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Script For School Roadshow

 Setting Your Own Hours

Whether you’re an early riser or a night owl, this is among the best things
about entrepreneurship. You decide when to start work, and when to stop;
you can flex your hours around that afternoon walk you like to take or running
errands during normal business hours, returning to your tasks when you get
home; you can take a half day on Friday if you want; you can decide when
you’re going to take time off for vacation or family affairs.

 Work From Anywhere

Remote freelance work has become one of the most popular entrepreneurial
paths, and remote work means you can work anywhere you have internet
access, whether from your home office or from a beach resort in the
Caribbean. Many entrepreneurs combine work with play as they travel, and
move from place to place taking their work with them. If there’s access, you
can go on earning your regular paycheck – it’s that simple.

 Shaping Your Own Unique Career

Being an entrepreneur means that you don’t have to risk someone else
putting you in a box. You are free to seek out opportunities that interest you
the most, or flex skills you’ve worked deliberately to develop. If you don’t know
how to do something, you are free to pursue the skills training you need to
know how to do it, whether you take night classes or utilize an online or digital
platform for skill development. Entrepreneurship allows you the opportunity
to shape your own destiny and to direct yourself towards different paths and
fields of expertise – an empowering thought and an even more empowering

 Doing Your Own Prioritization

If you’ve ever had a boss that you felt didn’t appropriately prioritize which
tasks should be attended first, the concept of doing your own prioritization will
likely appeal to you. You can decide, each day, week or month, what needs to
be attended to first, and what can be delayed or dealt with later in the work
day or work week. Prioritization is unique to each individual entrepreneur’s
career path and specialization; being able to prioritize your own tasking can
help to maximize your efficacy at your work, and save time – and stress – later
 Unexpected and thrilling experiences
If you are considering becoming an entrepreneur, you probably appreciate the value of the
unexpected. Not knowing exactly how the day is going to play out when you wake up is exciting,
especially when compared to the predictable and monotonous schedule of a traditional office job.
Another related benefit: responding to unexpected situations teaches you to live in the moment
and be more present. 

 Greater self-confidence

Nothing boosts your confidence more than battling self-doubt and coming out on top. Many
entrepreneurs become more confident in their self-sufficiency as time goes on and they see what
they are truly capable of. 

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