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1 Hablar /conversar to speak, talk to 44 Conjugar to conjugate

2 /charlar con 45 Subrayar -tachar to underline-cross out
3 Gritar to yell, scream 46 Enviar – reenviar to send-
Lavar / lavarse to wash -to wash
4 Tomar to drink, take
47 oneself
5 Caminar to walk 48 Bañar / to bathe -
6 Trotar to jog 49 bañarse ducharse to take a bath/shower
7 Trabajar to work 50 Cepillar / to brush
8 Descansar to rest 51 cepillarse to brush one's …
9 Viajar to travel 52 Peinar / peinarse to comb
10 Llegar a to arrive, get a place 53 Limpiar / limpiarse to clean/ ~ one's
11 Regresar to come back, return 54 Quitar / to remove
12 Visitar ti visit 55 quitarse take off cloths
13 Entrar to come,get in 56 Ensuciar / to make dirty
14 Bajar to go down 57 ensuciarse to get dirty
15 Usar to use 58 levanta to lift
16 Llevar (llevar puesto) to carry, (to wear) 59 levantarse to get up
17 Desayunar to have,eat breakfast 60 presentarse to introduce oneself
18 Cenar to eat dinner 61 Cocinar to cook
19 Comprar to buy 62 Preparar to prepare
20 Regatear to bargain 63 Cortar – picar to cut / to chop
21 Pagar to pay 64 Marinar – sazonar to marinate/season
22 Cambiar / to change 65 – aliñar dessing
23 cambiarse move / change cloths 66 Tostar to toast
24 Ahorrar to save 67 Hornear to bake
25 Retirar to withdraw 68 Asar to grill
26 Depositar to deposit 69 Quemar to burn
27 Mirar to look at 70 Dañar to damage
28 Buscar to look for/up 71 Desear [ + inf.] to wish, desire
29 Escuchar to listen to 72 Necesitar [ + inf.] to need
30 Enseñar [a+inf.] to teach 73 Aconsejar [ + inf.] to advise
31 Estudiar to study 74 Esperar [ + inf.] to wait for,
32 Copiar to copy, write down 75 hope, expect
33 Preguntar to ask (questions) 76 Planear [ + inf.] to plan
34 Solicitar to request, solicitid 77 Terminar de finish, end
35 Contestar to answer, reply 78 Acabar de just have
36 Verónica Rivadeneira to pick up the phone 79 Tratar de to try to
37 Memorizar to memorize 80 Dejar to leave things
38 Olvidar to forget 81 Dejar + inf. to allow
39 Practicar to practice 82 Dejar de to stop, quit
40 Explicar to explain 83 Ayudar [a+inf.] to help
41 Expresar to express 84 Invitar [a+inf.] to invite
42 Continuar to go on, continue 85 Aceptar to accept
43 Pronunciar to promounce 86 Rechazar to refuse

A Verónica Rivadeneira 26 de octubre de 2016


87 Amar to love 133 Resbalar to slip

88 Odiar [ + inf] to hate 134 Soplar to blow
89 Besar / besarse to kiss/ ~ each other 135 Cargar to load
90 Abrazar / abrazarse to hug/ ~each other 136 Cavar to dig
91 Extrañar to miss somebody 137 Plantar to plant
92 Golpear, pegar to hit, strike 138 Cosechar to hasvest
93 Pelear – luchar to fight 139 Inventar – crear to invent - create
94 Matar to kill 140 Envidiar to envy
95 Robar, asaltar to steal, rob 141 Sacar to pull out/take out
96 Pasar bien/mal to have a good 142 Colocar to place
97 /bad time 143 Mejorar to improve
98 Pasar mucho/ poco to spend - hang out 144 Desarrollar to develop
99 tiempo – dedicar 145 Progresar to progress
100 Acariciar to caress 146 Guardar to keep
101 Llorar to cry 147 Manejar to drive
102 Entrenar to train 148 Parar to stop
103 Escalar [trepar ] to climb 149 Acelerar to speed up
104 Saltar – brincar to jump 150 Frenar to brake
105 Nadar to swim 151 Regalar to give away
106 Pescar to fish 152 Ganar to win, earn
107 Disfrutar - gozar to enjoy 153 sudar to sweat
108 Organizar to organize 154 Engañar to cheat
109 Ordenar to order 155 Hallar to find
110 Arreglar - reparar to arrange - fix 156 Patear to kick
111 Patinar (en hielo) to skate 157 Iniciar to start
112 Esquiar to sky 158 Gastar to spend money
113 Montar a caballo/bici to ride Verónica Rivadeneira
114 Pintar to paint
115 Dibujar to draw
116 Cantar to sing
117 Bailar – farrear to dance - party
118 Fumar to smoke
119 Apagar to turn off
120 Tocar to touch, play instrum.
121 Llamar / llamarse to call/ tell the name
122 Llenar to fill
123 Revisar to review
124 chequear to check
125 Añadir to add
126 Aumentar to raise,increase
127 Ampliar to expand
128 Prestar to lend
129 Empujar to push
130 Halar to pull
131 Lanzar, botar to trow (away),out

A Verónica Rivadeneira 26 de octubre de 2016


132 Patear to kick

1 Comer to eat 1 Subir to go up
2 Beber to drink 2 Abrir to open
3 Aprender [a+inf.] to learn 3 Escribir to write
4 Leer to read 4 Recibir to receive
5 Creer en to believe 5 Vivir to live
6 Correr to run 6 Compartir to share
Asistir a to assist/attend
7 Comprender to understand 7 classes
8 Vender to sell 8 Describir to describe
9 Deber [ + inf.] must, owe 9 Existir to exist
10 Meter to put in, fit 10 Partir to split
11 Coser to sew, stitch up 11 Dividir to divide
12 Cometer to commit 12 Permitir [ + inf.] to permit
13 Prometer [ + inf.] to promiss 13 Sufrir to suffert
14 Romper to break 14 Unir to join
15 Barrer to sweep 15 Resistir to resist
16 Prender to turn on, light 16 Cubrir to cover
17 Tejer to knit 17 Descubrir to descover
18 Ver / verse to see/ to meet 18 Decidir [ + inf.] to decide
19 Esconder / to hide 19 Discutir to discuss
20 esconderse to hide oneself 20 Aplaudir to aplause
Verónica Rivadeneira 21 cumplir to carry out
22 cumplir años will be….years old

A Verónica Rivadeneira 26 de octubre de 2016

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