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“te sationat Association ol Corrosion Engineers iaauas this Standard In conformity with the best current tachnoiogy ragaritag the specie supject. This Standara reoresents avnimum requirements and should in no way De interoreies a3 a @sisiction on irr use ot Detter procecurea of materials, Neither Is this Slendafd intenged 10 20ply in any and all eases relating to {Na sub/Cc!. UNoreGictania ‘rumstances may negate the usa/uiness of {nis Standard in apucilic Instances. lan Engiaaere axcumac no fecaoneiGility far ine in rratatinn o¢ eee of m4 Sanaa we Then At Aaeaal ining contained in inis Standard of tha National Assoctation of Corrosion Engineers iso Ge cansirued 3s granting any cignt, 2y jslcation of oinerwise, for manulactura, 2210, 9¢ use in connection with any mained, s0paratus, of preduct covered Sy Lattars fatent, of a8 incemnilying oF cxntecting anyone against Vanity for micingement of Letters Patent. Foreword ttshore platforms represent farge capital invesiments, Plattorms are being placed in aifsnare areas wortdwide and ai ‘aesigned to wiinstand forces resulting from hurricanes, Arctle storms, Heal cucrents, earthquakes, and Ico floes. Moreover, plat forms 210 currently belng placed in deeper waters and, (nereiore, have Decome larger, more complex, and mate expensive. Conia ‘of corrosion on platforms is necessary {or the economic development of oil and gas preduction, (0 provide safe suppor for working ‘and living areas, and 19 avoid gotential harm to the anvicanment. : ‘This NACE Recommended Practice outlines materials, practices, and metnods for control of corrosion for txed platiorms associated with pevolaum production allahoce areas. The purpose isto facilitate more atfective corrosion grotaction of plattorms by ine aresentation of reliable Information. Carrasion on oftsnora platforms can be lvided into tnvoe mator areas: the Submarged tone, Ihe plash zone, and the atmospheric zone, The gudmerged 2ona alsa includes that portion af the plattorm Dalow {he mudline, This Recommended Practice does Rat Include procedures for ine contrat of internal corrosion of wails, piping, and “soclated equipment thal may be in usa on the plattarm, but does includo external protection of thage items in ihe atmospheric “ane on tne piattorm. Underwater pipetines and pipeline siaers ave covered in NACE Recommended Practice AP-06-75, “Canirot of Corrosion on Olishore Steet Pipelines": they are specifically axchided from this documant. ‘This 1063 Revision ta P01 76 waa praparad by Tack Group T 1.3 on North Sea Garrosion Problems fn Is Insert hy NAC under ine auspices of Group Commitiee T-1 en Corrosion Contral in Patrolaum Production. a Recommended Practice Corrosion Contro! of Steel, Fixed Offshore Plattorms Assoclated with Petroleunr Production - Contents. 0 1 Genaral... 2 Ootinitions . ‘Structural Design for Corrasion Goniro « 44. Giiterta for Cathodic Protection «...++e.+0++ 5. Design of Catnodic Protection Systems .. Installation of Cathodic Protection Systems. 7. Control of interterence Cucrents. 4 Dlclectrie Shieide ....: : ‘Operation and Maintenance ol Cathodic Protection Systems . 10. Splash Zone Corrosion Control Measures ‘TL. Maintenance of Splasn Zone Gorrasion Control Measure 12 Surtace Preparation . eee 1. Coatings... 14. Coatings inspection. 15. Corrosion Control Records. HERAT EES 10 Materials Performance Section Racorimended Practice proviGei guidelines lof e8 {abiishing minimum caquiremants tor tna control of corre. sion on ateel, ‘aed affsnore platforms essociaied with Detroleum production. and on ine extainal z0Wtlons of aesociated ofl ang gas nanating equipment. Zar this doc ‘man, cotresion on piatiorms Is dividad into three zones. the suomerged. spiasn, and atmosoneric zones. Each 12006 i¢ examined eaparataty, 1.2 This Recommanded Practice does “ot designate guide: lines for every specific situation Because of the complex ty of environmental conattiena. in many Instances, inere may be several solutions ta the problem and, whe Bropriata, meritorious alternative solutions have been in- cluded, 1.2 This Rocammended Practice dees nat include guidelines {ar corrosion cantrat ot ine internat partons of walls, pip- Ing, and associated equipment that may be intaliod on oF attached to piattorms. 14 This lacommencid Practice incites carmeinn enn at the externat surfaces of altached pipelines above the ssolasn zone. Whe'a ownership of ine pipatina Is diferent from that of the platform, tne platform owner's respon sibility for the pipeline usually ends af a designated point (9F valva on tne platform, 1.5 Altamativa motheds are acceptable to accamplish the ob- lectives of this Recommended Praciies: however, devi NOTE: Additional dalinitions for cathoaie protactian ‘and ‘sgatings technaingy may he found in NACE Standard APO1-89, “Contzal of Extarnat Corrosion on Underground or ‘Submerged Metalile Piping Systema.” and in the NACE Coat Ings and Linings Handbook. ‘Anchee Pattare: The regular peal and an the surtaca of sel by ihe alec of basting macia Ming the steel at high velocity. Anode: An electrode at which oxidation of its surface or some comoonent of the xolutlen Is aecurting. Antony: Cathode. ‘Atmospheric Zone: The zone af the platform which axiends up- ‘ward from the splash zone and Is exposed to sun, wind, spray, and sala. Calcareous Coating: A layer consiating of a mixiura ot ealetum Carbonate and magnesium hydroxide deposited on surfaces being cathodtcally protected In seawater dus (0 the increased BH adjacent to ine protected surtace, Cathode: The electrode of an electrolytic ca at which reduc. Won occurs, In corrosion processes, usually the area that is ‘ot attacked. Typleal cathodic processes are cationa taking ‘up electrans and being discharged, oxygen being reduced, anc {Re reduction of an elomant or graun of alomants rama Righar toa lower valence state. Antony: Anode. Cathodic Oisbonding: The destruction of the adhesion be tween coating and the suctace coated by products of palartza- Hon due to cainoale protectton. a May, 1983 General tion snouid be made onty i. .n ine cainian of a comoatant torrasion seecialct, ine objectivas eaprested nthe Rocommencea Practica nave oven achieved 16 This Rocommendes Practice is subdivided as follows: Scetion 2 Dalinitions Section 3: Structural Gasign tor Corrasion Contral Giiteria tor Catnoste Protection Oasign af Cathodic Protection Syatems Ingtatiation of Cathodic Protection Systems Control ot interierence Currents Olelectric Shievas Section ®: Operation and Maintenance of Cainoaic Pro tection Systems Spiasn Zone Section 10: Splash Zone Corrosion Control Measures ‘Securun 11; maintenance oF Sg1asn Zone Lorrasion Con tol Measures Atmospheric Zoe ‘Section 12: Surface Preparation Section 13: Coatings Section +4: Coatings Inspaction Section 18: Corrosion Control Records ~ Section 2°Definitions ~~ a a Cathodie Protection: A lechnique to reduce the corrosion rate ‘of 3 matat eurtaco by making Nt ine extheds 9f au “lealex ‘chemical call = alts (When applied Lo coatings) Degradation ofthe binder. ‘usually Upon exposure to ullravioat tight, to release pigment particles. Controlled ohatting provides ler Salt-leasinw ul lve ‘surface and leaves the surtace in good condition for ecoating.. Chlorinated Rubber A particular (im former used as a binder, made by chlorinating runer. ‘Corrosion: The deterioration of a matertal, usually & metal, due to reaction with its environment. Corrosion Specialist: A person wno, by reason of his education andlor experience Is quaitied to evaluate and solve problems raiated (0 the comosion of materiale. In this Recommended Practica, corrosion spectalis!ralers (o ane who 18 qualified In the control af corrosion In marine environments. (Grodstini: The resuit of a chemical reaction ‘inking two chain 1a the molecular structure of a coating and changing the final state of the coating. Currant: Rate of flow of electrical charge carters in the drac- HAA Bf 54 assoyant ul yoni ehiuryes (In metauic condue- tor, this is the opposite direction of the electron flow, ex rested In amperes or milliamperes, Current Density: The current flowing t0 a¢ from a unit area of an electrode surface, " s Depolarization: The removal ot {98 rasisting Ne HOw OF a Dielectric Shield: In a cainouie proiection sysiein, an wiee: [Bie Deeeerererep tienen erp seplroent ‘eal, OF DIOR INat is olaced Celween an anoue af adiacent cathode 3 uvoid Zucront waslage and 'o~™Mpreve cutront "seributon, Dousler State: An adz:tonai aia\e of inickness of steel usad 1c plowide extra strengin at io pun of anoge attachment to platlorm Elacteleat Isolation: The condition of deing 2iectrically separated trom other metalic structures or le anvifcnment. Electrolyte: A chemical substance or mixture, usually ‘QUI, comaining lous teat yest st oe tachi Weide Eaoxy: In practice, ine word “epoxy” oraadly designates nice classes of coating materials: epoxy esters, 2minv-cured eon fas, epoxy piastics. Chemically, an evory rest is aresin carry: Ing the chemicatgoup im HoH ~ Forsign Structure: Any metalic structure iat ts not inienced 10 be part of the system of interest. Galvanic Anoce: A metal which, because of Its relative post tion in the galvanic eecias, provides szcriiciat protection to metal o¢ matals tnat are more nobIe in ine series when coupled in an electroiyle, These anodes ace ihe current source in ona “ype of eathauie oratection. dotiday: In @ protective coating, a discontinuity that exposes tha metal surtaca to ine anvironiment. pressed Current Direct current supplied by 2 device emotay- ang & power Source external to lhe electrode aysiem of & cathode protection installation. Interterance Current (Stroy Currents: in ite Droadest sense, 2 direct current Howing through pains other than ihe intended circuit. In this Recommended Practice, intertarance current is Current disenarged lo ine eleciroiyie rom a structure nat may _ Be aither(1) not an intended part of the circuit or (il intended, “Yen nat adaquately connected to the curant source. Inorganie Zine: Finely avvided inorganic 2inc pigments com bined with selected curing compounds, Down water and solvont-based, 19 loom boin a chemical and mechanical bond To moll substrates. Sell-cured zincs require no additional treatment after appticavon (0 reach fully cured state. Post ured nines require a quick top coat of acid-based compound to complete curing reaction af applied film. IR Drop: The voltage across a current carrying resistance in ac: cordance with Ohm's Law. “=3" Tube: A curved tubular conduit designed and instatied on & platform ta support and guida ona ar more pipeline tsers or cables. Mitt Scate: The heavy oxide layer formed during manufactur ‘99, Rot fabricition, oF Neat Weatment of meists and alloys. Mudiine: The acean floor at tha lacation of interest. Ipeline: A conduit for carrying praduced oil, water, and gas between platiarms ov natwarn platforms and anshore proc- ‘essing tacilivies. 7 12 . an glecireenemical 103 Pattorme an atrsnora structure aseu “9 aceaimnocaia ai sindan yen el sugmant! siaeines, fein tung MaKe Palariaalion: Th deviation Hem the eoen etfcult 20tentual of 1 ragulting Irom tha paszage at sur Polymerization: The process ot uniting a numoar of small eal ulits (0 form a larger anu. The 2roduc: of suc Lunion is called a powyiner ened 6 coming Maestal iierded ws by wend ulegstly wt ot Uncoated surface. 11 is speciticatly formulated t@ agnere 19 me Substrate une present a suitable surlace lor further coats. Ratercnce Electrode (Relacence Hall-Coll: A raversibie alec: ‘conaitions of measurement, Used lor measuring the potentials of other wiectrodes. Resin: Generally refers to a class within the broad family of plastics ar potyiners and usually naieates stapulty lor use as f dlocer for coating malenais. The term resin Is uaually medilieg by otNer Worcs 10 denote \ype, [or example—athyd fesin, vinyt resin, ester rezin, oF epany reais Riser: That section of piacling exiencing fram the ocean floor up the platform, SilverSilver Chloride’ Electrode: In this Recommenced Prac: tia, 2 referance electroae that uses seawater as ine junction electrolyte, eg, ine AgrAgClseawater electrode. Splash Zone: The 20na of ins platform which is aternacely ia land out of the water because of the influence of ides, wines, ‘3nd Seas, Excluded trom tnis zone are surfaces that are wetted ‘only durlag major storms. ‘Structure-te-Blectralyte Potential: The voltage difference be wean a buried o€° submerged matalic: structure and a ‘elerence electrode in contact with the eiectrolyia, ‘Submerged Zone: The zone which extends downward Icom tne splash zone and includes that portion of the platiorm below the mudtine. : Trinnae: A volatile solvent used fo lower the viscosity of a coating material. ‘Thermoptastic: Capable of being repeateaty softened by heat and narcened by coating. ‘Tharmosetting: A material that wil undwigo a cnemicat reac ton ftom the action of heat and pressure, catalysts, and ultea- violet light, leading to 4 rolativaly inuaidie stato. Te Coat A speciatpurpose Intermediate coat, usually organic, used to act 2¢ a bridge between a primer ans finish ‘coat (0 overcome eliner incompatibility oF application prot Jams between the primer and finizh coals. Urethane: A chemically cured coating consisting of a solution iat, vinyl acrylle, or acrylic base reacted with isocyanate con verter to form 2 tough, duranie, glossy coating. Vatve Reach Rod: A long valve stein extension that enables personnel on the surface to open and close a ballast contrat valve located near the bottom ot a platterm. Vinyl Acryl: Vinyl resin modiliva with acrylic resin in solvent solution, Materials Performance ‘Vinyl Coatings: Vinyt sesin aissorved in a sowvent. Vinyl sow: lan coatings may be diraiting of Baked. Voltage; An sloctromotive force, or 2 dillazanee in olectradé olantisis, exoressng i@ vais oF mutiwols. Section 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 This section recommends design teatures tnat wil Siemplily corrosion control af structural steet in ine atmos: hare, snlagh, and whmergrd ranen al ailshove late forms. The structural design parameters lua musi De con Sideted 1oF a platiorm to resist tne dynamic and static leads ara the responsibility of exvil and structural engh eers ang are not a part af this Recommended Practice. 3.2 Splasn Zone 32.1 This Is tne zone of a platform (nat is aiternately in ‘and out of the water because of the influence of tides, winds. and saas. Excluded ftom inls zone are surtaces {hal are wetted only during major storms, 1a the Gult of Maxico, the spisch zone typically covers an intorval of about 6 feet 2 meterak In Cook inlet, Alaska, tne interval ‘0proaches 30 feat (9 meters); while during winter siorme te splash zone in the Nortm Sea can be 33 feet (10 moterst. 222 The structure anould be designed to minimize the ‘Surtace area of steel in the splash zane. intersecting “T. “K" or "Y" Jolata should be avoided in the splash zone, 22.3 Methods for cantroting corrosion ia the splash zone ‘ra prevented in Section 10, 324. Sullicient added thickness (typically; I the Gull of Mexico, 05 t0 0.75 Inches (13 10°19 mn, ether 35 a'weid- ‘Applied wrap or heavier wall uoular member, may De pro- vided to compensate for the anticioated splash zone cor- ‘osion during tne ie of tne olatlorm, Steel wear piates can provide adequate resistance lo damage by work, oats. or ice. 3.3 Almosonerle Zone "33.1 This zone of the platform axtends upward ftom ine ‘splash zone. it is exposed 10 un, wind, spray, and rain. 33.2 Corrosion in ints zone is typically controlled by ine application of a protective coating aysiem (see Sections 12 and 19), Sloot surface areas requiring coating can be minimized and mace arcassinie hy 33.2.1 Suostituting tubular members fot other structural anapes, 322.2 Seat weiging and poxingin of struciurat ‘unis, Eliminating skio welding. Eliminating close lilting and faying surfaces 33.2. Providing padeyes to make scattolding and ‘maintenance painting easier. May, 1983, y ‘Wash Primer: A inin inntowing paint, vsuatiy cnvomate, 219: -manteg ain a Dolywiny! butyrate Binder. ‘Wear Plate: A saeriicial member attached {© tho 21atlorm ia tne solasn zone fo protect «trom anuic‘oatea corrosion anaior frosien due (0 4 andlor nignwelocity, siasen water Structural Design for Corrosion Controi 33. Nonferrous materials minimize atmosonertc como: sion proviems. For example, quavters modules and i ‘boats ara available in polyester materiale. Other types of sorresion-resisiant materials ean Dv used lor Randalls, Alecineal cnet slau reads, and cer plate in ight traffle areas. ¥anen using dissuruiar metais, care must D8 taken to prevent galvanic sovresion of the active comee- eat, 32.4 Driling fluids can damage protective coating SySlems ang nonferrous metats such as aluminum and Bine. Solid decks, splash walls, and a good drainage System will minimize coating damage and pollution caused by drilling Maids, 344 Submerged Zone~ External areas 32.4.1 Tle zone extends downward (rom the splath zone ‘and includes inat portion velow ine mualine. Corrosion ‘control for the extemal areas of the submerged zone is ‘achieved tnrough the appilcation of cainoalc protaction or by cathodic protection in conjunction with castings, To simplify ine application of erlective calnoaic aratection, the lallowing design features are recommended. 3dit1 Use iubular mombers wherever possibie, 2 Rocessag-corners Ia channels and “r" oeame are more difficult te protect, The crevice formed by plac: ing angles or. channela back to Deck cannot be (od, anu euan denetivolion cnauta net 3.4.12 For platforms 10 be installed under conal- = ons where fatigue or corrosion Fatigue is an impor- {ant factor ia structural design, siress cliat of welds vill reduce ne itkehood ‘or corrasion in ine rea al- lected zone and reduce the possibilly of cracking. ‘This is particularly smoortant in cola.waler ener: 34.1.3 Welded joints snould be continuous. Sklo [and tack waiaing snould not ba used. It ap jounts are ‘used, boin edges should De walded. Bolted and riveted things snould be avoided. Ballast control vaive reach roas should be ‘dorignad ea that thay c1n be removed aftar the ple {orm nas Deen sat, whera practical I aft In placa, they may shield the adjacent sirvetual members rom tha cathodic protection current, Loose reach ods can causa chaling camage to the plattarm, 24.1.8 Piping such 38 grout lines, well cutting ines, digcharge linea, waler supply casings. and pipeline sats, Hf elustered around a olattorm leg, can cause shieiging and intertere with tne llow of cainadic pro- tection current. Piping not needed for platform american Patroleum Institute (APH, 210% L St, NW. Wash ington, OC 20037. 13

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