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A. If you are the front office manager (FOM), how will you solve the problems at hand?

Discuss your recommendations in detail.

As we can see at the given case above, STI Hotel has encountered many problems, if I am the
front office manager (FOM), here are some of my recommendations to solve the stated

● Talk to the guests nicely and explain what really happens.

● The role of a FOM is extremely important when it comes to customer satisfaction.

The first thing that the front-line-employee does is to accommodate the guests and
in this case they have a huge number of them. We can solve it by adding more staff
to the front desk.

● The hotel can not handle the huge amount of guests that are in the hotel. We all
know that before accepting a massive amount of guests they need to make a
reservation for the hotel to know how many rooms they will need to occupy the
guest. If they know in the first place that they cannot handle such a number of
guests they mustn’t have accommodated it.

● Communication, that’s what the hotel lacks. They did not say that pets are not
allowed, the aircon is not working, scarcity in supplies and many more issues that
happen. The hotel needs to be transparent to their guests so that they will be
satisfied while staying at it.

● Check the utilities before accepting guests. Not all of us are coming to the hotels to
rest, some are working and not all the time they are free to accept hotel staff to
check if the utilities are working properly. Before accommodating guests they must
check if the rooms or the whole hotel are ready to be used.

● Briefing. I think all hotels must orient all the people in the hotel including the staff. It
is for the guest to know what are and are not allowed to do or bring while staying at
the hotel.

B. After the commotion has settled down, how will you analyze the situation? List the
opportunities for improving communications with the other departments involved.

● The first thing that comes to my mind is have a meeting, not just with the people
that are present while the commotion is happening but also with all the staff of the

● Talk about things that the hotel should do next time they have encountered this kind
of commotion. Also talk about ways to improve customer satisfaction.
● It may be hard to do, but if the employee cannot obtain his/her duties and
responsibilities as a hotel staff or a front-line employee, find another person that is
capable of doing it. It is beneficial not just in the hotel but to both parties.
● Hire more employees to divide the work properly because an employee must focus
only on one work especially if you are in the service industry. The employees must
know and have a division of work.

The statements given above are only an opinion and analysis of the person writing this from the case
that is written.

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