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Karl Frances Lawas Timtim March 04 2016

Grade 12- St. Silverius

“Space between Us”


Being from away from home and from our family will give us difficulties for us. Some
experienced sickness and loneliness for they don’t felt what they have felt back to their home.
Those persons who can’t adapt to the changes they have might be facing some problems in their
living. Being from away is not an easy part when the time comes you leave someone important
behind and can’t go back for a long period. People tends to leave someone or something behind
for a good reason. And the best thing for us to do while waiting for them to come back is to
enjoy our life and never forget them. Time will come when they will be back you can see smiles
in their faces seeing you again for a long time.

Space Exploration is one of the best adventure in the universe. A little portion of our
Solar system was just explored yet, So NASA a space exploration organization which focuses of
uncovering different parts of the universe wants to know the planets that are capable of
sustaining life. The movie entitled “Space between Us” is about a family tragedy and Space
exploration. The movie takes place first in the NASA where astronaut will be send to Mars to
live in the town they build called the East Texas. A family that was broken down when the
pregnant woman who is an astronaut and did not inform the NASA that she is pregnant. And she
gives birth to her first-born child in space but the child cannot be transported back to earth
because of many problems or it can cause of death. The plot of the story was about the first-born
child on space want to go home on the place where he belongs but the problem is that his body
can’t endure the process of going back. He wants to go back to earth to see his father face to
face because he wants to experience having a parent. Wanted to see the person who he loves and
be with her through the good and bad times. And He wants to experience what was Earth-like the
food, people, places, air, and many more.

Life might have full of struggles but in the end, there will always be happiness. The
ending of the movie is when the boy meets his father for a long time. And they go back to Mars
because Elliot’s body have adapted the atmosphere in Mars. The journey is a very long road to
pass by but with patience and perseverance we can reach our destinations safely and happily.

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