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3, 2004

Linear Connected Arrays

R. C. Hansen, Life Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The concept of connected (or coupled) dipoles in a

linear array, which improves wideband performance, is examined.
A long wire with multiple feeds is the model, using rigorous mo-
ment method analysis. Edge waves of current appear not to be
attenuated; around half-wave dipole length the current peaks are
one wavelength apart, with deep nulls. For dipole lengths around
quarter-wave the current peaks and dips are modest. This trend
continues to shorter dipoles; for lengths of 0 1 wavelength or less,
the current is nearly constant along the array. This approximates
the current sheet of Wheeler; the impedance mismatch is much less
severe than for an array of unconnected dipoles of the same dimen-
Index Terms—Connected array, current sheet, current standing
waves, edge effects, electronic scanning, finite array.


I NTERCONNECTION of collinear linear or planar arrays

was considered at least as early as 1970, by Baum, and it was
recognized that the current continuity provided adequate low
Fig. 1. 10 wire, feeds at 0:5; 30 scan.

frequency performance [1]. Such arrays have applications for The simulation code allows results to be calculated for
wideband electronic scanning [2]–[4]. It is important to know a number of angles with a specified feed spacing, or for a
how the currents on these arrays behave with frequency and with number of feed spacings in wavelengths at a specific scan
scan angle. This letter addresses current behavior. angle. Parameters calculated are the magnitude and phase of
the current distribution along the wire. The code allows up to
100 feed points representing 600 complex double precision
simultaneous equations.
Since linear arrays of coupled dipoles exhibit many of the A most important finding is that the load impedance must
characteristics of planar arrays of coupled dipoles, a linear array be included in the simulation, in the impedance matrix. In con-
will be modeled. The array consists of a wire many wavelengths ventional dipole arrays whether is part of the impedance ma-
long, interrupted by feeds at regular nominally half-wave in- trix has little effect upon current distributions and impedance.
tervals. Alternatively, the array model is a collinear array of Of course in all cases, the affects power transfer. Without
half-wave dipoles fed at the centers and connected at the con- in the matrix, the impedance versus frequency is unstable,
tiguous ends. The amplitude and phase of the current distribu- and the edge wave currents are less attenuated and less pre-
tion along the wire is of crucial importance, so it is modeled dictable. In all results that follow, the simulation includes
by the moment method. A Galerkin moment method code using in the impedance matrix. A value of 400 was used in the fig-
piecewise sinusoidal expansion and test functions is used; mu- ures. Use of 200 changes the current scale a modest amount,
tual impedances are calculated using Carter’s method [5]. Six but the current shapes are essentially the same. The connected
expansion functions are used per dipole; this should give ex- array dipole resistance is typically between these two values of
cellent results. One expansion function bridges across the con- .
tiguous dipole ends, thus allowing current to flow from dipole to
dipole. Each feed point connects to a load (generator). Results III. CURRENT PHASE AND AMPLITUDE
of the code are validated against codes for conventional dipole
The current distribution and the impedance at the central feed
arrays by inserting large values of resistance half-way between
point are direct results from the moment method procedure.
the feeds, thus simulating a conventional dipole array. The mu-
Fig. 1 shows phase along a wire, for 30 scan. In Fig. 1,
tual impedances and the equation solver use double precision
the dipoles go from expansion segments 1 to 6, 6 to
complex, and the program is run on an HP 64 bit UNIX Work-
to 114, and 114 to 119. Feeds are located at expansion segments
. A close examination shows that the sharp peaks
correspond to a scan angle of 30 , however the phase slope at
other expansion segments on the connected dipoles appears to
Manuscript received January 22, 2004; revised May 7, 2004
The author is at Tarzana, CA 91357 USA ( be irregular. Additional insight is given by examining array be-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2004.832125 havior where the feed spacing is halved and the number
1536-1225/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE

Fig. 2. 10 wire, feeds at 0:25; 30 scan.

Fig. 4. 10 wire, feeds at 0:5; 30 scan.

Fig. 3. 10 wire, feeds at 0:5; 0 scan. Fig. 5. 10 wire, feeds at 0:25; 30 scan.

of feeds is doubled (40), resulting in a wire again. Fig. 2 that of light, these currents are not related to surface waves. Sur-
shows phase along the connected dipole array, again for a 30 face waves are slow waves, and are not supported by collinear
scan. Again the peaks roughly follow the scan phase slope; now dipoles. Use of fat dipoles, such as bowtie dipoles, might alter
the phase varies linearly over all expansion segments, unlike these edge current effects.
Fig. 1 where the dipole lengths were evident. When twice the number of feeds is used, with spacing,
The wire at broadside exhibits a surprising current ampli- the 30 scan current distribution is markedly changed, as seen
tude distribution. Over the entire wire every other “dipole” has in Fig. 5. Now, the dipoles go from expansion segments 1 to
very small current; see Fig. 3. Current is peaked, and peaks are to to 239. Each dipole now has a roughly si-
one wavelength apart. Similar current peaks occur for a plane nusoidal distribution, and the dips are modest. The latter is ac-
wave incident on a finite length wire [6]. At broadside, with all centuated with a dipole spacing of ; the current is roughly
feeds in phase, a nearly constant current might have been ex- constant over the wire. Thus, at low frequencies the conti-
pected. It appears that the connected array current exhibits cus- nuity of current approximates the current sheet of Wheeler [8];
pidation, without attenuation or edge effects. With a 30 scan, this improves the low frequency impedance as will appear later.
every fourth section of wire has small current. Peaks of cur- The edge currents, which are of modest amplitude in dipole ar-
rent are now apart. See Fig. 4. This increase in the period of rays, are much stronger in coupled wires; there is no collinear
the currents with scan angle agrees with observations of [7], and mutual impedance to attenuate the currents.
lends some support to the unattenuated edge current hypothesis. Because connecting the dipoles produces a forced resonance
Changing the wire length to , and , with 20 feeds, in current, it is useful to consider whether a reactance connecting
still shows a basic picture of peaks apart; the intermediate the dipoles would perform better. At half-wave feed spacing the
peaks are irregular, and partially raised. Thus, the edge current ideal reactance would be infinite, as isolated dipoles are robust.
“resonance” is not a function of element spacings in free space For small feed spacings the ideal reactance would be small, to
wavelengths. Because the edge current velocity appears to be allow continuity of current. A study of reactance coupled arrays

is underway; preliminary results show that neither inductive nor provide better wideband gain than that of a corresponding un-
capacitive coupling produces wide bandwidth. However, non- connected dipole array.
Foster negative inductance coupling provides correct physics.
[1] C. E. Baum et al., “Transient arrays,” in Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse
Incorporation of terminating characteristic impedances in the Electromagnetics, C. E. Baum et al., Eds. New York: Plenum, 1997,
model impedance matrix is essential; use of a zero value pro- vol. 3, pp. 129–138.
[2] D. T. McGrath and C. E. Baum, “Scanning and impedance properties of
duces significant changes in the amplitude and phase of the cur- TEM horn arrays for transient radiation,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Prop-
rent over the connected array. For arrays of half-wave dipoles agat,, vol. 47, pp. 469–473, Mar. 1999.
the current exhibits strong resonances along the array, with a [3] P. Friederich et al., “A new class of broadband planar aperture,” in Proc.
2001 Antenna Applications Symp., Allerton Park, IL, pp. 561–587.
period of one wavelength. This is apparently due to the edge [4] J. Maloney et al., “The fragmented aperture antenna: FDTD analysis and
currents present in finite dipole arrays not being attenuated in measurement,” in Proc. ICAP/JINA Conf. Antennas and Propagation,
connected arrays. For arrays with dipole length roughly , Apr. 2000, p. 93.
[5] R. C. Hansen, “Formulation of echelon dipole mutual impedance for
the current amplitude distributions show modest dips, and the computer,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-20, pp. 780–781,
phases are well behaved for scanning. For dipole lengths much Nov. 1972.
shorter than , the current is roughly constant over the entire [6] , “Current induced on a wire: Implications for connected arrays,”
IEEE Antennas Wireless Propagat. Lett., vol. 2, pp. 288–289, 2003.
array. This results in an approximation to the Wheeler current [7] R. C. Hansen and D. Gammon, “A Gibbsian model for finite scanned
sheet, and produces an impedance much closer to than that arrays,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 44, pp. 243–248, Feb.
produced by an ordinary dipole array. These connected arrays 1996.
[8] H. A. Wheeler, “Simple relations derived from a phased-array antenna
exhibit good performance when the dipoles are short in wave- made of an infinite current sheet,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.
lengths, but are much less good near half-wave. Overall, they AP-13, pp. 506–514, July 1965.

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