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Helping your

Daniela Rodriguez, Maika Aguirre,
Santiago Guerrero, Diego
physical health: A person who has good physical health is likely to have bodily
functions and processes working at their peak. This is not only due not only to an
absence of disease. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest all
contribute to good health.
About us

We are small group of friend that what to make a difference, we or a family or

a friend of us had suffered from a physical sickness or not good health and we
know the struggles that we have to pass and we want no one to suffer the
same as we did, we made this web page so we can help people from all around
the world.

We were able to help our self so we can help you!

How healthy are you quiz
If you what to know how healthy are you, that do this quiz, every question has a different amount of points, at
the end ad all of your points and see what result you got.

#1 do you find yourself struggling to stand up, from a chair, bed or the floor?
A) not at all. 30p
B) just a little. 20p
C) yea 10p

#2 what sort of food do you eat daily?

A) salads, fruits, and vegetables. 30p
B) sometimes meet with vegetables, and soup. 20p
C) Mcdonalds and/or other fast food restaurant 10p

#3 do you practice or do any sports if yes how many hours a day?

A) yes, 2-4 h a day 30p
B) yes, 30 min to 1 hour a day 20p
C) no, I don’t do any sports

#4 for how much can you hold your breath?

A) around 1 min 30p
B) 30 to 40 sec 20p
C) to 10 to 20 sec 10p
How healthy are you quiz
#5 if you think you don’t have good physical health, would you change that?
A) yes 30p
B) no 10p

() results

120-150 you have a perfect physical health

90-120 you have a good physical health

70-90 you have an average health

50-70 you don’t have a very good health

health: state of complete
Key vocabulary🗣 03 physical, mental and social well
being and not merely the absence
Fit: being in good physical shape or being of disease or infirmity.
suitable for a specific task or purpose.
Nutrition: the process of providing or obtaining Balance· The ability of the body to
01 04 maintain or regain stability.
the food necessary for health and growth.

Hydratation· To supply water to a

Nutrition: the process of providing or obtaining
02 the food necessary for health and growth. 05 person in order to restore or maintain
a balance of fluids.
Cool down· A cool-down brings the
Key Vocabulary 08 mind and the body back to a relaxed
state. Helps to reduce the risk of
2 injury.

Strength· The amount of force that is

Flexibility· The ability of joints to produced by muscles contracting. Includes
06 09
move throughout their full range of static or isometric strength, where effort is
motion. made against an immovable resistance; and
dynamic or isotonic strength where effort
moves a resistance.
Warm-up· A warm-up should involve a gradual 10
07 increase in the heart rate and breathing rate, a slight
Benefits· Advantages gained from
rise in body temperature, and prepare the mind and the something.
body for activity. Helps to reduce the risk of injury.
Fact sheet: Information about diseases
● Diabetes: If you have diabetes, being active makes your body more
sensitive to insulin, which helps manage your diabetes. Physical activity
also helps control blood sugar levels and lowers your risk of heart disease
and nerve damage.
● Allergies: Allergies can affect your airways, sinuses and nasal passages,
skin, and digestive system. Allergic reactions can range from mild to
severe. In some cases, allergies can trigger a life-threatening re known as
● Heart disease: Not getting enough physical activity can lead to heart
disease even for people who have no other risk factors. If you don´t care,
you can also develop diseases like obesity, high blood pressure, high blood
cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.
Fact Sheet 2: Information about diseases
● Cancer: getting the recommended of physical activity can lower the risk of
many cancers: bladder, breast, colon, uterus, esophagus, kidney, lung, and
stomach. These effects apply regardless of weight status.

● Arthritis: People with arthritis are more likely to rate their health as poor or
fair.They might improve their quality of life by getting exercise and
maintaining a healthy weight.

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