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February 28

1 thing that went well- the students worked really well independently and in partners while I
completed the subtraction pre-assessments. It was much quieter when half of the students
were playing partner games and the other half were working on independent math.

1 thing that I would change- One of the independent activities was having students create a
doubles and a doubles plus one flip book. I had a picture of one that was completed, but there
were a lot of questions so I thought I should make an example flip book for the next day.

March 1
1 thing that went well- the students worked really well independently and in partners while I
completed the subtraction pre-assessments.
1 thing that I would change- The only problem with showing students a complete example of a
flip book turned out to be that one student copied the answers as well. In the future, I would
still make an example, but only write one answer to show the students what it looks like, but
then tell them that they have to solve the rest of the problems. They are not learning anything
if they are just copying my answers.

March 2
1 thing that went well- the students really enjoyed creating their own totem poles.
1 thing that would change- I should always make an example before going to class. I wasted
some time with the first student just figuring out how much tape I needed to keep the totem
pole intact. After that I figured out a better system.

March 3
1 thing that went well- the students really enjoyed participating in the stations activity in math
where they worked with partners and solved a variety of subtraction word problems.
1 thing that I would change- I paired strong readers with students who are not as strong with
reading together, however next time I would put pictures beside the important words in the
word problems if I expect students to read them on their own. For example, one of the
problems talked about popsicles which is a difficult word for grade 1. Next time I would have
put a picture of a popsicle beside the word.

March 4
1 thing that went well- the students did well with the assessment even though it was
completed later than it should have been.
1 thing that I would change- I need to not be afraid to use the card system with the students. I
think I am afraid the students will not like me anymore if I use that particular system, but I can
only say the same thing so many times. I had to tell the students time and time again that
during these activities we need to be silent because I want to see what you know not what
someone else knows. Some students still decided to say the answers out loud or just spoke in
general. I gave them many reminders, but even if I said this is your final warning before you
switch to a yellow card and then if they spoke again I would have them change their card. I
have never actually had a student switch their card to a yellow, but maybe their behaviour
would actually change after I have given them many warnings.

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