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How do you see yourself in five years?

ENGLISH PEDAGOGICAL MODULE 4 Primer Parcial 2do Quimestre

First course BGU
Date: November 2nd to December 3rd
How Coffee is produced.
The following diagram illustrates the process of coffee manufacturing and preparation for sale on the
market. The whole procedure can be divided into 11 stages. It involves producing coffee and
commercializing it as a consumer good. The first stage is the gathering and drying of the coffee beans in
the sun. Then, the beans go in an oven to dry. This is followed by a cooling process. The next step is to
grind them in order to make powder. In the following stage, this powder is placed into a cistern, and hot
water is added to the container. Once the mixture is strained, it is put in a freezer. In the next stage, the
coffee is ground again. Water is removed; a vacuum assists in this process. The last step is to put the
powder in a package to sell it in supermarkets around the world.

1. Answer the next questions. Responda las siguientes Preguntas.

a. Do you like coffee? c. Do you know where coffee comes from?

Yes I love it
______________________________ Coffee is obtained from the roasted and ground seeds of the coffee plant
b. How many cups of coffee do you drink daily? d. Have you ever seen a coffee tree?

I have a cup of coffee a day

______________________________________ Yes, I have seen it

2. Read these plans and resolutions and complete the chart. Lea estos planes y resoluciones y complete la tabla.
Mathias, 17, Glasgow I am joining my parents for a New Year’s Day swim this year. It’s freezing cold in the water, but it is a
fun way to start the year. A lot of people meet on Brighton Beach for this first swim of the year. I hope it doesn’t snow. I
won’t be out partying the night before because I don’t like all the noise and drinking! My resolutions: I will do some
voluntary work in my area and improve my tennis playing. Maybe I should be nicer to my girlfriend too! Sophie, 18,
Newcastle I am going to downtown Newcastle with my cousins and friends for the New Year. I love being in a crowd when
the clocks strike midnight. Everyone kisses each other, sings, and drinks champagne. This is my first New Year’s Eve in the
streets, since my parents said I was too young last year. We will probably get back home at four or five in the morning. My
resolutions: I will learn how to play the guitar! I am going to study hard to get good grades at university.

who said this? Mathias Sophie

a. A swim at the beach is a fun way to start the year.

b. I will work as a volunteer in my area and get better at tennis.

c. I love being surrounded by people when the clocks strike midnight.

d. I won’t go to any party the night before because I don’t like noisy places!

e. I will learn how to play a musical instrument!

Coordinador área EFL

Mg. Luis Villavicencio Bazurto

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