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1. Give at least five standard solids.

a. Box
b. Sphere
c. Cylinder
d. Cone
e. Wedge
2. What are the three Boolean operation to edit solid?
a. Union
b. Subtract
c. Intersect
3. What is the method or command to create 3D column and walls? Describe.
Base from the created floor plan, go to layers, type LA and enter then turn on the
columns only, then click the icon view cube to view the floor plan in isometric or 3D form
(select the southwest). Select extrude command or type EXT for the alias (the object must be
closed). Select the entire column and enter then type the height of the column (3) and enter.
Click custom visual styles and select Realistic. In layers, turn off the layers of columns and
turn on the layers for wall to make it the current layer and change also its color to distinguish
it from other layers. Since the walls are not closed objects, create lines to enclose those open
areas while it is in 2D form. Next is create a region, type REG for the its alias and select the
entire object or walls using window, then go back to isometric view to view in 3D form.
Type EXT for extrude and select all the walls then enter and type 3 for its height and enter.
Lastly, go to layers by simply typing LA and turn on the layers of columns to view the
columns and wall in 3D form.
4. Describe how to create the openings of doors and windows.
To make the openings of doors and windows, go to layers, type LA and turn on the layer
of door and make it the current layer. From the floor plan, copy the width of door openings
and hold it at specific point then move it to the 3D floor plan in the same position where it
was picked. Then change the visual style into wireframe to view the door ends. Create a box
to the door opening by following the length and width of the door opening along the wall and
the height of 2.1 in the entrance door. For the door in the comfort room, the height is 1.8. For
easy creation of door openings, simply copy the doors with the same length, width and height
then move it to the door openings with the same position, for doors that have different
position, rotate it first and copy then move it to the corresponding door opening. After the
doors have been created, elevate it by moving doors about 0.3 upwards. Then click subtract
command or type SUBTRACT and enter, then select to subtract from, select the walls where
the doors are lying in the same surface and enter, then select objects to subtract, click the
door openings and enter. Then change the visual style into shaded in order to see the door
openings. For windows, do the same but turn on the layers of windows and make it as current
layer first. For the window openings, the elevation from ground are as follows:
W-1, length=0.60, height=1.20, distance from ground=1.20
W-2, length=1.20, height=1.20, distance from ground=1.20
W-3, length=0.60, height= 0.90, distance from ground=1.50
W-4, length=0.60, height=0.60, distance from ground=1.80
5. Describe how to create the 3D roof.
In layers, turn on the layers for roof and make it as current layer. Copy the roof plan in
the 2D plan and hold it at a specific point then move it to the 3D drawing with the same
position from where is was picked then facing the front view of the 3D drawing, move the
roof upwards, type 0,0,3.3 and enter. Turn off the layers for wall and columns in order to see
only the roof. Create a vertical line at the center of the roof since the highest peak of the hip
roof is at the center, then create a line from the peak to the side of the roof where the lowest
point is to make a slope then create intersection lines in order to know the height of the other
roof parts. Type UCS and enter then place it where the x, y and z axis are intersecting and
specify the x, y and z axis. Trim the overlapping lines from the intersection point then go
back to world by typing UCS and enter, then w and enter. Erase the diagonal lines in the roof
plan and left only the lines where the two highest peaks are located. Then move the two lines
upwards. The height of the line which is the center of the hip roof is the vertical line with the
highest peak (3) and the second line equivalent to the height intersection point to the slope.
Create a new layer for the 3D roof to distinguish it from other layers and change the line type
to continuous and make it as a current layer. Then use the 3D face command, type 3F and
enter. Then select only 4 points of the roof which lie in the same surface. Use the 3D face
command until all the face of the roof is covered. Turn on the layers of walls and columns to
view the whole 3D drawing.

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