn;in] lovas
weighrlifring [ ' we1thft11J] súlyemelés
combat ['komba:t] harci
wresrling ['wreslnJ] birkózás
karate [b'ra:t1] karate
judo ('d3u:d;iu] dzsúdó
archery ('o:tf;in] íjászat
board game [b:i:d ge1111] társasjáték

2 Places where sports a re p u rsued

• foorball p itch
• basketball courr
• ice-rink
• swimming pool
• slope
• golf course
• tennis courr
• squash courr
• race-course
• bowling alley
• gym

bowling alley [btmhJJ '.:eh] tekepálya

3 Football:
• clears
• jersey
• goal-keeper
• defence
• midfielder
• striker
• goalpost
• corner
• offside
• onside
• referee
• whisde
• stadium

cleats [kli:ts] stoplis cipő

midfielder ['m1df1!dJ] középpályás
srriker ['stra,b] csatár
goalpost ['gJu]pJUSt] kapufa
corner ['b:nJ] szöglet
offside [of' sard] les
onside [on'said] nem les
referee [refa'ri:] játékvezető
whisde [wrsl] síp

4 Track and field:

• javelin
• triple-jump
• high jump
• long jump
• short distance running
• cross country running
• hammer rhrow
• shot put
• discus throw
• hurdles

javelin ['d3cevlm] gerelyhajítás

triple-jump [tnpl dy,mp] hármasugrás

7 H EA

Diseases, Addictions, Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol, Vegetarianism, Healthy Diet

Test you owledge y answen g the quest o s belo . ,e

can already answer.

D What departments are there in a hospiral and what specialists work there?
2 D Where are you raken when you are involved in an accident?
3 D What problems do disabled people have to face in our world?
4 D What does AIDS stand for?
5 D How does it spread?
6 D Whar means would you use in order to minimise the risk of AIDS?
7 D Would you help drug users in order not to contracr AIDS?
8 D Whar are rhe effecrs of drug consumprion?
9 D Would you legalise drugs in your country?
10 D How would you deal wirh people who consume drugs?
11 D Whar punishment would you give to drug-dealers?
12 D Which generarion is mainly rhreatened by drug-relared problems?
13 D Would you allow drugs i f rhey were to cure di eases?
14 D Why do people get addicred t o drugs?
15 D D o you smoke?
16 D Whar problems can smoking cause?
17 D Would you resrricr smoking i n public places?
18 D Why is smoking harmful?
19 D Whar diseases are connecred to smoking?
20 D Is ir difficulr to give up smoking?
21 D Whar is acrive smoking?
22 D Whar is passive smoking?
23 D Whar can be rhe effecrs of smoking?
24 D How often do you drink alcohol?
25 D Whar is the drinking age in your country?
26 D Why do you rhink people start drinking?
27 D Whar problems can alcohol cause?
28 D Whar are rhe effects of alcoholism?

29 D How can alcoholics be treated?
30 D What other addictions are you familiar with?
31 C What do you think of vegetarianism?
32 L What are your eating habits?
33 D Do you eat healthy food?
34 D What is the difference between English and Hungarian cuisine? (sketch only)
35 D What minerals are needed for the human body?
36 D What can substitute these minerals?
37 D What can be some side effects of supplement overdose?
38 D Do you eat food which contains preservatives or additives?
39 D Do housewives use semi-prepared, ready-packed, ready-cooked ready-bottled frozen
or tinned food in England and in Hungary?
40 D Why do people buy these products?
41 D Are you in favour of instant foods, cube srocks, ready-ro-eat and freeze-dried foods?
42 D What kind of food do you like t0 eat?
43 D What do you think of canteen food?
44 D Do you think Hungarians eat more or less than necessary?
45 D What should a healthy diet contain?
46 D Do you think people look more attractive if they are thin or fat?
47 D What do people do in order tO become or t0 remain slim?
48 D Have you ever dieted?
49 D How did you diet?
50 D Why are people in the western countries more likely to become obese than in the
developing countries?
51 D What can be the reasons of obesity?
52 D How do you keep fit?
53 D What can be the side-effects of sedentary jobs?
54 D How does the Hungarian Public Health Service work?
55 D Do you have to pay hospital fees in Hungary?
56 D Are tourists ptovided with free health care abroad?
What departments are there in a hospital and what specialists work there?
Physicians work in the departmenr ofinrernal medicine, which is usually the largest deparrmenr
in a hospital. Then there is the operating theatre, where surgeons work and the gynaecology
and marernity wards. The urology ward is where your kidney troubles are rreated and if you
happen ro have any problem with your skin, you are senr ro the dermarology deparrmenr. The
ear-nose and throat deparrmenr is usually next ro the eye deparrmenr, where eye specialists
work. Psychiarrists and nerve specialists rreat their patienrs in the neurology deparrmenr.
People who have difficulry in moving are looked afrer in the rheumarology deparrmenr or
senr ro a health resorr where they get physiotherapeuric rreatmenr. The cardiology deparrmenr
and rhe inrensive care unit are usually on one of the upper floors. The radiology deparrmenr,
rhe laborarory and the casualry deparrmenr are on rhe ground floor so that rhey can be easily

specialisr ['speJ::ihst] szakorvos

physician [f1'nJn] orvos
inrernal medicine [m't3:n::il 'medsm] belgyógyászat
operating theatre [' op::ire1t11) '01::it::i] műtő
gynaecology [gam::i'kol::id3r] nőgyógyászat
gynaecologisc [gam::i' kol::id31st] nőgyógyász
obstetrician [obst::it 'nJn] szülész
materniry ward [m::i't3:111t1 'w3:d] szülőszoba
dermarology [d3:m::i'tol::id3r] bőrgyógyászat
dermarologist [d3:m::i'tol::id3rst] bőrgyógyász
nerve specialist ['113:v 'speJ::ihst] ideggyógyász
health resorr ['hel0 n'z3:t] szanatórium
physiotherapeutic [frm0er::ip'ju:t1k] fizikoterápiás
inrensive care unit (ICU) [m'tens1v ke::i 'jonrt] intenzív osztály
casualry deparrmenc ['kce3u::ilt1 dr'pa:tm::int] baleseti sebészet
surgeon [ 's3:d3::in] sebész
accessible [::ik'ses::ibl] elérhető
premarure-baby unit [ 'prem::itJ::i] koraszülöttosztály
psychiatric wing [sa1ki'cetnk 'wnJ] pszichiátria
paediacrics [pi:di' cetnks] gyerekgyógyászat
paediacrician [pi:dr::i'tnJn] gyerekorvos
radiology [rerd1' 0!::id3r] radiológia
ophthalmology [ of0cel 'mol::id31] szemészet
pathology [p::i'0ol::id31] patológia
coroner ['kor::in::i] halottkém

Where a re you to ken when you a re involved in an a ccident?
When you are hit by a car, run over by a bus, break a limb, burn yourself at home or some
other accidents happen to you, you are taken to the casualty ward/department, where urgenr
treatment is available. If you have a serious wound or cut, the wounded body part is stitched.
If you have a broken limb, you are given a casc, chen a plascer is put on che problemacic part.
Burnings can be treaced with ointments and bandages.

limb [lrm] végtag

wound [wund] seb
stitch [strtj] öltés
plaster ['pla:sti] gipsz
cast [ka:st] sín

What problems do disa bled people have to face i n o u r world?

In my opinion, disabled people are not treaced equally in Hungary. In most cases, chey ar
looked down on as being inferior. Scill, chey wanc to pursue a very meaningful life, because
disabled people chink that cheir handicap should noc minimize their chances in che society.
Disabled people ofren encounter certain atticudes like over-protection, fear, embarrassmenc,
scereotyping, and being patronised. It is also difficult for chem to move around, as very few
buildings and buses are accessible wich a wheelchair. However, now we can see some signs thac
their basic needs will be satisfied. Ramps are being builc, TV programs are creaced for che deaf
and other iniciations are also under way.
I was quite shocked to learn chat even until the 1 970s, in some developed countries, the
scerilisation of the disabled was common practice. They did it so thac che disability would noc
be inherited. I chink it was a very brutal deprivation of the basic righcs of a human being.

to look down on [luk daun on] lenéz

disabled [d1s'e1bld] nyomorék
to patronise ['pa:tr;inarz] leereszkedő valakivel szemben
wheelchair ['wi:ltfe;i] kerekesszék
ramp [ra:mp] rámpa

What does A I DS sta nd for?

H ow d oes it s p read?
AIDS is the abbreviacion of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a fatal disease
meaning the destruccion of che immune syscem resulcing from infeccion with che human 7
immunodeficiency vírus (HIV).
Inicially, HIV infection was mainly concentraced in che homosexual community, where
widespread transmission occurred because of unprocecced anal intercourse, and in
haemophiliacs and people receiving ocher blood produccs. HIV infection became established
among intravenous drug users, among whom were prostitutes who spread it by hecerosexual
contact into all groups of society chrough high-risk sexual praccices.
On a global scale, che AIDS epidemic continues a frightful expansion. Africa is considered the
most threacened region although most HIV infeccions on the black continent are thought co
be due to heterosexual transmission.

1 00 H EALTH
Efforcs are under way to develop an effective vaccine for HIV that could be either protective
(preveming infection if an immunized person is exposed) or therapeutic (slowing immune
destruction or prolonging survival in people who are already infected).
HIV infection and AIDS are considered by many to be completely prevemable, because the
routes of HIV transmission are so well documented. It is clear that a reliable protective vaccine
will not be available for many years. ln the absence of a vaccine, rhe only means of preveming
rhe spread of infection is to avoid persona! behaviours rhat carry a risk of transmission. This
has been the focus of AIDS education campaigns throughout the world.

fara! disease [fertl d1'zi:z] halálos betegség

transmission [tnenz'mrJn] terjesztés, átadás
intercourse ['mtab:s] közösülés
haemophiliac [hi:ma'fi:hrek] vérzékeny
blood transfusion [b!Ad trrens'fju:3n] vérátömlesztés
to contaminate [bn'tremmert] fertőz, szennyez
intravenous [mtra'vi:nas] intravénás
to spread [spred] terjeszt
epidemic [ep1'demrk] járvány
to be exposed to [rks'p;mzd] kitéve lenni valaminek
vaccine [ 'vreksi:n] oltás
to conduct [bn'dAkt] lefolytat
sufficient [sa' f1Jnt] elegendő, elégséges
to condone [kan'daun] elnéz
consistently [bn'srstantlr] következetesen

What means woul d you use i n order to m i n i mise the risk of AI DS?
I personally believe that a lot of safer sex campaigns should be conducted to encourage the
general public and the groups most at risk from HIV to avoid unprotected sex. Although I
am quite pessimistic about this issue because research on health promotion repeatedly shows
that the simple provision of informarion is usually not in itself sufficient to lead to behaviour
changes. The biggest problem in developing countries is basic educarion, which has been a big
miss for decades. As long as these people are illiterate, there is no chance to introduce ami­
AIDS campaigns.

Wou ld you help d rug users i n order not to contract AI DS?

a I strongly object to using any kinds of drugs, still I believe that it is our responsibility to help
people who have a better chance to be infected by the virus. HIV transmission through drug­
injecting equipment can be prevented by only using sterile equipment. Even in Hungary there
are clinics where needle-exchange programmes have been imroduced.
b I believe that if we support programmes that help drug users, they will be encouraged legally
to use drugs and they will even have a chance to get hold of sterile needles and equipment for
free. ln this case they will have very little chance to contract AI DS.

illiterate [r'htarat] analfabéta

sterile ['stera1!] steril

- EA LTH 1 01
What a re the effects of drug consumption?
As there are different types of drugs, they bring about different effects. Most people who us
light drugs only want ro get high, which means that they forget abour rheir problems ve�·
quickly, rhey become very self-confident, they feel euphoria, which will help them get rid o:­
their inhibitions. Drug users claim that drugs can cause pleasures never felr before.
Drug users claim that smoking a joint of marijuana or taking hallucinogenic amphetamines
such as speed or ecstasy just boost your mood and do not lead ro serious problems.
However, rhere are a lot of narcorics, for example heroin, cocaine, LSD, which can lead ro ve�·
acute physical and psychological effects. The most serious problem of addiction is depression.
The more depressed people become, the more drugs they rake, so it becomes a vicious circle.
which they cannot get out of. This lerhargy can lead ro suicide, which very often occurs among
drug users.
Drug users rend to live a shorrer life as their liver gets damaged; rhey have a better chance ro
suffer a heart attack.
Drugs, just like alcohol, can turn a normally peaceful person violent. You cannot control
yourself when you are under the influence of drugs.

to get high [get har] elszállni

euphoria [i u:' b:rn] eufória
inhibition [mh1'b1Jn] gátlás
joint [d3:imt] spangli
hallucinogenic [h;:ilu:sm;:i'd3emk] hallucinogén
amphetamine [a:m'fet;:imi :n] amfetamin
narcotic [na:'kotrk] kábítószer
heroin ['her;:ium] heroin
cocame [k;:iu'kem] kokain
addiction [;:i'drkJn] szenvedély
ro be addicted to [;:i'd1kt1d] vminek a rabja
vicious circle [vrJ;:is s3: ki] ördögi kör
lethargy ['le0;:id31] letargia
liver ['l m] máj
violent ['var;:il;:int] erőszakos
violence ['var;:il;:ins] erőszak

Wou l d you lega lise d ru g s i n you r cou ntry?

a The legalisation of drugs is a recurring issue in Hungary. There are a lot of liberal groups thar
would like ro legalise light drugs saying that people do not get addicted to these. We should take
example from some countries like the Nerherlands where you can buy marijuana in café shops
and ir is tolerated by the whole society. I believe rhat light drugs do not cause any harm and the
effects only last for an hour or so. Let us compare por with alcoholic drinks, which are legal,
however, rhey also lead to car accidents, brutality and liferime addiction. I reckon that an adulr
person should be free to decide whether he/she wanrs ro get high or not.

1 02 H EALTH
b I must say rhar I disagree wirh legalising any rypes of drugs because rhe use of drugs has
some inevirable consequences. People ger addicred ro rhem and larer rum ro more serious
drugs when rhey cannor find sarisfacrion in l ighr drugs. Alrhough I have never used drugs,
I have some friends who have gone rhrough all rhe hardships of experiencing differenr types.
I have seen rhem ger high, find ways ro look for extra money ro buy drugs. I have seen
broken families, sad parenrs consoling rheir only child and people becoming homeless. These
are problems rhar only drugs can cause.

legalisation [li:g::ilai'ze1Jn] törvényesítés

ro legalise ['li:g::ilarz) törvényesít
recurring [rr'k3:rÜJ) ismétlődő, visszatérő
ro rolerare [ 'tol;ire1t] eltűr
ro cause harm [b:z ha:m) kárt okoz
bruraliry [bru:'trel;itr) brutalitás
pro-legalisarion [pr;iu li:g;ila1'ze1Jn] törvényesítés mellett álló
inevitable [m'ev1t;ibl] elkerülhetetlen

0 H ow wou l d you deal with people who consume d ru gs?

1 What p u nishment wou l d you g ive to d ru g - dealers?
ln my opinion, drug consumprion should not be punished bur cured. There are rehabilirarion
cenrres where wirhdrawal from drug addicrion is available. If we put every drug user in prison,
we would need a lor more prisons. However, I believe rhar drug-rraffickers or dealers who
sell sramps ro young schoolchildren should be punished very severely. Using drugs is rhe free
choice of a person. A young child, however, cannot decide whar is good for him/her.
I think that if a person is found wirh a cerrain amounr of drugs exceeding rhe dose for one,
rhen rhe person should be senrenced. I would give very severe punishmenr to dealers in order
to derer rhem from drug rrafficking in rhe furure.

consumption [bn'sAmpJn] fogyasztás

ro consume [bn'sju:m] fogyaszt
to punish ['pAI1I J) megbüntet
to cure [kju;i) meggyógyít
rehabilirarion centre [ ri :;ibrlr'terJn) drogelvonó
to rehabilirare [ri:::i'brhtert] rehabilitál
withdrawal from drug [w1é\'dr:,:;il] elvonókúra
drug-dealer [drAg 'di:l;i) drogkereskedő
drug-rrafficker [drAg 'trrefrb] drogüzér
severe punishmenr [sr'vr::i 'pAmJm;int) súlyos büntetés
to exceed [rk'si:d) túllép
dose [d::ius] adag
to senrence ['sent;ins] elítél

H EALTH 1 03
1 :l Which generation is mainly threatened by drug-related problems?
It is mainly the young who are threatened by drugs. It is very easy ro influence the mind of a
young person. They are willing ro rry anything that's new and exciting without thinking of the
consequences. As they become addicted, they will do anything ro get hold of their daily dose.
And anything can mean committing crimes ín order ro get the money.
Besides the young, there are other groups that are threatened by this issue. lt is mosrly people
who wanr ro forger rheir other problems. It is very conrroversial whether it is drug abuse that
leads ro unemploymenr or the other way around. Ir is the same with broken families. Among
users of drugs it is more common ro see family problems as the roor of the trouble.

ro threaten [ ' 8ret;m] megfenyeget

ro influence ['mflu;:ms] befolyásol
consequence ['konsrkw;ms] következmény
ro get hold of [get hauld av] hozzájut
ro be willing ['Wiirl)] hajlandó
conrroversial [kontra'v3:JI] sokat vitatott
drug abuse [drng ;i'bju:s] kábítószerrel való visszaélés
roor [ru:t] gyökér

1 3 Would you allow drugs if they were to cure diseases?

There are some incurable diseases which are rreated by drugs such as morphine. People who
suffer from these diseases wanr ro have a berrer qualiry of life and wouldn't like ro suffer
more. Lessening their pain can only be carried out using sedatives, painkillers and also drugs.
I believe this kind of rreatmenr should be allowed, however, more arrenrion should be paid ro
prescription drugs. Whar I mean is that a docror should pay more arrenrion ro what medicine
he or she prescribes. It is a big concern whether ill people use the drugs themselves or start
rrafficking with them. It is very difficult ro check it if they are rreated at home and not under
the supervision of a physician.

14 Why do people get addicted to drugs?

l n my opinion, there are several reasons why people get addicted ro drugs. I believe it starrs
with being curious and being influenced by friends. Then if you rry some addictive drugs,
there is litrle chance that you won't get used ro ir. There can also be other reasons similar ro the
reasons of why people start drinking. I think they might be depressed, have financial or family
problems they cannot solve, and then they rum ro drugs in order ro forget the everyday troubles.

incurable [111 ' kju:irabl] gyógyíthatatlan

ro rreat [tri:t] kezel
morphine ['m:dí:n] morfium
ro lessen [lesn] enyhít
sedative ['sed:itrv] altató
painkiller ['pemkil:i] fájdalomcsillapító
prescription drug [prr'sknpJn drAg] receptre váltható orvosság
concern [bn's3:n] gond
supervision [su:p;i 'vr311] felügyelet

1 04 H EALTH
5 Do you smoke?
6 What problems can smoking cause?
a I am a non-smoker and I don't colerate it if other people smoke
around me. I think they should respecr people who do not wanc
co breathe in the smoke. Passive smoking is as dangerous as acrive
smoking. The mosr common disease caused by smoking is lung
cancer, however, smokers may suffer from other respiracory diseases NO SMOKING 1
like bronchitis or emphysema. Smoking also damages your brain, it
can make you impotent and it can damage the life of a foecus once you are pregnant. I believe
that smoking should be resrricted and punished if someone does not observe rhe regulations.
b I am a heavy smoker, which means that I smoke about 2 packers of cigarettes a day. I used co be
a chain-smoker, which meanc that I lit one cigarette afcer the other, but I cannot do it anymore,
because my healrh starred to deteriorate. I still smoke a lot because it helps me co relieve the
stress caused by working a loc. I have co admit I cook co smoking when I was a teenager. I was
influenced by my classmates and I couldn't resist the temptation. I know about all the negative
effects of smoking but I cannot give up. I have cried it several rimes buc it has never lasted for
more than a week.
smoker ['sm::iob] dohányzó
non-smoker [non'sm::iub] nem dohányzó
chain smoker [t.fem 'sm::iub] láncdohányos
co puff [pAf] pöfékel
co wolf down the smoke [wulf] letüdőz
co breathe [bri:ó] lélegzik
co inhale [m'hetl] belélegzik
co exhale [eks'herl] kifújja a levegőt
common ['kom::in] általános
lung cancer [IAlJ 'krens::i] tüdőrák
bronchitis [br::in 'ka1t1s] hörghurut
emphysema [emf1'si:m::i] tüdőtágulás
to damage ('drem1d3] megrongál
impotent ['11npot::int] impotens
foecus ['fi:t::is] magzat
pregnanc ['pregn::int] terhes
pregnancy ('pregn::ins1] terhesség
co rescrict [rr'stnkt] szigorít
co observe [ob'z3:v] betart
regulation [regju'lerJn] szabályozás
heavy smoker ['hev1 'sm::iub] nagy dohányos
co deteriorate [d1't1::in::ire1t] romlik
co relieve the scress [n' li:v fo stres] feloldja a stresszt
co take to [te1k] nekikezd
co resist [n'z1st] ellenáll
temptation [temp'te1Jn] kísértés

H EA LTH 7 05
1 Would you restrict smoking in public places?
ln some counrries like I reland, ic is forbidden co smoke in public places. I find ic a good idea
because chere are more people who do noc smoke chan chose who do, buc smokers very rarely
take non-smokers inro consideracion. Since smoking has a loc of harmful effects, it should only
be allowed at home. ln Hungary smoking is banned in public buildings. There needs co be a
place assigned for smokers where they can enjoy their addiction. Unfortunately, chis rule is nor
observed everywhere. lt is very common thar you go inro an office and you find smoke-filled room
wherever you go. ln some counrries, if you go inro a restaurant, you can find a smoking section
and a non-smoking one. lt is very useful co segregate smokers from 11011-smokers because it can
be very disgusting co have someone puffing inro your face while you are eating. I think it is a very
good idea co label packets saying how harmful smoking is. lt might deter people from smoking.
There are also anri-smoking campaigns once in a blue moon, buc they are not taken seriously.
There have been several attempts co ban smoking advertisements in the European Union, but
I don't find it very efficient as you can see ads and commercials wherever you go.

forbidden [fa'b1dn] tiltott

co cake sg into consideracion [bns1dúe1Jn] figyelembe vesz
to ban [bren] betilt
to assign [;i'sam] kijelöl
smoke-filled [sm;iuk ftld] füsttel teli
co segregate ['segrngert] elkülönít
to label [le1bl] megjelöl
once in a blue moon [wAns rn ;i blu: mu:n] ritkán
to deter sy from doing sy [d1' t3:] elrettent
attempt (;i'tempt] kísérlet

1 Why is smoking harmful?

1 What diseases are connected to smoking?
There are several harmful effeccs of smoking ranging from serious diseases to even death. ln
the European Union, diseases amibutable to smoking accounr for apptoximately 1 5 per cenc
of all deaths. Tobacco smoking has consiscendy been referred co "as che single most importanc
preventable cause of premature deach".
The most common disease arcribured co smoking is cancer (parricularly of the lungs, larynx,
oral caviry, pharynx, oesophagus, pancreas, cervix, kidney, and bladder). Other diseases
rhar may occur are coronary arrery disease; cerebrovascular disease (scrokes, intracerebral
haemorrhages) ; and COAD (chronic obstructive airways disease, comprising chronic bronchitis
and emphysema).
The main reason why smoking is harmful is char a cigarette concains a loc of chemicals. The
major componenc is nicorine, which has a variety of effects on the sympathetic nervous system
in humans. It is highly addictive-comparable to heroin and cocaine-and produces an increased
heart rate and raised blood pressure.

effecr [1'fekt] hatás

Em physema
attribucable [;i'tnbj ut;ibl] tulajdonítható

to account for [d'kaunt] magyarázatul szolgál
tobacco td'bIBbu] dohány
to refer [n' fa: ] utal
preventable [prr'ventdbl] megelőzhető
to prevenc [pn'vent] megelőz
premature ['premdtJ;i] éretlen
larynx ['IIBrmks] gége
oral cavity ['::i:r;i] 'kIBvrtr] szájnyílás
pharynx [ f armks] garat
oesophagus [1'sofagds] nyelőcső
pancreas [ 'prenkrns] hasnyálmirigy
cervix [ 's 3:v1ks] méhnyak
kidney [ 'k1dm] vese
bladder ['blred;i] hólyag
coronary artery disease ['kornnn 'a:tdn d1'zi:z] koszorúér-megbetegedés
cerebrovascular [serrbrd'vreskjuld] agyérrel kapcsolatos
stroke [strduk] szélhűdés
incracerebral [mtrn'senbrdl] kisagyi
haemorrhage ['hrem;ind3] vérzés
chemical ['kem1kl] kémiai
componenc [kdm'p;iundnt] alkotóelem
nicotine ['nrkdti:n] nikotin

2 Is it d ifficult to g ive u p smoking?

I have tried to give up smoking several times and I have to admit rhat it is not easy. My job is
rather stressful so I relied on four or five cigarettes during the office hours. It is very difficult to
cope with stress now. I get nervous a lor and I just long for a cigarette, but I know I shouldn't.
I have tried to substitute it with a lor of rhings. First I sraned to eat crackers, but now I am fed
up wirh rhem. Then I went to see my GP who gave me a plaster rhat I have ro pur on my chest.
It seems to be working, knock on wood.
Alrhough I am a non-smoker and not comperem in rhe question of giving up smoking, I
reckon rhat it is only will-power rhar counts. If you are strong-willed and derermined to stop
smoking, you can do it easily.

to give up [grv Ap] abbahagy

stressful ['stresful] feszültséggel teli
to cope wirh [kdup w1ő] megbirkózni
to substitute ['sAbst1tju:t] helyettesít
cracker [ 'krreb] keksz Heal thy lung s
to be fed up wirh [fed Ap] elege van valamiből
plaster ['pla:st;i] ragtapasz
knock on wood [nok on wud] lekopogni
will power [w1! pau] akaraterő
srrong-willed [strol) wild] nagy akaraterővel rendelkező

H EALTH 1 07
2 1 What is active smoking?
22 What is passive smoking?
2 "' What can be the effects of smoking?
There are nvo types of smokers: acrive and passive. The effecrs of robacco smoke on rhe unborn
child are now well caralogued. Many srudies have shown an associarion bet\'leen cigarerre
smoking and rhe increased incidence of babies having low birrhweighr, of sponraneous 2
aborrions, and of srillbirrhs. Furrhermore, cerrain complicarions of pregnancy, some of which
may be life-rhrearening (such as raised blood pressure), are also associared wirh smoking.
Passive smoking is derrimenral ro rhe healrh of adulrs and, increasingly, ro rhar of children,
who, according ro recenr srudies, run a higher risk of developing lung problems. From rhe
dara ro dare, ir appears rhat passive smoking carries a 1 . 5 relatíve risk of developing cancer
of the Jung as compared ro non-smokers. There are also increased risks of hearr arrack and
cerebrovascular diseases.

determined [d1 ' t3:mmd] eltökélt

to quit [kwrt] abbahagy
incidence [' rns1d;ms] előfordulás
birrhweight ['b3:8we1t] születési súly
sponraneous [spon'te1m;is] spontán
stillbirrh [ ' stdb3:0] halvaszületés
complication [komplI'ke1Jn] komplikáció
life-threatening [ 'la1f0ret;in11J] életveszélyes
detrimental [detrr'ment;il] káros

24 How often do you drink alcohol?

a I drink alcohol only on special occasions like birrhdays, family celebrations, anniversaries and
when I go out with my friends. ln Hungary alcohol consumption is a grave problem. Just like
smoking, it is a fashion among young people ro rry alcoholic drinks. They don't know where
the limit is, which can lead ro young people passing out very quickly and ending up in clinics
where drunken people are rreated.
lt is not only the young rhar are affected by drinking. The population of villages is very much
threatened. As there is a high unemploymenr rate and very few possibilities, villagers spend
most of their free ríme in pubs.
b I hardly ever drink alcohol. Whenever I go our with my friends, I am satisfied with a glass of
orange j uice. To tel1 rhe rrurh, I don't really like the taste of a lot of drinks, so that is why I don't
drink. Of course, on New Year's Eve, I also clink with a glass of champagne, but normally that ,�
is all for the whole year.

grave [g reIV] súlyos

occasion [;i' ke1311] alkalom
anniversary [rem'V3:s;in] évforduló
limit [ '1Im1t] határ

1 08 H EALTH
to pass ouc [pa:s aut] kiüti magát
hangover [' hce1Jauva] másnaposság
unemployment rate (t.nrm'pb1mant rert] munkanélküliségi ráta
to clink [klnJk] koccint

5 What is the drinking age i n you r country?

ln Hungary the drinking age is 1 8. It means rhat minors must not be served alcoholic beverages
in restaurants, bars or orher entertainment faciliries. Although this law is not observed by
many, it is easy for anyone under 1 8 to get hold of alcohol. It is fashionable to drink when
srudents go on class trips and when rhey organise parties. As nobody checks them, they drink
without limits, then pass out and suffer from hangover rhe following day. Srill I don't think
that underage drinking is a serious issue. As long as people are aware of their limirs, no problem
will come up.

minor ['mama] kiskorú

beverage ['bevnd3] ital
class trip [kla:s trrp] osztálykirándulás
to be aware of [a'wea] tisztában lenni valamivel
under-age ['t.ndare1d3] kiskorú
to come up (kt.m t.p] előfordul

26 Why do you think people start drinking?

It is a rarher complex question why people start to drink alcohol. Firsr, we should examine
what they wish to gain by drinking a lor. Many people wanr to forger something unpleasanr.
Some just wanr to relieve srress, so they gulp clown a few pinrs of beer. Some people are lonely
and pubs are the only places where they can get some company. There are also socio-economic
causes. A lot of people are unemployed and in their big discress, rhere is only one thing they
can turn to, and that is alcohol.

to gain (gem] nyer

unpleasant [t.n'pleznt] kellemetlen
to gulp clown [gt.lp daun] legurít (italt)
pint [pamt] korsó, pint
. . [saus1ai:ka'nomrk]
soc10-econom1c társadalmi-gazdasági
distress [d1'stres] bánat

27 What p roblems can a l cohol ca use?

28 What a re the effects of alcohol ism?
As far as I know, alcohol has direct coxic as well as sedative effects on the body, so people who
drink should rake care of nucritional and orher physical needs during prolonged periods of
excessive drinking, otherwise, furcher complications can come up. If you are a heavy drinker,
you might have to be hospitalised. Alcoholics can have a wide range of digesrive-sysrem
disorders such as ulcers, inflammarion of rhe pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver. Blackouts,
hallucinations, and extreme tremors may occur. The latter symptoms are involved in the most

-i EALTH 1 09
serious alcohol wirhdrawal syndrome, delirium tremens, which can prove fara! despite prompt
treatmenr. This is in contrast ro wirhdrawal from opiare drugs such as heroin, which, alrhough
distressing, rarely resulrs in dearh. I also have ro stress rhar pregnanr women should pay much
more attenrion to what rhey drink because heavy-and even moderare-drinking during
pregnancy can cause serious damage to rhe unborn child: physical or menta! retardation, or
borh; a rare but severe expression of rhis damage is known as foeral alcohol syndrome.

roxic ['toksrk] mérgező

failure [ ' feiij;i) elmulasztás
nurrirional [nj u:'tnJ;inl] táplálkozási
prolonged [pr;i'loIJd] elnyúlt, hosszú
excessive [1k'ses1v] túlzott
ro complicate ['komplrke1t] bonyolít
advanced [;id'va:nst] előrehaladott
hospitalization [h osp1t;ilai'ze1Jn] kórházba utalás
organ ['J:g;in) szerv 3
cumulative ['kju:mjul;itIV) felhalmozott
digestive [dar'd3estrv) emésztő
inflammation [mfü'merJn] gyulladás
cirrhosis [sr'r;msrs) májzsugor
peripheral [púrfar;il) külső, perem
blackout ['blrekaut] pillanatnyi eszméletvesztés
hallucination [h;ilu:s1'ne1Jn] hallucináció
syndrome [ 'smdr;ium] szindróma
delirium tremens [d1'li:rr;im 'tri :menz] delírium tremens
fara! ['fe1t;il] halálos
prompt treatment [prompt 'tri:tm;int] azonnali ellátás
opiate [';iupr;it] ópiumtartalmú
retardarion [ri:ta:'de1Jn] visszamaradottság

How can alcoholics be treated?

I think thar nowadays, there are more and more ways ro treat alcoholics. Specialized residenrial
treatmenr faciliries and separate units within general or psychiatric hospitals are rapidly
increasing in number. As rhe public becomes more aware of the nature of alcoholism, the
social stigma attached to ir decreases; alcoholics and rheir families rend to conceal it less, and
diagnosis is not delayed as long. I believe rhat if you recognise rhe problem earlier, rhe chances
that you will recover are much higher.
There are several ways of managing physical complications and withdrawal states once you
panicipate in a wirhdrawal from alcoholism. The rrearmenr involves individual counselling
and group-therapy techniques aimed at complete and comfonable abstinence from alcohol
and other mood-changing drugs of addicrion. Such abstinence is rhe desired goal, despite some
highly conrroversial suggestions rhat a safe return to social drinking is possible. There are orher
rhreats alcoholics have to be afraid of. These may be addicrion to orher drugs, particularly to
other tranquillizers and sedarives, which poses a major hazard to alcoholics.

specialized ['speJ;ilarzd) szakosodott
stigma ['st1gm;i) szégyenfolt
to tend to [tend) hajlamos
to conceal [bn'si:l) elrejt
recovery [n'kAv;in) felépülés
to recover [n'kAv;i) felépül
diagnosis [da1ag'n;ius1s] diagnózis
counselling ['kaunsahlJ] tanácsadás
therapy ['0erapr) terápia
abstinence ['rebstmans) absztinencia
mood-changing [mu:d 'tfemd311J) hangulatváltozás
cranquillizer ['trre1Jkw1lam:i] nyugtató
ro pose [p;iuz] itt: magában hordoz,

What other add ictions a re you fa m i l i a r with?

There are plenry of ocher addiccions besides drugs, smoking and alcohol, which are in
connection with the chemical dependency of the body. However, chere are so-called behavioural
addictions such as bulimia, hyper sexualiry, compulsive shopping, kleptomania and gambling.
Bulimia is an eating disorder in which anxiery and persisrent overconcern wirh body weight
and shape lead to repeated episodes of bingeing (consuming large amounts of food in a shorc
time) associated wirh induced vomicing, use of laxarives, fasring, and/or excessive exercise to
control weighr. Bulimia usually develops during adolescence (most commonly among females)
as a result of various psychological pressures, che most obvious one being the social emphasis
on rhe desirabiliry of slimness. Various modes of group and behavioural therapy are used
in treating the disorder. Because parients wirh bulimia ofren suffer from depression as well,
amidepressant drugs may be effective.
Hyper sexualiry is the excessive lust for having sex, which results in both psychological and
physiological problems. If the desire to have sex is not satisfied, rhe person may start looking
for che root of che problem in him-or herself, blaming him-or herself for the failure, and it may
lead to aggression or depression.
Compulsive shopping is a phenomenon among women who cannot resist che temptation to
buy someching every day. It is shopping and spending money chat brings pleasure to these
Compulsive gambling is also a behaviour disorder in which an individual becomes progressively
unable to resist the impulse to gamble. Compulsive gamblers are usually competitive,
hardworking, brighc individuals, and che majoriry of rhem are men. They show lictle interest
in passive games of chance, such as lotteries.
Kleptomania is a recurrent failure to resisr the impulse to sreal objects noc needed for persona!
use or for cheir monetary value. There is an increasing sense of tension preceding che unplanned
chefr, followed by a relief at che time of che rhefc. Because klepromaniacs obtain gracification
from che act of srealing racher chan from possession of che srolen arcicles, chey ofren sceal
objecrs of litt!e value that chey could also easily buy.

behavioural [br'hervr;ir;il] viselkedési
bulimia [bj u 'li:nm] beteges éhség, bulimia
hyper sexualiry ['harp;i sekJu'relrtr] túlzott szexualitás
compulsive [k;im'pAlsrv] megrögzött
kleptomania [klept;i'memr;i] kleptománia
gambling ['gremblnJ] szerencsejáték
disorder [drs'::,:d;i] rendetlenség, rendellenesség
anxiery [ren'gzar;it1] aggály
persistent [p;i's1st;int] folyamatos
shape [Jerp] alak
bingeing ['bmd31IJ] zabálás
to be associated with [;i's;iuJrertrd] valamivel társítani
to vomit [ 'vornrt] hány
laxative [ ' lreks;itrv] hashajtó
fasting ['fa:strIJ] böjtölés, koplalás
adolescence [red;i ' ]esns] serdülőkor
desirabiliry [drzar;ir;i'brfatr] kívánatosság
slimness [ 'shrnms] karcsúság
depression [dr'preJn] depresszió
antidepressant [rentrdr'pres;int] antidepresszáns
Just [!Ast] vágy
phenomenon, phenomena [fa'norn;in;:in] jelenség
progressively [pr;i'gresrvh] fokozatosan
impulse [ 'rmpAls] indíttatás
lottery ['lot;in] lottó
monetary [ ' 111Al1Itrr] pénzügyi
to precede [prr'si:d] megelőz
thefr [Seft] lopás
relief [n'li: f] megkönnyebbülés
gratification [grretrfr'kerJn] elégtétel
possession [púeJn] birtoklás

3 1 What do you think of vegeta rianism?

a I am not a vegetarian, I believe that a healrhy diet must consist of sorne meat or animal products.
I think that in order to have enough energy, you have to have at least one substanrial meal a
day and it should include sorne mear. I believe that it is especially poulrry that is considered 3
healthy. If you don't eat meat, you will lack some protein and vitamins.
b I am a vegetarian because I think that I can have a healthy diet withour eating any mear. ln
my opinion, eating meat can lead to obesiry, cancer and earlier death. I also feel sorry for the
animals that might be eaten. I am not saying that I don't eat any animal products, because I eat
and drink dairy products and I also eat eggs.

vegetarian vegetáriánus

112 H EA LTH f-
poultry ['p;iultn] szárnyas
substantial [s;ib'st�nJI] kiadós
protein ['pr;iuti:n] fehérje
obesity [;iu'bi:s;itr] elhízottság
dairy product ['de;in 'prodAkt] tejtermék

32 What are your eating habits?

I usually eat four times a day. After I get up in the morning, I have breakfast, which usually
consists of cereal and milk. A few years ago I never had breakfast only a cup of tea, but afrer
suffering from stomach ulcer, I learned that ir is essenrial to start rhe day wirh something in my
belly. Moreover, my girlfriend also convinced me rhar it was worrh gerring up a few minutes
earlier in order to eat breakfasr, even if ic is jusr a yoghurr. She also prepares a sandwich for me
rhar I eat ac around ren o'clock. I rry not to miss lunch and I sic clown to ic every day. I always
ear a subscanrial lunch wirh some soup and chen usually some mear wirh garnish. Then I go
back to work and do nor ear unril I gec home. I don'c ear roo much for dinner, usually some
bread wirh cold curs, however, occasionally I rake my girlfriend out to a restaurant where we
usually eat a loc, alrhough we know rhar ir is nor roo healchy to go to bed with your sromach full.

cereal ['smr;il] gabonaféle

ulcer ('Als;i] fekély
belly [ 'belr] pocak
to convince (bn'vms] meggyőz
yoghurr [ 'j og;it] joghurt
garnish ['ga:nrn köret

3 3 Do you eat healthy food?

I am very food conscious. I try to eat a loc of steamed vegerables and cereals, bur sometimes
I cannor resisr che cemptation to ear some real Hungarian food, which is usually spicy and
farrening. I rry to avoid fast-food rescauranrs as rhey usually serve junk food, which is nor
healchy ar all. To my disappoinrmenr, almost rhe whole world has become McDonaldized,
which means chat fasr-food restaurant chains have sprung up all over che globe, replacing
rradicional foods and convincing people to adapr to new earing habics.

sceamed [sti:md] párolt

to resist che cemptation [rr'z1st, temp'te1Jn] ellenáll a kísértésnek
to adapc to [;i'd�pt] alkalmazkodik

34 What is the difference between Eng lish an d Hungarian cuisine? (s ketch

on ly)

hot [hot] erős, csípős

spicy ['spa1sr] fűszeres
sour cream [sau;i kri:m] tejföl
greasy ['g ri:sr] zsíros
fattening ['f�t;innJ] hizlaló

--i EA LTH
hospitaliry [hosp1'téel;}t1) vendégszeretet
ro simmer ['sum] párol
gravy ['grerv1] szaft
j acket potaro [ 'd3éekit p;}'te1t;}U] héjában főtt burgonya
herb [h3:b) gyógynövény, fűszer

3 5 What minerals are needed for the human body?

Whenever I look at the label of the food I buy, I always glance at the list of nurrienrs ro see
whether the food is healthy or nor. We need a lot of minerals and vitamins. ln our meals we
usually have a lot of calcium, magnesium, sulphates, sodium, potassium and so on. We also
need zinc in order ro improve our immune system. As for vitamins, our body needs a lot of
them. If we eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, we won't lack vitamin C. During the winrer, we
need a lot of meat so as not ro lack vitamin D, which we get from the sun in summer.

label [le1bl] címke

mineral ['mm;}r;}l] ásvány
sodium ['S;}Udl;}ffi] nátrium
potassium [pd' téeSI;}ml kálium
1mmune [r'mju:n) immun

3 What can substitute these minerals?

Unfortunately, we cannot always afford ro buy the necessary amounr of fruits and vegerables,
or meat or dairy products, so we rurn ro several supplemenrs, which might be cheaper and
more easily accessible. There are vitamin pilis rhat we can take, but also there are supplemenrs
added ro numerous rypes of food, for example, iodine is added ro salt in order to make up for
the deficiency in our dier.

supplemenr [ ' sApl;}1mnt] pótlás, pótlék, táplálékkiegészítő

iodine ['a1ddi:n] jód
deficiency [dr'f1Jns1] hiány

3 What can be some side effects of supplement overdose?

A lot of people don't know that taking a lot of vitamins can cause problems, roo. It is not a
problem wirh vitamin C, because it does not cause any harm, you might have to urinate a bit
more. However, if you have more magnesium, you are likely to have diarrhoea. Too much
vitamin D and calcium can help to form kidney srones. So it is also important to pay attention
to the amounr of supplemenrs thar we take.

diarrhoea [da1;}'rn] hasmenés

kidney srone ['k1dm stdun] vesekő

38 Do you eat food which contains preservatives or additives?

I would like to say that I eat healthily, meaning rhat I don't have any preservarives or additives
in my meals. Unforrunarely, it is not rrue. Wharever I buy in the shops conrains either some
additives or preservarives. If I eat in a restaurant, I cannot check what they use for cooking, so
if I wanred to eat totally healthily, I would have to prepare all my food from ingredienrs that I
planr and have my eyes on.

1 14 H EALTH
additive ['redrtrv] adalék
preservative [prr' z3:v;;itrv] tartósítószer

Do housewives use semi- prepared, ready-packed, ready-cooked ready­

bottled frozen or tinned food in England and in Hungary?
Why do people buy these products?
Are you in favour of instant foods, cube stocks, ready-to-eat and freeze­
dried foods?
What kind of food do you like to eat?
As far as I know, housewives in the western countries do not like to bother about preparing
meals from fresh food because it takes much longer. They get srewed beef out of a tin, or defrost
a semi-prepared chicken and open a can of ready-cooked vegerables. Forrunately, housewives
in Hungary are not very much in favour of this kind of food, however, recendy more and more
of them have rended to opt for this easy way of preparing food. Obviously, they buy these
products for rhe sake of convenience. There is a trend rowards frozen foods such as pizzas,
vegerables, sauce and many gourmet delicacies. I myself don'r like these foods, I prefer ro eat
natural food, the kind that you prepare in your own kitchen from fresh, unprocessed produce
and meat. I think this kind of food is healrhier and does not contain any food additives or

stewed beef [stju:d bi:f] marhapörkölt

tin [tin] konzerv
ro defrost [dr' frost] kiolvaszt
semi-prepared [ 'senuprr 'pe;;id] félkész
for the sake of convenience [serk, bn'vi:mJns] kényelemből
delicacy [ 'delrbsr] csemege

43 What do you think of canteen food?

Most people don't like canreen food saying that the qualiry of rhe food is nor very good. Srill , I
prefer eating in a canteen to preparing my lunch every day. Ir is much more comforrable j ust to
go to a self-service canreen and choose from rhe meals rhere. They usually serve a lot of dishes
rhar I can choose from. I have a lunch ricker rhar I use to pay for rhe food rhar I consume.

canteen [kren 'ti:n] menza

to consume [bn ' sju:m] e!Jogyaszt

4 Do you think Hungarians eat more or less than necessary?

I think Hungarians eat more than necessary. Our calorie intake is abour double rhe amounr
we acrually need. People ear a lot of carbohydrares in food like bread, cakes, and sugar, which
are very fattening. I rhink we also eat more mear and protein rhan necessary, especially fatty
meats are favoured by most Hungarians. Thar is why rhere are so many far people among us.

calorie intake [ ' krelw ' rnterk] kalóriabevitel

protein ['pr;;iuti:n] fehérje

H E A LTH 115
What should a hea lthy d iet conta in? 5
a A healrhy dier should contain ar leasr rhe same amount of fibre as far. Ir should also contain rhe
major nuuients, such as viramins, protein, calories or iron. le hould be high in vegerables and 5
grains, wirh a modest amount of mear.
b I rhink if you are happy wirh whar you are eating rhen rhat is your healrhy dier. We have only
011e life, so we should not borher worryi11g abour our shape. Moreover, some say rhat far people
are rhe happiesr. So I believe rhar ir is worse ro be worried abour your nutrition rhan eat whar
you acrually wish ro ear.

dier [ 'dar:it] étrend

ro dier ['dar;it] diétázni
fibre ['fa1b;i] rost
nutrient ['nju:trnnt] táplálék
nurririon [nju:' trrJn] táplálkozás, táplálás 5

Do you think people look more attra ctive if they a re thin or fat?
What do people do in order to become or to remain slim?
Most people like ir when rhey are slim. Bur i11 spite of rhis, quire a few of rhem have ro warch
rheir weighrs. Dieting has become a fad a11d people consulr calorie charrs before rhey ear,
if rhey ear anything at all. Some of rhem suffer from malnurrition munching biscuirs and
dri11king u11sweerened coffee for days 011 e11d. Orhers exhaust rhemselves doi11g exercise and
being massaged by machines. �

ro warch one's weighr [wotf, wert] vigyáz a súlyára

fad [fred] divatos hóbort
calorie chan ['ké.el;in tfa:t] kalóriatáblázat
ro munch [ITIAil tj] majszol
for days on end [de1z on end] napokon keresztül
ro massage [ 'mcesa:3] masszíroz

H ave you ever dieted?

H ow did you d iet?
a I have 11ever diered because I am 011 rhe skinny side. o marrer how much I eat, I never seem
ro put on a11y weighr. This is because I work far roo much a11d do a lor of workour, so I burn
up a lor of calories.
b I have rried several rypes of diers because I suffer from rhe miseries of being far. The lasr rime I
wenr 011 a diet, I observed a suicr high-protein, 110 starch dier. I simply cut out rhe bread and
butter and had only one glass of ora11ge j uice every morning. I also exercised in rhe gym every
day a11d wenr swimming every seco11d day.

ro be 011 rhe skin11y side [' skmr sa,d] sovány típus

starch [sta:tj] keményítő

50 Why are people in the western countries more likely to become obese than
in the developing countries?
51 What can be the reasons of obesity?
Obesity has become a big problem all over the world, especially in the developed countries,
particularly in the United States. Although there are dozens of TV programmes abour how to
eat healthily, very few people pay attention to what they eat. In my opinion, it is the lifesryle
of these people that actually brings about this soaring health crisis. Obese people eat in fast­
faod restaurants, spend a lat of time sitting in one place in front of the TV screen, so I am not
surprised that they are fat. They should tatally change their lifesryle and eating habits in order
to become thinner.

obesiry [.iu'bi:s;itr] elhízás, kövérség

obese [;m'bi:s] kövér, elhízott

52 How do you keep fit?

Although I have a lot of stress in my job, 1 uy tO keep fit and do a lot of exercise. Every second
morning I ride my bike tO the swimming pool to swim a few laps. In the afternoons I always
go jogging with my girlfriend far half an hour. And the highlight of the week is when I play
faotball with my friends every Thursday. So I believe it is enough to relieve the stress and keep fit.

lap [h:ep] hossz

53 What can be the side-effects of sedentary jobs?

Sedentary jobs carry a lot of health risks that people are not always aware of. The biggest
problem can be clots in the vein, which might lead to thrombosis. In order to tackle this
problem, people who do sedentary jobs should get up from their chairs at least once an hour
and move abour a bit. These people can also develop back problems, which should be massaged
regularly. If you work with a computer, your eyesight may get ruined, so you should have
protective glasses to prevent this from happening

sedentary job ['sedntn] ülőmunka

dot [klot] vérrög

54 How does the Hungarian Public Health Service work?

5 5 Do you have to pay hospital fees in Hungary?
56 Are tourists provided with free health care abroad?
In Hungary, the whole system of health care is undergoing a change at present. The medical
services are substantially financed by the state budget and they constitute a major item in it. ln
fact you pay a momhly contribution from your salary but you do not have to pay far the actual
rreatment. Even if you are unemployed, you are encirled to healch care. Medical centres and
hospirals provide service free of charge buc chere are, of course privace practicioners and even
some private polyclinics chac charge far visics. Neverrheless, che national service endeavours to
serve the whole population. Everyone can choose their G.P. freely and go to che one whom
chey crusc complecely. So healch care is free and although prescripcion charges have gone up a
lot recenrly, chey are still cheaper chan in other European councries. If you are on sick leave,

H EA LTH 117
you get a certain amount of your salary depending on your problem, because if an accidenr
happens to you while at work, you are enrirled to all your salary. As we are in rhe European
Union, Hungarians ger free medical service in orher EU counrries if you have rhe necessary
documents and insurance with you.

to undergo a change [,\lld;)'g;m, tfemd3] változáson megy át

monrhly conrriburion ['mw0lr, kontn'bju:Jn] havi hozzájárulás
to endeavour [m'devd] törekszik


1 Diseases
• Heart attack • Cancer
• Parkinson's disease • Hearr attack
• Stroke • Coronary heart disease
• Pulmonary disease • Respirarory disease
• Ulcer • Consriparion
• Pneumonia • Cholera
• Plague • Leprosy
• Flu
2 Drug: dope, narcotic, narcoric drug, opiare, unk-jay, grass, weed, joint

2 Risks of drug-taking
a it can lead to addiction and dependence
b overdose can lead to unconsciousness or even death
e some drugs may depress or stop breathing
d having an accident while under their influence

2. Side-effects
a confusion
b hallucination
e unbalanced emotions
d depression
e menta! disorders
f regular users may become constipared
g girls can miss their periods
h serious physical effecrs
injection can lead to sores, abscesses, jaundice, blood poisoning, and even AIDS
2 Other problems related to drug abuse
a strained relationships, especially with family and friends
b risking heavy fines, since drugs are illegal

e difficulry finding a job
d financial problems as drugs are very expensive
e babies born to drug abusers will become addicrs
f drug abuse can lead to crime

Why do people smoke?
a from habit
b to relax
e for pleasure
d to conform
e because of adverrising

J Diseases attributable to smoking

a cancer
b bronchitis
e hearr disease
d emphysema
e blood clors
f stomach ulcer

4 Drinking a l cohol
Why do people drink alcohol?
a to celebrare
b to be sociable
e to relax
d to feel adulr
e for medicinai purposes
f in religious ceremonies

4 Health effects of alcohol

a increased blood pressure
b increased hearr rare
e depression
d liver damage

l The results of drinking alcohol

a broken families
b aggression
e drinking and driving accidents
d crime
• to feel sorry for animals
• man's narural diet is fruic and vegecables
• to live on berries
• to prevenc cancer
• to give all the vitamins and minerals
• to be cheap
• to feel healthy
• prehistoric man's diet was like that of a wolf
• not to gec all the protein needed
• to be less delicious
• to be expensive off-season
• to be scrawny
• to lack energy

• bag • benc
• craving • dependence
• enslavemenc • fixation
• hang-up • hook
• inclination • kick che habit
• monkey • obsession
• shoc • sweet tooth

7 Hungarian cuisine and Eng lish cuisine

Hungarian cuisine
• to use a lot of paprika and pepper
• to be hoc and spicy
• to use sour cream wich mear dishes
• to be greasy and facrening
• to give an excellent flavour
• to be famous for hospita!ity
English cuisine
• to keep the natural flavour
• to eat a lot of steamed vegetables
• to simmer vegerables
• to eat a lot of roast meat
• to put gravy on the meat
• to have delicious pies
• to prepare chips or jacket potatoes as garnish
• to eat a lot of pudding
• to use a few herbs

1 20 H EALTH

Environment protection, Types of pollution, Energy resources, Recycling,
Endangered species, Life in outer space

Test your knowledge by answering the questions below. Tick the ones you
can already answer.

D What are the major environmencal issues of our time?

2 D What differem cypes of pollucion have you heard of?
3 D What is air pollucion?
4 D What causes air pollution?
5 D How can air pollucion be dangerous for our healrh?
6 D What is done ro concrol air pollurion?
7 D How is water polluced?
8 D What happens if we encouncer pollured water?
9 D How can warer pollurion threaren plant and animal life?
10 D What can b e the sources of warer pollurion?
11 D What instances of soil pollurion have you heard of?
12 D Whar can we do ro avoid soil pollurion?
13 D Whar is lighr pollurion?
14 D What do you personally do ro prorect your environment?
15 D What is selective wasre collection?
16 D Do you have it in rhe area where you live?
17 D D o you litter i n rhe street?
18 D How would you solve rhe problem of littering?
19 D What sort of punishment should b e used ro deter people from littering?
20 D What is recycling?
21 D Do you recycle?
22 D What is che greenhouse effect?
23 D What causes che depletion of che ozone layer?
24 D How can we protect the ozone layer?
25 D What are some 11011-renewable and renewable energy resources?
26 D Are you afraid of nuclear power plancs?
27 D What is rhe Greenpeace movemem?
28 D What are some endangered species'
29 D What does WWF stand for?
30 D Do you think animals should be prorecred or huming should be allowed?
31 D Whar do you think of poachers?
32 D Are you familiar with any weather phenomena that influence our climate?
33 D Do you believe in life in ourer space?
34 D Have you ever seen a UFO?
35 D Can you memion some unsolved mysteries?
36 D Do you think that we will live on another planet in the fucure?
37 □ How do you rhink we will live in nfry years?
1 What a re the major envi ronmenta l issues of our time?
Although people talk a lot about saving the environmem, very little is done to do so accually.
There are several differem problems related to the issue of the environmem. Unfonunately,
the Industrial Revolurion brought about a lot of changes in our environmem resulting in
the pollution of the air, soil and water. As more and more facrories were builc, our very life is
already threatened by the resulrs dangerous for our environment. Due to the depletion of the
ozone layer, global warming is one of the most threatening issues concerning the environmem.
It will email increase in the world's temperature, rise in the sea levei and also rhe melcing of
the polar ice cap.
Another imponam environmemal problem is the large number of species threatened by
extinction. Although there are lots of organisations to cal! attention to the endangered species,
it seems impossible to prevem animals and plams from becoming extinct.

to be related to [n'lertrd] kapcsolódik

Induscrial Revolucion [m 'dAstn;il rev;i'lu:Jn] ipari forradalom
to be threatened [' 0ret.ind] fenyegetve lenni
depletion [d1p'l i :Jn] vékonyodás
ozone layer [ ';iuz;iun ' ler;i] ózonréteg
global warming [gl;iubl 'w:,:m11J] globálisfelmelegedés
ro melt [melt] olvad
polar [' p;iul;i] sarki
ice cap ['arskrep] jégtakaró
species ['spi:Ji:z] faj
extinction [1k 'str1JkJn] kihalás
to become extinct [br'kAm rk ' strl)kt] kihal
endangered [m'demd3;id] veszélyeztetett

1 22 E N V I RO N M E N T
What different types of pollution have you heard of?
As far as I know, chere are chree major forms of pollution. They are air, water and soil pollution,
but we can also mention ligl1t pollucion which is becoming quite widespread around big cities.

What is a i r pol l ution?

What ca uses a i r pollution?
5 H ow can a i r pollution be d a ngerous for our hea lth?
Air pollucion is che contamination of the atmosphere by gaseous, liquid, or solid wastes or
by-products. The effects can also be dangerous for humans as well as for animals and plants.
Pollution can endanger human health and the health and welfare of plams and animals. It can
attack materials, reduce visibiliry, or produce undesirable odours. As I recall my chemistry
and biology studies I can memion lots of so-called air pollutants: carbon monoxide, carbon
dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, lead and different non-methane hydrocarbons. The
combustion of coal, oil, and peuol accounts for much of che airborne pollutants. Most of
the oxides present in the air are produced by fossil-fuel-fired elecuic power plants, industrial
boilers, and residential furnaces. The increasing use of cars and buses also accounts for the high
amount of carbon monoxide in the air as petrol and diesel are burnt, so our own comfort can
be blamed for all the problems of pollution. I have also heard of other major pollution sources
including iron and steel mills; zinc, lead, and copper smelters; municipal incinerators; oil
refineries; cement plams; and niuic and sulphuric acid plants.

comamination [k;mta:m1'11e1Jn] szennyezés

gaseous ['ga:SldS] gáznemű
liquid ['hkw1d] fo/,yékony
solid ['sohd] szilárd
waste [we1st] hulladék
by-product ['barprodAkt] me!Léktermék
visibiliry [vrz1' brldt1] Láthatóság
undesirable [And1'za1drdbl] nemkívánatos
odour ['dod;;i] illat
pollutant [p;;i'Ju:t;;int] szennyező anyag
carbon monoxide ['ka:b;;in mo'noksa1d] szén-monoxid
carbon dioxide [ ' ka:b;;in da1'oksa1d] szén-dioxid
niuogen [ ' na1tr;;id3;;in] nitrogén
sulphur ('sAlfa] kén
lead [led] ólom
methane ['mi:0em] metán
hydrocarbon ['ha1dr;;ika:b;;in] szénhidrogén
combustion [brn'bAstf;;in] égés
to account for [;;i'kaunt] igazol
airborne ['e;;ib:,:n] Levegőben található
fossil-fuel-fired [fosi] fosszilis tüzelőanyaggalfűtött
furnace ['fa:111s] kemence
steel mill [sti:l mii] acélkohó
zinc [zmk] cink
copper ['k opJ] réz
smelcer [' smeltJ] kohó
incinerawr [m' smJreitJ) szemétégető
municipal [mju: 'ms,pl] városi
oil refinery [:iil n'famJn] olajfinomító
cement [s1 'ment) cement
nitric ['na1tnk] salétromsavas
acid ['a:srd] sav
6 What is done to control air pollution?
I have been acquainted with several methods of controlling air pollution. They include
removing the hazardous material before ír is used, removing rhe pollurant afrer ir is formed,
or alrering rhe process so that the pollutant is nor formed or occurs only ar very low levels.
Car exhaust pollutants can be comrolled by burning the fuel as complerely as possible, by
recirculating fumes from the fuel tank, rhe carburettor, and the crankcase, and by changing the
engine exhaust to harmless substances ín catalytic conveners. Still in Hungary, this problem is
to be solved because we still have a lot of old cars, which do not meet the requiremems of the
standards of the European Union.

method ['me8Jd] módszer

hazardous [ 'ha:zJdJs] veszélyes
to alcer [':i:lt;i] megváltoztat
exhausr [rg'z:i:st] kipufogógáz
carburettor [ka:b;i'ret;i] karburátor
crankcase ['kra:1Jke1s] forgattyúház
cata!ytic [ka:t;i' l!trk) katalitikus
converter [bn'V3:t;i] átalakító
to meet the requirements [mi:t ó;i n' kwa1;im;ints] megfelel a követelményeknek
7 How is water polluted?
Water pollution is the comamination of water by foreign matter such as micro-organisms,
chemicals, industrial or other wastes, or sewage. As ín the case of air pollution there are
lots of different pollutants of water that I learnt when I was a studenc ín secondary school.
The major ones are the following: sewage, organic chemicals, including pesticides, various
industrial products, surface-active substances ín detergents, and the decomposition products
of other organic compounds, petroleum, especially from oil spills, inorganic minerals and
chemical compounds, sedimems consisting of soil and mineral parricles washed by storms
and floodwater from croplands, unprotected soils, mine workings, roads, and bulldozed urban
areas and radioactive subsrances. Just like air pollution, the effecrs of water pollurion can be
very dangerous for human healrh, not only for animals and plants living ín the water.
sewage ['sju:1d3] szennyvíz
sewer [' su:;i] csatorna

1 24 E NVI RO N M E NT
pesricide ('pest1sard] növényvédő szer, rovarirtó
to decompose [di:bm'p;iuz] Lebomlik
decomposition [di:komp;i'z1Jn] bomlás
compound ['kompaund] keverék, vegyület
oil spill [:,il spil] olajszivárgás
ro leak [li:k] szivárog
particle ['pa:trkl] részecske
cropland ('kroplrend] megműveltfold
to bulldoze ['buld;iuz] Lerombol
discharge ('distfa:d3] kibocsátás

8 What happens if we encounter polluted water?

I have learnt that swallowing polluced water can have very serious effects, even fara! ones. When
polluted water is swallowed, che most common problem, especially for children is diarrhoea.
If you live close to big factories, especially ones rhar use chemicals, you should cry to avoid
drinking rap water. If you have a baby, I recommend that you boil the water in every case.

to swallow ('swol;iu] Lenyel

facal ['fe1t;il] halálos
diarrhoea (dar;i'n;i] hasmenés
rap water [trep 'w::,:t;i] csapvíz

9 How can water pollution threaten plant and animal life?

Not only humans can be threatened by water pollurion, but rhe flora and rhe fauna as well.
There is a problem, called eutrophication, which I believe is very dangerous. It means that lake
water becomes arcificially enriched with nutrients, causing abnormal plant growth. Another
problem, of growing concern in recent years, is acid rain, which has lefr many lakes in nonhern
and eastern Europe and Nonh-eastern America totally devoid of life.

eutrophication [ju:tr;ifI'ke1Jn] eutrofizáció

anificially [a:tr'frJ;i!J] mesterségesen
to be enriched with (rn'ntft] dúsítva Lenni
nutrient ('nju:tn;mt] tápanyag
to be devoid of [d1'v:,1d] mentes
fauna ['hn:i] á!Latvilág
flora ('fb:r;i] növényvilág

1 0 What can be the sources of water pollution?

As far as I know the major sources of water pollution can be classified as municipal (wasrewacer
coming from homes and commercial establishments), industrial (hazardous warer coming
from nearby factories), and agriculrural (especially when there are some pollured, fertilised
fields close to lakes, rivers or seas).

municipal [mju:'nrs1pl] városi

to fenilise [' fa:t1la1z] trágyáz

E N V I RO N M E NT 1 25
1 1 What instances of soil pollution have you heard of?
The third cype of pollution is soil pollution. The frequent causes of contamination are farmyard
waste and sewage sludge which may contain high levels of heavy metals. Soils have also been
contaminared by radioactive isotopes from nuclear weapons testing and, on a resrricred
bur locally serious scale, from rhe Chernobyl nuclear power srarion accident in 1 986 also
affecting much of Europe including our country. I was young when rhar blasr happened in
rhe Sovier Union, bur I remember rhar we had to be very caurious abour whar we are and
drank. Contaminarion may also resulr from orher chemical wasres or by-producrs of indusrrial
processes. Some soils are narurally acidic bur may become more acidic due to rhe recenrly
common acid rains. The main sources of acidicy in rhe armosphere are rhe increasing quanriries
of sulphur dioxide and nirrogen oxides emirred by rhe combusrion of fossil fuel.
heavy metal ['hev1 metl] nehézfém
isotope [ 'aJsdt;mp] izotóp
blasr [blo:st] robbanás
caurious [ 'k:J:Jds] elővigyázatos
acidic [d's1d1k] savas
to emit [1 'm1t] kibocsát

1 2 What can we do to avoid soil pollution?

I rhink rhar soil pollurion is very cosrly co fighr, bur rhis is rhe same wirh rhe orher cypes
of pollurion as well. As I have heard, conrrol of agriculrural pollurion may involve serrling
basins for liquids and limited biological rrearment in aerobic or anaerobic lagoons. Alrhough I
personally rake rhar, jusr like in rhe case of illnesses, prevenrion is berrer rhan cure.
cosrly ['kosth] költséges
serrling basin [be1sn] üLLepítő medence
aerobic [ed'rdubrk] oxigénből élő
anaerobic [a:ned'rdubrk] Levegő nélküli
lagoon [ld'gu:n] Lagúna
prevenrion is berrer [pn'venJn 12 betd ó;:in kjud] jobb félni, mint megijedni
rhan cure
1 3 What is light pollution?
I had nor known too much abour lighr pollurion unril I visired some big merropoliran areas.
I believe ir is a new cype of pollurion meaning rhar in big ciries rhere are so many sources of
lighr rhar it is impossible to see rhe stars clearly ar night. In ciries like rhe area of for example
Los Angeles, people never have tora! darkness except for power shorrage and blackour.
merropoliran [metrd'pohtdn] nagyvárosi
power shorrage [paud 'J:i:trd3] áramkimaradás
blackour ['bla:kaut] elsötétítés
1 4 What do you personally do to protect your environment?
Ir is very hard nowadays to pay special arrention to prorecr rhe environment. We rake so many
rhings for granred. We cannor live wirhour driving a car, using marerials which rum out to be
pollurants. Personally, I don'r lirrer in rhe srreers, even if rhere are some ciries in Hungary where
ir is impossible ro find a dusrbin. o wonder some people are imparienr and rhrow away rheir

rubbish. I also think that waste selection is important and quite widespread in rhe western
countries where almost every household selects waste. Unfortunately, in Hungary this method
is very rudimentary.
to !itter [ 'IIt;i] szemetel
dustbin ['dAstbm] kuka
rubbish ['rAb1J] szemét
waste selection [we1st s1 'lekJn] hulladékelkülönítés
rudimentary [ru:dr'mentrr] kezdetleges
What is selective waste collection?
Do you have it in the area where you live?
Selective waste collection is when rhere are different bins in households, in companies, in
public places and in the streets to store differenr types of rubbish. There are usually four types
of containers in the sueets. One is for white glass, another one is for coloured glass. The third
type is for paper and the !ast is for plasric. In households, organic materials cause a big problem
because the disposal of this rype of waste is not really solved in Hungary.
ln the rown where I live, selective waste collection is not well developed. Alrhough there are
some bins which can be used for selective waste collection, still it is not a widespread solution,
because most of the domestic waste is mixed. People don't select waste at home nor will rhey
take it to the streets to put it in the assigned bins.
organic [:,:'géemk] szerves
household [ 'haush;iuld] háztartás
disposal [dis' p;iuz;il] megszabadulás
to dispose of [d1s'p;iuz ov] megszabadul valamitől
to assign [;:i' sam] kijelöl
1 7 Do you litter in the street?
I don't litter in the streets, however, there are a lot of people who don't care about their
surroundings. I usually get upset when I see people driving their car and rolling clown the
window to throw something out of ir. I believe thar a very severe punishment might change the
morale of these people. In some counrries, you have to pay a big fine if you litter, thus you have
to think twice before disposing of your trash. ln some countries, even if you take your dog for
a walk and it messes the pavement, the excrement is cleaned up by the owner. lt is something
unrhinkable especially in Budapest, where the sight of dogs' excrement is rarher usual.
1 8 How would you solve the problem of littering?
I think that the füst thing we should change is the way people rhink of public places. They rend
to say that it is not their own, so it is not rheir responsibiliry ro rake care of srreets, front yards or
parios. That is one of the reasons why we see so many messy areas. 'föe other might be the lack of
dustbins that are harci to come by on rhe pavement. That would be rhe responsibiliry of the local
authorities, however, not much is done by rhem to solve this problem.
What sort of punishment should be used to deter people from littering?
a I would impose a very big fine on rhe people who liner, so that they would learn from that
mistake and would never commit the same thing in rhe furure. If somebody's dog messed up
the pavement, I would force rhe owner to clean it up.

1 27
b I don'r rhink rhar making people pay fines would solve che problem of littering. Whar we need 2
is educarion abour whar furrher consequences lircering mighr have and reach the people that it is
che fucure of rheir children that will be ruined if we don'c pay attention to our own environment.

to roll clown [r;iul daun] leteker

severe [s1'v1;i] súlyos
punishmenr [' pAmJm;int] büntetés
morale [m;i'ra:l] morál, kózhangulat
co mess [mes] bepiszkít
excrement ['ekskr;im;int] ürülék
pario ['pa:tJ;iu] kis belső udvar

20 What is recyc l i ng?

I had not heard too much abour recycling until some rime ago when l became more aware
of rhe environmenral problems around us. Recycling itself means rhe recurn of marerial to a
previous stage of a cyclic process, especially conversion of waste to reusable marerial. ln poor
councries recycling is a necessity because people depend on reused macerial. ln contrast, in
developed countries pressures far recycling arise largely from concerns over che environment,
in terms of reducrion of use of energy and macerials. A very recent problem in Hungary is
che building of landfi.11 and incineration. Alchough everybody knows char modern landfills
are inevicable, nobody wants chem in cheir neighbourhood. I believe chat che idea! farm of
recycling is reuse, whereby off-curs are recycled back into the production process or consumer
producrs are recurned to source and are sold again without any farm of processing.

to recycle [ ri: 'sarki] újrahasznosít

cyclic ['sa1k1Ik] ciklikus
conversion [bn 'v3 :Jn] átalakítás
to converc [bn 'V3 :t] átalakít
reusable [n 'j u:z;ibl] újrahasznosítható
landfill ['la:ndfrl] szemétlerakó
incineration [111s111;i' re1Jn] elégetés
off-cut [' ofkAt] felhasználás után meg-
maradt rész

21 Do you recycle?
I personally rry to recycle wharever I can and I pay special attention so as not co buy products
that cannot be reused. When I was a child, I enj oyed recycling beer or wine bottles, because
that was the way I could earn some extra money. Unfartunacely, nowadays, there are fewer
products that can be reused. Another big problem is che generation of a loc of waste from
wrap-paper, and packages. The leading "waste producers" are fasc faod rescaurants, where lots
of paper and plasric are used even to wrap a coorhpick.

generation [d3en;i're1Jn] felhalmozódás, termelés

toothpick ['tu:8p1k] fogpiszkáló

.. .
22 What is the greenhouse effect?
As l became aware of environmencal issues, l learnt that one of the most importanc problems
is the greenhouse effect. If the Earth were not surrounded by a warming blanket, it would be
much too cold for human habitation. Eanh's atmosphere acts as this blanket. Small amouncs
of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere help to retain heat through a vita! process
known as the greenhouse effect. Sunlight passes through the atmosphere and strikes the Earth.
Some of the light is reflected and some is absorbed. The absorbed light warms the surface of the
earth. The heated surface then radiates infrared light inco the atmosphere where small amouncs
of carbon dioxide keep the radiation from escaping. Since prehisroric times carbon dioxide has
helped co regulate the temperacure of our planet in this way. Owing co the burning of large
amounts of coal, oil and natural gas, the amounc of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has
nearly doubled in the past one hundred years. Trees remove C02 from the air as part of their
natural processes. As human beings cut clown forests, the capacicy of crees co remove carbon
dioxide from the air has diminished. l think that if we concinue to burn a large amounc of fossil
fuels and deplete our forests, the result will be global warming. l really fear that the warming of
only a few degrees could cause a melting of the polar ice caps, which may result ín raised ocean
levels and the flooding of coastal cities.

co surround [s;:i'raund] körbevesz

h abitation [hreb1'te1Jn] lakóhely
atmosphere ['retm;:isf1;:i] atmoszféra
co retain [n'tem] megtart
vita! [vart]] alapvető
greenhouse effect [ 'gri:nhaus r'fekt] üvegházhatás
to reflect [rr'flekt] visszaver
to absorb [;:ib's::i:b] elnyel
to radiate ['rerdre1t] sugárzik
prehiscoric [pri:h1'stonk] őskori
to regulate ['regj uleit] szabályoz
capacicy [b'pres;:it1] kapacitás
to diminish [dr'mmrJ] eltűnik
to deplete [d1'pli : t] vékonyodik

23 What causes the depletion of the ozone layer?

24 How can we protect the ozone layer?
Most of us don't think abouc how our everyday activities might influence the global environment.
An example is our use of sprays that pose a possible threat co the ozone layer. When released inco
the air, these chemicals disperse throughout the atmosphere. ln the upper atmosphere there is a
layer concaining a small amounc of ozone. The ozone layer is importanc co living beings because
it blocks harmful ulcraviolet rays from reaching the surface. A severe depletion of the ozone layer
would result in increasing cases of skin cancer, eye cataracts and suppression of the immune
system in humans and in other species. Food crops sensitive co ulrraviolet rays could also be
affecced. ln 1 984 a hole in the ozone layer was discovered over Antarctica. More recencly, it has
been discovered that a similar hole extends over che Arctic, Scandinavia and North America. We
can help protect the ozone layer by being careful about what chemicals we use co release into the
air. We should avoid che use of CFC-based propellants.

E N V I RO N M E NT 1 29
refrigerant [n'fnd3arant] hűtőszer
aerosol ('e;ir;isol] aeroszol
chemical ['kemrkl] vegyi anyag
to disperse [d1 'sp3:s] szétszóródik
to block [blok] gátol
harmful [ha:mfl] káros
harmless [' ha:ml;is] ártalmatlan
ulrraviolet [Altra'vai;ilat] ultraviola
ray [rei] sugár
eye cataract (ai 'kretarrekt] hályog
suppression (s;i'preJn] e/fojtás
immune [rm'ju:n] immun
to extend [1k'stend] kiterjeszt
propellant [pr;i'pebnt] hajtóanyag

2 5 What are some non-renewable and renewable energy resources?

a I know that there are two types of energy resources: renewable and 11011-renewable. We call
non-renewable resources rraditional resources, too. These can be fossil fuels, crop wastes,
animal dung. The reason they are called non-renewable is that the use of fossil fuels is limited.
The term fossil can mean that it is the residue of carbon. Mostly it is found under the ground
and includes oil, natural gas and coal. I have to agree wirh some environmemalists who claim
that rhe biggesr problem wirh fossil fuels is rhar rhey pollure rhe air to a large extent. As
rhey burn, a large amount of carbon monoxide is released into rhe armosphere. In order to
rackle the problem of using fossil fuels, people have come up wirh several types of renewable
energy resources. "Non-rraditional" renewable energy resources include hydro-power, modern
biomass, solar, wind, ocean and georhermal power.
b In my opinion using solar energy is a very good merhod. In order to have solar power you have
to use speciaI solar cells to collecr the rays of rhe sun. It has to be concentrated in large amounts
in order to be efficient. It is a very widespread merhod to heat water stored in large containers,
however, I believe it is rather time-consuming.
e If I 'm not misraken, biomass is also a type of renewable energy resource. It is an abbreviation
for biological mass, rhe amount of living material provided by a given area of the earrh's surface,
or by the organisms of a given type. Biomass energy is rhe fuel energy that can be derived
directly or indirecdy from biological sources.
d In order to use wind power, a windmill is the most essential machine. It converts wind imo
energy. It has several uses, for example milling grain, pumping warer and, obviously, generating
elecrricity. When it is used to generare electricity, it is also known as a wind turbine generator.
It is very widespread in some countries such as rhe Nerherlands, but in Hungary ir is srill ar a
very developmental stage. As far as I know, rhere are only two windmills in the country. In my
opinion, rhis is rhe best and most environment friendly way to make energy.
e We Hungarians are familiar with another type of renewable source, which is georhermal power.
The reason we know rhis method is that georhermal fl uids are even used to heat groups of

buildings in Budapest. Probably, the most famous use of geothermal power is the geysers of
Iceland where the majoriry of households use this kind of renewable energy resource.
f As I learnt in my Hisrory lessons, water and rivers have always been useful ro people. Firsr, early
setrlemenrs evolved around them, and then later they became imporranr for rransporration. Now
they are also useful for making energy. So we can see that hydroelecrric power is a narural resource
and it is available wherever a sufficienr volume of steady water Bow exists. The developmenr of
water-power roday requires extensive construction, including srorage lakes, dams, bypass canals,
and the installation of large rurbines and electriciry generating equipmenr.

renewable [n'nj u:;ibl] megújítható

non-renewable [nonn'nj u:;ibl] egyszer használható
dung [dA!)] trágya
ro a large extent [tu :i lo:d3 1k'stent] nagymértékben
to tackle the problem [tcekl ő;i 'probl;im] legyőzi a problémát
hydro-power [ha1dr;i'pau;i] vízerő
biomass [ 'ba10mres] biomassza
geothermal [d31:iu'83:m:il] geotermális, geotermikus
solar energy ['s;iul:i 'en:id31] napenergia
time-consuming [ 'ta1mbn 'sj u:nmJ] időigényes
organism ['::i:g:imzm] szervezet
windmill ['wmdnul] szélmalom
ro mill [nul] őröl
grain [grem] gabona
to pump [pAmp] pumpál
rurbine [ 't3:bam] turbina
geyser ['gi:z:i] gejzír
dam [dcem] gát
canal [k;i'nrel] csatorna
insrallarion [inst;i'le1Jn] bevezetés

26 Are you afraid of n uclear power pla nts?

a ln the past fifry years, several nuclear planrs have been built ro provide energy for large areas
through this method. However, I am reluctanr ro accept this energy resource. The reason is
that I fear aromic radiation and I don't rrust in rhe securiry of rhese planrs. I can cite several
accidenrs that have happened in the past decades. Although there are various safery precautions,
accidenrs can happen, like in the case of the two most infamous reactor accidenrs. ln 1 979, the
Three Mile Island power planr in the United States showed rhe dangers of nuclear planrs. Due
to mainrenance errors, some radioacrive gas escaped from rhe conrainmenr building causing
lirrle damage in rhe healrh of rhe people living nearby.
ln 1 986, a more serious incidenr alarmed the world. A Soviet nuclear reactor at Chernobyl
exploded and burned. According to the official reporr, the accidenr was caused by unauthorized
testing of the reacror by its operators. TI1e reactor went out of conrrol; there were two explosions,
the top of the reactor blew off, and the core was ignited, burning at temperatures of 1 500 °C.
Radiation abour 50 rimes higher than that at Three Mile Island affected people nearest to the

reaccor, and a cloud of radioacrive fallour spread wesrward. Radioacrive marerial spread over
Scandinavia, norrhern Europe and also over Hungary. Thousands of people died, most of rhem
years larer suffering from differenr rypes of cancer. The planr was encased in concrere and even
coday it is a forbidden area in rhe Ukraine.
ln Hungary, rhere is one nuclear planr in Paks. Alrhough ir is said co be very secure, I have
heard rhar rhere is a rarher big chance co ger cancer if you live in rhe neighbourhood.
b I believe rhar ir is only mass hysreria rhar nuclear reaccors suffer from. Alrhough rhere have been
accidenrs, bur accidenrs can happen anywhere and co anyone. I rhink rhar rhe most efficienr
way ro creare energy is wirh rhe help of nuclear power planrs. They can provide huge areas wirh
a large amounr of elecrriciry.

co be reluctanr [n' lAkt;mt] vonakodik

precaurion [pn ' b:Jn] elővigyázatosság
infamous [ 'mfam;is] hírhedt
mainrenance [ 'memt;in;ins] karbantartás
co ignire [19'nart] Lángra kap
fallour ['b:laut] radioaktív csapadék
co be encased [r1J'ke1st] bezárva Lenni
concrere [ 'kol)kri:t] beton
mass hysreria [mres hi'str;im] tömeghisztéria

2 What is the Greenpeace movement?

Greenpeace is an independenr organizarion rhar campaigns co prorecr rhe environmenr. Ir has
a worldwide membership of more rhan five million people. Greenpeace campaigns againsr
environmenral abuse, rhrough non-violenr direcr acrion. A famous Hungarian proresr was rhe
demonsrrarion againsr serring up a radar sysrem on Zengő, which proved co be effecrive. Acrivisr
rry co draw public arrenrion co such abuse by hazardous inrervenrions, and have, in rhe pasr,
enrered nuclear rest zones, blocked coxic effluenr pipes, placed rhemselves berween whale and
harpoon, and sreered infl.arable dinghies under dangerous wasre drums. Through such action
rhey have helped co scop underground nuclear resrs, closed a Unired States acomic test site,
infl.uenced the European Union co ban the import of seal skins, promoted the moracorium on
commercial whaling, and helped co ban rhe <lumping of toxic and radioactive nuclear waste ar
sea. 1l1ey have also worked to achieve protecrion for Anrarctica from exploitation by mining.
Nowadays, the organization is campaigning co protecr the armosphere (global warming), the
biodiversiry of forests and oceans (saving the rainforests, protecting whales and dolphins) .
Also, rhey want to end the coxic pollution through effluenrs, and nuclear power.

radar [ 're1da:] radar

activist [ 'rekt1v1st] aktivista
effluenr ['eílu;int] kiömlő, kifolyó, szennyvízelvezető
coxic ['toks1k] mérgező
harpoon [ha:'pu:n] szigony
infl.atable [m'íle1t;ibl] felfújható
dinghi ['d11Jg1] kis csónak, dingi
waste drum [we1st drAm] szeméttároló

seal [si:l] fóka
moratorium [morn't:,:n;im] moratórium, nyugvás
to ban [bren] betilt
exploitacion (ekspb1'te1Jn] kizsákmányolás
to mine [mam] bányászik
California condor
28 What are some endangered species?
As I am a big fan of animals, my biggesc concern is che excinccion of some species. Alchough I
have said some, there are thousands of endangered species all around the world. It means chac
chey are on che verge of exrincrion. These species include elephanrs hunred by poachers for rheir
ivory, che gianc panda for its rescricced habirar, rhe black rhinoceros because of rhe overhuncing
for irs horn, whales are also endangered due ro excessive huncing, rhe California condor as ic
lacks ics nacural food source, gorillas as a resulc of huncing and collecrion of rhe young, and
rhe lisc is almost endless. Alchough exrincrion is a normal process due to che cheory of nacural
selecrion, today ic has speeded up, as some species are unable to adapr to rhe fasr changes of rhe
environmenr. Besides rhe natural way, rhere are also orher causes for species being on rhe brink
of excincrion. I believe, it is us, humans, who have che biggesc responsibility for rhese causes. The
primary cause is the destruction of habitar. Drainage of wetlands, conversion of shrub lands ro
grazing lands, cutting and clearing of foresrs, urbanizarion and suburbanizarion, and highway
and dam consrruction have seriously reduced available habiracs. As rhe various habicacs become
fragmenced inco "islands", rhe remaining animal populacions crowd inco smaller areas, causing
further habicat destruction. Species in rhese small islands lose concact wirh other popularions
of rheir own kind, so rheir generic variarion is reduced and they become less adaprable ro
environmencal change. These small popularions are highly vulnerable to extinccion.
I am much against che commercial exploicacion of animals for food and other products. I rry
not to buy these products and I am also disgusted when I see someone in a real animal fur
coac or ocher garmencs, such as gloves, scarves or hars. We are also responsible for pollution,
which is anorher imporranc cause of exrincrions. For example, wacer pollucion and increased
water temperatures have wiped out endemic races of fish in several habitacs. Does chac mean
chac animals and plancs would have much better and nacural lives if rhere were no humans on
earrh? I believe so.

on che verge of extinccion [v3:d3 ov 1k' str1JkJn] kihalás szélén

on the brink of extinction [bnl)k ov 1k' st11JkJn] kihalás szélén
poacher ('p;iu tf;i] orvvadász
ivory ('arv;irr] elefántagyar, elefántcsont
habitat ['hrebrtret] lakóhely
rhinoceros [rar 'nos;ir;is] orrszarvú
horn [h:,:n] szarv, agyar
excess1ve [rk'sesrv] túlzott
to adapc to (;i'drept] alkalmazkodik
drainage ['dremrd3] lecsapolás
shrub [JrAb] cserje, bokor
endemic [en'denuk] helyrejellemző
grazing land ['greIZIIJ] legelő
urbanization [3:b;n1a1'ze1Jn] városiasodás
to fragment [fneg'ment] tagozódik
vulnerable ['vAln;ir;ib]] sebezhető
to wipe out [wa1p aut] eltöröl

,. What does WWF sta nd for?

WWF means World Wide Fund for Nature. It is an international voluntary organization
devoced to rhe care and conservation of rhe narural living world. Whenever I enter a post office
or a bank I encounter its emblem, which is rhe panda bear, which is on the verge of extinction . 3!
I always throw some coins into the box, and rhen I believe I have done something good to save
our planet. As I can read it on its leaflers, WWF was founded to reverse the degradarion of the
Earrh's environment through sustainable development, the conservarion of natural resources,
and the maintenance of biological diversiry. As I read its brochures I was highlighted by all the
issues rhey deal with such as global warming, sea pollution, road-building, toxic wasre, housing
development, the over-exploitation of natural resources, and the damage all these things can do
to life on Earth. The organization places particular emphasis on its education work, aiming to
ensure that both children and adulrs are well informed about the environment and to influence 3:
national and international policy decisions. As a reader of a lot of magazines I have learnt that
the WWF has already achieved a lor of success, for example saving Anrarctica from mineral
exploitation; reintroducing extinct animals to their narive homelands; gaining legal protection
for many plants and animals; establishing national parks and reserves to safeguard biologically
rich narural areas; and, not least, raising awareness and support around rhe world. I think I
will remain a supporter of the organisation and will encourage ochers to give some money to
save rhe endangered species.

voluntary [ ' vol;intrr] önkéntes

to be devoted to [d1'v;iut1d] odaadó
conservarion [kons;i'verJn] megőrzés
emblem ['embl;im] jelkép
to reverse [rr'v3:s] vissza/ordít
degradation [degr;i'de1Jn] lebomlás, romlás
sustainable [s;is'tem;ibl] fenntartható
national reserve [ ' meJ;in;i] n'z3:v] természetvédelmi terület
awareness [;i'we;im;is] tudatosság

30 Do you think a n imals should be protected or h u nting should be a l l owed?

31 What do you think of poachers?
Hunring to a certain exrenr is very important. ln order to prevent the overpopularion of 3
animals, it is a necessiry. However, excessive and illegal hunting should be restricted and
severely punished. There are a lot of people in the developed countries who j ust do hunring
for sport that is only for amusement and for no other specific purpose. Even in Hungary there
are a lot of poachers from foreign countries who hunt clown some endangered bírd species and
sell their meat on the black market. I believe rhese poachers should be fined for big amounts of
money and they should also be imprisoned for some time.

1 34 E NV I R O N M E NT E
The situation is a litde different in che underdeveloped countries where chese poachers are
hired by the rich to hunt, for example elephants for their ivory. As these poachers live in
poverry and poaching may be the only way for them to make ends meet, they don't care about
the killing of animals. ln this case the person who hires them should be punished.

overpopulation [:mv;:ipopj u 'le1Jn] túlnépesedés

to fine [fam] megbírságol
poverry [ 'pov;:itI] szegénység

32 Are you fa m i l i a r with a ny weather phenomena that influence our climate?

The most recent weather phenomenon that I have heard of is El Nino. It is a climatic
phenomenon that can cause changes in the Gulf Srream. As a result, there can be a change in
the climate of some pans of the world, the sea leve] can rise and lowlands can disappear. It can
bring droughts to most parts of South America.

phenomenon, phenomena [fa'nom;:in;m] jelenség

33 Do you believe i n l ife in outer space?

a I am very sceptical about life in the universe or on other planets. I have to see the signs of life
in order to believe in them. Although, I must confess that I enjoy movies that are about science
fiction and about encounters of the third kind. I always imagine myself meeting aliens. lt is a
very exciting topic and I would really like ro experience something like that, although, I know
that the universe is so vast that we have very linle chance to meet other civilizations.
b There must be life somewhere in the universe or in other galaxies. I always dream about aliens
coming from the Milky Way and making friends with them. I think that the universe is too big
for only one planet to be inhabited. I think that if there are aliens, they are watching us and
waiting for a much more peaceful world to come, because all they see is that we are desrroying
our own planet, so we would probably try to destroy them, too.

sceptical [ 'skept1kl] szkeptikus

to confess [bn'fes] bevall
encounter of the third kind [m'kaunt;:i] harmadik típusú találkozás
alien ['erh;:in] foldönkívüli
umverse ['ju:mV3:s] világegyetem
galaxy ['gcel;:iks1] galaxis
Milky Way ['mrlk1 we1] Tejút

34 H ave you ever seen a U FO?

a I have never seen a UFO and I don't think that UFOs exists at all. It is just the matter of some
people's imagination and nothing more than science ficrion.
b When I was younger, I saw a flying saucer with very colourful lights. It was flying over our
town and the following day it was even in the newspapers. There were also pictures of it. I once
met a man who told me that he had been kidnapped by UFOs, and he remembered everything
crystal clearly. It sounded so believable.

UFO [ju:ef';m] azonosítatlan repülő tárgy
flying saucer ['flarrIJ 's:,:s:i] repülő csészealj
to kidnap [ 'k1dmep] elrabol (embert)
crystal clearly [knstl 'kh:irh] kristálytisztán

35 C a n you mention some u nsolved myste ries?

There are so many mysteries all around the world. My favourite place, which I would like to visit
once, is Loch Ness with its monsrer, Nessie. I have heard so many stories about her that I would
really like to go rhere and see it for myself There are a lot of people who say that it is just a tourist
attraction that does not even exist, but I don't think that it is just the matter of imaginarion.
Another mystery is the Bermuda Triangle. That is a place I would never go to because I would
also be scared that I would disappear like many others have before.
Ali around the world there are a lot of imeresting and mysterious buildings and monumenrs rhat
we don't even know how, when and why they were creared. These places include Stonehenge
and the guardian stone faces on Easrer Island.

mysrery ['m1st:in] rejtély

monster ['monst:i] szörny
triangle ['trauengl] háromszög
mysterious [m1'st1;in;is] rejtélyes
monument ['monj um;int] emlékmű
guardian ['ga:dr:in] védő

Do you think that we will live on a nother p la net in the futu re?
a I don't rhink we will ever colonise orher planers because the condirions are not good to sustain
life. Although, if we continue to descroy our planet in chis crazy way and unless we stop over­
population, we would need to look for a solucion and chac might be our moon or a close planet.
b I think that in the very remote future, we will live on orher planets because Earth will be very
small for mankind. Our descendanrs will build artificial ciries, buc rhat life will be differenr
from that of people remaining here. If I lived in the future, I would not leave this planet,
because nothing would be able to compensare life on rhe blue planet.

to colonise [ 'kol;inaiz] gyarmatosít

to suscain [s;i'stem] fenntart
remote fucure [n'm;iut 'fju:tf;i] távoli jövő
descendam [d1'send;int] Leszármazott
to compensate [ 'komp;inse1t] kárpótol
arcificial [a:t1'f1Jl] mesterséges

37 H ow do you t h i n k we wi l l l ive in fifty years?

I think chac in fifry years we will depend on computers even more than we are now. I don't
think people will do any manual jobs, because robots will replace man. We will not travel by
car but by helicoprer or plane. We will not use petrol, bur solar energy. People will live much
longer and cancer and AIDS will be cured. Unfortunately, there will be more diseases which
will decimate mankind. People will not eat real food, but they will cake pilis instead. I would


not like to live in the furure, because with rhe appearance of computers, we lose contact with
each other and it is persona! relationships that will be ruined due to the advance of technology.

robot ['rwbot] robot

advance of technology [;)d'va:ns, tek'no!;}d3r] technológiai fejlődés


1 Damaging facts
a rropical rainforests are being destroyed
b plants and animals are on the verge of extinction
e supplies of oil and narural gas will be used up
d acid rain
e desertification
f climatic changes
g global warming

desertification [ dez;:itrfI'ke1Jn] elsivatagosodás

acid rain ['a:s1d rern] savas eső

N u c lea r ene rgy

a we need replacement for fuels like coal and oil
b it is safe
e nuclear waste can be disposed of safely and securely
d cheap
a other energy resources such as wind, wave and solar energy are cheaper
b risk of radiation
e accidents have occurred (Chernobyl)
d radioactive waste is dumped in the sea and remains active for hundreds of years

3 Fighting water poll ution

a grit removal
b screening
e grinding
d flocculation
e aggregation of the solids
f sedimentarion
g oxidation of dissolved organic matter
h filtering
granular filtration
carbon adsorption
gric removal [gnt n'mu:vdl] homokkő eltávolítása
screening ['skri:m!J] szitálás
grinding ['gramdnJ] darálás
flocculacion [ílokju'lerJn] flokkuláció
aggregacion [regr;}'ge1Jn] felhalmozás, kicsapódás
sedimencacion [sedrmen 'terJn] ülepedés
ro email [m'terl] velejáró
ro dissolve [dr's::dv] felold
sludge [slAd3] iszap
granular ['gnenjuld] szemcsés
adsorpcion [dd's::,:pJn] felszívódás

4 Endangered species
a cheecah j rhinoceros
b elephanc k whale
e panda l condor
d African wild ass m crane
e mouncain gazelle n crocodile
f snow leopard 0 road
g Asiatic lion p curde
h ciger q gianc cacfish

cheetah ['tft :t;}] gepárd

ass [res] szamár
gazelle [g;}'zel] gaze!La
orangutan [ ::,: ra:IJ u: 'tren] orángután
whale [werl] bálna
crane [krem] daru
road [tdud] varangyos béka
cacfish ['ka:tfIJ] harcsa
curde [t3:tl] teknős

Reasons for being on the brink of exti n ction

a habitat destruccion
b habicat degradation
e pollucion
d overhuncing
e poaching
f poisoning
g construction of roads
h conscruction of dams

6 N o n -renewable energy resources
a coal
b oil
e natural gas

7 Renewa ble ene rgy resou rces

a solar energy
b biomass
e wind power
d hydro-power
e geothermal power
f ocean power
:1t1 1 1 • . .

Hungary, Political system, European Union, Living standards, Economy,
lndustry, Agriculture, lnfrastructure, Professional army, Bearing arms,
owledge by answering the questions below. Tick t e o s ou
y an er.

D What are the rhree branches of government?

2 D What are the major policical panies in Hungary?
3 D What are the major polirical parcies in Britain?
4 D Whac are the major polirical parcies in che Uniced Sraces?
5 Dwhat is the election sysrem like?
6 D How do people vote in Britain?
7 D What do you know of rhe American election sysrem?
8 D Do you think it was a good idea ro join rhe European Union?
9 D What is rhe European Union?
10 D What are the organizations of rhe European Union?
11 D How is Hungary represenred in the European Union?
12 D Are there more opportunities for people now rhar we are EU members?
13 D Can studenrs go ro universiry anywhere in rhe European Union?
14 D What do you know about rhe economy of our country?
15 D How developed is our agriculrure?
16 D How important is indusrry in Hungary?
17 D Do Hungarian people rend ro work in orher EU countries rather rhan in Hungary?
18 D Is our standard of living higher now rhar we are an EU member?
19 D What are some major economic problems?
20 D What needs ro be improved in Hungary?
21 D What is rhe rransporrarion sysrem like?
22 D Are rhere any stereorypes rhat you are familiar wirh?
23 D Whar are some groups rhat are discriminated against?
24 D Do you rhink it is a good idea ro have a professional army?
25 D What would you do if a war broke out?
26 D Do you think Hungary is protected well?
27 D Should bearing arms be allowed?

28 D What is terrorism ?
29 D How can you fight terrorism?
30 D What is done to prevem terrorism?
31 D What are the feacures of a Third World country?

1 What are the three branches of government?
ln a democracy it is a well-accepted practice to have three branches of the governmem which
can check and balance each other. These are the legislative, the execurive and the judicial
branches. The f üst branch responsible far law-making is called the legislative branch. ln
Hungary, the Parliamem acts as the legislacure of the country. We have a unicameral system,
which means that rhere is only one house as opposed to the British and the American systems.
ln the Hungarian Parliamem rhere are ...... represemarives who are elected to four-year terms.
ln order to pass a bili, there has to be a single majoriry in most cases. There are some bilis,
however, which require a cwo-rhirds majoriry. When a bili is passed, it is sem to the Presidem
who can veco ir or sign ir. lr happens very rarely rhar he actually vecoes ir.
ln Britain, the legislative body is bicameral. Ir comprises the House of Commons, which is
rhe lower house and the House of Lords, rhe upper house. ln the United Srares, there is also a
bicameral system with the House of Represencatives and the Senare making up rhe cwo houses
of the Congress.
The head of the srate in Hungary is the President, elected by the Parliament to a five-year term.
The Parliamenc also chooses the Prime Minister and his cabiner. In realiry, this vote is just an
approval because these people are chosen by the governing parry or parties. So in functional
terms, it is the Prime Minister who is the head of the government.
ln Britain, the monarch is the head of the state, but since there is constitutional monarchy, he/
she acts as a ceremonial head and signs every bili. le is very much like in Hungary where the
Presidem has ceremonial roles and not coo much power.
The executive power in the USA is vested in the Presidenc, elected to four-year terms. He is
the one who signs or vecoes a bill, however even his veco can be overruled by the legislative
branch, too.
ln Hungary, the Supreme Court acts as the final appellate court. On the lower levei there are
counry, discricr and municipal courts presided over by a professional judge and rwo lay assessors.
ln the United Kingdom, the four countries (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
have their own judiciary system. What is similar about them is common law and precedent
law. Since the country is the member of the EU, European Communiry law takes precedenc
in certain cases.
ln the United States the Supreme Court functions as the final court of appeal and also as
a constitutional court. It decides whether a law is constitutional or unconstitutional, thus
checking the powers of the füst two branches of governmenr. The head of the Supreme Courc
is the Cliief
l;, ,J, i
legislarive [ 'led31sl;it1v] törvényhozói
legislarion [led31s'le1Jn] törvényhozás
executive [1g'zekj utIV] végrehajtói
judicial [d3u'drJI] bírói
legislature [ ' led31sle1tf;i] törvényhozás
unicameral [iu:m'hem;ir;il] egykamarás
bicameral [ba1'hem;ir;il] kétkamarás
bili [bII] törvénytervezet
majoricy [m;i'd3ont1] többség
ro vero ['vi:t;iu] megvétóz
ro comprise [bm'pra1z] áll valamiből
House of Commons [haos, 'kom;inz] Alsóház
House of Lords [haos. b:dz] Lordok Háza / Felsőház
House of Represencarives [haus. repr;i'zent;itIVz] Képviselőház
Senate ['sen;it] Szenátus
term [t3:m] ciklus
constitution [konstr'tju:Jn] alkotmány
constitutional monarchy [konstr'tju:J;inl 'mon;ikr] alkotmányos monarchia
to govern ['g,w;in] kormányoz
ceremonial [ser;i'm;imml] ünnepélyes
ro be vesred ['vestrd] fel van ruházva
ro overrule [;iuv;i'ru:l] érvénytelenít
Supreme Court [s;i'pri:m b:t] Legfelsőbb Bíróság
appellare [;i'pelrt] fellebbviteli
to appeal [;i'pr;il] fellebbez
to preside over [pn'za1d] elnököl
lay assessor [le1 ;i'ses;i] ülnök
unconsriturional [Ankonstr'tj u :J ;inl] alkotmányellenes
jury ['d3u;in] esküdtszék
juror ['d3u;ir;i] esküdt
Chief Justice [tfi:f 'd3Astrs] legfelsőbb bíró

2 What a re the major political parties in H u ng a ry?

Nowadays Hungary is shifting rowards a bi-parcy sysrem similar ro the one in Britain and rhe
Unired Srares. Ir means rhar rhere are 2 major parties and some smaller ones. As a resulr of
the latest elections, five parries have sears in rhe Hungarian Parliament, also called Narional
Assembly. These are the Hungarian Civic Union (FIDESZ) , rhe Hungarian Socialisr Parry
(MSZP) , the Christian Democratic Parry (KDNP) , the Movement For A Better Hungary
(JOBBIK) and the Polirics Can Be Differenr. After the elecrions a coalition was ser up by
FIDESZ and KD P. The other parties are in opposition. So since rhe change of rhe regime
every elecrion has broughr about changes in the make-up of rhe government.

1 42 POLi Ti CS
to shift towards [Jrft] elmozdul, eltolódik
pluralism ['plu:r;ilrzm] többpártrendszer
alliance [;i'la1;ins] szövetség
coalition [bu;i'l!Jn] koalíció
make-up ['merkAp] összetétel
consistency [bn's1st;ins1] következetesség

3 What a re the major political p a rties i n B rita i n?

ln Britain, che governing party is the Conservacive Party (also called the Torries) headed by
David Cameron. The second biggest party is the Labour Party. There are also some smaller
parties, which secured some seats in the House of Commons.

conservative [bn's3:v;itrv] konzervatív

Labour Party ['lerb;i 'pa:tI] Munkáspárt

4 What a re the major political p a rties in the U n ited States?

The United States traditionally has a cwo-party system, although there are some smaller parties
that never play any significant role in the American political life. So the two major parties are
the Democracic and the Republican Parcy.

Republican Party [rr'pAblikn 'pa:t1] Republikánus Párt

Democratic [dem;i'knet1k] demokrata

5 What is the election system l i ke?

The voting procedure is rather difficult in Hungary. There are ...... members in the Parliament.
...... of them are direcdy elected from local districts. ...... are elected on a proportional basis
from councy and metropolitan lists, and the remaining ...... are indirecdy chosen from national
lists formerly made up by the competing parties. ln order to send MPs to Parliament from a
lisr, a party has to reach at least 5 per cent of the votes.

procedure [prn'si:d3;i] folyamat

proportional [pr;i' p:i:J;inl] arányos

6 H ow do people vote in B rita i n?

ln Britain, Members of the House of Commons are elected by universal suffrage from
geographical constituencies. The voting age is eighteen. A constituency approximates a
population of 60,000, so the number of constituencies can vary based on che tora! number of the
nation's population, too. By law, MPs are elected to 5-year terms unless Parliament is dissolved.

suffrage ['sAfnd3] szavazójog

constituency [bn'st1tju;ins1] választókerület
to approximate [;i'proksrmert] megközelít
to dissolve [d1'zolv] Jeloszlat

7 What do you know of the American election system?
ln the United States, representatives ro che House of Representatives are elected every two
years. There are alrogether 43 5 representacives and the seats are allotted following the rule of
proportional representation, meaning that a more populous state has more representatives,
while a scarcely populated one has fewer. ln the upper house, the Senate, there are one hundred
Senarors, elected for six years, based on the law of equal representation. Since chere are fifry
states, each sends two senarors ro Capirol Hill.

ro allot [;i'lot] kioszt

populous [ ' popjul;is] népes

8 Do you t h i n k it was a good idea to join the E u ropea n U n ion?

a l believe that ic was very good that the majoriry of the people voced for che accession ro che
European Union at the referendum. l expect that we will have a much better life and l hope
that our living standard will near that of the developed EU countries. It is also good for the 1
fact that we can go and scudy abroad and even start a career in the country that you prefer and
which allows you ro work there. So l must emphasise chac the accession will bring about more
opportunities for everybody in Europe.

b l am much against Hungary's accession ro the European Union, because l believe that we will
lose our identiry and in the fucure, nobody will know anything about the Hungarian culcure as
multi-culcuralism will spread all over Europe. l chink we will be exploited by the richer nations
of Europe. l chink chat a lot of people have been fooled about the EU, because we expecc better
opportunities, buc most countries won't even give us work permit.

referendum [ refa' rend;im] népszavazás

living standard ['ITVII) ' stcend;id] életszínvonal
to near [m;i] közelít

9 What is the E u ropean U n ion?

The European Union (EU) is a European supranational organization which is dedicaced ro
increasing economic integration and strengthening cooperation among its member scates. The
European Union was established on November l , 1 993, when the Treary on European Union,
or Treary of Maastricht, was ratified by che 12 members of the European Communiry (EC)­
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, lcaly, Luxembourg, che Necherlands,
Portugal, Spain, and che United Kingdom. Upon racification of che treary, the countries of the
EC became members of the EU. Austria, Finland, and Sweden joined che EU in 1 99 5 . Later
further countries (Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Esronia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta,
Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Croatia) also rook up membership, bringing the number of
member countries in the EU up ro 28 by 20 1 3 .

Under the Treary o n European Union, European citizenship was granted r o citizens o f each
member scate. Cusroms and immigration agreements were enhanced ro allow European cicizens
greater freedom ro live, work, or scudy in any of the member states, and border controls were
relaxed. A single European currency was introduced in January 2002 when the Euro replaced
the national currencies of many EU nations. Denmark, Sweden, and the United Kingdom
have not joined the single currency.

accession [rek'seJn] csatlakozás
supranational [su:pr;i'nreJ;ml] nemzetek feletti
ro be dedicated ro ['ded1ke1t1d] odaadó
economic [i:b'nom1k] gazdasági
economical [i:k;i'nonukl] gazdaságos
European Communiry [jo;ir;i'pi:;in bm'j umtr] Európai Közösség
ro ratify ['rretrfa1] jóváhagy
treary ['tri:t1] egyezmény, szerződés
ro be granred ['gro:ntrd] megadják neki
ro enhance [m'ha:ns] fokoz, erősít, hangsúlyoz
ro relax [n'lreks] lazít
currency ['kArnns1] pénznem, valuta

1 0 What are the organizations of the European Union?

In the European Union, the decision making process is split berween the governmenrs of the
member states and the European institutions. The European Parliamenr and the European
Commission are administered by the EU, while the Council of Ministers is composed of
ministers from rhe governmenrs of the 27 states.
The European Commission is the executive branch of the EU. Policy proposals are made
and presenred by them ro the Council of Ministers. The Commission is also responsible for
inrernational economic relations, delivering aid ro other counrries and handling funds.
The Council of Ministers is the legislative body of the EU. Ir is composed of the Cabinet
ministers of the member governmenrs.
Summit meetings among the rop leaders of the member states are held at least once every six
monrhs. This meeting is called by the country holding the presidency of the Council Ministers.
This meeting of heads of state is called the European Council.
The European Parliamenr is the only body of the EU whose members are direcrly chosen by
the citizens of the member states. ln Hungary and in most member states, the !ast election was
held in the year 2 . . . , according the which the . . . . . . (e.g. the European People's Parry) has the
largest faction in the EP. The main body meets in Strasbourg, however most of the commirree
work is carried out in Brussels. The secretariat is based in Luxembourg. There are alrogether
732 seats allorred in proporrion ro the population of the states.
There are individual committees of the European Parliamenr. Their role is to review legislation
proposed by the European Commission. These commirrees ofren propose amendmenrs to
the legislation before submirring it ro the Council of Ministers. The parliamenr may vero a
proposal afrer it reaches the Council of Ministers if it disagrees with the council's position.
The European Parliamenr also works with the Council of Ministers on the EU budget and can
rejecr a budget plan if agreemenr cannot be reached within the council.
The third branch is the Courr of Justice which is the final arbiter in all matters of EU law.
The courr is composed of 25 judges and 8 advocates-general, who are appoinred ro renewable
six-year terms, with at least one from each member country. The courr deals with disputes
berween member governmenrs and EU institutions and among EU institutions, and with

:ioLITICS 1 45
appeals againsr EC rulings or decisions. Courrs of rhe member srares ofren refer cases involvin�
an unclear poinr of EU law ro rhe Court of Jusrice. The rulings of rhe Courr of Jusrice sec lega..
precedenrs and become parr of rhe legal framework of each member srare.

ro splir [spin] eloszt

ro adminisrer [;:id'mmrst;:i] vezet, kormányoz, irányít
proposal [pr;:i'p;:iuzl] javaslat
Council of Minisrers [kaunsl ;:iv 'mmrst;:iz] Miniszterek Tanácsa
summir ['sAm1t] csúcs
commirree [b'mnr] bizottság
secretariat [sekrn'te;:imt] titkárság
ro review [n'vju : ] átnéz
amendmenr [;:i'mendm;:int] kiegészítés, változtatás
ro amend [;:i'mend] kiegészít, megváltoztat
ro submit [s;:ib'm1t] benyújt
budger [ ' bAd31t] költségvetés
arbirer ['a:b1t;:i] döntőbíró
ro be composed of [bm'p;:iuzd] áll valamiből
dispure [dr'spju:t] vita
precedenr [' pres;:id;:in t] precedens
framework [ ' fre1mw3:k] keret

1 How is Hungary represented in the European Union?

Hungary has twenry-two seats in rhe European Parliamenr. The firsr election ro rhe EP wa
held on June 13, 2004. As a resulr of rhe laresr elecrion in ...... , the Hungarian Civic Union
(FIDESZ) secured ...... seats, rhe Hungarian Democraric Forum managed ro ger ......sear, The
Movemenr For A Berrer Hungary gor ...... sears and rhe Hungarian Socialisr Parry gor ...... sear
in rhe European Parliament. Most of rhese delegates have joined the faction of the European
People's Parry, which consrirures rhe largesr fracrion in rhe European Parliamenr. ln Hungary,
vorers casr rheir vores in favour of rhe narional lisr of rheir chosen parry. A representarive in rhe
European Parliament cannot also be rhe member of rhe Narional Assembly.

ro secure [sr'kj o;:i] biztosít

ro constirure ['konstrtju:t] áll valamiből
delegate ['dehg;:it] küldött
ro casr one's vore [ka:st wAnz v;:iot] szavaz

1 Are there more opportunities for people now that we are E U members?
Wherher we have more opporruniries or nor is a difficulr quesrion ro answer. Some say rhar
as rhe borders have opened up, and rhere is a free flow of workforce, people have a chance ro
go abroad and work for berrer wages. Ir is probably rrue for cerrain groups. People working in
rhe medical profession are wanred all over rhe conrinent and since Hungary rradirionally has
good medical educarion, ir is likely rhar young docrors, nurses will opt for working in berrer
condirions. Obviously, rhe mosr imporrant facror is speaking a language fluendy. No marrer how
good .i are ar whar you do, if you don't speak the language of the target counrry, you are losr.
.ffl A'i�II
However, if we want to compare opportuniries now, and opportu11ities a few decades ago, rhe
resulr is evidenr. As under rhe communisr regime even rravelling was resrricted, now you can
even start an enterprise in another Europea11 country, something that our parents never eve11
dared to thi11k of.

,: medical ['med1kl] orvosi

evident ['ev1dgnt] egyértelmíí
enterprise ['entgprarz] vállalkozás
to dare [deg] merészel

1 Can students go to university anywhere in the European Union?

O11e of the basic ideas of the European Union is to forbid a11y ki11d of discrimination based on
011e's ethnicity. That means a11yone can srudy in any educatio11al instirution around che EU if
he/she meets the requirements. You have to apply to a university, pay a registration fee a11d take
the entrance exam if necessary. In most EU countries, higher education is nor free. This means
that you have to pay a tuition fee if you want to study in che given country. However, there
are countries where ruition is free. These are Luxemburg, Maira, Greece, the Czech Republic,
Pola11d a11d De11mark. I11 a few countries there is 110 tuition fee but a membership fee rhar
is compulsory to pay to a university organization. These countries include Fi11land, Swede11,
Germany and Cyprus.

to forbid, forbade, [fa'b1d, fa'be1d, fa'b1d11] megtilt

discrimi11ation [drskrn111'11e1Jn] megkülönböztetés
eth11icity [e8'111sgt1] etnikum
regiscration fee [red31'stre1Jn fi:] beiratkozási díj

1 What do you know about the economy of our country?

Before the Seco11d World War Hu11gary's economy was primarily based on agriculrure. Afrer the
Communists rook over, a large-scale induscrializarion started. Neglecting the acrual 11eeds, the
governmenrs forced the development of heavy indusrry, which rurned out to be a failure a11d
the country almost went bankrupt. With the transition to democracy in 1 990, the country's
economy was placed under rhe principles of a free market economy. This opened the country
to rourism, which became a11 inregral part of Hungary's economy.

large-scale [la:d3 skeil] nagymértékű

industrializarion [mdAstngJa1'ze1Jn] iparosítás
failure [' feiljg] meghiúsulás
to go bankrupt [ggu 'brel)krnpt] csődbe megy
bankruptcy [ 'breIJkrAps1] csőd
integral ['mtrgrgJ] szorosan kapcsolódó

1 5 How developed is our agriculture?

World War II brought about big changes i11 Hungary's agriculture. Earlier, the country had put
much more emphasis on agriculture rhan 011 industry, however, as the forced i11duscrialization
scarted under the communist regime, a lor of farmers and peasants were made to leave their

1 47
lands and move to the big cities. Luckily, the change of the system reversed this process. Now
more and more people turn to agriculrure, however, we srill have a huge handicap behind our
western European counterparts. Their equipment and methods are much more developed than
As for rhe lands, approximarely 60 per cent of Hungary is arable. Before the change of the
regime, almost all these arable farms were socialized into collective and state farms. Then
whoever wished to cultivate the land gor a share of it. Cereal grains are the most important
crops. They account for half of the tatai planting of rhe country. The leading agricultural
products are wheat, sugar beet, barley, maize, pocaroes, sunflower seed and rye.
Livescock mainly includes chickens, pigs, cactle, geese and sheep.

to bring about [bnIJ ;)' baut] előidéz

peasant [' peZ;)Il(] paraszt
handicap [' hrendrkrep] hátrány
arable [' ret;)bl] művelhető
co cultivate [' k,\ltrve1t] megrníivel
cereal [' S!;)fl;)!] gabona
sugar beec ['Jog;) bi:t] cukorrépa
barley [' ba:h] árpa
ma1ze [merz] kukorica
wheat [wi:t] búza
sunflower seed ['sAnílau;) si:d] napraforgómag
rye [ra1] rozs
livescock ['laIVstok] állatállomány
catde (pl. cattle) [kretl] szarvasmarha
goose (pl. geese) [gu:s, gi:s] liba
sheep (pl. sheep) [Ji:p] birka

1 How important is industry in Hungary?

Hungary is very limited in nacural resources, so che country has co import raw macerials for
ics induscries. During che Communist regime, all mines were exploited by the scace, however,
now most of chem have eicher gone bankrupc or have gone co che hands of privace owners.
The most importanc subsurface resources are coal, natural gas, bauxice and oil. Thus che
leading manufacturers include sceel mills, aluminium facrories, cement faccories. Ocher major
manufacturers include leacher foorwear, pharmaceucical produccs, buses, craccors, celevision
and radio sets, chemicals, ferrilizers, prefabricared building macerials and car parcs.

narural resources [' nretf;)t;)l ri: ' s:,:s12] természeti erőforrás

subsurface ['sAbs3:fas] felszín alatti
bauxite [' b:,:ksart] bauxit
sceel mill [sti:l m1l] acélgyár
cement [sr'ment] cement
manufacturer [mrenj u 'frektf;)rn] gyártó
leacher ['lefo] bőr

footwear [' futwe;i] lábbeli
pharmaceutical [fa:m;i'sju:t1kl] gyógyszerészeti
ferrilizer [ ' fa:tda1z;i] műtrágya
prefabricated [pri: ' frebnkeitid] előre gyártott

1 7 Do H u ng a ri a n people fend to work i n other E U cou ntries rather than i n

H u n g a ry?
Leaving one's homeland is a very difficulc step to take. It is mainly che young wichouc families
who take the opportunity to start a career in another European country. Young girls, for
example, spend a year or two in another country after secondary school. They work as nannies
or au-pairs. It is very useful for them because the best way ro acquire a language is immersion
in its culture. Moreover, they earn enough money to bring back home and they are then ready
to start university. Some say that it is harder for young men to get a job abroad, however, a lot
of them can fi. n d one in the fi.eld of catering as barrenders or cooks.

career [b 'rnr] karrier

nanny [' rnem] dajka
immersion [1'm3:3n] elmerülés
catering ['ke1t;inIJ] étkeztetés
bartender ['ba:tend;i] pultos

1 8 Is o u r sta nd a rd of living higher now that we a re a n E U member?

Unfortunately, most people had really great expectations rowards the European Union,
however, these dreams have not been realized yet. The big problem is that people chink that it
is a quick process to catch up with the other countries of the EU but it is not. The situation
was the same after the collapse of communism. People thought that democracy would bring a
higher standard of living and a much better world. Then they füst realized the disadvamages
of rhe change; a lot of people were made redundant, prices increased and wages did not follow
the rising prices. The gap between the rich and the poor widened, almost totally demolishing
the middle-class.
I believe we should be more optimisric and trust that in rhe long run, our lives will improve,
our salaries will match those of our European coumerparrs and not only their prices.

to realize one's dreams [ ' mlarz wAnz dri:mz] valóra váltja az álmait
to be made redundant
[me1d n 'dAnd;int]
gap [g::ep] szakadék
to demolish [d1'mohJ] lerombol
to widen ['wa1d;in] kiszélesedik, kitágul

1 9 What a re some major economic prob lems?

Most of the economic problems that we have nowadays derive from the legacy of the past. \Y/e
became almost indebted during the communist era and asked for loans from imernational
organizations like the Imernational Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Whatever was
wasted by the people some decades ago we must take responsibility for it. Paying back all this

1 49
money brings about several problems like inflation. Anorher big trouble that we have to face
is that foreign businesses are leaving the country, because they find cheaper labour force in the
Ukraine or in Romania. Alrhough the government is rrying to attract rhem with tax cuts and
subsidies, it is not worrh employing Hungarians. So one of rhe most serious issues to tackle i
the rising number of unemployed people. ln rhis respect, rhe country is divided geographically.
ln rhe old mining areas of the norrh-east, the rate of unemployment is much higher rhan in the
west. Although relocation would solve some problems, Hungarians tend to be homebound,
meaning rhat leaving their homes is not an option for them.

to derive from [d1'rarv] származik

legacy ['leg :m] öró"kség
inflation [m'fle1Jn] infláció
tax cut [tceks kAt] adócsökkentés
subsidy ['sAbs1d1] segély
to subsidise ['sAbsrdarz] segélyez
lnternational Monetary Fund [mt;i'nceJ;ml 'mAnltn fAnd] Nemzetközi Valutaalap
unemployed [ Amrn'pb1d] munkanélküli
relocation [ri:l;iu'ke1Jn] áthelyezés
homebound ['h;iumbaund] otthonához ragaszkodó

What needs to be improved in Hungary?

a The country needs to improve in all walks of life. ln my opinion the most important thing
to change is the Hungarian way of rhinking. The srereotyped Hungarian !ikes to complain a
lot instead of doing something ro change the problemaric issue. We rend ro live in rhe pasr
and reminisce about our heroes and revolutions, but looking into rhe furure is a big miss. If
something bad happens, it is for sure rhat we will start putting rhe blame on somebody else.
We are inclined to envy rhe success of rhe others and rhe English idiom suggesring rhat the
grass is always greener on rhe other side of rhe fence is complerely true of us. Unless our way of
rhinking changes, we won't get forward, so rhere is no need to cite problems of rhe economy,
or rhose of our present education sysrem, rhe behaviour of polirical parties, rhe high taxes, etc.
lt is us who should change firsr.
b I believe rhar as we joined rhe European Union, we can expect improvement in every field.
Alrhough we should nor anticipate rhese changes to rake place overnighr bur in rhe long run.
Still, changes are more rhan necessary. Quire a lor of people srick to rhe belief rhar a lor of
things are good as they are, however, they do nor realise rhat it is rhe age of information and we
will not get ahead if we ding to the old sysrems like a leech.

stereotype ['sternta,p] sztereotípia

to rend to [tend] hajlamos
ro reminisce [rem1' 111s] emlékezik
hero ['h1;ir;iu] hős
heroine ['her;ium] hősnő
to be inclined ro do sg [1IJ'klarnd] hajlamos
to envy ['env1] irigyel
to be green with envy [gri:n wró 'envr] sárga az irigységtől

1 50 P O L i Ti C S
t o cite [san] felidéz, idéz
to ancicipace [�n't1sdpe1t] vár
in che shorc run [J:i:t rA11] rövid távon
in che long run [IDIJ rt..n] hosszú távon
to ding to sg like a leech [kinJ, li:tf] két kézzel kapaszkodik;
tapad rá, mint a pióca

21 What is the transportation system like?

le is che River Danube which serves as che arcery of che Hungarian cransportacion system. Wich
its navigable affiuencs, it provides low-cost transit for a large portion of the domescic freighc
and passenger craffic. Wich che Danube, chere is access to che Black Sea and the markets of che
Balkans and che souch-eascern part of che continenc.
The road syscem is not in very good condicion. There are a loc of minor roads where cravelling
ac night can be very risky due to che lack of repairs and somecimes che lack of signs. The biggesc
problem wich che road syscem is chac it is totally cencralized. ln Hungary all roads lead to
Budapest, and having no ring roads around che capical, one has to go chrough che city in order
to get from one part of che country to che ocher. There are only four motorways/curnpikes in
Hungary, for which you have to pay a toll if you wanc to use chem. You can buy a sticker which
allows che motorist to drive on che motorway for a cercain period of cime.
The railway lines have gone chrough some changes in che pasc decade. Most of che major lines
have been electrified. Wich che appearance of lncercity trains, it is more comfortable to cravel
long distances wichout getting scuck in a craffic jam.
Hungary hasn'c goc a scare-owned airline bur foreign airlines are also available. Most of che
flights are served by che big incernational airport in Budapest. Recencly some smaller airporcs
have been opened, especially in che courisr areas. As low-cosc airlines appeared in Hungary,
cravelling to some European destinarions by air is nor a dream any more.
arcery ['a:t�m] fiJútvonal
navigable ['n�v1gdbl] hajózható
affiuenc ['�íludnt] mellékfolyó
low-cosc ['!dukost] olcsó
domestic [dd'rnest1k] hazai, belfoldi
freighc [fre1t] teher
cencralized [" sentrdla1zd] központosított
ring road ['rnJgrdud] körgyűrű
motorway ['rndutdwe1] autópálya
turnpike (US) ['t3:npa1k] fizetős sztráda
toll [tdul] úthasználati díj
sticker ['strb] matrica
motorist ['rndutdnst] autós
eleccrify [1'lektnfa1] villamosít, felvillanyoz
to get scuck [get stt..k] beragad
traffic jam [ 'tr�fik d3�rn] dugó
low-cost airline ['ldukost 'edrlam] fapados légitársaság
destination [destr'ne,Jn] célállomás

I C :: ?OLITICS 1 51
22 Are there a ny stereotypes that you are fa m i l i a r with?
a There are a lot of stereotypes that I am familiar with. Ir is said that, for example, German
people have no sense of humour. I find it true, because I have a lot of German friends and they
don't understand the jokes and the punch-lines. They can be very boring sometimes. Another
stereotype is that British people are very bad cooks. I have to agree with it, too, because all I
saw in Britain was fish and chips restaurants, and all tasted the same.
b In Hungary, there are a lot of stereotypes in connection with Gypsy people. They are said to be
lazy and unwilling to work. I must disagree with stereotyping people. I have some gypsy friends
and they are not lazy at all. It is true that they cannot find jobs easily, but this is because of other
people who have prejudice against this minority.

sense of humour [sens ;:iv 'hju:m;:i] humorérzék

punch-line ['p1rntflam] poén, csattanó
unwilling (,rn'wrlnJ] nem hajlandó
prejudice ['pred3udrs] előítélet
minority [ma1'nor;:it1] kisebbség

2 3 What a re some groups that a re discri m i n ated agai nst?

There are several groups that suffer discrimination. Disabled people are one ofthem. Ir happens
quite often that people suffering from menta! or physical disabilities are treated less favourably.
People with disabilities have been consistenrly discriminated against both in employment and
in other areas of life.
Religious groups are also discriminated against. However, it is different all over the world.
Luckily, in Hungary we don't see religious discrimination.
In history there have been different types of discriminations. The most serious ones were
putting the Jews in concentration camps during World War II and the system of apartheid in
Sourh Africa. Today, a lot of Muslim countries still retain gender-based discrimination against

concentration camp (kons;:in'trerJn kéemp] koncentrációs tábor

24 Do you t h i n k it is a good idea to h ave a p rofessional a rmy?

a I totally agree with the fact that Hungary has a professional army. People who do not want
to be in the army would just suffer there, as they would probably have better chings to do.
Moreover, before this system was introduced, the training of drafted soldiers had not been
satisfactory. The condicion of the buildings, weapons and vehicles was rather poor. To sum it
up, I think it is a good idea to get rid of che conscription of people who do not want to become
b I think we should have kepe the conscription system because every man needs to experience the
feeling of serving our armed forces. It changes people to be better, to be more disciplined and
to feel respect for each other. If che country were attacked, we would have men in reserve who
could be well-trained and prepared for everything.

professional army [pr;:i'feJ;:inl] hivatásos hadsereg

to draft [dra:ft] besoroz
training [ 'trem11J] kiképzés
sacisfactory [ slet1s' frekt:m] kielégítő
weapon [ 'wep:m) fegyver
vehicle ['vi:rkl] jármű
conscriprion [bn'skrrpJ11] sorozás
armed forces [a:md 'fo:s1z] fegyveres erők
i11 reserve [n'Z3:v) tartalékos szolgálatban

25 What would you do if a war broke out?

a I would probably leave rhe country if a war broke out. l would 110c want to risk my life and che
life of my family. We have soldiers who can prorecr rhe country and since l am nor trained ac
all, l do 110c want to be a marryr and die on che barclefield. There are so many modern weapons
nowadays, rhar we would have very lirrle chances to survive i11 che case of a war. If ir was a
nuclear war, even moving to a11orher country would noc help, because l rhink rhar if rhere were
a nuclear war, a whole nuclear holocausc would follow rorally desrroying our planec.
b If there was a war, l would immediately join the army a11d protect my homeland. le is not
Durch courage. l would really take up arms agai11st the e11emy. I chink that ic is everybody's
responsibiliry to do everything for rhe motherland.

barrlefield ['bietlfrld) csatamező

nuclear ['11ju:kh::i] nukleáris
Dutch courage [dAtf 'kAnd3] alkoholból merített bátorság
motherland ['mAő::il iend] anyaország

26 Do you think H ungary is protected well?

ln my opinion, Hungary is a small country and it could easily be overrun a11d occupied by an
aggressor. Thac is why it is good char we are part of rhe Norrh Aclantic Treary Organisacion
(NATO), because if we were attacked, other NATO countries would rush to help us out. Alone
it would be very difficult to defe11d our borders.

to overrun [::iuv::i'rnn] Lerohan

to occupy ['okj upai] elfoglal
to defend [d1'fend) megvéd
ro rake up arms [te1k, a:mz] fegyvert ragad

2 7 Should bearing arms be allowed?

a I believe that it should be our basic right ro bear arms because if we were attacked, we would
easily be able ro prorecr ourselves. There are so many criminals nowadays who run around
possessing guns illegally, so I rhink char a common person can be che viccim of crime very
easily. As bearing arms is illegal now, it means rhat only crimi11als can get hold of guns and they
do noc hesicate ro use chem.
b I am much againsc bearing guns because chey can be used in che wrong way. Even children can
find rhem in rheir parencs' cabinets and chey don'c know whar ro do wich chem. ln che Uniced
Srares, where keeping gu11s is the conscicurional righr of people, rhere is a lor of crime as a
consequence of possessing guns.

POLi Ti C S 1 53
ro bear arms [bed a:mz] fegyvert visel
criminal ['knmmdl] bűnöző
ro possess [púes] birtokol
vicrim ['v1kllm] áldozat
cabiner ['krebmdt] szekrény
consrirurional [konst1'tj u:Jdni] alkotmányos

2 What is terrorism?
How can you fight terrorism?
3 What is done to prevent terrorism?
Unfortunarely, rerrorism has become an inregral part of rhe modern world. Ir is aimed ar
inrimidaring rhe public wirh bombings, assassinarions and orher bloody evenrs. There are
differenr rypes starting from suicide rerrorism ro biological warfare wirh warers being poisoned.
I don'r rhink we can fighr rerrorism ar all, because we never know where ir is going ro srrike
again. Still, we have a slighr chance if our inrelligence agencies are well-prepared ro filter out
individuals who mighr rhrearen our peace.
Recenrly, a lor of very serious measures have been raken in order ro fighr rerrorism. There is
more securiry ar airporrs, which mighr seem humiliaring ro some people. In some counrries,
your fingerprinrs are raken, you have ro rake off your shoes and even an iris rest can be
requesred. There are trained dogs rhar are able ro recognise unusual smells. Srill, I believe rhar
you can never be fully prepared ro prevenr rerrorism.

rerrorism ['terdnzm] terrorizmus

ro inrimidare [m'tm11de1t] megfélemlít
bombing ['bomrIJ] robbantás
assassinarion [dsres1'ne1Jn] merénylet, gyilkosság
bloody ['blAdr] véres
biological warfare [ba1d'lod31kl 'w::,:fed] biológiai hadviselés
to poison [p::,1211] megmérgez
ro srrike [stra1k] Lecsap
inrelligence agency [m 'te1Id3dns 'e1d3dns1] titkosszolgálat, hírszerzés
to threaren [0retn] fenyeget
to humiliate [hj u'm1hert] megaláz
fingerprinr ['frl)gdprmt] ujjlenyomat
iris ['arrrs] írisz
to rrain [trem] idomít

3 What are the features of a Third World country?

In rhe Third World, or we should say developing counrries, people have to face several
problemaric issues. Malnurririon has always been a very big problem, as people don'r have rhe
necessary amounr of food. As rhere is lirrle food, infanr morraliry is rising in rhese areas jusr as
rhe proporrion of low birrhweighr babies. There are also numerous diseases rhar decimare rhese
peoples. Healrh services are always shorr of drugs and rhe condirion of faciliries is dererioraring.

Educacion is also affecced. Absenceeism from school is widespread and obviously, chere is a high
race of illiceracy. A major problem is che economic recession, which is a characceriscic of chese
councries. Unforcunacely, international organisations like the IMF (International Monecary
Fund) only offer adjustment policies and some of the countries cannot comply wirh rhe rerms.

malnutrition [mrelnj u'tnJn] alultápláltság

infant mortaliry ['mfont m::i:'trel;;itI] csecsemőhalandóság
to decimate ['des1mert] tizedel
to deceriorare [d1't1;;irnre1t] romlik
illiceracy [1'l1tr;;is1] analfabetizmus
IMF Nemzetközi Valutaalap
to comply with [bm'plar] alkalmazkodik
adjuscment [;;i'd3Astm;;int] igazítás
recess10n [n'seJn] recesszió
people, peoples [pi:pl] nép, népek
cerm [ta:m] feltétel


Branches of government European Union

a legislative • accession
• bill • economic inregration
• making laws • monecary union
• legislacure • European Parliament
• Parliament • Council of Minisrers
• representacives • free A.ow of work-force
• MPs
• consticuency 3 Hungarian economy
b executive
• • tourism

to vero a bili
• agriculcural producrs (barley,
• to sign a bill maize, sugar beec)
e judicial
• animal husbandry
• Supreme Courc
• nacural resources (coal,
• Chief Juscice bauxite, nacural gas)
• sceel mills

lay assessors
• aluminium and cement
• court syscem factories
• vehicles and vehicle parts of
dissolved organic matter

Globalisation, Shopping, Advertisements, Consumerism
Te knowleage by � uestions belo T1 k the ones you
ady a nswer.

1 D What do you think of globalisation?

2 D What is the role of money nowadays?
3 D How have people's shopping habits changed in consumer societies?
4 D Is it easy to get a credit card in Hungary?
5 D What are the advamages and disadvamages of paying by credit card? (Skerch only)
6 D What are the advamages and disadvamages of paying in cash? (Sketch only)
7 D What are the advantages and disadvamages of paying in instalmems? (Sketch only)
8 D Do shops off'er easy-paymem schemes for expensive goods?
9 D Do you favour these schemes?
10 D Do you think these schemes play a role in excessive consumerism?
11 D Are you a shopaholic?
12 D D o you always plan what you are going to buy?
13 D What do you usually spend your salary on?
14 D Have you ever bought rhings rhat you don't need?
15 D D o you think that we live i n a throwaway society?
16 D H ave you ever bought anything j ust because it was advertised?
17 D Did i t live up to your expectations?
18 D Would you allow advenising harmful products such a s cigarettes?
19 D Do companies use gimmicks t o attract cosrumers?
20 D Do you believe in advertisemems?
21 D What factors infl.uence you when you buy somerhing?
22 D How do shops try to make people buy what they would not even need?

1 What do you think of globalisation?
a I hate the fact that everything is getting globalised. ln my opinion, traditional values disappear
as globalisation spreads all over the world. Economical ly, it might prove to be essential, but

1 56 T H E C O N S U M E R S O C I ETY
socially, I am seriously worried that it will lead to big problems. As I am not an expert, I
cannot really give good arguments, but I am afraid, mankind is not ready for conformiry. The
future will teli whether my fears are j ustified or not, but I don't want to live in a future when
everything is the same all over the world.

b I believe that globalisation can solve the problems of all the inequalities and injustices happening
all over the world. With the incroduction of development and capital, even underdeveloped
countries can catch up with the rest of the world.

globalisation [gl;iub;ilai'zerJn] globalizáció

to spread [spred] elterjed
economically [i: b ' nomrkh] gazdaságilag
mankind [ 'mrenkamd] emberiség
j ustified ('d3Ast1fa1d] megalapozott
inequaliry [m1'kwolrt1] egyenlőtlenség
injustice [111'd3Ast1s] igazságtalanság
capital [ ' krep1tl] tőke
to catch up with [kretfl behoz, utolér

2 What is the role of money nowadays?

ln our sociery, rhere are big differences between how people use their money. There are huge
gaps between rhe different layers of society. Upper class people do not have to worry about
financial ptoblems. They are mainly interesred in rheir invesrments, the changes in the stock
marker and they use credit cards and do not have to count their money every day.

People of the middle class can put aside some money in order to go on holiday, buy some
luxurious items or eat out once in a while.

As for the lower class, most people cannot make ends meet. Unfortunately, in Hungary there
are a lot people belonging to this group. They have to be very cautious abour what they spend
their money on. Mostly, they j ust spend it on food and the bilis. They cannot save enough and
their prospects are not very bright.

I think that money plays another social role in how people get married. It has become very
fashionable for young women to target young, successful men for the purpose of marriage.
I find it quite disgusting because it is money that directs people in a relationship and not

layer ['ler;i] réteg

financial [far'nrenJI] pénzügyi
investment [m'vestm;int] befektetés
stock market [stok 'ma:kit] tőzsde
luxurious [IAg ' 3u;irns] luxus
prospects ['prospekt] kilátás
to target ['ta:grt] megcéloz
to direct [dr'rekt] irányít

1 57
3 How have people's shopping habits changed in consumer societies?
ln a consumer society, people spend a lot of their time shopping. Actually, it is the hobby to
do some shopping and not necessarily for goods that you actually need. A lot of people rend to
buy brand names so that they can show off with what they possess. On the other hand, lower
class people always go for sales and Chinese shops where the quality does not always prove to
be satisfactory. Still, this is what they can afford.
ln Hungary, the change of the regime brought about changes in people's shopping habits as a
lot of shopping malls appeared ro satisfy the needs of people who can afford to buy even the
most expensive items.
On the other hand, a lot of multinational hypermarkets have appeared, which sell a lot of
things cheaper than smaller shops. 1, personally, do not like these supermarkets, because they
don't sell good quality and deceive the costumers.

consumer society [kdn'sju:md Sd'Saidtl] fogyasztói társadalom

brand [bnend] márka
sale [sed] Leárazás
shopping mali ['JopnJ mcJ:I] pláza
hypermarket ['ha1p;nna:k1t] hipermarket
to satisfy one's needs ['scet1sfa1, ni:dz] kielégíti az igényeit
multinational [mAlt1' nceJdnl] multinacionális

4 Is it easy to get a credit card in Hungary?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of paying by credit card?
(Sketch only)
6 What are the advantages and disadvantages of paying in cash? (Sketch
7 What are the advantages and disadvantages of paying in instalments?
(Sketch only)
I don't think it is easy to get a credit card in Hungary. If you are a student, it is obviously
impossible to get a credit card because you don't earn anything, so credit cannot be provided.
An average person with salary, however, can get a credit card if he/she presents documents
about his/her monthly salary, properties and some belongings.

8 Do shops offer easy- payment schemes for expensive goods?

ln Hungary shops and companies offer a lor of easy-payment schemes in order to encourage
people to buy their products. There are numerous schemes people can choose from. Usually, you
have to pay some deposit so as to purchase goods. Some companies also offer very advantageous
schemes with no down payment and favourable amounts for the monthly instalment. The
products you can buy with these easy-payment schemes are mainly expensive ones that you
would not be able afford to pay in one amount. So these are mosrly electrical appliances such
as televisions, microwave ovens, refrigerators, digital cameras and so on. A very fashionable
scheme that is offered nowadays in Hungary comes from
car dealers. They usually offer buyers hire purchase with
litrle down payment and only two per cent interest on
repayment over a period of up to six years.

deposit [dr poZ!l] letét
to purchase ['p3:tfas] vesz
clown payment ['daonpe1mant] kezdő részlet, befizetés
advantageous [a:dvan 'te1d3as] előnyös
favourable ['ferv;ir;ibl] kedvező
car dealer [ka: 'di:la] autókereskedő
hire purchase ['lrnra 'p3:tf;is] részletre történő vásárlás

Do you favour these schemes?

a I like easy-payment schemes because that is the only way I can afford to buy a lot of things. I ,
myself, bought m y compurer, dishwasher and washing-machine this way. Alrhough rhe interest
rates are rather high, I think it is much better to owe rhe bank rhan not being able to buy
anything. Now, I am planning to buy a car because I have seen some advertisements with no
clown payment and low interest.
b I don't think people should run into debt just because they want to have luxury items. If you
cannot save enough to buy what you need, you should be patient till you can put aside the
amount rhat you need. I would turn to my family members for help if I were in financial
trouble. This way I would not have ro pay more money for the product I buy. If I wasn't able
to pay the money back to rhe bank, rhe bank would have my house sold by auction.

interest [' mtr;ist] kamat

to owe [ao] tartozik
to run into debt [rAn, det] e/,adósodik
lux:ury ['IAkJan] luxus
auction [:,:kJn] árverés
to have sg sold by auction elárvereztet

1 0 Do you think these schemes play a role in excessive consumerism?

I believe that low interest rates, favourable terms of payment and hire purchase make people
buy a lot of rhings that rhey could not afford. Acrually, it brings about excessive consumerism
and unforrunately, most people just fali for the advertisements and are not aware of their tight
family budget. They buy more than rhe family budget would allow.

excessive [1k' ses1v] túlzott

consumensm [bn 'sju:manzm] fogyasztás, vásárlás
righr budger [tait 'bAd3rt] szűkös költségvetés

1 1 Are you a shopaholic?

a To teli the truth, I am a shopaholic. Whenever I go window-shopping, I am always tempted
to buy whar is on display. It happens that I don't even need what I buy, I just fali for it
immediately and I buy it. Luckily, I can afford to buy what I want to. If I didn't have enough
money, I would not be a big spender.

Although it is hard ro resist the temptation sometimes, I rry ro pay anenrion to
what I spend my money on, so I am not a shopaholic at all. I think people should
practise some self-control in order not to waste their money on goods they do
not necessary need. Still, I do not condemn shopaholic people who are wealthy
and enjoy shopping. I would probably do the same if I had a lot of money.

shopaholic [Jop;i ' holik] vásárlásmániás

window-shopping ['wmd;iuJopnJ] kirakatnézegetés
to tempt [tempt] kísért
on display [dr'spler] kirakatban, kiállítva
to fall for sg [f::,:l] megtetszik, bedől valaminek
big spender [brg ' spend;i] kó'ltekezö
to condemn [k;in'dem] elítél, megvet

1 2 Do you always plan what you are going to buy?

a Since our family budget is rather tight, I have to plan what I buy in the shops. Before going
shopping, I always prepare a shopping list, which includes the items I really need. I do11't earn
roo much mo11ey, but I always cm out the coupo11s from newspapers or brochures in order to 1
have a better deal. I always look for special offers in the shops in the hope of buying goods
b Luckily, I don't have to plan what I buy. I never write a shoppi11g list because I always know
what we need at home. Our family budget allows us to buy what we feel like buying. There is,
however, one thi11g that I really hate in co11nection with shopping and this is how shops try to
persuade people to buy somethi11g. Especially, when I stand in rhe queue and all the sweets are
011 display a11d children start whining because they wanr to have some chocolate or candies. For
a parent it is diffi.cult to explain to a very you11g child that they might not have e11ough mo11ey,
so they buy the sweets in order to calm the children clown.

shopping-list ['Jop11J hst] bevásárlólista

coupo11 ['ku:pon] kupon
to whine [wam] nyavalyog

1 3 What do you usually spend your salary on?

Most of my salary is spenr on paying my morrgage and i11stalmenrs 011 the car. That takes up 1
more than half of my salary. But i11 five years I wo11't have to pay all that because I will have 1
finished paying them. Of course, a lot of money is spent 011 paying the bills that is gas, water,
electriciry, and phone. I spend about rwenry per cent of my salary on food, bur since I have to
pay my mortgage, I cannot afford ro eat out, so I usually prepare my food at home. I spend
some money 011 rransport and that is the insurance a11d the perrol for the car. As for clothing,
I always buy what we need a11d rry to look for sales. I go to the cinema 011ce or twice a monrh,
so it is just a11 insignificant amount that I spe11d on entertainment. Every summer, I go 011
holiday, but I always look for last-minute offers that are much cheaper. I ca1111ot really put
mo11ey aside because of my mortgage a11d other paymenrs. I know it will change in some years
a11d I will be able to pur some of my salary inro savings.

mortgage ['m:i:g rd3] jelzá,log
insignificant [ms,g ' nrfrbnt] jelentéktelen

1 4 H ave you ever bought things that you don't need?

a As far as I'm concerned, I have never bought useless things. I always try to pay attention to
what I buy. I don't buy anything j ust out of fashion or because it is advertised. I never throw
away clothes or electrical gadgets j ust because they are out of fashion.

b I always look at the brand name of clothes if I want to buy something. I never buy cheap
products because I believe that good quality is more important than the price. Of course, if
something new comes out, I rush to the shops to buy it. I change my mobile phone every
second month because I don't want to fali behind my friends. It is very important to be up-to­
date with the latest fashion.

to be out of fashion [freJn] kimegy a divatból

ro fali behind sb [fal] lemarad valaki mögött

1 5 Do you t h i n k that we live in a th rowaway society?

I completely agree with the statement that we live in a throwaway society. People throw away
clothes that are in good condition but out of fashion. There are people with extensive wardrobes
of elegant clothes, but they j ust wear these clothes once or cwice and throw them away or give
them to charity organisations. The situation is the same with computers. The technological
progress is so fast that a few months after you buy a new computer, it becomes obsolete and
is worth a fragment of its original value. Some people say that it is much cheaper to replace
computers or other electrical appliances than having chem repaired.

wardrobe ['w:i:drnub] ruhatár

elegant ['el;ig;mt] elegáns
technological progress [tekn;i'lod31kl 'pr;iugres] technológiai fejlődés
charity [' tfrer;itr] jótékonyság
obsolete [' obs;ili:t] idejétmúl t
fragment ['frregm;int] töredék

1 6 H ave you ever bought a nyth i n g j ust because it was advertised?

1 7 Did it l ive up to you r expectations?
Yes, it has happened to me several cimes that I have boughc something because of advertisements
or commercials. I get a lat of brochures and leaflecs chrough maii and sometimes I cannot resist
the temptacion and I rush to the shop to buy the product that is advertised. What I usually buy
this way are small things like clothes or CDs. I have never been disappointed with what I have
bought. Accually, if I am dissacisfied wich what I buy I take it back as whacever people buy has
a money-back warranty.

warranty ['wor;intr] garancia

T H E CON S U M E R S O C I ETY 1 61
1 Would you allow advertising harmful products such as cigarettes?
a I believe rhar cigarerre adverrising is immoral and should be banned. I find it morally wrong
rhat companies adverrise a product that is absolutely unhealthy. We all know that tobacco
causes Jung cancer and is responsible for all kinds of diseases. Moreover, it affects non-smokers,
too. It is also unethical how companies presenr their adverrs. Adverrisemenrs target young
people and usually show young, fit and handsome people smoking and having fun, which is
appealing to young people who rhen take up smoking as a habit. Advertisements do not ralk
about the harmful effecrs of smoking. This is the same with alcoholic drinks. I believe that
harmful products should not be adverrised ar all.
b I don't think that legal acrion should be taken against robacco companies. They don't try to
persuade people to start smoking, they just wanr smokers to choose another brand. They even
have to have warnings on rhe packers sraring that smoking can even cause dearh. I rhink rhat
if a company has the right to sell a producr, ir should also have the right to adverrise what ir

immoral [1'mordl] erkölcstelen

to target ['ta:grt] megcéloz
appealing [d'pi:Jrl)] vonzó

1 9 Do companies use gimmicks to attract costumers?

I rhink companies use gimmicks in order to convince people to buy rheir products. If you jusr
look around everywhere you go, you find adverrisements, commercials. They have become a
part of our life. A company uses every rrick it can to make people buy irs product. Companies
make commercials rhat make people believe that theirs is rhe besr.

gimmick ['91mrk] trükk

trick [trrk] trükk

2 0 Do you believe in advertisements?

To teli rhe truth, I don't rhink that adverrisements are rrue at all. When I rhink of inrelligenr
detergents rhat know how ro clean properly, I always have ro laugh. I rhink commercials
are made for people who can easily be influenced, but I am not one of them. Moreover, as
commercials appear on TY, rhey reinforce rhe belief in rhe costumer that the producrs are of
good quality and are necessary to possess. Of course, there are adverrisements that carch my
arrenrion, for example good deals abour new cars. However, I don'r rhink we should believe
everything rhat we see or hear right away, but we should ger more informarion abour anyrhing
that is adverrised. Whenever I look at an ad in a newspaper, I always read the caption in tiny
lerrers because rhar is rhe one conraining the most imporrant pieces of information.

detergenr [d1't3:d3dnt] mosószer

ro reinforce rhe belief [ri:m 'fas] erősíti a hitet
reduction [rr'dAkJn] leárazás
end-of-season ['enddvsi:zn] szezonvégi
to go hand in hand [gdu hrend] vele jár
to boasr [bdust] dicsekszik
unique uu'ni:k] egyedülálló

1 62 T H E C O N S U M E R S O C I ETY
place of origin [plers, 'orrd3m] származási hely
influx ['mflAks] beáramlás
to inflate [m'flert) felfúj
artificial [a:tr'frJI] mesterséges

21 What factors influence you when you buy something?

a When I go to do some shopping for clothes, I always look for sales or reducrions. I enjoy end­
of-season sales because rhe prices are very low rhen. I always wam good qualiry bur most of
rhe ríme rhe price and the qualiry don'r go hand in hand. I never look ar brand names, but it is
difficulr to explain to my son why we have to be satisfied wirh some no name clorhes while his
classmates always boast wirh rhe latest fashion.
b I am probably a very unique person in rhe sense rhat I pay special attemion to my shopping
habirs. I rry nor to go to huge mulrinational supermarkers but small Hungarian shops instead.
I always look ar rhe place of origin and buy only Hungarian producrs. Unfortunarely, we have
many rhings coming from orher coumries much cheaper. And people don'r know rhat price is
not everything. We have a lor of real Hungarian products disappearing because of the influx
of foreign goods. Just rhink of real bread and rhe bread rhar is sold in hypermarkers. They are
more like inflared mass. I am afraid rhar our children will nor enjoy a lor of rhings we enjoyed
when we were young and they will eat only arrificial food. So the only facror rhat I rake into
consideration is rhar rhe product should come from my country.

i n bulk [bAlk] nagy mennyiségben

in stock [stok) raktáron

2 2 How do shops try to make people buy what they would not even need?
There are special sales, which make people buy cerrain products and, unforrunately, people buy
rhings jusr because rhey are cheaper. For some people ir is hard to resisr rhe remprarion nor to
buy something that is much cheaper. Another merhod is selling goods in bulk. You mighr not
need the whole amount of the product, but it comes cheap if you buy five instead of one. So
people will have a lot of useless rhings in stock at home.

1 Phrases to do with shopping:

• paying by credic card
• paying in cash
• paying in check
• paying in inscalmencs
• morcgage
• clown paymenc
• deposic
• loan
• offer
• reduccion
• shopping for groceries
• bargain
• recailer
• sale

2 Paying by credit card

a you don't have to have cash on you
b if che card is scolen, you can reporc ic co che bank and your accounc gecs frozen
e you don'c have co have che necessary amounc on your accounc
d you can exceed your accounc
e you can deposic che money on che bank accounc lacer
a your accounc can be overdrawn
b ic makes people noc co care abour how much chey spend
e rhere are some places where credic cards cannoc be used

3 Paying in cash
a you are always aware of how much money you have on you
b you can buy goods ac markecs where credic cards are usually nor accepred
e you can cip waicers, pecrol scacion accendancs, etc. if you have some cash
a your money is gone if your wallec is scolen
b you cannoc exceed che amounc rhar you have on you
e banknoces can be forged


cash [kreJ] készpénz
to freeze, froze, frozen [fri:z] befagyaszt
to deposir [d1 'poz1t] pénzt befizet
insralment [m'st::>:lm;mt] részlet
to overdraw [';mv;idr::,:] túllépi a hitelkeretét
to be in rhe red [red] túllépi a hitelkeretét
VAT, value added tax ['vrelju: 'redrd treks] ÁFA
ro rip (t1p] borravalót ad
petrol station attendanr (petr;il ste1Jn ;i'tend;mt] benzinkutas
banknore ['brerJkn;iut) bankjegy
to forge [fad3] hamisít

Paying in instalments
a you can plan in advance
b you don't have to pay rhe whole amounr right away
e you can purchase even very expensive items
a not everybody is enritled to pay this way
b high inrerest rates
Malnutrition, Abortion, Euthanasia, Capital punishment, Cloning

Test your knowledge by answering the questions below. Tick the ones you
can already answer.

1 D Which parts of the world are famine-stricken?

2 D What are the causes of malnuuition in rhe Third World countries?
3 D Can we help people who suffer from malnutrition?
4 D How can rhe WHO help these countries'
5 D Should the developed coumries help rhe developing ones?
6 D Is there a connection between malnuuition and overpopulation?
7 D What methods are used to prevent women from becoming pregnant'
8 D What do you think of binh comrol?
9 D What is abortion?
10 D What do you think of abortion?
11 D How do religious people view abonion?
12 D ln what cases do you think abortion should be permitted?
13 D Do you think we should manipulate genes to have more perfect children?
14 D Should cloning humans be allowed?
15 D Can you imagine that once we will live in a Brave New World?
16 D What do you think of cloning animals?
17 D Do you eat genetically modified vegetables?
18 D How would you euthanasia?
19 D Would you legalise euthanasia?
20 D Who should decide about euthanasia in the case of a patient who is in coma?
21 D Would you consider euthanasia if you were terminally ill?
22 D When is a person terminally ill?
23 D Who should carry out euthanasia?
24 D What do you know of the hospice movement?
25 D What forms of capital punishment are you familiar with?
26 D What methods were popular in the Middle Ages?
27 D Do you think capital punishment is a deterrent against violent crime?
28 D Do you think capital punishment should be reinstated in Hungary?
29 D How would you punish serial murderers, rapists and brutal killers?

1 Which parts of the world are famine-stricken?
2 What are the causes of malnutrition in the Third World countries?
I think it is quite shocking rhe way we take food for gramed. We are so wasteful while ín
some parts of the world there are millions of people suffering from malnutrition. These are
people mainly living ín Africa, Asia and Latin America. The main causes for hunger are pardy
geographical conditions like droughts, natural catastrophes like floods, earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, hurricanes and/or landslides. There are obviously some economic reasons roo, for
example the high amounr of debt ro orher counrries. There are also wars, revolutions, ethnic
clashes resulting in ethnic cleansing, which deteriorates rhe situations that are already bad enough.
Lack of resistance to catastrophes is another issue. As we talk about droughts and disasters as
rhe causes of malnutrition, it is importanr ro menrion rhat poor counrries do not have the
means ro resist these natural disasters, so they will just become poorer and poorer.

to take sg for granted [te1k fa 'gra:ntrd] magától értetődőnek vesz

malnutrition [mcelnj u ' tnJn] alultápláltság
ro be malnourished [mcel 'nAnJt] alultáplál t
hunger ('hAng;i] éhség
starvation [sta: 've1Jn] éhezés
to starve ro death [sta :v tu de8] éhen hal
famine ['fcemrn] éhínség
famine-stricken ('fcemrn stnkn] éhínségtől sújtott
drought [draut] aszály
arid ['cerrd] száraz
narural disaster [' ncetJ;ir;il d1'za:st;i] természeti katasztrófa
catastrophe (b'tcestrnf1] katasztrófa
flood [ílAd] árvíz
volcanic eruption [vol'kcemk 1 ' rApJn] vulkánkitörés
to erupt [1'rApt] kitör
landslide ['lcendslard] fo!dcsuszamlás
mudslide ['mAdsla1d] sárcsuszamlás

tidal wave [ta,dl we,v] szökőár
tsunami [tsu'na:rru] cunami
earthquake ['3:8kwe1k] foldrengés
rhe eye of the hurricane [őr a, ;iv ő;i ' hM1bn] a hurrikán közepe v. szeme
to devastate (' dev;iste1t] lerombol 1
poverty ['pov;itr] szegénység
debr [det] adósság
clash [klceJ] összetűzés
cleansing [ ' klenznJ] tisztogatás
to deteriorate [di't1;in;ire1t] romlik
resistance [rr'z,st;ins] ellenállás

3 Can we help people who suffer from malnutrition?
In fact, there is not much we can do to help rhe Third World countries. There are charitable
organisations to raise money for them, rhere are emergency relief programmes and packages
as well as long-term aid projects to help rhem but still a lot has to be done to stop world­
wide starvation. The United Narions (U ) has also sec up an organisation to help developing
counrries. This is rhe so-called Development Programme (UNDP). Ir is responsible for
providing technical assistance to improve living srandards and promote economic growth in
the developing nations of Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and some parrs of
Europe. The projecrs include programmes ro increase literacy and provide vocational skills, to
stimulate capital investments, and to develop rechnological capabiliries.

to stimulate ['strmjule1t] serkent, ó"sztökél

investment [m'vestm;mt] befektetés

4 How can the WHO help these countries?

WHO means World Health Organisation and it was founded in order to help people to get
access to medical treatment all around the world. As far as I know there are some types of services
thac may be available like training medical personnel, disseminating knowledge of diseases
such as influenza, malaria, smallpox, cuberculosis, venereal diseases, and AIDS; maternal and
child health; nutrition; popularion planning; and environmenral sanitation. I believe that such
advisory services are very useful, still quite inefficienr due to rhe lack of monetary funds and
the poor conditions of rhe countries where rhese services would be inevitable. I have heard rhat
services may include directions for drug use, collection and dissemination of informarion on
epidemics, special international research projects on parasiric and viral diseases, and publicarion
of a series of technical and scienrific works.

medical rreatment ['med1kl 'tri:tm;int] orvosi ellátás

personnel [p3:s;i'nel] személyzet
to disseminate [di'semme1t] elhint, e/terjeszt
smallpox ['sm:,: lpoks] himlő
venereal [v;i'm;in;il] közösüléssel terjedő, nemi
maremal [m;i't3:n;il] anyai
nutrition [nju'tnJn] táplálék
environmental sanitation [mvar;in'ment;il] környezeti egészségügy

5 Should the developed countries help the developing ones?

a Whether the developed countries should help the developing ones is a controversial issue.
There are some people who say that the forrune of the ren wealrhiest people would solve
all the problems of starvation, famine, malnutrition and other problematic questions in the
developing world. However, they also say (and it may sound rather a selfish and emel argument)
rhat helping these countries would lead to overpopularion and then rhis world would not be
enough for the roral population. I have heard rhar if China continued to develop as fast as it is
doing now, and rhey would have rhe same living srandards as Americans, we would need rhree
globes to live on.
b There are charitable organisations and individuals who try to lend a hand to poorer narions,
but it is not even close to being enough.

1 68 M O RAL I S S U ES
I believe rhar rhe most imporranr rhing would be ro reach rhe people of rhese narions abour
diseases, birrh conrrol, and living peacefully nexr ro each orher, since besides famine and
poverry civil wars claim rhe lives of millions of people in rhe affecred areas.

forrune ['hlf:m] vagyon

selfish ['selfIJ] ó'nző
cruel [kru:il] kegyetlen
overpopularion [:iov:ipopju'lerJn] túlnépesedés
birrh-conrrol [b3:8 bn'tr:iul] születésszabályozás
ro claim rhe life of [klerm ó:i larf] valakinek az életét kó'vetelni

6 Is there a connection between malnutrition and overpopulation?

a Of course, rhere is a connecrion berween malnurririon and overpopularion. There are some
examples of counrries where people suffer from malnurririon and overpopularion is also presenr.
India is a perfecr example. However, rhe rwo don'r go hand in hand all rhe rime. Alrhough in
some African counrries rhere is a high birrh rare among srarving people, bur rhe life expecrancy of
these people is shockingly shorr. The average life span of a person living in black Africa is around
forry years. Ir is rarher rhe lack of educarion abour birrh conrrol rhar Ieads ro rhe problems of
having several children in a family. Moreover, rhere is a high infanr morraliry rare, meaning rhar
only abour one fifrh of rhe children reach school age.
b ln my opinion, it is nor necessary ro connecr malnurririon wirh overpopularion. The problem
of malnutrition is presenr in a lot of Sourh American and Eastern European counrries, where we
cannot ralk about overpopularion. Moreover, in Hungary, for example, where the number of rhe
population is decreasing, we find a lot of people living under the poverry line.

tO go hand in hand [g:iu hrend m hrend] együttjár

life expectancy [larf 1ks'pekt:ins1] várható élettartam
life span [la1f spren] élettartam
lack of education [lrek ;iv ed3u'ke1Jn] felvilágosítás hiánya
infant morraliry ['mfant m::>:'trefatr] csecsemőhalandóság

7 What methods are used to prevent women from becoming pregnant?

8 What do you thin k of birth control?
It is very imporrant in our world tO be able tO plan in advance. Nor only in terms of financial
matters, bur also in connection with child birrh. Also if you wanr tO avoid pregnancy,
contraception is inevitable.
There are differenr methods for contraception. The most widespread is using a condom, which
also protects people from sexually rransmitted diseases.
A very popular method among women is rhe use of conrraceptive pilis. According tO a survey,
ir is 99 per cent effecrive, however there are concerns about its safety.
Another form of chemical birth conrrol is spermicidal jelly, cream, or foam. Like condoms,
spermicides can be used without medical supervision, and must be used with each act of
intercourse. They have few side-effects and are less effective than all other methods.
There is also emergency conrraception referring tO methods that can be used afrer unprotected
sex. These include tablets conraining oesrrogen and progesrogen that should be srarred within
72 hours of unprotected sex.

con traception [knntr;i'sepJn] fogamzásgátlás
concraceptive [kontr;i'septrv) fogamzásgátló
rhe pill [ó;i pII) (fogamzásgátló) tabletta
pregnancy ['pregn;ins1] terhesség
inevitable [m'evrt;ibl] elkerülhetetlen
sexually transmitted ['sekJu;ilr tnenz'mrtrd) szexuális úton terjedő
survey ['s3:ve1] felmérés
foam [foum] hab
sperm [sp3:m] sperma
spermicide ['sp3:m1sa1d] spermaölő
co protect [pr;i'tekt] védekezik
safe sex [serf seks] biztonságos szex

9 What is abortion?
a To me aborcion means the termination of pregnancy before the foecus is capable of independent
life. As far as I know rhere are different cypes of aborrion, sponcaneous or induced. I have heard
rhar in some developed parrs of the world some women apparencly have a tendency to have
miscarriages. I don't know why it is so, but I believe that it is the result of a lot of scress and I
personally think that pollution can also be amibuted to the problem. The other cype is induced
aborrion, which is the deliberate termination of pregnancy by removal of rhe foetus from the
b I think rhat aborrion should be the decision of rhe morher and should nor be made part of
rhe law. There can be different reasons why someone would opt for aborrion. Termination of
unwanted pregnancies can occur due to medical, social, or private reasons There are counrries
where aborrion is illegal especially for religious reasons. One such country is the Republic of
lreland, which could retain its srrict aborcion rules even as a member of rhe European Union.
ln Hungary, there was a shorc period in rhe 1 9 50s when aborcion was made illegal. This is the
so-called Ratkó era, which led to a huge baby boom and an unnatural demographic change.
Alrhough I am not in favour of making aborcion a legal issue, I have co admit that my parents
were born under rhis period, and I would nor exist if rhat law had not been in effect.
aborcion [;i'b:i:Jn] abortusz
termination [t3:mr'nerJn] megszakítás
to terminate ['t3:mmert] megszakít
foecus ['fi:t;is) magzat
sponcaneous [spon'te1111;is) spontán
to induce [m 'dju:s) kikényszerít
apparencly [ ;i'pa:r;intlr] látszólag
miscarriage [m1s'kxnd3] vetélés
deliberate [ dr'lrb;ir;it] szándékos
uterus [ 'j u: t;ir;is] anyaméh
to retain [n'tem] megtart
era ['1;ir;i) korszak
demographic [dem;i'gra:frk] demográfiai

1 70 M O RAL I S S U ES
1 0 What do you think of abortion?
a I chink chac every woman has che righc co choose whecher she wancs co cerminace che pregnancy
or noc. In my opinion ic is scill beccer co aborc a child chan overcrowding, homelessness, financial
problems or inabilicy co properly bring up che children. I believe chac ic causes more crauma
ro give up a child for adopcion chan having an aborcion. I would also cake che healch risks che
mocher is exposed co inco consideracion. Whac if che mocher dies if she does noc aborc che
foecus? Whac is more, every child has che righc co be a wanced child. Aborcion saves chousands
of children from being unwanced, and saves che sociecy from many problems.
b I share che opinion of people wich pro-life views, who claim chac a foecus is not a parc of che
mother buc a separace being right after conception and even in the womb che unborn child
has the righc not co be killed. People who oppose aborcion are ofcen asked che question about
the child being handicapped. They say that people wich che most awful handicaps can lead
happy, creative and fulfilled lives. I hold che viewpoinc that every aborced foetus was a potencia!
human being, perhaps an Einstein or a Beethoven. As for the solucion I would say that if sociecy
did more in the way of conuaception and educacion, and helped single mothers by providing
counselling and places where chey could seek advice, abortion would not be necessary.

pro-life [pr;;iu larf] abortuszellenes

pro-choice [pr;;iu tj':lls] abortusz melletti
overcrowding [;mv;)'kraudnJ] túlzsúfoltság
homelessness [ ' h;mmlesrns] hajléktalanság
adopcion [;;i'dopJn] örökbefogadás
co adopt [d'dopt] örökbe fogad
co give the child up felajánija örökbefogadásra
for adoption a gyereket
co take sg inco [terk 'mtu bnsrde're1Jn] figyelembe vesz
womb [wu:m] anyaméh
counselling ['kauns;;ilrIJ] tanácsadás
orphanage [ '::i:fon1d3] árvaház

1 1 How do religious people view abortion?

As a very religious person I oppose aborcion and cannot see any way co make exceprions.
I believe that human life biologically begins at che momenc of conception, chat is fercilisation,
and since all human lives should be equally procected by law from conception co nacural death,
whecher or noc che human being concerned is wanced or handicapped, ic follows chat the
descruction of unborn life is wrong. It is scaced chac the developmenc of che foecus is very fasc.
Around the 25ch day, che heart begins co beac and around the 1 4th week che embryo can feel
pain and is able co kick, sleep or move its head. As ic is a living being I cannot see any reason
why a human being should be killed. I have also heard of a scory in which a pregnanc mocher
was operated on and che foecus reached out of the womb and grabbed che finger of che doccor.
The piccures of chis operacion shocked me and screngchened my beliefs chat aborcion is killing
and is against che wish of God.

concepcion [bn' sepJn] megtermékenyülés,
co concieve [bn'si:v] megfoganni
fercilisacion [fa:trla1'ze1Jn] megtermékenyítés
immaculace conception [i'mrekjul;it bn' sepJn] szeplőtelen fogantatás
unborn [An' b::rn] meg nem született
embryo ['embrnu] embrió

1 2 ln what cases do you think abortion should be permitted?

l believe that aborcion should be allowed in the cases of rape, incest and physical or menta!
retardacion. If a woman is raped, it is already a big trauma for her and l don'c think that she
wants co remember the intercourse all her life. If the child was born, it would always remind
her of chat terrible act. This is the same with young girls molested by their fathers or step­
fathers. Unforcunacely, paedophiliac parents will always exist, still l would noc force a fourceen­
year-old little girl co give birch co an unwanted child. Talking about teenage pregnancy, ic is a
vita! concern nowadays. According co some recent studies, around twency per cent of ceenage
girls have already had aborcion.
ln the case of handicapped babies, the sicuation is different. The handicap can now be detected
very easily. le is up co che parents co decide whecher chey want to keep the child or not. ln my
opinion, a person should have the right to a good qualicy of life.

rape [reip] megerőszakolás

to rape [reip] megerőszakol
incesc ['msest] véifertőzés
menta! retardation [ment;il ri:ta:'derJn] sze/Lemi visszamaradottság
to molest [m;i'lest] molesztál, zaklat
paedophiliac [pi:d;i'frh;ik] pedofil
qualicy of life ['kwol;itr ;iv la1f] életminőség

1 3 Do you think we should manipulate genes to have more perfect children?

1 4 Should cloning humans be allowed?
a With the gene map having been discovered, more and more scientists say thac it is possible to
determine the gender, the eye-colour, the hair and basically everything about the newborn baby.
l don't think chac che cloning of humans is a good solurion. I f it was introduced, everybody
would want "perfecc" children for themselves. lt is totally different from arcificial inseminacion,
in which a man's sperm is injected into the woman's egg in order to have a baby. ln the case
of cloning, genes would also be altered, which would mean that no nacural babies would be
born. l don't think science is developed enough co know everything about the effects of human
cloning. We have no idea what side-effeccs cloning will have. lt is still a matter of decades cill
we know it for sure whether cloning is risk free or not. However, talking about experimenting,
most countries forbid any kind of attempt at human cloning including experimenracion.
b l believe chac human cloning should be allowed in order co save the lives of a lot of people.
Scientists argue chac wich the help of cloning a lot of diseases could be cured. lt would also help
in the case of transplantacions. People who suffer from kidney problems would noc have co wait
monchs or years ro find a good organ ro be transplanced inco cheir body, buc from cheir cells a
kidney can be reproduced. If it were possible, l would choose che characceriscics of my unborn
child, because l don'c wanc co run a loc of risks of it being unhealchy. ln my opinion it mighc
even help che children of handicapped parencs, because chere is a bigger chance chac chey mighc
be born wich che same defeccs as che ones che parencs have. Wich che help of cloning, genes
responsible for che problem can be sorced out and healchy babies would be born.

gene [d3i:n] gén

gene map [d3i:n mc.ep] géntérkép
gender ['d3end;;i] nem
arcificial inseminacion [a:tr ' frJI rnsemr'nerJn] mesterséges megtermékenyítés
egg [eg] petesejt
cloning [' kl;;iumIJ] klónozás
co alcer ['::,:lt;;i] megváltoztat
kidney ['krdm] vese
organ ['::,:g;;in] szerv
side-effecc [' sa1drfekt] mellékhatás
experimencacion [rksperrmen ' terJn] kísérletezés

1 5 Can you imagine that once we will live in a Brave New World?
A loc of people are afraid chac once we will live in a Brave New World as ic was depicced in Aldous
Huxley's famous novel. ln chac world an "idea!" sociecy was creaced. ln laboracories worldwide,
genecic science has broughc che human race co perfection. People are hacched co fulfil cheir
predestined roles in sociecy. They are grouped in differenc castes. They are no more than cells
in the body politic. ln infancy the vircues of passive obedience, macerial consumption and
mindless promiscuicy are inculcated upon them by means ofhypnopaedia or sleep-teaching. ln
later life the citizens are given free handouts of government approved drugs in order co forget
about problems. Every aspect of life has been reduced co the levei of social utilicy and even
corpses are exploited as a handy source of phosphorous.
l hope something like that will never come crue, however, some governmencs are trying ro keep
cheir citizens on a very basic educacional levei. From cheir aspecc, it is understandable because
a srupid person will noc start criticising or asking quescions.

Brave New World [brerv nju: w3:ld] Szép Új Világ

co bring sg co perfeccion [brnJg tu p;;i'fekJn] tökéletesít
stabilicy [st;;i'brlrti] stabilitás
conditioning [bn'drJ;;inrIJ] karbantartás
to hacch [hc.etf] kikel
predestined [pri: 'destmd] eleve elrendelt
caste [ka:st] kaszt
passive obedience [ ' pc.es1v ;;i'bi:d1;;ins] passzív engedelmesség
co obey [;;i'ber] engedelmeskedik
material consumption [m;;i'tr;;in;;il k;;in'sAmpJn] anyagi felhasználás,
body policic ['b::,dr 'p::,htrk] gépezet, a nemzet teste

promiscuicy [promr'skju:;-it1] szabad szerelem
to inculcate upon sb ['mkAlkeJt] belenevet valakibe
ucilicy uu:'t!l;itr] hasznosság
handy ['hrend1] kényelmes
phosphorous ['fosfor;is] foszfor
ro exploit [rk'spbrt] kihasznál, kizsákmányol

1 6 What do you think of cloning a n i m a ls?

a I believe char animal cloning should be legalised alrhough we don'r know roo much abour
the side effects of it, just as we don'r have much knowledge about human cloning, eirher.
Neverrheless, this field of cloning is more advanced, we would srill have ro wait some years ro
bring it ro perfection. Just like genetically modified food, animal cloning mighr be able ro solve
rhe problem of starvarion in rhe world. Another good effect would be rhe saving of species rhat
are on rhe brink of extinction.
b I believe rhat allowing any kind of cloning is against God, narure and narural selecrion. God
created all living creatures on Earrh and we don'r have rhe righr ro play rhe role of God and
start creating animals. Anorher fear rhat I have is rhat scientists would create animals rhar will
not even resemble the original ones and will just serve in order ro fulfil rhe needs of humans.

1 7 Do you eat genetica l ly mod ified vegetables?

a Vegetables rhat are genetically modified are quire widespread in our modern world. I think there
is a very easy way ro rei! wherher vegerables are modified or not. They always look big in size,
usually bigger rhan rhe norma! vegerable and fruit. AJrhough rhey are called modified I cal! rhem
genetically manipulated because sciemists manipulate wirh rhe genes of vegetables and fruits. My
biggest concern about rhese genetically manipulated fruits and vegerables is rhat they are full of
chemicals we are not even aware of, and also rhe taste is complerely differem.
b In my opinion, we need generically modified food. If we eat standardised food, we always know
what we eat and we don't have ro worry abour not knowing whar has been added ro rhe food.
Ir is always labelled what additives or preservarives have been added ro modified food, and
I believe that this way we have rhe chance ro choose wherher we wam ro consume rhat vegerable
or fruit or not.

genecically manipulared [d3;i'net1kh m;i'111pjule1t1d] genetikailag manipulált

on rhe brink of extinction [on é\;i brnJk ;iv rk'stnJkJn] kihalás szélén
ro become exrinct [br'kAm 1k'stil)kt] kihal
natural selection ['metf;ir;il s1'lekJn] természetes kiválasztódás
ro be aware of [;i'we;-i] tisztában van valamivel

1 8 H ow wou l d you define euthanasia?

a I rhink that euthanasia is intentional killing by act, or omission of a dependent human being
for his or her alleged benefit. I believe thar rhe key word here is " incencional". If death is not
intended, it is not an act of euthanasia. Voluncary eurhanasia is when the person who is killed
has requesred to be killed. We ralk about 11011-voluntary eurhanasia when rhe person who is
killed has made no requesr or has given no consent. There is also involumary eurhanasia. That
is when the person who is killed has made an expressed wish ro rhe contrary.

1 74 M O RA L IS S U ES
Intentionally causing a person's death by performing an accion such as by giving a lethal
injeccion is ofren referred co as accive eurhanasia. Passive eurhanasia or euchanasia by omission
is intentionally causing death by noc providing necessary and ordinary (usual and cuscomary)
care or food and wacer.
b ln my opinion eurhanasia should not be considered killing because it helps rhe dying patient co
end his or her sufferings. Alrhough we are not God, we can decide wherher we wanc co concinue
living a rather bad quality of life or pass away peacefully. I think rhat modern medicine is
responsible for all rhe sufferings because some decades ago chere were some incurable diseases
chat 'helped' che dying person co die, bur nowadays these secondary illnesses are cured and
rhe suffering is lengrhened. Whar I mean is rhac some decades ago a very ill person mighc
have concracred pneumonia, rhen an incurable disease, and it killed the already dying person
shortening the suffering. Now, pneumonia is cured, so the person continues suffering, alrhough
narurally rhis secondary disease could kill him or her.

eurhanasia [ju:8;i'ne1z1;i] eutanázia

concern [k;in's3:11] aggodalom
intentional [m'tenJ;inl] szándékos
omission [;i'm1Jn] elhagyás, mulasztás
voluntary ['vo];intn] önkéntes
consent [bn'sent] beleegyezés
lerhal injection ('li:8;:il m'd3ekJn] halálos injekció

1 9 Would you legalise euthanasia?

a Legalising euthanasia is not only a mora!, but an ethical question coo. I personally would not
legalise it because I believe thac life is a gifr from God and only God has the right co rake away
somebody's life. lt might happen that rhe patient mighc not be of sound mind and cannot
make a rational decision. If eurhanasia were pracrised, it would desrroy rhe relationship of
trust beeween a paeient and a doccor, and also doccors must preserve life under rhe Hippocratic
Oath. Another concern is elderly people who might feel ehey are nuisance co ochers and opt for
euthanasia when in their hearts ehey want co continue living.
b I believe ehae voluntary euehanasia should be legalised. le can quickly and humanely end a
paeient's suffering. le can help co shoreen ehe grief and suffering of ehe paeient's loved ones.
Everybody has the right to decide how rhey should die. If rhe law were changed, doccors could
legally act on rhe patient's desire co die wirhour furrher suffering. le would help orhers co face
dearh if rhey realized rhey could die wirh dignity.

mora! ['mor;:il] erkölcsi

erhical ['e81kl) etikai
sound mind [saund mamd] tiszta gondolkodás
co preserve [prr' z3:v] megőriz
Hippocraric Oarh [h1p;i'knet1k ';:iu8] hippokratészi eskü
co opt for [opt] választ
nuisance ['nju:sns] nyűg

grief [gri:f] szomorúság
mourning ['m::rn1IJ] gyász
to mourn [m:rn] gyászol
dignity ['drgmtI] méltóság

20 Who should decide about euthanasia in the case of a patient who is in coma?
If euthanasia were legalised it should be the decision of family members, docrors and
psychologists in the case of patienrs who are ín coma. Although it is a debatable question
because as long as the person lives and his/her hearr is still beating, there is a chance that a
miracle will happen and the person will recover.

coma ['bum:i] kóma

debatable [dr'bert:ibl] vitatható
to recover [rr'kAvd] felépül
miracle ['nur:ikl] csoda

2 1 Would you consider euthanasia if you were terminally ill?

22 When is a person terminally ill?
First of all we should define what terminally ill means. I believe that you are terminally ill if you
are not expected to live for more than six months and suffer from unbearable pains. This might
justify the decision to opt for eurhanasia. Personally, I would never consider this act. I believe that
even with a reduced life quality, we should be grateful that we have the chance to live. There is just
one life a person has and we should also think of our family members. A lot of people would say
that a terminally ill person is a burden on the family. I think it can never be a question in a good
family, because helping each other at the time of crisis is what makes a family.
23 Who should carry out euthanasia?
If euthanasia were legal, I believe that it should be the docror's responsibility to carry out the
act. It can be either withdrawing or withholding treatment or the simple way is just switching
off the life sustaining machines. Before carrying out euthanasia, the docror should consult the
family members of the patient.
to withdraw [wió'dr::i:] visszavon
to withhold [wió'h:iuld] visszatart
burdensome ['b3:d:insAm] terhes, fárasztó
painkiller ['pernkrl:i] fá.jdalomcsillapító
to relieve [rr'li:v] csillapít
unbearable [An'be:ir:ibl] elviselhetetlen
to palliate ['p:elrert] csillapít
dose [d:ius] adag
to carry out [k:en aut] végrehajt
terminally ill ['t3:mrn:ih rl] halálos beteg
to justify ['d3Ast1far] indokol
grateful ['grertful] hálás
gratitude ['gr:etrtju:d] hála
life-sustaining [larfs:is'ternitJ] életben tartó
to consult [bn'sAlt] konzultál

1 76 M O RAL I S S U ES
24 What do you know of the hospice movement?
l know that in recent years there has been constant debate about what should be done to
terminally ill people. The hospice movement was founded to try to help the dying spend
their !ast few days in a loving and sympathetic environment so that they can die with digniry.
l believe that a hospice, that is a home for the dying, is a very good idea, because the person
would not have to die alone and would be surrounded by people who can give them extra
care. l think it is good when che family members are far away and the ill person cannot rely
on anybody, but if the family is around, l believe chat it should be cheir responsibiliry to look
after the sick family member.

hospice ['h osprs] szeretetház

movement [' mu:vm;mt] mozgalom

2 5 What forms of ca pital punishment are you familiar with?

26 What methods were popular in the Middle Ages?
Death penalcy has been inflicted in many ways: crucifi.xion, boiling in oil, impalement,
beheading, burning alive, crushing, tearing asunder, stoning, and drowning are examples.
Nowadays these medieval methods are not used anymore. The most "popular" ways are
hanging, electrocution, the gas chamber, fi.ring squad, or lethal injection. ln most nations
that scill retain deach penalty for some crimes, hanging or the fi.ring squad are che preferred
mechods of execution. ln some countries that adhere suiccly to che tradicional practices of
Islam, beheading or stoning are still occasionally employed as punishment.
The fundamental questions raised by death penalry are whecher it is an effective deterrent to
violent crime, and whecher it is more effeccive chan the alcernacive of long-cerm imprisonment.

death penalry [de8 'penalt1] halálbüntetés

capital punishment ['hep1tal 'pAmJmant] halálbüntetés
to inflicc [m'ílrkt] kiró
crucifi.xion [kru:si ' f1kJn] keresztre feszítés
to crucify ['kru:srfar] keresztre feszít
buming at the stake ['b3:1111J cet óa sterk] máglyahalál
impalement [rm'perlmant] karóba húzás
hanging ['héel)9IIJ] akasztás
eleccrocution [1lektrn'kju:Jn] elektromos szék általi halál
to execute ['eks1kju:t] kivégez
execucion [eksr'kju:Jn] kivégzés
sroning ['staumIJ] megkövezés
tearing asunder [te;mIJ a'sAnda] széttépés
medieval [med1'i:vl] középkori
gas chamber [gces tj'ermba] gázkamra
to gas [gces] elgázosít
to adhere to [ad'hra] fenntart
fundamental [fAnda'mental] alapvető
to deter from [dr 't3:] elrettent

Executioner ofthe medieval times
deterrent [d1'ter;mt] elrettentő
to imprison [rm'pnzn] bebó'rtönöz
imprisonment [1m'pnznm;int] bebörtönzés

2 7 Do you think capital punishment is a deterrent against violent crime?

a I personally believe that capital punishment is necessary. I insist rhat because taking an offender's
life is a more severe punishment rhan any prison term, it must be a better deterrent. I reckon
that without capital punishment there is no adequate deterrent for rhose already serving a life
term who commit murder while incarcerated, or for those who have not yet been caught bur
who would be liable to a life term if arrested, as well as for revolurionaries, terrorists, traitors,
and spies.
b I am totally against capital punishment. I hold the viewpoint that there are no significant long­
term differences in the murder rate between countries where capital punishment is legal and
the ones where it is not allowed.
There are several mora! concerns over death penal ty. I have to point to the risk of executing the
innocent. We are not God and I think that life is sacred and society does not have the right to
judge when a person's life should end.

adequate ['red1kw:it] megfelelő

to incarcerate [m'ka:s;ire1t] börtönbe zár
to be behind bars [br'hamd ba:z] bó'rtönben van
to serve the sentence [s3:v ó;i 'sent;ins] büntetést tölt
traitor ['trert:i] áruló
spy [spa1] kém

28 Do you think capital punishment should be reinstated in Hungary?

a I believe that capital punishment should be reinstated in our country because in the past
decade we have seen a rising number of serious crimes and a lot of murders. Still, all a murderer
can get is life imprisonment, which does not always mean life, because the criminal is often
released after twenty-twenty-five years and has the chance to commit crimes again.
b I don't think that the reintroduction of capital punishment would solve the problem of rhe
increasing number of killings ín Hungary. I rhink rhat what has happened to rhe crime rate in
Hungary is an inevirable consequence of a welfare state. We see signs of it in every developed
country. We can also see examples of counrries where death penalty is legal. ln the United
States, for example, the introduction of capital punishment has not decreased the number of

treason [tri:zn] felségárulás, hazaárulás

to betray [br'trer] elárul
innocent ['m;isnt] ártatlan
guilty ['gilt1] bűnös
to reach the verdict [ri:tf ó;i 'V3:drkt] meghozza az ítéletet
jury ['d3u;in] esküdtszék
juror ['d3u;ir;i] esküdt

1 78 M O RAL I S S U ES
29 How would you punish serial murderers, rapists and brutal killers?
a Since capieal punishmenc is againse ehe law in ehe European Union, ehere is no way ro inflice
ie on serial murderers, rapises and brueal killers. However, l personally ehink ehae ehis should
be ehe bese meehod ro punish ehese people if ie is one hundred per cent ehae ehey commirred
ehe crime. There are DNA eeses roday, which can deeermine who has commirced ehe crime.
Some people say ehae ehe punishmenc should fit ehe crime, and believe in ehe "eye for an eye"
principle. le means ehae if a murderer made his/her viceim suffer, ehen he/she should also suffer
before being killed. l would be quiee brueal wieh rapises and child moleseers. l would pue ehem
in prison where oeher prisoners would rape ehem. Then ehey would feel whae eheir viceims wenc
b l don'e ehink ehae revenge would solve ehe problem of rapises and murderers. l believe ehae in
some cases, ehe roor of ehe problem is psychological. The defendanr should be sem ro correceion
cencres and noe ro prisons because ehere is no way ehae ehey will change in prisons. If ehey are
cured, ehey mighe be able ro go back ro inregraee in ehe sociery.

serial murderer (' s1;m;il 'm3:d;irn] sorozatgyilkos

rapise ['rerprst] erőszaktevő
eye for an eye [ar far ;in ar] szemet szemért


1 Natural disasters
• Earehquake • Flood
• •
. Hurricane


. Typhoon

Tidal wave

. Tsunami

Volcanic erupeion

. Landslide

2 Abortion
a The unborn child is a separaee human being from concepeion
b The foetus has righes even in ehe womb
e Handicapped people can have happy lives
d Abortion is murder
e Life begins ae ehe momenc of concepeion
f Unborn babies have personalieies
g le can leave menta! and physical scars on ehe woman
h lnfancicide
More educaeion aboue concracepeion is needed

a Women have the right to choose
b lt is better than poor living conditions
e Population explosion won't be solved
d Life begins at birth
e lt is rhe most humane way when a woman is raped
f The foerus feels nothing
g Every child has che righc the righc to be wanced

testicl e squeezer [ 'test1kl 'skwi:z;i] herezúzó

nutcracker [ 'nAtkneb] herezúzó
to torture ['tJ:tf;i] kínoz
infancicide [m'féent1sa1d] csecsemőgyilkosság
population explosion [popj u'le1Jn 1ks'pl;io3n] népességrobbanás

3 Euthanasia
a Ir can end a pacient's suffering quickly
b Grief is shortened
e Everyone has che right to die wich dignity
d Doctors would be able to carry ic our legally
e Doctors would know whar rheir pariencs wanc
a Only God has the righc to cake away lives
b There is a chance to recover
e Violarion of the Hippocracic Oarh
d Better faciliries are needed
e Patiencs cannot make rational decisions

grief [gri:f] gyász

4 Cloning
a Ir would cure incurable diseases
b Ic could replace missing organs
e Help countries suffering from malnutririon
a It can be abused
b Immoral
e Unerhical
d Danger of a Brave ew World
e Planned babies

immoral [r'mor;il] erkölcstelen
unethical [,\ll'e8Ikl] etikátlan

S Capita l pun ishment

a Punishmenr should fit the crime
b Life-sentence is not enough
e An eye for an eye, a tooth for a roorh
d Ir helps rhe victim's family to ger over rhe loss
e Some "lifers" are back on rhe sueers committing rhe same crime again
f Ir has a deterrent
g Expresses sociery's abhorrence of murder
a Capital punishment makes marryrs out of terrorists
b Life is sacred, only God has the right to rake it
e A misrake can be made
d Inhumane
e Executioner becomes a murderer
f No deterrence

abhorrence [;ib'hor;ins] irtózás

marryr ['ma:t;i] mártír

6 Groups i n d a n ger of A I DS
a drug users sharing rhe same injecrion equipmenr
b practising homosexuals and bisexuals
e haemophiliacs and orhers who have received blood products
d sexual parmers of rhe people mentioned above
e babies born ro infecred people
f Black Africans wirhout any education about rhe disease

7 Modern forms of punishment

a binding over
b corporal punishment
e capiral punishment
community service order
f deferment
g deprivation of property
h detoxifi.cation centre

a discharge
e fine
d imprisonment
e probation order

to bind over ['bamdnJ ';mv;i] óvadékra kötelez

compensation [komp;in'se1Jn] kárpótlás
deprivation [depn've1Jn] megfosztás
discharge ['d1stfa:d3] felmentés, szabadlábra helyezés
probation [pr;i'be1Jn] feltételes szabadlábra helyezés

8 C rimes
. felony • treason
• •
. misdemeanour


. stabbing

. strangulation
murder •
• assault • hijack
• •
. robbery


. burglary


. fraud


. blackmail

child abuse

. trespassing

. mugging
negligence •

felony ['fel;im] bűntett

rreason [tri:zn] haza-, felségárulás
misdemeanour [m1sd1'mi:n;i] súlyos vétség
assassination [;isces1'ne1Jn] merénylet
manslaughter ['mcensb:t;i] emberölés
stabbing ['stceb11J] késelés
strangulation [strce1Jgj u'le1Jn] fojtogatás
battering ['bcet;in!J] bántalmazás
assau!t [;i's::i:lt] támadás
smuggling ['smAgirIJ] csempészés
fraud [fr::i:d] csalás
bribery ['bra1b;in] vesztegetés
blackmail [ 'blcekmetl] zsarolás
arson ['a:s;in] szándékos tűzgyújtás

1 82 M O RAL I S S U ES
rrespassing ('tresp;:isrIJ] illegális behatolás
negligence ['neglrd3;:ins] hanyagság
embezzlement [rm'bezlm;:int] sikkasztás, hűtlen kezelés
hijack ['ha1d3cek] eltérítés

9 Tackling the problems of malnutrition

a emergency programmes ro help councries in poverry
b funds for developing agriculrure, irrigation, agricultural research, crop storage,
e international support for family planning programmes
d reduce arms selling to famine-srricken coumries
e distribution of aids
f education of the citizens

1 0 Capital punishment
. .

. contract killing

electrocution . decapitation
• guillotining • hanging
• hit • impalement
• lethal injection • neckrie parry
• •

. rub our

. shooting
-Y� 1 , .r - - .,_ \ M t ;. �"

Public holidays, Relig ious holidays and festiva ls,
B ritish and American holidays, Su perstitions
Test your knowledge by a nswering the questions below. Tick the ones you
can a l ready a nswer.

D What religious holidays do you celebrate?

2 D What do we celebrate at Christmas?
3 D What customs and traditions do we celebrate Christmas with?
4 D What is a traditional Christmas dinner like?
5 D How is Christmas celebrated in the English speaking coumries?
6 D What do you think of the Christmas rush?
7 D Do you approve of the idea of buying presems for your loved ones for Christmas?
8 D What do you think of the commercialisation of Christmas?
9 D How do you celebrare New Year's Eve?
10 D What do we celebrare ar Easrer?
11 D How do you celebrate Easter?
12 D What other religious festivals are you familiar with?
13 D Why do children look forward to December 6 i n Hungary?
14 D How are children and mothers celebrared?
15 D What public holidays are observed in Hungary?
16 D How do you commemorate March 15?
17 D What is celebrated on May 1 ?
18 D Why is August 2 0 a special holiday?
19 D What i s celebrated o n October 23?
20 D Do you approve of the idea of commemorating past evems?
21 D What i s celebrated on Valemine's Day?
22 D Have you heard of Pancake Day?
23 D What do people in the United States celebrate on July 4?
24 D What is Halloween?
25 D What is considered the most important family holiday in the United States?
26 D Have you heard of Groundhog Day?
27 D Do you find it a good idea to have a lot of western holidays imroduced in Hungary?

28 D Are you superstitious?
29 D What are you supposed to do when you see a chimneysweep?
30 D What brings you good luck?
31 D What happens if you spill some salt?
32 D What can bring you bad luck?
33 D Why should unmarried people not sít on the corner of a dining table?
34 D Do you have any lucky or unlucky numbers?
35 D Do you have any objects that bring you good luck?
36 D What other superstitions have you heard of?

1 What religious holidays do you cele brate?
a Our family is a very religious one, so we observe almost every religious holiday. Obviously, we
celebrate Christmas but we don't forget about Advent either. We usually put a wreath on the
table and for four weeks we light a candle every Sunday up to Christmas. When I was a child,
I remember that I got an Advent calendar from my parents. It meant a cardboard picture of
Jesus Christ or Santa Claus. There were litde windows ín the picture and some chocolate or
small presents were hidden behind every window and I could open one window on one day
starting on December 1 .
Then we also celebrate Christmas just like every Chriscian family. We always go t o the
midnight mass ín che nearby church.
In connection with Eascer, my family is very strict and consistent about the rules of Lent.
Starting on Ash Wednesday we don't eat meat for forty days all through Easter.
b I am not religious at all, but I still observe some of the holidays of the Christian Church.
Alrhough I am not totally aware of the exacr reasons for celebrating Christmas or Easter, I jusr
go wirh the flow and buy presents for my relarives and friends and I always buy a Chrisrmas
tree, but that's all. I don'r go to church or fasr before Easter. I am like most of rhe people
Advent ['iedvent] advent
wrearh [ri:0] koszorú
to light, lit, lir [!art] meggyújt
candle [kcendl] gyertya
cardboard ['ka:db:,:d] karton
Sanra Claus ['scentd kb:z] Mikulás
ro hide, hid, hidden [haid. hrd, h1dn] elrejt
Chrisrian ['knJtJdn] keresztény
mass [mces] mise
Easter ['i:std] húsvét

strict [stnkt] szigorú
consistent [k:m's1stant] következetes
Lent [lent] nagyböjt
Ash Wednesday [a:J 'wenzder] hamvazószerda
to observe [ab'Z3:v] megtart
to go with the flow [gau, füu] sodródik az eseményekkel
to fasr [fo:st] böjtöl

2 What do we celebrate at Christmas?

At Christmas, we celebrate rhe birth of Jesus Christ, rhe Saviour of men.

Saviour ['servrn] Megváltó

3 What customs and traditions do we celebrate Christmas with?

A week before Christmas, carol singers appear in rhe sueers ro announce the approach of the
festival. They carry a Christmas crib with rhem and go from house to house performing the
nativity play. le relates the story of the birth of Christ and the appearance of the three kings
bringing presents to rhe Son of God.
December 24 is Christmas Eve. The Christmas tree, a fir or pine is decorated. Nowadays, a
lot of people buy artificial Christmas trees because their leaves would not fal! off. ln Hungary,
children are given a lot of presents on Christmas Eve. A lor of families go to che midnight
service in church. On Christmas Day and then on rhe 26 December, people have big meals
and distant relatives visit each other.

carol ['ka:ral] karácsonyi ének

approach [a'prnutJ] közeledés, közelgés
crib [knb] jászol, bölcső
nativiry play [na'trvau, pler] betlehem
Christmas Eve ['knsmas i:v] szenteste
fir [fa:] fenyő
pine [pam] fenyő
to decorate ['debrert] díszít
arcificial [a:t1'frJI] mű
midnight service ['mrdnart 's3:v1s] éjféli mise
distant ['drstant] távoli

4 What is a traditional Christmas dinner like?

My family eats a lot on Christmas Eve and the cwo days following it. We usually have fish
soup followed by sruffed cabbage and poppy-seed cake. My mother always makes roast
duck with steamed cabbage, which I cannot resist and fill my tummy with umil I eat myself
sick. Nowadays, a lot of people fal! for rhe American uadition of preparing roast rurkey for
Christmas. Last year my grandmocher made it for us and she filled the turkey with chestnut,
which was delicious.

fish soup [f1J su:p] halászlé

stuffed cabbage [stAft 'kreb1d3] töltött káposzta
poppy-seed ['popr si:d] mák
roast [r;m t] sült
duck [dAk] kacsa
steamed cabbage ['sti:md 'kreb1d3] párolt káposzta
tummy ['ti\ffil] pocak
to eat oneself sick [i:t, s1k] betegre eszi magát
to fali for [f:J:l] bedől, megszeret
chestnut ['tJestnAt] gesztenye
rurkey ['t3:kI] pulyka

5 How is C h ristmas celebrated in the E n g l ish speaking cou ntries?

l n Britain and in rhe United States, preparation for Christmas scarcs a month before the
actual day. People start decorating cheir houses and screers and shops are lit up beautifully. A
very traditional decoration is misdetoe, which is hung inside the house. Unlike in Hungary,
people don't give rheir presems on Christmas Eve, but in rhe morning of the next day. They
put stockings near or on che Christmas cree or the fireplace and place some small presents
in rhem. While in Hungary lirde Jesus is believed to bring the presents to the children, in
Britain and rhe USA, children are told chat Farher Christmas or Santa Claus climbs in che
house rhrough rhe chimney and rhen dashes off in his sleigh pulled by some reindeer. ln
Brirain, December 26 is called Boxing Day, because craditionally it was che day when people
gave boxes wich small presencs to their employees and servams. Nowadays, this day is spent
relaxing or visicing relatives.

preparation [prep;i're1Jn] előkészület

misdecoe ['m1slt;iu] fagyöngy
scocking ['stoknJ] harisnyanadrág
chimney ['tJrmnr] kémény
to dash off [dreJ] elsiet, elrohan
sleigh [sle1] szán
reindeer (pl. reindeer) ['remd1;i] rénszarvas
employee [empb1'i:/rm'pbti:] munkás, alkalmazott
servant [ 's3:v;int] szolga

6 What do you think of the C h ristmas rush?

a l think it is quite a good idea to have a whole momh before Christmas when shops focus on
selling Christmas presems and attract customers to spend as much as they can. l always buy
the presents gradually during rhis momh before Chrisrmas. l spend a lot of time in shopping
malls and have a lot of time to decide what l want to buy.
b l always buy the presents in rhe !ast minute. l cannot avoid the Christmas rush since l don't
have a lor of time before Christmas to go to shops and look at every price rag carefully. l fal!
into the trap of shops and buy whatever l get to like first wirhour checking rhe prices in orher
shops. What l hate about Chrisrmas rush is rhat people are very impatient and rude to each

other. You can meet a lot of elbowing in the shops and it always seems like the grumpy people
always frequent the shops before Christmas. The problem is that most people forget that this
holiday is about love, however, they j ust spend a momh worrying about the presents and when
Christmas comes, they are j ust too exhausted to have time and love for each other. I really
don't like the fact that Christmas is not a true holiday for a lot of people.

gradually ['gned3u;ilr] fokozatosan

Christmas rush [ ' knsm;is rnJ] karácsonyi roham
price tag [prars tceg] árcédula
trap [trcep] csapda
to elbow ['elb;iu] könyököl
grumpy ('grnmpr] zsörtölődő
to frequem (fn ' kwe11t] gyakran Látogat

7 Do you a p prove of the idea of buying presents for you r loved o nes for
C h ristmas?
a Yes, definitely. There is nothing more pleasi11g than giving the right present to your loved
011es. I admit the right present is difficult ro fi nd but it is wonh taking the trouble. What also
matters is that a presem must be a token of your love a11d appreciatio11. I do11't thi11k that the
commercial value of rhe presem coums at all. The most important rhing is that it comes from
your heart.
b No, not at all. The whole business ofpresenting your nearest a11d dearest is fully commercialised.
The shops are the only winners as right before Christmas, people end up buying everyrhing
but the kitchen sink, thi11gs they would 11ever buy under ordinary co11dirions. And if you
wanted to give good presems, it would be necessary to shop all the year arou11d.

pleasing (' pli :wJ] ke/Lemes

to take the trouble (te1k, trnbl] veszi a fáradtságot
token [t;iuk11] emléktárgy, zálog
appreciation (;ipri : Ji 'erJ11] nagyrabecsülés
commercial (k;i'1113:Jl] kereskedelmi
to commercialise [k;i'm3:J;ilarz] elüzletiesedik

8 What do you think of the commercial isation of C h ristmas?

I do11'r rhi11k that Christmas should be about mo11ey. owadays, people compete with each
other about buying the most valuable gift for Christmas. As the grass is always gree11er 011 the
other side of the fence, some people buy presents rhat will e11d up 011 rhe lowest shelf of their
wardrobe or even i11 the trashca11.
However, I sympathise with the i 11itiario11 of charity orga11isatio11s to give food to homeless
people a11d beggars. It is also a good idea that large families with rhree or more children are
give11 presents by local governments or other organisatio11s.

ro compete [k;im 'pi:t] versenyez

trashcan [' trceJkre11] szemetes
to sympathise with ['s1mp;i8arz] szimpatizál

initiation [1111Ji'e1Jn] kezdeményezés
charity [' tJrerrt1] jótékonysági
beggar [ ' beg;i] koldus

9 How do you celebrate New Year's Eve?

On New Year's Eve, people stay up until after mid night to welcome the New Year. I usually
go to party with my friends. We dance a lor, play board games, eat a lot and drink a lot. At
m idnight, we sing the national anthem, clink glasses and drink some champagne. My friends
throw crackers in front of us just to scare the hell out of us. Some people make New Year's
resolutions but I am not one of rhem. The reason is very simple: I j ust cannot keep them.

to stay up [ster t.p] fennmarad

to party ['pa:tr] bulizik
board game [b:,:d ge1m] társasjáték
anthem ['ren0;:im] himnusz
ro clink [klmk] koccint
cracker [' krreb] petárda
ro scare rhe hell out of sy [ske;i, hel] halálra ijeszt
resolution [rez;i'lu:Jn] fogadalom

1 0 What do we celebrate at Easter?

At Easter, we celebrare rhe Resurrection ofJesus Chrisr thar is the rising of the Saviour from
h is romb three days afrer his Crucifixion.

resurrection [rez;i'rekJn] feltámadás

comb [tu:m] sír
crucifixion [kru:s;i ' f1kJ11] keresztre feszítés

1 1 How do you celebrate Easter?

Most Easrer tradirions are associared with Easter Monday when boys sec our ro cal! on rheir
female friends and relatives and sprinkle them with perfume or soda water. Girls, in return,
treat them to home made cakes or some drinks and present them with eggs painted mainly
red, green or yellow. Children are also presented at Easter with either some chocolate eggs or a
chocolate Easrer bunny and an Easter chick. Recendy, it has become widespread that children
ger money for sprinkling rhe girls.
When I was a child, I remember thar my parents always hid some chocolare eggs in rhe
courtyard under the bushes and in rhe grass and I was supposed ro find rhem. I was always
cheering when I came across an egg.

ro be associared wirh [;i ' s;iusiertrd] kapcsolatban van vmivel

ro set out [set] elindul
ro sprinkle [spnIJkl] locsol
bunny ['bt.111] nyuszi
widespread [' wa1dspred] elterjedt
courtyard ['b: tja:d] udvar
ro come across [kt.m ;i'kros] rábukkan

1 2 What other religious festiva ls a re you fa m i l i a r with?
Four weeks before Christmas, people observe Advent the coming of Jesus to this world. After
Christmas, the first religious festival is Epiphany on January 6. Ir is held in memory of the
coming of the Magi to the baby Jesus in Betlehem.
Lent is also an imporrant Christian period in which people are not supposed to eat meat
or rich foods. The beginning of Passion Week is Palm Sunday and it symbolises the
arrival of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. When he arrived, palm leaves were thrown in front
of his feer. During the Holy Week we observe Maundy Thursday on which Jesus had
his "Last Supper" with his disciples, the Aposrles. The end of Lent is Good Friday.
On this day Jesus was crucined. On the third day afrer his death, Jesus resurrected
from his romb. l am also familiar with Pentecost or Whitsun, which is observed on the
seventh Sunday following Easter. Ir is associated with the coming of the Holy Spirir.
A very interesting bur not widely known religious feast is the Assumption, which is the taking
of V irgin Mary into Heaven in bodily form. This day is celebrated all around Europe. Mary
is the patron saint of Hungary.
ln aurumn we observe Ali Saints' Day and the Day of the Dead which follows it. We go ro the
cemeteries and light candles remembering our loved ones who have passed away.
Epiphany [r'prfanr] vízkereszt
the Magi ['merd3a1] három királyok
Palm Sunday [pa:m 'sAnd1] virágvasárnap
Passion Week [preJn wi:k] nagyhét
Holy Week ['h:mlr wi:k] nagyhét
palm [pa:m] pálma
Maundy Thursday ['m:i:ndr '03:zdr] nagycsütörtök
Last Supper [la:st 'sApg] utolsó vacsora
disciple [d,'sarpl] tanítvány
aposde [g'posl] apostol
Good Friday [gud 'frmdr] nagypéntek
to crucify ['kru:srfar] keresztre feszít
to resurrect [rezg'rekt] feltámad
Pentecost ['pentrkost] pünkösd
Whitsun [wrtsn] pünkösd
Holy Spirit ['hgu!J 'spmt] Szentlélek
the Assumption [g'sAmpJn] Nagyboldogasszony Ünnepe,
Mária mennybemenetele
Virgin Mary ['V3:d3m] Szűz Mária
patron saint ['pe,trgn sernt] védőszent
Ali Saints' Day [::i:l semts de1] mindenszentek
cemetery ['semgtn] temető
ro pass away [pa:s gwer] eltávozik
1 3 Why do c h i ld ren look forward to December 6 i n H u n g a ry?
ln Hungary, December 6 is the day when Santa Claus comes and puts presems in the boots
of litrle children. When l was a child l always looked forward to this day. l was mid that l had

to behave well in order to be given some chocolace or small presents by Santa. I knew that if
I did not behave, I would receive some branches, which I did not want. I always polished my
shoes and boocs so chac Santa could see chat I deserved the presems. Then I puc my boocs on
che windowsill and went to bed. Sama supposedly came during che night and put che presents
in my boots. I remember chat in che morning of December 6, I was che first to get up in che
family, as I wanted to see whecher I got anyching or noc.
branch [bro:ntJ] virgács
to deserve [dJ'z3:v] megérdemel
to polish ['polrJ] tisztít, fényesít
window sill ['wmd;iu srl] ablakpárkány

1 4 How are children and mothers celebrated?

The first Sunday of May is Mochers' Day. I always give some nice flowers to my mum on thac
special day. When I was in kindergarcen, we always had celebracion held for mothers and
grandmorhers. We used to sing and recice some poems. It was very nice.
Children look forward to che !ast Sunday of May as rhis day is dedicaced to chem. I remember
going to fairs and amusement parks on Children's Day. I goc a loc of candies, played around
wich my friends and cried che scariest roller-coasters and dungeons. As a licde child, I always
had a ride on che carousel and flew my colourful kire.

to recite [n'sart] szaval

fair [fe;i] vásár
amusemem park [;i'mju:zm;int pa:k] vidámpark
scary [ske;in] ijesztő
roller-coascer [ 'r;iul;ibust;i] hullámvasút
dungeon [ 'dAnd3;in] várbörtön, barlang
carousel [ka:r;i' se!] körhinta
kire [kart] papírsárkány
to fly a kire [flar ;i kart] sárkányt ereget
1 S What public holidays are observed in Hungary?
I n Hungary, we celebrate March 1 5 , che Hungarian Revolurion and War of independence of
May 1 is a spring holiday when maypoles are put up in gardens.
August 20 is che day of our first king Stephen I. The foundation of our stace is commemorated
on char day.
On October 23, we celebrare rhe declaracion of rhe Hungarian Republic and commemorare
rhe outbreak of the 1956 Revolution.

revolution [rev;i'lu:Jn] forradalom

war of independence [w::i: ov mdr'pend;ins] szabadságharc
maypole ['me1p;iul] májusfa
foundacion [faun' de1Jn] alapítás
to commemorate [k;i' mem;ire!l] megemlékezik
declaration [dekl;i'rerJn] kikiáltás
outbreak [ 'autbrerk] kitörés

1 6 How do you commemorate March 1 5 ?
March 1 5 is a very important national holiday. There are always celebrations all around
the country. That is when a lot of decorated sciencists, writers and artists receive awards
for their outstanding achievements. New statues are erected and unveiled. We always wear
a roserre which is usually a small ribbon with the national colours tacked on our shirts.
We commemorate the heroes who rose up against the Habsburg rule in Hungary ín 1 848.
Unfortunately, the revolution and the war of independence were put clown and Hungary
could not gain freedom. Another sad event that is attached to the revolurion is October 6, the
day when we commemorate the Hungarian generals of the war of independence who were
executed in Arad in 1 849. People usually march ín the sueets with torches and light candles
ín remembrance of the marryrs.

outstanding [aut'strendnJ] kiváló

achievement [;}'tJi:v1mnt] teijesítmény
to erect [r'rekt] állít
to unveil [An've1l] leleplez
rosette [rdu 'zet] kokárda
to tack [trek] feltűz
ribbon ['nb;}n] szalag
hero ['h!;}f;}U] hős
to rise (up) [rarz Ap] felkel, fellázad
to put clown [put daun] lever
to gain freedom [gem 'fri:d::im] elnyeri a szabadságát
ro be attached ro [;}'tretJt] kapcsolódik hozzá,
to execure ['eks1kju:t] kivégez
torch [t:,:tJ] fáklya
in remembrance of [n'membrdns] vmire emlékezve
martyr ['ma:td] mártír

1 7 What is celebrated on May 1 ?

May 1 is International Labour Day. People go to picnics and outings. Children fly kites and
balloons. When I was younger I ate a lot of candy-floss and went to fairs and rode roller­

balloon [b;}'Ju:n] lufi

candy-floss ['krend1 flos] vattacukor

1 8 Why is August 2 0 a special holiday?

August 20 is a quadruple holiday. First of all, it is the holiday of our füst king, St. Scephen.
The founding of the state is also commemorated on August 20. It is the holiday of the
Constitution, too. This day is also associated with the new bread afrer rhe harvest. A mass
is held in churches to bless the bread. At night, people can enjoy the spectacular fireworks,
which attracts more than a million people to the capital city.

quadruple ['kwodru:pl] négyes, négyszeres

conscitution [konstr'tju:Jn] alkotmány
harvesc ['ha:v;:ist] aratás
co bless [bles] megáld
speccacular [spek'trekjul;:i] látványos

1 9 What is celebrated on October 23?

Occober 23 is a double holiday as we commemorace che Revolucion of 1956 and che declaracion
of our republic in 1989. Accually, chis holiday is a new one because in che old regime, Occober
23 was considered a caboo subjecc and was declared a councer-revolucion. Personally, I regard
chis day che most imporcanc one in Hungarian hiscory since chac is che day when Hungarians
cook co che screecs againsc che Soviec occupacion and che Communisc syscem. Unforcunacely,
che Soviecs recurned and suppressed che uprising. Ic was followed by bloody recriburions and
che Beeing of more chan cwo hundred chousand people. Thac day decermined che lives of our
parencs buc for us ic is hiscory.

caboo [t;:i'bu:] tabu

co declare [dr'kle;:i] nyilvánít
councer-revolucion ['kaunt;:i rev;:i'lu:Jn] ellenforradalom
co cake co che screecs [te1k, stri:ts] utcára vonul
occupacion [okju'perJn] megszállás
co suppress [s;:i'pres] lever
uprising [' Apra!ZIIJ] felkelés
recribucion [retn'bju:Jn] megtorlás
co Bee [íli:] elmenekül
co decermine [dr't3:mm] meghatároz

2 0 Do you a pprove of the idea of commemorating past events?

a I don'c chink chac we should spend so much cime and money commemoracing pasc evencs as
we have presenc problems now. We shouldn'c live in che pasc buc we should focus on whac is
ahead of us.
b Ic is very imporcanc co celebrace famous pasc evencs and people. They are che legacy of our
nacions. Famous hiscoric evencs and che deeds of a loc of people shaped che country. We
should always remember chese evencs and look back wich pride chac chere were people who
scood up for whac chey choughc was righc, moreover, devoced cheir !íves co our country.

co be ahead of sy [ ;:i ' hed] előtte van

legacy ['leg;:isr] örökség
evenc [r'vent] esemény
deed [di:d] cselekedet
co shape [Jerp] formál
pride [prard] büszkeség
co stand up for [strend] kiáll vmiért

1 93
--1 -
2 1 What is celebrated on Valentine's Day?
St Valentine's Day is a special holiday dedicated to lovers. It is celebrated on February 14
by the custom of sending greeting cards or gifts ro express affection ro a chosen partner.
The cards, known as valemines, are generally sem anonymously and are often designed with
hearts to symbolise love. It is also common to have short love messages primed in newspapers
and magazines, and lovers also send f!owers or chocolate to each orher. People invire rheir love
to restaurants and express rheir love and gratirude in several ways. Traditionally, the holiday
comes from Britain bur became widespread in the United States.

Valemine's Day ['vrel;mtamz der] Bálint-nap

greering card ['gri : tII) ka:d] üdvözlőkártya
to express [rk' spres] kifejez
affection [d' fe kJn] odaadás
anonymously [d ' nommdslr] névtelenül
to symbolise [' s1mbdlarz] jelképez
gratirude ['grretrtju:d] hála

22 Have you heard of Pancake Day?

Yes, I have heard of Pancake Day. I find it a very imeresring cusrom, which is observed in
Britain. Acrually, Pancake Day is j ust another name for Shrove Tuesday, when a lot of people
ear pancakes. Traditionally, rhis day was rhe lasr one before Lent, so people could ear rich
food before starting their fast of forry days.

Shrove Tuesday [Jr;)UV ' tju:zdr] húshagyó kedd

23 What do people in the United States celebrate on July 4?
The most important public holiday in the Unired Srares is July 4 or I ndependence Day. The
holiday commemorares the adoption of the Declararion of Independence on July 4, 1776, in
Philadelphia. The thirreen original colonies declared rheir independence from Britain. This
day is rradirionally celebrated publicly with parades and pageants, parriotic speeches, and
organized firing of guns and cannon and displays of fireworks. Family picnics and outings are
a fearure of private Fourth of J uly celebrarions.

adoption [;)' dopJn] elfogadás

Declaration of Independence [dek];)'re1fo, mdr 'pend;ms] Függetlenségi Nyilatkozat
colony [ 'koldm] gyarmat
parade [púerdJ pompa, parádé
pageam [' pred3dnt] látványos parádé
patriotic [pretri ' otik] hazafias
speech [spi:tJ] beszéd
cannon (pl. cannon) [ 'krendn] ágyú
fireworks ['fardwa: ks] tűzijáték

24 What is Halloween?
Halloween is the evening of Ocrober 3 1 , preceding the Christian feast of Ali Saims' Day.
People once believed that on rhis day, ghosrs could be seen. Now, in Brirain and the United

States, Halloween is the time for people to have parries in costumes. Children also dress up
as witches, ghosts, vampires, werewolves or skeletons and carve out the inside of a pumpkin
to make lamerns. They go from house to house knocking at the doors shouting uick or treat.
This means that rhey will play a joke on the people in the house unless they are given some
sweets or money. Most people prefer to give treats rather than having tricks played on them.

feast ['fi:st] ünnep

Ali Saims' Day [:,:] semts der] mindenszentek
ghost [g;iust] szellem
witch [wrtJ] boszorkány
costume ['bstju:m] jelmez
vampire ['vrempai;i] vámpír
werewolf ['we;iwulf] vérfarkas
skeleton ['skelrtn] csontváz
to carve [ka:v] vés
pumpkin ['pAmpkm] tök
lamern ['lrent;m] mécses

25 What is considered the most important family holiday in the United States?
The most important family holiday in the United States is Thanksgiving. lt is said to be more
important than Christmas. lt is the time of family reunions when relatives even from remote
places gather and celebrate together. Thanksgiving Day is always celebrated on the fourch
Thursday of November, so people have a four-day weekend to spend with their loved ones.
The tradition derives from the time of the early settlers when the Indians showed the Pilgrims
what food they could eat and harvest in order to survive rhe severe winter. Today people
celebrate Thanksgiving to remember these early days of their ancestors. The most important
part of the holiday is the Thanksgiving dinner which includes turkey, yams and cranberry
sauce. Turkey is usually stuffed with something like chestnut or fruit. For dessert Americans
eat rhe uaditional pumpkin pie.

Thanksgiving [' 0::el) ksgrvnJ ] hálaadás

reun10n [ri:'ju:m;m] összejövetel
to derive from [dr'rarv] származik
sett!er ['setl;i] telepes
to harvest ['ha:v;ist] arat
ancestor ['rens;ist;i] ős
yam Lirem] édesburgonya
cranberry [ 'crrenb;irr] áfonya
26 Have you heard of G roundhog Day?
I remember Groundhog Day from a movie which was shown some time ago. lt is a rather
funny day, which is celebrated on February 2 in the United States, when people wait to see
what the groundhog will do as it wakes up from hibernarion. Afrer rhe long wimer sleep, it
comes out of its hole and sees its shadow, it becomes frightened and
goes back to its hole meaning that there will be six more weeks of
wimer. If there is no shadow, rhis means that spring will come soon.
This day is similar to the Hungarian day when a bear comes out to
mark the beginning of spring.

groundhog ['graundhog] mormota
hibernacion [ha1b;i'ne1Jn] téli álom
hole [h;iul] lyuk
shadow ['Jred;iu] árnyék

2 7 Do you find it a good idea to have a lot of western holidays introduced in

a I don't think ic is a very good idea co incroduce American holidays in Hungary. I believe chac
chis Americanisation will one day lead us co forgec abouc our own craditions and values. I
know that, for example, Valencine's Day is good business for floriscs and for people selling
sweets. I just hate the sighc of shops decoraced wich pink hearcs. I don't think that only one
day should be devoced co your love. ln my opinion, you should be kind co the person you love
all che year round.
b Yes, I agree with the facc that foreign holidays are introduced in our country. Not only
commercial holidays like Valencine's Day, but religious holidays should also be celebrated.
We live in a world which is becoming more and more diverse culturally, ethnical ly and in
many other ways. Just as we celebrate Chriscmas, we should not forget the people who observe
Passover, Ramadan or Hanukah.

Americanisacion (;imrenbnar'ze,Jn] elamerikaisodás

value [ 'vrelju:] érték
florist ['ílonst] virágos
diverse [da1'V3:s] különféle
echnically [ 'e0mkh] etnikai alapon
Passover [ 'pa:s;iuv;i] zsidó húsvét

28 Are you superstitious?

a I am not superstitious at all. I don't have any lucky numbers or objects chac I ding co. I think
chac superstitious people are afraid that it is not them concrolling their fate but everything
depends on something superior. I simply believe they have inhibitions, although they should
just go with their instincts and live the way chey wanc co.
b I am a very superstitious person. I have my lucky and unlucky numbers. I always play the same
sequence of numbers on the loccery, I never move out of the house on Friday the chirceench.
When I play football, I always wear the same underwear in order co win the game. I always get
out of bed with my righc foot and I am careful abouc not following my way if there is a black
cat crossing the road.

superstitious [su:p;i'st1J;is] babonás

superscition [su:p;i'strJn] babona
fate [feit] sors
inhibition [mh1'b1Jn] gátlás
inscinct ['msnqkt] ösztön
sequence ['si:kw;ins] sorozat
lottery ['lot;irr] lottó

29 What are you supposed to do when you see a chimneysweep?
A chimneysweep is supposed ro bring good luck. If you see one, shake his hand. If you cannor
do rhar you should hold on ro your burron and hold ir righr unril you see a broken window.
Unforrunarely, people seldom see chimneysweeps nowadays.

chimneysweep ('tJrmnrswi:p) kéményseprő

ro shake hands [Jerk hrendz] kezet fog
burron [bAtn) gomb
righr [tait] erősen, szorosan
seldom ['seld;;im) ritkán

30 What brings you good luck?

a According ro some supersririons rhere are a lor rhings rhar can bring good luck. When I was a
child I was always looking for four-leaf clovers in rhe field so rhar I could wish somerhing. My
grandparenrs insisred rhar you could become lucky if you possess a horseshoe, so rhey kepr one
in rheir bedroom over rheir bed. Anorher supersririon suggesrs rhar in order ro rerain good luck,
you have ro knock on wood. Thar's whar I always do in order ro avoid bad luck.
b I always make a wish on a shooring srar, because I believe rhar ir will come rrue rhen. Moreover,
when I find a coin in rhe srreer, I wish somerhing, rhen I spir on ir and rh row ir over my head.
Talking abour coins, ir is also a rradirion ro rhrow a coin inro a pool of warer and make a
wish, your wish will come rrue. When I was in Rome, we rhrew coins inro rhe famous Trevi
Founrain so rhar we would be lucky.
e I am nor very supersririous bur I always cross my fingers if I rake an exam or if a friend rakes

clover [ 'kl;mv;;i) Lóhere

horseshoe ['h:i:sJu:) patkó
ro rerain [n'tem] megtart, megőriz
ro knock on wood [knok on wud] lekopog
shooting srar ['Ju:t11J sta:) hu!Lócsi!Lag
ro spir, spar, spar [spn. spret] köp
Trevi Founrain ['trev1 'fauntm) Trevi-kút

31 What happens if you spill some salt?

Spilling salr means rhar rhere will be quarrels soon. My grandmorher used ro teli me rhar
when you accidenrally spill some salr, you should also pour some pepper afrer rhar in order
ro ger rid of rhe curse of having ro argue wirh someone. When I spilr salr by chance, I always
claimed rhar ir was jusr sugar and nor salr in order ro avoid quarrelling.

ro spill, spilr, spilr [sprl) kiönt, kiborít

quarrel ['kwor;;il) vita
accidentally [reks1'dent;;ih) véletlenül
curse (k3:s] átok
by chance [ba1 tJa:ns] véletlenül

32 What ca n bring you bad luck?
I remember that when I was a child I wasn't supposed to walk under a ladder because it's bad
luck. I don't know why but leaving your umbrella open in rhe house can also bring bad luck,
ar leasr according to my mum. She is a pessimisric rype ofwoman. She always acred according
to whar was bad or good based on supersririons. There is one rhar is ín connecrion wirh her.
She would always say rhar srepping on cracks will break your mother's back. Even now I am
always careful about 11ot steppi11g 011 cracks. The worsr thi11g was to break a mirror because it
would bring seve11 years of bad luck.

ladder ['lred;i] létra

pessimistic [pes1'm1st1k] pesszimista
crack [krrek] repedés

3 3 Why should u n m a rried people not sit on the corner of a d i n i n g tab le?
Accordi11g to some old uaditio11, unmarried people should 11ot sít 011 rhe corner of the di11i11g
table because if they do so, they will 11ever ger married. I remember rhe big family feasrs whe11
my gra11dmother always had to repeat rhis tradirio11 and told everybody to be careful about
where they would sir. Of course, married people were allowed to sit wherever rhey wanred to.

feast [fi:st] lakoma

34 Do you have a ny lucky or u n l u c ky n u m be rs?

a No, I don't have any lucky numbers. When I play rhe lorrery, for example, I always play
random numbers. I do11'r believe thar if you stick to a number, you will be luckier rhan orhers.
b Yes, I have lucky and also unlucky 11umbers. My favourite numbers are con11ecred to the days
whe11 my family were born. When I played basketball, I always wamed to wear rhe same
jersey with the same number. As for unlucky numbers, I cannor stand 11umber 7. I ca11't really
explain why but I always get goose bumps whe11 I see rhis 11umber.
e I have uiskadekaphobia. Thar means I am afraid of anyrhi11g con11ected to rhe number
rhirreen. I consider it a very unlucky number, especially Friday rhe 1 3th. I always try to avoid
leaving rhe house on rhar day.

random ['rrend;im] véletlen, találomra történő

to stick to [snk] ragaszkodik vmihez
goose bumps [gu:s bAmps] libabőr
rriskaidekaphobia [tnsk:ideb'faub1:i] 13-as számtól való félelem

35 Do you have a ny objects that bring you g ood luck?

a Si11ce I am not supersririous, I don'r believe i11 having objecrs rhar are supposed to bring luck.
I believe ir all depe11ds 011 rhe perso11 a11d nor rhe objecrs.
b Yes, I have a lot of mascots. When I rake a11 exam, I have my reddy bear i11 front of me so that
whenever I have a problem, I just look at him. Whe11 I play football, my farher is my mascor.
When he comes to rhe games, I know thar we will win. The most recenr object rhar I received
for my birrhday is a small amuler. I got it from my girlfrie11d and I wear it all rhe rime on a
chai11 around my neck.

mascot ('1mesk::it] kabala
teddy bear ['ted1 be;}] játékmaci
amulet ['.emjul;:it] amulett

36 What other superstitions h ave you heard of?

If your toorh falls out, place it under your pillow at night and the toorh fairy will exchange it
for something valuable. I know that if your ears are burning, someone is ralking about you.
Ir is the same with hiccoughing.

tooth fairy [tu:0 'fe;:in] fogtündér

to hiccough/hiccup ['hrkAp] csuklik


1 H u n g a ri a n holidays: Day
Public holidays:
a New Year's Day
b March 1 5 : The Revolurion and War of independence of 1 848/1 849
e May 1 : Inrernational Labour Day
d August 20: Se. Stephen, Consritution, Foundation of our srate, New bread
e October 23: Revolurion of 1 9 56, Declaration of the Republic

Religious holidays:
a Easter
b Lent
e Penrecost
d rhe Assumption
e Ali Sainrs' Day
f Sanra Claus
g Advent
h Christmas

2 B ritish holidays
a Pancake Day
b Valentine's Day
e May Day
d Mothers' Day
e Fathers' Day
f Halloween
g Guy Fawkes Day
h Remembrance Day
The Queen's birrhday


3 American holidays
a Independence Day
b Halloween
e Valentine's Day
d Thanksgiving
e Labour Day
f Mothers' Day
g Fathers' Day
h Martin Luther King Day
Columbus Day
3.b Halloween:
• trick-or-treat
• pumpkin
• Jack'O Lantern
• costume
• ghost
• witch
• skeleton
• vampire
• All Saincs' Day
• midnight
3.d Thanksgiving:
• turkey
• fi.rst harvest
• family reunion
Future hopes, Fears and wishes

Test your knowledge by answering the questions below. T ick the ones you
can already answer.

1 D How do you think people will live in the future?

2 D Do you have any fears about the future?
3 D Are you looking forward to the future'
4 D What are your hopes in connection with the future?
5 D How will people rravel?
6 D Will cars run on petrol?
7 D What energy resources will be used?
8 D Where do you think people will live in a hundred years?
9 D Will our planet be big enough for people to live on?
10 D Do you think people will colonise other planets?
11 D Will we be able to rravel faster in space?
12 D Do you think people will encounter aliens in the future?
13 D Which countries do you think will b e the most powerful ones a century from today?
14 D What will b e the role of the European Union in the future?
15 D Do you think people will live in a big world community?
16 D What diseases do you think will b e cured in the future?
17 D Will people need doctors?
18 D How long will people live?
19 D Can you imagine living forever?
20 D How long do you think people will be competent to work?
21 D How long do you think they will b e able t o enjoy life?
22 D What forms of entertainment will be available in a hundred years?
23 D Will people read ín the future?
24 D Will people still pursue sports?
25 D How do you think people will communicate?
26 D How do you think the relationship between men and women will change?
27 D How will family life change?
28 D Do you think that the number of children a family can have will ever be regulated?
29 D Will we live in peace?

30 D What percenrage of rhe world will live in poverry in a hundred years?
31 D Whar will people ear in a hundred years?
32 D Whar species will have become exrinct by rhe end of rhe 2 1 st cenrury?
33 D Will people have to work in rhe furure?
34 D Will machines replace people in all walks of life?
35 D Will religion play an important role in rhe furure?
36 Dwhar will be rhe role of schools?
37 D Whar games will children play in rhe furure'
38 D Do you rhink rhere will be more rolerance in rhe fucure?
39 D Will rhere be crime in a hundred years?
40 D Whar do you rhink will cause rhe biggesr problems in rhe furure?

1 H ow do you t h i n k people wi l l live in the futu re?
a I am very optimistic about rhe furure. I really have high hopes in connecrion wirh ir. I rhink
rhere will be peace in rhe world, and all rhe peoples of rhe globe will come rogerher and realise
rhe necessity of mutual understanding and freedom. One day, my dream will come rrue and
rhere will be no wars. I don't know wherher I will live to see it or not, bur I believe rhat my
children and rheir children will enjoy what I am striving to achieve now. If not for myself, for
my grandchildren would I like to provide a better furure. I hope rhar people will realise rhat
our planer should be used more sensibly and should not be exploired like now.
b I don't rhink rhar rhis world will !ast roo long. What people are doing to it righr now is
anyrhing bur sensible. I don't know where all rhese wars will lead to bur I don'r rhink rhey
can mean anyrhing good. We are probably rhe only species, which is killing its own kind
willingly. If rhis idiocy conrinues, we will blow up our planet sooner or larer.

to srrive, srrove, srriven [stra1v. str;iuv, strrvn] megdolgozik vmiért

sensibly ['sens1bh] értelmesen
to exploir [1k'spb1t] kihasznál kizsákmányol
willingly ['w1hl)glr] készségesen
idiocy [ '1d1;is1] idiotizmus, gyengeelméjűség
to blow up, blew, blown [bl;iu, blu:, bl;iun] felrobbant

2 Do you h ave a ny fears a bout the futu re?

Of course I do. ln rhe past few decades rhere have been so many big changes in our lives,
especially due to technological advancemenr rhat I fear rhat our lives will be so auromarized
rhat rhere will be no persona! relarionships. Everyrhing will depend on machines and we will
rely on rhem so much rhat we won't even notice our dependency on rhem. I fear rhat one day,
machines will rake over and mankind will be eradicared. A lor of anri-uropian movies have
been released about rhis kind of furure and I am worried rhat all rhese fancasies will come true.


technological [tekn;i'lod31kl] technológiai
advancement [;id'vo:nsm;int] fejlődés
to automatize [:i:'tom;itarz] automatizál
dependency [d1'pend;ins1] foggöség
to eradicate [1'ned1ken] kiirt
to release a movie [n 'li:s ;i 'mu:v1] bemutat

3 Are you looking forward to the future?

I am looking forward to the furure because I believe rhat people are intelligent enough to know
the limits of rheir power, moreover, rhe destructive effect of the power they possess. We are
now through a very dreadful cenrury full of murder, destruction, genocide and catastrophes.
I hope that our politicians have learnt from rhe mistakes of the past and nothing like the
20th century will ever happen again. I am oprimistic and believe that my children wil l have
a better furure with more opporrunities and a peaceful life.

destructive [d1 'strnktrv] romboló

genocide [ ' d3en;isaid] népirtás

4 What are your hopes in connection with the future?

I hope that there will be peace on Earth, and rhe rich will help rhe meek. I wish everybody
was equal and poverty was eliminared. There are so many problems we should rake inro
consideration. Overpopulation can be the most threarening one if we don't pay attention to
birth control and education. We also have to do something with our environmenr because we
are killing our planer now, and if we don'r stop doing so, the nexr generations won't see rhe
light. A lot of people claim rhar we are in the !ast minute ro act, and I agree wirh them. If we
don't put an end ro all rhe suffering and injustices of rhe presenr, rhere will be no furure. Wirh
the advance of technology and with rhe spread of rhe Internet, people in developing counrries
will see the gaps and will demand more for themselves leading the world into rurmoil. This
world would not be able to bear anorher world war. Wirh weapons of mass destruction
(WMD) ar hand, rhere is litde chance thar mankind would survive a devastating conflict.

meek [mi:k] elesett, jámbor

ro eliminate [1'hmme1t] megsemmisít
injusrice [m 'd3Ast1s] igazságtalanság
turmoil ('t3:m:,1l] zűrzavar
weapon of mass destruction [' wep;in ov mres d1'strn.kJn] tömegpusztítófegyver
at hand [ret hrend] kéznél
devastating ['dev;isteitJIJ] pusztító

5 How will people travel?

a ln a hundred years, people will have their persona[ choppers rhey will use for rravelling.
Instead of a driveway, each house will have a runway for these vehicles ro land on. These
choppers will make it easy for people ro reach other counrries, so there will be no need for
Jumbo Jets. I have no idea how the problems of traffic jams in the air can be solved but I
believe someone will come up wirh an idea.

T H E FUTU R E 203
--·. !/t.,·�
i,,_.-=__,.._ ....,-,,.____L_..._ _ --�.:::::111 9....,_
I have heard abour some srarisrics claiming rhat if people cominue to buy cars at a high pace,
rraffic in big cities will stop, rhere will be no movemem, as cars will rravel bumper-ro-bumper.
Obviously, something has to be done to prevem rhis from happening. More emphasis should
be put on using public rransporration. In order to make public transportation more atrractive,
somerhing needs to be done for rhe safery and rhe condirion of buses, rrams and so forrh. I
believe rhat in rhe furure, more and more people will rely on public rransport rhan now.
e I have read so many science-ficrion books about possible ways to rravel in rhe furure rhar I am
now inclined to believe rhar our convemional way of rravelling will disappear in rhe furure.
The most bizarre idea rhat I have come across is rravelling wirhour vehicles. People would be
releporred from one place to anorher. I believe it could be a very environmem friendly way of
rravelling: no exhausr fumes, no fuel. Whar is more, people would nor have ro worry about
getting sruck in rraffic jams. I rhink rhis is rhe way of the future.

chopper [ 'tJop;i] helikopter

driveway (' drarvwer] kocsifelhajtó
runway [ 'r,\11we1] kifutópálya
bumper-ro-bumper [ ' b,\111p;i to b,\111p;i] Lökhárítótól Lökhárítóig
to be inclined to [m'klamd] hajlik vmire
conventional [bn've11J;i11]] hagyományos
bizarre [b1'za:] bizarr

6 Will cars run on petrol?

A s oil fields will probably have become depleted by the e11d of the 2 1st century, people will
have ro fi11d other possible ways ro ru11 their cars. Eve11 roday rhere are several oprions, but
11one of them have become as widespread as petrol. One can use solar energy and place solar
cells 011 the car maki11g it a very enviro11mem-friendly merhod. ln my opinion, it would be
very good if cars could run 011 warer insread of perrol. lt would make it so much cheaper.

oil field (:)11 fi:ld] olajmező

7 What ene rgy resou rces will be used?

I believe that the future is in solar and wind power. Unforrunately, in Hungary neither of
them is widespread, but I think rhac ic is worrh invescing in replacing our craditional heating
devices. Acrually, I am already thinking of putting solar cells on my roof and getting rid of
my gas heacing. Ic would be a one-cime investmenc bur in che long run it would be worch it.

one-time investmenc ['wAnta1m rn' vestm::mt] egyszeri befektetés

8 Where do you think people will l ive i n a hundred yea rs?

I think people will scill live o n Earch, bur i t will b e very crammed. Even roday, there are cities
where there is lirtle space for people to live in. Think of some big Japanese cities where people
live in very small aparrmencs in high-rises. One skyscraper is like a whole city with its movies,
malls, schools and hospirals. One doesn'c even have to leave rhe building because everything
can be done there. I think chis is rhe way of che furure everywhere. There are a lot of areas still
uninhabired on our planet, so I rhink rhar a lot of people will have ro move ro such deserred

areas. Another solution could be living under the ground. I don't really see any difference in
living in a block of f!ats under or above the ground. The only difficulty that will have ro be
dealt with is natural lighting, but it can be replaced by artificial lighting. During the day,
people will come up ro the ground anyway. Although there would probably be argumenrs
abour who should live under the ground, but I think it ca11 easily be solved by giving these
people some compensation.

crammed [kra:md] zsúfolt

high-rise ['ha1rarz] toronyház
skyscraper ['ska1skre1p;i] felhőkarcoló
mali [m::i:l] pláza
uninhabited [A11m'ha:b1t1d] lakatlan
compensatio11 [komp;m'se1J11] kárpótlás

9 Will our planet be big enough for people to live on?

I do11't thi11k our planet will be big e11ough for people ro populate. Something needs ro be
do11e i11 order ro solve the problem of overpopulation. I have read a survey, which said that
if populatio11 growth conri11ues at such a big pace, our pla11et will 11ot bear this i11creasi11g
11umber. If we ca11nor solve the problem, we will have ro find 11ew ways ro place the populatio11.
If it is u11der the grou11d or i11 space, it is the questio11 of the furure. However, this question
can11or be postpo11ed for 1011g before it is roo late.

ro populate ['popj ule1t] benépesít

survey ['s3:ve1] felmérés

1 0 Do you think people will colonise other planets?

a I don't think so. Maybe in the far furure but 11ot within a hu11dred years. I do11't thi11k there is
a11y habitable planet i11 our galaxy a11d it would take a long time ro build special places, air domes
which would make it possible ro live 011 a remote pla11er. Just imagi11e how many spaceships and
space shutrles would be 11eeded ro transporr every litrle screw ro build a huge city. What is more,
you would have ro fi11d volunreers ro go ro this new place a11d live millio11s of miles from Earrh. I
thi11k this would be a very difficulr task, cerrai11ly u11accomplishable.
b I think it will be i11evitable ro colo11ise other planets and moons. I think we should start with
our moon because it is the closest planer. And we should start the preparatio11 soo11 because
it would take years ro prepare as a lot of experimenrs need ro be carried out before the first
expeditio11 can leave. I don't rhink it will be hard ro fi11d volunreers, as there have always bee11
advenrurers who would be willi11g ro take rhe risk ro be amo11g rhe first ro establish colo11ies
011 a remote planer. I don't k11ow if I would go but I do11't have ro think abour it because I
believe the first space colo11isation will become a realiry in abour rwo hundred years.

habirable ['ha:b1t;:ibl] lakható

galaxy ['ga:l;:iks1] galaxis
dome [d;:ium] kupola
screw [skru:] csavar
spaceship ['spe1sJ1p] űrhajó

T H E F U T U RE 205
space shutde [spe1s 'JAtl] űrrepülőgép
volunceer [vol;m't1;ci] önkéntes
unaccomplishable [An;ci'kAmplIJ;cibl] teijesíthetetlen
to colonise ['kol;cinarz] gyarmatosít

1 1 Wi l l we be a ble to travel faster i n space?

Weil, I don't know. Since Einstein came up with his theory of relativity, a lot of new discoveries
have been made in this field. I am nor sceptical abour ir and I have read a lor of books about
this topic. I don'r rhink we will ever rravel as fasr as lighr, but maybe we will be able to
construct space vehicles which can cover long distances. I think these vehicles will make it
possible to discover more remote galaxies.

rheory of relativiry ['81;cin. retú1v;cit1] relativitáselmélet

sceptic ['skept1k;cil] szkeptikus
to construct [bn 'strAkt] épít

1 2 Do you think people will encou nter a l iens i n the futu re?
a I don't rhink we will ever meet aliens because rhey do not exist. I think that our planet came
to exist as a result of an accidenc. Alrhough our universe is huge, there is probably no other
place where incelligenc life exists.
b I have always dreamt of meeting an alien from anorher planer or universe. I hope I will live
long enough to experience an encounter of the rhird rype. I would love to be a part of it.
I don'r rhink rhat we have to imagine aliens the same way as we are. They are probably totally
different from us. They might have three heads and no limbs or anyrhing one can imagine. It
is impossible rhat we are alone in rhis huge universe or we should say universes, as there are
plency of them.

alien foldönkívüli, idegen

1 3 Which cou ntries do you t h i n k wi l l be the most powerful ones a century from
When I was in elementary school, I always thought that our borders and instirurions are
constant and nothing changes. Then I had to experience that nothing is as easy as thac. Now
we live in a completely differenc world. Some decades ago we lived in a bipolar world, now there
is only one superpower, the United States, making it a unipolar world. I think this country
has all the might it needs to carry on and be a sole power even a hundred years from now.
I am aware of the fact the empires have always fallen and this fate cannot be prevenced, but
this won't come soon. Maybe an Oriencal power like China will rise but it will need to improve
economically. I don't think the European Union will ever be a significant power. This union is
based on contracts and is very diverse which will have t ckle problems on its home turf, while
the USA was founded on an ideology of -freedom an f totally different from nation states.
[bai'p;ciol;ci] kétpólusú
üu:m'p;ciol;ci] egypólusú
[s;ciol] egyedüli
1 4 What will be the role of the European Union in the future?
I don'c know how much che European Union can expand but it will have to face several
problems. One of the already existing problems is the matter of religion. Although it is
not regulated in the EU Constitution that Christianity is the religion of the concinenc, the
majority of the public would have liked to include this issue in the charter. What is more,
with the prospective accession of Turkey, a Muslim country will probably be part of the
union. Although it is a secular state, most people don't wanc to break the European cradition
of Christianity. There are also several councries that disagree with the presenc discribution of
wealth and money. Some say that the EU has gone out of hand with the enlargemenc. I hope
that this organisation will keep European councries together and will promote peace farever.

prospective [prn'spektrv] várható

enlargemenc [111'la:d3mdnt] bővítés
secular ['sekjuld] világi
distribucion [drstrr'bju:Jn] elosztás
to promote [prd'mdut] támogat, felkarol

e 1 5 Do you think people will live in a big world community?

r I don't dünk there will ever be a big world community in the fucure. There are so many and
so big differences between peoples and nations. There is one incernational organisation, the
United Nations, which is supposed to serve as an instirution based on cooperation. I don't
think that it works efficiencly. So many resolutions of either the General Assembly or the
Security Council have been lefc unobserved far reasons. Why do councries ign an
agreemenc if they are unable to live obeying it? Weil, I am not an experc just someone who is
thinking aloud.

resolution [rez;i'lu:Jn] határozat

to be lefr unobserved [left Andb'z3:vd] figyelmen kívül hagy

1 6 What diseases do you think will be cured in the future?

I hope that there will be cure far all rhe diseases in the fucure. ln the past, a lat of diseases, far
example pneumonia, could not be cured buc sciencists faund the vaccines. I think this is the
way of the world. AIDS, cancer and other now incurable diseases will be done away with but
unfartunately new ones will appear, which will decimate the population of the globe. I have
heard that this is how the planet is trying to protect itself from humans. I don't know whether
it is crue or not, but it seems to be logical. There will always be new epidemics spreading all
over the world and will threaten the population and this cycle will never end.

pneumonia [nju: 'm;ium;i] tüdőgyulladás

vaccine ['vreksi:n] oltóanyag

1 7 Will people need doctors?

a I don't think people will need docrors in the fucure. Diseases will be eliminated, so there will
be no need far convencional cure. We will need advisers who will be able to teli us what to do
in case of pregnancy, in order to avoid diseases. I think that gerontology will Aourish in the
future because there will be a lat of very old buc healthy people and people will wanc to know
about their condition.

b Doctors will always be needed in my opinion. Diseases will never disappear, maybe new ones
will appear. Someone is needed to diagnose the illness and I think this is something that
cannot be replaced with machines. You cannot rely on a machine and you would not teli a
robot abour your deepest emotions and feelings.

geromology [dzeron'toldd31] öregedésselfoglalkozó tudomány

ro flourish ['flAnD virágzik
to diagnose [' da1dgnduz] megállapít, diagnosztizál

1 8 How long will people live?

Ir is a trend now that the life span of people is becoming bigger and bigger, people live more
than chey did a hundred years ago. I think people will live to be a hundred a cemury from
now. Even roday, we can find some really old people, especially in some Asian coumries.
However, if people live longer, there will obviously be more of them and what will it lead to?
Overpopulation, famine, povercy and other problems will arise. Does chat mean that people
will have ro pay the price of living longer? Maybe.
1 9 Can you imagine living forever?
a I would never like to live forever. Ir would be very bad to see my loved ones die around me
and then I would be the only one still alive. I think that everybody has a role in his or her life,
and chis role can be fulfilled wichin a life span. I don't chink we are destined to live forever.
We should be happy ro have been given the opportunity to live on chis earch. We have only
one life and we should make it worchwhile.
b It would be famastic to live forever. I would be able ro do so many things. First of all, I would
read a lor. I always feel chat I am lagging behind wich my readings. Then, obviously, I would
rravel a lor. I would rravel all around che world. A lot of people say that it would be boring to
live forever. I have to disagree with it because newer and newer challenges arise coupled with
innovations that I would have to cope with. I would always keep company and would never
live in seclusion. Yes, I can imagine living for good.

to be destined [ ' destmd] vmire szánt, elrendelt

worrhwhile ['w3:8warl] valamirevaló
ro be coupled with ['kt.pld] párosulva vmivel
in seclusion [s1'klu:311] elzárkózva
for good [fo g ud] örökre

2 0 How long do you think people will be competent to work?

I think competence co work mainly depends on the capacity of che brain. If you are fit enough
co think you can work for a very long time. The members of the Academy are usually elderly
people, and a lot of lawyers, teachers and sciemists still work at che age of sevemy. le is mainly
the white-collar secror which provides senior scientists and academics with jobs. I think
it is understandable because chey have co mature and carry our research for a longer period.

competence ['kompdtdns] képesség

capaciry [kd'p�Sdtl] befogadóképesség
academic [�b ' dem1k] akadémikus
to mature [md'tj ud] érni
2 1 How long do you think they will b e able to enjoy life?
Even roday rhere is a huge difference ín how elderly people use their ríme. If we just take
Hungarian and German tourists for instance, we can experience rhat Hungarian pensioners
just spend most of rheir ríme at home, while their German counterparts rravel a lot, go to
clubs and enjoy rhe rest of rheir lives. Obviously, it is a matter of money, but it can also be
a matter of attitude. It happens rhat even if Hungarian people could afford it, they would
stay at home ín the comfort of rheir homes. For an elderly person joy is rorally different. My
grandparents find joy ín being with their grandchildren, keeping the family rogether and
cooking some delicious cakes for them. I rhink ín the furure, with the improvement of the
quality of life, even very old people will be able ro enjoy almost everything the same way as
rhey did when they retired.
2 2 What forms of entertainment will be available in a hundred years?
It is probably the most difficult rhing to predict how people will entertain themselves in a
hundred years. Just imagine what a ríme traveller would do now if he came from the 19th
century. He would most likely be scared from all rhe games we have now. Sometimes I feel
that I am old to follow all the new rhings, the latest forms of entertainment. It rook me a
while to get used to computers, the Internet and other modern innovations, which seemed
impossible a hundred years ago. I fear that people will not go to meet each other ín bars, but
virtual friendships will develop on rhe web. I would like to be able to go to the beginning of
rhe 22nd century just to see what my grear-grandchildren will play wirh.

virtual [' v3:tJu:il] virtuális

to predict [pn'drkt] megjósol

2 3 Will people read in the future?

a I rhink reading will disappear ín the furure. People will be "fed" by computers and taught ín
their sleep. Hypnopaedia will rhen prevail taking rhe place of reading. People will not have
time to read for pleasure, as rheir lives will be much faster. I can imagine that even ín schools,
a compulsory reading will be read to rhem by machines. The only rhing people will have to
read will be the computer screen. Languages will become simplified just to save some time.
b I don't think reading will ever vanish. When the Internet was introduced, we were scared that
nobody would read newspapers and books because everyrhing would be available on rhe net.
Luckily, these fears have never been realised. People continued to read. Nothing can replace
rhe feeling of reading a newspaper on rhe underground or enjoying a novel while sitting in the
grass. These are some of the things which cannot be substiruted.
hypnopaedia [harpn;i'pi:dr;i] alvás közben való tanítás
to prevail [pn'verl] dominál
to simplify ['srmplrfar] egyszerűsít
ro realise a fear ['rrglarz g f1;i] félelmet megalapoz

24 Will people still pursue sports?

I believe sports will always be pursued. Sports have been with us since ancient times and I
rhink people will need to move and do exercise. Sports might change a bit bur the essence will
remain the same. That is active relaxing and letting off a little bit.
to ler off (steam) [let of] kiengedi a gőzt

T H E F U T U RE 209
25 H ow do you think people will commu nicate?
Communication is very fast today and I can believe that it will even be fasrer. I don'r know how,
but this is rhe rendency. Nowadays, most households have relephones, cell-phones, Internet
connection and televisions. The Internet is rhe fasrest and cheapest means of communicarion.
With the appearance of webcams, it has become possible to speak to and look at each orher
and srill not pay too much for ir. I think rhis will cominue in the future and more and more
people will have rhis device.

webcam ('webka:m] webkamera

26 H ow do you think the relationship between men and women will change?
I think there will be big changes in the relationship berween men and women. Firsr of all, I
believe rhar rhere will be more homosexual couples and wirh rhe liberalisarion of laws, same­
sex marriages will be as common as hererosexual ones. Since rhere is a rendency nowadays
nor ro marry and live a single lifesryle, I don'r rhink it will change. So men and women will
live in parrnerships rarher rhan in families. If rhey ger bored wirh each orher, rhey will have
the chance to break up wirhout any serious legal consequences. I think respect between the
opposite sexes will disappear and they will just use each other as rools ro have fun with. I am
very pessimistic as far as rhe relationship berween men and women is concerned, because even
today there are signs that it will worsen. I hope my predicrion will never come true.

homosexual [h;mm;i'sekJo;il] homoszexuális

liberalisation [lrb;ir;ilar'zerJn] liberalizáció
tool [tu:l] eszköz, szerszám
as far as sg is concerned [k;in'sa:nd] illet
ro worsen ['wa:sn] romlik
prediction [pn 'drkJn] jóslás

27 H ow will family life change?

I rhink rhe biggest changes will occur concerning family life. First of all, I doubt rhat there
will be such an institution as family. People will concentrate on rheir careers rarher rhan
bringing up children. Unfortunarely, even nowadays, people don'r seem ro have time ro
devote ro rheir families. The sanctiry of family life has more or less vanished from our lives.
1here are more and more divorces, one-parent families, and children will see rhis model
instead of the rraditional one. I rhink in rhe furure it will be srricrly regulared how many
children one can have, and family planning will also be controlled by law. Parents will be able
to choose rhe characteristics and the gender of their children. I rhink this is what rhe furure
holds for family life.

ro occur [;i'ka:] történik

to doubt [daobt] kételkedik
to devore time ro [d1'v;iot tarm] időt szentel
sanctity [ 'sa:IJkt;itr] szentség
one-parent family [w,\11 pe;ir;int fa:m;ilr] csonka család

210 T H E FUTU R E
28 Do you think that the number of children a family can have will ever be
Yes, I think so. l n order to avoid overpopulation, the number of children should be regulated.
China, which is the most populous country, has already tried to limit the number of children
to maximum one. It had a lot of disadvantages because poorer families, especially in the rural
areas, wanted boys, and if a girl was born, they killed her in cold blood. On the other hand,
European Union countries see a decline in birth rate, so they need to find a way to promore
more children in families, orherwise the whole system of pension will collapse. So I rhink rhat
some rype of inrervenrion is inevitable.

populous [' popj ul;is] népes

in cold blood [buld blAd] hidegvérrel
decline [dr' klam] csökkenés

29 Will we live in peace?

Wherher we will live in peace or not is a difficulr question. Has rhere ever been a time wirhout
wars in the course of history' l don'r rhink so. Human nature cannot be changed, and as
people are greedy and always wanr more, wars will always break out. Mankind rhrives on
wars, it is as importanr as finding food. There will always be religious and erhnic conflicrs. As
long as wars are fought with convenrional weapons and nor nuclear or biological ones, no big
problem will occur. However, if there is one foolish dictator willing to press the button, rhe
planer will be killed and mankind will be annihilared. On the orher hand, rhere will probably
be peace berween developed counrries rhat depend on each orher economically. Wars in rhe
future will be fought on the peripheries, so rhe new weapons of rhe powerful counrries will be
rested in some underdeveloped regions just like in rhe Cold War era.

greedy ['g ri:dr] kapzsi

to rhrive on, rhrove, thriven [0rarv, 0r;iuv, 0rrvn] virágzik, prosperál
to annihilate [;i'na1;ilert] megsemmisít
periphery [p;i' nfan] periflria

30 What percentage of the world will live in poverty in a hundred years?

l don'r rhink poverty will ever be totally eliminared. ln my opinion, rhe same regions will still
suffer from poverty, hunger, malnurrition and diseases in a hundred years. Although a lot of
relief organisations are trying to help these countries, not much is done in proponion to the
growing number of problems.

relief [n'li:f] segély

31 What will people eat in a hundred years?

If rhe population grows as fast as today, nor much food will be left on rhe planer. I rhink
people will eat genetically altered vegetables, and meat of cloned animals. l can also imagine
thar scienrists will invenr a pill, which will substitute hunger so you will just rake one in the
morning and won't feel hungry ar all. This pill will store all the necessary nurrients, vitamins
and fluid a person needs for a whole day. If rhis comes true, people will forger whar it is like
to ear for rhe joy of rhe raste of rhe food.

32 What species will have become extinct by the end of the 2 1 st century?
I think it is a narural process that some species become extinct and some stay alive. lt has always
been and it will always be this way. lt is narural selection. Every year hundreds of species die
out. I know I might sound brutal but why should we spe11d large amounrs of money 011 saving
cerrain a11imal or planr species? Should we just save the gianr panda just because it is cure? I f it
ca1111ot survive withour our help, it is incapable of living. I think inrervenrion i 11 nature means
that we arrificially rry ro keep some species alive. I think that by the end of the 2 1 st cenrury,
most of the animal species now 011 the brink of extinction will have died out.
brutal ['bru:tl] brutális
cute [kju:t] aranyos
arrificially [o:t1'f1J;ilr] mesterségesen

3'3 Will people have to work in the future?

a I think worki ng is inevitable. People would get bored if they had nothi ng ro do. I cannot
imagine spending my time just sitting at home, doi11g sporrs a11d havi11g 11othi11g ro do. By
the way, who would work i11stead of us? I think there are several professions i11 which the
i1111ovative skills of a human being are 11eeded. They ca1111ot be replaced by robots.
b I ca11 imagine that 011e day all the work will be done by robots. That would be good. I would
love ro do so many thi11gs that I can11ot do now just because I have ro work. I would rravel,
read a11d have a lot of fun. I do11't think I would ever get bored of ir. Work does 11ot bring
happi11ess, it is just 11ecessary ro get by. Oh, how I am longing for livi11g i11 a world where I
would 11ot have ro work at all'
i11novative ['m;iv;itiv] újító
ro get by [get bai] megél
ro long for [IDI) fa] vágyódik

34 Will machines replace people in all walks of life?

There is no way that machines will completely replace people. Acrually, I do11't think it is a
good idea ro rely on machines so much. They are 11ot inrelligenr beings, 011ly programmed
robots. Maybe i11 the furure these robots will be e11dowed with arrificial inrelligence, but it
won't be the same. Robots will never be able ro think the same way as huma11s. Moreover,
who would program the robots? Obviously us, humans. I do11't think we should give roo
much power ro machines, because if we do, they might abuse their power and rebel, as it is
prophesied in some classic scie11ce-fiction films.
ro be endowed with [m'daud] felruház, megáld vmivel
arrificial inrelligence [o:tr'frJI m'telrd3;ins] mesterséges intelligencia
ro prophesy [ 'profasar] megjósol

35 Will religion play an important role in the future?

Religion has always played a11 imporranr part i n the lives of peoples, and I don't thi11k it will
change. People need something they ca11 cling ro. If you live your life without any belief, you
will die a poor man in my opi11ion. I hope that there will be more rolerance becween religions
and denominacions, a11d they will set a11 example for people ro follow. We should accept the
fact that chere are more religions with differenr beliefs, a11d these beliefs should be respected.
So I think in the future, religio11 will conrinue ro play an imporranr role.

21 2 T H E FUTU R E
people, peoples [pi:pl] nép, népek
to ding, clung, clung [khi) . kiAIJ] vmibe kapaszkodik
colerance ['tol:;ir:;ins] tolerancia
denomination [dmomr'nerJn] felekezet

36 What will be the role of schools?

I am not sure that in a hundred years schools will exist at all. I think it will be possible to
teach students in rheir own rooms with the help of a computer. This type of distance learning
is already used in some countries where people live in remote areas. ln the future, children
will only learn what they essentially need for their lives. The most important rhing will be to
enable srudenrs to find reliable informarion on every subject area. So theorerical knowledge
won't be i mportant at all, as people will be able ro get hold of any informarion in a minure.

essenrially elengedhetetlenül

37 What g a mes will c h il d ren play in the futu re?

I think that computer games will dominate the future. We can see signs of it coday as the
majority of young children are already computer addicts. I don't think it is a good practice
but parenrs spend very little time at home and don't have time for rheir children so it is very
comfortable to make them sit in front of the computer screen. I don't think that games will
change much in a century, which is surprising ifwe rhink of the fact that a cenrury ago children
played with coys that might look awkward in the hands of children coday. A few weeks ago I
wenr to a roy exhibition, which displayed old puppets, cars, cards and other aurhenric toys.

to dominate ['domme1t] uralkodik, dominál

awkward ['::,:kw:;id] ügyetlen
to display [d1'sple1] kiállít
puppet ['pAprt] baba
authentic [::,:'8entrk] valódi, eredeti
38 Do you think there wi l l be more tolerance i n the futu re?
I hope that by the end of the century people will have learnt how ro live rogether with each
other. I wish ethnicity, race, gender and skin colour would never be the cause of atrociries
and murder.

ethnicity [e0'ms;it1] nemzetiség

arrociry [;i'trositT] kegyetlenség

39 Will there be crime in a hundred yea rs?

Crime will never disappear from the face of the Earch. le is human greed and frailcy chat
will always exist and due ro it crime will not cease. I believe char white-collar crimes will
become more widespread, especially computerised crimes, which demand great skills and

frailry ['frer!tI] gyarlóság

ro cease [si:z] megszűnik
computerised [bm'pju:t;ira1zd] számítógépesített
professionalism [pr;i'feJ;inlrzm] professzionalizmus

40 What do you think will cause the big gest problems i n the futu re?
I think the biggest problems will arise due ro the gap berween poor and rich nations. While
poor countries will have ro fighr overpopulation, droughts, famine, narural disasters, rich
countries will only have ro worry about how rheir money should be spent. And there will
come the biggesr problem of all, if poor countries rebel demanding a better life for themselves.

gap [grep] szakadék

1 Division of household c hores in the fa mi ly.

• \1y dad does a lor of rhc housrn ork in ITI) famil). Hü\\ ,bout ) ours?
• Well, ro rell you the truth, my farher's a bit old fashioned. When he comes home, he swirches on rhe
celly, puts his feer on che coffee rable and demands a can of beer. He doesn't help at all. I really envy
your family.
• lt's probably just a matter of sccing good txamples and being broughr up in a morc up-ro-date
• Yeah, you're probably righr. My grandfacher was just like my dad. My poor grandma waited on
him hand and foor untii rhe day she died. She never had a day off in her life. She was like a slave or
• Do you rhink you can change your hther's attitude?
• That's what I ' m wondering. What would he do if my mother refused to do the washing, for
example? Would he start shouting at her?
• Could be. People who are used ro ha\ing things donc for the111 can'r imaginc. living in a difforcnt \\ l).
• Do you chink you ' ll be the same as your father when you grow up?
• It ' s likc what \\·e WLrc talk'ng abour beforc, ,1bour scting e ·amples · .. the famil ) Bw in rhis ust,
I lxlie, e 111) father ,uvts ,1s ,1 b,1d cxa111ple th,n shouldn' r be follcm cd. I dcrn"t 1hi11k I' ll hL I I)
husband. J ' ll hdp 111) wife around thc house and share rhe \\Ork
• I ber you will.

ro envy ['env1] irigyel

2 Being a career wom a n .

• What would you lih ro do alter finishing univcrsit) '

• I 'd like ro start my own career, have my own business and enjoy life as 111uch as I can.
• Ho,1 about a family?
• What do you mean?
• Wouldn'r you lih ro havc a husband ·rnd children?
• Don'r be so old-fashioned. Firsr, I can'r imagine myself with rhe same man for good. I 'm not the
faithful rype.
• And children?
• Don't be ridiculous. Can you imagine rhar I would ger up in the middle of the night to change
diapers and feed a baby? o way. And also rhere is my body. How would I look afrer a baby or
two? No, that ' s not for me.
• But you also have ro think o• the time \\ hen )Oli retirc. \ou ' ll bt. alonL. lt ' s so guod ,, h,n you arc
surrounded by your lm·ed ones.
• When I get older, I ' ll have enough money ro do whatever I want ro. Pius there's still the fact rhat
I wouldn't be able ro achieve my goals if I had kids.
• You mcan that it also counts ,c:1 ,·ou appl) for a job?
• Cerrainly.

A párbeszédek gyakorlásához töltse le az �-enes interaktív hanganyagot a Kiadó honlapjáról (,
es olvassa el az Előszót!
• I dorú bdicve it!
• Oh, come on! Don't be so naive. Once you go ro a job interview, the first question is usually about
the number of children you have.
• \nd wh n happens if l h.we-or plan ro han.-childrcn 1
• Then chances are you won't get the job.
• \'V'h) not?
• Because your children may get sick and you'd have to stay at home with rhem. Who would cover
for you at work? You have ro decide berween having children or a good job. Then there ' s the whole
question of maternity leave. Most women are dismissed out of hand when they get back.
• I hought that \\a, agai1 st rl1L la,, 1
• Nope. They only have ro employ you for a couple of monrhs when you get back. After thar it' s
hasta la vista, baby!
• Hm, awful! Srill. I don't rhink I cm li\·c withour h;n i'1g a family of ffi) mm.

faithful ['fe18fl] hűséges

ridiculous [n'drkj ul;is] nevetséges
diaper (US) ['dar;ip;i] pelenka
nappy (GB) [' rnep1] pelenka

3 After a marriage proposal

• Congr.nulations 1 1 \ e hL rd you .,nd Janc got engaged LlSt \H:ekcnd.

• Thank you. We had a grear engagement party with the whole family.
• kii me: how did you propose?
• Oh, ir rook me quire a lor of time ro pluck up the courage ro speak ro her. I did ir a few weeks
ago. I rook her ro a really posh restaurant, boughr her a bunch of flowers and a diamond ring and
asked her to marry me.
• Did sht: say vt:s right a\l'<l) ?
• She didn't hesitate for a second. She was kind of swept off her feer by rhe circumstances. She was
really moved! Moved to tears in fact.
• \\ hcn is the wedding?
• We haven't decided on the exacr day. Probably some time in August.
• \re you planning ro bu) a flar, or just rcnt one?
• Unfortunately, we don't have enough money ro buy one now. We ' re rhinking of applying for a loan.
To teli you rhe rruth, I don't want ro rent a flar because ir's jusr a wasre of money. We' re going ro
live with my parents untii we have enough ro be eligible for a loan.
• \'tow1 l sure would1ú livc \\ ith ffi) parents if I en.r got married. Don'r you rhink rhar your parents
will interfere \\ ith your livts, srick their noses into everyrhing?
• We were kind of between a rock and a hard place, bur decided ro choose rhe oprion rhar seemed
a bit berter than the orher one. Ar leasr we can save some money for our furure rhis way. I know we
will need to rolerate my parenrs.
• Arc you planning on ha\ ing an) c,1ildren?
• Of course.
• How many?
• Ir will all depend on the circumstances. I believe in having a big family, bur of course, you need a
well-paid job and a solid financial background.


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• fs Jane going to \\-ork)
• Not if we have a lot of children. If I can supporr rhe family alone, she can stay at home and look
afcer rhem. Of course, if she wants to do something, she can. I can imagine her looking for some
nice volunteer work.
• Wcll, good luck rhen.
• Thanks.

to get engaged [get m'gerd3d] eijegyez

engagement parry [m'ge1d3m;int pa:t1] eljegyzési buli
to propose ro sy [pr;i'p;:mz] megkéri a kezét
to pluck up one's courage [plAk, 'kAnd3] összeszedi a bátorságát
posh [poJ] elegáns
ro hesirate ['hezitert] tétovázik
to be moved [mu:vd] meghatódva lenni
eligible ['elrd3;:ibl] jogosult
to interfere [mt;i'fr;i] beleavatkozik
berween a rock and a hard place [br'twi:n, rok, ha:d ple1s] nagy dilemmában
volunreer [voJ;m'tr;i] önkéntjelentkező

4 Applyi n g for a loan

• Good morning.
• Good morning.
• I'<l like to enquire about a loan. f'm starting up a new business and I need to borrow some of rhc
• In order to give you a loan, we need to have a lot of information about your plans, and we also have to
look at the figures of your company in rhe previous year.
• Surc. I havc all rhc documenrs right here.
• So can you show me all your bookkeeping for rhe !ast year.
• Of course.
• From what I can see here, you've doubled your profits, and your business is going well.
• \cs, luckily for me. 1bat's why we are considering our possibilities for expanding the business and
opening ne\, srores all around the country.
• Everything seems to be in order. Since you have been a good partner and always balanced your
account on time, I see no reason why we wouldn't be able to floar you some more credit. How
much do think you will need?
• S 50,000.
• I see. For a sum like that, I 'm afraid you'll have to mortgage your home.
• ílut's no problern.
• We can offer you a very arrractive deal. For a period up to 10 years, you can get the rnoney you
wanr at an interest rate of 3.5%.
• lt sounds pcrfcct. When can we start signing rhe necessary documenrs?
• Why don't we do it next week? We'll have to go and see a notary public to legalise the contract. As
you already have an accounr at our bank, the procedure will go a lot faster.
• lhank you very rnuch.
• Nor at all.


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to enquire [m'kwa1;i] érdeklődik
capital ['krep1t;il] tőke
booking ['buknJ] könyvelés
to balance ['brel;ins] kiegyenlít
account [;i 'kaunt] számla
deal [di:!] üzlet, ajánlat
interest rare ['rntr;ist re1t] kamatláb
notary public ['n;iut;in 'pAblTk] közjegyző
to legalise ['li:g;ilarz] törvényesít

5 Punishing a student

• Now Joe, I think you know very well the consequences of cheating in an exam.
• I wasn't cheating.
• l saw you slipping a note to the student sitting next to you. What do you call thar? Cheating is
what I call it.
• But I didn't get the answer I asked him for.
• Of course not, since I noticed what you were doing.
• Weil, I have to admit that I tried to get his help. But I had to, otherwise I would have failed the test.
• Why didn't you srudy?
• I did, but I didn't understand everything.
• You have to be aware of rhe fact that cheating is againsr rhe rules. I have to reporr it to the principal.
You're going to be punished for this.
• What kind of punishment do you think I'll get?
• Since rhis is the firsr time such a rhing has happened, you probably won't be punished too severely.
Obviously, expulsion is out of che question. If it had happened earlier, you'd have to face the
music. Your parents will have to be informed about it and it'll leave a mark on your record.
• I promise I won't ever do it again.
• I hope not.

to cheat [tJi:t] puskázik

ro slip [slrp] csúsztat
principal (US) [' prrnsrpl] igazgató
headmaster (GB) ['hedma :st:i] igazgató
expulsion [rk' spAIJn] kicsapás
to face the music [fers, 'mju:zrk] szembenéz a következményekkel

6 Opening a business in H u n g a ry

• Hi Jack. I've heard you wanr to setrle clown in Hungary. Is rhat so?
• Yes, it is. Actually, I wanred to ralk to you about whar I can expect if I wanr to live here.
• Why do you wanr to come to my country?
• I've made up my mind to start a business in Budapest. I rhink rhe capiral city is rhe besr place for it.
• That's a grear idea.
• I hope so. They say ir's become much easier for foreigners to open a business here since you j oined
the EU.


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• Of course. You're entitled to diflerenr kinds of subsidies and supporr. And in addition to all rhat,
therc is some tax relief for foreign investors.
• That sounds good. Is there anything else that I should know about?
• Well, to teli you the truth, a lor of people are prejudiced rowards foreigners. People think that
newcomers j ust steal jobs and ruin rhe economy.
• Oh. Does that mean rhar rhere are atracks on foreigners in rhe srreers?
• Don'r be afraid. lr doesn'r happen very often. \X/ho would know rhar you're nor Hungarian? But I
rhink mugging can happen in any big city.
• How abour health care? Will I be able ro ger free healrh care?
• Since you are also a European citizen, you are also eligible for basic healrh services. You just have to
pro,·ide rhe righr documenrs ro prove your identit).
• Ok. Thanks for your help.

to be enrided ro [ 111'tartld] jogosult

subsidy [ 'sAbsrd1] segély
rax relief [treks rr'li:f] adócsökkentés
invesror [m'vestd] befektető
prejudiced [' pred3ud1st] előítéletekkel vannak
to ruin ['ru:rn] lerombol
to mug [mAg] kirabol

7 Complaint about an item that you bought.

• Cusromer service, Joe speaking. ,\fa} I help you?

• Yesterday I bought a hairdryer marked "Final Sale" and when I rook ir home and plugged ir in, ir
wouldn'r start.
• I see. l 'd likL to inform you that your call is being recorded for quality assurancc purposcs. Do you
have any proof of purchase?
• What do you mean?
• Do you havc thc reccipt and the warranty'
• That's a bit of a problem, I 'm afraid, because they seem to have mysteriously disappeared.
• ln that case I'm afraid I can't help you. Our refund policy requires you supply the necessary
• Can't you just exchange it for another hairdryer?
• We're sorry but, wirhour the pro per papers ir is impossible. However, if you find them, there won't
be an) problem. Then you can eithcr cxchange it or ,,·ith the money-back guaranree, you can get
a complere refund.
• Thank you for your help anyway.
• You'rc welcome.
• I 'll go our and look for the papers in the rrashcan.
• Good luck, and have a nice day1

to plug in [plAg] bedug

warranty ['wordnt1] garancia
refund ['ri:fAnd] visszatérítés
guarantee [grer;in'ti:] garancia


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8 Complaint about a telephone bill.

• Customer service. Can I help you'

• Sure. I have jusr received my phone bill and there are a dozen calls listed made to countries that I've
never heard of According to the bill, I 'm required to pay around ten times as much as I normally do.
• l am afraid wt ca1Ú do anything. -\rt you surc that it's 11ot 011e of your famil1 members maki11g
these calls?
• I am absolutely positive si11ce I live alo11e a11d I 'm the 011ly 011e who uses the pho11e.
• Can you prove that you did 11ot makt thcse calls?
• Why should I have to prove thar it was11't me?
• Becaust.: ,rnybody can makc claims ]·kc this. sir. \X t.: havL th·s ki11d of compbint every hour a11d
most of thcm arc hoa.'í. es. Peopk will m a111 thi11g so rhat thu would 11ot have to pay.
• Are you calling me a liar? Telling me that I'm rryi11g to deceive you?
• I did11't imply thar.
• Yes, you did. You k11ow what? I 'll sue your compa11y for thar impertinent remark a11d because your
company is rrying to rip me off.
• Go ahead, sir. There is norhing else I can do for you. G11less you can prove rhat the calls wcrc 11or
made 6} you, you will have to pay rhe bili.
• See you in court.

hoax [h;mks] beugratás, tréfa

to deceive [d1' i:v] becsap
to imply [rm'plar] céloz, utal vmire
impertinenr [rm'pa:tm;mt] arcátlan, pimasz
remark [n'ma:k] megjegyzés
to rip sy off [rrp] átver

9 At a garage

• \X'hat sccms to be rhe problt:m wirh ) ou ca ·?

• I wish I knew. It keeps on making these weird noises a11d it just conks out all of a sudden.
• Ler me rake a look ar ir.
• OK.
• \Xldl, your c,u·s not i11 good shape. _\fay I ask when you !ast had it serviced?
• Erm, no idea, acrually.
• A car needs n.:gular mainrc11ance, you k110\\ ,
• Of course. What's the problem?
• I'm afraid you will have to leave your here for a few d,1ys.
• Why? What's wrong wirh it?
• \X1hcre should l start? "!hL battery is dcad, the dutch docsrú work propcrly, rhc radiator is leaking
like a sieve md rhe carburettor is badl} rusted.
• Oh, gosh! How much do you think all that will cost?
• Around $2000.
• Oh my! I could get another car for that kind of money.
• ;'\ow you're starting to gt.t rhe picrure. By rhL way, ,, e have some uscd cars if you like. You can get
one if you lcavc your car here.


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• Really?
• Really. J<, it a deal?
• Can I have a look at them'
• Stcp right th\ ,,a, madam, step right rhis \\'ay' You won't bt disappoinrcd.

ro conk out [konk] abbahagyja a szolgálatot

to service ['s3:v1s] szervizel
bacrery ['bret::in] akkumulátor
clutch [klt.tJ] kuplung
radiaror ['re1d1e1t::i] hűtő (autóban)
to leak [li:k] szivárog, ereszt
sieve [si:v] szita
carburetror [ka:bj u'ret;i] karburátor
ro rust [rAst] rozsdásodik
ro hint [hmt] utal vmire

1 0 Borrowing something

• Johnny, ma} I ask you ro do me a fa\'Our?

• Go ahead.
• As you probably know, I do1Ú have a lawn mower and my grass has grown a lot recenrly.
• So?
• So I ,, as thinking that nuyb<.. } ou could lcnd mc yours.
• I don't wanr ro hurr your feelings, Pat, because we've been neighbours for more than a decade, but
it's time you bought your own lawnmower.
• Oh come on! Whar's the big deal in just a,king for a litrle help?
• Because you're always using other people's stuff. lt can get ro be more than a bit annoying, you
know. Last time you borrowed my lawnmower, it had ro be cleaned because you had forgotten ro
do char. You never take care of other people's properry.
• I swcar on my mothcr's grav<.., it'll be ín good hands. I just necd ro cut the grass now because I 'm
ha, ing company tonighr. -\nd I promise-cross my hearr-1 '11 buy a ne11 one romorrow.
• Ok, bur this is the !ast time.
• Thanks a lot! You won't regret it, I promise. 1 '11 make it up ro you.

lawn mower fű.nyíró

1 1 Environmental protection

• What do you do ro protcct thc environmcnt?

• Well, first of all, I don't !itter. lt's so disgusting when I'm in a bus stop or wherever, and the place is
just covered in cigarecre butts. When the bus comes, people just throw it clown where they stand.
Disgraceful, in my opinion. How would you punish people like that?
• Weil, now it's prohibited in bus srops. Thing is, people just stand a few inches out of the stop and
blow smoke. 'Ihey should have ro go 1 0 ro 1 5 feet away. l 've been rhinking about rhis issue a bit,
and I rhink that very harsh punishmenrs could act as a kind of detcrrent ro smoking in public. Big
fines would do.


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• Yeah, it's an improvement. But you know who the real cheaters are? The drivers. At the end station,
I always see them sneaking a cigarette in front of the bus, j ust off the curb, where the boss can't see.
Have you heard that in some countries smoking in public places, including pubs, is prohibited?
• Yeah that's right. I think that's j usr a great idea! I j ust hate eating in a restaurant filled with smoke.
• Anyway they have laws like rhar here in Hungary now. I rhink rhe esrablishment has to pay a fine
if anybody is caught smoking.
• Well, I don't rhink that ban will work in Hungary.
• Why not?
• Just think of our pubs and discos. People go to these places to drink and smoke and have fon.
Business will suffer.
• Don't you think they can turn a profit without smoking?
• I doubt it.
• Anyway, what do you think about recycling?
• It's a good idea. I always check labels of cerrain products whether they are recycled or not. There is
one thing, however, that I really miss.
• What's that?
• Proper disposal. People should use recycling bins.
• But they have rhem in some places.
• You're right. In some places, b ut not everywhere. They should be required in every household, not
only in public places. And collection is only one step of the recycling process. The collected material
also has to be processed and then actually used to make new products. Without rhat, there's no
point. The collected recyclables usually wind up j ust piling up in some kind of collection point.
They go to waste j ust sitting there. And rhat goes for \'v'estern Europe. too.
• You don't say? The other thing chac really gets on my nerves is exhaust fumes. ln facc rhe streets of
Budapest are full of old cars and even older buses. Their emissions are j usc atrocious!
• What can be done to solve this problem'
• We should get rid of old cars and pass scriccer regulacions for cars.
• I agree.

bucc [bAt] csikk

harsh [ha:J] komoly (pl. büntetés)
to get on one's nerves [113:vz] idegeire megy
exhaust-fume [19 'z:ist fju:m] kipufogógáz
to get rid of [get rrd] megszabadul vmitől

1 2 Drug a buse

• Whac do you think can be done about the drug problem'

• I believe drug-dealers should be thrown in jail.
• How about users'
• It's a rather difficu!t question. I n my opinion it should depend on the amount the user is caught
with. There are a lot of young people who j ust want to try it. Do you think we should put all of
them in prison?
• Weil, I guess imprisonment won't really solve that issue. I feel more emphasis should be pur on
prevention and education. We shouldn't overstress punishment.
• I agree with you. But the big problem with drugs is that you can get addicted to them.

222 R O L E PLAY

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• Yes, bur ralking abour addiction, you can also get addicred ro alcohol and a lor of orher rhings. Still,
alcohol isn'r banncd.
• Of course, bur in our culture alcohol consumption has a long hisrory.
• Talking abour hisrory, do you rcmember whar happcned whcn rhe sale of alcohol was prohibired
in the LJSJ\?
• Yeah, rhe mafia flourished. !t led ro smuggling, organised crime and bootleggers.
• Some people say drugs should also be legalised jusr ro avoid rhe same problems.
• No, I wouldn'r go rhar far. However, drugs are needed for a lor of orher rhings.
• For cxample?
• For example in medicine. For a lor of people drugs mean rhe only relief as rhey suffer from chronic
pain. Some people need anri-depressanrs. People who are confined to wheelchairs mighr need ro
rake some form of regular medication.
• That's rruc, I guess. But drugs arc prescribed to these people, so rhey don't ha\·c to do it illegall).

prevenrion [pn'venJn] megelőzés

ro Bourish [' flAnJ] virágzik
smuggling ['smAgh1J] csempészés
organised crime [':,:g;marzd kra,m] szervezett bűnözés
boodegger ['bu:tleg;i] szeszcsempész
to prescribe [pn'skra,b] felír (gyógyszert)
ro be confined ro wheelchair [k;in'famd] tolószékhez kötött

1 3 The standards of Hungarian television

• Did you warch TV lasr night? Therc was a good Spielberg movie on.
• Ir's been ages since I !ast watched anything on TV
• Wh)?
• I think rhar the quality of programmes has really deteriorated noriceably in recenr years. So many
meaningless shows and soaps have flooded Hungarian relevision rhar I just feel roo disgusted ro
• You'll get no argument from me rhere. Ali rhese programmes and reality shows upser our norms
and values. Generations grow up idolising people whose mora! values aren'r up ro the task of being
a role model.
• Yes, bur rhese are rhe srars of roday. Saci ro say, people are more inrerested in rhe bedroom secrers of
rhese people rhan a good film or book.
• Thanks to rhe rabloids. They're full of anicles and gossip thar ignoranr people raised on reality
shows rend to belicve. The problem is rhar even young kids watch rhese programmes wirhour any
kind of guidance wharsoever.
• Do you also rhink rhar some kind of filters should be used by the relevision channels in order ro
prorecr rhe young from all rhar stupidity and violence rhar appears on rhe sercen?
• Absolutely. There should be stricrer restrictions on whar is shown in prime time.
• Thar makes sense. And I must add rhar rhe presenr rating sysrem doesn'r work. Who cares about a
lirde number in a circle in rhe corner of rhe screen? Some parenrs acrually prefer having rheir children
sic in front of rhe relevision because rhey don'r have time ro deal wirh rhem. I believe rhar parenrs are
responsible for all rhese problems.


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• 1 can't argue with that! They are thc only ones who can reallr control what their childrcn \\,Heh.
'rou can be sure I'll be ditfercnt if I e,·er ha\'e children. I \\ ill plaj· \\ ith them as much as I can.
• I know you will.

ro deteriorate (d1't1;m;irert] romlik

meaningless ['mi:nnJl;is] értelmetlen
ro flood [ ílAd] eláraszt
to be disgusted (drs'gAstrd] undorodik
ro idolise [ ' a1d;ilarz] bálványoz
filter [' f1lt;i] szűrő
prime time [prarm tarm] főműsoridő

1 4 Internet

• \'Vould you believe, I was chatting with a Korean woman on the �ct last night'
• What did your wife have to say about it?
• She was asleep.
• I see. That's why I hate computers and the Internet.
• What do you mean?
• What do I mean? Isn't it obvious? People spend their free time glued ro the screen instead of being
with their family or friends. What's happened ro the world?
• Don't be so old-fashionc:d.
• I'm not.
• Ycs, you are. The Internet has a very good educational purpose. You just ca1Ú condemn computcrs
and the internet in gcneral. '[he1 tcach people ro look at the 1,orld in a diffcrent wa). You can find
a lot of good websites on j ust about any topic that you like.
• Don't give me thar. I know what you want to say. Bur believe me, before long the Internet will be
your only friend.
• My only friend? I can have as many friends as I wanr. I can ralk to people from totally differcnt
cultures. I can learn abour them.
• Is that true friendship?
• Actually, I don't have any inhibitions when I chat with these people. I can also flirt ,1 ith them
without any serious consequences.
• And why do you need all that? Don'r you have real people you can talk to in person?
• Yö, l do, but the Internet has helped mc establish new friendships. föere are some people ] \-e bcen
in contact with for years. And thc funnr thing is that I havc1Ú sccn any of them in person.
• Well, you might be righr. But I think I'll stick to my family, my books and hikes that we make at

to condemn [k;in' dem] elítél

inhibition [mhr 'brJn] gátlás
to fürt (113:t] flörtöl
consequence ['konsrkw;ins] következmény


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1 5 C l oning

• HJ\'C rou hcard rhat scicntists ,1rc working on human cloning afrer succcssfully experimenting on
• What a shame somebody doesn't put a stop to it!
• \Vhar do you mean?
• I mean that cloning humans raises moral and ethical questions.
• For ..:xampie'
• Weil, in my opinion, nobody has the right to interfere with nature. Are these scientists planning to
create a world where babies are planned?
• You can t be serious.
• Why not? Wouldn't you like to influence what the gender of your offspring is?
• \Vcll. . .
• You see. I f people were given the chance to determine that, God knows what would happen.
Everyone would like to have a perfect child.
• 1 think that gene manipulation to a certain extent is neccssarr.
• You must be kidding1
• , 'o, I am not. I believc that if discascs can be prevcntcd in thc mothc1-'s womb, rhen thosc babics
should be given rhe chance. \Vhat's morc, it's very important for the parcnts to knO\\ \Yhat discascs
rhe baby might have to face.
• OK, maybe in this case I can imagine some kind of intervention.
• ·1hc othcr issuc in connection wirh cloning is curing a discasc. From thc stem cell of a person it would
be \'Cl"} casy to reproduce an organ or a limb, so rhat cn:n \Lr) sc:rious dist.ases coulct be trutcd
• I see your point. Howcver, I am quite scared that some idiotic dictator might want to use armies of
clones to conquer thc world.
• \vtll, obviousl1, you have sccn coo many Hollrwood movics! Anyway, rhere's no perfcct solution.
I agrce with you rhat it should be limited bur I believc that ror medical purposes, cloning should
be allowecl but controlled.

to experiment (1k'spernmnt] kísérletezik

What a shame! [wot ;i Jerm] Micsoda szégyen!
co bring abouc [bnIJ ;i'baut] előidéz, okoz
mora! ['mor;il] erkölcsi
ethical ['e81kl] etikai
gender ['d3end;i] nem
offspring ['ofspnIJ] utód
to cletermine [d1't3:mm] meghatároz
to a certain extent ['s3:t;in 1k'stent] bizonyos fokig
You must be kidding! ['k1d11J] Te most viccelsz?!
womb [wu:m] anyaméh
stem cell [stem se!] őssejt
to reproduce [ri:pr;i'dju:s] újra előállít
organ ['::,:g;in] szerv
limb [lnn] végtag
to conquer ['konk;i] meghódít


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1 6 At a job i nterview

• Goo<l afrt:rnoon. \-Velcome ro DSG!-- Ltd.

• Good afrernoon.
• Plcase. take a seat. So you ha\ e ,1pplied for the position of cultural assistant. Are you familiar with
\\ hat the job invoh-es?
• Yes, of course. I would be responsible for culrural project management, keeping in touch with
schools, cultural organisarions and institutions.
• Can )OLI teli me a few rhings about what our firm does; I am interested wherher you fully undersrand
whar you would like ro be a part of.
• Sure. It's a non-profit organisation responsible for helping schools and other educarional institutions
find new conracts and also helping them find financial resources.
• .\lright. from your curriculum vitae. it a·Jpears you arc presenrl: rn1ployed bv a school. \v'h: do
you want ro leave your currcnt job;
• To be honest, I really like what I am doing now; however, I have always felt chat che biggest
challenge for an educator must be helping ochers who are in need. As I underscand, rhis finn
focuses on these people. I take it as a big challenge ro work for you and help people with an
underprivileged background.
• You're right. lhe poliC} of this firrn is ro bring rogerher people ,,ho need and pcople who have. \X'c're
recruiting someone ,, ho fully under,tands what rhest people need, ,, hat rheir circumsrances are.
Obviously. you have to un<lersund that since this is a non-profit firm. \Ve cannot offer rou a lot of
money, rhough we need devoted people ,, ho won·t feel rhat hclping people is a burden.
• Yes, of course.
• Do you have any questions concerning rhe job?
• Yes, I do. Will I be given assistance in the first few weeks ro help get myself acquainred with the
organisations you already have conracts with?
• \ cs, of course. We will give you any help needed.
• When will you notify me about the resulc of your seleccion?
• \X·t'!I have ro do some more inten ic,,·s in the next fe,, days. \ou ,, ill be norified in abom a week.
• Thank you very much. I am really looking forward ro hearing from you.
• "íllank you for coming. Goo<l-bye.
• Good-bye.

co be familiar with [fa'rntl1J] jártas vmiben

co keep in couch [ki:p m tAtJ] kapcsolatot tart
non-profit [non 'profit] nem anyagi célokat szolgáló
curriculum vitae [b'rrkj okim 'v1:ta1] önéletrajz
to be honest ['omst] hogy őszinte legyek
challenge ['tJ<!!lrnd3] kihívás
educacor ['ed30ke1t;i] oktató
co recruit [rr'kru:t] toboroz
devoted [d1'v;iot1d] odaadó
burden [ 'b3:d;in] teher
to notify ['nJotrfar] értesít


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1 7 E n rolling i n a language course

• Hello. \Xlelcome to our school. How may I help you'

• I'd like to participate in a language course.
• How long have you been learning I·.nglish?
• For 5 years.
• Have you arrended any orher language schools before?
• Oh, yes. To teli the rruth, I have been through a lor of courses but none of them have been to my
• �'hy not?
• Well, first of all, every teacher I have had always focused on grammar. Norhing else but grammar.
I am almost perfect in rhe regularities and irregularities of English bur I would like to brush up
on conversation.
• Unforrunately, this seems to be rhe problem wirh a lor of English teachtrs, bur in our school. you
\\ ill find, we use differenr methods. \Xle put a lot of emphasis on rhe usage of rhe language. :-fan)
of our classes focus on speaking skills, li tening and reading comprehension.
• That would be wonderful. I mean if we really did this. My experience shows rhat a lot of reachers
have no self-confidence and don't dare to use the language, and speak Hungarian, which is a tora!
waste of time.
• 1 quite agree.
• Moreover, I am fed up with rranslaring texts word by word. I believe that understanding is rhe key.
• \'{1ell, 1 do,ú agree wirh you torall ) , but chere is someching in what �-ou are saying.
• And my weak point is listening to authentic rexts by narive speakers. I mean I understand when
my teacher speaks but when it comes to a real Englishman, I am complerely lost.
• Do,ú worry. We'II improve rhis skill roo. \Xlhac's rour goal'
• At the end of rhe semesrer I'd like to pass rhe inrermediate language exam.
• Both rypes?
• No, only the speaking part. I managed ro take the written part a year ago.
• We have a policy rhat if you don'r pass your exam, you will be granred a new course for free or a
full refund.
• That sounds good. When is che first class?
• On Monday.
• Weil, see you rhen.
• Bye.
to participate [pa: 't1srpe1t] részt vesz
to be to one's liking ['la1krIJ] kedvére van
regularity [regj u 'lrernt1] szabályszerűség
irregularity [lfegj u'lrer:it1] rendhagyóság
method ['me0:id] módszer
usage ['j u:s1d3] használat
self-confidence [self 'konfrd:ins] önbizalom
to dare [de.;i] merészel
waste of time [we1st .;iv ta1m] időpocsékolás
aurhenric [:i: '0ent1k] igazi, valódi
refund ['ri:f,md] visszafizetés


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1 8 Eating habits

• Havc you hcard that OO\\ adays more ,rnd more young pcopk suft�r from digestion problcm, �nd
• I am not surprised.
• \\ h} not?
• We are living in a world full of artificial things. Even our food contains a lot of additives and
preservatives. In addition to that it's not rare to find genetically altered fruits or vegerables.
• I 1grec wir11 you. "Ihut ,n.. ,1 lor of fost-food n:; staurants su\ ing junk-food. Pcoplc b..:coml far duc
to all thc· fmy and unhe.1lrhy fond th.:1 eat. Anyw )·, G\10 foods arc b,rnned in Europe. ,\ losl
srudics show they arc harmlcss. anr"a).
• I wish I could be as sure as you. And the other problem is that people don't eat regular meals.
I think we should have at least one substantial meal a day.
• YLs, but onl) eating is nor cnouah. Rcgular L ercisL is indispensable. Lnfortunarely, peoplc do1Ú
'1nd cnow>h time to do sports.
• Ir seems to me young people roday are overburdened, so it's very common for them to suffer from
fatigue and stress-related diseases, even heart attack.
• 'Jhc. orhcr problc.m is rhar peoplc don t likc ro \·isit their GE cvcn though a thorough check-up evcr;,
: e1r would h lp nip illness in the bud.

• Weil, I got to go now. I 'm off to the gym to work out.

• Can I join you?
• Sure.

digestion [ dar'd3estJan] emésztés

ulcer ['Alsa] fekély
artificial [a:tr'frJI] mű
substantial [sab'sta:nJI] kiadós
indispensable [mdr'spensabl] elengedhetetlen
overburdened [auva'b3:dnd] túlterhelt
fatigue [fa'ti:g] fáradtság
srress-related ('stresn'lertrd] stresszel kapcsolatos
rhorough ['0Ara] alapos
check-up ['tJekAp] kivizsgálás
to nip sg. in the bud [mp, bAd] az elején megfogja a problémát
to work out [w3:kaut] edz

1 9 Driving drun k

• Excuse mc, sir. I believe that you havc bcen speeding.

• I don't think so. My speedometer showed only 90 kilomerres per hour.
• l'm afraid your specdometer is faulty. Would you stop rhe engine and hand over your licence?
. • Of course. Here you are .
• 1hank you. Why were you drh·ing so fost? Arc you in a hurry?
• Weil, erm . . . I was j ust . . .
• Ok, sir. Here is a breathalyser. Would you blow into it?
• Are you crazy? I haven't been drinking.


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• Just ro make ,un:.
• OK, I 'll do ir.
• l'm afr.lid that you '.!re in a fix. Drunken driving entails vuy Sl :ous pllnishment.
• I have ro admit that I 've jllst come from a party and I glless I had a few drinks.
• Is ,1gainst rhe law. I lnvt ro teli )'Oli th,u you havc the right .o rcm;1·11 ,i enr or ,lll) thing that ) ou
sa) bL used ,1gainsr }'Oli in courr.
• I lll1derstand it.
• I h lVL ,o uk · yoll lict.11CL 1 1d nkL you ro tl1L policc st,,r·on.
• Oh, no! When can I speak ro my lawyer? When can I go home?
• 'roL a ·L allowtd ro nah 1 Jhont e,;]] and you ,, il prolJ;ibl) b, released on bail romorrow unril
the trial.

speeding ['spi:drIJ] gyorshajtás

ro exceed the speed limit [1k'si:d, spi:d 'limit] túllépi a megengedett sebességet
speedomerer [spi:'domrt:}J kilométeróra
faulcy ['f:i:ltr] hibás
ro hand over [h�nd ':}uva] átad
brearhalyser [ 'bre0:}]aJz:}] alkoholszonda
ro blow into [bl:}u] belefúj
drunken driving [drnIJbn draIVrIJ] ittas vezetés
ro email [m'terl) maga után von
to admit [:}d' rrut) bevall
ro be released on bail [n'li:st, be1l] óvadék ellenében szabadlábra heryez

20 At the airport

• Good afternoon. Can I hdp you?

• Yes. There is an emergency siruation concerning my family back home and I really need ro By home
early. I 'd like ro get home immediately.
• Lcc mc seL wh.n I e. ·1 do for 1·0 1. I t ca,1 be rrick ) 11 ith ,uch sho t Potice.
• Sure.
• ünfortunatel ) , there has been ,omc overbooking for rhc next tl ighr, so 1'1 1 afraid I c.ant squLc/c
you in.
• What do you mean by overbooking?
• \lore rickus han, bc:Ln sold for rh · tlight, so C\'01 some pcoplc ,dth a ,.1lid ticket ,,ill havc to wait.
• Is there a way you can put me on rhat fli ght?
• I am afraid nor.
• When is the next flight?
• Tomorrm1 afrernoon,
• Would yoll check if rhere is a chance that I might take it?
• Just a minute. Yes, you can go home romorrow.
• Oh, thank you.
• You'll ha,e ro pa) a fec of 80 dollars for changing rhc flight.
• No problem.

overbooking [:}UV:} 0buk11J] túlfoglalás


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21 At the dentist

• }lm, may I help vou;

• I have a very bad coorhache.
• me examine you.
• Cerrainly.
• Hm, when was the !ast time you visited a denrist?
• It was a long time ago.
• J Ull teli.
• Why? What's the problem?
• '\ot ju,t om. problem, bm senr.d .
• Can you teli me what needs co be done?
• -Your upper dentures are just a mess. Two of your teeth need extracting.
• Will that hun?
• '\ bit. 'Ihe other problem is that some of your teeth ha,e cavities. They nced filling.
• That sounds bad. Anything else?
• I need co do some root canal work on some other teeth. 1 don't know whether they can be saved
or not, but we should givc them a rry. To be honest with you, some of your teeth are almost rotten.
• Oh, damn!
• Swearing wo1Ú help you. Open your mouth.

denrure [ ' dentJ;i] fogsor

co exrract [1ks'tnekt] kihúz
caviry [' bev1t1] lyuk
filling ['frlrlJ] tömés
root canal work [ru:t b 'mel w3:k] gyökérkezelés
rotten [rntn] rohadt
Damn! [da:m] A fenébe!
co swear [swe;i] káromkodik

22 Complaining at a restaurant

• Good evening, sir.

• Good evening.
• How Illa) I help you?
• I'd like a rable far one, please.
• Smoking or non?
• Non-smoking, please.
• Is it all right by rhe fireplace?
• Yes, rhank you. Can I have rhe menu, please?
• Certainly. HerL you are. \'\'hat "·ould rou like co drink?
• I'll have a borde of mineral warer.
• Fizzy or stilP
• Srill.
• Here is your water. Are you ready to order?


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• Yes, I 'll start with the dili cream soup with dumplings.
• What about the main course?
• Well, I haven't decided yet. Can you recommend something? What is the specialty of the house?
• Our tenderloin steak with green pepper sauce is delicious.
• 0 k, I' 11 take that.
• How would you like your steak?
• Well-done.
• What garnish would you like with your steak?
• Jacket potatoes, please.
• I 'll be right back. Here is your soup, sir.
• Thank you.
• How did you like it?
• It was very good.
• And here is your steak. Enjoy!
• Thank you. (a minute later) Excuse me.
• Ycs? 1
• This steak is not well-done. It's a bit on the rare sidc. And a litclc bit tough, too.
• Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I 'II sec what wc can do for you. Shall I bring you anorher one?
• Yes, please.
• Here is your steak. I hope there will be no problems with it.
• Thank you.
• Is everything all righr?
• Yes, fine now. Could I have a glass of draught beer?
• Sure. Here you arc:.
• Thank you.
• Would you like some dessert'
• Yes, I 'd like to havc chc pancakes with cherry and poppy-seed.
• Ok. Here you arc.
• Thank you. I would like to settle the bili, please?
• How would like to pay?
• By crcdit card if it is possiblc.
• Of coursc. Here is the bili. It is S25 .99.
• Is service included?
• No, Sir.
• Then add a tip of $2 to rhe bili.
• lhank you \'ery much. Here is your receipt.
• Thank you. Bye.
• Good-byc:.

fireplace ['fa1;-iple1s] kandalló

fizzy ['frz1] szénsavas
still [stil] szénsavmentes
Are you ready ro order? Sikerült választani?
dili [dr!] kapor
dumpling ['dAmphJJ] gombóc


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main course [mem b:s] fiJfogás
specialcy [speJúel::it1] különlegesség
tenderloin steak [' tend::ibm ste1k] bélszín
green pepper sauce [gri:n 'pep::i s:,:s] zöldborsmártás
well-done [wel dAn] jól átsütve
medium ['mi :d1;im] közepesen átsütve
rare [re;i] véres
garnish ['ga:mJ] köret
jacket potato ['d3rekrt p;i'te1t;iu] héjában sült krumpli
tender ['tend;i] puha (hús)
cough [tAf] rágós
draught beer (dra: ft br;i] csapolt sör
desserr (dr'z3:t] desszert
pancake ['prenke1k] palacsinta
poppy-seed ['pop1 si:d] mák
co setde the bili [setl, bII] rendezni a számlát
service [ 's3:vrs] felszolgálás
tip (tip] borravaló
receipt [n' si:t] nyugta

23 At a beauty parlour

• Hella, Jant.
• Hi. I have an appoimmenr with the beautician, the hairdresser and the manicurist.
• Yes. "lliar's righc. Have you got any idea what you would like to han:?
• Sure. I would like to have my nails paimed red. And of course, I would like to have them pared.
• No problem. What abour your hairsryle?
• I wam something new. Can you show me a magazine with differem hairscyles that I can choose
• 1-iert: you are.
• Thank you. I think I wanr co have it permed this time. With highlights.
• Do you also necd a trim?
• A bit.
• And whar abour tht: beautici,rn'
• I'II ask her co give me a face massage and co squeeze my pimples. There are some baci spots on
my face.
• 1 think it can be arranged.
• Great, rhanks.

beautician [bju: 't1Jn] kozmetikus

manicurist ['ma:mkju;inst] manikűrös
nail [nerl] köröm
co pare [pe;i] Levág (körmöt)
to perm [p3:m] dauerol


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highlighrs [ 'hailaits] melírózás
to trim (tnm] lenyír
face massage [fe1s 'mcesa:3] arcmasszázs
to squeeze [skwi:z] kinyom
pimple [prmpl] pattanás
spot [spot] pattanás
to arrange [;i'remd3] elintéz

24 Complaining in a hotel

• Good afrernoon.
• Good afternoon.
• \fay I hdp you?
• Yes. I have a reservation for rwo nights.
• Lct mc sec. \\(/har's your 11amc'
• Ir's Baker. Joe Baker.
• \Vell, l'm afraid I ca1ú fi.nd your 11amc on the list.
• I booked the room t\vo weeks ago.
• How did you book the room'
• I called rhe hotel and reserved rhe room. Ir was as easy as rhar.
• Hm. Lcr mc see what I can do for you.
• 1ha11k you.
• \Vould you like a doublt. or a singlc room?
• I'd like a double room with a shower.
• I think it ca11 be arra11ged. \\(/ould you fi.11 in this form?
• Sure.
• Il1c room is 011 the third fl.oor ar rhe e11d of the corridor. The porter will help you take your
luggage. The elevator is 011 thc left.
• 1ha11k you. (a few minutes later) Excuse me. l'm afraid the room that you gave me won't do.
• Whar's rhe problem?
• Weil, the beds are very uncomfortable, the springs squeak, rhe bed sheets are dirry and rhere are
cockroaches in rhe bathroom.
• I am very sorr). Would you like anorher room?
• I do11't think so. We're leaving right away. We do11't want to sray i11 rhis filthy place. Bye.

to book [buk] lefoglal

corridor ['kond::,:] folyosó
porrer ['p::,:t;i] hordár
spring [spn!J] rugó
to squeak [skwi:k] nyikorog
bed sheer [bed Ji:t] lepedő
cockroach ['kokr;iutJ] csótány
filthy [' frl81] mocskos


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2 5 Borrowing a book from a library

• Good morni11g.
• Good morni11g. Ca11 I help you?
• Yes. l'd like to borrow some books and I dotÚ k11ow how ro use your catalogue.
• We have a brand 11ew computer system and ir can teli you abour all the books published afrer
l 990. If the book came out earlier tha11 that, the old caralogui11g system is available.
• Can you show me how co use the catalogue?
• Of course. What books do you need?
• Si11ce I am preparing for my literature exam, I would like co havc \011ity Fair by Thackeray, sornc
s01111ets by Shakespeare, 198-1 by Orwell a11d Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury.
• OK. Let's check out the computer.
• OK.
• If you write i11 the name of the author a11d the rirle of rhe book, an aucomaric search system will
fi11d it for you.
• l sec.
• Now as we ca11 see here, the Orwell and the Thackeray 11ovels are 011 the open shelves. The
Shakespearea11 sonnets are all i11 circulation. But ir is possible co register for the sonnets so if
somebody bri11gs them back, we can notify you.
• That won't be necessary if it is possiblc co Xerox the parrs that I 11eed.
• Yes, it is possible.
• lhcn J'II do that. And what about tht Bradbury novc.l?
• Unforru11ately we don't have it, but we can ask for an inter-library loan and you get it i11 a few
• Oh , that would be perfccr. 1 et's do thar.
• You jusr have co fi.11 in this form and we'II be done. Are you already enrolled in our library?
• No, l 'm nor. I would like co do it nm, .
• You have to pay a membership fee of 1 OOO forints.
• Here you are.
• Thank you very much. I'II help you with rhe books you need and the phococopying.
• Thank you.

catalogue ['k�t;}log] katalógus

co publish ['pAbhJ] kiad
open shelves [';}Up:}11 Jelvz] szabadpolc
in sracks [m st�ks] raktáron
to register ['red31st;}] előjegyeztet
to Xerox ['zr;}roks] fénymásol
inter-library loan [111t;}'la1br;}n !;}011] könyvtárkózti kölcsönzés
to enrol in [m'r;}ul] beiratkozik
membership fee ['memb;}J1p fi: ] tagdíj

26 At an insurance broker

• Good afrernoon.
• Good afrernoon. How ca11 I help you?


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• I would like to take out an insurance policy.
• What kind of insurance were you thinking of?
• I would likc persona! and household insurance.
• Ali righr. I would like tO know some persona! details. Do you have a permanent job?
• 'ícs, of course.
• How long have you been working in your present job?
• For ninc years.
• Is rhere a mortgage on your house?
• No, chcre is1ú.
• That's very good.
• \Vhar \\ ould you likc tO insure your house against?
• l've been thinking of an insurance against theft and fire.
• Taking evcr) rhing imo considerarion, rhe insurance premium would be $ 1 2 a monrh.
• That sounds good. How abour rhe persona! insurance?
• Our insurance policy will cover all your medical cosrs and in case of dearh, rhe beneficiary of
your insurance will reccivc ovcr a million dollars.
• 1 '11 rake rhar.
• Can we sign the contract now?
• Why nor?
• Thank you very much.
• Thank you.

insurance broker [m'Ju;ir;ms br;iuk;i] biztosítási ügynök

tO rake out insurance [terk aut m'Ju;ir;ins] biztosítást köt
morcgage ['m::i:grd3] jelzálog
tO insure [rn'Ju;i] biztosít
insurance premium [m'Ju;mms pri:mr;im] biztosítási díj
insurance policy [m'Ju;m,ns 'polrsr] biztosítási szerződés
medical ['medrkl] orvosz
beneficiary [beni'fIJ;in) kedvezményezett
contracr ['kontnekt] szerződés

27 l n q u i ri n g a bout a d rivi n g course

• Hella, Learn tO Drive Fast.

• Hi. I have read your adverrisement in rhe local paper and I 'd like tO ger tO know some more derails
about rhe courses you have.
• \Vcll, we ha,·e special offers for srudenrs who want tO take our courses during the summcr.
• Yes, I'd like tO know more abour rhose, please.
• 1he first part, which deals wirh rhe rules of dri, ing and traffic signs, is an intensive course. le lasts
for a wcck and you have tO attend ebe lessons eveq morning betwcen 9 and 1 2. 'Ihis part is closcd
with a thcoretical exam. If you pass, you can go on to the nexr step.
• Whar if I fai!?
• Then you can retake the exam a day later. You also have the chancc to attend the course again, bur
then.:'s an extra fee.
• What about the driving lessons?


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• hrsr, you will learn how to start rhe car, ho\\ to usc tht pedals so rhar you \\ OIÚ mix up rhe clutch
and dK accelerator.
• I rhink I can manage that.
• íl1Ln )'OLI will learn aboL1t LISing rhc gearshift anc.. parking is also an esscnrial componenr of rhis
• When will I have a chance ro drive in rhe rraffic?
• Onct ) O LI ,ue done wirh rlK basic.s, we· 11 kr you do rhar. Afrer 20 lessons yoL1 can takt. an u;am.
If vou pass ir, you ,Yill rccci\L your licence a \\ eek later.
• How mL1ch does it all cost?
• \Vicl1 rhe student discount it will bL ', 1 29.
• I think I 'll enrol in the course. When does it begin?
• �ext \fond·t) at 9.
• And how do I pay?
• \0L1 c.m tithcr transfer rhe monq or pa) b:, check.
• Thank you very mLlch for rhe informarion.
• \oL1'rL wc.lcomc..

traffic sign ['tnef1k sam] közlekedési jelzőtábla

ro retake [ri:'te1k] megismétel (pl. vizsgát)
clL1tch [klAtj] kuplung
accelerator [;ik'sel;ire1t;i] gázpedál
gearshift ['g1;iJ1ft] sebváltó
discoL1nt ['d1skaunt] engedmény, kedvezmény
ro transfer [tnens'fa:] átutal

28 At a parent-teacher meeting

• Good evening.
• Hello. My name is Jack Stewart, little Tommy's dad.
• Oh, nice to meer )'OLI, sir.
• Can yoL1 teli me a few things aboL1t how my son is getting on in your Maths class?
• I'm afraid I L1\ e somc. bad news :1bour ) OLlr son.
• Oh, no!
• I caL1ght him using a cheat sheet the other day. I ga\·c him ,l failing grade for it ,md reported it
to his form tcacher.
• I hadn't heard aboL1t ir. Why wasn't I informed? Why woL1ld my son cheat? He's good at Marhs.
• \Vcll, he hasn t really demonsrrared rhat in 111) class. ln facr, hc. hasn'r done 111) homework ar all rhis
semcster, and he hardly shows LIP in class. What's morc., hc. plays truant a lor.
• Thar can't be true. My son has always been respectful and he has always ralked aboL1t your class
with admiration.
• \Vell, all thar glitters is nor gold. l 'm afraid I have ro fai[ him at tht. end of rhe year.
• Don' t yoL1 think he can improve?
• I don t think be can managc to puli it off. Ir WOLlld be \·ery lurd for him to ger a passing grade.
• BLlt there is a slim chance, isn't there?
• Wc.ll, next wcek thC) arc taking a geometry töt. ]f he passc.s rhar, J 'll gi,·L him a chance to retake
thL test hc failcd last weck.


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és olvassa el az Előszót!
• Oh, chank you very much. Is chere any way I can help him?
• Ycs. Make sure he dots his homework and prepares for class. It would also be good :o hire a pri, "'te
tlJchcr for him who ,rnuld pn.:pan„ him for rhe rest.
• Would you be his private teacher?
• I'm afraid not1
• Why not? Do you have some kind of prejudice cowards my son?
• Ic's not chat I havc prcjudicc. Ir's rhat it would not be ethical. Just imaginc rhc situarion in which
I prcpare your son for rhe cxam char I am gi, ing. No way!
• Can you recommend anyone?
• Surc. You should cont ,ct .\lr Bricc. Hc is an cxcelknc .\laths tcachcr. His office is upstairs.
• Thank you very much.
• ot at all. 1 also strongl) suggcst tlut you comc to rhcse meetings morc oftcn and kecp informcd
about your son.
• I will. Thank you again. Good-bye.
• BYc.

parent-teacher meeting [pe;ir;inti: tj';i mi:trl)] fogadóóra

co get on [get on] halad
cheat sheet [tfi:t Ji:t] puska (iskolában)
failing grade ['feilrIJ grerd] nem átmenőjegy
to report [rr'p::,:t] jelent
to cheat [tfi:t] puskázik
to play truant [pler 'tru:;int] lógni iskolából
respectful [n'spektfl] tisztelettudó
admiration [cedmr'rerJn] csodálat
ro puli off [pul of] sikerül
passing grade ['pa:s11) gre1d] átmenőjegy
slim chance [shm tj'a :ns] csekély remény
geometry [d31'om::itn] geometria
to make sure [me1k J::,:] megbizonyosodik
to hire ['ha1;i] felfogad
prejudice ['pred3ud1s] előítélet
echical ['e81kl] etikus
No way! [n;iu wer] Semmi esetre sem!

29 At the doctor's

• Good morning Mr Adams.

• Good morning.
• \v hat's rhc problem'
• I woke up in che middle of the night 2 days ago, and I had very serious pains in my chest. le fele
like I had a ton of bricks on it-the pressure was unbearable.
• \Vould vou strip to the waist, pk1sc?
• Sure.
• J'd likc to !isten to your lungs.


A párbeszédek gyakorlásához töltse l e a z ingyenes interaktív hanganyagot a Kiadó honlapjáról (,
és olvassa el az Előszót!
• Ali right.
• Weil, I can'r hcar anything abnormal. Let me take your pulse. And I will takc rour blood pressure
as well.
• OK.
• Your blood pressure is quite high.
• Is it?
• Do you still feel the pain or has it gone awa)?
• It was a one-time feeling. To teli you the truth, I was sweating badly. I couldn't go back to sleep, as
I was so scared that something bad might happen to me. Then I woke up my wife and she called
the ambulance.
• Do you have diabetes?
• No, I don't.
• Lee me refer you to rhe Counry Hospiral where you will have to go through a thorough check-up.
• Is it really necessary?
• .\.1r Adams. Do you wanr to recover or not? Ir mighr have been a minor hearr attack, which mighr
entail some complications. You have to have a blood test ami othcr examinarions.
• Ali right.
• You also have to cut down on fatty food and quic smoking. Moreover, you have to start doing
something to relieve stress. So after the check-up, please come and see me again with the results.
• I will. Thank you.
• See you.
• Bye.

chesc [tfest] mellkas

unbearable [ ,\11'be;}r;}bl] elviselhetetlen
to srrip to the waist [stnp, werst] derékig levetkőzik
pulse [pAls] pulzus
to sweat [swet] izuzd
ambulance ['cembjul;ms] mentő
diabetes [da1;}'bi:ti:z] cukorbetegség
to refer sy to [n'fa:] beutal
rhorough ['8Arn] alapos
check-up ['tfekAp] kivizsgálás
to recover [n'kl\ v;}] felépül
minor ['mamd] apró, kicsi
to enrail [m'te1l] vele jár
complicacion [kompli'ke1Jn] szövődmény
to cut clown on [kAt daun on] csökkent
to relieve [n'li:v] mérsékel

30 Sig htseeing by taxi

• Hello.
• Hi. I 'd like to have a ride around the city, please. Can you show me the sights of Budapest?
• Yes, of course.


A párbeszédek gyakorlásához töltse le az ingyenes interaktív hanganyagot a Kiadó honlapjáról (,

és olvassa el az Előszót!
• Can we agree on a set price before we start the sightseeing mur: h·e gath
it is not very good to travel by taxi as you can get ripped off.
• \'(lel], that might be true in conncction with a few shysters bur no� \\ .� ... -. a
thousand forints for the whole day'
• That sounds good.
• We']] start our trip here on Heroes' Square. You can sec the sratues of famous Hungarians around
the square. As you can see therc is thc changing of the guard in front of the monument.
• Who do you consider the most famous Hungarian?
• Personally, I would say that our first king Stephen I contributed the most to our country. He founded
the state and due to his influence, most Hungarians converted ro Christianity. If it hadn't been for
him, Hungaty wouldn't exist now.
• What are all these other buildings?
• On the left you can sec the Museum of Fine Arts and on thc right the National Art Gallery. They
havc some really good exhibitions.
• I have heard abour the House of Terror from my friends who have visited Budapest recenrly. Where
is it located?
• lt is not far from here. As wc drive along this avenue, you can find it on the righr. Are you
• Yes, very much.
• !t takcs abour three or four hours to sec the exhibit and abour thc same amounr of time ro digest
what you have seen.
• I'll do that romorrow, rhen.
• \nd now hert. we are in front of the �ational \foseum. Ir also takcs a lot of timc ro nm through
all the e ·hibitions.
• I'II devote some time to it around the weekend.
• I suggcst that wc go ro the Casrlc Disrrict bccausé you can takc a walk there and enjoy the beautiful
view. You can find the Fishermen's Bastion, Marrhias Church ami the casrle itself, all on the top
of thc hill.
• Oh, it is gorgeous. What is that building on the opposite bank of the river?
• "Ihat is thc building of our Parliament. \'(/irhout any bias I would sa) rhat it is thc most beautiful
parliamcnt building in the world.
• I can't argue.
• \'(leli, wc'rc coming ro the end of our rrip. Obviousl) , there is a lot morc ro sec, but that is what we
had timc for. \Vould you likc me ro takc you back ro your hotel?
• That would be very nice of you.
• Here wc arc.
• Can I pay by credit card?
• Certainly.
• Here is my card and you can add ten per cent to the bili.
• "Jhank you very much.
• I 've had a beautiful day. You are a very good guide.
• lhank you and I hope I 'll see you later. Here is ITI} business card. If you need a ride anywhere,
just give me a cal!.
• You bet I will.
• Byc.
• See you.


A párbeszédek gyakorlásához töltse le az ingyenes interaktív hanganyagot a Kiadó honlapjáról (,
és olvassa el az Előszót!
to gather ['greőg] úgy hall
to rip off [rrp of] átvág
shyster ['Jarstg] csaló
Heroes' Square ['hrgrnuz skweg] Hősök tere
monumenr ['monjumgnt] emlékmű
to conrribute [bn 'tnbju:t] hozzájárul
to found [faond] alapít
influence ['mf1ugns] befolyás
to converr [bn'V3:t] megtérít, áttérít
Museum of Fine Arts [mju: 'zrgm, fam a:ts] Szépművészeti Múzeum
National Art Gallery ['nreJml o:t 'grelgrr] Nemzeti Galéria
to be located [Jog'kertrd] található
avenue ['revgnju:] sugárút
to digesr [da1'd3est] megemészt
co devote [d1'vgut] szentel
Fishermen's Bastion ['f1Jgmenz 'brestrgn] Halászbástya
gorgeous ['g:,:d3gs] bámulatos
bias [' bargs] elfogultság
business card ['brznrs ko:d] névjegykártya


A párbeszédek gyakorlásához töltse le az ingyenes interaktív hanganyagot a Kiadó honlapjáról (,

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