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Nonlinear Dyn


A longitudinal air–water trans-media dynamic model for

slender vehicles under low-speed condition
Zongcheng Ma · Junhua Hu · Jinfu Feng ·
An Liu · Guoming Chen

Received: 14 April 2018 / Accepted: 4 November 2019

© Springer Nature B.V. 2019

Abstract A trans-media aerial underwater vehicle with experimental results. On the basis of the results,
(TMAUV) could break through the single-medium lim- the proposed model could be used to predict the water
itation with the abilities to fly in the air, navigate under- entry and exit trajectories with different initial condi-
water, and cross the air–water surface repeatedly. This tions.
paper researches on the air–water trans-media trajec-
tory, including the water entry and exit trajectories, for Keywords TMAUV · Water entry · Water exit ·
slender TMAUVs. A longitudinal dynamic model is Slender body theory · Cross-sectional method
developed for the air–water trans-media process under
low-speed condition. In this condition, the vehicle is
assumed to be fully wetted and the water surface is 1 Introduction
assumed to be kept flat. A novel estimation for the
fluid force is proposed for the immersed part of the Trans-media aerial underwater vehicles (TMAUVs),
vehicle, with angular velocity and angle of attack taken which could fly in the air, navigate underwater, and
into consideration. Added mass and its derivatives are cross the air-water surface repeatedly, are essentially
calculated by the cross-sectional method based on the different from autonomous underwater and unmanned
slender body theory. To verify the feasibility and effec- aerial vehicles. These unique capabilities result in a dis-
tiveness of the model, water entry experiments of a ruptive technology for both civil and military applica-
slender projectile with a length of 2000 mm are per- tions, including air/water search and rescue, inspection,
formed with ground and underwater high-speed cam- repairs, and survey missions, as demonstrated in Yang
eras. Simulations and experimental results show similar [1], Alzu’Bi [2], and Kaja [3]. The air–water trans-
trends, as indicated by the comparisons. Furthermore, media process is influenced by many physical param-
the proposed model is compared with computational eters, including projectile geometries, material prop-
fluid dynamics method simulating water entry and exit erties, and fluid properties [4,5]. This paper concen-
processes. Simulation results present good agreement trates on the low-speed trans-media trajectory which
widely exists in the ballistic of traditional aerial torpe-
Z. Ma (B) does [6], submarine-launched missiles, and the newly
School of Aviation Operations and Services, Aviation
borne TMAUVs [7,8]. Ship-based and rocket-assisted
University of Air Force, Changchun, Jilin 130022, China
e-mail: torpedoes enter into water and begin to search, and
J. Hu · J. Feng · A. Liu · G. Chen
submarine-launched missiles exit water and accelerate
Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering rapidly. The trans-media trajectory has minimal influ-
University, Xi’an 710038, China ence on the searching of the torpedoes and the take-

Z. Ma et al.

off of the missiles. Thus, it attracted minimal atten- nonlinearity. The density of water is 800 times the den-
tion. Considerable attentions focused on the water sity of air, and the dynamic viscosity coefficient of
entry impact accompanied with special phenomena water is 60 times the aerodynamic viscosity coefficient.
[9–11]. Researches on the trans-media trajectory are From the view of the two-phase flow research, the influ-
limited and should be further studied, especially for ence of the air fluid is considerably smaller than that
the newly borne TMAUVs [12,13], which experiences of the water fluid. Thus, the influence of the air fluid
complicated morphing between aerial configuration is neglected [28,29]. To simplify the nonlinearity fur-
and underwater configuration. ther, the free surface is approximated by a flat surface,
Theoretical analysis, experiment research, and com- and the water fluid is divided into the viscous fluid
putational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation are the inside the boundary layer and the ideal fluid outside
main research means for water entry and exit prob- the layer. Inspired by the above literatures and to focus
lems. From the perspective of the added mass, Karman on a slender body, the ideal fluid force is calculated
[14] developed a 2D wedge body mathematical solu- based on the potential flow theory and the SBT, which
tion for the problem of seaplane float landing. Faltin- is then simplified as a function of the added mass with
sen and Miloh et al. [15,16] expanded the added mass the cross-sectional method [30]. Based on these sim-
method to the problem of the water entry impact of plifications, a trans-media dynamic model is proposed.
structures. Wu [17] analyzed the hydrodynamic force Experimental results and CFD comparisons illustrate
of a vehicle during vertical water entry process based the accuracy of the proposed model in trans-media tra-
on the velocity potential theory. In 2017, Ni and Wu jectory prediction. The main contributions of this paper
[18] researched on the vertical water exit process of include:
a buoyant spheroid by combining boundary element
1. Unlike studies in [17,18,21,22] where water entry
method (BEM) with slender body theory (SBT). In
experiments were performed using short projec-
these studies, hydrodynamic force was simplified as
tiles, a projectile with a length of 2000 mm is used
a function of the added mass attached to the body. Wei
in this paper. Detailed motion states are recorded
et al. [19] proposed a MSC.Dytran scheme to study
by the high-speed ground and underwater cameras
the water entry ballistic trajectory of an aerial torpedo.
during the water entry process. The recorded data
Yang et al. [20] researched on the water entry impact
could then be used to verify the proposed model.
of their newly borne aerial aquatic robots experimen-
2. Unlike previous works in [19,20,31] using CFD,
tally, and a CFD approach was proposed early in 2013.
this paper develops a dynamic model based on
Guo et al. [21] studied the behaviors of flat-, ogive-,
momentum theorem and moment of momentum
and hemispherical-nosed 50-mm-long projectiles dur-
theorem. The proposed model could greatly reduce
ing high-speed water entry processes. The analytical
the amount of operation and improve efficiency.
cavity model was developed. Zhao et al. [22] performed
Hence, it is especially convenient for the air–water
oblique water entry experiments to investigate the evo-
trans-media trajectory analysis.
lution of cavity and velocity with 100-mm-long pro-
3. The water entry and exit processes are combined
jectiles. Siddall [23] presented a novel jet-propelled
as the air-water trans-media process. The proposed
AquaMAV, which could perform jump-gliding leaps,
model could be further extended to underwater
and the water exit trajectory was studied experimen-
dynamics. So it is especially suitable for trajectory
tally. In those literatures, CFD approach is convenient
analysis of the slender TMAUV, which performs
for observing concomitant phenomena [24], but it has
water entry, underwater navigation, and water exit.
the disadvantages of high calculation burden and poor
ability in multi-trajectory analysis [25]. Constrained This paper is organized as follows: The dynamic
experiments are often performed with a short projec- model is developed in Sect. 2. Section 3 describes the
tile ignoring detailed motion characteristics [26,27]. experimental process, and experimental and CFD com-
In this paper, the air–water trans-media trajectory parisons are presented. Water entry and exit simulations
is studied. During the trans-media process, the vehi- are presented in Sect. 4. Conclusions and future works
cle suffers from complex fluid force resulting in strong are given in Sect. 5.

A longitudinal air–water trans-media dynamic model

Oe Xe Oe Xe X

Ze O B Lin B
Ze O
o1 Fi 1
F vo1
Zb G 1
v Z
vo1 Xb Fi

Fig. 1 State of the vehicle during the air–water trans-media process

Fig. 2 Approximation of
the submerged length

2 Development of the dynamic model mass and its derivatives are calculated based on L in .
This approximation has small errors in the head and
{Oe ; X e , Z e } is defined as an inertial frame. {O; X, Z } tail of the vehicle for the mirror asymmetry, but the
is defined as a body-fixed frame with the origin O in the asymmetric part is only a small part of the submerged
center of gravity (CG) of a slender vehicle, as shown length. Hence, the approximation errors are ignored.
in Fig. 1. O1 denotes the instantaneous center of buoy- The ideal fluid force F̄e and moment T̄ e are derived
ancy (CB). During the trans-media process, the vehicle from interaction force as [32]:
is subjected to the gravity, buoyancy, and fluid force. 
F̄e = − dBdt
The fluid force includes the ideal fluid force and the (1)
viscous fluid force. The cross-sectional method is used T̄ e = − dI

to calculate the added mass, and its derivatives are con- where Be and I e denote the added momentum and
sidered in the calculation of the ideal fluid force. The moment of momentum in the inertial frame, respec-
viscous fluid force is calculated with the immersed part tively.
of the vehicle, which is marked with red contour in (1) can be further expanded in the body-fixed frame
Fig. 1. The instantaneous CB O1 is taken as a refer- as:
ence point for the calculation of the viscous fluid force 
F̄ = − ∂B∂t − Ω × B
with angular velocity and angle of attack (AOA) taken ∂I
into consideration. The calculation method of the fluid T̄ = − ∂t − U × B − Ω × I
force is presented below. where B and I denote the added momentum and
As illustrated in Fig. 2, the volume of the marked red moment of momentum in the body-fixed frame, respec-
part equals that of the yellow part. L in is then used to tively. U = (u, v, ω)T and Ω = ( p, q, r )T are the vec-
denote the instantaneous submerged length. The added tor of the vehicle’s velocities in the body-fixed frame.

Z. Ma et al.

λ6×6 is a matrix of the added mass, and [B, I]T = neglected. We define vo as the velocity at CG, and vo1
λ6×6 [U, Ω]T . is the velocity at the instantaneous CB in the inertial
It has λ13 = λ31 = 0 because the rigid vehicle is frame. Thus, vo1 = vo + q × roo1 where roo1 denotes
axisymmetric. The longitudinal ideal fluid force could the distance from the instantaneous CB to the CG. The
⎧ expanded as:
⎨Fi x = −λ11 u̇ − λ̇11 u − q (λ33 ω + λ35 q)
Fi z = −λ33 ω̇ − λ35 q̇ − λ̇33 ω − λ̇35 q + λ11 qu (3)

Mi y = −λ53 ω̇ − λ55 q̇ − λ̇53 ω − λ̇55 q − λ11 uω + u (λ33 ω + λ35 q)

The added mass is calculated based on the cross- frictional drag is caused by the immersed part of the
sectional method as: vehicle, and its direction is opposite to the velocity
⎧ direction of the instantaneous CB. It is expressed as:

 241 D 3 (2− 4RD2(x) )

⎪ λ = πρ dx

⎪ 11 0 L in 1
⎨  R 2 (x) Fμ = − Cd (α1 )ρ0 vo21 S(r ) (6)
λ33 = πρ0 L in dx 2
⎪  R 2 (x)x (4) 
⎪ λ
⎪ 35 = −πρ dx where S(r ) = L in 2π R(x)dx is the surface area of the

⎪ 0 L in
⎩ λ = πρ  R 2 (x)x 2 dx
⎪ immersed part, Cd (α1 ) = Cα=0 (1 + τ α12 ) denotes the
55 0 L in
coefficient of the frictional drag, τ denotes the empiri-
where D is the maximum diameter, R is the radius of cal factor, and Cα=0 is a constant. AOA at O1 could be
the vehicle’s cross section, ρ0 is the density of the fresh expressed as:
The added mass changes with time during the trans- α1 = arctan(vω /vu ) (7)
media process. Taking the derivatives of (4) with where vu denotes the velocity at O1 in X-axis and vω
respect to time, the derivatives of the added mass could in Z-axis of the body-fixed frame.
be obtained as: Then, the frictional drag could be expressed in the
⎧ 2
⎪ dλ11 = 24 1
πρ0 D 3 (2 − 4R )dL in body-fixed frame as:

⎨ D2 ⎧
dλ33 = πρ0 R 2 dL in (5) ⎨ Fμx = Fμ cos(α1 )

⎩ dλ35 = −πρ02L in2R dL in
⎪ Fμz = −Fμ sin(α1 ) (8)
dλ55 = πρ0 L in R dL in ⎩
Mμy = Fμz roo1
The radius of the vehicle is designed as:

⎪ 0 x < 0or x > 2

⎨ (0.2222x + 0.05) 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.225
R (x) = 0.1

0.225 < x ≤ 2 − tan 15◦
0.1 (9)

⎪  2 

⎩ 0.1 + r 2 − x +t
tan 15◦ − 2 − rt 2 − tan0.1
15◦ < x ≤ 2

⎨ u water entry process where the quantities x, R are expressed in meter and
dL in
where dt = −u water exit process . rt = 0.7464 m taken from [38].

0 others The gravity remains constant during the trans-
dL in /dt = 0 is for the situations that the vehicle is media process, and the buoyancy is proportional to the
fully submerged or fully out of water. immersed volume of the vehicle as:
The viscous fluid force includes the frictional drag, π R 2 (x)
the pressure drag, and the wave drag. The pressure drag B = ρ0 g dx (10)
and wave drag are much smaller than the frictional L in
drag for a slender body at low speed [33,34]. Hence,  π R 2 (x)
ρ0 g L in xdx
the pressure drag and wave drag are neglected [35,36]. roo1 = (11)
Reynolds number and AOA considerably influence the
coefficient of the frictional drag. Under low-speed con- where B denotes the instantaneous buoyancy.
dition, the influence of Reynolds number could be

A longitudinal air–water trans-media dynamic model

Vertical view

30 m

Water tank

Gas gun
(Launch angle)
platform Normal
camera Lateral view
23 m
camera 10 m
Water tank

80 m

Fig. 3 Schematic illustration of the system

Momentum theorem and momentum moment theo-

rem are employed to develop the longitudinal air–water
trans-media model as:

⎨ Fi x + Fμx + (B − G) sin θ = m(du/dt + ωq)
F + Fμz − (B − G) cos θ = m(dω/dt − uq)
⎩ iz
Mi y + Mμy − Broo1 cos θ = J ·dq/dt

With initial velocities u, ω, initial angular velocity q,

and initial AOA α, the trans-media trajectory can be
solved based on Eqs. (3)–(12) by the Runge–Kutta
method [37].

3 Experimental verification Fig. 4 Assembled projectile

3.1 Experiment site tube, as shown in Fig. 3. The launch angle and launch
pressure could be adjusted.
Experiments are performed in Northwestern Polytech-
nical University. The dimensions of the water tank are
30 m (width) × 80 m (length) × 10 m (water depth). 3.2 Prototype of the projectile
A bridge crane is installed above the water tank and
used to take the projectile out of water. The projec- The prototype made of steel and aluminum alloy is
tile is obliquely launched in the direction of the launch designed with a cylindrical body, a linear truncated tail,

Z. Ma et al.


60 60

100 O 30°

225 10 Aluminum
Waterproof head
2 Screw joints


Aluminum Screw joints Steel pipe washer




Fig. 5 Sketch of the projectile dimensions

and an ogive-nosed head [38]. The apex angle is set

Oe Xe
to be 30◦ , which could reduce the water entry impact
compared with apex angles of 60◦ and 90◦ . The assem-
bled model is shown in Fig. 4. The assembled projectile
weighs 65.1 kg and has a volume of 0.052 m3 . The aver-
age density is 1252 kg/m3 , and its CG is 920 mm from Ze
the head vertex, as shown in Fig. 5.

3.3 Launch equipment

The launch system consists of an air compressor, a gas

gun, a launch tube, and a launch frame. The air com- Fig. 6 Images of the aerial trajectory
pressor could compress air for the gas gun. It can pro-
vide a maximum pressure of 1.8 MPa. The volume of
the gas gun is 10 m3 and could store up to 0.8 MPa 1 underwater camera, a data cable, an underwater LED
pressure. The length of the launch tube is 2500 mm, headlamp, and a display console. Resolution of the
with a diameter of 205 mm. The launch system is fixed SXGS-1 is 1632 × 1200 dpi, and it films at 1000 fps.
on the slide rail, which could be pulled forward and SXGS-1 and an LED headlamp are installed on the
backward. The angle between the launch tube and the sidewall of the water tank. Editing, storage, and data
horizon could be adjusted, and the trigger is synchro- management are performed on Phantom Camera Con-
nized with the cameras. trol (PCC) software.

3.4 Measurement system 3.5 Experimental results

Ground high-speed imaging camera Phantom-v2511, Position and attitude of the projectile could be extracted
which is fixed on the bank of the water tank, is used from the filmed frames by the ratio scale method.
to record aerial trajectories. Resolution of the camera Sampled videos with 50 frames of an aerial trajec-
is 1280 × 800 dpi, and aerial trajectories are filmed tory are shown in Fig. 6. Positions of the projectile’s
at 1000 fps. The filmed images of the Phantom-v2511 head and tail are extracted relative to the launch tube,
are used to analyze the initial conditions when the pro- in that (xhead , z head ) denotes the head’s position and
jectile’s vertex hits the air–water surface. An under- (xtail , z tail ) denotes the tail’s position.
water high-speed imaging system is used to record Step 1 The CG position and pitch angle are calcu-
water entry trajectories. The system includes a SXGS- lated.

A longitudinal air–water trans-media dynamic model

Fig. 7 Reason for the

angular velocity while
launching O

1.08 Table 1 Initial conditions of the two scenarios at the moment

(X cg , Z cg ) = (X head , Z head )
2 hitting the water surface
0.92 θ vo α
+ (X tail , Z tail ) (13) Initial condition q

Z head − Z tail Scenario 1 − 52.09 − 0.13 29.91 −4.15
θ = − ar c tan (14) − 59.93 − 0.44 − 18.13
X head − X tail Scenario 2 29.17

Step 2 The initial launching conditions are calculated θ denotes the pitch angle in degree and q is the angular velocity
by the linear regression method, and the projectile is in rad/s. α in degree and vo in m/s are AOA and velocity at CG
assumed to be free falling ignoring aerodynamic forces.
X cg = X 0 + vx0 t (15)
Z cg = Z 0 + vz0 t + gt 2 (16)
θ = θ0 + qt (17)
Step 3 The initial conditions when the projectile’s
vertex hits the air–water surface are calculated: the
horizontal velocity vx_in = vx0 , the vertical velocity
vz_in = vz0 + gt0 , and the angular velocity q in the Fig. 8 Location of the contour
inertial frame.
The diameters of the launch tube and the projec-
tile are 205 mm and 200 mm, respectively. During the Contour of the vehicle
launch process, the clearance and the gravity induce a Visual field of the
underwater camera
rotation in the pitch axis when the CG position of the
projectile exceeds the launch tube and the tail is still
Zc (m)

in the launch tube, as shown in Fig. 7. The effect is

more apparent when the launch tube is close to level as Lin
shown in the experimental results. The clearance and
the high pressure from the gas gun may induce a rota- Oc
tion in the yaw axis. This effect is not obvious because X c (m)
the water entry trajectory is almost in the vertical plane.
It may be due to the fact that the high pressure is uni-
formly distributed on the tail of the projectile and it
has not additional lateral force rotating the vehicle in
the yaw axis. The three-dimensional effect should be
further researched quantitatively. Fig. 9 Extraction of the motion parameters
In the water entry experiments, the launch angle is
− 45◦ and the launch pressure is 0.7 MPa for scenario
1 while − 30◦ , 0.7 MPa for scenario 2. The two initial directly. The real length of the projectile is 2000 mm.
conditions at the moment when the projectile hits the Thus, CG position and L in could be assured by the ratio
water surface are listed in Table 1. scale method, as shown in Fig. 9. For convenience, CG
As illustrated in Fig. 8, the contour of the projec- positions are obtained in the frame Oc ; X c , Z c . They
tile could be located and sketched from the underwa- are transformed into the internal coordinate in the com-
ter images. Then, the pitch angle could be extracted parison.

Z. Ma et al.

t=0.020 s t=0.025 s t=0.030 s

t=0.035 s t=0.040 s t=0.045 s t=0.020 s
t=0.025 s t=0.030 s
t=0.035 s t=0.040 s t=0.045 s

t=0.050 s t=0.055 s t=0.060 s

t=0.065 s t=0.070 s t=0.075 s t=0.050 s t=0.055 s t=0.060 s
t=0.065 s t=0.070 s t=0.075 s

t=0.080 s t=0.085 s t=0.090 s

t=0.095 s t=0.100 s t=0.105 s t=0.080 s t=0.085 s t=0.090 s
t=0.095 s t=0.100 s t=0.105 s

(a) (b)

Fig. 10 Images for water entry process a for scenario 1 and b for scenario 2

Underwater images are sampled every five frames, much smaller in scenario 1 than in scenario 2. Thus, the
and a total of 18 frames are extracted from 0 to deceleration in scenario 2 is bigger. Results of the the-
0.105 s for scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. Time inter- oretical model agree well with the experimental results
val between each sampled frame in Fig. 10 is 0.005 s in terms of the CG position, submerged length, and
because SXGS-1 films at 1000 fps. Thus, the timestamp pitch angle with maximum relative errors of 14.15%,
is assured. The first three sampled frames are aban- 11.81% and 1.87% for scenario 1 and 8.93%, 11.95%
doned because the submerged length is very small. The and 5.82% for scenario 2, respectively. Thus, the pro-
remaining 15 frames are combined to present the whole posed model is experimentally verified.
water entry trajectories for scenarios 1 and 2. Experi-
mental results show that the pitch angle in scenario 1
decreases slowly, whereas that in scenario 2 decreases 3.7 Comparison between CFD and simulation
quickly in the same period. A considerable difference
appears with similar initial velocity and pitch angle at To further validate the proposed model, CFD is used
the moment hitting the water surface which illustrates to simulate water entry and exit processes for a slender
that the initial AOA and angular velocity have a remark- vehicle, as illustrated in Figs. 13 and 14, respectively.
able influence on the water entry trajectory. This prob- Shape parameters of the slender vehicle listed in Table 2
lem is further researched in Sect. 4. The pitch angle, are up 2.665 times of equation (9). The simulations
submerged length, and CG position versus time are are conducted with ANSYS CFX 14.0 on a Dawning
extracted and illustrated in Tables 3 and 4 in appendix. A840r-G system, with four OPTERON6176 (2.3 GHz),
12-core processors, and 128 GB internal storage. The
second-order upwind difference scheme is adopted for
3.6 Comparison between the experiment and the discretization scheme. The computational domain
simulation is a circular with a radius of 20 times of the vehicle’s
length. Prismatic grids are adopted, which is formed
Simulation comparisons corresponding to scenarios 1 by stretching the unstructured plane along the nor-
and 2 are presented in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively. In mal direction. The flow fields around the vehicle and
scenario 1, the pitch angle decreases from − 52.21◦ to along the velocity direction are severely turbulent, so
− 64.38◦ in 0.105 s, whereas the pitch angle decreases the grid in these areas is densified to reduce errors
from − 60.1◦ to − 95.3◦ in the same interval in sce- and improve the convergence speed. The sizes of the
nario 2, which means that the projectile turned down grid are a maximum face area 5 m2 , a minimum face
quickly with a bigger absolute value of the initial AOA area 0.08 m2 for water exit simulation and a maximum
and angular velocity. The projectile gets to be fully face area 1.38 m2 , a minimum face area 0.05 m2 for
submerged more quickly in scenario 1 because AOA is water entry simulation. Dynamic mesh is employed to

A longitudinal air–water trans-media dynamic model

-50 1
Pitch angle in theoretical model Trajectory in theoretical model
Pitch angle in experiment Trajectory in experiment


Pitch angle (°)

Z (m)


-65 -1.5
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (s) X (m)

(a) (b)
Length in theoretical model
Length in experiment

Submerged length (m)



0 0.04 0.08 0.12
Time (s)

Fig. 11 Comparisons of scenario 1 (a for the pitch angle, b for the CG, c for the submerged length)

describe the time-varying characteristics. SST k − ω CFD results which present good agreement, as illus-
turbulence model is chosen for both the air and water trated in Figs. 15 and 16.
phases. Volume of fluid (VOF) two-phase flow numer- Furthermore, the proposed model is used to simu-
ical model is employed for the free surface. The root late the benchmark in [39,40]. In the literatures, water
mean square (RMS) value is selected for the residual exit process of a buoyant slender ellipsoid is simulated
type with an accuracy of 10−5 . The wall condition is set based on boundary element method (BEM). Nondi-
for the vehicle’s body and the pressure inlet condition mensionalization was adopted to generalize the prob-
for the boundary of the computational domain. Initial lem. The process is repeatedly simulated with the pro-
conditions are set to be − 45◦ for the pitch angle and posed model. Nondimensional results are illustrated in
20 m/s for the velocity in the water entry process and Figs. 17 and 18. The results from these two methods
45◦ and 10 m/s in the water exit process. AOAs are set agree well. In the proposed model, the calculation ter-
to be 0. minates at dimensional CG position Z̄ c = 1 when the
The processes are also simulated with the proposed body departs from the flat surface. BEM simulation
model. The pitch angles are then compared with the continues because of the rise of the free surface. This

Z. Ma et al.

-50 1
Pitch angle in theoretical model Trajectory in theoretical model
Pitch angle in experiment Trajectory in experiment

-60 0.5
Pitch angle (°)

-70 0

Z (m)
-80 -0.5

-90 -1

-100 -1.5
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (s) X (m)
(a) (b)
Length in theoretical model
Length in experiment

Submerged length (m)



0 0.04 0.08 0.12
Time (s)

Fig. 12 Comparisons of scenario 2 (a for the pitch angle, b for the CG, c for the submerged length)

t=0.04 s t=0.08 s t=0.12 s t=0.16 s t=0.20 s

t=0.24 s t=0.28 s t=0.32 s t=0.36 s t=0.40 s

Fig. 13 CFD simulation for water entry process

A longitudinal air–water trans-media dynamic model

t=0.1 s t=0.2 s t=0.3 s t=0.4 s t=0.5 s

t=0.6 s t=0.7 s t=0.8 s t=0.9 s t=1.0 s

Fig. 14 CFD simulation for water exit process

Table 2 Main parameters of the slender vehicle in CFD Proposed model
Parameters Length Maximum diameter Average density

Values 5.33 m 0.533 m 1000 kg/m 3


Pitch angle (°)

-20 35
Proposed model

-25 30

-30 25
Pitch angle (°)

-35 20
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (s)
Fig. 16 Water exit process

4.1 Water entry trajectory analysis

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Time (s) First, we set the initial conditions as v = 30 m/s,q =
Fig. 15 Water entry process
0rad/s,θ = − 45◦ and α = − 10◦ , −5◦ , 0◦ , 5◦ , 10◦
to research on the influence of the initial AOA.
Next, v = 30m/s,α = 0◦ , θ = −45◦ , q =
is the principal reason why these two curves have a −20◦ /s, −10◦ /s, 0◦ /s, 10◦ /s, 20◦ /s are set to investigate
bigger difference at the final stage of the water exit the influence of the initial angular velocity.
process. Simulation results for the different initial AOAs are
shown in Figs. 19, 20, 21. The figures illustrate that
the initial AOA has a great influence on the follow-
ing underwater trajectory. Positive AOAs lead to the
vehicle turning up, whereas negative AOAs lead to the
4 Simulation analysis vehicle turning down. The amplitude of the pitching
rate is proportional to the absolute value of the ini-
The experimental results illustrate that the initial AOA tial AOA, and α = 0◦ could guarantee the approxi-
and angular velocity have great influence on the follow- mate straight underwater trajectory. The absolute value
ing trajectory. In this section, the influence is further of the velocity decreases more quickly with a bigger
concluded. absolute value of the initial AOA, as shown in Fig. 21,

Z. Ma et al.

3 25
proposed model =-10°
BEM =-5°
2.5 =0°
15 =10°
Dimensionless velocity

AOA (°)
1.5 5


0 -15
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Dimensionless CG position Time (s)

Fig. 17 Velocity as a function of CG position Fig. 20 AOA

3.5 30
proposed model =-10°
BEM =-5°
Dimensionless acceleration

2.5 Absolute velocity (m/s) =5°

2 25


0.5 20


-1 15
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Dimensionless CG position Time (s)

Fig. 18 Acceleration as a function of CG position Fig. 21 Absolute velocity

=-10° because a bigger AOA corresponds to a bigger drag
coefficient. Results of different initial angular veloci-
-30 =5° ties are shown in Figs. 22, 23, 24. The figures illustrate
that the influence of the initial angular velocity on the
Pitch angle (°)

-40 changing of AOA, pitch angle, and absolute velocity is

much smaller than the influence of the initial AOA.

4.2 Water exit trajectory analysis


In this section, we investigate the water exit process

-70 from the vertex contacting the water surface to the exit
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
of the tail. Simulations are terminated when the body
Time (s)
fully exits water. Thus, terminal times are different. We
Fig. 19 Pitch angle set the initial conditions as v = 30 m/s,α = 0◦ , θ =
45◦ and q = −20◦ /s, − 10◦ /s, 0◦ /s, 10◦ /s, 20◦ /s to
study the influence of the initial AOA. Then, v =

A longitudinal air–water trans-media dynamic model

-40 30
q=-20°/s q=-20°/s
q=-10°/s q=-10°/s
q=0°/s q=0°/s
-42 q=10°/s 29 q=10°/s

Absolute velocity (m/s)

q=20°/s q=20°/s
Pitch angle (°)

-44 28

-46 27

-48 26

-50 25
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 22 Pitch angle Fig. 25 Absolute velocity

3 50
q=-20°/s q=-20°/s
q=-10°/s q=-10°/s
q=0°/s q=0°/s
q=10°/s 48 q=10°/s
2 q=20°/s Pitch angle (°) q=20°/s

AOA (°)


0 42

-1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Time (s)
Time (s)

Fig. 23 AOA Fig. 26 Pitch angle

q=-20°/s 30m/s,q = 0rad/s, θ = 45◦ and α = −5◦ , −3◦ , 0◦ , 3◦ ,
5◦ are set to investigate the influence of the initial angu-
28 q=10°/s lar velocity.
Absolute velocity (m/s)

In the water exit process, a similar conclusion could
26 be made that the initial AOA has a greater influence than
the initial angular velocity, as illustrated in Figs. 25,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30. The influence of the initial AOA
and angular velocity is bigger in the water exit process
than in the water entry process. This is due to the fact
22 that the fluid damping effect of the vehicle is greater
in the water entry process than in the water exit pro-
20 cess. The initial angular velocity has little influence on
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Time (s) the terminal time, whereas a bigger initial AOA cor-
responds to a longer terminal time. As presented in
Fig. 24 Absolute velocity Figs. 25 and 28, velocities have an increasing trend
at the end of the water exit process. The acceleration
phenomenon is mainly caused by the derivatives of the

Z. Ma et al.

4 80
q=-20°/s =-5°
q=-10°/s =-3°
3 q=0°/s =0°
q=10°/s 70 =3°
q=20°/s =5°

Pitch angle (°)

AOA (°)

0 50


-3 30
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Time (s)
Time (s)
Fig. 29 Pitch angle
Fig. 27 AOA

40 =0°
28 =3°
Absolute velocity (m/s)

=5° 30
AOA (°)

26 20



20 -20
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 28 Absolute velocity Fig. 30 AOA

added mass. The acceleration phenomenon was also should be developed. The influence of cavity, which
observed in Wu’s and Chen’s water exit pin shooting contributes the present low-speed model to the high-
experiments [41] [42]. speed condition, should also be further researched.

Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank all tech-

nicians of Northwestern Polytechnical University for their help
5 Conclusion in the experimental setup. Project supported by the National Nat-
ural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51779263).
In this paper, a longitudinal air–water trans-media
Compliance with ethical standards
dynamic model is proposed and verified. Simulations
illustrate that the initial AOA has a great influence on Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no con-
the water entry and exit trajectories, while the initial flict of interest.
angular velocity does not influence the following tra-
jectory intensively. Zero initial AOA water entry/exit
is preferable for the newly borne TMAUV because Appendix
the following trajectory does not change dramatically.
In future work, a three-dimensional dynamic model See Tables 3, 4.

A longitudinal air–water trans-media dynamic model

Table 3 Detailed information corresponding to scenario 1

Time (s) 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.055 0.060

x-axis (mm) 1657.2 1513.7 1381.2 1256.4 1128.0 1003.2 874.8 746.5 682.9
z-axis (mm) 1531.4 1382.5 1245.3 1093.6 960.5 842.7 701.4 560.8 496.0
Theta (◦ ) −52.31 −52.48 − 52.95 −53.13 − 53.65 − 53.98 − 54.76 − 55.28 − 55.99
L in (mm) 616.4 801.7 964.0 1143.1 1353.3 1528.9 1731.2 1903.8 2000.0
Time (s) 0.065 0.070 0.075 0.080 0.085 0.090 0.095 0.100 0.105
x-axis (mm) 635.0 560.3 519.5 401.7 359.1 201.0 42.9 − 14.1 − 85.27
z-axis (mm) 285.7 243.7 220.3 115.6 86.0 − 108.3 −143.4 − 191.6 −237.7
Theta (◦ ) −56.73 − 57.58 −58.36 −59.04 − 60.61 − 61.69 − 62.66 − 63.54 − 64.38
L in (mm) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0

Table 4 Detailed information corresponding to scenario 2

Time (s) 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.055 0.060

x-axis (mm) 1600.0 1493.9 1396.9 1272.2 1180.5 1075.3 983.9 891.6 801.6
z-axis (mm) 1531.1 1431.9 1341.4 1242.9 1125.1 1020.3 913.8 799.5 689.4
Theta (◦ ) − 60.1 − 60.9 − 62.1 − 62.6 − 63.8 − 65.1 − 67.2 − 68.6 − 70.5
Lin (mm) 415.7 549.0 663.2 769.2 906.4 1001.2 1159.9 1300.7 1397.7
Time (s) 0.065 0.070 0.075 0.080 0.085 0.090 0.095 0.100 0.105
x-axis (mm) 732.1 651.4 588.9 522.3 458.6 394.1 347.7 299.5 247.3
z-axis (mm) 601.0 522.3 444.5 353.4 256.7 137.6 15.6 −111.0 − 209.8
Theta (◦ ) −72.1 − 76.2 − 80.1 − 83.2 −85.6 − 88.9 − 91.1 − 92.5 − 95.3
L in (mm) 1535.7 1570.6 1623.9 1670.4 1829.8 1955.1 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0

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