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IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. PWRD-1, No.

2, April 1986 209


H.W. Dommel, Fellow, IEEE A. Yan, Member, IEEE Shi Wei

The University of British Columbia University of Idaho Xian Jiaotong University
Vancouver, B.C., Canada Moscow, Idaho, U.S.A. Xian, People's Republic of China

ABSTRACT which are mostly positive sequence. It is therefore

best to use three-phase representations, because
Saturation effects in transformers and shunt coupling effects are then automatically included.
reactors can produce harmonics in power systems. Their
magnitude can sometimes be found with an electro- 2. OBTAINING HARKDNICS WITH THE EMTP
magnetic transients program, by going from an approxi-
mate linear ac steady-state solution directly into a A simple method for obtaining saturatiorr-generated
transient simulation in which the nonlinear effects are harmonics is to perform a transient simulation with the
included. In lightly damped systems, such simulations EMTP which starts from approximate linear ac steady-
can take a long time, however, before the distorted state conditions. For the initial ac steady-state
steady state is reached. Therefore, another method was solution, the magnetizing inductances of transformers
developed which uses superposition of steady-state are represented by their unsaturated values (linear
phasor solutions at the fundamental frequency and at part of the nonlinear flux/current-curve). In the
the most important harmonic frequencies, with nonlinear transient simulation, the only disturbances will then
inductances represented as harmonic current sources. be the deviations between the linear and nonlinear
This method can either be used by itself, or as an magnetizing inductance representations. The transients
improved initialization procedure for electromagnetic caused by these deviations will often settle down to
transients programs. the distorted steady state within a few cycles.
1. INTRODUCTION An example for this approach is described in [1].
In that example, a power plant was feeding an unloaded
Saturation effects in transformers and shunt 345 kV-line of 398 km length. The saturation was
reactors can produce steady-state harmonics, as well as caused by the step-up transformers in the power plant.
transient harmonics and temporary overvoltages. The For the simulation, the generator representation was a
steady-state harmonics are usually not as high as those simple, though not quite accurate, voltage source E
produced by converters, but they are somewhat more behind Xd", which was combined with the transformer
difficult to calculate. In converters, the magnitude short-circuit reactances into a three-phase Thevenin
of harmonics is reasonably well known, and these har- equivalent circuit seen from the 345 kV-side (positive
monics can therefore be represented as given current and zero sequence values converted to self and mutual
sources or voltage sources behind impedances in har- values with Eq. (6) of [2] to obtain the phase values).
monic power flow programs. In contrast, harmonics The nonlinear magnetizing inductances were connected
generated by saturation effects of transformers depend phase-to-ground on the high side of the step-up trans-
critically on the peak magnitude and waveform of the formers. Again, this is not quite correct. As pointed
voltages at the transformer terminals, which in turn out in [2], the nonlinear inductances should be corr-
are influenced by the harmonic currents and the nected between the terminals of those windings which
frequency-dependent network impedances. are closest to the iron core, at least in designs with
cylindrical winding construction. Construction details
A simple, iterative procedure is described here, were not available, however, and placing it anywhere
which can be used to obtain the magnitude of harmonics else would have made it impossible to use the simple
from transformer saturation with sufficient accuracy. Thevenin equivalent circuit for the power plant. More
Other harmonic sources, whose magnitude is known, are importantly, the chosen representation brought simula-
easily included in the solution as additional current tion results close enough to field test results, so
or voltage sources. that a more detailed model was really not justified.
Fig. 1 shows the simulation results for the voltages at
The method was primarily developed as an initial- both ends of the line, with the simulation starting
ization procedure for the Electromagnetic Transients from the approximate linear ac steady-state solution
Program (EMTP), but it could be incorporated into other with unsaturated magnetizing inductances. In this
programs as well. Since EMTP studies are usually done particular case, the final distorted steady state was
with three-phase representations, the method was tested reached fairly quickly within approximately 3 cycles.
for single-phase as well as three-phase cases. Single- The simulation results compare reasonably well with the
phase studies may not always be accurate enough. For field test results (Fig. 2).
example, the dominant third harmonic zero sequence
current in transformer saturation depends on voltages Modern high-voltage transformers with grair-
oriented steel cores saturate typically somewhere above
85 SMI 381-9 A oaoer recrernended and aoorcveo 1.0 to 1.2 times rated flux, with a sharply defined
by the IEEE Trarns.r15ission arnd Distr ibut ior Commit tee knee (Fig. 3). Often, a two-slope piecewise linear
of tte 1Q Power Enl iireerinq
Q Societv for oresenta- inductance is sufficient to model such curves. The
tion at the IEEE/PES 1985 Summer Meetinc. Vancouver. slope in the saturated region above the knee is the
B.C., Canada, July 14 - 19, i9t4t. Manuscriot sub- air-core inductance; it is almost linear and fairly low
mitted January 29, 1985; made availanie for orintino compared with the slope in the unsaturated region. In
+ Or: a .30, 1 9,g,> the study resulting in Fig. 1 and 2, a two-slope piece-
wise linear inductance was accurate enough; going to a
more detailed 5-slope inductance changed the results
very little.

O1986 IEEE
0885-8977/86/0004-0209$01 .00X

Frequently, the saturation curve is not supplied

SENDING END flux/current-curve *=f(i), required for
400 _
\ _,><
simulations, but as an RMS-voltage/RMS-current-
curve VRMS-f(IRMS) instead. A simple conversion tech-
B nique is described in Appendix 1, which is based on the
0°~ / -
¢ / V 0\ §
\ -- \/2
\ /
4 ( )
assumption that the influence of






H X< support routine CONVERT which this conversion

> ~~~~~~~~~~~Amethod.
The simple method described in this section for
RECEIVING END obtaining harmonics
torted steady stateworks
is only quickly
reached well ifinthea few
For lightly damped systems, it may take a long time
before the final steady state is reached. Fig. 4 shows
400 the voltages at both ends of a 500 kV-line with shunt
B reactors which go into saturation at 0.92 p.u. of rated
flux at the sending end and at 1.05 p.u. of rated flux
at the receiving end. Because of low damping, the
\40(ms) steady state is reached only after a long time. It is
for such cases why the steady-state solution method
0° A described in the next section has been developed.
Fig. 1. Voltages with harmonic distortion on a 345 kV
line (simulation starts from approximate B
linear steady state). 400

400- 0
200 - > , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-400
7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A

---- computation RECEIVING END
field tests
-400 B

0004 0 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 40(ms)
0 ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-0
H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A
-200 --computation
field tests
-4001 ~~~~~~~~~~Fig.4. Voltages with harmonic distortion on a 500 kV
line (simulation starts from approximate
linear steady state).
Fig. 2. Comparison between simulation and field test
results. 3.

To obtain the steady-state solution with harmonics

directly from phasor equations, the nonlinear induc-
krated tances are replaced by voltage-dependent current
1.1e sources at the fundamental frequency and at the har-
monic frequencies (Fig. 5). The network itself is then
linear, and the voltages at any frequency are then

i/lrated ~~~~~~~~easily
the form
found by solving a system of nodal equations of
[Y][V] = [I] (11 )
where the nonlinear effects are represented as currents
Fig. 3. Typical saturation curve, in the vector [I]. The solution is found with two
/-A*~ .0f

iterative loops. In these "power flow" iterations at fundamental

First, "power flow" iterations are frequency, the VRMS/IRMS-curve is used as an approxi-
used to obtain an approximate solution at fundamental mation to the curve relating the fundamental frequency
frequency, while the second "distortion" iterations current I1 to the fundamental frequency voltage
take the higher harmonics into account. V1.
While VRMSis equal to V1, IRM5 contains all harmonics.
This approximation does provide a good starting point,
node m however, for the following "distortion" iterations, in
which harmonics are included.
If the network contains nonlinear loads of the
(a) power flow type, e.g., active power Pm and reactive
power Qm specified rather than current Imn then the
adjustments to achieve constant power are incorporated
into this iterative loop by recalculating
node m P - i Q
m V * (2)

at the beginning of each iteration step.

current The "distortion" iterations
source i
The "power flow" iterations produce a steady-state
solution at fundamental frequency only, without har-
monic distortion. To obtain the harmonics, the RMS
voltages found from the power flow iterations are used
Fig. 5. Replacing nonlinear inductances by current in an initial estimate for the flux. Since v=dp/dt,
sources. (a) Network with nonlinear induc- and assuming that the peak voltage phasor is jVj|e,
tance, (b) network with current source. or

The "power flow" iterations v(t) =

IVi cos(w1t + 4) (3)
In the "power flow" iterations, an approximate as a function of time (w1 = angular fundamental fre-
linear ac steady-state solution is found which repre- quency), it follows that the flux is
sents the VRMS/IRms-curves of the nonlinear inductances
correctly, but does not include harmonic distortion. 4(t) = M sin(lut + *) . (4)
For the nonlinear inductance, say at node m in Fig. 5,
the original data may already be in the form of a
VRMS/IRMS-curve, as shown in Fig. 6. If not, it is With p (t) known, one full cycle of the distorted cur-
straightforward to convert the 41/i-curve into a VRMS/ rent i(t) is generated point-by-point with the p/i-
curve (Fig. 7). If hysteresis is ignored, then it is
IRMS-curve (see Appendix 1). To start the iteration
process, a guess for the RMS voltage Vm is used to find sufficient to produce one quarter of a cycle of i(t),
the RMS current Im (Fig. 6). This current, with the since each half-cycle wave is symmetric, and since the
proper phase shift of 900 with respect to Vm, is second half is the negative of the first half of each
inserted into the current vector [I] in Eq. (1), and a cycle.
new set of voltages is then found by solving the system
of linear equations (1). This solution process is The distorted current i(t) in each nonlinear in-
repeated, until the prescribed error criterion for the ductance is then analyzed with a Fourier Analysis
current Im is satisfied. Note that the admittance Program, which produces the harmonic content expressed
matrix [Y] in Eq. (1) remains constant for all itera- by
tion steps; therefore, [Y] is only triangularized once
outside the iteration loop. Inside the iteration loop,
the downward operations and backsubstitutions are only
performed on the right-hand side [I], by using the
information contained in the triangularized matrix
("repeat solutions").
Fg _
... . .
m _._. ~. ._ . .A

_t ,.,.'
2 _ I -
~~~~~, ;I
t ~ ~ ~ ~

.' .S_

Fig. 7. Generatinlg i( t) from 4( t) .
Fig . 6. VRMS/IRMS characteristic of a nonlinear
i(t) =
I |In| sin(wut + fd, (5) SOLUTIONS
with As mentioned in the introduction, the method of
Section 3 was primarily developed as an improved
initialization procedure for the EMTP, for cases where
wn = n1, (6)
the initial steady state is already distorted with
being the angular frequency of the n-th harmonic. harmonics. It should be emphasized, however, that it
Experience has shown that it is usually sufficient to can also be used by itself as a harmonics power flow
consider the fundamental and the odd harmonics of program.
order 3 to 15, and to ignore the other harmonics. At
each harmonic considered (including the fundamental), If it is used as an initialization procedure for
the harmonic component from Eq. (5) is entered into [I] the EMTP, discrepancies can appear between the results
with its proper magnitude and angle for all nonlinear from the steady-state and transient solutions. These
inductances, and the voltages at that harmonic fre- discrepancies are caused by the unavoidable discretiza-
quency are then found by solving the system of linear tion error of the trapezoidal rule, which is used for
equations (1). Known harmonic current sources from lumped inductances and capacitances in the EMTP. In
converters and other harmonic producing equipment are the steady-state solution for the n-th harmonic, cor-
added into the vector [I]. rect reactance values wnL are used for inductances. In
the transient solution, the differential equation
Taking the fundamental and the odd harmonics 3, 5, v = L.di/dt is replaced by
7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 into consideration requires 8 solu- v(t) + v(t-At) = L i(t) - i(t-At)
tions of that system of equations, with [Y] obviously 2 At (9)
being different for each of the harmonic frequencies.
For lumped inductances L and capacitances C, it is To understand how Eq . (9) will process the n-th har-
clear that values uwnL and wnC must be used as reac- monic, let us assume that both voltages and currents
tances and susceptances in building [Y]. Lines can be are expressed as complex peak phasors V and I. Then
modelled as cascade connections of i-circuits, as long jutt ju t
as the number of it-circuits per line is high enough to
represent the line properly at the highest harmonic
v(t) = Re{Ve n
I and i(t) = Re{fIe nI (10)
frequency. It is safer, however, to define the line
data as distributed parameters, and to generate an
exact equivalent i-circuit at each frequency with the Inserting Eq. (10) into Eq. (9) and dropping Re{. ... },
well-known long-line equations with hyperbolic func-
tions. For balanced M-phase lines, exact single-phase we obtain
i-circuits are first found for zero and positive
sequence parameters, and the admittances are then con-
verted to phase quantity matrices with jwn t jw(^)(t-At ) jw - jwIe At
Ve + Ve n
=LIe n -lie n


[T][Ymode ][T] (7) 2 L At

which can be rewritten as
where [Ymode] is a diagonal matrix, with the first
diagonal element being Yzero, and all other diagonal -ju At
elements being Ypositive' Matrix [T] describes the 2L 1-e n
normalized transformation from af3O-components to phase At ~ -jun At
quantities, which is well-known for three phases and l+e
can be generalized to any number of phases. For M-
phase untransposed lines, exact single-phase it-circuits
are first found for all modes 1,...M, and Eq. (7) is tan(un At
then again used to convert to phase quantities. In
V = juwL At I . (11)
that case, [Ymodel is again a diagonal matrix of mode
quantities, and [T] is the eigenvector matrix of the ')n 2
matrix product [Y'][Zt], with [Y'] and [Z'] being the
shunt admittance and series impedance matrices per unit From Eq. (11) it can be seen that the transient simula-
length of the M-phase line [3]. tion with the trapezoidal rule of integration does not
see the correct reactance unL, but a somewhat larger
Once the voltages have been found for the funda- reactance which is increased by the error factor
mental and for the harmonics, an improved flux function tan(Wn A
q(t) can be calculated for each nonlinear inductance (12)
from the peak voltage phasors IViIej¢l, etc., IV3jej¢3, n At
wn 2
k IV n| It can be shown that the susceptance of a capacitance
(4(t) = -n-- sin(u t + 4n) (8)
n=1 n seen by the trapezoidal rule is also too large by the
same factor E . While a small At can keep the error
With 4(t) known, i(t) is again generated point-by-point factor of Eq. e12)
reasonably close to 1.0 (e.g., At=50
as shown in Fig. 7, and then analyzed with the Fourier Ls leads to an error factor of E7=1.0015, or to an
Analysis Program to obtain an improved set of harmonics error of 0.15%, at the 7th harmonic of 60 Hz), it can
expressed as Eq. (5). These are then again used to never be avoided completely. Even small errors can
find an improved set of harmonic voltages. This itera- shift the resonance frequencies of the network. Fig. 8
tive process is repeated until the changes in the har- compares the impedance at the location of the nonlinear
monic currents are sufficiently small. Experience has inductance in the problem of Fig. 1, as it would be
shown that 3 iterations are usually enough to obtain seen by a steady-state phasor solution and by a tran-
the harmonic currents with an accuracy of +5%. sient solution with the error factor of Eq. (12). To

7 * > fE A - with error factor E Fig. 9 shows the transient simulation results for
the same case used for Fig. 1, except that the ini-
6 o -
without error tialization procedure of Section 3 was now used. It
factor E can be seen that the initial conditions must have con-
5 tained more or less correct harmonics because no dis-
turbance is noticeable after t=0. Fig. 10 shows simi-
-4 lar results for the case used in Fig. 4, with the ini-
tialization procedure of Section 3. The improvement
from the inclusion of harmonics in the initialization
is quite evident in this second example.

An attempt was made to apply the method of Section

3 to ferroresonance cases, but with little success. In
ferroresonance phenomena, more than one steady-state
0 solution is possible. It depends very much on the
400 410 420 430 initial conditions and on the type of disturbance which
one of these possible steady states will be reached.
Fig. 8. Frequency response with and without error The method of Section 3 is therefore not useful for
factor E (At = 200 ps).
ferroresonance studies. The EMTP can be used for the
emphasize the differences in Fig. 8, the line was simulation of ferroresonance phenomena, however, though
it will not give any insight into all possible steady-
modelled as a cascade connection of three-phase i-
circuits, rather than with distributed parameters.
Since the EMTP uses other, more accurate, methods for SENDING END
solving the equations of distributed-parameter lines,
the differences would be much less with distributed- B
parameter representations.
In the transient simulation, the discretization
error factor of Eq. (12) is unavoidable, and the
answers will therefore be slightly incorrect. In such 40 (ms)
situations, it may be best to introduce the same error EH
factor into the initialization with the steady-state 0
solution method of Section 3, to avoid discrepancies
between initial conditions and transient simulations. A
With this modification, the discrepancies between the
initialization procedure of Section 3 and subsequent
transient simulations of an otherwise undisturbed net- RECEIVING END
work become practically negligible.
0S 40 (ms)
:4 0(ms) E-4 C
20 C H

Fig. 10. Same case as in Fig. 4, except simulation

starts from steady state with harmonics.
state conditions. In that sense, EMTP simulations are
400 somewhat similar to transient stability simulations,
which also do not give global answers about the overall
stability of the system.

0 40(ms) 6. CONCLUSIONS
0 C
A phasor solution method for calculating steady-
state conditions with transformer-generated harmonics
-400 has been presented. It can be used by itself, or as
part of a harmonic power flow program [4]. It can also
be used as an improved initialization procedure for
Fig. 9. Same case as in Fig. 1, except simulation electromagnetic transients programs for cases where
starts from steady state with harmonics. harmonics are already present before the disturbance
being simulated occurs. In transient simulations,
discretization errors are unavoidable. Their influence
on the accuracy of harmonics is briefly discussed.

APPENDIX 1. CONVERSION OF SATURATION CURVES If the (/i-curve thus generated is used to re-
compute a VRMS/IRMS-curve, it will match the original
Often, saturation curves supplied by manufacturers VRMS/IRMS-curve, except for possible round-off errors.
give RMS voltages as a function of RMS currents. Con- This conversion procedure is used in the support rou-
version from a VRMS/IRms-curve to a flux/current-curve tine CONVERT of the EMTP. As an example, it would
(p=f(i) is easy if convert the table of per-unit RMS exciting currents as
a function of per-unit RMS-voltages,
1. hysteresis and eddy current losses in the iron-
core are ignored, VRMS (p *U *)
2. resistance in the winding is ignored, and if
IRMS (P *U *)
3. the (p/i-curve is to be generated point by point O 0
at such distances that linear interpolation is 0.9 0.0056
acceptable in between points. 1.0 0.0150
1.1 0.0401
For the conversion it is necessary to assume that the
flux varies sinusoidally at fundamental frequency as a with base power = 50 MVA and base voltage = 635.1 kV,
function of time, because it is most likely that the into the following flux/current relationship:
VRMS/IRMS-curve has been measured with a sinusoidal
terminal voltage. With assumption (2), v=d(p/dt. (p(Vs) i(A)
Therefore, the voltage will also be sinusoidal and the
conversion of VRMS values to flux values becomes a 0 0
simple re-scaling: 2144.22 0.6235
2382.46 2.7238
VRMS/2 (13)
2620.71 7.2487
(p= This (q/i-curve is then converted back into a VRMS/IRMS-
curve as an accuracy check. In this case, the VRMS and
IRms values were identical with the original input

.- : -7
- . . The financial assistance of the System Engineering
Division of B.C. Hydro and Power Authority, Vancouver,
Canada, through a Power System Research Agreement, is
gratefully acknowledged. The data conversion routine
described in Appendix 1 was developed with the assis-
tance of C.F. Cunha, CEMIG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Fig. 11. Recursive conversion of a VRMS/IERMS-curve The authors are also indebted to the reviewers of
into a (p/i-curve. this paper for their valuable suggestions, which were
incorporated in the final version of this paper.
The rescaling of currents is more complicated, except
for point iB at the end of the linear region A-B: REFERENCES

iB = IRMS-B . (14) [1] C.A.F. Cunha and H.W. Dommel, "Computer simulation
of field tests on the 345 kV Jaguara-Taquaril
The following points ic, iDI ... are found recursively line" (in Portuguese). Paper BH/GSP/12, presented
(Fig . 11): Assume that iE is the next value to be at "II Seminario Nacional de Producao e Trans-
found. Assume further that the sinusoidal flux just missao de Energia Eletrica" in Belo Horizonte,
reaches the value fE at its maximum, Brazil, 1973.

( BE sin ut . (15) [2] V. Brandwajn, H.W. Dommel, and I.I. Dommel,

"Matrix representation of three-phase n-winding
Within each segment of the curve already defined by its transformers for steady-state and transient
end points, in this case A-B and B-C and C-D, i is studies". IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol.
known as a function of ( (namely piecewise linear), and PAS-101, pp. 1369-1378, June 1982.
with Eq. (15) is then also known as a function of time.
Only the last segment is undefined inasmuch as iE is [3] H.W. Dommel, "Transmission line models for har-
still unknown. Therefore, i=f(t,iE) in the last seg- monics studies". Int. Conf. on Harmonics in Power
ment. If the integral needed for RMS-values, Systems, Worcester, Mass., Oct. 22-23, 1984, pp.
In/ 2
F = 2- i 2d(t) (16) [4] D. Xia and G.T. Heydt, "Harmonic power flow
studies. Part I - Formulation and solution. Part
is evaluated segment by segment, the result will con- II - Implementation and Practical Application."
tain iE as an unknown variable. With the trapezoidal IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-101, pp.
rule of integration (reasonable step size = 10), F has 1257-1270, June 1982.
the form
F = a + biE + ciE2 (1 7)
with a,b,c known. Since F must be equal to IRMS-E by
definition, Eq. (17)
can be solved for the unknown
value iE' This process is repeated recursively until
the last point iN has been found.

Discussion 4. Have the authors experienced cases where this algorithm fails to con-
Adam Semlyen (University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada): I would like verge? I have found that the use of the last calculated voltage spectra
to congratulate the authors for their timely paper. I consider it impor- to calculate the flux for the next iteration can lead to instability, par-
tant and useful that phasor solutions should exist for the periodic steady ticularly if the system has a poorly damped resonance near a harmonic
state in a network with nonlinear elements that generate harmonics. injected by the transformer and the transformer is greatly overexcited.
I would appreciate clarification on the following problem. In the I use a weighted average between the latest and preceding voltage
general step of "distortion" iterations, the output from the nonlinear spectra.
element contains the base current Il together with its harmonics. Thus 5. This technique is also extendable to the quasi-steady-state harmonics
a "power flow" update is implicit in this step. What is the rationale for injected by a transformer with offset flux. In poorly damped systems,
having separate (possibly converged) "power flow" iterations? Would flux offsets caused by energization, etc., decay very slowly. Steady-
it be possible, and perhaps faster, to use only the general iterative pro- state solution techniques can be used to calculate the distorted
cedure described by the authors, starting with Eq. (8) of the paper? waveshapes produced by asymmetric saturation, provided the even
harmonics are also calculated.
Manuscript received July 24, 1985. It is hoped that these questions and comments are useful to the authors
and others.
R. A. Walling (General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY): The
authors are to be congratulated on publishing this very useful method Manuscript received August 5, 1985.
of analyzing the steady-state effects of transformer nonlinearities.
This discusser has independently developed a program that closely
parallels their method. It has been used in a stand-alone basis, indepen-
dent of a time domain solution, to calculate harmonic overvoltages oc- Hermann W. Dommel and Andrew Yan: We would like to thank the
curring as a result of transformer saturation, particularly in low-frequency discussers for their valuable comments and questions.
resonant circuits. This program has been verified against time domain We fully agree with Mr. Walling's comments on the adequacy of the
simulations and has been found to be useful and efficient as a screening two-slope representation of transformer saturation, and we are happy
technique to indicate critical cases for transient studies. My experience to see that he reached more or less the same conclusions with respect
and observations engender the following comments and questions. to the number of harmonics that must be considered. We did not establish
1. I have also found the representation of the transformer saturation clearly defined criteria for determining the range of harmonics to be
curve by two slopes to be quite adequate. In fact, the unsaturated calculated, but such criteria clearly would be desirable. Ignoring har-
magnetizing impedance can be considered infinite in most cases as monics above order 15 is simply based on experience with a limited
it is many orders of magnitude greater than the air core impedance. number of test cases.
The use of more than two saturation curve slopes will primarily in- Dr. Semlyen and Mr. Walling both ask whether the initial "power
crease the accuracy of the higher-frequency harmonics as the two slope flow" iterations at fundamental frequency are really necessary. We use
representation generators a slightly excessive amount of these com- them only as a starting algorithm to obtain a somewhat better intial guess
ponents due to the sharp transition between the slopes. for the "distortion" iterations with the flux-current loop. In a typical
case, the initial power flow converged in three iteration steps, and reduced
2. I have obtained adequate results with truncation of the computation the number of iterations in the flux-current loop from three to two. One
to the ninth harmonic and below. Excellent results have been obtain- iteration in the power flow loop requires one solution of [Y1 [V1' = [1];
ed by including up to the 15th harmonic, with negligible improve- whereas one iteration in the flux-current loop involves the generation
ment beyond this frequency. Have the authors established any criteria of the ,6(t) and i(t) curves, the Fourier analysis of i(t), and a solution
for determining the range of harmonics to be calculated? of [ Y] [V] = [1] eight times if odd harmonics of order up to 15 are re-
3. Is there any particular advantage to calculating an RMS saturation tained. Three iterations in the power-flow loop therefore take less time
curve and using this for the initial fundamental frequency solution? than one iteration in the flux-current loop. Whether this saving is large
Would not use of the same algorithm and instantaneous flux-current enough to justify the initial power-flow loop depends on many factors.
curve as the "distortion" solution, but limited to fundamental fre- In our program, not much extra code was needed for this initial loop.
quency, be a more straightforward way to calculate an initial guess In our limited experience, we have not come across convergence pro-
for the distortion iterations? My program uses this second approach blems, even though we used the last calculated voltage spectra to calculate
for fundamental frequency and then adds one harmonic at a time, the flux for the next iteration. Maybe the initial power-flow loop im-
iterating until convergence to coarse tolerances are reached for all har- proves convergence through a better initial guess, or maybe we just have
monics that have been included to that point. When the last desired not yet come across a case where convergence is more difficult.
harmonic is added, iterations are performed until the specified final Once again, we thank the discussers for sharing their valuable ex-
tolerances are achieved. This method tends to achieve convergence perience with us.
in less total iterations than the method offered by the authors, par-
ticularly when the system is resonant near a low-order harmonic. Manuscript received September 3, 1985.

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