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An Argus Specialist Publication JULY 19U6 £1.50

' h'!.

i ll lit
• ! H IHi

'1111% ' 1 I J | 1 .
''///M/Am ii klllk

Spectrum music

Keyboard survey

So you want to be a programmer?

Quazatron author Steve Turner
shows the way

Reviews: Pentagram a Superbowl a Young Ones a Price of Magic

Competitions: Biggies a Graphic Adventure Creator a Citizen Printer
• I miiimiiiiiimmi tiiiMMiMMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii»iiii>*iilt«itiii<tiaiii*i>iliaiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiif(iiit





SPECTRUM 48K s l ^ ^ ^ f t j ' ^MSTKAI)

Ocean Software Limited. 6 Central S t r t r t t . j j A c & e r M2 5NS Telephone: 061-832 6633 Tele*: 669977 Oceans G
Ocean j t l ^ ^ P is available from selected brancties of:
.'ffib ,\N 11 SMI I I I WOOI.WORTM LASKYS Wmbc lows G r e e n s , Spectrum Shops^xl all good software dealers, trade enquiries welconw
I i ' i h i i m 1 1 1 U n i v e r s a l Ctly 8tudo$i Inc.(All rights reserved, 'a trademark of aijMiqpasd by Universal City,
Virgin plan to take over the universe and CRL are
busy too.

A music keyboard for the 120, a new printer from
Citizen and Trojan's Llghtpen.

Readers' letters.

The fate of the QL Is still uncertain.


Believe It or not, the QL looks like It's taking off In the
States at

Problem Page.

Books: QL Abacus and Turing Man. 14
The page for '81 owners.

Soundcheck: tuning Into music software. 22 SOFTWARE REVIEWS

Laser Genius: an amazing new assembler from Ocean

IQ. 24

Keyboard Capers: a survey of some of the more

popular add-on keyboards. 30

Breaking In: advice for prospective games authors. 54

Software Palace: ZX visits the home of Cauldron II. 58

The Professional Touch: Hewsons1 Steve Turner tells

how to get to the top 66

A bit of Talent: Talent's new QL assembler. 70

QL SUPERbatlc: I F . . .WHEN. 72 Reviews begin: Klret 18, Pentagram 42, The Price of
Maglk SO, Allen Highway 16, Superbowl 89.

Realms of Interaction: Alan Davis' adventure writing MINDPLAY 36

series. 83 Adventure wlz Peter Sweasy looks at Questprobe and
the return of Valkyrie 17.
Random Memory: more memory saving Ideas. 86 COMPETITIONS

Arl Studio Artist: and now.. .the Mona Lisa. 98 Citizen: win a new printer. 28

Biggies: bags full of Biggies goodies from Mlrrorsoft. 46

PROGRAMMING PROJECTS Graphic Adventure Creator: win a copy of Incentive's
adventure writing utility. 90
Machine Code Calculator: delve Into the depths of
the Spectrum's brain. 78 Editor Bryan Ralph
Assistant Editor: Cliff Joseph
Consultant Editor Ray Elder
Elementary Graphics: a new series looking at Advertising Managers: Peter Chandler and John
machine code graphios programming. 92 McGarry
Design: Argus Design
A S P Advertising and Editorial
Printed by AJabatler Pcitirrioro and Soni Lid. lovll Maldstora Kqnl No. 1 Golden Square, London W1R 3AB 01-437-0626
Aowrn wm»ni Copy Controller Lynn Colli*
AttributedtoyAjyui Piew SdlM ond Dmributio* lid. 12-tft Paul 5ft*ol. London £C2A 4JS
IX Computing Monmiy it putMlihod on ttv» fourth Fitaoy ol «acn monQv Subscription ratal r.n t>artad ob trom ZX 5ubtcr>ptioni Iniofltl. Timei Kouve
179 th« Marlowvi Heme i Hompjtood. Hot I) HP51 tSU
Ifio oontenn of ihu publication, Including all arliclat. deugnt. plant drawing*and o>ti« iniuractuai property r.ghtthotow o«iong to Argut SpeclalM
Publication! Llmitod All rigtitt conferred by in a Low ot Copyright ond of nor intellectual property rigfth ond by virtue of international copyright convention!
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Aigoi Specialist PubHcoPont Limited l»W

3 ZX C o m p u t i n g Monthly • July 1986



AND 30,, A STAK13 BOW in

%d I always \ ^^^^
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we a smskinfyMe's a SMj
^ me ^—wmm
O •Guy


umiriHtvani rcn w must rt^

Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd
Alpha House, 10 Carver Street, S P E C T R U M 48K- MSX AMSTRAD
Sheffield S I 4 F S . Tel: (0742) 753423.
Telex No: 547274


H ' 'j

Virgin until there is a larger user base

It doesn't add up. long term sur- Cartoon
vival In this business depends

Territory on limiting the amount of risks

you take."
Scheduled for release in
The Virgin Games empire, swol- August is Dan Dare, a game Our cartoon competition in the of the menacing dragon. Run-
len by the acquisition of New whose development has Deen April issue attracted a good ners up are Robert Wlndebank
Generation Software and bedevilled with problems and number of entries from budding for his mutated Spectrum user,
Leisure Genius In recent months delays, so much so that some cartoonists. The winners eacn Paul Brady from Rickmansworth
Is set to unleash some promis- suspect the Mekon must be res- receive a copy of Kipper Wil- with his computer surgeon,
ing titles Including the official ponsible However, a look at the liams Warning: This Computer Wexford reader Kingsley
Scalextrlc game, the long unfinished version is proof Bytes from Javelin Books. And Fleming's Sinclair mechanic
awaited Dan Dare and the enough that the wait will be the first prize winner. Kevin and Glasgow duo Richard
Virgin Atlantic Challenger worth It, as Dan Dare features Curtln from Nairn In Scotland, Currle and Hamish Buchan for
game based on the exploits ot stunning graphics, which are also wins an original Kipper their petrified mouse.
the ubiquitous Richard Branson. almost alien to the Spectrum Williams cartoon for his picture
Nick Alexander, Virgin's and level upon level of frenetic
managing director, explained action.
why Virgin had adopted the The Mekon has aimed a hol-
'acquire to survive' strategy. lowed out asteroid at the earth
"We see the software market and Dan must break Into the
very quickly developing Into a control room and set ott the self
situation where there are per- destruct mechanism before the
haps six to 12 sottware houses world Is blown to smithereens.
who become software pub- There are over a 100 screens
lishers representing a whole swarming with five kinds of
range ot different labels. Treens, the Mekon's minions,
*he reason this Is hap- who will Imprison Dan in the iso-
pening Is lhat wholesalers and lation cell given half a chance
distributors are controlling the Lift shafts connect the different
market at the moment aT the areas of the complex and they
expense ot the software may be the safesl place as the
producers. corridors are lined with gun
"II a company like us can ports set into the walls.
acquire other labels It means The presentation of the
we are In a position to talk to
ome Is designed to be as
retailers directly and have a faithful to Ihe original cartoon
bigger Influence on what goes strip as possible and captions
on the shelves." come up to keep you aware of
Virgin's expansion Is not the Mekon's Intentions. In the
likely to stop with the snapping bottom right hand corner ol the
up of New Generation {Mac- screen is an animated picture
hine Code Tutor, Jonah Barring- of the Mekon's face and you
ton Squash, Trashman) and con look forward to a confron-
Leisure Genius who had the tation with the Mekon towards
licensing rights to Scalextric the end of the aame
Cluedo and Monopoly. In the As for the software industry's
pipeline are Now Games III, future, Nick Alexander feels
Scalextrlc (September release) there are real grounds for
and Imminently, to coincide optimism.
with the Virgin Challenger's "I think the signs are healthy
Iransallanllc record attempt, a and we've passed that point
game that takes you to the where games are looked on as
heart ot Virgin territory. just a fad With the cutting down
"it's going to be a fun of the number ot software
arcade simulation with Richard houses there will be less pro-
running about in frantic efforts duct but It will be easier to pre-
to keep the entire empire run- sent It to Ihe public, and with a
ning smoolhly," return to profitability there's the
Sadly, Virgin's Spectrum opportunity to start taking a few
releases will not Include the risks and hopefully bring In
ome of James Clavel's novel some Innovations. Like com-
hogun. pact disc ROMs and compact
"Unfortunately it's proved disc Interaction — there are a
Impossible to cram the game tot of creative opportunities
onlo the Spectrum. There are there"
aboul 40 different characters all Pausing for a moment to

trying to subvert each other to ponder on whether compact
achieve power and It's a very disc technology would leave CO
complicated piece of coding."
There are no plans tor a
the Spectrum back In the stone
age of computing. Nick added,
"Someone somewhere Is bound
Spectrum 128 version. "With a
new machine you are looking lo bring out a compact disc
at long development times and Interface"

5 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Return of the Thingie A quick plug
Our news pages just
wouldn't be complete
(and other games) without o picture ot one of
those plug things that are
designed to stop mains
Perhaps as a reply lo Mel- fluctuations from blowing
bourne's re-released Hobbit, up your micro. This one It
CRL have decided to go ahead produced by Tony Firshman
k. A . Services and Is called the
with the release ol The Bogglt. V»
Bearing absolutely no connec- A. Computer Cleaner. The
tion at all to MH's game. The Cleaner It available in three
Bogglt features the adventures designs, with one, two or
of Bimbo Fagglns In a tepid (or "2 ' four socket versions costing
should tho? be epic?) trek £14, £18 and £24. We've had
across the Witty Mountains. one of these In every news
Berkwood Forest and Anadln column to far, but If you're
River. A graphic adventure wilh k k. still looking for one then
over 100 locations, Bogglt A *- Firshman can be contacted
should be available any on 01-267-3887.
minute now for £7.95. »•1.k.
Not content with demolish-
ing the reputation of J.R.R. game Tau Cetl. Academy Is still
Tolk ten. CRL are also In cahoots quite a long way off, but
with the chapesses ol St Brides planned tor a JuneiJuly release P«a«a " giv* »r*c,al
in poduclng The Very Big Cave is They Call Me Trooper. And not
Adventure a spoof version o( the content with demolishing one cvi •
original Crowther and Woods Melbourne House game. CRL
Colossal Adventure and also in describe Trooper as 'like Way ot
the pipeline Is Academy — the
sequel to their earlier mega-
the Exploding Fist — but wilh a
game behind it." Qualitas
Sevon Start Publishing, who have produced tome handy
Utile printing utilities In the past have come up with
The longest Knight another ono. Qualltat It a program that can be uted
with Tasword 2 (Tasword 3 version out soon) to print In
near letter quality with an ordinary Epton type dot
Alto threatened for June and July are the eternally awaited matrix printer. The program comet with five typefaces
trio from Ocean; Knight Rider, Streothawk and Hunchback already included, and na you can alto define yc
your own
using the editor programI that comes with If.
— the Adventure. Knight Rider, according to Ocean, it now
andy If you use the Spectrum tor word processing,
finished and on Its way, whlltt the other two are on the final Qualltat It available by mall order for £7.95 from Seven
Start Publishing, 34 Squirrel Rite, Marlow, Bucks SL7 3PN.
ttaget and thould be with u t In July. All three tltlet will cost
£7.95, and If you're Interested It's now over a year tlnce Knight
Rider adt first itarted appearing. Still, at a result of the not
terribly good publicity they've had because of this. Ocean EEC Soft
now say that they're going to be more careful about advance The Common Market hat a lot to antwer for! In an atlempt
advertising from now o n . . . to furlher ruin our balance of trade deficit, top French toft-
ware house, Infogrames, it about to launch a number ot 'high
quality' tltlet onto the UK market. The first of thete It a
graphic adventure of 'colostal proportions' called
Mondragore. Priced at £14.95 the game will come In a twin
castette pack containing 260K worth of program — sounds
like It'll keep our adventure troll busy for a while (once they've
flnlthed translating It Into Engllth).

jSt* I
" «JT
" ' f l II

6 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986


The latest game on
Mastertronlc's £2.99 MAD
label Is Master ol Magic.
Described as ta new kind ol
adventure' the game uses
special artificial Intelligence
techniques to let you play
the role of an unnamed
hero plunged Into the
underworld by Thelrlc, a
master magician.
This will be Joined by
Conquest, an ^ordinary'
£1.99 graphic adventure
and Molecule Man, written
by a new programmer who
sent the game In to
Mastertronlc In the post one

Arriba wq
arriba, MXLlMUll

MSM&oomus/nmt vetmma..
m wooDcuri Lothlorien 128s
While mosl software houses are holding back on 128 games
andele! r?
until the machine's future at the hands ol Amsfrad becomes
clear, wargame supremos Lothlorien are converting two ol their
48K games (or the 128. Waterloo and Austerlltz are now avail-
L ""*-' ^ VwiS^Slrii able in 128 version, while Confrontation on the 128 will now
'rr zim * *« *— • —«i • hi i r <• Include the five additional scenarios which cosl an additional
£5.95 when bought along with the original version. The 128
version will cost only £9.95,

ssL alignment
0H*>m*HHK nucomisoc*..
Global Software have
repackaged their cassette
care kit. Formerly called
Operation Caretaker, It's
now known as Operation
"Guess who gotla ze software testants, penalty mode and dif- Alignment and the new
rights to ze 1986 World C u p . . . ferent skill levels. The game will package contains just the
hold onto your hats itsa coming also come with a colour poster alignment testing tape and
soon," Lapsing Inlo an ex- and team stickers to let you screwdriver for Jiggling your
tremely silly accent, US Gold chart the teams' progress heads with. So It you're
are trumpeting the arrival of
their World Cup Carnival game
Ihrough the matches, It all
sounds like World War II In shorts*
having problems with your
cassette player and you've
which they claim "will reach but if you're into football the got £5.99 going spare, HaMMausrriwm ^
new standards in football simu- Spectrum version will cost £9.95 Global can nelp you part
lation'. Options will Include a and should be in the shops very with it If you ring them on
choice of kit lor all the con- soon. 01-228-1360.

Spectrum Games Top Ten

1 Batman Ocean
2 Green Beret Ocean
3 Quazertron Hewson
4 Way of the Tiger Gremlin Graphics
5 Superbowl Ocean
6 Starstrike II Realtime Games
7 Bombjack Elite
8 Turbo Esprit Durel
9 World Cup Carnival US Gold
10 V Ocean
(Chart supplied by W.H. Smiths)
Batfans will be pleased to see Batman going to this
month's number one, and so will Ocean, no doubt. Ocean
have currently got four titles In the top ten and only the
arrival of Hewson*s Quazertron looks like posing a threat to
the top of the chart. Perhaps US Gold might have a chance £
with the release of Pentagram...

7 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

CRL — again
Just when I thought Id finished writing about CRL they
go and start up a new budget software label called
Alpha-Omega. The first Spectrum release on the new
label Is Captain Slog, a £1.99 arcade adventure set In
outer space. This will be followed In a couple of months
time by Summer Santa, 'to deadly serious game"
according to CRLs Paul Woods.

Return of The Ring

Melbourne House have an- the £14.95 gift pack which
nounced that July Is going to includes both game and book,
be 'Tolkien Blockbuster Month'. or you can buy a new cassette
First they're releasing Lord o< The case with just ihe game for
Rings on the Amstrad (yawn), £9.95. So, If you're one of the lew
then they're going lo re-release people who hasn't already got
that all-time megaclasslcblock- a copy of The Hobblt, youve
buster, The Hobblt. The game now got no excuse tor not rush-
will continue to be available In ing out and buying one.

Microdrive 5
We don't know who thoy are, but the Microdrive 5 have
been spotted on the loose In London, somewhere near
Brixton. Unfortunately we've had to cut off some of the
photo as some of the other bits of graffiti were tar too
tasteless for a high-class Journal like ZX (mind you they
were funny!).

• • M m Creator
.. .Is the name of a new label started up by Argus Press
Software The programs released on this label will all be utility
programs ot various types. The first releases lor the Spectrum
will be the Battie Creator and Arcade Creator priced at £12.95.
The Arcade Creator speaks for Itself, while the Battle Creator
Is described by Lothlorlen, who are writing the program for
Argus, as "the Quill tor wargames'. Lothlorien are also working
on Johnny Reb II which will also be marketed by Argus.

Rooopert QL
the Bear Competition
Bug Byte are about to
release Rupert and the lee winners
Palace along with Souls of
Darkon (converted from an
old Amstrad game). Both Back In April we asked QL
games will be at the usual owners to show off their art
Bug Byte price of £2.95. knowledge In a contest to win
a bundle containing QL
Bounder and QL Paint. Our
"who painted what" posers pre-
High Cs sented little problem for QL arl
buffs who identified the famous
Allies on Ihe march In Tobruk, and a nuclear bomb In Hlsoft, purveyors of daubers correctly almost to a
Theatre Europe. upmarket programming man.
utilities to the masses, have And the winners are M Scott,
just released an upgraded Preston; Roma Ives, llford; Robin
version of their C Compiler Clarke, Castletown; Allstalr May,
for the Speclrum. The new Elgin; J. Oil lick, Slrathclyde
Wargames Hlsoft C V1.3 is smaller and
faster than the original
version allowing you to
Jonathan llkins, Stoke on Trent
David Smith, Derby; John Turley
PSS are marching Info action with two new titles In their Glasgow; Sieve Basford, Letch
Waraamers series. Theatre Europe, originally released on the compile larger programs worth and Brian Oshea of East
'64. deals with the outbreak of hostilities between NATO and the than before. The new way. London.
Warsaw Pact countries, whilst Tobruk Is set In World War II. This compiler costs £25, and for the record Constable

£ game allows you to control either Allied or German forces as

tney battle for control of Ihe vital supply route oul of Tobruk
which was a crucial part of the Allied campaign in North Alrlca
owners of the original
version can upgrade tor Just
£5. Anyone Interested can
painted the Haywaln, Do VlncI
painted Ihe Mona Lisa, Van
Gogh painted Sunflowers and
In 1942 Both games are duo out In June at a price of £9.95. get more details from Hlsoft the Laughing Cavalier was
on 0582-696421. painted by Franz Hals.

8 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

/i With over tour years experience ol providing practical
software solutions for business and home applications,
Gemini have put together their entire range ol lamous titles for
the Spectrum and Spectrum Plus in ONE special pack, at a
VERY SPECIAL price. Whether you're a cassette or
microdrTve user, this super value pack contains all the serious
application software you're ever likely to need for your
Spectrum, from home accounts and database management
to a complete professional business accounting system
Gemini's OFFICE MASTER is here-put that computer to WORK!

Database Mailist
Stock Cash Book
Control Home
Final Accounts Accounts
Easiledger Graph Plot T^JPI——
Each pack contains ALL B programs, demonstration
data files, and clear and comprehensive manuals for
EA CH program. Gemini s previous retail price for

all these programs individually was £179.60.
Now they re all together in ONE COMPREHENSIVE

Tape: £15 Microdrive: £17.50
includes P&P a n d VAT.

Database Cash Book Easiledger

Use this program for storing all types of This is a full and comprehensive cash book Consists ol invaluable routines lo allow tho
information just the way YOU want to store it. accounts system designed to REPLACE your creation of any type of financial ledger system.
You set up a computerised card index' system manual ledger entirely. It will take you from the Its usefulness lies in its ability to produce
and add records and data to the file in the format shoebox' situation of sheaves of invoices, account balances instantly lor debtors and
that you choose. Advanced features include cheque book stubs, petty cash vouchers and creditors together with an audit trail of all entered
sorting and searching for speolic records, bank statements etc. to a properly constituted transadions. with dales and references.
mathemalical calculations, printer routines, data trial balance. You may then take your FINAL - A year-to-date summary is induded of sales,
summaries, etc. If you don't have a database, ACCOUNTS package and produce profit and purchases, receipts and payments over a
you certainty should! loss account and balance sheet ready for audit. 12 month penod, and most importantly, a
A REAL money saver when it comes lo your completely interactive bank account database is
accountancy bill! featured.

This is a specially dosignod database for sionng
Final Accounts
Using the data file on microdrive or cassette Graph Plot W
names and addresses, and pnnting out in label prepared by the cash book program, this software At last, superb grapns, bar charts and pie charts
formal Special search routines are included for will produce comprehensive end-ol-year reports on your Spectrum! With a complete data entry
selecting only names and addresses that ready for audit by your professional adviser. section and the ability to load and save tiles, this
conform to your catena. The famous Gemini The Gemini cash book andfinalaccounts system is really one of the fun programs to use.
Searchkey' facility is included wilh this program, is now m use by many thousands ol businesses Represent numbers and data in clear diagrams
and data entry is simplified by an on screen label and as a dasstc' professional program has been with this package, and print them out on your
painting system. Just type in those names and translated for a wide variety of micros. Cash - pnnter to accompany reports, budgets, etc
addresses as though you were using a typewriter! book and final accounts alone warrant the Very highly recommended for the office, home
purchase ol this OFFICE MASTER program pack. and school. Also includes capability to provide
mathematical function plotting

Stock Control Home Accounts

One ol Gemini's speciality programs, this Designed as a complete financial and budgeting
To G«mmi M.ukiiting I
software will take the drudgery out of keeping package for home aft airs, this program allows the

stock records. Enter details of part number, user to set up a budget for items of household and I muted.
description, unit quantity, cost pnce, selling price, family expenditure and compare actual Gonnni Houso.
minimum stock level .units in stock, order quantity expenditure with budget as often as required. Exmouth EX8 4RS t
and supplier details. Detailed reports mdude A running total ol surpluses and deficits is

Please send me Spectrum O F F I C E M A S T E R packs
totals of stock at cost and sale pnce, cost of available both numerically and in bar graph form.
bnnging stock up to level specified, gross margin, A completo bank account routine is inducted, Cheques/1 POs enclosod or plcaso dobit my
understocked items, etc. Full browsing facilities together with suggested expenditure categones Accoss/Amoncan Express No.
to make inventory management a pleasure! which may be simply altered as required.


Sole distributors to the trade: CentreSoft Ltd. Signature:,

Tel. 021-359-3020 24 HOUR CREDIT CARD HOTLINE - (0395) 265165 (4 lines) .

—— Trade and overseas enquiries welcome. '
OUjrUOPLD f tntl M>/l. l i t ,
'—— f . II
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l . ' '» I-1 i t- I • H It J '"'PI MM I " I IV,

ON -TRI1 l I itMC' CRM I I L I r u m .
i .ciOT' 'i *i i it. r,i
. . P I <_ H I I I Of-1 t Ut U N . T t t & L l
• -t >:«i o o . . r • t:i . t r i n r • ph• i
. F f l t P OPE <: o i l I I" I IT B U T ttl I I I )
K • E L L t N T r i . H l l l I MP. po TT I i >11 .
E l l T E P HEPE " "

- 1 -
OUTWORLD It Is well presented, text and
colour are nicely balanced
Ourome Software and sound Is almost non-
£1.99 existent (it would probably be a
•f , distraction anyway). Screen lay-
The ancient gome of Kingdoms outs have been carefully
has been given yet another thought out.
i WA, twist In this variation. Based on
the film of the same name Inso-
I must admit I enjoyed ploy-
ing this game though. It is easy
. Si
J 4 t
far as il deals with mining of
rocket fuel on the planet 'OUT-
to grasp the fundamentals,
fairly well error-trapped and
WORLD', you are faced wllh nicely prompted (or Inputs. Dur-
"Your toughest job yet." ing play it is quite difficult to
1 1 1 * You have to make as much
money as possible in three
make a fortune, mining dis-
asters and compensation pay-
year* and you begin by choos- outs occur too frequently for the
ing the land to mine and your liking of budding Mr. Scargllls,
workforce from the Grobblys, but overall the algorithms have
Plfflumps and Slurlans. By been nicely balanced.
buying machinery and orga- Nothing to get exclled over,
nising loans you can get to but you could do a lot worse if
work and hope to survive (I hale you want a game ol this type.
games which soy "GOOD LUCK', My main criticism Is that Ihe
don't you?) opllons. Information and events
This theme really has been are a bit limited compared to
worked to death, the best being those provided by the kings of
the MUGSY" variations wllh strategy games. CCS. But for a
many others In line behind pleasant, simple game this one
them. Is recommended, and at least
The game is competent, little you con win occasionally!
sketch characters liven up the
text, but there Is nothing to get
the adrenalin flowing. The pro-
gram Is written In Basic which
Is adequate for this kind of
mt game as fast responses are not

HOCUS FOCUS Bottom centre Is the panel

showing the number of photos
£8.95 developed lor an invention, 20
pics lor each and only 16 pics
Take several elements from per film, this means at least one
various games, add a dollop o! trip to the start even if you do not
originality and you end up with lose your film to a mutant, and
Hocus Focus. there are 16 inventions to photo-
You are Jeremy, a punk YOP graph.
trainee given the task of photo- Actions are controlled by
graphing the inventions of a selection of Icons In a small
mod professor which are kept, window to the right of the main
in pieces, hidden around the photo panel and a small win-
prof's laboratory in caves under dow left of It shows the pictures
Hyde Park. ready to be positioned In the
Of course it's not that simple main photo panel. All In all
The caves are protected by there is enough action, chal-
mutants who appear when you lenge and problems for Ihe
trigger a detector device These most demanding arcade-
destroy your film and lake away adventure Ian.
your sword (every punk YOP Playing the gome took a
photographer carries a sword!), little practice, perseverence
and you have to go back to the was rewarded though as the
start for another one The screen game Is worlh sticking with. A
is divided into four areas. Top joystick option is provided and
centre Is the action screen keys are well chosen, though on
where small but finely drawn my keyboard the M key
and animated. Jeremy walks In became the comma one tor
fronl of and behind objects. firing.

10 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

So, when do you start to
THE SECRET OF levitate and how? Well I am
afraid that YOU don't, but at the
LEVITATION end ol each section you are
shown a crossed legged medi-
Americano Software
£2.99 tating man who rises to a height
dependent on your score tor
I have seen some good the event. Also trom the main
programs, some nof so good menu an option T takes you to
programs hyped as brilliant a display of the individual
programs and some that were scores lor each section and a
very dubious value programs. graphic levilatlon chart shows
This is one ol the latter. I can them for you. Many ol the
only describe It as a novelty games go on for tar too long,
program and it should be especially Mind/Body and
avoided by all arcade, adven- Vibrant Vision sections.
ture and strategy fans. Buy this il you want some-
The program Is actually nine thing different, ore easily satis-
simple little variations on the tied or want an expensive way
reaction/observation programs ot purchasing tape to record
which were all you could cram on. It may be better to stay
Into a 2X81 In Basic In the good down to earth and keep your
old days. Admittedly they nave leet on the ground!
been tarted up to use the
graphics, sound and colour ot
the Spectrum, but at heart they Body Maslery, Agile Alertness, All these 'games' are played
are all still in this category. Inner Integration, Reliable against the clock and can be
The nine games are pre- Recall and Fluent Function. The selected individually from the
tentiously titled Rapid Reaction, best thing I can say is that at main menu. Scores tor each
Vibrant Vision, Hand/Eye Hor- least the author shares my love section are kepi as you
mony, Peak Perception, Mind/ of alliteration) proceed.

SPIKEY till up by eating as much as he

can. In this game there are 57
by removing one ol your lives.
On the positive side there
will also (unction lor |oystick
HAROLD items, one Trom eoch of the
cave locations to be negoti-
are coins which will give you
extra lives if collected (you starl
Playing the game proved
that time and a multitude of
firebird ated. with 19 and you'll need them!), variations do not lessen the
£1.99 Yep, this is another Manic and wine glasses which makes addicliveness ol this style ot
Miner clone and the usual ple- Spikey drunk for that screen. program. 1 found it quite difficult
Spikey Harold, a superbly ani- thora ol creatures plus conker* The final problem in Spikey's to actually gel started bui once
mated hedgehog, has to pre- sulphur clouds, bouncing balls' way is the time limit ot 24 hours the Initial problems were solved
pare lor hibernation, and as Is ond periscopes float, bounce in which to eat the grub and then the desire lo go further was
usual tor hedgehogs, he must and zoom around to defeat you get back to his home cavern rather strong. In tact I rather
betore the Irost gets him. The suspert that Ihe only reason this
standard is as high as in any is priced in the budget bracket
gome ot this type, with large, is because of the unoriginalify
well animated characters, ot the theme
brighl colours with minimal Worth every penny tor new-
colour clashes, talr sound and comers and old hands alike
challenging screens that are
negotiable with perseverence
Options tor using Kempston
Joystick or the keyboard are
provided and because the
latter has a redelinable key
option, the AGFPROTEK protocol

My biggest gripe is that the

game taxes a long while to
play and there is no save/load
option that I could tlnd. Perhops

not a classic, but a worthwhile
addition to any games player's

11 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

WORDSEARCH program Is In BASIC (no dis-
advantage] 1 was able to

AND modify It easily to run on my

Centronics system. The only

thing missing is an option to
enter a wordseorch and word
AZED Software list and let the computer solve
if, perhaps AZED would like lo
work on it)
I have long been meaning to Challenge is a broln teaser
type in one of these programs of a program in which you play
from a magazine listing, but againsl a pre-programmed list
somehow I never got around to of words In the computer. This
It. AZED have saved me the was surprisingly Irritating and
trouble slightly addictive, although
There are two programs on there are a lot ol words which
this tope as the title implies: the machine does not know
Wordsearch is based on the (Bunting, Bingo, Newt), which
type ot puzzle beloved of many means that you can win without
and Challenge is based on matching those programmed,
"Target", a word puzzle and not merely draw
published in a well known daily The displays are well
thought out and the inputs are keys. Even the pilot's knees
Wordsearch provides the easy to use with plenty of clear move!
normal function ol a square of prompts. A fair bit of error trap- Master! ronlc The usual two screen modes,
jumbled letters in which some ping has been included and £2.99 an actual view and an aerial
words are hidden and you the only way I could crash it map are included and I sus-
have to find Ihem. There are was either very deliberately or Flight simulations tend to be a pect that the lack of ground
four options which act as diffi- by extreme stupidity. little boring to arcade addicts. detail In view mode Is the price
culty levels. An extra function, All in all a very reasonable OK. they need 50 fingers and an paid for the combat routines.
which I personally found useful, product which is a must for all alert mind and may be realistic Speed Is always a factor In
allows you to create your own cerebral linguists. but just Hying around aimlessly this kind ol program, and here
wordsearch from your own list of seems o bll pointless. Ihe program scores, scenery
words. Delta Wing attempts to over- (mostly horizon) is acceptably
These wordsearches can be come this by adding a combat smooth and enemy planes
printed on either a ZX type element to the action, you hove (wire frame) move very quickly
printer or an Epsom type via the to bomb the enemy bases the — blink and you'll miss them
ZX Interlace 1 RS232 As the number of which, one to six, you aport from the bullet holes
select al ihe start. Air to air which appear In your window.
combat is also featured and All joystick protocols are sup-
the enemy planes are out to ported and there is even a two
deslroy both you and your player option for two Interface
bases. 1 owners connected by the net.
Flying seems a little easier Simulation purists may not
than on some programs, but It like the combat routines and
certainly isn't simple The control arcade addicts may not like
panel at ihe bottom of the Ihe amount of simulation, but I
screen contains 14 Indicators loved it!
and guages and there are 14
control keys to master. Graphic-

M Mill
ally Ihe game is excellent, the
cockpit panel is crammed full
but is still readable, they even
found room to show your hand
on the joystick, moving up'
down) I eft/right as you press the %ftS£HIT2
TWISTER of the psychic bolt. In order to
kill Ihe Twister, you must have all
System 3 the sections of said bolt.
£7.50 Graphically, Twister is excel-
lent. All of the levels have been
1985 s PCW show wasn't terribly carefully designed and drawn,
memorable except for one and the feel of travelling into
Ihlng; the goings on at the the screen has been achieved
System 3 stand. To promote their with dramatic elfect.
"soon to be launched' game Each Dimension provides
Twister, they had a band ot different hazards, though they
semi-naked girls running all shore a similar objective You
around their stand with whips! must collect various symbols*
II actually took until the and when you have collected
middle of March for the game the right amount, the next
to be finished, nearly six screen scrolls on very neatly.
months! Was if worth the wait? How long your game lasts
In some ways, yes. and in others, depends on your ability to
no Sub-tilled Mother of Char- jump or move around, shoot
lotte Twister is, to quote the inlay, hundreds of Demons, and
'The blackest hearted dweller in watch out for which symbols
Hades'". and it is up to you to you need to collect. On the first
save the world from a (earful screen the symbols are the very original game, and It is game that will appeal to a
doom by killing her. various suits ol cards — spades, apparent that a lot of thought wide variety of Spectrum
To play Twister requires either hearts, diamonds, clubs — on has gone into the game It has gamers, from the diehard shoot-
some detl finger movements, or Ihe second screen you must a few details that remind me of em-up fan to an arcade/adven-
a joystick Interface preferably collect the seven letters that the original Tempest arcade turer with an Itchy trigger linger!
the latter. The object of the spell Twlsler, and so on. I can machine, but ihey are used In Recommended.
game is to complete various say thai t played for quite o such a diverse manner that this
'dimensions', by killing a certain while belore managing to get isn't very apparent.
amount of devils, and collect- much past the third screen! Priced at £7.50, Twister actu-
ing the correct symbols — As Spectrum games go, the ally represents relatively good
which are dotted around along sound was very good, and It value for money, especially In
the way. Each completed showed that a little imagination comparison to many games
Dimension gives you a section can go a long way. Twister is a retailing at £10. Twister Is a

12 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986


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Comms, Abacus and
the Turing Man are on
this month's book

T h e future leatures strongly this The paper which made him between history and the
month, both the years far ahead famous posed the question "how computer technology of our day
with the way that the computer far the exercise of logic (and perhaps the future) and
and man are going to integrate resembles a mechanical provides a bridge between the
and the immediate future with process". This provided computer gap
the process of computer scientists with what has become A quote on the back cover
communications, which is the concept of a Turing from Beryl Bainbridge says that
heavily used at present, but is machine. The definition ot a "the subject affects every one of
also definitely a land mark in Turing machine is, wait for it, "a us", and indeed it does. The
the time to come. hypothetical universal question however is that, without
The first book Is called computing machine able to seeming to be a Philistine, do
Turing's Man and before we modify its original Instructions by we really need to know?
actually begin to examine the reading, erasing or writing a
book. I shall first briefly Introduce new symbol on o moving tape Turing Man
to you Turing, who he was and of fixed length that acts as its
program". The book goes Into great detail
his concept ol the Turing of how the Turing Man should be
machine. The above quotes may give made up, in fact the author's
Alan Mathison Turing was an you an Idea of the sort of book general idea of the man that
English mathematician, born in this is. The book itself gives a Turing envisaged. But my own
1912 and died at the age of 42. great insight into the link idea formed from the book is
that Turing's Man is really not too
interested in the history of man,
although this lack of interest
Counting On QL appendix which covers the
version two amendments. The should be impressed upon him.
Abacus chapters are pretty clear from Perhaps I myself have gone too
J. W. Penfold their headings: What Is a far down the path of Turing's
man to be interested in the
Bernard Babani Books Spreadsheet?, First Practical
Example, Mathematics Cut Down history of the advancing age of
£2.50 To Size, Accounting Examples, the computer.
Technical Examples, Using We are all in some respects
The books published by this Printers and Import and Export, Turing's men, and the book
company are many and varied, The last being a brief clearly defines if you are one or
all small in size and low on explanation of how to use data are not. Turing's man very simply
price, and Mr. Penfold is their pet with the other Psion programs. is someone who agrees with the
QL writer having also produced There are a couple oT view that the computer Is giving
Into the QL Archive, An interesting practical examples, us a new definition of man. as
Introduction to Programming the eg. a credit card calculator and an "Information processor" and
Sinclair QL and An Introduction a monthly cash account, and of nature as "information to be
to QL Machine Code Plus each Is developed In a step by processed". A Turing man is also
sundry other works of note. step fashion with detailed one who thinks like a computer.
So the author knows his stufl, explanation all the way. One who In every day life thinks
but how does he communicate So how did my friend get on? in the way a computer thinks.
it In his book? Well first of all it is Well, he came back and The book is too vast even to
worth looking at who he has proudly showed me his present a precis of the text here
written It for, and a good masterpiece created on Abacus, and even then I am sure that I
Indication for things to come is he had found no problems would not do the book justice.
that he tells us without any getting to grips with the book The text goes far back into
delay in his preface. and was quite enthusiastic. Up ancient classical times, right up
"This book is designed to till now he hadn't bothered with to the current century, and
introduce the complete Abacus because he didn't see further, and shows the reader the
beginner to the use of any point to It In relation to his way the Greeks devised the
spreadsheets in general and own needs. Now he claimed he computer and the effect that this
Abacus on the QL In particular." had a few ideas on how he had upon our lives Stepping
Well. I may not be an expert, could make use of the program forward in time, the clock is
but neither can I be classed as and his first effort, which he was taken as the key machine of the
a complete beginner, so after stuffing under my nose for modern Industrial age. Time
reading the book I let a friend approval, was a printout of his keeping is a subject which the
who qualifies as a complete school timetable (he Is a author proposes ended up
beginner read II. teacher). Perhaps not the use controlling men. so is the
From my point of view it was envisaged by either the computer as we know if going to
very easy to read, demonstra- program authors or Mr. Penfold, end up controlling man? After
tions and examples were well but perfectly valid. reading the book. I thought yes,
chosen and helped to clarify If you have difficulty getting to although I am not too sure If the
the text. Added to this, the grips with the QL Abacus author shares my opinion.
straightfoward. factual approach manual then this is a superb This argument, and I do feel
did not make me feel that the introduction, though It you have that I would lose it if faced with
O author was talking down to me
The book consists of seven
already mastered the basics of
Abacus then the book may not
Doctor Bolter himself, is one of
many which the book creates. It
O chapters and a two page provide anything new. is very difficult though to
establish who the book is aimed

14 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

at. Wit! the prospective reader information. Well, think again. there is a chapter on local
be more interested in the The book has only 72 pages, networks. This provides options
Artificial Intelligence side of the and priced at £2.95 is a bit of a on creating Home-Spun
Turing idea rather than the let down. Even with the 72 networks, whereby computers
philosophical background? The pages, the author has managed can talk to each other. I felt that
book is ideally aimed at the to slip in approximately 14 not enough time was taken on
man in the middle, much like pages of diagrams, of which this chapter as this is most
the author himself, who is a man about only half are necessary. definitely something many
of history as well as a man of As is the fashion with all these readers would like to learn more
computers. communication books, the initial about. The Spectrum, alas, only
Due to its content, the book pages introduce the RS232 and features for a small amount of
will not be suitable for the the serial line. Modems are lime.
computer enthusiast whose main described in general, trying to The book does provide some
aim is to play computer games, suggest the best modem to handy technical information on
but for anyone who is bored with purchase for your computer connecting computers via the
the usual mundane front end of depending on your require- serial interface or parallel
the computer and requires to go ments. I think that it would be interface, and I would suggest
further into the computer, then much more useful if the author that this is the book's strongest
Ihls book provides the reader had perhaps suggested a few point.
with enough detail to leave him modems that the readers may Due to the range of the
thinking about the technical buy depending on their subject, it would have been far
age of computing, from the past computer rather than yet better if the book concentrated
right through to the future. another diagram of the RS232 on one aspect rather than
port connection. jumping between networking,
The author states that it can radio communications and
Comms be very useful for the modem to modems. There is much to learn
The next book is yet another on have an auto dial facility so that about these, and there is no
computer communications. It a great deal of time is not lost doubt that the author does know
used to be fashionable to repeatedly dialling the host his stuff, buf the book does not
produce a book on computer computer telephone number. do justice either to the author or
games, perhaps now it is Just as The author says that it 'seems to his chosen topics.
fashionable to bring out a book take half a dozen or so attempts
on computer communications. before most systems can be TURING'S MAN is written by Dr.
The somewhat lengthy title of the accessed'. Did he know that it is Jay David Boulter and published
book, An Introduction To BT regulations for a number to by Pelican Books at £3.95.
Computer Communications, be re-tried up to a maximum of
may conjure up images of a five times only? An Introduction To Computer
paperback book as big as the After the modem chapter Communications is written by R.
size ol a concise dictionary, (there are, incidentally, only A. Penfold and published by
jammed full of technical three chapters in the book). Bernard Babani at £2.95.


^ . X is always looking for top
quality games and utilities for /•UkW^gU^
publication. If you have a top ffl-mmi
notch game or a useful utility for
the Spectrum or QL why not
send it to us for appraisal on
cassette or microdrive complete
with a listing if possible.
There is also our new feature
Short Cuts to showcase your
practical, novel or imaginative
short routines with cash prizes for
published listings. For longer
programs we pay competitive
rates, and if you have an idea
for an article or series for ZX —
drop us a line or phone Bryan or
Cliff on 01-437 0626 to talk it over.

15 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

the game much of ils flavour. If
you can imagine a futuristic and
rather less cute version of Knight
Lore then that's what this looks
As with Knight Lore, you've got
a slightly overhead. 3-D
perspective view of the highway,
but instead ot enclosed rooms
you're given a short slretch of
the highway which travels from
the bottom left to top right of the
sccreen. On each side of the
highway is a lorce field which
drains the Vorton's energy
whenever you collide with It, as
does contact with the aliens.
Trying to control the Vorton
(which has a habit of going
wildly out of control if you're not
careful), and keep the Terratron
in tow al the same time as
dodging the obstacles and
zapping the aliens will keep you
pinned to your keyboard or
joystick for quite a while. This is
the sort of game that starts off
Vortex are back on the types of obstacles and aliens
that you'll have to deal with are slowly enough but then gets
hectic as everything starts to
road again with a also much the same. For those
who are unfamiliar with Highway gang up on you.
robotic jaywalk into Encounter, the Vorton is a small
Dalek-like robot which glides
One feature that I wasn't too
keen on is that you only have
alien territory along the highway pushing the
Terrafron along in front of it. The
the one life to play with. The
Vorton has a limited amount of
Terratron is a little pyramid energy and when this is drained
shaped object which is your the game ends. It Is possible to
Alien Highway
Vortex Software

lien Highway is Vortex's follow

up to their earlier hit. Highway
Encounter and continues the
saga ot Earth versus the Aliens
with you as the hero of the hour
in control of the Vorton robot.
In Highway Encounter the
Aliens were attacking Earth, but
this time around their attack has
been thwarted and the Vorfon is
retaliating by preparing to strike
deep into the Alien's own empire
where a final attack on their
industrial Complex should put
paid to their hash once and for secret weapon and which will recharge at points along the
all. burst into action when you reach highway, as there are
As is the way with sequels this your final destination. The hard energization stations at which
one looks remarkably similar to part is getting the Terralron all you build up the Terratron's own
Ihe original. The highway along the way along the highway. energy levels, but if you get
which you have to travel with Controlling the Vorton is caught in a sticky corner of the
the Vorton looks just like the one relatively simple, just highway all your energy can be
in the earlier game, and the ^accelerate/decelerate. rotate drained in one or two seconds.
left/right and fire (though I wasn't This means that you con get
ail that keen on the choice of a long way into the game only
keyboard controls which aren't to see all your effort wasted by
redefinable). As long as you're in one wrong move, so I think a
line with the Terratron it will couple of extra lives would have
trundle along in front of you, but helped improve the game's
as soon as you start to dodge addictiveness. Other than that,
around in order to avoid the the only criticism ol the game
aliens and other obstacles that I can think of is that it is so
you're almost certain to lose similar to its predecessor. If
control of it which means that you've got Highway Encounter
ot having successful navigated
down a dangerous stretch of
then you mighl be reluctant to
shell out more money for a
highway, the chances are that game that is so similar, but if
O you'll just have to go back to you haven't played the earlier
111 pick up the Terratron again. game then Alien Highway is a
a. The graphics are drawn in a classy and challenging shoot
CO quite distinctive style that lends 'em up.

16 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

£ % c 9

A D V G H T U R<= C R G A T O R
The amazing, combined text and graphics adventure generator enables r~i: 7 T" ~~ ^ T T t T T r T - I
you to produce fast, compact adventure games with the minimum of effort and ! ^er^E GRAWIC^V^ITURE
the maximum of creativity. Stunning graphics can be created quickly and easily
with the powerful picture generator that has many features including:- dot, " " "
• Cassette £22.95
circle, elastic line, ellipse, fast fill, shading, step by step review, easy editing and
the ability to merge pictures. I enclose Cheque/PO for £
The comprehensive, intelligent command interpreter can handle complex or please debit my Credit Card
sentences and multiple input commands. There is also an extensive text com-
pression facility that allows you to produce far more detailed and numerous
location descriptions. Plus a full function editor, automatic word formatting, a Name-
logical command interpreter and an abbreviated input acceptance facility. Address.
So unleash the power of your imagination now w i t h The Graphic
Adventure Creator, for your Spectrum computer. Available from all leading
retailers or direct from Incentive on 0734 591678. I
INCENTIVE SOFTWARE LTD. 54 London Street Reading RG14SQ. I 1
LU Addictive games may seem to have
been lying doggo since their
heyday and the success of
Football Manager, but they're back
and living up to their name with
their latest release, Kirel. Kirel Addictive Games £7.95

his Isn't an easy game to when collected, allow Kirel to or to change your tactics in an
describe — to say that it build bridges across sections of attempt to get onto the next
combines elements of Knight the maze, cake and sweets screen. The time limit and the
Lore and Pacman makes it which boost his energy and monsters add an element of
sound derivative and doesn't allow him to kill the jelly arcade action to the game, but
really do it lustice. Kirel is the monsters. this Is nicely balanced by the
name of a blob-like character So far It might not sound like strategy and quick thinking
with bulgy eyes and a silly grin, anything particularly exciting needed to plan ahead and
who finds himself on a board but there Is one more element rebuild the maze structure as
upon which layers of blocks are that makes the game you go along.
arranged in complex three wonderfully addictive When he's In a game like this the quality
dimensional maze structures. wandering around the maze. ot the graphics and animation
The board is eight blocks Kirel can only jump up or down are less Important than in most
wide by eight deep and the one block at a time but many of arcade games, but Kirel Is none-
blocks can be piled up in layers the objects he'll have to reach theless well designed and
half a dozen high. This means are tucked away on top of high animated. All the graphics are
that there's enormous scope for
creating structures with the
blocks and the game contains a
E lles of blocks or down at the
ottom of pits surrounded by
large and clearly drawn despite
the amoung of stuff that Is
cluttering up the screen. And
total of 70 screens. there are some nice touches,
In addition to the obstacles such as the ability to alter the
created by these blocks each viewpoint so that you can see in
screen contains a number of
objects that have to be
collected within a time limit In
order to move on to the next
uNSTIil! and around the maze, which
show that the programmers have
paid a lot of attention to detail.
I don't have any real
screen. If you don't finish the
screens in time there is a lit fuse
i l l l : criticisms of Kirel, though I do
think it would have been nice to
under the board that burns see user-definable keyboard
down and blows the whole thing controls, and some of the purple
u p Also slithering about the screens are a bit rough on the
boards are strange jelly-like blocks which makes them eyeballs. The time limit on the
creatures that can drain Kirel's Inaccessible. So, in order to be screens Is a bit short too, though
energy level if he comes Into able to get to all these objects there is a practice mode In
contact with them. Kirel can pick up and drop one which you can have all the time
To complete each screen you block at a time and build his you want.
have to guide Kirel to the lit own stairways and ledges and. I have to admit that I wasn't
bombs hidden in various corners In effect, rebuild the maze to suit expecting Kirel to be anything
of the maze. These are himself. This leads to some special when I first loaded It up
sometimes hidden beneath frantic scenes as you rush — after all. If does use elements
layers of blocks which means around the screen moving from some quite old games and
that even with the 'reveal' blocks and trying to get to the there's nothing particularly state-
function that pauses the game bombs before the time limit runs of-the-art' about the game — but
and give you an x-ray view of out. It really does manage to mix all
the maze you've still got to This Is one of those games these old ingredients and come
puzzle pretty hard over how to where you can almost see what up with a brand new recipe
reach the bombs. Also you need to do but can't quite that's highly addictive and
positioned within the maze are get it done in time, so you keep deserves to rival the success of
transporter pads, arrows which, on trying to beat the speed limit Football Manager.

18 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986





. ^ x «y
.it \ i \i
r-l '• \ * \ \

o ^

0 O ^ ^

M O N T H :
( U E L L
"1 T" T H E

!•: h e r o !

19 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

A new musical keyboard exploits the potential of the 128's
enhanced sound capabilities. Toni Baker tinkles the ivories.

" • " h i s is a system comprising a The software I was supplied the MIC socket normally used for
musical piano-style keyboard with gave a menu on screen saving programs to cassette. The
and software to go with it, and allowing a choice of eight sound quality thus produced is
an optional amplifier/speaker. different instruments. They were excellent, and I must say lhat
The keyboard measures about Piano. Strings. Organ, Popcorn, even without the amp the sound
56cm across and has 37 keys Evolulion, Siren. Synth and produced from the TV speaker
covering three octaves. The (eel Hawaiian. The blurb in the HCCS isn't bad either.
ol the keys is very good, and manual says that sixteen voices The system makes use of the
they react well to the touch. are available for a disc drive Spectrum's in-built sound chip,
To operate the system is very version (and if so I don't see why and is thus capable of playing
easy. The keyboard connects lo those same sixteen voices up to three notes at once, which
the Spectrum via a ribbon cable should not be available for a means thai chords may be
which plugs into an interlace, microdrive version, but perhaps played. If more than three keys
which in turn plugs into the they will be). The sound is are pressed then only the three
edge connector at the back of reproduced through the higher of the notes will be
the Spectrum. You must have a television speaker, and also played — a system which seems
Spectrum 128. The system won't through the (optional) to work very well.
work on a 48K machine. Then Echosound Speaker/Amplifier. As for the sounds themselves
you just plug the Spectrum in. The best sound is obtained by — well some are good and
select "128 BASIC" from the main turning the TV sound right down some are bad. The piano sound
menu, and LOAD the software. and just using the amp, which is is good, but the keys are not
The version I was supplied with connected to the Spectrum via pressure sensitive, which means
was on cassette, but i had no
trouble whatsoever in adapting
the program to a microdrive
version, since all of the LOAD
and SAVE commands were in
BASIC - just change LOAD to
LOAD * "M il; in line 100. and
SAVE to auto-run from line 10.

OUT THE ECHO 20 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Attack Amplitude (AA) 010

Sustain Amplitude (SA) 000
Attack Time (AT) 001
Decay Time (DT) 031
Release Time (RT) 005

thai if you hit a note vigorously it the main menu. You can now re- having to line the cassette up
sounds exactly the same as name the instrument on the before loading in data, and is
pressing the nole gently. This menu by just pressing the much faster.
means that you can't really use alphabetic keys (eg FLUTE) The main display also allows
it as a piano. The strings sound is followed by " e n t e r , but note you to change octave by
in lact a violin sound, although that only capital letters will be pressing the left and right keys.
you can easily alter it (as you accepted. If the program was You can go from - 2 to +2 in
can all of the sounds). The organ loaded with '^caps lock" on steps of one octave. You can
sound is exceptionally good. then all letters will come out as also change the pitch by
Popcorn is a short blippy sound capitals, otherwise the letters will pressing Ihe up and down keys.
like thai on the single of the be ignored unless "caps shift" is Here you can go from - 9 6 to
same name which hit the charts used. You can now play your +96 and each step represents a
a few years back. Evolution is new instrument. quarter ol a semi-tone. By
one ol those weird sounds which playing with these controls whilst
starts off silent and then slowly playing a note you can get

builds up. which makes it ideal some good warble effects
tor playing slow spacey music
M l 1111D HCCS say there should be

on. Siren is even weirder — if you more soltware for the keyboard
hold one key down and keep it in future. We are promised a
pressed it sounds rather like a
police siren (one of those
American ones), but the music
WlH record and playback facility,
and a repeat facility which
could provide a backing track. I
you can get out of it is quite haven't seen these options, but
unbelievable. The synlh sound is Instead of having to recreate then my package came without
very nice; it's both beautiful and new sounds every time you an instruction book, so maybe
melodic. Finally we have the switch the thing on. you can I've just missed them.
Hawaiian guitar sound, which is load and save sounds very The keyboard and software is
equally as nice. easily. Pressing the semi-colon incredibly cheap for what it is al
All of the sounds are key produces the message "SAVE fifty quid (£49 95). The Speaker/
adaptable. Select the sound you filename" at the bottom of the Amplifier is forty quid (£39.95) but
wish to adapt and press the screen. You can escape from it you've got one of these
space bar. You will then be this by entering Ihe empty string, hi-fi stereo tellys you probably
greeted with a screen like that otherwise you must input a won't need it, Actually it's
of ligure one. Now the up and filename. All of your sounds will possible to take the sound from
down keys may be used to be saved wilh this filename. the Spectrum's MIC socket into
select the aspect you wish to Similarly, by pressing Ihe quoles any hi-fi amplifier, so it you've
change, while the left and right key you get "LOAD filename" already got one you don't need
keys will change the actual and are able to retrieve HCCS's. In any case the amp is
values, I found that selecting previously saved sounds The good, although I would question
values 10/10/4/4/4 from the software supplied loads and its value for money, since it puts
"piano" sound actually turn it saves to and Irom cassette, up the cost ot the keyboard
Into quite a nice flute sound. however by changing lines 220 system by nearly 80%. The
When you've designed your and 320 I was able to instead keyboard, though, is certainly
sound you press the space bar use the microdrive. This well worth buying and is
once more, which returns you to eliminates the problem of exceptional value for money.

21 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

0 U NO
ZX waxes musical with a survey of software packages for the Spectrum
Music Typewriter
Romantic Robot
(With Supplement £9.95)
This is my all time tavourlte
music program for Ihe ordinary
Spectrum. It Is probably Ihe most
complex to use yet has the
easiest system of note entry that I
have seen. This company were
using Icons before icons were
the "in" system! A keyboard
overlay for the rubber key
Spectrum overlay and user
manual, eight, small print pages
of concise and well written
intruclions are included.
Constant access to three
program pages, each with their
own help options, is provided
while the program is operating.
All the control options and
variations on lempo and key another story... Since the early programs is that you could not
signatures are included plus version, which I had, they have use the end product in your own
notes which range over six produced an even more programs and games. The extra
octaves. sophisticated program with the supplement provides a program
On screen graphics are supplement program. This to take files created by the
superb! Of course the end result provides a superb printout via a typewriter program and convert
is still monophonic and lacks dot matrix machine through a them to stand alone machine
expression giving tunes Ihe variety of interfaces. Most Epson code music. (i.e. tunes play
bland Spectrum music sound. style printers operate well, without the main program to
However if was to Romantic except my CP80! which loses a play them).
Robot that Micro Musical came couple of notes af the end. A After over a year this is still the
when they wanted software conversion program tor M/drive is best program around in my
written for their Midi Keyboard also provided. My biggest moan opinion.! can't wait to see what
and Interface — but that's about this, and many similar they produce for the 128.

One aspect which takes a

little getting used to is thai any
incidental sharps and flats, and
indeed the note lengths
themselves must be selected
before the note pitch is entered.
However a 'delele last note'
option is supplied.
The program Is filled with
prompts and I found it
reasonably easy to get to grips
with it, but the note lengths are
displayed by their names and It
i'liM is confusing unless you are
familiar with such terminology.
P ftp r4i n
ri t3. r F LH
> _ i— n o t«, « Save, load and, of course,
.j ,, , .. t
leasf the rudiments of musical play options are Included. Most
notation. important is the Amend option
There are two modes of and this makes life less stressful If
Musicmaster operation, keyboard or stave creating your own masterpieces.
Sinclair and these dictate the method of The Spectrum cannot put any
£9.95 note entry. expression Into its music and all
The keyboard provides notes songs tend to sound a little
from middle C up ten tones to E monotonous, however playback
Written by Incognito Software this and a keyboard overlay is is fast enough and smooth
is a good all round package. I provided, which is only of any enough to be satisfying to listen
have been using it on and off for real use on an early rubber key (a
the last year or so and it did not model Spectrum. Notes are In itself this is a great program
take long to master. played by pressing computer for those who have a little
At first I found the keys which represent a piano experience and want a program
accompanying booklet, all four keyboard. In stave mode notes to experiment and play with A
and a half pages, leaves a lot to are entered by pressing a-g and pity that there is no option to
be desired in the field of clarity. A-G giving two octaves playing save songs and include them in
You are also assumed to know at range. your own programs/games.

22 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Wham! (The Music Box) available in their program.
Melbourne House It is quirky to use. editing is
easy though, and this is an
£7.95 -j—j-
important factor, with patience
The program stands up on its and time you can produce the
own without the Wham! tie up best music/effects possible on
and I have heard music 4 4 : the 48K Spectrum.
2 ii-i-Wrf
produced on this used in several I enjoy using it, though
games, mostly MH's. dedicated musicians may find
The most striking thing about its limitations and unusual
this program is that by clever features off putting. For instance
programming your ears are ..J all the notes are entered as semi
fooled Into hearing two channel quavers and longer notes are
sound. Several songs by the duo made up of repeating as many
have been included as demos musical note cannot be played as are required. This means fast
and pretly Impressive they at the same time. This means a single note trills are nearly
sound. fair bit of ingenuity is needed to impossible to do.
Of course now the 128 is here use the percussion effectively. Although even a little
the program is a bit outdated The "Whampiler" is a great expression is feasible using the
due to Ihe AY sound chip now boon, lurning a novelty program percussion, the end result is still
being used (see next review). into a useful utility. This allows rather robotic.
Once you've loaded the you to save your lune in a form Screen display is varied, at
program a menu appears which you can use in your own times clear and simple and at
giving options to Load tune. games. times rather cluttered. The user is
Save tune. Hear tune, Whampiler, Note entry is a bit awkward, well prompted but sometimes
Sel tempo. Edit or Help. The and needs getting used to. This careful scrutiny of the screen is
instruction insert is a strange is not really a program for the needed to find the info you
mixture of brevity and step by musical novice, although such a want.
step details. Bits ot it were slightly person could use it successfully, All in a very useful and
confusing. but more a utility for musical interesting program, especially if
Drum effects can be used, but computerists or games writers you have an external amplbeep
these use both channels so a who want the best sounds booster attached.

The Music Box (48/128K)

Melbourne House
The Music Box from Melbourne
House brings advanced music
programming wilhin the reach
of anyone with a Speclrum 48K
or 128K. even if they have very
little knowledge of music. Apart
from being a flexible music
creator, it is also a programming
aid because any composition
can be compiled and saved for
later use in your own programs.
There are two versions of the
program on the cassette. The
second version allows access to allows ihe entering of quavers
the special facilities of the 128 but this is merely an arbitrary Although all compositions are
such as envelope shaping and concession to traditional depicted in the key of C major,
RAM disk access. musical notation. If longer notes this does nol limit the range of
The 48K version allows access are required it is possible to tunes which can be played. The
to two voices, each spanning repeat a series of quavers set to inclusion of semitones (the black
four octaves. The lower two rows the some pitch which will then keys) on the keyboard means
of the keyboard are defined as be played as a continuous note. that this restriction only limits the
a single octave musical Shorter notes can be set by way in which the tunes are
keyboard for entering the noles. altering Ihe tempo of the tune displayed on the stave.
With a range of four semitones and extending the length of The Music Box has been
over the octave, the span is so longer notes accordingly. designed to be as user friendly
wide that you can write some One of three percussion as possible and it certainly
tunes without ever having to
change your octave setting. The
effects can be selected from the
three set effects or these can be
achieves its aims. The main
problem for the musical novice o
upper keys allow access to the will be deciding the relative
reshaped to suit your own CO
special functions and voice or requirements. These sounds use length of each note but this skill |
octave selection. both voices so notes and will come with practice. The
Selecting the Edit function percussion cannot be sounded main advantage of this program
from the menu screen reveals at Ihe same time is the compiler which allows the
the main music making screen. The 128 version is much more tune to be played constantly
A piano keyboard is depicted at versatile. Envelopes can be over a menu screen or note by
Ihe bottom of the picture under reshaped several times during a note if you want to integrate it
with an action screen.
the array of windows which
display the current status of the
tune, notes can be bent and
there is access to three voices. This program should appeal at
chosen voice. Above this is an One of the voices may be to both the budding Beethovens
extended musical stave on
which the notes appear as they
reserved for the wider range of
nine redefinable percussion
oul there or the games writer
who wants to add the extra
are played. The stave scrolls sounds, but notes can still be ingredient of music to give the
from right to left as each note is added here and there if the final polish to their gleaming a.
entered. The program only composition demands it. creation. CO

23 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

and the program being
examined. The monitors main
screen is divided into tour
windows: top left — disassembly
listings or the memory map; top
right — the current state of flags,
interrupts, and registers and Ihe
top nine items on the stack;
cenlre screen — the contents ol
the address In the memory
pointer and program counter,
and the contents, in hex and
ASCII, of 64 addresses, with the
Carol Brooksbank looks at the latest to Ocean's one in the memory pointer near
IQ range of utilities the middle with a cursor; bottom
screen — commands and
Laser Genius specific; for example "Space
required" above the line you are
Disassembly, which can also
be to the whole screen, can be
( 4 8 / 1 2 8 K ) trying to enter, and a cursor at saved with absolute addresses
the spot where the space Is for calls and Jumps, or with
Ocean IQ needed. String search, find and
replace are available, and
labels generated allowing the
code to be relocated.
£ 1 4 . 9 5 sections ot the listing can be
The debugging and testing
copied, moved or deleted.
facilities are excellent. You can
The label lable can be saved
T h i s addition to Ocean's IQ single step through the code,
separately and merged into
series is an Editor/Assembler and with Ihe register and stack
later modules of a long
Monilor/Analyser. Despite the display updated after ever step.
program, avoiding the need to
slightly alarming handbook, (a Instructions may be skipped and
assemble existing modules just
quarter-inch thick) the program subroutines called may run at
to get the labels into memory.
is very easy to use — flexible normal speed or single step.
You can discard any which are
and user-friendly Wherever Slow running is available, with
only used Inside a subroutine
possible the user is given subroutines at normal or slow
and just carry forward the entry
choices. For instance, the speed, with four types of
point labels.
assembler accepts decimal, Information update. Eighteen
Assembly is to screen, tape, types ot breakpoint are offered,
hex, binary or octal input. Each microdrive, disk or printer.
Instruction can have a line ranging from the ordinary one
Conditional assembly is returning control to the monitor,
number or you can assign one available, so that if your
number to groups ot instructions. to ones which continue in slow
Disassembly can be in decimal mode or resume normal speed
or hex. Labels can be any execution.
length you like up to 240
characters, and you probably I $ t'wiJ- if WJ Genius
know how impossible it becomes : . - j.iH i.
VrtU,»,•; Ji . . :rt. -r t . Ot- This is a very versatile test and
to use labels that convey AWi debugging program and Ihe
• SFii: i: .. . .oo?

anything at all after a while if t :»*-. .£ - -" iWY . whole package is most
n; if . -rMF
the assembler limits you to six t.»:*£•
*<. £ Impressive. The one area where I
characters. Attention to this sort W t'l feel Improvements could be
of detail makes the user feel jK-O :» " l ••! i*; £ -rp v« • K i t . J . made is printer interfacing,
very comfortable with this •L .. „.'- •• £.
:• Li .< .l- . - because Kempston 'E' is the only
program. .: .. :; --t one guaranteed to work with it.
•jf": ."E i,t "V -i. CI1 .1 :fc .n. .H4.ii
.F -,; .. ft tt r It seems a pity that such a
- o; If Ft ii .i» V It?
versatile program in every other
Editor/assembler direction should not support a
There are two tapes. The first, the wide range of interfaces.
Editor/Assembler, has all the This apart. Laser Genius is a
features you would expect and Screen dump ot monitor 'window screen' first-class package, straight-
numerous extra ones. Macro during disassembly. forward enough for the beginner
labelling allows procedure and versatile enough for the
definition in the listing. A special program needed, say, to drive a expert. The price amazes me.
set of commands constitute a printer interface, you could write The program I have been using
high level language — Phoenix subroutines to drive different until now cost me over £22 and
— which is really intended for ones, set the conditional facility has half the facilities this one
testing algorithms, but they can to assemble just one and ignore offers for £14.95. Clearly,
be mixed freely with assembly the others, and produce several excellence is the hallmark of the
language, so there Is no need to versions of the program from one IQ series.
convert a tested routine. A listing. The code produced by
calculator, accessible from the the assembler is in a special r-Tfif ~ :Tiv
editor, accepts input in all four form, so there is a conversion L'£R. :«!'
:T.F;. i . ; .
arithmetic conventions, and will program to translate it to normal . cf.. L • i'-
i'EFU i B M r

output in whichever base is code. Either form of code, or the 30 !N!T .-£T , vr.. :. , . i i ' .vT. f « U
specified, and in unsigned or source text, can be saved to 40 tj-J Chi. i ; . : l. iAJ* ji
two's complement arithmetic. tape, microdrive or disk. L '-':'.* * 1 0.':H
The editor takes care of ««•
Of r-6
tabulation, and you can mix ::op ft
upper and lower case freely. Monitor/analyser JO • p-i.'iis ,:r • i 1 '
Opcodes are converted to The MonitorfAnalyser on the LFMWii'i A OL.-:
... h.EOH
upper case, but labels and second tape is just as powerful. IIJ « Oft"!-
notes remain as you entered Versions residing high or low in :•< h 'ifiH
them. LOOP, Loop, and loop memory are offered, and either HZ
being recognized as different can be relocated so that there is Assembler screen dump showing text
labels. Error messages are very no clash between the monitor Just as you type ft In.

24 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

but the second preserves your you choose a texture, it is filled
Cadmaster Light Pen current artwork. You then select first in solid colour and there is
Trojan Products the drawing mode; freehand, then a pause long enough to
circle, box, line, triangle, or ray, make you think you chose the
£14.95 and you will go straight to the wrong option before the texture
drawing screen. appears.
• f you always Ihought of a light Freehand drawing is where a There is a Copy option, which
pen as being attached to its light pen scores over most offers a choice of small (which
own interface which plugs into software graphics packages, turns out to be the same size as
the peripheral port, this one will because you have control over the original), large. 2x height
be a surprise. The twin wires from the speed. With the Trojan you and 2x width. You place a box
the pen separate at the end. place the pen over the spot round the area to be copied,
One has a miniature jack plug where you want to start and select the size and mark the
attached, and the other a press '1' or 'space'. The key must bottom left hand corner of the
connector plug for a PP3 battery. be held down while you draw so new position. Again, the position
You load the software supplied, your compuler must be quite is shown and the arrow keys can
remove the ear' plug from the close to the screen. I found that be used to adjust. This option is
Spectrum and plug the pen in you need to work fairly slowly or especially useful for varying the
there. The battery simply hangs you run ahead of the cursor and appearance of text, because
around on the end of the wire it is almost impossible to return the text option only offers the
as you work. To be honest, it the pen to the exact spot to standard Spectrum typeface.
looks a bit Heath Robinson, and continue a line once you have If you need to erase, the E key
I have to put a question mark will remove the last line or
over the arrangement's reliability. shape drawn. The erase option

Ml <\ I I I I D
The model we had to test started will take out everything drawn
working intermittently after a

during the last option chosen,
couple of hours, but you could and the window option allows
get it going again by pressing

you to clear a selected portion
the connector to the battery or of Ihe screen, or you can clear
jiggling the wire. the whole screen. Your artwork
Perhaps it was just a poor can be saved and loaded on
connection on this particular tape or Microdrive, and the pen
instrument and not a symptom of software can also be transferred
an arrangement which puts too broken it. The geometric options,
box, triangle etc. are easier to to Microdrive. I suspect that the
much strain on a not very strong BASIC can be altered to use the
connector. I hope so. because in position exactly. You place the
pen where you want the start of pen with Wafadrive, and the
other respects this is a very good handbook also gives a sample
light pen. a line, the first corner of a shape
or the centre of a circle to be, program to allow you to
press the key, and a one pixel incorporate the pen operation
The software cursor appears. Its position is into your own programs.
given at the bottom of the You would not expect a light
When the software loads, the screen in x,y co-ordinates and pen to be as sophisticated as
menu appears and a light touch line and column numbers, and the software graphics packages
of Ihe pen on the box alongside you can use the arrow keys to available, but although its
an option selects the one you move it. This can be repeated options are limited, it is more
want. There are three Ihicknesses with the circle circumference or accurate than I expected it to
of normal pen and two of italic, the other corners of a shape so be. The ability to position lines
plus a dotted line and an you can position it exactly. and shapes with pixel precision
airbrush. You select the ink is certainly useful. If you want to
colour direct from the main be Ihe Rembrandt of the small
menu, but to select paper screen you would probably use
colour, you touch the pen Options it to add the freehand drawing
alongside the colour, and then and stick to a graphics program
select the 'New' option which The Fill option Is efficient, but for textures, colours and detailed
gives a choice of clearing the very slow, almost like a BASIC fill. work. But if you want basic
screen or returning. Either option You have seven textures and drawing and colour facilities
takes you back to the main solid colour to choose from and then this could be for you, and,
menu to choose the ink colour, the current ink colour Is used. If above all, it is fun to use.

e m
Carol Brooksbank puts
pen to screen with the
Trojan Light Pen.

25 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

h o u r

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17 (Commodore User Magazine)
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IN E U R O P E !
140 High St. West, Glossop, Derbyshire, England
Telephone: Glossop (STD 04574) 66555/6776
©copyright Vldeovault Ltd. No.140586
ZX takes an exclusive fuss. I set the printer up in less
than ten minutes and such
In use
To start with, several operations
first look at Citizen's details as being fitted with a
standard mains plug helped a are accessable from the front
panel, these are pica, NLQ (or
new printer — the lot.
correspondence quality as they
So, we were off to a great
insist on calling it), italic,
LSP10. start.
emphasized, reduced and the
Tech Specs beep disabled/enabled
function. The positioning of these
LSP-10 Printer So that you can compare Its features Is ideal it like most
Citizen features with those of other people you position your printer
printers I will give you the
£266 technical specifications at this
slightly higher than your
stage (CPS = Characters Per
Accessing these functions Is
First Impressions Second, NLQ = Near Letter
Quality). 120 CPS in draft mode
done by putting the printer on
line (the only instruction omitted
T h e LSP-10 is a medium sized and 25 CPS In NLQ.
in the manual that I could find!)
machine in an off white/cream Bidirectional print In text and then holding the FF button
finish which gives it a classy, mode, undirectional in graphics. and pressing the on line button.
professional appearance. A Dot Matrix printer. 9x9 dot Each subsequent press of the on
control panel Is set at the front character form, but 8x9 In line button steps through the
on the right and LEDs indicate practice Print density is 60, 120 modes. Once selected you exit
power, paper out and ready, or 240 dots per Inch in graphics this operation by pressing FF
following Ihis are the three mode (producing 480, 960 and and then LF.
control buttons and they are 1920 columns per line with
clearly labelled on line, LF, corresponding densities in IBM Yes, I thought this sounded
FF/auto sheet load. mode). The LSP-10 is Epson and confusing when I read it. but In
IBM compatible. practice it was pleasingly simple
In a separate section In the and easy to master, a lot better
box is the Tractor Feed unit Centronics Is fitted as than the usual rigmarole of
which can be attached if you standard and RS232 is available sending 57 varieties of control
want to use continuous paper, as an option. There are user codes. Of course you can
the manual and the printer defined graphics plus built in always change fonts that way if
ribbon. Epson and IBM graphics set as you want to be awkward!
I am a great advocate of well as 11 International
character sets. All the normal ESC + codes
reading manuals, some can be are supported and these can be
so literally translated as to be All the usual print modes are sent as per the usual system to
incomprehensible, but are good provided, pica, elite, access the other operational
for a laugh. Others, such as the proportional, compressed, modes.
old Epson ones were so emphasized, doublestrike.
technically detailed that you expanded, italics, underlining, I used it with Tasword 2. the
needed to be an expert to reverse (inverse), superscript, ZXLprint 3 Centronics Interface
understand them. subscript and an unusual option and the Kempston E Centronics
of overscoring. interface and it worked perfectly,
The LSP-10, as I suspected from first time.
reading the 120D manual, is As you can see the LSP-10 I tried it with graphics utilities
written with a non computer provides all the features of other such as Tasprlnt and Cap
specialist in mind. It is well printers of its type and a few Software's Designer and it
written and not a rough extra as well. The next step, and worked away happily.
translation, clearly set out with possibly the most important. Is
the intention of getting the user how easy is it to use these When plugged into the
operating it with the minimum of features. Technology Research Ltd
Centronics Interface and the QL
it operated perfectly with the
Quill and produced superb
Citizen LSP-10 Competition prints from Graphiql screens.
I think the life expectancy is
Final comments
• 10,000,000 characters
The NLQ. oh all right, CQ mode
produces print of a very high
• 50,000,000 characters quality and even draft mode is
more than acceptable in
• 100.000,000 characters quality. There is a 4K buffer built
in which, though not capable of
How large is the LSPIO's buffer? holding more than a single
page, can be very useful when
• 2K • 4K writing several short letters or
• 3K pages.
The noise level is acceptable
What Is the LSPIO's print speed in NLQ mode? and speed was very fast, even at
25 CPS in NLQ It is not too slow.
• 5 CPS • 25 CPS • 250 CPS I have known some printers
where to change the settings on
Name. the DIP switches (used to set the
power up stage — ie. IBM/EPSON
Address. slashed/non slashed zero etc)

you have to dismantle the
printer and use a special device

O I available only at a certain shop

situated 500 miles away.
I Send this coupon to Citizen LSP-10 Competition, ZX Computing
OL But. this printer uses the
< Monthly. No 1 Golden Square, London W1R 3AB Entries to arrive by
, August 8th 1986.
Centronics/RS232 interface card
which simply plugs Into the RH
side of the printer. Why don't all

28 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

4 M # wj
v r o • n«»'
> tw d
• •»
I »«'
•it' >&
' wr i|i»i • tft )e>
Ht; nil' i tk* W
a*titM>ali- u*' • mv w
wMlk. t«i* « n * r"' I »«• «
«i:> NI» w •>» an c* I * |l»| .<-11 •

tf' MK il U<H 4C» 6I> ifrji bi» <f» I

urn #> i 'I# «•
<lil' «» "Hd «Hi* mil # «ii(; .^ ^
t!ui nK1 >-# 41** *» * M 4» ji •« * OP. or i i «r
ti:> 4* un« 4i)<«* IHi' M« i
«iii «• m «f «* Ktt » j l i «* i i «- *
Ml W 4«| I* »!lil w i *> ttl> » i i td<
tfci * KM «lii•# CUM HtP «K»»(| (A 4* * l I UK *> IMtl
W * i:ll» <K>Ox
«!'< Hii Oft!» W vc |ps» -td. « «'i >
«ll< * * M> * (ill «> F ' f JM? !i'» Hit tb * i > * trf- to enter competition. Among the
tffc D *»
t> * i ""•irnT rfilsiiiJ ]kW W * « •* • WH LSP-10's specifications is the
KM •<<! »|i» i * dl;' EI «* «>. ' ' l*'
14. Kliil >!» m » * number of characters the LSP-10's
1* «<
4U." liW <HHIfr W> t i tf* iHUi «<•»«< i printhead can print during its
fi •• f 1iC Y 'It >:l Hi l* t r » M» W a a 1 Mi > i t tt a Mm 1 LLiii. working life, plus various other
details. What you have to do is
manufacturers design things so fact I cannot see anyone buying find the relevant details and tick
simply and logically! ihe older machine. Save up, the appropriate boxes on the
borrow or beg the extra cash coupon.
Overall and get this one, you'll probably The competition is open to all
I can only assume that this never buy another. ZX readers except employees of
printer Is Intended as an Argus Specialist Publications,
alternative to the 120D, it is Competition Alabaster Passmore and Sons
similar yet has subtle differences ZX readers have the chance to and Citizen. Closing date for the
that makes spending the extra win the LSP-10 printer In our easy competition is August 8th 1986.
few pounds very worthwhile. In


29 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Stonechip keyboard keyboard and my Wafadrive will keys. E-mode+symbol shift
work happily together, and have characters are on the front of the
Stonechip Electronics learnt — the hard way — to save keys in blue. This makes the
£69 everything on tape before trying keyboard very easy to use for
to print or to save on wafer, in programming or word
he Stonechip Keyboard, an case the connector has processing, but after a year's use
upda)e for the rubber-key wobbled and using the Wafa- the printing has completely
versions, has the great drive causes a crash. Without rubbed off the most used keys.
advantage ot being very easy to the keyboard, the Wafadrive There is a load/beep/save switch,,
install. The Spectrum case does behaves normally. which eliminates plug pulling
not even have to be opened. The keyboard layout is very while saving, and a built-in
The complete machine Is simitar to the rubber-key beep amplifier with high,
Installed inside the Stonechip Spectrum, the only extra keys medium and low settings, which
case and connected via the being delete, E-mode, space greatly improves the Spectrum's
peripheral port edge connector, bar, and two keys which must be usual squeak.
so the Spectrum guarantee Is pressed simultaneously for a The keyboard originally cost
not invalidated. There Is another system reset. Although it lacks a £69, though since Stonechip
port on the Stonechip. so caps lock key or second shift folded it has been possible to
peripherals can still be keys the action has an authentic pick them up for less than half
attached, but ft tends to be a typewriter feel, and quite fast that, but unless you particularly
rather unstable connection, typing speeds can be managed want a save/load switch and
giving rise to crashes which are on the Stonechip The chunky beep amplifier, the Spectrum +
all too reminiscent ot the 'ram- grey keys are printed In four upgrade Is better value tor
pack wobble' of the bad old colours: white letters and money.
2X81 days. I frequently have to keywords, red symbol shift
wriggle the connectors for characters and green E-mode Carol Brooksbank
several minutes before the keywords are all on top of the

Our all-star reviewing team get to grips with the alternatives

labels here). They are mounted

in a robust metal frame as well
as on a rather complex printed
ciruit board. There Is a separate
numeric pad. with some
calculator functions. The keys
themselves are very superior;
they are proper key-switches,
and have a good teel to them.
There are quite a lot ot single-
key-entry keys: full stop, comma,
caps lock, extended mode, edit,
delete, break, run-and-enfer,
minus, star, slash, numeric pad
enter and decimal point keys
and all four single entry cursor
keys, (unlikely to work with many
games). Whilst the general
arrangement ot these is not
standard typewriter, the existing
keys are easy to modify for any-
one (even me) with a
rudimentary knowledge of
electronics; for each key you
68FX keyboard material: similarly, it is easily
usually need a transistor and a
least two diodes.
LMT worked with a hacksaw.
Although I have reservations However, on the plus side,
£39.95 about a metal base next to the there is already a well placed
There are two LMT series boards: Spectrum circuit board, it is caps shift with a nice large key
the 68FX1 and the 68FX2. They nevertheless well designed, and at either end of the board. In
are both very similar, except that Ihe board is simple to fit — spite of my criticisms, I rate this a
the earlier board had about about five minutes' work. good keyboard, with some
three blank keys. The cose Microdrives are easily fitted. minor snags. At £39.95 it
consists of a metal base fitting Most peripherals also fit represents excellent value and I
into a strong plastic case, relatively easily. The key-caps recommend it strongly.
narrowing and longer than the ore in two tasteful shades of grey
DK'tronics case, but of similar and are screen-printed (no sticky John Wase

30 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Systems (of AMX Mouse fame) from these there are no extra
and priced at £59.95 until Saga, keys (for things like commas and
who have close to a total full stops for instance, which
monopoly on the keyboard require you to enter Extended or
market these days, bought the Symbol Shift mode).
rights and cut the price by £10 The keys themselves are strong
to bring it into line with the rest moulded plastic with all the
pf their range. keywords engraved and
Installation of the keyboard coloured so that they're clear
was quite simple: you only have and unlikely to wear off as they
to remove the top of the are on some other boards. The
Spectrum's own keyboard and action of the keys is controlled
then the rest of the computer fits by springs (I think) and they
bodily into the new keyboard, so require a fairly firm press in
you don't have to do any order to print the character
fiddling about with screwdrivers onscreen. I've never found this a
on the circuit board itself (which problem with my own typing
always makes me a bit nervous). speed though I'm told that it
The Lo Profile doesn't provide might slow down a good touch
new keys, and simply provides a typist.
better version of the standard Despite having fewer extra
Lo Profile Spectrum keyboard. There is a keys than most of the other Saga
Saga Systems large space bar set on its own boards the Lo Profile is very wide.
right at the front of the board, Much of the board's width is just
£39.95 which is quite useful, and a empty space on either side of
The Lo Profile was originally group of numerical keys sel off all the keys which doesn't really
produced by Advanced Memory to the right hand side, but apart serve much purpose, especially
since much of the keyboard is
hollow inside so there's no real
reason for all that 'dead' space.
This doesn't affect the keyboard's
performance in any way, but it
does take up quite a lot of desk
The Lo Profile has
considerably fewer frills than
some of its competition, but it is
a perfectly sound piece of
hardware. And, as one of the
cheaper boards on the market
it's quite good value and
preferable to Sinclair's own
to the infamous Spectrum keyboard. upgrade.

Stephen Dean

Saga 1 Emperor
Saga Systems
This is a good-looker. It is white,
slim, with a groove for a pen.
posh lettering, big square keys
and lots of them. Fitting is a
doddle — you retain the
Spectrum base and add the top.
fitting in the new ribbon cables;
about five minutes. The keys
themselves operate on a
membrane but the 'feel' is really
not bad at all; quite
comparable with the DK'tronics,
lor instance. They are lettered,
however, with the same do-it- Sinclair's single-key entry system hand only too frequently. At
yourself system that DK'tronics discourages typing, but pretty present, it is advertised at £39.95.
recently discarded — and the awful when it comes to word- which compares rather poorly
problem of these sticky tabs is processing or any other with the DK'tronics. which has a
that the printing wears off the occasion when enlering text is numeric pad. However, it is far
front leaving the keys unlabied. necessary. Moreover, being a less likely to need an add-on
The trouble with this board is membrane system, you are stuck ribbon connector for adding
thol it looks as though you have with the maker's arrangement of peripherals, and it looks a lot
a lot of additional single-entry keys; it can't be modified. And posher. Provided that you were
keys. In fact, you have not. What some versions had capacitance not particularly interested in
you have got is a lot of dupli- problems; certain programs word processing, but, instead,
cated keys bunched round the (Betabasic, for instance) wouldn't wanted an add-on keyboard for
appropriate shift key and run without a program patch or programming, and didn't want
somewhat misleadingly labelled a hardware modification. On the lo input large amounts of
as the shitted character: you plus side, most peripherals fit. numerical data, then perhaps
hove to press the two adjacent and it is robust and reliable — it this is just the keyboard for you.
keys down together to get the has to be. for ours currently sits
character you want. This is fine in a classroom in a junior school John Wase
for use In programming, where and gets a touch of the heavy

31 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

DK'tronics keyboard
The DK'tronics keyboard has had
a long history in Sinclair terms. It
is sturdy, in a large black piastic
case with a sloped back which
gets in the way ot some
peripherals, but is easily
hacksawed when the need
arises. The box is capacious,
and is designed to take the
Spectrum printed circuit board;
even a buffoon like me can fit it
in five minfues. There is also
room for interface 1 (but this can space-bar version was to modify. My modified key-
foul the sloping back which has introduced; the older switches board has been in use for a very
to be pared inside in some had a rather better feel. A touch considerable time and is used
versions). The power supply can of the do-it-yourself was provided for typing on average several
also be mounted inside, and in stick-on labels which wear in hours a day; it has stood up well
there Is a connector for use, leaving anonymous keys, to this hammering. If the
microdrives. The sloping back now. thanks heavens, super- keyboard feel and layout are
prevents many ol the standard seded by screen-printed sufficient for your purpose, then
accessories being fitted direct to keycaps. The number of keys is buy it; it is a robust, honest
the back — you'll need to buy a minimal, and their layout product which will serve you
ribbon connector. Originally standard only in respect of the welt. Currently advertised at
introduced for the ZX81 (without letters; Ihere is no single-key various prices, you should be
space bar) if was fitted right comma or full stop, and Ihe shift able to get it for just over £30 if
from the start with individual key- keys are not arranged so that you shop around, or for £37.50 if
switches of the deforming- standard touch-typing is you order direct from DK'tronics.
membrane type. These are by available. On the plus side, there And at only £10 more than
no means the best, but is a numeric pad, ideal for Sinclair's own upgrade (for the
incredibly better than the old entering lots of data, and a 48K to the Spectrum*) this
rubber buttons, or even Ihe single-key delete. The circuit- represents good value.
Spectrum+ keyboard. DK'tronics board design is simple and
changed keys soon after the straight-forward and is very easy John Wase
Instead, each key has just the faster, more experienced typists.
relevant letter of the alphabet, There's a large space bar and
and all the other information additional keys for some of the
about keywords etc, is printed more common punctuation
onto a loose plastic strip that marks, which again saves time
can be used or put to one side in entering extended mode for
as needed. This automatically commas, full stops and the like.
makes the keyboard look much There's even a small trough right
tidier than any other that I've at the back of the keyboard
seen, and the smooth action of where you can hold pens and
the keys makes it an ideal rulers.
choice for uses such as word The only criticism 1 have of
processing. But when you need the Saga 3 is that the delete key
to do a bit of programming is stuck right out on the bottom
there is a small cluster of keys on right hand corner, and I've
the (eft hand side of the found that with the number of
keyboard which are reserved for corrections I usually have to
some of the most often used make when I'm doing any word
keywords (LOAD,SAVE.RUN and so processing it would be better to
on). have the delete key closer to
There is also a second cluster hand (somewhere near the
of keys on the right hand side, space bar perhaps). Even so, this
which you could call the is must a minor quibble and
calculator cluster. This contains doesn't stop me trom concluding
Saga 3 Elite all the numerical keys and keys that this is by far the best add-on
Saga Systems for maths operations (addition, keyboard thai is currently
£69.95 subtraction etc.), laid out as they available, and that it certainly
would be on a calculator. This justifies its price If you need a
I admit that I had one or two set of keys also contains an decent keyboard for anything
problems getting this installed, additional four cursor keys which other than games playing.
because of Ihe unexplained come in handy when editing text
doohickey that came along with or program lines. The inclusion Stephen Dean
the keyboard. It turned out that and layout of these two sets of
this had to be connected to the keys is well thought out and can
keyboard membrane before it save quite a lot of time as Ihey Saga Keyboards, 2 Eve Road,
a could be connected to the remove the need to enter Woking, Surrey GU21 4JT
Spectrum's ciruit board. However, different modes and press loads (04862-22977)
once I got lhat sorted the Saga of different keys by providing DK'tronics, Longs Industrial
t 3 rapidly took first place over Ihe
other keyboard that I'd been
single key options for some of
the most often used functions.
Estate, Garleston, Gt Yarmough
a using. The main keyboard itself is LMT South Street Commercial
a Unlike most other keyboards, nicely raked and the keys Centre, Bishops Stortford,
< the Saga 3 does not have all the themselves are large, with Hertfordshire 3M23 3AL
Sinclair Basic keywords and slightly curved surfaces which (0279 724817)
symbols marked on the keys. makes it pleasant to use for

32 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986


Is your program good enough to fill Answer Y E S to any of these questions

this spot? and we would like to hear from you. Send
W i l l your game be the next No. 1 hit? your program tape or disc, together with
Are you looking royalties? full instructions for fast evaluation. Be sure
Are you writing for leading computers to state your computer type, memory,
such as Commodore 64/128, C16/Plus-4, peripherals used and your name, address
BBC/Electron, Atari, Amstrad, MSX, and telephone number.
Spectrum or any other 6502/Z80 Micro.

34 B O U R T O N R O A D G L O U C E S T E R GL4 OLE
Tel (0452) 412572

P S: We are also looking tor 6502/Z80 programmers tor urgent conversion work.

MCrossfire is here to express readers' opinions on all aspects of computing
with Sinclair machines. Why not drop ZX a line?
mapped using ports BBI AB, 9B and 88 able soon, this tact will not affect the
Machine Code queries Larken Electronics has Just come out system number (Prometheus — View-
with a ZX 81 Disk Drive Controller Board. data 01-300 7177).
I have been a subscriber to ZX They claim that It will store 160K on a 5'A B.JG. Spencer.
Computing since the first issue disc at a rate ol 125K per second. It
(summer 1982) and have requires a "SHUGART 455" or com-
found It uniformly excellent, but now patible double-sided drive. User Direc-
that so much ot the programming given tory command — DIRECTORY, LOAD, Max is finished
is In machine code I am afraid that one SAVE, FORMAT, DELETE and EXIT. The
Important point has been completely power LDOS on Eprom, loads or saves, I have Just completed Max
ignored by all computer magazines Basic Programs. Machine Code or Headroom by Qulcksllva. their
that I have seen. Arrays The DOS USES 12 to 16K area ot latest and most addictive
The giving of checksums helps a bit Memory: 2K RAM on disc controller. Uses game
(although these are not 100% accurateJ no ZX 81 RAM, and RAM packs and peri- I have received Max's personal mes-
but nowhere have I been able to find pherals connect to Controller. The sage and thought that the graphics
out how to correct errors short of re- controller Is connected to ZX 81 by way were very impressive but the speech is
typing from the beginning which, to say of ribbon cable. Cost Is $119.95 CDN. rather hard to understand due to lack
the least, is a bit ot a borel plus $4.00 CDN. shipping. of sound capabilities on the SPECTRUM
At 82 I am a bit old to learn new 48K. but I managed to pick out this:
Write to: Larken Electronics, RR 2
tricks and. although I have no difficulty NAVAN ONTARIO. CANADA K4B 1H9 for "I have only 30 seconds and you
In correcting errors In Sinclair Basic, I further details, brainless computer wimp is sitting there
am afraid that re-typing the whole of a Peter McMullIn has written a newer in front ot your computer when I hove
machine code programme (I do not version of "WORD SINC" a 80 column. only 30 seconds All I want to say Is
speak American) Is more than I can 64K word processor for the T/S 1000 or ZX this... this... this... this,,. congratu-
stomach. 81 called "WORD SINC 11.5 and 11.56. In lations and give my love to the family,
Another thing that bothers me Is the 64K, there is space for 39030 characters cheerio, see you later, bye... bye...
Increasingly frequent numbers of cas- and many programmable printer func- bye... bye..."
settes on sale for round about £9.95 that tions. I have five other word processor I like the presentation of ZX Com-
wilt not load, either reverting to the programmes but this one is the only puting magazine, but I think the rating
copywright sign or freezing the moment one that I use It Is simple, fast, easy to should be more detailed. I like the idea
they have loaded. I have two cassette change to use and suits many require- of a monster to show the overall rating
recorders of different makes, both of ments. capable of either text or graphic of a game but you should also show a
which give exactly the same results. print out. If you wish to review this percentage tor graphics, sound, value
I have no trouble whatsoever with program, let me know and I'll send you playablllty and presentation. Apart
programmes that I have entered myself the complete copy and manuals. from this small point your magazine is
(In Basic ol course!). first classl
Write to: Peter McMullIn, 2340 Queen
F Wade-Cooper, Burgess Hill. Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Tim French. Chichester.
M4E 1G9 tor further details
R. Meijerlng. Winniped. Canada.
Attention Wafadrive
News from Canada owners
I noticed In your news column
Astronomical I wish to contact other wafa-
e that some of your readers are
having problems In finding
Communicatons drive owners who would be
Interested in exchanging
thermal paper for their printers. I would be most grateful If the Ideas and helpful hints.
I wish to point out that Radio Shack hS WA details of my viewdata bulletin Also if any wafadrive users are Inter-
(TANDY) has thermal paper which is ^^H board Prometheus can be In- ested In getting Gilsoft's the Quill to read
better quality paper, even though It is cluded In the letters section of your next and write to wafer I would be more than
roughly % thinner. I've used that paper publication. pleased to hear from them as Gilsoft tell
for two years now, mainly because it The system has been primarily set up me that If I can find enough users they
was cheaper (two rolls tor $5.95 CDN.) with astronomy as its central theme, will strongly consider bringing out a
and better. And no problems in getting although many ot the system's features wafadrive version.
It or using It. prove to be of genuine use to serious Spectrum owners in Cornwall might
I'm currently running a T/S 1000 with amateurs I equally intend the system to be interested to know about the Mid
Memotech 64K and Centronic interface be of real Interest and educational Cornwall Coop Computer Club We are
attached to a Tandy DMP-105 Printer. I value, particularly to the young. The the largest computer club In Cornwall
have no problems interfacing with it. My database has been constructed with and meet every Monday evening at
interface Is from "EPROM SERVICES" (3 sections that appeal more readily to 7.15 to 9.30 in Roche, Cornwall.
Wedgewood Drive, Leeds LS8 1EF. Phone junior sfargazers. and more are Further details on both wafadrive
0532 667183) and Is also compatible planned. matters and the club can be obtained
with the SPECTRUM (Costs $8900 CDN.) British Telecom have now assured from Mike Richards, 8 Victoria Road.
It is dual centronic interface that is port me that a dedicated line will be avail- Roche. Cornwall PL26 8JF (0726 890473).

34 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Ill, The /
Home and Conimeniai Compuier Services HO
rEcho J
28 Hitchin Sireet. Biggleswade, Beds. musical synthesizer
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includes 2M connecting cable

Includes Spectrum Interface & Cables

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A musical package for users of all ages, For the beginner or Ihe accomplished musician, the superb touch sensitive
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28 Hitchin Street,
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Echo Ktybowd £4995 VAT ana p & D inclusive witnm UK
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'OMM which « not apot-caDie Please allow 28 days tor delivery
iis body Is covered with an
orange, flexible, rocky textured
hide. . .he has no apparent
neck and has four toes and
fingers.. .the mutagenic,
specific-frequency cosmic ray
bombardment caused hts
musculature, bone structure.. .to
greatly Increase In density." Who
does this describe? No, not
Bryan, my hideously savage
editor, but the star of one of the
games reviewed this Issue. Find
out who It Is In a paragraph or
I am still languishing here in
the deepest, darkest. dTampest
depths of Argus Press Towers.
News of slavery being abolished
has not yet reached Bryan.
Still, at least some adventures
have finally been released, so I
have something to do other than
listen to the sound of dripping,
cold custard (a unique form of
torture known only to barbaric
Bryan). Arlolasott have re-
released an old favourite of
mine, Valkyrie 17, first out in 1984
from the RamJam Corporation.
Then US Gold surprise everyone
by actually releasing a game
without it having been
advertised for six months
beforehand; Questprobe 3
starring the Thing (described
earlier) and Human Torch,
writteg by famed American
adventure writer Scott Adams.
(Well, it hasn't been advertised
by THEM for very long, but the
now departed Adventure
International had been
promoting it before Christmas.)
Anyway. It's about time too
Scott — It's been over a year
since the last one. At this rate,
the Questprobe series, planned
to run to i2. will be going well
Into the next decade Strange,
considering Scott has said that
his games only take a few weeks
to write (not surprising when you
consider how small and linear
they are). By the way — can you
tfiink of 12 Marvel super-heroes?
No. neither can I. and Scott has
used the most famous ones, such
as the Hulk, first. I can only guess
that he will start re-using these
later in the series.
But what you really want to
know is have Ocean released
Hunchback the Adventure yet?
Do pigs fly. I am tempted to
respond. Halt a year late nowl Is
It something In Manchester's
water supply which makes them
work so slowly? (Ocean are
talking about a June release —
hang on—Ed.) Level 9's newle
should also have reached me,
but it's only a week or so late
and will probably be out by the
time you read this. However,
< enough of the mindless Utile
tattle — on with the reviews!

36 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

n m
QUESTPROBE no description. A useful com-
plete list o! vocabulary is given,
US Gold and it runs to 700 words. Some
£9.95 of these are plurals however,
and when playing, the parser
In the third o( Ihe Queslprobe still feels restrictive. The
series, you conlrol bolh the responses are limited, and the
Incredibly strong {and imagin- game has an annoying habit of
atively named) Thing and The printing OK if It understands the
Human Torch, who can. as his first word of your Input — even
name suggests, turn into a flam- if the rest of it is absolute rub-
ing mass. Your task is to rescue bish, or before any messages YOU are i n an inpeccabiy t i d y bedroo*.
Alicia Masters from the evil (for example, "OK Sorry I can't", e v e r y t h i n g i& arranged w i t h M i l i t a r y
Doctor Doom, which makes a which Is just sloppy English). p r e c i s i o n . You s » e l l
change (rom collecting gems Queslprobe 3 is not a bad
as In other Scott Adams games. game In itself, but when com- Utv»t now?
Otherwise there is not much pared with products like level 9
difference between this and Ihe games, or even some budget t9> &
others. The graphics are otten titles, it is weak. Adams has pro- UH*t now?
stunning, and really catch duced better, such as Spider-
comic book style. There are man. Unless you like tough
some difficult puzzles, probably problems or pretty pictures. I open &ftrc •
Adams' most endearing qual- wouldn't recommend It; and as
ity; the first, Involving a tar pit, for ihe US Gold claims that
will prove popular wi|h the
helpline I'm sure. But Ihe text Is
"Scott Adams is the undisputed
masler of the art of adventure VALKYRIE 17 escape the hotel, how do you
descend the ski slope?
pathetically brief, with virtually writing" — I'm disputing III RamJam These are just a few of many
distributed by Ariolasoft confusing aspects to this won-
£9.95 derful, polished adventure. II
has some graphics, which are
Ah. nostalgia. I first reviewed this (airly average by today's stan-
game for Home Computing dards but slill attractive.
Weekly in 1984 and loved it. to What makes V17 so good
quote: "One of Ihe best adven- however is ihe intelligent,
tures of the year — buy it!" Has lengthy and humorous text, and
it stood up to the test of time? responses. Just a small example
tt -j i «.'.* ' . ' (. i» Before I answer that ques- is this one. Searching around in
tion, the plot. A series of an attempt to leave you find the
Vfu II (.•>«• to • . I f.1 t . , garbled telephone messages dusty cupboard where the
l •'/(' H;I " t l »»- . M i t< (reproduced on the B-side of maid keeps her brooms. Having
JW|»< V'- * l-ol'.*

the cassette incidentally) reveal looked around inside, "A

Hr»'tl TOUCH 1 »••>'< V that Valkyrie 17. a hideous chambermaid appears and
super-weapon developed by politely asks If you have been
the nazis, is active again. You fly standing in the broom cup-
out to the Holel Blitz In Lake board. She dusts you down and
Bruntz, where your secret agent leaves". That sort of attention to
contact was murdered. Can detail and clever forethought is
you lind and stop this deadly rarely seen In Spectrum adven-
machine? Basically an espion- tures.
age plot Ihen, not amazingly The vocabulary is friendly
original, but I cannot offhand and your Interest is maintained
think of a better executed one for a long time by a varied
for the Spectrum. range of responses The prob-
Al the hotel bar, where you lems are oil logical, not
start, is a girl who would "lol a obscure; perseverance and
trink. dollinsk". Nearby is the thought will ensure you com-
i n a c i r c u s t e n t , and 1 see h e r e THE manager, who demands you plete Ihe game eventually. The
OF CRIME, ft c i r c u j cannon pay your bill before leaving, response time is a Utile sluggish,
and will use martial arts to per- but nol oflputtingly sq and cer-
suade you if necessary. Answer tainly not as bad as in Lord Of
the phone and you will be told The Rings. The game is also
M n C f t i r y i r i g N o t h i n g at a l l
ttftSTER co*j«ands t o leave I do I h e Red Kipper Flies at Mid-
night". Search around a bit
pleasantly atmospheric and
well presented.
llimi TORCH I want you t o GO TEHT more and you'll find a wig and When first released, V17
dress. Should you wear them? came In a well designed box.
HJTtfiH U * ' . H Do they suit you? When you with an information dossier and
a Iree Valkyrie 17 badge;
exactly what adventure pack-
aging should be, but sadly not
CASTLE THADE ticularly likeable touch is the
Inclusion ot a useful RAM SAVE/
apart from what Is necessary to
solve the game.
seen on the Speccy very often.
The real shame Is lhat Ariolasoft
Spectrum LOAD command. Castle Thade is a surpris- have done away with this, put
Adventure Exchange Club The most impressive feature ingly worthy product (when I lirst it in an ordinary cassette box
£5.00 of Ihe game however Is the text; saw Ihe amateur presentation, and squashed all the infor-
at times astonishingly verbose my heart sank). The puzzles and mation into a fold out inlay. Alsq
and lengthy for what Is, afler all, text are excellent, sadly marred considering its age. I think this
a Quilled Spectrum game. by the poinls I've mentioned. is a little overpriced.
Win a colour monitor It you can Atmospheric, descriptive, and Slill. sensibly cheap and recom- But these points aside, V17 Is
solve the coded message at Important to read — vital clues mended to the hardened great lun and remains one of
the end ol this competition to problems are burled deep adventurer. Available mail my favourite Spectrum adven-
adventure Your task Is to free within... order only, Irom: 4 Kilmarlin tures. I have no reservations In
Ihe Land of Krai from the Lord of Something had to suffer to fit Lane. Carluke. Lanarkshire MLS awarding it a Monster Hit; can't
Darkness by entering his It all In memory; unfortunately 5RT. Incidentally. I'll be looking wait lor the sequel. Ironic really,
domain (the lortress of the title). this was vocabulary and mes- at Ihe services ottered by the that ihe best game ) have
Actually this terribly unorigi- sages. The lormer is very tight (a club who produced this next reviewed for months is nearly
nal plot is irrelevant, because common flaw in Quilled pro- issue _ two years old. ..
It's an excuse (or loads of enter- ducts), whilst the lack ol the
taining. Irlcky puzzles to be
assembled as a test for more
latter makes play less fun and
harder — an unresponsive Mffi Sk
advanced adventurers. Plenty EXAMINE command for ex-

ol otten Ingenious sticky situ- ample. somewhat counteracts n > nSfin
ations, with some Infuriating the brilliance of the text. You
mazes thrown in. Another par- seem to be able to do very little 1i -1I 1 i I :

ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

CABINET — if I remember rightly

E L P L I N E you need the screwdriver as

Sean Renahan from Tonbrldge
In the book, Chris. Frodo asks to in Kent writes about Fergus
be known as Mr. Underhill. So McNeil's satirical Bored Of The
SAY TO GATEKEEPER "UNDERHILL" Rings. What can he do in part 2
R. Rutherford of Ashley In Sussex (not MR, Underhill. which the once he has found the poster of
writes about the Adventure gatekeeper won't recognise). Rocky? Well, from the alcove
International Robin of Sherwood Meanwhile Andrew McMaster where you found it. go WEST,
game (a right turkey I reckon, wants to know how to persuade WEST. SOUTH and DROP POSTER.
even more wooden than Jason Strider to follow him at the end Move away quickly (tasteless
Connery's acting in the current of game one. When you reach joke if you linger), then NORTH.
series). "How do I get out of the the bridge with the picture, he WEST and PRESS RED BUTTON. In
dungeon?" he asks. First of all will stop. Tell him to GO EAST. At part 1. Ian Stockdale asks for
you need to STAND ON first he refuses but eventually he some general hints. Well CRY
PRISONERS (they don't mind, will agree. HELP to escape the willow, enter
surprisingly). If you don't hear Tim's house for some magic
Martin Luscombe of
any footsteps CALL GUARD until beans (don't eat them), and take
Bournemouth asks for Spiderman
you do. Then GRAB ANKLE, the mountain top pepper to
help; If seems Sandman refuses
STRANGLE GUARD. EXAMINE open the Gate of Morona (drop
to be kicked about. The answer
is to use your super-hero powers
OPEN GRATING. GO OUT. Ah. If and jump onto the celling I must give a special mention
only escape from these depths outside. Then you won't be to John Wilson, a master
were so easy. treading on him, so he won't adventurer (far more
become so angry. Once in that accomplished than me) from
Marcus Beer from Rochdale). An old
SIHingbourne in Kent is stuck in room, EXAMINE everything —
more than once. Dave Ward correspondent from my days af
none other than Valkyrie 17: he Home Computing Weekly, John
was obviously lucky enough to from Middlesex also wrote about
the arachnid Marvel creation, continues to send in excellent
buy It the first time round. He has and Invaluable hints and
two problems: how to starl the asking for some general hints.
Amongst those I sent him were solutions, which make my job a
airplane and what is In room 20. good deal easier. (I shouldn't be
Taking the latter first, find out these. PUSH UP In the shaft to
progress further; reduce the writing this, Bryan might dock my
yourself by going in. Pay your gruel allowance.) Many thanks
bill with the money from the thermostat to freeze away your
watery problems; and talk to indeed John.
pawnbrokers, then buy the girl a
drink with the change. She will Madame Webb — she'll help. And finally, if you have been
go oft to powder her nose, but Donald Taylor is stuck in a waiting all month for the next
will leave her handbag, which cheapo adventure from part of the Runestone solution —
could be worth looking at. As for Mastertronic, See Kaa of Asslah. it's been postponed, due to so
the 'plane, you need to till it with "I cannot get the rod of light out much mail being received
fuel (MOVE STRAW to find some), of the ice," he writes from (more of which will be printed
open the hanger doors, start deepest Cumbria. You need to next issue). If you are really
'plane, and take off. But that open the red valve, and light desperate for more hints, drop
should be done at the end. gas when wearing the cloak me a line and I'll forward them.
Chris Geggus from Romford is and carrying only the torch.
one of several people who have Then open the green valve and Write to me
requested help with Lord Of The the ice will melt. Everyone who wrote In to Issue
Rings this month. He writes "The Sheila Thow writes about one should have received some
only way Into Bree seems to be Melbourne House's social sort of personal reply by now; as
by giving your name, thereupon climbing adventure, Hampstead. should most of the people
the black riders do the nasty — She cannot open the filing writing with coupons from issues
any suggestions?" The answer is cabinet. You need to FORCE since. Sometimes it takes me a
litlle time to work out a solution,
but providing you have
enclosed an SAE t will reply
eventually. It's encouraging to
Title: see so much mall coming
through after my desperate
pleas. Keep it flowing in! I have
Company: this escape plan that Involves
building a pile of coupons up to
the dungeon window...
I'm a little disappointed
Problem:... though that you have only been
sending problems. I also want to
hear from you if you have
solutions to offer, in particular for
the Mysterious Adventures series
or Mordon's Quest. Just let me
know on the coupon.
So, get your quill pens out
I can help solve: and start scratching. Missives
and tunelling gear to: Mlndplay.
Horribly Damp Press Dungeons,
Name:. ZX Computing Monthly, No. 1
Golden Square, London W1R 3AB
Next month I will be looking at
some adventure clubs; and
Address: hopefully reviewing the latest
games from Level 9 and
RamJam. Until then, auf
wiedersehen, my f r i e n d s . . .

38 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

F R E E 15 MONTHS MEMBERSHIP A Better Deal from Micro-World
A groat now homo computer club now under wayM Savings on software &
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Who said anything about you don't have a choice In software? Send S P E C T R U M O N L Y suit-
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062 9HD
51 F E N N E L S T R E E T I< l«H|IH, IMM M iwuM .»"» »«.»•*•!»( Him
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OR TEL: 0 6 1 - 8 3 4 2 8 0 8
ZX COMPUTING J U L Y 1 9 8 6 39
Brian Becket with good ot blue light out of strangers. My for around £65 a piece In one
big package deal. One UK
eight-year-old son loves the
and bad news for the game which Is a credit to
Eidersoft however much it may
micro company had bid for a
smaller lot but was apparently
QL reflect upon his up-bringing. He told that If "was the lot or
also likes Datallnk's new 3D-Slime nothing". The deal was for
(£12.95) but finds it a shade more exporting QL stocks only but it
F i r s t the good news! May's ZX difficult to play than Karate. seems that some of them are
Microlalr had some nice Again the graphics are excellent gradually finding their way back
products for the QL Including and the game Is probably a bit into the UK so there may be a lot
the long-awaited mouse more of a mental challenge of bargain buys popping up
package trom Eidersoft. Selling than Karate although both are over the next few months. To a
at £89.95. Eidersoft's three-button badly needed in the QL games point, the current mood of
QL mouse comes with the stable. For adults. Leisure Genius' prevailing gloom Is Just a
company's ICE desk-top QL Scrabble (£14.95) Is the only reaction to the early optimism
icondriven software (In ROM recent addition to more over a "QL Ltd" group of
tormat) and an elaborate ARTIce conventional pastimes and a companies taking over the rights
program on microdrive. Having very good product for those who almost as a God-given right. If
Amstrad is playing its cards
close to Its chest and engaging
in some cunning negotiation, it's

realty only big business In Its
most pristine form. After all, it's
Amstrad's success In the market
place that enabled it to buy out
Sinclair at a bargain basement
price in the first place and it's
not likely to change a winning
game plan as a favour to an
enthusiastic but small band of
QL supporters.
used earlier versions of ICE via enjoy the gome. My wife still The other day, I had some
the cursor keys, the mouse-driven finds it a challenge (those of you heavy duty maths to do
version Is a delight and well who are beginning to suspect Involving such exotic goodies as
worth having waited for. that my family doubles-up as a matrlce multiplication and
The mouse interface/ICE QL experimental control group inversion. As these were never by
module plugs into the QL's ROM are not far wrong) and doesn t favourite passtimes in school. I
port which is a bit of a hassle as normally like computer games. had a look at the APL package
just about every piece of quality for my QL. Marketed by Micro-
stuff coming out these days uses APL (£99.95). it's one of the
it but the product is exactly what QL Future earliest pieces of QL software to
the QL needs — or. more appear and one of the best.
accurately, needed when It was Now for the bad news. The QL's There is a calculator mode
being launched as a new- future looks dismal at best. which means you don't even
generation micro for the small Negotiations with Amstrad over have to program in APL if you
businessman who couldn't aflord taking over the rights to Sir don't want to and I was able to
an IBM. My only serious criticism Cllve's former quantum leap are set-up, multiply. Invert and
is that the Interface could have continuing but some of those otherwise play around with
been better designed, it doesn't involved talk of nothing but large matrices without any fuss
really fit properly into the back frustration. According to one at all. This served to remind me
of the QL unless you use the source. Amstrad wants some £2 what a good package the QL
small leg attachments that million for the rights and is actually is considering all the
Sinclair put Into the box more as playing a delaying game and quality software that's now
an afterthought than anything — at least for the moment — available. We are all familiar
else. These "legs" are pretty does not look like really wanting with the various legitimate
much of a pain to begin with to reach an agreement that criticisms that came up in the
and — with certain add-ons in could effectively relaunch a QL's early days and have
the expansion slot — are next to competitor to the company's haunted its footsteps ever since
useless. own range of lower-cost, but all too often we allowed
I also got a chance to look business machines and home them to unnecessarily
over the most recent up-date of micros. A Dutch company is said overshadow its many good
the QL tool-kit from CAre to be interested but. as one QL points.
Electronics and QJump (29.95) peripheral maker put it, "I don't I hope this doesn't sound too
which adds a goodly number of know how a foreign company is much like a QL obituary
useful commands and going to get Amstrad to talk because It's still a bit early for
improvements to Superbaslc. The seriously when we can't". Tlmex that but. were it a rich maiden
latest version is a decided is apparently also interested and aunt, the relatives would be
improvement on what went a group of UK companies starting to look more than
before and anybody intending involved In QL software/hardware casually at a few expensive
to do serious programming In is said to have raised about 40 holiday brochures. The QL may
Superbasic ought to consider per cent of the money they not be at death's door but it is in
buying it rather sooner than require to bid on the rights and the corridors thereof and no
later. It too comes on a ROM market an up-graded QL with a amount of optimistic talk about
cartridge so sadly you can't built-in 3.5" disc drive, 512K consortiums and relaunches is
draw on It with your Eidersoft memory and a full-biown 68000 going to change that. At the
s mouse installed. microprocessor but realistically end of the day. Amstrad will
a> Eidersoft was also exibiting its
new QL Karate game (£14.95)
speaking, they look to be In an
up-hill fight.
make a commercial decision,
which I for one hope enables
which has some excellent Sources say that Amsfrad has the QL to grow and prosper, but
graphics and challenging skill sold up to 20,000 QLs (what's we are just going to have to wait

0 levels for those of you who enjoy obviously the last of the stock and see for a while yet to see if
simulating beating seven shades that came with the Sinclair deal) It has a future at all.

40 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

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At long last Ultimate moving the joystick left/right and there with Illy ponds and
rotates Sabreman anti-clockwise snare traps (fatal of course) and
have linlshed or clockwise and pushing the some castle ruins with all the
stick forwards then makes him usual spiky blocks, crumbling
Pentagram. Was it walk in whatever direction he's walkways and moving stairs. I
facing. Jumping is performed by always found the complex sets
worth the wait? pulling the Joystick backwards. I of obstacles the most enjoyable
found this a more difficult way of part of playing Kntghtlore and
controlling Sabreman's missed that element in Gunfrlght
movement and got myself killed and Nightshade, so I was glad
— o r a long time now we've oil oft a fair number ot times as a to see that they were all back In
been waiting for Ultimate to result, though to be fair this Pentagram, though there Is
come up with a megagame game requires less of the slightly more emphasis on
that would have all our minds as precision timing and movement monster zapping In this game
totally boggled as Knlghtlore that Kniahtlore and Alien 8 than In Knlghtlore.
did when it first appeared. Since required. In addition there are Apart from these obstacles
then many other software houses controls for firing magic missiles most locations are empty when
have leapt on the 3-D and pick up/drop.
bandwagon and the novelty of The Sabreman's latest
that style of graphics has worn adventure sends him searching
off. What's more. Ultimate for the Pentagram
igr of Ihe title. Th e
themselves hove tarnished their Grand Arch W Izardry spell book
reputation somewhat with a tells of 'silvery waters' drawn from
number of distinctly non-mega ancient wells, runes and stars,

releases (mainly for the and of the Pentagram taking on

Commodore 64). but through it solid form once more. Thankfully
all we've sat patiently waiting for Pentagram is a return to the
Pentagram, the latest in the Knightlore format, rather than
Sabreman series and the direct the style of Nightshade and
sequel to Knightlore. Gunfright, The graphics are in
The trouble with reviewing this the now familiar Knightlore style
game lay In the conflicting — a view of each location from
expectations that had been built a point that is just above head
up. On one hand we all expect height, though not directly
a lot from Ultimate because of overhead, locations are drawn
their past reputation, whilst on in just one colour to avoid
the other there's the memory of attribute problems.
those recent disappointments, so The Sabreman, now kitled out Pentagram
It's quite tricky to forget all that in a pointy hat and wizard's
and just judge the game on its robe. Is wandering around a Ultlmate/US Gold
own merits. forest landscape, dotted here £9.95
As usual the introduction and
instructions on the cassette inlay
are obscure to the point of
irrelevance. There's nothing
wrong with the Instructions being
vague, since that's always
added an extra twist as you
attempt to unravel all the
intricacies of the games, but I
can't help thinking that since US
Gold took over the marketing of
Ultlmate's games the cassette
blurbs have become just so
much badly written waffle. There
are references to stars and runes
and stone shapes, but the
grammar's so awful it's unclear
what it's all about.
Starting to play the game
reveals that there are slightly
fewer control options than in
past games. Instead of the
directional control that allowed
you to move Sabreman In the
direction that you move the
joystick, there's now just the
rolate option: this means that

42 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

applies to the wells tucked away
In various corners ot the forest.
There are a number of small
stone pyramids In the forest and
I think that they've got something
to do with the Pentagram itself,
though I haven't yet managed to
work out exactly what. I've fried
jumping on them, zapping them,
pushing them over — all to no
avail, so I suppose that I'm just
going to have to make the
ultimate sacrifice (no pun
intended) and go back to
playing the game until I've
solved it all. It's not easy being a
games reviewer...

you first enter them, but after Just

a few seconds all sorts of ghosts
and ghoulles start to appear
and chase after you. There are
witches on broomsticks, zombies,
ghosts, giant spiders and what
appear to be giant pear-drops
which bounce around after you.
None of these are Instantly fatal
but repeated contact with them
takes Its toll and eventually
leads to your going up In a puff
of smoke. They don t move
terribly quickly so It's not too
hard to get lined up and zap a
magic missile at them, but tn<
longer you hang around the
more of them will appear. This
does have drawbacks, because
on some of the busier screens
where there might be both
monsters and moving blocks as
well as the Sabreman himself,
the movement of everything on
screen does slow down a lot. It The runes are large stone
might have been a good Idea tablets each with a distinctive
to make sure that locations mark carved on It, and of course u
didn't get overcrowded, though they're all placed In the most
this doesn't happen so often that Inaccessible locations and I .
it's a major flaw. surrounded by traps. The same

43 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

long range map unit Inside

o o
which is essential If your mission
THK PLftnCTS is to continue.
The next challenge is to
rendezvous with the tractor
beam. Once again fuel and
speed are critical if you are ever
to see your mothership again.
Jf7> I «r**'| On returning you are liable to
1 , * '' P( < I find that an alien transmission
r i has deposited a strange game
Into your computer's memory
H H ! 1 bank. This is a game within a
game and truly deserves its
name: WEIRD! Part of the mission
is to unlock its secrets after
t i react ta s i t a c A T e a n t a i i a a a i loading it from side two ol Ihe
o e s T i n r T i a n rLftneT KrhTH twin cassette package.
tji*iTnni:r. < n n . n Let's not worry too much
cupihpin ri.flnKT E^RTH about this just yet. Time Is short
so we go back to the icon
menu, Selecting the MAP Icon
displays our solar system and a
destination can be chosen using
a cross hair cursor. If you want to

know something about the
planet first the DATABASE icon
could prove useful. On the other
nnnoe n#>r receturo hand. If you can't guess the log-
on code you'll be denied
e m on* access to all the secrets of the
planets. Affer trying several
words I hi! on one which briefly
has a lot to do with Martian
L I F E technology. Using the HELP
facility then listed the database's
The Information contained
t t n t i a a i ibi ciuo^tk m i d i i a u u i within the database gives the
vital statistics of all the planets
DcsTinrTinn runnet and space phenomena which
n i s t f t n c n 7 n u . .i^ri) n
curneru pl ftncT e«r»Tn you're liable to meet on your
odyssey. This Is very educational
because it Includes the
Information provided by Voyager
2's encounter with Uranus. All of
the planet data has been
Eric Doyle goes planet- becomes a manual operation. supplied by Heather Couper
This means controlling your who. as President of the British
hopping with Martech's descent to land as near to the Astronomical Association, ought
capsule as possible with a to know what she's talking about.
latest release. velocity of less than 20 metres Logging off from the
per sec. With gravity to fight database allows access to the
against this is no mean feat as TRAVEL option which tells you to
your fuel dissipates at a load your destination's vital
=»-trategy. puzzles, codewords, frightening rate and you must statistics from the second tape in
laser blasting and prizes. preserve enough to rejoin your the package and you're off on
Martech's new game seems to mothership later. Successful your adventure.
have everything. The keyword to pilots are rewarded with an Orbiting around the planet
describe it is enigmatic attractive view of the Swiss you can use your DATA icon to
Set only 40 years In the future. countryside and then it's Icon test the gravitational pull ol the
Earth is a dying planet facing time. planet so you can get some
the onset ot a second Ice Age. Messages are displayed idea of the amount ot fuel
All seems lost until the discovery across the fop of the large, required to effect a safe
of a strange alien capsule in central screen with the bottom descent. From now on, you're on
Switzerland. panel being reserved for your own. The full purpose of the
This is where you come in. In instrument panel readouts. Three game is not revealed until you
the guise of a space explorer on Icons ore arrayed down each have located and opened all of
a routine mission around the side of the screen and some of the capsules and a prize awaits
solar system you are called them open up further icon the first person to complete the
back to investigate the capsule menus, called sub-icons. game. For those who like plenty
which has a combination lock. Selecting the EXPLORE icon ot challenges in a game this
The only clue you are given is allows access to the lander and comes highly recommended for
that you think the word LIFE' is its robotic surface explorer. As its physical and mental
the key. This is a pretty heavy we have seen the lander is the challenges as well as Its superb
clue as you will soon find when shuttle between the mothership graphics.
you encounter Ihe capsule, but and the planet surface. The
first you must descend to Earth. robot is used to locate and
The surface lander is simple examine the capsule. When a
to guide but difficult to control. capsule is found the MANIPULATE
Part of the descent is controlled icon allows you to try various
by the mothership's tractor beam codes in your attempt to break
but at 10,000 metres steering Into it. The first capsule has a Ijllll

ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

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VISA r[Mutlr<Csi8l
• i • r v il
Biggies comes unstuck he flies over enemy lines trying
to find and photograph their
secret weapon. On the ground
in time in the latest below there are anti-aircraft
guns that are trying to blast you
barnstormer from out of the sky, and weapon
dumps that can supply you with
Mirrorsoft. bombs. Up in the air with you
are enemy aircraft ready to
Biggies shoot you down unless you can
Mirrorsoft duck and dive past them or
£9.95 shoot them down yourself. Your
plane moves up/down, back and
forth over a scrolling landscape, between buildings have also got
B iggles in the Air, Biggies in and you need to react quickly to get them past the rooftop
London. Biggies on the to avoid the enemy firepower. patrols and snipers who are
Battlefield, Biggies all over the Like all the parts of the Timewarp sltualed In other buildings taking
place. In the film. Biggies gets game this is a simple game, but potshots at the two daring
u g r ' up in a tlmewarp tthat
caught one which is enjoyable, and chums. Again, It's a simple
sends him flying backwards and tricky enough to offer a game but still playable enough
forwards across time as he challenge. to keep you working at It.
attempts to find and destroy the The Battlefield section is a bit Side two ot the tape Is the
secret Sound Weapon with the like a cutdown version of final adventure in which you fly
aid of Jim, his "time twin' from Imogine's Green Beret. You Biggies over enemy lines in a hi-
1986. control Biggies as he runs across tech helicopter as you set out to
The computer game takes the a battlefield, dodging and finally destroy the Sound
same plot and uses the shooting his way past enemy Weapon. Along the way you can
timewarp device to construct a soldiers as he tries to reach the pick up equipment and some of
four part game based on the weapon's test site. Though this Biggies' pals, including Marie
different times and locations that part of the game lacks the the resistance fighter who can
Biggies finds himself in during detailed graphics of Green help you locate the test site.
the course of the film. Beret, I actually found this This game is a sort of cross
Side one of the game tape version more playable. It's not between a flight simulator and
contains the Tlmewarp game. quite as fast as the Imagine wargame. As you pilot the
2 version, and there are fewer
< This is made up of three related
sequences (Air, London, and soldiers pouring onto the screen
helicopter over the enemy
ground your cockpit controls
Battlefield, as above). The and whereas I never managed offer two map displays showing
O sequences have to be to last more than a few seconds the locations held by the enemy
completed in the correct order, in Green Beret, in this game I felt and those lhat are being held
which is made a little bit tricky that I had a fighting chance of (singlehandedly of course) by
because of the timewarp that getting through if I could just go some of Biggies' chums.
can snatch him out of one back and have a few more tries. I normally find flight
sequence at any moment and In the London sequence simulations a bit boring — all
drop him into another one. so
Biggies and Jim have to leap that watching of dials, worrying
you'll have to plan carefully to across the rooftops to reach the about altitude, airspeed, and
make sure that you get them timewarp and get back to 1917. tying fifteen fingers In knots just
LU finished in the right order. You control the figures of both never seems like much fun — but
a. In the first. Biggies in the Air. characters, and as well as the programmers have kept
</> you control Biggies' biplane as getting them to jump the gaps things simple here, and put the

46 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

emphasis on playability and
dropping bombs on the enemy,
which is more my kind of thing.
Games based on films and TV
series have, deservedly on the
whole, gotten a lot of bad
reviews and I wasn't expecting
all that much from this one, but
Mirrorsoft have come up with
one of the better tie-in games.
Biggies comes through again!

Chocks away chums!

Biggies has landed,
and here's your chance
to win a sackful of
Biggies' goodies.

To celebrate Biggies' arrival on with your full name and address

your computer screens. ZX has on the back of an envelope or
got together with Biggies' chums post card and then send It off to
over at Mirrorsoft to put together Biggies Competition. ZX
this spiffing competition. Computing Monthly. 1 Golden
The first prize will be a Biggies Square. London W1R 3AB
Goodies Bag containing a copy Entries must arrive by first post
ol Ihe game. Biggies T-shirt, scarf, on the 8th August 1986. The
book, soundtrack album, badge competition Is open to all
and poster. And tor 25 runners readers of ZX Computing
up there will be prizes of the Monthly, except employees of
game, T-shirt and badge. Argus Specialist Publications,
To enter Ihe competition, all Alabaster Passmore and Sons,
you have to do Is take a look at and Mirrorsoft. The winners will
Ihe still we've taken trom the film be announced In a future Issue,
(Biggies in a tight spot), and and the Editor's decision, chums,
think up a caption to go along is final.
with it. Write your caption, along

47 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

n m

All this violence and
not a Ninja in sight —
Melbourne House are
set to pummel you into
submission with this
grappling package.

Rock 'n' Wrestle

1 P L R Y E R 1 ©1 KEVBOARD Melbourne House
310O £7.95
elbourne House with Way ot smash and kick. But It is the many moves as possible. On
the Exploding Fist and Fighting grab (pushing the Joystick balance this was probably the
Warrior have been the forward and pressing the fire right decision as having well
trendsetters for combat games button) that will lead you on to depicted wrestlers with fewer
and Rock 'n' Wrestle is yet the more spectacular (and moves would not have made a
another simulation that seems satisfying) moves. better game and In the end
destined to enhance their Once you've grabbed your there are few if any of the well
reputation. opponent one option is to spin known wrestling holds omitted.
There are no mystical depths him around the ring and throw There are no knockouts, two
to plumb, no other aim except him onto the ropes. On the pin tails are needed to secure
annihilating all opposition with rebound pressing the fire button victory and when you are
o bewildering variety ol and moving the joystick will playing against the computer
wrestling moves. You play produce a nice range of you could well find yourself
Gorgeous George the tenth flatteners such as the body pinned before you've made a
ranked contender lor the world check, drop kick and flying move Trying to escape a hold
title who must head butt, body press. depends on your strength level
forearm smash and drop kick his If you grab your opponent but you are not entirely helpless
way lo the top. from the front it gives you the and furiously jiggling the joystick
As with Melbourne House's chance to inflict a head butt or can force your opponent to
previous combat games the a lift which again gives you a break the hold.
different moves and choice of masochistic options — Overall the furious action of
combinations of moves are a body slam or pile driver with Rock 'n' Wrestle more than
initially very tricky to master and an aeroplane spin for starters if makes up for less than startling
playing in a two player mode required. graphics and almost non
against a stationary opponent is Grabbing your opponent from existent sound and If you are
very necessary to sharpen up behind opens up the possibility bored with martial arts games it
your repertoir of devastating of a backbreaker or Atomic makes a good alternative for
blows. drop' (dropping your opponent venting aggression. If you are a
There Is a keyboard option for feet first onto the canvas). When grappling connoisseur it's
both one player and two player you get some of these moves definitely for you and even If you
mode but this could cause working smoothly Rock 'n' Wrestle aren't It may still exert an
fingers to become severely is a joy to play and the addictive hold over you.
knotted during a difficult bout. complexity of moves you can
Altogether there are 25 make gives the game plenty of
separate moves and holds. mileage. Due to the number of
Moving around the ring simply
requires joystick control. A single
movements included the
graphics do seem to be under
trigger press will give you some strain and realism of the
softening up options such as a wrestlers seems to have been
sharp lift of the knee, forearm sacrificed in order to cram in as

48 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

"10 levels of fun make this torture excellent value
To B E f^ /1IT
for money. Nova rating. Definitely one of those
just another go' games. Game of the month
February" - Computer Gamer
"The most compulsive game I've ever
played. If you don't buy it you'll never
know what you've missed." says Gary
Penn, Zzap! 64. Gold Medal Award.
97% overall.
CBM 64/128 5PECTRUM48K
Lssrrn DISC

£9.95 £12.95

£8.95 £13.95
The Price of Magik
Level 9 Computing

^ a g i c used to be plentiful. That

was when the moon shone red
and radiated its power over all
the earth. Gradually however,
the amount of magic present
began to wane as the sun
bleached the moon's power
away. Things became so
desperate lhat the magicians
decided to create a red moon
crystal of Baskalos whilst some
magic still remained. That they
were successful is now well
known and the story of their
Uhat now? achievement was written down
You're in a store rood, ftn exit in the annals of history. People
leads west t o an oar, panelled still clamour for the story of Red
corridor. Y o u can s e e a lever Moon. But time passes and
and a s w o r d point. prosperity has returned to the
Uhat now? INUE land.
Y o u own an e l d e r cross, a When the crystal was created,
candle, a l i t t l e * i r r o r , soi*e the best of the remaining
ashes, a cage, a Knucklebone, a magicians were appointed as
s c r o l l , a sr. u l l , a K n i f e and a guardians. Under their care the
mandrake . red moon crystal slowly gained
U h a t n o w ? !« In power and magic spread
throughout the land again.
Myglar was one of these
guardians and he too looked
after the crystal carefully. But as
the years passed, so Myglar took
to thinking and the subject that
preyed on his mind most of all
was that of his own mortality. The
ihought of dying terrified him
and so he began to divert the
power of the crystal away from
the land and use It for himself In
his search for immortality. The

Enter Level 9*s latest
venture into the magic

power of fhe red moon Is now

quickly diminishing again. The
only way to stop It from
disappearing altogether Is to
defeat Myglar and take his
place as guardian. And that is
why you are standing, somewhat
nervously, outside the House of
the Red Moon.
The Price of Magik Is the
latest release from Level 9.
Britain's premier adventure
producers. Such was the
response to Red Moon (It won
several awards), that adventurers southwest to th* p « n t * ? o n « t room
everywhere have been awaiting
this release with considerable
anticipation, especially as the
Brothers Austin claim that they
8* i t o w *
h * t

in * t s b t * room, exits
have Improved their data ir« l o u t h w e s t to • t l t t t *
compression techniques even I#n4irt9 *r»d n o r t h w t s t to • rro o o f
* r d t n* V o u c *n *«« • w * r
further and crammed even more
Into the game. There are over
200 locations to be explored, all
8h * t n o w ? E X A M UftftG*HC
frhowtno th« M i i » i < n w h i c h
of them Illustrated together with t>rou9hl M v 9 t•r to P O * * f ,
about 150 objects and creatures
uh*t n©w7
to be discovered and
manipulated. The program
boasts a vocabulary of over 1000
words so that you shouldn't have
too much trouble In finding the
mot juste.

Under the spell

Magic does not come easily to
you — in fact you start ofl
knowing exactly nothing. Very
reassuringly, the Instructions

51 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986


inlorm you that In order to Isn't it how the piece ot paper descriptions or choose to have
succeed in your quest, you must that you use for mapping is every location Illustrated. The
know everything. This involves always the wrong shape and the pictures are fairly simple but are
you learning some eighteen passages soon take you straight bright and colourful and have
spells before you can seek a off the edge ol Ihe paper with the advantage ol being drawn
final confrontation with Myglar. acres of open space in the other very quickly if you are moving
In order to cast a spell, you must directions! A nice feature of the rapidly around previous
first of all know its name (no game is that It is very easy to explored areas. This is due to the
great surprise here) but you must get inta You are not stuck in the multi-tasking system used. There
also possess that particular same few locations until you are not really any extra clues to
spell's focus. This is an object solve a specific problem, Alter a be derived from the pictures
from which the spell draws its couple of hours playing. I had although some of the objects
power. In general, the object Is well over 120 different places illustrated do play a part in the
connected to the spell so that mapped on assorted bits ot game's later stages Personally
there is not too much guesswork paper. That was about all that I though, I much prefer the extra
involved. For example, there is a had done at that stage as the atmosphere created by the text
spell that heals any wounds that game itself is fairly difficult. I version.
you may have incurred In kept coming across situations
combat and the focus required
is a herb. There are hazards
where I knew what I wanted to
try but didn't have the
Back tracking
Involved In using magic though. appropriate spell. What an There are several ways to save
Every time you cast a spell, excellent way of making sure your position for a later date.
you age magically by a year. that you play the game again Ramsave stores your current
This in itsell is not too serious, but and again. details In memory for as long as
it does have rather disastrous the computer is switched on. For
consequences II you reach the
age ot one hundred. Don't
Four letter words a more permanent record, there
is the usual save to tape facility
despair too much though, there although you will have to use
Is a way of magically reversing The vocabulary Is very large at the dreaded Lenslok system
this ageing process. The over 1000 words and the parser when you want to restore a
acquisition of magical ability is Is on the whole excellent but game. Incidentally. It Is the up
connected with a loss of sanity. there are one or two little and down cursor keys that are
You start off perfectly sane but problems. Most of the time, the used to adjust the large letter
as you progress through the program only looks at the lirsl "H", not the left and right keys as
game and learn more about four letters of a word but there Indicated on the screen. One
magic, your sanity decreases. are occasions where you need very uselul feature that I had not
This is used as a method of to type out your word In full. For come across before was the
scoring — there are no points to example, you start off outside the "OOPS" command. This, as Its
be gained for finding treasures front door of a large house. On name suggests is for when you
or defeating monsters. the door is a large knocker in have typed your Instructions and
The creatures found In the the shape of a grllfln. If you type the outcome of the action has
game are many and varied "exam knock" (which you need shown that your Judgement was
ranging from bats to werewolves, to do), the parser assumes that somewhat lacking (I got my
slugs to ferrymen. Some you will you are trying to knock on the head cleaved in when an axe
need to fiaht. some are best left door (in other words it is using fell on III). Using "OOPS" allows
alone and others are needed to "knock" as a verb rather than a you to go back a move and so
help you although they may not noun which Is what you try something different. For those
do this willingly. Combat is intended). This is rather of you with 128s. this facility can
Initiated by typing "kill mummy" unfortunate as knocking on Ihe be used some sixty times
or whatever. The program door is not exactly beneficial to consecutively but I can't believe
assumes that you are using your you as it summons a monster. that any ZX Computer reader
best weapon from any that you The other problem with the would be stupid enough to type
might be carrying. Each party parser comes If you use a word in sixty silly commands!
has a certain number of hit which is not in the game's There is a lot to this game
points and a successful hit vocabulary. Sometimes your and It Is one that will keep you
reduces this value. When the "wrong" word is sufficiently going back to it as you attempt
total reaches zera the creature similar to another one In the to crack it. As with all Level 9's
(or you if you are unlucky) dies. gome and you get a message games, all serious adventurers
A word of warning here You are to the effect that you can't see a will want It in their collection. At
likely to have to fight a creature XXXX here which spoils things only £9.95 to become a sorceror,
several times over as they keep slightly if you haven't come the Price of Maglk has got to be
coming back as ghosts to haunt across the XXXX yet. good value for money.
youl Adventurers are split down the
Mapping the game Is very middle when It comes to
straightforward, not least arguments as to whether or not
because all the location a game should have graphics.
descriptions tell you where the Fear not! Whatever your tastes,
exits lead ta The only problems the Price of Magic caters tor
that I encountered were them with two versions of the
negotiating the different floors of game on opposlle sides of the
the house and finding room to tape. Take your pick from a text
draw In the secret doors. Strange only version with expanded

52 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

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It's five o'clock in the
morning and you have
just finished writing the
most addictive game
the world has ever
known. What's your
next step? Steve Gretz
follows the path to
becoming a
professional software

• n the games software industry

there is a continual and
relentless hunt lor what is called
in the esoteric hi-tech jargon ol
the trade - the BTSSB factor.
For the layman this Robin Thompion,
unfathomable abbreviation whoso gamo
actually stands for the Best Thing
Molecule Man arrived In Mastortronlc*t pott o n * day and was inoppod upk
Since Sliced Bread, and when a
software house lays hands on looking for people to produce house. "The most important
this rare commodity they are graphics and music. things are graphics and
unlikely to let if slip Ihrough their "If you happen to be a animation. If you can do that
fingers. specialist in 3-D graphics there is you can do anything In the
Rule one In the software an industry-wide shortage of games Industry' 1
jungle is that companies will not programmers in that area. So while your cherished
pass up a potential mega-game "We have difficulty in finding game may never reach the
if it lands in their laps and an programmers who can handle shelves your talent in a
adage worth remembering if the mathematical aspects of 3-D: particular area could be useful
your confidence falters is that "if Most programmers are self- in the team development of
you've gol what it takes they'll taught. without that sort of games, and although the "you
fake what you've got." expertise, and although there is hove to have experience to gain
Unfortunately rule one is a lot of demand tor 3-D style experience" catch may seem a
seldom observed as BTSSB games we can't get the right real hurdle it is not
games don't surface that often. people" Insurmountable If you have the
BTSSB games can be presented The need for experience skills that are In demand.
to software houses wrapped up when working on team But. if you ore adamant in
in old newspaper but there is a developments was echoed by your quest to get your game
chance that while your game Keith Robinson of Odin (Nodes of published it is advisable to aim
might not measure up to the Yesod, Robin of the Wood): "The for software houses who
legendary Sliced Bread it could main thing we look for is specialise in developing their
be marketable, and there are whether people have been in own software. And if you thought
certain ground rules that could the business before You can t that budget software houses are
improve its chances of success. afford to take chances on a soft option think again. While
unproven programmers." it may be encouraging to think
Which software house? Versatility counts if you want "I could do that" when playing
to get into team programming. a so-so budget game it is worth
Some software houses tend to "One problem we have is that remembering that the standard
specialise in licensing deals, some good programmers only is constantly being pushed up
conversions from one machine want to work treelance or on through competition, and writing
to another or, as in the case of one machine, whereas they a game of o comparable
Elite, conversions from coin-op have an obvious advantage if standard may not be enough to
games to home micros. These they can work with a variety of impress. Alison Beasley at
companies, although they would machines and processors." Mastertronic said, "Only about
not object to a BTSSB game Odin, like every other software two per cent of games sent in
coming up and slapping them house is constantly receiving are of a good standard and
in the face, are more on the games from hopeful amateurs only a fraction make it Into
look out for expert programmers and commented: "We tend not production. There are
with proven skill in specialised to publish programs we get exceptions, such as Robin
areas who can work as part of because the vast majority ore Thompson who wrote Molecule
an in-house team or as a simply not up to standard, Man', it was his first game and
freelancer. although we do get the just arrived in the post one day."
Elite's Steve Wilcox told us. "We occasional good game in. Our
are fairly heavily involved in advice to Ihose we don't accept Presentation
coin-op conversions and the sort is to keep plugging away at it."
of person we are looking for has While a submitted game A potentially good game can
already been involved in might not have the makings of a be let down purely on the
commercial games hit there may be features in it quality of its presentation.
programming. We are ideally that catch the eye of a software "The best thing from our point

54 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

of view is to receive a finished Coding game over message, so that the
game that is real quality work," player knows what has hit him.
said Philip Morris of English "Use a good assembler or so to speak. Allow the player to
Software. 'You would be software development kit. abort a game easily if he is
surprised how often we are sent Document your source code doing badly, and don't make
lapes that won't load or are well so that changes can easily him wait 30 seconds before he
without proper loading be made." can start again just because
instructions." you have insisted on inserting a
Andrew Hewson outlines what nifty animation routine at the
Hewson look for in evaluating a Graphics start of every game."
program's potential.
"Write or use user-friendly
"You can look at a program
and with experience quickly character and map designers to High score table
develop an opinion. There are make life easier tor yourself. Try
to make the graphics as varied "High score tables are a very
some very basic guidelines — important feature. Players want
have they used all the screen as possible by designing
"graphics primitives' — small to see that they are improving.
area? Are there blank spaces? Keep the maximum number of
Do they have a good eye for building blocks which can be
combined to create bigger entries to 20 with sample scores
colour and avoid clashes? Is the added which increase in such a
program running at a sufficient blocks to produce the different
screens. way that the player can see his
speed? Is the action smooth? Are skill developing as he slowly but
the graphics dickering?" "If you are not particularly
artistic, get a friend to design surely improves his ranking in
Another important aspect is the lable.
the appeal of the game subject. the graphics for you. If your
graphics are easy to use then "The top position should be
"You may get a very good attainable but fairly difficult to
program about running the bus your artist friend will be thai
much more productive." achieve. Allow at least eight
service on the Isle ol Wight but characters for name input.
the arcade appeal would be "During game ploy, you could
slrictly limited." Animation display special messages lor a
On the other hand, a brilliant score of 10,000, another at 20,000
idea for a game isn't enough. "Use as many frames as possible and so on. Or you could add a
"Ideas are ten a penny," said to animate the different graphical effect, a simple
Andrew "And an idea isn't characters. Four frames is really change of background colour
enough. What we have to be a minimum for walking in one at very high levels can be
sure ot Is that the potential is direction. Make a dying man immensely stimulating and
there to lake an idea through to crumple elegantly to the door; rewarding, especially as the
the finished product. make him bend over and pick player realises that he is seeing
"When someone approaches something up rather than have something that few people will
a software house they must have the object suddenly materialise ever see."
something in their hand that's in his hand."
impressive. We don't necessarily
need a finished product but Sound Game testing
there has to be something there
lhat implies the finished producl "The only real way to do this is
"Include sound on/off options to get somebody else to play
will be good. Many people find sound effects
"In fact, as far as we are the game without your
distracting, and some like to supervision and allow him to do
concerned we don't necessarily play games late at night
want a finished product as there daft things with the game. Ask
(without disturbing the
is always room for improvement neighbours)." people who do not know you
and we like to build as much well as they will be more blunt
into a game as we can. But the and honest about your game.
fact that a game may need You will be surprised how many
changes shouldn't be Control bugs will be uncovered. Watch
discouraging as lhal can apply out for easier ways to solve your
to even the most experienced "Make the game as easy to ditficult puzzles. It may be
programmers." operate as possible and avoid possible to complete the game
complex key operations: the easily by linding trick ways
best games require very few through the game or by solving
instructions for playing the puzzles in a dilferent way.
Practical tips game. Don't drop the player "Are the testers hoving fun? Do
right in the action, ease him other people stop what they are
One company that has been gently into the game so that he doing and crowd round the
actively seeking new can get used to the controls. Not display, or do they take a quick
programmers and gomes every player is an arcade ace look then wander off? A good
through advertisements is — many are young children. game should draw the crowds
Superior Software (Repton). In "Include both joystick and like the pied piper of Hamlyn.
conjunction with their keyboard control — with user- Note down any comments —
recruitment drive they have selectable keys if possible. Some don't rely on your memory —
produced a booklet called Top people do not have joysticks, then retire to your computer and
Tips lor Games Authors which whilst others may prefer to use make improvements."
contains a wealth of good Ihe keyboard. So, if you've got that surefire
advice on how to write "Include a game pause, number one blockbuster
marketable software. causing your main character to bubbling at the back of your
Ken Cambell of Superior crouch, sit or tap his foot, or mind get cracking, but there
Software said, "It's really an something completely out ol the may be someone ahead of you
exercise in creating interest and ordinary." in the queue to the games hall
passing on hints on how to ol lame. You see I've got this
convert ideas inlo a game." idea for a game, it's an
For those about to sit down Finishing touches underwater karate simulation set
and write that elusive BTSSB on Mars in the middle ages and
game here are a lew sample "Include a suitable pause believe me it's going to be the
quotes from Top Tips. between each lile lost and the best thing s i n c e . . .

55 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

•t's a pity Vlv is so violent, it outside the house Include the
The Young Ones he'd waited a tew moments hed laundrette and the shop.
Orpheus have been able to play Control of your character Is
£7.95 Orpheus' latest ottering 'The via a menu at the top right of
Young Ones'. You've seen the the screen. Usually three options
programme, been sick on the are available: action, talk and
The Young Ones are out record and now you can play walk.
the game. Action allows you to do
to create havoc in this The lads have decided to something with one of the
move out of their house and you objects. This may simply involve
crying, talking, can join in the chaos by picking it up or could give other
becoming one of them. possibilities like switching it on
sleeping, walking, living At the start of the game you or opening It up. All of the
choose your character from the objects in the room or carried
game. tour who appear on the screen. by you are listed along the top
Rik is the people's poet, a wet of the screen as soon as you
sociologist. Mike is the cool select the action option and you
person and womaniser. Nell is a simply choose the object you
hippy, vegetarian and pacifist. want to use from this list.
Vivian is a punk, violent and Talk can give you clues to the
coo/ totally irresponsible. Items your character needs. All
The personality of the ot the characters are Incessant
character affects the way you chatlerers, indicated by speech
Hey i * ,h|s . ^
l o o k o t w e f e ) h e
have to play the game. For balloons appearing from their
example. Neil is a dreamer and mouths. Some of the words are
moves more slowly than the not very nice and In one game I
others but Vlv tends to whizz played the same swear word
around. Whoever you play, the appeared on the screen three
Idea is to collect all of the times In succession. The games
things which relate to your market is aimed at young
Young One's personality. The people and many will buy this
objects are scattered about the game on the strength of the hit
house in an anarchic manner record 'Living Doll' and I see no
which would appeal to Rik's necessity for trying to maintain
political leanings. Some of the the swearing aspect of the TV
objects are fairly mundane but series by using language which
<*> on c others are definitely weird. would make Cliff Richard blush.
Amongst the kettles, video While I'm up on my soapbox,
p'ennTSlSlfS a recorders and guitar cases are why include a lit joint as one of
earned? pennV chain saws, bogies and dead the objects? Surely games
rats. dealing with these kinds of
c'fcln'X 0u« s a w s
Each person can only carry a subjects should carry some sort
few things at a time until he of warning on the box?
,We're felly!' finds a suitable receptacle to Walk allows your character to
vou'll breoklH rhaf's put them in. For Viv this would move to an adjoining room.
be a black bin bag and for Neil Tactics are essential to
C M»AAASHSH! a guitar case successfully collect and hide
The first person to collect all items which you know the other
of his belongings wins the game. characters are looking for, but
This would be easy except tor be careful, they may get their
the fact that any of their chattels own back!
can be hidden In beds, the All things considered, this is a
fridge, the cassette recorder or good game but marred by its
any other openable object. dubious taste in certain areas.
Certain objects rely on the Fans of the TV series will love It
»7 • possession of others before they and have a distinct advantage
can be picked up The grave over those who have never seen
cannot be opened without the it before.
spade, for instance.
Inside the wardrobe in the
hall is the entrance to Narnia
but, unless you possess the
correct item, access to this
make-believe world Is
impossible. Other locations

56 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Your J V J J f (All Weather-All Terrain) jet stands fully fuelled
and fully armed. A vast invasion fleet is anchored just off your shores.
Ground forces hove come ashore and are advancing on your positions
protected by massivo air cover.
You are the last fighter pilot. Your country turns to you and asks
"Are you good enough tooe called an ACE 7"


Entering the offices of
Palace Software isn't
quite like going into
any other software
fwe'te inside the Scala." Tim
Matthews told me when I rang to
arrange a visit. The Scala, lor the
benefit of those lost souls not
living in London, is a well known,
though rather run down looking,
art-house cinema In the King's
Cross area. If you want to go to
all-night showings of horror
movies or watch episodes of cult
TV series like The Avengers or
The Prisoner, then you go to the
As I walked into the cinema's
foyer a billboard announced the
week's main feature — "Stranger
Than Paradise'. And as I walked
up the long darkened stairway
to the Palace Office it occurred
to me that this might well be a
suitable home for the company
that brought The Evil Dead and
Cauldron to our computer
However, the inside ot their
oflice turns out to be busier and
brighter than the exterior. The
first office is the admin area,
where managing director Peter
Stone and his right-hand person
Matthew Tims are busily taking
phone calls. Scattered all over
the place are boxes full of their
latest release. Cauldron tl Oust
the Commodore version, the
only version finished as yet).
There's also a large number ot
German versions of the game
sitting on a shelf — did you
know that Cauldron In German
is Hexenkuche'? — and Peter is
talking to somebody about the
Schneider (the German
marketing name tor Amstrad)
version ofthe game over the
This seems like a good place
to start, so after the introductions

ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

1) \

I ask Peter about Palace's

overseas activities.
"Cauldron did incredibly well o _e»
in France and Germany. France
only has one main computer
magazine, called 'Tilt' and we
won their equivalent ol the 99X
game ot the year award." This
award is called the 'Tilt D'or'

nil i i
(which meals tilt ol gold, though
I suspect that it loses something
in translation), and there was
even a televised award
ceremony. i i|i i
"We don't expect to
be like Ocean, but
UjELJ ff yuML J
we want to be a
name to look out
So how did Palace Software get
slarted, and how did they end
up in the Scala?
A tew years ago Peter and
Richard were running Video
Palace, a large video sale and
rental store In London and were
doing very well with computers "We don't expect to become behind the two Cauldron
and games. That was the side ol like Ocean." Peter told me "But games.
things that most Interested them we want to have a small number Except that they're not all
so they decided to take the of superb releases and become programmers. Of the hall dozen
plunge Into games. Richard a name to look out for" strong team, only Richard, Chris
wrote The Evil Dead and they've and Stanley are programmers
gradually built up since then. Daniel. Steve and Mark are
"We're In a fortunate position The Palace artists, and there's Richard
Joseph, a musician who works at
as we're financed by Palace
Films. I'm not saying that money programmers home, "because it's too noisy
Is no object, but we've been Leaving Matthew to handle all here."
able to proceed at our own the 'phone calls. Peter shows me So this isn't the usual sort ol
pace. A lot of time has been into the next office, where the programming team, and Peter
spent finding good Palace team are at work on explains how Palace games are
programmers, good artists." their current projects. This is produced
And what about the offices?
"Well, they're cheap."
The first stage for Palace was
more like an artist's studio than
most programmers' offices — you
walk down a short wooden
"We work a bit differently to
some software houses We've got
three artists who design the
when Richard wrote Evil Dead staircase Into a high-roofed room games and liase with the Q.
on his own. Then they lound an with tables and benches piled programmers to see what can
artist. Steve Brown, and spent a with computers, monitors, and be done. The artists often get
year working on the various the like, all round the walls And, ideas that initially seem

versions ol Cauldron. Bui one of course, the Palace impossible, but Ideas are
release a year Isn't really programmers. Daniel Malone. continually refined Cauldron II

llnanclally viable, so they've Marli Eason, Chris Stangroom, strained everyone because of
added to their staff and the next Stanley Schembrl, project leader the amount of graphics, and
step should be the release of Richard (Evil Dead) Leintellder, Steve and Richard worked side
four or five good games a year. and Steve Brown the man by side lor nine months to

ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986 59

ensure that it could all be working with computer graphics
done." allow them to achieve what they
Which brought us neatly onto want? And how do they design
Cauldron II. I d seen the their graphics — on the
Commodore version running, machines or on paper?
which looked like fun. and as I'd "The graphics are designed on
enjoyed the original Cauldron paper, and we have to put up
game on the Spectrum I felt that with what we can get on the
was a good enough excuse to machines. We're often told ofl by
go along and visit Palace and
see if a Spectrum version of
cm the programmers for wanting too
Cauldron II was on the way. And,
as It happens, the Spectrum a o 'Can you imagine a
version is due for release at the
end of July game based on
Steve is one of the artists on Absolute Beginners?'
the Palace team. At college he
For the immediate future. Palace
did some work on animation
are busy working on Antiriad
which is what led him into
plus two other programs that
computer graphics. He showed
they don't want to say too much
me an unfinished Spectrum
about, though Peter did tell me
version that Richard was still
that one of them is being
working on. which looked
produced out of house by Binary
identical to the '64 version.
Visions, the two-man team
"The graphics transferred responsible for Martech's Zoids.
straight over. The map is exactly objects that you will need to get
the same, though the rooms are you all the way through the towards the end ot the
slightly smaller because of the castle, but I'm not going to tell afternoon we got chatting about
size of the Spectrum screen." you what they are. Like the witch the activities of various other
in the last game, the pumpkin software houses, including
The Commodore version has
has a limited amount of George Lucas" games company,
some nice sound effects, so I
magical energy that he can use Lucas Film Games. Like Lucas
asked the usual question about
to zap his way past monsters. Film, Palace are also linked with
how the Spectrum version
compares on sound. Where both Cauldron games a film company, so I asked Peter
score is In their design. They're if this was likely to lead to any
"Not bad actually,
not state ot the art icon driven film tie-in games. Surprisingly
considering." Sfeve told me. "The
arcade/strategy games, but they perhaps, since every olher
sound g u y s done really well."
are highly addictive and software house seems keen to
enjoyable gomes with lots of get the rights to tilm/TV titles
The Pumpkin character, probably due to the these days, Peter didn't seem all
emphasis on the artists In the that worried about the
Strikes Back team rather than the possibility.
Cauldron II follows directly on programmers. "We do get lots of hassle from
from its predecessor. At the end the film company but we're not
of the first game the witch has 'We're often told off too keen on them. We were
destroyed all but one lone hassled about doing a
pumpkin. In the new game the by the programmers Company of Wolves game and
Pumpkin takes the central role for wanting too an Absolute Beginners game —
and attempts to defeat the can you imagine a game
witch. You have to guide much' based on Absolute Beginners?"
him/her/it through the dangers of As well as Cauldron II, Palace The trouble with doing tie-ins,
the witch's castle to reach her are currently working on their Peter told me, is that If you're
bedroom where you can cut off next planned release, a little selling games internationally a
a lock of her hair and then drop something called The Sacred name that is well known In one
it into the cauldron hidden in Armour of Antiriad. The idea for country might not be at all well
the castle dungeon. this game came from Daniel known in another so you don't
The game has 128 screens Malone who also has an artistic gain anything from the tie-in.
through which you have to rather than a programming That's why Palace ended up not
bounce the pumpkin (a skill in background. Daniel has always working on a proposed tie-in
itself)- Anything that moves is been interested in science with the pop group Madness.
deadly, and there is a host of fiction/fantasy comic strips such There was just time for a tew
strange creatures out to get as Judge Dredd, and when quick photos, with everyone
you; skeletons, gargoyles, Antiriad is released it will come trying to look wacky (the way
hunchbacks, and even a stuffed with a comic book included in programmers always do In
pig's head, among others. There the packaging. pictures) before I headed back
are also a number of magical "Daniel started working for us. to our own offices, leaving the
One of the advantages of the fiddling around with graphics," "funky cinema atmosphere" of
Palace system is that the artists Peter explained. "Then he came Palace behind. That atmosphere
don't conceive a game for just up with a concept for a game certainly made a pleasant
< one machine and then worry
about how to convert it onto
and the story behind it sounded
like a comic, so we asked him to
change from the bland offices
of many other software houses,
another. They try to produce a comic which will be and if what I saw there was any
simultaneously plan a game for released with the game." indication, then there's likely to

1 Spectrum, Commodore and

Amstrad machines.
Do people like Steve and
Daniel feel that the restrictions of
be some fairly 'funky' programs
coming out of there this year.

60 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Carol Brooksbank
diagnoses an excellent
utility for microdrive
but when the program ran, the program, easier to use than
M/Drive Doctor loading screen appeared, POKEs into the buffer, which
Pipeq Systems followed by a 'file not found' allows you to examine and alter,
£7.50 report. That aside, however, * if necessary, a sector's contents.
MOVE lets you back up most Nine bytes of the sector are
cartridges, and is a great boon shown at a time, with the
• " h i s is a truly splendid utility, If you are trying to rescue a decimal number stored in each
and one which every Microdrive damaged one. and the character if it is the
user ought to own. Once The remaining extra CODE of a printable character. A
loaded, It gives fifteen extra commands allow you to rescue cursor line across the screen
BASIC commands which all take files from damaged or faulty shows the current byte. Keys 6
the form of a keyword preceded cartridges, without having to and 7 are used to move the
by '*'. If only Microdrive syntax have any detailed knowledge of cursor back or forward, and keys
were always that simple! They the makeup of Microdrive 5 and 8 to increase or decrease
work on the default drive — channels and sectors. If you the number stored in the byte.
drive 1 on loading, but this can have a file which refuses to This may seem a bit odd to
be altered by the * POINT load, you tlrst use * LLIST, which someone who has only ever
command. gives a list of all faulty sectors on lived with a Spectrum+ or 128K
the cartridge. * RESTORE, model, who might not know that
Formatting followed by the sector number, these are the 'arrow' keys on the
will mend a good proportion of rubber-keyboard models. Again,
The * FORMAT command greatly them, but even if this fails you the program calculates the
Increases cartridge capacity. I can still salvage it. checksums when you re-save the
formatted two new cartridges * READ will list the sectors In a sector, so no specialist
using the normal FORMAT, which file, and * BIN gives a readout of knowledge is required, unless, of
gave 86K and 87K. * FORMAT all the sectors on the cartridge course, you are salvaging
showing whether they are used machine code files wlien you
S lave 98K and 101K respectively,
his feature alone would
persuade me to buy this utility,
or free. You select an unused would need to understand

but It Is only the first of a number W«FYu3 P A , I. I A T

I. INK 0 3 0 2 0
of new facilities which make you c-eeooi ( r l U l PP INT
Tftseoc-e i COCt" 4SOi>2 1 0 2 3 9
think that. If it can be done. Sir C-66002 Dseooi PRINT
Clive should have thought of It P M . L T J.T rB3600 3 PP INT
COC'C 2 7 . 3 9 2 . 1 0 3 3 9
in the first place. TASCOCE2 O06i>02 PR INT
• CAT, for Instance, gives a TflSORL TO S T A B L E CODE 3 7 3 8 S . O 0 1 6 O
TAsrm&LC crs PP INT
directory readout which shows ernrw list PR INT
Cf u u TflSCTPL COCK 2 5 0 0 0 . 0 2 3 9 I
tile title, file type, auto start line c r u t t c r u i t PRINT
number if any. the start address Cft t n L I HE
tonhf c r*nv PR INT
and number of bytes in a U K tp« o n h r CODE 2 3 2 9 6
machine code file, and the pf int print L I HE
cartridge name and space t te n p T U 3
4 l
capacity — a great 4 1
Improvement on the normal
alphabetical list which tells you Flg.1, Tho d i s p l a y producod by Iho n o r m a l microdrlvo CAT command.
nothing about the files. * Flg.2. Tho much more detailed d i s p l a y mado available by the new * CAT command.
INVERSE allows you to change
any file name at will. * MERGE one. and copy the faulty sector machine code and the program
lets you load auto-start programs to it using the * LOAD and * concerned.
without running them, just as you SAVE commands These actually The screen output can be
can with taped programs. * NEW copy a specified sector into a sent to the RS232 Interface, or to
works like the normal NEW, buffer, and save the contents of a ZX printer, by diverting stream
except that it preserves these the buffer back to the cartridge 2, or a screen dump will give a
extra commands. on the sector of your choice. You hard copy of everything except
* MOVE, If you have two can change the data if you wish the output ot the Editor program.
drives, will make a backup of by POKEing the buffer locations. All the commands are very
the cartridge In drive 1 onto the The checksums are recalculated easy to remember and use. After
one In drive 2. which must either automatically, so data can be ten minutes with the program I
be new or contain unwanted changed freely and the new found that I hardly needed the
files, because anything already sector will be properly saved. If handbook. I shall probably
on it will be lost in the process. your file contains text, * CHRS spend the rest of the week *
Although the handbook claims displays a sector's contents in MOVEina my files about so that I
that this option will copy any character form, so you can c a n * FORMAT all my old
cartridge, there are some simply read It. * ERASE reclaims cartridges and save myself a
program protection methods an unwanted sector, such as the fortune in new ones with all the
which resist It. Superchess 3.5, tor original faulty one from which extra capacity.
instance, shows only one short you copied the data, and you This program is a must for
program In the directory when will find that the file will now Microdrive owners, and Pipeq
you CAT the cartridge, though load, even though the data itself also market a QL version and
the spare capacity shows that may still be corrupted. are currently working on a
there is another long program Wafadrive one. The program is
present, but Invisible in the only available by mall order, so
directory. • MOVE copied the Edit you will need their address:
whole tape — the spare Pipeq Systems, 471 Hornsey
capacity figure showed that — There Is a separate Editor Road, Hornsey. London N19.

61 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986



to London they met Nigel Searle deal was signed. A+ Computer

Mark Fendrick brings (of Sinclair) and the folks at Response has purchased the
Psion. They would not soon forget entire inventory of US QLs,
news of how the this remarkable micro. monitors, printers, flat screen TVs
Mrs Whitham first became and assorted software. A+ will
Sinclair buy-out has interested in computers four not be selling directly to the
years ago when she mel her public as Sinclair had been
affected American husband, who was then working doing, bul rather will set up a
lor EMF (Sinclair's former national network ot authorised
users, and of the highly authorised service centre) in dealers to carry the line. The
their marketing service. She was initial response has been
successful Sinclair hired by Micro Services of New greater than had originally
England. Inc. a local Apple been anticipated according to
Computerfest. dealer, for office work in the Mrs Whitham. Initial estimates
store. However, it was not long indicated that there should be
s we here in the Slates were before she was selling, and enough stock for about two
just getting used to the tact that became the top salesperson — years, although A+ is committed
we were now selling and "beating all the men", as she is to supporting the QL well
supporting an actively proud to point out. She beyond that time, perhaps with
produced Sinclair computer (the eventually became manager ot additional production. The QL
QL), Amstrad bought the Sinclair the store. At one point. Mrs will be supported with national
computer rights, casting a Whitham was supplying Apple advertising (unheard of in the US
shadow over the future of this computers and equipment to 72 under Sinclair's marketing) and
micro. Sinclair support in the US schools in three states. taster shipment of stock than was
had always been tenuous, but At the beginning of 1985, A+ previously the case.
now we were joined by our Compufer Response was
brethren across the pond. founded. Just weeks before the Microfair USA
However, an event was about surprise sale of Sinclair's
to happen which would breathe computer business to Amstrad, As I write these words, George
new life into the QL. Just before A+ initiated talks with Terry and Carol Whitham are
the Amstrad deal, A+ Computer Shurwood. then director of boarding an airplane for
Response, of Keene. New Sinclair. USA. about becoming London where they will attend
Hampshire, bought all the the US distributor of Sinclair the ZX Microfair. and meet with
remaining Sinclair US stock to technology. A+ believed that the folks of Amstrad Consumer
become the sole US distributor. Sinclair was trying to market the Electronics, PLC. (A stop in to see
A+ Computer Response is a QL in the US with little or no Bryan Ralph is also on their
young company founded by supporl from the UK. Mrs schedule.) They are truly
Carol and George Whitham. Whitham felt that Sinclair committed to continued support
They were previously involved in needed support for the QL from of the QL. and ils varied range
selling Apple. IBM and now IBM people who cared and were of products, here in the States.
clones and peripheral products. committed to the success of the The first indication that we
The QL came to the Whitham's computer. Carol and George had about a new spirit in the
attention in 1984 when on a trip certainly fit that bill, and the American Sinclair community

62 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

short months that Sinclair had
been back in the North
Continuing around the
exhibition hall I encountered
American market, quite a few AERCO. whose disk drive systems
new products made their have become the standard in
appearance in Cincinnati From the Sinclair community in North
the enthusiasm and activity at America since the earliest days
this show, you would never have of the ZX-81. Long spoken about,
guessed that these people were and now being displayed at the
users of computers which had Fest was the T/S 2068 licensed
been out of production for more version of CP/M-R/PM. At one ol
time than they had been in the 12 hours of lecture/
production. demonstration that was
Zebra Systems. Inc. battled presented during the two days of
with the clock to introduce two the show, Jerry Champkis of
new software packages for the AERCO ran some of the more
T S 2068. . the latest in a long list familiar CP/M software on the T/S
ol new products they have 2068 running RP/M. The AERCO
introduced in the last few display was probably the busiest

* months. As owner Stewart

Newfeld drove the van to
during the course of the show, so
I did not have much of on
opportunity to speak with Jerry,
Cincinnati, Zebra's programming
staff was finishing the final a situation soon to be corrected.
testing on Banner Designer and If you were interested in mass
Poster Designer. They would fly to storage but did not wanl to
Ihe show in time for the Saturday spend the money necessary for
morning opening These a full disk system, you probably
programs were shown along with checked out the Damco booth.
ZTERM terminal software, OS-64 — Damco Is the US distributor of
the 64 column operating system the Rotronics Wafadrive. The
cartridge, the FDD disk system, Wafadrive will work on a T/S 2068
and all of Zebras extensive which has been Spectrum
product line for the Sinclair emulated lor both hardware and
computers. soltware. Damco has developed
On to the Knighted Computers the rainbow interface which
booth where I had a chance to accomplishes that emulation in
meet two more ot the folks I had a single device which fits onto
known for a while, but never met the expansion bus of the T/S
— Ray Payne and Joe Aielio, 2068.
Knighted has made its mark on One ol the surprising aspects
the North American market by of this show wos the amount of
wos the tirst Midwest Tim ex/ obtaining the rights to Spectrum interest that still exisls in the ZX-81
Sinclair Computer Fest just held games and translating ihem to (T/S 1000 and 1500) computers I
in Cincinnati. Ohio. This was the run on the unmodified T/S 2068. had the privilege ot being
first gathering ot the Sinclair They hove the rights to the entire asked to lead a discussion on
community since the Boston Quicksilva range and have just current uses ot the ZX-81 (one ol
Computer Society's Sinclair obtained rights to Durell's two discussions I was pleased to
Celebration in October 1983. Spectrum games. They have over be asked to conduct) computers,
What started as an idea for a thirty of these modified and was surprised that there was
small gathering attracted programs on the market right o standing room only crowd for
Sinclair dealers and users from now including a few from Virgin a discussion which could have
every part of the United States and Digital Integration. These gone on for many hours. There
and Canada. Many ot the programs are able to take ore still business applications,
dealers who have been part of advantage of many of the robotic applications and home
the American Sinclair scene for features of the T/S 2068 not lound applications being relegated to
years finally had a chance to on the Spectrum. that wondrous micro despite all
meet and be met by their the announcements ol its
customers. Unlike in the UK. the demise.
Sinclair market in North America This show has sparked interest
is almost entirely a mail order in holding such gatherings all
business. Although I have known US Software across the country. A+ has
most of these folks for a number spoken about a series ol shows
of years, this was the first time I The first US release of software for which would be held in NY City,
got to meet most of them. Finally the QL wos War in the East.. .a Boston, South Carolina. Arizona.
familiar names and voices classic in its own right. Written by San Francisco and who knows
could be connected to faces Mark Stueber, of Sharp's Inc. War where else. The North American
Although they are the newest in the East was originally written Sinclair users are not about to
member ol the Sinclair family. and released for the ZX-81 (T/S pock it in!
A+ Computer Response was an 1000) computer. When the T/S What about the grand prize ol
important last minute addition to 2068 was released. Mark took a complete QL system, you ask?
the show. They lent support to advantage of the colour and It was won by 21 year old David
the organisers, came as other improvements in the new Jaruzalmi, a student at the
exhibitors and donated a prize micro, and the second version University ol Cincinnati. David
ol a complete QL system was released. The further had been visiting the show with
(QL/monltor/printer) as a grand improved graphics of the QL — a Iriend.. not having a
prize. There was great interest in most notably windowing — were computer ot his own — until now.
the QL trom those in attendance, taken advantage of and the QL He was at home when he was
as well as many questions for version of War in the East is a notified that he had won. and
A+ from the newly authorised reality. It is now a four part returned to the show to pick it
dealers, many of whom were program, with a basic module up. David was very excited at
also exhibitors and three scenarios available. having won this state of the art
Even though it has been more This program combined with the system, although he did not yet
lhan two years since Timex QL RGB monitor produces truly known to what use he would put
abandoned us, and only a lew amazing graphics. his prize.

63 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

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•1 Isn't often a company
releases a game so good that
everyone wno sees it Is
Immediately anxious to play, but
Spin Dizzy Is one of those
You play a much maligned
Trainee Assistant Cartographer
tor Unknown Worlds, who has
been given the responsibility of displayed at any time, simply by After a few hours play, I
mapping a newly discovered pressing the *M' key. managed to score a measly 7%
artificial world that )u$t happens Spin Dizzy certainly owes a overall! but within two days I had
to be hanging in s p a c e The RSC great deal to Its famous arcade scraped up to 15%. Even to gel
(Remote ScouT Craft) you have predecessor. Marble Madness, that far however. I had to cope
been given Is affectionately as both the graphics a n d the with many interesting features
known as GERALD, and due to feeling of gravity are very Including trampolines Ice and
GERALD'S age and condition similar. You are scored on three some devilish jumps! But
(old and bad respectively!), It's counts; percentage of area however much I loved this game
going to be very difficult to mapped, percentage of crystals I do feel that £9.95 Is too much
complete your task. found, a n d percentage of game to charge for a game whose
Your ship's computer has an completed. Graphically, Spin audience can HI afford that type
initial graphics map ol the area Dizzy is excellent. The of money regularly. How can
you must explore but does not 3-Dlmensional leel is Impressive, these companies expect people
give any details of routes that and the ability to move around to buy all their releases when
must be taken. To enable you to any vertical objects greatly adds each one costs around ten
last a little longer there Is a to the realism (???) o f this g a m e pounds?
liberal supply ol energy crystals One of the best features o f the Overall Spin Dizzy is a great
— each of which ups your game is the alterable gamei it Is so much better than
dwindling lime a little viewpoints This means that If, Melbourne's 'Gyroscope' as to
As this new world is hanging using your current view, a tower be Incomparable If you want a
In space, It Isn't a tremendous obscures your vision, you simply game that Is going to last, and
Idea to go falling off the edge: press numbers 1-4 and hey vet Is immediately playable,
In tact ll loses vital seconds! prestol the view has been spund Spin Dizzy is most definitely for
Once loaded, getting into Spin round by 90 degrees you I
Dizzy Is very simple, a n d Is made Another neat little touch Is the
even easier by the inclusion ol a ability to change GERALD'S form.
beginners' section due east. To start with GERALD Is an upside
Using the map Is an essential down pyramid, who spins
port of successful Spin Dizzy whenever he moves; however, by
play, although to get really the *C' key. GERALD can
good and fast you must make >come a gyroscope or a ball.
your own — much more detailed One little tip I can give you Is —
version - and It can be don't use the ball!!!

65 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Steve Turner, author of
Avalon, Dragontorc and
1-1 Quazatron gives an

Pi?CI=l=SSI NAI. insight into how the top

games are created in
the first part of a series
crammed with hints
and tips for the
budding programmer.

hen I was fifteen I Joined

one of Britain's first computer
clubs. The machine we
programmed had all of 1024
bytes of memory and was the
size of a desk. Before it could run
a program a language
compiler had to be fed In. This
consisted of a huge reel of
paper tape that spewed out into
a huge plastic bin. Finding the
start of the tape was a major
task, as the spool had to be
rewound for the next session,
The computer printed Its
answers onto a teletype
machine, and there was no
method of inputting data except
by paper tape or feeding in
binary numbers one at a time!
So began my passion tor
programming. Since then I have
programmed a variety of
machines from the largest
mainframes down to the ZX80,
and In many languages,
including COBOL, FORTRAN.
ALGOL, several machine codes. I
programmed commercially for
seven years, rising to the position
of Project Leader. I gave this up
in the early days of the
Spectrum to start my own
business, programming
computer games and have
never looked back. I'm often
asked. "How do I begin to
program?", "how do i learn
machine code?", "how do I write
a game?". Over the next few
months I shall try to answer these
questions and give an insight
into how a professional games
writer works. I shall be giving
hints and tips for beginners and
experienced programmers alike,
in both BASIC and assembler

To get the most out of a
machine you need to be aware
ol its abilities. What are the
design restraints? What is the
machine good at? What is It
bad at?
The single dominant (actor in
[any graphic design for the
Ispectrum is the limitation

Computing Monthly * July 1986

Imposed by the resolution of the new room In a game), the best you will crash the Spectrum by
colour attribute map. This means rate that this can be carried out deleting the machine code
lhat unless you design carefully, at is about five refreshes per while it is being executed.
graphics will be surrounded by second — too slow for smooth To set up the program:
squares of coloured attributes, animation. 1. Type in the following listing,
looking messy and primitive. The design must overcome taking care to type in the REM
There are several ways around this by use of more sophisticated statement at the beginning so
this problem: techniques or a smaller moving that there are at least 18
screen area. Because the CPU characters for the machine
1. Void background has to do everything it has to be code after the REM, also take
The background of the screen is pushed to Its limits by efficient care to copy the DATA list
left blank or nearly blank, programming. Note that the correctly.
usually coloured black. important factor that determines 2. SAVE It in case you have
Coloured objects can be moved how good a machine is for made a mistake.
around with their attributes quite
safely as long as they do not 8 ames is the screen resolution to
PU speed ratio. Higher
resolution slows the machine
3. GOTO 200 to load the
machine code.
4. RUN. then enter FROM 200 TO
overlap. This technique Is
suitable for space games or downl 999 in response to the prompts
platform games such as Space onscreen, to get rid of the
invaders, Lunar Jetman or Inputs machine code loader
Avalon. In Aval on I used the fact The lack of a builf-in joystick port statements.
that the attributes around the means that keyboard play, as 5. The utility is now ready for use.
main object colour the well as the many types of SAVE It in its 'ready' form to tape
background features to make It Joystick must be catered for. It's or disc To use, MERGE it with a
look as if the wizard is glowing, very difficult to play with four BASIC program that you wish to
lighting up the scenery. direction controls and a fire edit.
button on the keyboard, so this The machine code does the
2. Two colours only has to be thought out carefully. following:
The control method will LD HL, FROM FROM Is poked
Here, the main playing area is affect the playability of the from Basic
restricted to just two colours. The game. CALL 196E Call 'find Basic
Spectrum's pixel resolution Is line address"
high enough for shading to be routine.
employed to give a range of Backup storage PUSH HL Push the address
tones and textures. Examples of The lack of a standard disk drive of the found or
this type of program are for the Spectrum means that to next line onto
Knightlore. Falrlight, and my own be commercially viable a stack.
Quazatron. You can make up for program must cater for a whole LD HL, TO TO is poked from
the lack of colour on the range of devices, or for none at Basic
playing screen by using colour all. CALL 196E Call monitor to
In static displays around the find the 'TO' line in
main playing area.
Memory Basic program.
POP DE Loads DE with the
3. Many Papers but The 48K Spectrum has large
areas of memory that are FROM line address
one Ink accessed about one third slower that was on the
than other areas (the lower 16K stack.
Colour is applied using the
Paper attributes, but the Ink of RAM. for instance). So these CALL 19E5 Deletes between
attributes are common to the areas are best not used for HL and DE
whole playing area. Thus, graphics or for routines that addresses and
moving objects in the Ink colour need to be executed very closes the gap
do not cause attribute problems. quickly The BASIC variables, etc. that is left.
can all be utilised if total control RET Return to Basic
Sound is exercised over the machine
by switching the Sinclair
The lack of a sound chip In the keyboard Interrupt off. In
48K Spectrum means that
processor time Is taken up when
practice. I find it impractical Basic program
to develop machine code
producing sound from the programs for the Spectrum
machine. To enable larger than about 15K of object
simultaneous sound and code. The rest of the machine is 1 REM 123451234512345123
program execution the usually full of graphics, data 2 LET ADD = 5+PEEK
processor must be shared. Using and some sort ot development 23635+ (256*PEEK 23636)
the Z80 Interrupts are one way of tool. 4 INPUT "FROM";FF;" TO";TO
doing this, though better sounds 5 LET TO=TO+1
are possible In static moments of
the game as the whole ot the Coming s o o n . . . 6 LET X=1NT(FF/256): POKE
processor Is available for use. In later articles t shall go into ADD+1.FF—(X*256)
The design of the game should how to make the most of each of 7 LET X = INT(TO/256): POKE
utilise such moments where the the Spectrum's abilities. This ADD +9,X: POKE
game has a natural pause. month's example program is a ADD + 8JO—(X*256)
useful little utility that I use when 8 RANDOMISE USR ADD:STOP
CPU speed programming In BASIC (I use 200 REM MACHINE CODE
The Spectrum's best feature is the BASIC extensively, to prepare the LOADER
ability of the Z80 chip to execute data, text, and graphics for my 201 DATA 33,0,0,205,110,25,229,
Its large instruction set at speed games). 33,01,00,205,110,25,209,205,
that allow the program to 229,25,201
compensate for the lack of a Delete routine 215 LET ADD = 5+PEEK
proper video or sound chip. But MERGE this with any BASIC 23635+ (256 * PEEK 23636)
it Is Important to realise the program that starts at line 10 or 220 FOR A=0 TO 17
limitations of this speed. more. RUN the program and 230 READ B
If, for example, the whole then enter the first and last tine 240 POKE ADD+A.B
screen has to be refreshed numbers to be deleted, but 250 NEXT A
(redrawn, as when you enter a never include line 1 in this or

67 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

u w
It's very good In this area, but text editor from elsewhere (eg.
users should be aware of Its Metacomco). at extra expense,
limitations. It is something of a to prepare his/her own Fortran
surprise that a software house source listings.
should issue an old mainframe
favourite for a micro, with several Examples
modern and more flexible There were four example source
languages now available. programs supplied with the
However. Prospero see their version (1.1) for review. The
David Nowotnik tries customer as the computer simplest Is shown in fig. 1; if
professional, presumably allows prime numbers to be
number crunching with already familiar with Fortran, identified. Compilation Is a
using this language on the QL. straightforward process, but
a version of FORTRAN cumbersome with mlcrodrlves
With the ROM software
for the QL. For professionals installed, pass 1 is executed with
The manual supplied with Pro software on cartridge 1. pass 2
Pro-Fortran 77 Fortran-77 is certainly aimed at with software on cartridge 2.
Prospero Software the protessionat. There is no and linking to routines in the
beginners' guide, but the 170 non-resident library (which finally
£99.95 page manual Is clearly written produces the executable object
T h e r e is already a good to provide the experienced code) takes place using software
choice ol alternative high level programmer (not necessarily and library routines on cartridge
languages to SuperBASIC for the having previous experience of 3. However, with discs or (even
QL; Forth, Pascal, G and BCPL to Fortran) with enough information batter), RAM discs, the whole
name the principle choices. to implement this language. process is easy and last.
London based Prospero Software In addition to the manual, The compiler has a list of nine
are now adding another to that held in a hard backed ring options, allowing additional files
list. FORTRAN-77. binder, this package is supplied to be produced by the compiler
To go back Into computing with a plug-in ROM and three to aid diagnosis of faults During
history, Fortran became one of cartridges of software. The ROM. compilation, any errors are
the first high level languages called "PRL (Prospero Resident reported on the screen (and can
to achieve wide spread Library) contains all the library be dumped to a file). A listing of
acceptance and use on routines to operate the compiler error numbers appears in one
mainframe computers. It was and execute the object code appendix in the manual,
designed for 'number crunching' produced by the compiler. although the messages on the
applications, and was popular Compilation cannot take place screen can be expanded with
with scientists, mathematicians, without the ROM in place, but informative text provided that the
and the like. The language was there Is available on one of the compiler has access to the
very weak in dealing with cartridges a software PRL, to profor_err' file on cartridge.
anything but numbers, so allow object codes to be used Fatal and non-fatal errors can
another language, COBOL, was Independent of the plug-in ROM. be identified quickly by the
adopted for business database One surprising omission from sensible error coding system,
applications. this package is the tack of a text
Despite a number of editor. To prepare Fortran source Compilers
upgrades and improvements to code a text editor is essential Prospero Software produce
the language (of which (the QL's free word-processing Fortran compilers for some other
Fortran-77 is one of the more package. Quill cannot be used 68000-based micros, and one of
recent). Fortran remains a as It embeds control characters the attractions for the
'number crunching' language. in text). So the use must obtain a professional of using this
package Is the potential for
F i g . I . Exampl* Fortran l i s t i n g from Pro Fortran-77 using the same source code on
several machines But, In
PROGRAM PRIME addition to standard Fortran,
V. there are several non-standard
C Repeatedly asi a for input of « number and p r i n t s opcodes specific to the QL,
C out i t s smallest factor, or says I t i s pr i me
Lr— available In the non-resident
INTEGER*? FACTOR,MAXFAC library. Most of these relate
INTEGER NUMBER directly to the SuperBASIC
C S t a r t of main loop graphics commands, although
to WR1TE(•,900) there are some useful extras
900 f-ORMAT<" Input a p o s i t i v e number'. such as WSTATP, a function which
- * l e s s than a thousand m i l l i o n : ' ) returns the size of a specified
REAO ( « , « ) NUMBER window, and the current
I F (NUMBER) IO, 10, 20
20 WRITE (• ,920) NUMBER graphics cursor position.
920 FORMAT(' Smallest factor of ' , 1 9 , ' I s 1 ' ) The microdrive cartridges alsc
C I s i t d i v i s i b l e by 2? contain programs which carry
FACTOR - 2 out any desired changes in
I F (MOD(NUMBER,2)) 30, 60, 30 configuration of the compiler

C Number i s odd, so t r y al1 odd d i v i s o r s up to sqrt(number) programs and the object codes
DO 40 FACTOR - 3,MAXFAC,2 and a library routine for
I F (MOD<NUMBER,FACTOR)) 40, 60, 4o adding/modifying routines in the
40 CONTINUE non-resident libraries.
C Number i s prime Apart from the one amazing
50 WRITE (•,940) omission (no text editor) this is a
O 940 FORMAT(6H Prime/) powerful package. The price Is
Z< C
Number i s composite, provided "factor" i s not "number"
high (RRP £99.95), but Is just
within the current price range
60 IF (FACTOR.GE.NUMBER) GOTO 50 for high level language
960 FORMAT(16/) compilers for the QL. That price
GOTO 10 is probably realistic bearing In
END mind that the appeal of Fortran
0 on the QL will be very limited.

68 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Dear Sir,
Another printer problem I
am afraid! I have a
Spectrum 128 and a Brother
CR VlllIsS
M1009 and was supplied with the QL
series lead (or the connection. This
initially failed to work but once I had
discovered that the baud setting Our technical wizard Ray Elder unravels your Sinclair
had to be adjusted in the printer to
9600 L PRINT and LLIST produced
excellent results. The problem occurs
computing problems
III attempt to use control codes to
change the typeface etc Any such
attempt usually results in a message
"File Completed" and a temporary ^ ^ I really need more
loss of any output from the printer. I Information about exactly
have an interface 1 also fitted to the what you are doing, Try Ihe
128 (or microdrive control but program suggested for Mr Wallers.

removing this made no difference at The routine is lo FORMAT "b'!9600
all. where you can use 'b' or tVb" for
Sinclair have published no complete 8 bit codes (Printer control)
information on the RS232 interface or T for lexl only, and the 9600
represents the baud rate of Ihe Dear Sir.
and Its connections and my letters to Please, please, pretty
them have gone unanswered printer (check your manual). Now
open a stream to it by OPEN 4;"b" please — HELP! I'm having
(despite SAt's). I have seen no problems with my Interface
mention of a special lead for the 128 and then send you text by PRINT#4;
"This Is a test", finally closing the 1 on my 48K Spectrum. Although it's
but perhaps the wiring is in properly attached to the computer it
someway different from thai of the stream with CLOSE 4. The
commands can be used as BASIC does not accept valid commands
QL. It all else falls do you know and just prints ?.'
whether the lead suitable for lines within your programs. If this lails
Interface 1 and a serial printer then gel an engineer to check the I've tried cleaning the edge
would work with ihe 128? I don't want cable connections between the connector with a pencil erasor and
to spend another £10.15 on yet computer and Ihe printer. an alcohol based cleaning fluid, as
another lead if that also won't do the somebody a I Sinclair Research
job. suggested, but neither worked. I
have had this problem before but
I suspect you may well have had usually it has fixed itself, this time it
numerous other letters ot a similar hasn't.
nature to mine and look forward to
receiving any advice you can offer.
J. Walters, Fuller trouble However It a CLEAR command is
entered with a value somewhere
between 53000 and 64000 then it is
Leicestershire. possible to catalogue a cartridge
Dear Sirs. and also to enter run' and new' to

II your printer LPRINTS and 11 am older than your load the 'run' program that I have
LUSTS correctly then the normal reader, (over 40 but on most of my cartridges. But if LOAD.
_ J lead Is O.K. The problem Is don't tell anyone), and I SAVE or MERGE Is entered for the
In Ihe way Ihe Spectrum is sending have a problem! microdrive then the computer LOADs.
conlrol codes. Try using control I have a FULLER keyboard and it SAVEs or MERGEs by tape instead.
codes wllhin an LPRINTed string. The keeps 'locking up' — not only when
code lor 'Italics on' Is usually CHRS Also (this may be irreievent)
using Taswora but other Progs although the Aiphacom 32 printer
27 followed by CHRS 52 (or ESC 4 as (games actually — but again don't
manuals tend lo put It). The and joystick I have work when
mention it as they are my sons! And plugged into the Interface, when my
speclrum can be set to do this by my wife thinks I'm learning how to
the following lines: Protek Interface in m CURSOR mode
program the Spectrum.) I wondered pushing the joystick lett has no
10 LET P$ = CHRS 27 + CHR$ 52 if any one of your brilliant blokes
•••"TESTING ITALICS MODE" effect, but it works perfectly in
knows what is wrong! Kempston and Interface 2 mode. Do I
20 FOPMAT "b";9600
30 OPEN * 4; "b" I have spoken to two repairers: have a bad connection between
40 PRINT#4; P$ One said it is Ihe ULA (or something Interlace and Spectrum, or is my
50 C L O S E * 4 technical like that), the other said it Interface faulty?
could need a resistor on the Jonathan Farmer.
Note the use of Ihe "b" channel, and keyboard. Edinburgh.
you may have to change your
printer to automatically use an LF Does anybody know the
with a CR. answer??? There are several possible
Neil Owen. causes, one being (hot one
Prestwood. ol your peripherals is
causing problems. Use each on Its
The Fuller keyboard is well own to check that they are
known for Ihls problem. In individually functioning correctly
Ihen use them in various
Printer Problems
simple terms the ULA chip
tries to operate al the same time as combinations. If you try Interface 1
a keyboard scan. The solution is a and microdrives on their own and
buffer to give priority to one job. the problem persists then, obviously,
Dear Sir, Transform used to make a keyboard it is either your Spectrum or Ihe
I am writing to you seeking with the same problem and also a Interface!
your advice on the Serial buffer, they had buffers but these, Try and borrow a Speclrum to try
8056 Compact Printer. I ihey assured me. were not with Ihe Interface, failing that take il
have just recently purchased the compatible with Ihe Fuller. back for replacement if still under
printer along with a 128K Spectrum. I Mancomp are a repair company guarantee, and gel Ihem to try a
don't think that there's anything who have been highly praised by diflerent one in the shop. If you have
wrong with the RS-232 interface, or many of our readers so I gave them run out of guarantee then I suggest
ihe computer, and the printer passes a ring, only lo be advised thai you'd you try phoning a company such as
the "self-test' in the accompanying be better olf getting a new Mancomp, who have been praised
manual, but I can't seem to print keyboard. So there you are. I know its by many readers, on 061 224 1888, or
anything else out. Maybe I'm doing a blow but I am alraid you'll have to Micro-World computers on 0484
something wrong? Could you write It off. t con personally 846117. Finally il you connect your
please! pleaseI help me! recommend lor W.P and games ANY joystick l/F and II (alls to operate
Sean Covenay. of Ihe Saga keyboards, Ihe LMT/FOX correctly when plugged In on its
Bolton. unit or Ihe DK'Tronics keyboard. own Ihen it also has a fault.

69 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986


David Nowotnik boots one. while a hex dump can be

directed to another. All output using the INCLUDE command.
up the new QL can be directed to other INCUJDE can be Inserted in the
devices, such as a printer. source code and nested to three
assembler from Talent Commands to the monitor levels, to allow modular
can be immediate (pressing one construction of programs.
Systems, of the function keys, or certain The assembler can operate In
keys with CTRL), or extended. The
Assembler Workbench latter are typed in, usually using
one or two pass mode; the latter
produces executable binary
£24.95 a three letter keyword. If the code, while a single pass allows
Talent Systems syntax is wrong, then the correct
syntax Is shown on the screen,
easier editing using standard
mnemonics. Error messages are
I f you own a Sinclair QL, and with a prompt to give you produced and presented on the
you are into assembly language another try. In combination with screen (or dumped to printer, if
programming, then the the shift key, the five function desired), The binary code can
advertisements for the latest keys can have user defined be saved once created; the
product from Talent surely must commands assigned to them. instruction to do this is given
whet your appetite. For a In addition to supplying before assembly, or using the
fraction under £25 their access to the electronic manual, SBYTES OR SEXEC command from
Assembler Workbench' offers a the 'help' command can be the monitor. Once assembly Is
package of full screen editor, extended to supply a whole host completed, the user is back Into
monitor (including disassembler), of useful Information. For the monitor routine. While the
and assembler. And In a word, It example, 'help -s' gives you all assembler uses standard 68000
is superb! the system variables; their mnemonics, the electronic
But. at first glance, you might addresses, a description of their manual falls to provide sufficient
be In for a disappointment! purpose, and their current details Into Its use; for example,
Although the product is supplied values. Similarly, 'help -j' gives there Is no indication how to
In a four cartridge case, it the job control variables, embed remarks into source
contains only a single 'help -c' the channel control code.
microdrlve cartridge with all the variables, and 'help -w' gives the To use the text editor for the
software. There Isn't much else window definition block data, first time, the user has to get
Inside the case, only a double- For de-bugglng. up to 20 back to SuperBASIC (pressing
sided card which serves as an break points can be placed into CTRL 'C'J, and EXEC the editor
Instruction manual. However, this RAM based machine code file. The full screen text editor
reveals that full Instructions routines. Also very useful for has a wide range of facilities
appear on tiles on the de-bugging is the multi-window equalling the widely known
mlcrodrive, summoned up using facility; The program can be Metacomco text editor. Twenty-
the 'help' command In the traced, with a listing to one two Immediate and twenty-six
monitor program. For those who window, while graphics output of extended commands provide
prefer a hard copy of the program appears on cursor control, Insert, delete,
Instructions, the main help file another window. copy, move, find, save, and load
can be dumped to printer, or a facilities. The editor is suitable for
'Quill' file of Instructions can be Assembler creating BASIC as well as
obtained from Talent for an extra assembly language programs.
£1.50. This shouldn't be The assembler Is accessed from
the monitor using the ASM Even with the monitor, assembler
necessary, as the electronic and text editor Installed in RAM,
manual Is easy and convenient command. The first use of the
Assembler requires the routine to there Is still a reasonable
to use amount of space for text files In
be loaded from mlcrodrive, and
the starting address tor assembly the unexpanded QL. However,
Boot has to be specified at this stage. attempting to load a text file
Booting the program takes you Although not clear In the larger than available space
in to the monitor program, which manual, the user should reserve caused a system crash. The user
is by far the star of the package. space before running the boot can easily switch between the
Really good use is made of the program. editor, monitor, and assembler
QL's window facility to place The assembler Is limited In its using CTRL 'C', and redrawing
information In easily read blocks facilities when compared with the screen by pressing F4.
on the screen. All the facilities products such as the This product has been very
you could want are included in Metacomco and GST well designed; the author has
the monitor. Disassembly, hex assemblers, but is ideal for all considered the needs of an
dump, trace (with a window but the most highly proficient assembly language
demonstrating the effect on the assembly language programmer, and combined
registers), changing/deletingf programmers. The assembler everything Into a modestly-
adding data, search, and many can be loaded line by line from priced package, which fully
more. With the multi-window the keyboard, or a file created deserves to become a best
facility, disassembly can go to by the text editor is accessed seller.

70 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

New: Prospero f s professional language
compilers for the Sinclair Q L
wmmmmmm -

PRO PASCAL & m? Incredible
value! • Endorsed
v V included
Sinclair Research
Pro Pascal is validated to I S O 7185
Class A (no errors) on the Z80 processor
C NO bugs") Pro Fortran-77 is a full implementation i
-i of A N S I Fortran 77 with no omissions 1
under CP/M and the 8088 processor under J yojj e o ^ T / and many useful extensions
PC-DOS. This provides a
guarantee that the compiler is complete I °HA<VE T O
and works perfectly. MLLcir^^L ML lrngurges
I d e a l for | PASCAL RND FORTRAN
• • • H I
- Sinclair software developers W^m^i mtwi.
- schools and colleges
- students o f c o m p u t i n g Produces compact Lazy I/O
- d e v e l o p m e n t o f personal skills All files closed
efficient code exit from procedu
- solving technical problems
- training institutions

16 digit
Compilers include:
compiler, linker,run-time
1NTERLINKABLE O B J E C T C O D E Single and double precision libraries, librarian, X-ref

H H IEEE format arithmetic gives program, sample programs

7 or 16 digit precision graphics routines, 200 page
manual. Supplied on 3
GRAPHICS A t Prospero w e specialise
in w r i t i n g l a n g u a g e c o m p i l e r s .
microdrivcs and R O M
cartridge. Runs on 12SK
Graphics routines included
Q L . Supports disk drives.
W e p r o d u c e Die best p o s s i b l e •

c o m p i l e r s , c o n f o r m i n g to the
appropriate standard, and g i v i n g
p r o g r a m m e r s a secure b a s e o n
w h i c h to b u i l d . " P r o P a s c a l i s not only ISO-validated,

- ' it i s a l s o a s u p e r b - q u a l i t y a n d v e r y
full s o f t w a r e d e v e l o p m e n t tool."
Also available from Sinclair Personal Computer World Nov 1985
specialists & distributors

It's easy to order!

BIG C r e d i t c a r d h o l d e r s p h o n e 01-741 8 5 3 1
Access, V i s a , D i n e r s & A m e x taken.
Compiles big programs
>10000 lines... Send this coupon with chcquc to Prospero Software,
>1000 identifiers... 190 Castclnau, London SW13 9DII, England.
Post free in U K - including V A T .
Separate compilation
<D Overseas orders at £86,91 + £3 post and packing.
to build libraries and
massive program suites
-o Allow 28 days for delivery.
Please supply copies Pro Fonran-77 at £99.95
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In case of query ring 01-741 8531 or telex 8814396
. • >• ....:•:;. ....;•:..

ZX C O M P U T I N G J U L Y 1 9 8 6 71
QL devotes 32K bytes ol set; always set up the windows 60,50 switches on the pixel (plot
RAM to its colour screen display (you can use TV or MON) to be in the current INK colour) at the
(the Spectrum has less than 7K). certain of getting the display point whose coordinates are 60
This large block of memory right. in the x-direction, and 50 in the
provides Ihe QL programmer After those rather stern, but y-direction.
with control over the colour of necessary warnings, let's take a
each pixel on the screen. The more relaxed view of the
QL offers eight colours in low
resolution mode (256x256 pixels),
general principles of graphics
on the QL.
and four in high resolution mode All the QL's graphics The simple listing in fig.3a. will
(512x256 pixels) which gives the commands can be directed help you to understand this
QL the potential for some towards a specific window. Later principle. Type in the program
impressive screen displays. on we'll see how to deal with lines in fig.3a, and those in flg.t,
SuperBASIC provides a host ot several windows, but for now then SAVE and RUN the program.
commands and functions to assume that the QL is in MODE 4. You are asked to enter two
enable programmers to make and all commands are directed coordinates; after checking thai
good use of this potential. In this, towards window 1. which Is the you have entered valid numbers,
and the next part of our default window for all the pixel at that coordinate is
SuperBASIC series, we'll be commands in which Ihe window plotted In a random colour.
examining those commands, is unspecified. You'll have to look carefully at
starting this month with straight Fig.2. gives you a the screen, especially il you're
line graphics. representation of the QL screen using a TV, to see the points.
display in TV mode. Because of Note that if you enter a pair of
In line the rather thick border, the pixel coordinates whose position lies
size ot the main window in this outside of the window area, you
When you turn on your QL. the mode is only 224x200. But, these don't get an error message; you
selection ol F1 or F2 for monitor dimensions need not concern just don't get anything on the
or TV mode gives you high you. What is more important to screen.
resolution (4 colour) and low know Is the scale on which these So far we've used the default
resolution (8 colour) modes pixels are represented. For the scale of 100 units in the vertical
respectively. All graphics purpose of producing screen (y) axis. What happens if we
commands work on both modes, displays, each window can be change this to something else?
although Ihe effect on the likened to a piece ot graph The program lines in fig.3b. will
screen of all commands is paper. At the bottom left hand provide a demonstration. With
highly dependent on the display corner is the origin ot the graph the previous program (the
mode. So, for any program paper. Like any graph the combined listing of fig.1. and
which is dependent on a coordinates of the origin are 0,0. fig.3a.) installed in the
graphics display (which is just The first zero refers to Ihe computer's memory, add the
about any program you could coordinate in the horizontal (x) program lines in flg.3b., then
write), the mode must be correct. axis, and the second lo the SAVE and RUN the new program.
And. as you cannot assume that vertical (y) axis. Any point in the The first request is to enter the
the program user will press F1 or window can be referred to using scale parameters. SuperBASIC
F2 to get the mode you require this coordinate system. But how has the SCALE command, which
for your program, every program many screen coordinates are sets the plotting scale ot any
should have a MODE command there? window. SCALE requires Ihree
to select the correct screen The answer to this depends on parameters. The first is the

display mode.
the scale of the display in the number of points on the vertical
MODE 4, or MODE 512 gives window in question. Unless the (y) axis. Remember the default is
you high resolution (monitor) programmer actually specifies a 100, so try some other values. The
mode, and MODE 8 (MODE 256) scale, then a default of a 100 second and third parameters of
gives TV or low resolution mode. units is set in the y (or vertical) SCALE are the coordinates ot the
In addition to setting Ihe mode, direction. That is, coordinate bottom left hand pixel of the
you should always set up the 0,100 is the top left position of a window in question. For
windows to give the display you window. The maximum number simplicity, start by enlering two
want. The listing in fig.1. gives of units in the x-axis (horizontal zeros; this makes the bottom left
you two SuperBASIC procedures direction) depends on the size pixel coordinate 0.0, as in the
called TV and MON, which reset and shape of the window. For default setting. In entering these
the default windows and display window #1 in TV mode, the three values, press ENTER alter
mode back to those you get bottom right coordinate is 165,0. each figure. Then, as in the
after power-up. A QL To switch on any pixel whose previous example, you enter sels
programmer should never coordinates are known, the QL of x and y-coordinates, and
assume that his program will has the POINT command. Thus, watch the screen to see where
start with the default windows in fig.2.. the command POINT they go.

72 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

II. for example, you enter 200
as the first SCALE parameter,
you'll find that the range ot Fig.1. Procedures to reset TV and Moni tor
values you can enter as Screen Modes
coordinates goes up to 330.200
(this coordinate being the top
right coordinate). And if you 100 DEFine P R O C e d u r e TV
enter 50 as the first scale 110 M O D E 8: W I N D O W 5 1 2 , 2 5 6 , 0 , 0
parameter, then 84 and 50 are
the maximum x and y values. To 120 P A P E R O: C L S
try dlflerent SCALE parameters 130 WINDOW 448,200,32,16
with this program, break the
program (press CTRL and space), 140 WINDOW #2,448,200,32,16
and run again. 150 WINDOW #0,448,40,32,216
Once you're happy with the 160 P A P E R 2: P A P E R # 2 , 1 : P A P E R # 0 , 0
first parameter of SCALE, try other 170 INK 7: INK # 2 , 7 : INK # 0 , 7
values of the second and third
parameters, keeping the first 180 CLS: CLS #0
constant; for simplicity, keep it at 190 END DEFine TV
100. 200 DEFine PROCedure MON
As an example, say you
entered 100.10,20 as the SCALE 210 M O D E 4: W I N D O W 512,256,0,0
parameters. You'll find that 220 P A P E R 0: C L S
coordinate 0.0 no longer 230 WINDOW 256,202,256,0
appears on the screen. In fact,
the bottom left coordinate is now 240 WINDOW #2,256,202,0,0
10,20, and the maximum y 250 WINDOW #0,512,50,0,206
coordinate is 120 (100+20). and 260 PAPER 2: PAPER #2,6: P A P E R #0,0
the maximum x coordinate is
175 (165+10). So. although you 270 INK 6: INK # 2 , 2 : INK # 0 , 4
have reset the origin on your 280 B O R D E R 1 , 2 5 5 : B O R D E R # 2 , 1 ,2 5 5
window, you still get 100
plottable points on the vertical 290 CLS: C L S #2: C L S #0
axis, and 165 on the horizontal 300 END DEFine MON

Try the scale parameters 165 units
100,-10,-20. Now the bottom left
hand coordinate is -10,-20.
Coordinate 0.0 is set a tittle way
from the corner of the window. \ P O I N T 0.100 P O I N T 165.100
The maximum coordinate values
In the x and y directions are

mmrnrnm rP O I N T 60.50

Part four of David

Nowotnik's series looks
at the QL's line
graphics facilities.
POINT 0.0 P O I N T 165.0i

T h i s is the defauli S C A L E ; i.e. S C A L E 100,0,0

Fig, 2 H o w to calculate the coordinates o l » P O I N T on the screen

now 155 (165+(-10)) and 80
(100+(-20)). This facility, to move
the 0.0 'origin' away from the o
bottom left hand corner is very
useful In drawing graphs, as we'll 'turtle' graphics
coordinates 10,10 and 155,90. CO
see later on. The simplest way to draw a Similarly: LINE 155,10 TO 10,90 <
So far we have had the squint straight line Is to use the LINE will draw the other diagonal.
at the screen to see the effects command. Try some examples: You can connect a number ot
of our experiements Now let's reset your QL, and press F2' for coordinates with a single LINE
move on to drawing straight TV mode. Remember, we now command by connecting each
lines, which should stand out have a plotting screen with coordinate with TO. For example: Q.
clearly. coordinates going from 0,0 at LINE 50,50 TO 50,80 TO 80,80 TO
There are two ways of drawing the bottom left, and 165,100 at 80,50 TO 50,50
will give you a square. CO
straight lines on the QL. The first the top right. Type in as a direct
we'll examine are the two LINE command: LINE 10,10 TO 155,90. Try experimenting with a few
commands, then we'll go on to A diagonal line should more LINE commands As with
examine what are known as appear, which connects the POINT, you'll notice that, if you 0

73 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

try to draw a line which extends
outside of the window, the line is Fig.3a. A program to demonstrate the POINT command
drawn to the edge of the
window, but no error message is 10 REMarl: D e m o n s t r a t i o n of P O I N T
2 0 R E M a r k ZX C o m p u t i n g
30 :
500 xmin"0t xmax"163
Relative lines 510 ymin«0i ymax"100
1 0 0 0 TVi P A P E R 71 C L S
1010 REPwat loop
The other line command is a 1020 CLS NO
tittle more complex. It is LINE R, 1030 REPeat ontrr_coords
the 'R' stands for relative. It's best 1040 INPUT #0," Enter x-coordinate "jx
explained by Irying it on your 1030 INPUT *0," Enter y - c o o r d i n a t * ";y
QL. 1060 IF k > x m i n - l A N D x < x m a x + l A N D y > y m l n - l AND
Clear the screen (CLS) of all y < y m a x +1 T H E N E X I T onter_coorda
the lines drawn with the LINE 1070 PRINT #0
10B0 IF xCrnnln O R x > x m a x THEN
command. Then type in: LINE R
1090 P R I N T # 0 , " X - c o o r d i n a t » o u t of r a n g * "
TO 20,30. 1100 E N D IF
You should get a diagonal 1110 IF y < y m i n O R y > y m a x THEN
line starling at coordinate 50,50 1120 P R I N T N O , " Y - c o o r d i n a t e o u t of range"
ending at 70.80. Why? Lei's look 1130 E N D IF
into I f . . . 1140 PAUSE 300
Remember we were drawing 1130 CLS WO
lines using the LINE command. 1160 END REPeat enter_coord»
1170 I N K R N D <0 T O 3>
We finished drawing a square, 1180 POINT x,y
which ended up at coordinate 1190 END REPeat loop
50,50. The QL remembers the last
coordinate position (in each Fig. 3b. Extra program line* to d*ition«tr«t» SCALE
window) used in line drawings;
it's called the graphics cursor. 4O0 CLS *0t CLS
So, although the screen was 410 INPUT *0," Enter SCALE parameters "jy_param, x_orig,
cleared, the graphics cursor y_orlg
remained at position 50,50. 420 SCALE y_param, x_orig, y_orig
300 xmin"x_origt xmax«y_param/100*163+x_orlg
LINE R draws a line from the 3 1 0 ymin*»y_or lg: y m a x " y _ p a r am+y..or 1 g
graphics cursor position to a
position relative to it; that Fig.3c. Extra program lines to demonstrate LINE_R
position is calculated from the
coordinates after TO in the 3 3 0 T V j P A P E R 7t CLS
LINE R command. In the 360 REPeat loop
command we gave (LINE _ R TO 4 0 0 C L S ttO
1000 i
20,30) Ihe graphics cursor was
1010 t
at 50,50, so the line was drawn 1183 LINE_R TO 10,10 TO 10,-10 TO -10,-10 TO -10,10
from this point to 50+20.50+30,
that is 70,80.
You can reset the graphics represents an important control. If the turtle is fitted with
cursor using Ihe POINT principle of SCALE; you can vary a pen, then it will draw a line as
command. To set the cursor the SCALE parameters as many if moves, provided that the pen
back to 0,0 use: POINT 0,0 then times as you tike in drawing on is in contact with the 'paper'
type in: LINE R TO 20,30 and the QL screen. For example, if {the screen). The turtle moves In
you'll get exactly the same line you wanted to draw a row of a straight line, but Is able to turn
(in length and slope) starting at houses in perspective, you could (rotate) in both clockwise and
0,0 instead of 50,50 have a procedure for drawing a anti-clockwise directions. MOVE
To demonstrate LINE R house using L I N E _ R . Then use is the command to send the
further, add the program lines in SCALE and POINT to adjust the turtle forward. There is one
fig.3c. to the SCALE scale, and position the graphics parameter with MOVE. This is the
demonstration program (the cursor, to achieve perspective. distance to be moved. That
combination of listings in fig.1. If you have just one item to distance is dependent upon the
and fig.3a. and 3b.). SAVE and draw, and you know its absolute SCALE of Ihe window. So, MOVE
RUN the program. The program position, then LINE is the easier 20 will move the turtle 20 units
asks for SCALE parameters (for command to use. But if you want forward; with a SCALE of 100, the
simplicity, set the origin to 0.0), to repeat the drawing of a turtle will move a distance which
then x and y coordinates for the shape several times, or the is equivalent to one fifth of the
graphics cursor. A diamond position of that drawing can be height of the window.
shape will be drawn. The variable, use LINE_ R.
program line doing this is line To turn the turtle you have the
As mentioned earlier, the TURN command. The default
1185. It is a L I N E „ R command; alternative method for
see if you can work out how the direction of the turtle is
producing line diagrams is horizontally to the right of the
relative coordinates are put based on a system called turtle screen. From this position, TURN
o together to make the shape.
Once you have done that,
graphics. The principle is based
on the computer language of
90 will turn the turtle one right
angle, to face Ihe top of the
you've mastered the principle ot
CO LOGO. The SuperBASIC screen. TURN 180 will lurn the
< LINE R. commands which simulate turtle to face the opposite
LOGO'S turtle graphics are direction. These movements are
Demo program PENDOWN, PENUP, MOVE. TURN, relative changes of direction; if
and TURN TO. Here is a brief you want to set the direction In a
The demonstration program description of the principle of specific way. there is the TURNTO
CL keeps looping round, asking you turtle graphics: command. TURNTO 0 will turn
for SCALE parameters, the x and the turtle to face horizontally to
CO y-coordinates. You'll note that as Turning turtle the right; TURNTO 90 to the top of
you select different scales, the the screen; TURNTO 270 vertically
size of the diamond will vary; the Imagine a mechanical turtle to the bottom of the screen.

<3 larger the SCALE parameter, the

smaller the diamond. This
which is able to move over the
screen display under program
The position of the turtle can
be set with the POINT command.

74 74 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

must be used betore moving the
Fig.4. Symmetrical patterns with turtle.
LOGO graphics Fig.4. contains a listing of a
demonstration program of
SuperBASIC's turtle graphics
10 REMark Demonstration of Turtle Graphics commands. These commands
20 : have the capability tor
100 MODE 512:WINDOW #1,512,200,0,0 producing some fascinating
patterns. Try changing some of
110 CLSttOt C L S # 1 the parameters (for MOVE. TURN,
120 A T 1 , 3 0 : P R I N T " T U R T L E G R A P H I C S DEMO" and in FOR.. NEXT loops) in this
130 P A U S E 100 demonstration program to
140 P E N D O W N create different patterns.
150 T U R N T O O
160 P O I N T 1 0 0 , 6 0 Graphs
170 F O R i = 1 TO 4 0
ISO MOVE 50 For those with mathematical or
scientific leanings, the final
190 TURN 230 program, in fig.S, is aimed at
200 E N D F O R i providing a graph drawing
210 PAUSE 50 routine. Including fitting the best
and. whenever the turtle moves,
220 P O I N T 6 0 , 5 0 the graphics cursor moves with
2 3 0 F O R i - 1 TO 10 it. So you can, if you want, mix
240 TURN 36 'turtle' graphics commands with
250 F O R j=l T O 5 the LINE commands, and any of
the other graphics commands to
260 MOVE 20 be covered next month.
270 TURN 72 When moving the imaginary
280 END FOR j turtle. PENDOWN must be used it
290 END FOR i you want a line drawn (in the
300 STOP current INK colour) as the turtle
moves. If no line is wanted when
moving the turtle, then PENUP

Fiq.S. Program to Draw a Straight Lint Graph 910 E N D IF

920 -Si IF O K T H E N
10 R E M a r t #•» Graph Drawing Program ••• 930 SAVE_ARRAYi ELSE
20 R E M a r k by David Nowotnlk 940 WARNING
30 REMark M a y , 1986 930 E N D IF
40 t 960 -6l IF O K T H E N
200 i 990 E N D IF
300 DEFine PROCedurw INITIALISE 1000 END SELect
310 MODE 4 1010 END REPeat select,!
320 WINDOW #1,312,236,0,0 1020 END DEFine MENU
3 3 0 P A P E R Ot I N K 2» C L S 1030 1
340 WINDOW *1,448,200,32,16 1040 DEFine PKOCedure WARNING
330 WINDOW 428,160,42,26 1030 P R I N T NOf " C r e a t e data file ft r a t ! "
360 WINDOW #0,446,38,32,218 1060 PAUSE 3001 C L S #2
370 PAPER #2,7« INK # 2 , 0 1070 END DEF1n» WARNING
380 P A P E R #0,0i INK # 0 , 7 1080 1
390 O K - O 1090 DEFine PROCedure DATA_ENTRY
600 E N D D E F l n e INITIALISE 1100 H_data»"""i y_data»«""t number^O
610 i 1110 CLS #2
620 D E F i n e PRQCedurt* M E N U 1 120 REPeat d*ta_lnput
630 L O C a l z ,z» 1130 REPeat enter_lt
640 REPeat select.l 1140 £NTER_VALUES 41 )
630 C L S «2l C L S # 0 1 ISO I F k * - " " O R y * - " H T H E N P R I N T #0,** EXIT - "1
660 CSIZE #2,0,01 PRINT # 2 , TO 23,"Graph Drawing 1 160 IF S U R E T H E N t
Program** 1170 IF (*»«•"" O R y « - " " > A N D n u m b e r < 3 T H E N
670 PRINT #2\ TO 28,"by David Nowotnlk" 1 180 PRINT #0," Not enough data points to • K i t '
680 PRINT « 2 \ \ \ TO 14,"Select o n * ol t t W H I - *
690 PRINT #2\S TO 10,"1. Create new data array" 1 190 PAUSE SOO
700 PRINT # 2 , TO 10,"2. Load data from cartridge" 1200
710 PRINT # 2 , TO 10,"3. Add more data" 1210 E N D IF
720 PRINT 4 2 , TO 10,"4. Modify date" 1220 E N D IF
730 PRINT # 2 , TO 10,"3. Save data to cartridge" 1230 END REPeat

740 PRINT » 2 , TO 10,"6. Draw graph" 1240 IF >:»•"• O R y * - " " T H E N E X I T d a t a _ l n p u t
730 PRINT #2\\ TO 16,"Press 1 to 6" 1230 number ^number * 1
760 REPeat select_2 1260 K,dataf>x_data*bK tbCHRf 4 0)
770 z » - I N K E Y * C — I> 1270 y ' d a t » » - y d a t a»fcv»t.CHR» ( 0 ) oo
7QO IF z » > " 0 " A N D : l < " 7 " T H E N E X I T s e l # c t _ 2 1280 PRINT #2,TO 2,"k- TO 20| " y "iy* <
790 END REPeat select_2 1290 END REPeat dat*_lnput
BOO z-zt 1300 PACK CO
810 SELect O N z 1310 END DEFine DATA_ENTRY
820 -li DATA_ENTRYi O K - 1 1320 1 OC
830 -2i L0AD„ARRAYt O K - 1 1330 DEFine FuNctton SURE
04O - 3 i IF O K T H E N 1340 PRINT WON" Is t h i s c o r r e c t ? <y/n>"
830 ADD_DATAi ELSE 1330 REPeat ask
860 W A R N ING 1360 b » - l N K E Y » 4-11
-4i IF O k T H E N
IF b * - " y " O R b » - " Y " T H E N R E T u r n I
IF b l « " n " O R b » - " N " T H E N R E T u r n 0
890 EDlT_DATAt ELSE 1390 END REPeat ask
9»X> WARN ING 1400 END DEFine SURE • •
75 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986
1410 I 2260 DEFine P R O C e d u r e E N T E R . V A L U E S (x)
1420 DEFine PROCedure PACK 2270 CLS HO
1430 LOCal x*,y*,nx,ny,no 2 2 8 0 I F x - 1 T H E N P R I N T »(i, T O 2 0 , " J u s t p r e s s E N T E R t o
1440 DIM d*t*_*rr«y (number,2) stop"
1450 nx-Oi ny-Oi no-0 2290 REPeat enter_*
1460 REPeat get_xy 2300 PRINT »0," Enter the *-coordinate value "|
1470 IF n u m b e r - n o T H E N E X I T qet.xy 2310 GET_NUMBER ( x ) i IF v a l i d THEN E X I T e n t e r _ x
14BO * *--" 2320 PRINT «0," Invalid entry"
1490 REPeat extract.* 2330 END REPeat enter_x
1500 nx-nx+li IF x . d a t a * < n x ) - C H R * ( 0 ) T H E N E X I T 2340 x*-num*i IF xf-"" THEN RE Turn
extract_x 2350 REPeat enter_y
1510 " x*-x*t.x_data*<nx) 2360 P R I N T * 0 , " ~ E n t e r t h e y - c o o r d i n a t e v a l u e "i
1520 END REFeat extract.* 2370 GET.NUMBER (x)i IF v a l i d T H E N E X I T enter_y
1530 y * - " " 2380 PRINT »0," lnva.Id entry"
1540 REPeat extract.y 2390 END REPeat enter_y
1550 ny-ny*li IF y . d a t a * ( n y > - C H R * < 0 ) THEN EXIT 2400 y*-num*
extract.y 2410 END DEFine ENTER_VALUES
1560 ~ y*-y*t<y_deta» (ny) 2420 I
1370 END REPeat extract_y 2 4 3 0 D E F t n e P R O C e d u r e G E T N U M B E R (x>
1580 no"no+Ii data.array (no,I)»kI 2440 LOCal 1
1590 data.array (no,2)»y* 2450 INPUT «0, num*
1600 END REPeat get.xy 2460 valld-1
1610 END DEFine PACK 2 4 7 0 IF x - 1 A N D n u m * - " " T H E N R E T u r n
1620 • 2480 dot-0
1630 DEFine PROCedure UNPACK 2490 F O R1-1 T O LEN (num*)
1640 LOCal 1 2500 I F n u m * (1) - *' T H E N d o t - d o t + 1
1630 x_data*-""i y_data*-"" 2510 IF num*(i X " 0 " O R n u m * U ) > " 9 " THEN
1660 F O Ri-1 T O number 2520 IF 1>1 THEN valld-0
1670 x _ d a t a * - x _ d a t a * « . d a t a . a r r a y ( i , I > t-CHRI (u> 2530 I F 1 - 1 A N D N O T ( n u m * U > - " - " O R n u n l II ) • " + " »
16B0 y _ d a t a * - y _ d a t a * t . d a t a _ a r r a y ( l ,2)t.CHR»(0) THEN valld-0
1690 END FOR 1 2540 E N D IF
1700 END DEFine UNPACK 2550 END FOR 1
1710 i 2560 END DEFine GET NUMBER
1720 DEFine PROCedure SAVE_ARRAY 2570 «
1730 LOCal i 2580 DEFine PROCedure ADD.DATA
1 7 4 0 C L S (t2» P R I N T « 2 \ \ \ V T O 2 B , " S A V E D A T A O N C A R T R 1 D G I 2590 UNPACK t CLS *2
1760 DELETE name*I OPEN_NEW #4,name* 26lO FOR 1-1 T O number
1770 PRINT « 4 , number 2620 PRINT «2, T O 2,"x- "|data.array <1,1)| T O 20|"y-
17B0 FOR 1-1 T O number "idata.arraytl,2)
1790 PRINT »4, data.array (1,1) 2630 END F O R i
1BOO PRINT «4, data.array (1,2) 2640 REPeat data_lnput2
1610 END FOR i 2650 REPeat enter_lt2
1820 CLOSE « 4 2660 ENTER VALUES (1)
1B30 END DEFine SAVE ARRAV 2670 IF S U R E T H E N E X I T enteralt2
1840 l 26BO END REPeat enter_lt2
1850 DEFine PROCedure LUAD ARRAY 2690 IF x*-"" O R y*-"~ THEN EXIT data_lnput2
1860 LOCal i 2700 number-number+1
IB70 C L S N2t P R I N T « 2 \ \ \ \ T O 2 6 , " L O A D D A T A F R O M 2710 x _ d a t a * - x _ d a t a t S > x * l < C H R * (0)
CARTRIDGE" 2720 y_data**t<y*tiCHR* (0)
18BO NAME 2730 PRINT «2,T0 2,"x- "jx«| T O 20|"y- "iy*
109O OPEN_IN »4, name* 2740 END REPeat data lnput2
1900 INPUT «4, number 2750 PACK
1910 DIM data_array (number,2) 2760 END DEFine ADD.DATA
1920 FOR 1-1 TO number 2770 t
1930 INPUT »4,x,y 27B0 DEFine PROCeduro EDIT_DATA
1940 data_array(1,1)—x 2790 LOCal J,h,k,l,z*,z
1950 data array(l,2)-y 2800 J - 0
1960 END FOR 1 2810 REPeat edlt_l
1970 CLOSE «4 2820 h-j»20+li k-J»20+20
19BO END DEFine LOAD.ARRAY 2830 IF h>number THEN EXIT odit.l
1990 l 2840 IF k >number THEN k-number
2000 DEFine PROCedure NAME 28SO C L S« 2 t J-J+1
2010 LOCal z * 2860 FOR i-h TO V
2020 CLS N O 2870 PRINT «2, TO 2,1, T O 8,"x- data array (1,1)
2030 PRINT »0\" Data c a r t r i d g e in microdrtve 1 or2 7 TO 2 0 , " y - " | d a t a _ a r r a y ( l , 2 )
(1/2) " 28BO END F O R 1
2040 REPoat 2890 C L S «Oi P R I N T H O , - Edit one of these data
2050 z *—INKEY*(— 1) Items? (y/n)"
2060 I F r * - " 1" O R z * - " 2 " T H E N E X I T 2900 REPeat edlt_2
2070 END REPeat 29lO z *-INKEY*7-1(
2080 PRINT HO\,"Ent w file name o n drive "izJ;" " 2920 IF z* - " y * O R z * - ' V THEN EXIT edlt_2
2090 INPUT HO,name* 2930 IF z * - n ' O R z * - ' N ' T H E N E X I T edlt~2
2 1 0 0 n a m e * - " m d v " t z »t-' _ " f c n a m e f 2940 END REPeat edit_2
21lO END DEFine NAME 2950 IF | # m ' y ' O R z*-"Y" THEN
2120 i 2960 PRINT HON" Which Item ("|h|" t o "|k|")"t
2130 DEFIne PROCedure MIN_MAX 2970 REPeat edit_3
2140 x_min-data_array (1,1): x_max-x_inin 2980 GET_NUMBER (0)
2150 y.min-data.array (1,2)1 y_max-y_min 2990 z-num*i Z - INT(z)
2160 FOR 1-2 T O number 3000 IF z >-h A N Dz<-k T H E N E X I T e d i t 3
2170 IF d a t a . a r r a y (1 ,1)<X _mi n T H E N X 3010 PRINT •0\M O u tof r a n g e
< i, 1 ) 3020 END REPeat edlt.3
2180 I F d a t a . a r r a y ( i , 1 ) > x . m a x T H E N X mail " d a t a . a r r a y 3030 INK M2,2t P A P E R «2,0
(1,1) 3040 AT »2,z-h,2i PRINT #2,a
2190 I F d a t a . a r r a y (i , 2 > < y _ m i n T H E N V m l n - d a t a _ a r r a y 3050 I N K * 2 , O l P A P E R 112,7
(1 , 2 ) 3060 ENTER.VALUES (0)
2200 I F d a t a . a r r a y (i , 2 ) > y . m a x T H E N y 3070 data.array (z,l)-x*
(1 , 2 ) 3080 data_array (z,2)-y*i CLS « 2
22lO END FOR 1 3090 F O Ri - h T O k
2220 IF y_mln>0 THEN y_mln-0 3100 PRINT #2, TO 2,1, T O 8 , data_array (1,1), T O
2230 IF x^min>0 THEN xlmin-O 20, data_array(i,2)
2240 END DEFine MIN.MAX 31 10 END FOR 1
2250 t 3120 PAUSE 2 O 0 • • •

76 ZX Computing Monthly • July 198

3130 ELSE i EXIT edlt_l
3 M O E N D IF
3150 END REPt*t ed»t_l
3160 E N D DEFi ne EDIT_DATA
3170 i
31 B O D E F i n e P R O C e d u r e G R A P H
3190 MIN_MAX
3200 CLS
3210 factor" (x_max-x_min)»1,63/<y_max-y„min)
3220 m c " (y_i«»ii-y_mn) • 1.23
3230 SCALE sc,-(.2-x_mln)*factor,-(.2-y_min>
3 2 4 0 L I N E x_n»in« f a c t o r ,0 T O x _ m a x » f a c t o r , 0
3230 LINE 0^y_mln TO 0,y_max
3 2 6 0 INK 3
3270 FOR 1-1 TO number
3200 x'data array (1,1): y"data_array (1,2)
3290 P O I N T x »f a c t o r ( y
3300 END FOR 1
3310 CLS MO
3320 PRINT «0," V axis from "jy_mln;M to "ry.maxi", *
a x i s f r o m "!x_m»n:*' to "i* max
3 3 3 0 INK 2
3340 CALC
3330 z t m INKEY* (-1)
3360 CLS
3390 i
3 3 9 0 DEFirse P R O C e d u r e C A L C
340O LOCal i
3410 x_total"Oi y_total"0
i420 x2_total«0i y2_total-0
3430 xy^total-0
3 4 4 0 F O R l-l TO number
34SO x_total"x_total*data_array(1,1)
346U y_total"y_total*data_array(i,2>
3470 x 2 _ t o t a l " * 2 _ t o t a l + d a t a _ a r r a y <i , 1 ) « d a t a _ a r r a y (1,1)
3400 y2_total»y2_total+dat*_array(t,2)«data_array (»,2)
3490 x y _ t O t a l " x y t o t a l + d a t a a r r a y ( i , 1 > » d a t a a r r a y (I , 2 )
si o p e " ( x y _ t o t a l - x _ t O t a l * y _ t o t a l / n u m b e r ) / ( * 2 _ t o t a l t o t a l tot-
al / n u m b e r >
3520 x^mean"x_total/number
3330 y_m*an"y_total/number
3340 y_int»y_me.»n-6l ope«x_mean
3330 x_var"SORT(x2_total/number-x_mean*x_mean)
3 3 6 0 y _ v a r » S O R T ( y 2 _ t o t a l / n u m b o r - y mt>an»y m e a n )
3370 regression"slop***,var/y_var
3380 PRINT *0\" Slope* "{slopet"{ y-intercept" "jy_int
3390 PRINT «0," Correlation coefflcent - "(regression
3 6 0 0 y_ 1 ow> y_lnt»K «nn»«)ope»
3 6 1 0 y_high"y_int*'x1.(»ax»slope
3 6 2 0 INf: 7
3630 LINE x_min»factor,y_low TO x_max»factor,y_hiqh ^ ^ ^
3640 END DEFine CALC • • •

straight line to data by linear entry routine. After entering each mathematicians. this is a
regression analysis. Don't worry if pair of coordinates, you are number, ranging between - 1
that sounds a little heavy. It's a asked to confirm the data before and +1 which indicates how
technique for determining it is stored in RAM. close the data can be
trends, to allow some attempt to Once data has been entered, represented by a straight line
predict what might happen In you can save it on microdrive, graph. Correlation coefficients
the future. The program uses alter any coordinate values, add close to +/- 1 show a good fit of
SCALE and LINE commands to more values, or load previously the data to the straight line,
create the graph; it also has a saved data from tape. All these whereas values close to 0 show
large number of data entry, options combine to provide a litlle or no correlation between
data checking and modifying powerful data storage system. the x and y-coordinates.
procedures for anyone who The data is used in option six to The procedures in this
might be thinking of writing a draw a graph on the screen. The program most relevant to
number crunching program. The length and position of the x and drawing of line graphics are the
whole program is menu-driven, y-axes are selected last two. GRAPH and CALC These
and on screen messages should automatically. On the screen, do all the calculations to find
make It easy to follow. you'll see the axes drawn In red. SCALE and draw the graph with
Once you have entered and the data points plotted in green, LINE.
SAVEd the listing, RUN the and the straight line drawn in That's just about all for straight
program. This gives you a menu white. Figures at the bottom of line graphics. Next month we'll
ol six options. Selecting 1 allows the screen give you the ranges be taking a look at SuperBASIC's
you to enter data as pairs of x ot the x and y-axes. the intercept commands for producing arcs,
and y-coordlnates. At least three ot the best-fit line on the y-axls. circles, and ellipses, and how to
pairs of coordinates musl be the slope of Ihe line, and fill in areas with colours, and mix
entered, and then press ENTER something called the correlation texl with graphics. Everything you
without data to exit the data coefficient. For non- need for full colour displays.

77 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

i h j y M c y y y y

Toni Baker takes a possible. You cannot divide one

by two. because there is no
numbers in five bytes Involves an
ingenious little trick. The trick is
calculated delve into register which can hold the
value one-half. The Spectrum
to keep dividing the number by
two until it gets smail enough to
the Spectrum POM. Calculator neatly avoids this
problem, by representing all
handle, and to count how many
times you needed to divide. This
numbers in five bytes, rather way you can store the main part
than two. Before we examine the of the number (alter it's divided)
• " h i s is the tirst part ot a new operation of the calculator in in four byles, and the number of
tive port series on the use of the detail, let's study how this five divides in one more byte. We
Spectrum's Machine Code byte representation actually can then reconstruct the original
Calculator. This is a feature built works... number at will by multiplying it
into the ROM of the Spectrum, by two the given number of
and it enables you to perform Positive Integers Between 0 and times. Clever isn't It?
complicated mathematics 65535 How it works is this: Start off
o enlirely in machine code. In II the high byte ol an integer with a number. Keep dividing it
fact, it is true to say that the is "pp'. and the low byle of an by two until all you have left is a
z Machine Code Calculator can
do many things which you
integer is qq". then the tive byte
torm is 00 00 qq pp 00'.
fraction between - 1 and +1. The
number of times you needed to
simply cannot do in BASIC divide is called the EXPONENT,
< It has always been a
disadvantage of machine code
Negative Integers Between —1
and - 6 5 5 3 5
and what's left of the number is
called the MANTISSA. The
that the Instruction set does not Writing - 1 as FFFF, - 2 as FFFE, exponent takes one byte, and
allow for arithmetic other than and so on. it the high byte of the mantissa takes four. Hence
a addition and subtraction of such a negative Integer is pp" we have five bytes altogether.
O small integers. With the Spectrum and the low byte is 'qq' then the Note that if the original
there is also a subroutine in the tive byte form is "00 FF qq pp 00'. number is a traction to begin
O ROM you can use (CALL with then you obviously don't
oe HL=HL*DE) at address 30A9 which
does multiplication of small All Other Numbers
need to divide it by two any
more. Instead you multiply by
o. integers and corrupts none ol two over and over again until
the registers except A. On exit Before I describe Ihe general the number is greater than or
the carry is reset normally, but live byte format tor numbers. I equal to one-halt (or less than or
set if the result is too big to fit should point out that the equal to minus-one-half). In this
06 into HL. But even so. there is no
division, let alone more
Spectrum can only handle
numbers between
case the exponent may be zero
or negative.
complicated stuff like square -1.7014118E+38 and It is impossible to store the
roots and random numbers. + 1.7014118E+38. Numbers outside number zero in this manner,
O In tact. It is because machine this range cannot be handled since however many times you
UJ code is normally restricted to by the Spectrum and generally multiply or divide zero by two
CL working on small integers that result in report code "6, Number you'll always get zero. For this
higher level arithmetic is not too big"' if they occur. To store reason, the number zero is

78 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

round the mantissa up if
Figure One necessary, and line 300 resets bit Figure Two
seven of byte two if the number
was positive. The rest of the
10 DIM B(5) program just prints the result.
20 INPUT X: PRINT X Figure Two illustrates the 10 INPUT A;" ";E;" ";D;" " ; C ; " ";B
30 IF ABS X>65535 THEN GO reverse process of turning a five 20 PRINT A;" ";E;" " D ; " " ; C ; " ":B
TO 120 byte form back to a decimal 30 IF A 0 THEN GO TO 70
40 IF X O I N T X THEN GO TO 120 number. Line 30 decides 40 LET NUMBER = 256*C + D
50 LET B(1) = 0 whether the number is a small 50 IF E = 255 THEN LET NUMBER =
60 LET 6(2) = 255*(X<0) integer or a tloating point NUMBER - 65536
70 IF B(2) a 255 THEN LET X - X number. Lines 40-60 deal with 60 GO TO 130
+ 65536 small integers, wheras lines 70 LET EXPONENT = A - 128
80 LET B(4) = INT (X/256) 70-120 deal with floating point 80 LET SIGN = - 1
90 LET B(3) = X-256* B(4) numbers. In fact this algorithm, 90 IF E<128 THEN LET SIGN = 1
100 LET B(5) = 0 because it is shorter and 100 IF E<128 THEN LET E = E
110 GO TO 310 simpler, is considerably easier to + 128
visualise than that of Figure One. 110 LET MANTISSA = E/256 +
ABS X /LN 2) D/65536 + O16777216 +
130 IF EXPONENTC -127 THEN LET Strings B'4294967296
X = 0:GO TO 50 120 LET NUMBER = SIGN * 21"
140 LET MANTISSA=ABS X /2T Strings can also be represented EXPONENT ' MANTISSA
EXPONENT in a five byte form, but the text of 130 PRINT NUMBER "
150 LET B(1) = EXPONENT + 128 the string must be stored 140 GO TO 10
160 LET A = MANTISSA elsewhere. For instance, to
170 FOR I = 2 TO 5 represent the string
180 LET A = 256*A "Stonehenge" you must first of all
190 LET B(l) = INT A store the ten bytes of the string
200 LET A = A - B(l) sequentially somewhere in Pushing Things Onto
210 NEXT I memory (usually in the
workspace, but you could
The Stack
220 LET C = A > = 5
230 FOR I = 5 TO 2 STEP - 1 equally well use space above Integers Between 0 and +255d
240 LET B(l) = B(l)+C RAMTOP). Then, if the address of Load the A register with the
250 LET C = B(l) = 256 the first character (of the "S" in required integer, then CALL
260 IF C THEN LET B(l) = 0 this case) has high byte dd' and STACK_ A (at address 2D28).
270 NEXT I low byte 'ee'. and if the length of
280 IF C THEN LET B(2) = 128 the string (in this cose ten) has Integers Between 0 and
290 IF C THEN LET B(1) = B(1) + 1 high byte 'bb' and low byte 'cc', +65535d
300 IF X > 0 THEN LET B(2) = B(2) then the five byle form for this
Load the BC register pair with
- 128 string is '00 ee dd cc bb'.
the required number, then CALL
310 FOR I = 1 TO 5 STACK 8C (address 2D2B).
320 PRINT B(l)!'space'! The Calculator Stack
330 NEXT I All Other Numbers
340 PRINT " Convert the number to five
350 GO TO 20 The Calculator Stack is where all byte form by the procedure
calculator operations take described earlier, and store in
place. It is the area of memory the register quintuplet AEDCB
immediately above the (with A containing the exponent
always stored in five bytes as a workspace, and below spore and EDCB containing the
small integer. Zero in five byte RAM. It is a stack which works mantissa high byte first), then
form is invariably '00 00 00 00 00'. very much like the ordinary CALL STACK AEDCB (address
The five byte form of such a machine stack, except that it 2AB6).
number is now quite easy to grows upwards instead of
explain. The first byte is the downwards, and that each item The Empty String
exponent plus 128d (ie in hex on the stack is five bytes long, Load the A register with zero,
with bit seven complemented). not two. The system variable then CALL STACK A (address
The remaining four bytes store STKBOT points to the base of the 0
ABS of the mantissa (which is
always al least one-half, and
stack - the first byte of RAM
within the calculator stack. The

All Other Strings

less than one, so there is an system variable STKEND points
imaginary hexadecimal point at
the left of the mantissa). Finally,
one byte beyond the end of this
stack — to the first byte of spare
Load DE with the address of
the first character ot the string,
and BC with the number ot bytes 2
bit seven of the second byte is RAM. If the stack is empty then
in that string, then CALL <
made to contain one if the (STKBOT) will equal (STKEND). The
STACK AEDCB (address 2AB6).
number was negative; zero If the topmost item on the stack will
Note that the value of the first ot
number was positive. therefore occupy addresses
byte (trom the A reg) is irrelevant.
You can see this algorithm (STKENDJ-5 to (STKEND)-l O
working in the program of Figure Use of the calculator stack is
One. Lines 30-40 decide whether essential if the awesome power Popping Things From O
the number is a smalt Integer or ot the calculator itself is to be The Stack ac
a tloating point number. Lines 50
to 110 deal with the simple case
tapped. Essentially you merely
have to perform three tasks: to Strings a.
of a small integer. Numbers push numbers and strings onto CALL FP TO AEDCB (at
between -1.469367E-39 and the calculator stack; to address 2BF1). DE will now 2
+1.469367E-39 are too small for manipulate this stack (eg to contain the address of the string,
the Spectrum to deal with, and perform arithmetic): and to pop and BC will contain the length.
so are treated as zero — lines the results from the stack. In this
120-130 deal with this case and article I shall explain how to Floating Point Numbers
calculate the exponent. Line 140 push and pop things, and in the CALL FP TO AEDCB (at O
calculates the mantissa. Line 150 subsequent four articles I shall address 2BF1). The A register will
decides the first of the five bytes, explain how to use the contain the exponent byte (or 00
and lines 160-210 initialise the calculator to manipulate the if this is a small integer) and
remaining four. Lines 220-290 stack. EDCB will contain the sign bit CO

79 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Figure Three
/ f

+ve or zero +ve or zero


< > < >

SET -65535.5 65535.5 9 SET —255.5

(2DA2) (2DD5)

and the mantissa. If the A down to the nearest inleger and of the number is rounded up or
register is zero then the number stored in BC The carry flag is down to the nearest integer and
is a small integer with C reset. If the number was stored in the A reg. The carry
containing the high byte and B negative then the zero flag will tlag is reset. If the number was
the low; E will then contain the be reset, otherwise It will be set. negative then the zero flag will
sign byte. See Figure Three. be reset, otherwise it will be set.
See Figure Three.
Integers Between - 6 5 5 3 5 d and
+65535d Integers Between - 2 5 5 d and
CALL FP. TO _ B C (at address +255d Manipulating The
20A2). II the number was greater CALL FP.. TO ^A (address Calculator
than or equal to 65535.5 (or less 2DD5). If the number was greater
than or equal to -65535.5) then than or equal to 255,5 (or less The key to arithmetic on the
the carry flag is set and BC will than or equal to -255.5) then calculator is a magic little
contain rubbish. Otherwise ABS the carry flag is set and A will machine code instruction called
of the number is rounded up or contain rubbish. Otherwise ABS RST 28 - To Be Continued...

about an advertisement.
Once you know how
One of the ways we keep a check on the advertising that appears in the
press.on posters and in the cinema is by responding to consumers' complaints.
Any complaint sent to us is considered carefully and. if there's a case to
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If you think you've got gtxxl reason to complain about an advertisement,
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It will tell you all you need to know to help us process your £
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The Advertising Standards Authority. V
If an advertisement is wrong, were here to put it right.
ASA Ltd. Dept I Brook House.Tomngton Place. London W C 1 E 7 H N

This space is donated in the interests of Inch standards of advertising.

80 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

We have a change this PROGRAM 1
month from our usual 1 REM

"serious" ZX81 article

and play with dice.
• felt like writing something a
little different this month and so I
sat down and produced these
routines for simulating the rolling
of dice.
You can choose to roll and 10 L E T Al="8080808097808060808
display from one to five dice
and they will be spaced evenly 0 8 0 9 7 8 0 8 0 8 0 9 7 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 9 7 8 0 9 7 8 0 9 78
along the top of the screen. I 08097809780808097809797809780978
am sure that you will lind a use 0 9 7 8 0 9 7 9 7 8 0 9 7 9 7 8 0 9 7 9 7 8 0 9 7"
tor this routine, from the simple
21 type game to the more 20 LET A$=A$+"2186403A8240FE01
advanced Yahtzee game, the 200 a360F1838FE02200 7360923361518
exercise of programming that 2DFE0320UA360923360F233615181FFE
kind of logic will really stretch
you! 0a200D360623360C233612233616160E
Another application could be 3 6 0 3 2 3 3 6 0 9 2 3 3 6 0 F 2 3 3 6 1 5 2 3 3 6 IB"
for resolving combat routines in 3 0 L E T A* = A$ + * * 2 1 6 3 4 0 4 7 E 5 2 A 3 2 4 0
adventure games or adding a
random factor for strategy 5a5D292919292929192232407CD60630
programs, and then again I'm FCC6E1772310E4216 /40E5218340E5E1
sure some of you will devise a 3A6240FE002002C1C93D328240461184
use for it which I wouldn't have
dreamed of 400E09130D20FC10F823C103C5ES0A2A
As it's not really part of our O C 4 0 4 F 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 3 C 5 0 6 0 3 1 A 7 7 1 3 2 3 10
giant utility program I have used FAO11E0009C110F018C5"
a lew specilic addresses and it
should run where I have written 40 FOR 1=16525 TO 16747
it. It can be changed fairly 50 POKE 1,16*CODE At+CODE A$l2
easily if you are familiar with ) -476
machine code.
Enter the program as shown 6 0 LET A $ = A il3 TO >
and RUN it, the line 1 REM must 70 NEXT I
be included as It will hold the 8 0 R E M T H E R E IS N O E R R O R C H E C K
machine code and should hold
235 dots or characters. Now S O M A K E S U R E T H A T T H E A S C O D E IN
delete the loader part of the L I N E S 1 0 T O 3 0 IS C O R R E C T . SA\JE
program BUT NOT LINE 1. and B E F O R E R U N N I N G - J U S T IN C A S E -
you can enter program 2. This is
a demo of how to roll the dice. I
have chosen three, but the Program 2 - demo entered, or lor new readers
method is as follows. 16514.
New readers can simply
1. POKE 16514 Ihe number ot 6 R E M • R O L L I Nl> 3 D I E D E M O •
replace lines 10 to 30 in
dice to roll. 1 to 5. lO L E T N = 3 program 1 with a single line 10
2. CALL the routine at address 2 0 F O R l - l T O IS as given, and you can start the
16579 - DO NOT use RAND or 30 POKE 16514.N program with RAND USR 16525.
the results will tend to be AO LET D*USR 18579 You can change the border
rather similar each time. SO NEXT 1 character by POKING the
3. Get the values for the dice by
6 0 F O R 1*1 T O N character value you want to use
PEEKIng addresses 16515/9 for
70 PRINT AT I»6«3;PEEK 11651 into the location ol your start
A •I >
dice 1 to 5 respectively. address plus one. ie. if at 16525
then poke 16525 with the code.
And now all you've got to do is 5 TO SEE THE WAY THE PROGRAM
P r o g r a m 3 . A r o u t i n e tor the
big R E M protect. Add to your

On second thoughts routine (tig 3) which will draw a

utual loader and change the
start address to suit.
I am aware that there are many border around the screen.
who lollow this series avidly and In line with the usual policy it
who will write to us angrily if I can be located anywhere in the 10 L E T A » ' " 3 E 6 0 ^ A O C « u 2 j 0 1 0 0 u O O
omit a routine for the big REM REM I'll leave the actual 9ESOI JOOOCS 772310FCO1OO1 tED«
project, so. just for them, I address up to you. I suggest one ODIE101 210009E5D5771 B 1977ED«BBb«
include a short but interesting lollowing the last code you 010EAC1E111210019772310FCC9"

81 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

interfaces are recognised and built into the program.
utilised if you wish. It can, of course, be used to
Each of the two programs are create UDGs lor other programs
self contained and can be and for usage other than in
purchased separately if required Designer.
tor £8.95 and £4.50 respectively, Both programs make extensive
and both have built in routines use ot menus and are well
to transfer themselves to written and prompted, they are
microdrive if so desired. a little bit fiddly to use and the
manuals, both produced by
Designer Tosword 3 on a small printer yet
perlectly legible, seem to be
This is the program that based on the Masterfile manuals
Designer/Character produces the posters, the quality in presentation.
Designer will depend on you. There is one I liked it. possibly because I
GAP Software serious problem in that all
graphics have to be created via
am a sucker lor programs which
demonstrate to aunt Edna that
£12.50 UDGs. Characters and graphics ihe computer can DO
ow I must admit it, I also use are dealt with at character something, but also because I
a BBC and one of my most square size and this can tend to could never produce good
useful programs on that produce chunky, rectangular posters freehand.
machine is Fleet Street Editor. results. If creative posters, magazines
Why am I telling you this? However, it is not all bad as, if or artwork, albeit simple, is an
Because I have been waiting for you have the time and interest, area which you want to delve
some time for Ihe Spectrum then by putting several UDGs into then try these programs.
version and it has not been together you can create quite
forthcoming. complex graphics. This is more Code Slicer 2
laborious than using o freehand
GAP Software have produced
artwork system but just as Foraits Software
a program which, though
limited, will fill the gap (no pun elfective in the final result. £5.50
intended) until they do. Actually there are 100 textures,
It is a graphics program patterns and designs built in The last I heard from this
intended as an A4 page poster and ready for you to use, plus company was their Kwickload
designer. The program is cleverly three text fonts, certainly enough program and they seem too
programmed so that up to 52 to give you some inspiration. Inlent on continuing to supply
screen lines are printed rather specialist utility software.
than a single expanded screen Character Designer I remember being incensed
of 22 lines, this gives a full, by the difficulty of transferring
proportional setting on A4 This program is meant to software to the microdrive system
paper. compliment the Designer and indeed to many of Ihe disk
Printer routines are provided program in that it allows you to and fast slorage media which
by the program and resident create more UDGs and text fonts have passed through my grubby
routines as used by the tor use with it. 10 new fonts and little hands.
Kempston and ZXLprint 3 two sets of UDGs are already Foraits have produced this set
ol utilities to help determined
users to make such transfers. I
gave up ages ago!
It is no good buying this
program and thinking thol all
your problems are over, in fact
most of the work still has to be
done by you and often by trial
and error. What this suite of
programs and the
accompanying booklet does do
is provide suggestions and
utilities to make the job o little
So armed with CS2 and a
copy of a program I deemed
"not too difficult" to transfer I got
out the microdrive and IF1 and
sat down. Four hours later, alter
much sweat and expletives, I
had effected a working copy on
the microdrive.
I must admit that I probably
couldn't have done it without
CS2, and I must also state that
inexperienced programmers
may well find it beyond them. I
must finally admit that I wouldn't
really have bothered anyway If I
hadn't needed to try out CS2
and probably won't use it again.
So what can I say? CS2 Is very
useful to the determined,
experienced programmer who
wants to transfer his copy of "Zap
the Aliens" to microdrive/disk at
all costs but beyond thai its
applications are limited.

82 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Kealms of
I wont to begin this month by
reminding you ot a tow
necessarily lie in Ihe use ot
Incredibly sophisticated artificial
(Immortal?) words tiom the tirst intelligence techniques, but
article in the series "However wo rather in the piogrun>iY\of's
approach it. wo must create the ability lo capture thy
illusion that they (tho imagination and sympathy ot
independent characters) are the player
behaving in a purposeful way" What wo need to aim lor is a
Note w»*ll tho word "illusion" here program which prompts Ihe
because ot course the whole player lo believe that thoie is
business of cieahng more going on "beneath the
independent characters is really surface" than meets the eye. and
a kind ot sleight-of-hand on the there aie several ways wo can
port ol the piogrammer The key approach this For a start, each'
to success in this doesn't character should a( l»»ast seem

f1 :

• TO

• ' M
• J i '

u « »

5 ..
,v4 >.

Part 3: Alan Davis 1

adventure writing-
.. _ . f

series continues, with

Merlin and co. starting
to pick up objects. v
vt y
y ?>. •

^ *

f *>

ft J W - S L
/Y Computing Monthly J^fy 1986
to be aware of any other scanning of these data lists is LIST routine you must lirst POKE
characters he encounters — going to be done from machine 64945 (CHAR) with the code of
perhaps by chatting away to code, the sensible thing to do is the character Involved. Thus,
one of Ihem occasionally, as to store them as a sequence of POKE 64945,1: LET m = U S R 64900
might happen in real lite. In this bytes above RAMTOP. will give us Merlin's Inventory as
way we can periodically remind a sequence of "m" codes stored
the player that the goings-on in M/C routines in successive addresses starting
our imaginary world are not at 64811 (PRES).
wholly dependent on his Listing 1 is the assembly II you decide eventually to
participation; that as far as the language program which add a few characters or objects,
inhabitants of the world are provides us with the three then you'll need to change the
concerned he's just another routines we need. The position loop counter lor each of Ihe
character, neither more nor less data for the characters begins three routines, in lines 40, 380,
important than the rest. at the label FKLC (64831). The first and 900 of Listing 1 (though it's
Another thing we can do is to two bytes give Merlin's map probably best to wait until you
make our characters seem coordinates (i at 64831 followed have the next two articles before
aware ot objects in their by j at 64832) and ot course we'll trying this). For the three people
surroundings. For example, they need to update these from over there in the corner who still
should be capable of picking BASIC as you move Merlin about don't have an assembler
up objects or discarding them of when the program is running. program. Listing 2 gives a BASIC
their own accord. Perhaps they The next two bytes hbld Timbrll's program which will POKE the
might mention their possessions map coordinates, and so on. code into memory, check It, and
in conversation, in a sensible Incidentally, the DEFS 20 save it to tape.
way. And il we can arrange for instruction simply reserves extra Now we have our routines,
something a little out of the space so that, if you wish, you what next? The most exciting bit
ordinary to happen now and can add more characters of comes next month, but we can
then, well so much Ihe better. your own later. certainly find a use for them
Position data for the objects here and now. Load in last
starts at label OBLC (64863) and month's auto-running BASIC
Character building is stored In the same way as for module and BREAK. Then load In
the characters apart from one the new bytes trom this month
Now if we're going to attempt important difference. You'll and add to the program the
this sort of thing, our program notice that some of the numbers lines of BASIC in Listing 3. Line
needs to have rapid access to here are greater than 100. These 9998 replaces an existing line so
three essential kinds of are objects which are being that you can save the complete
information. It must be possible carried by one of the characters. updated program and bytes by
to find out. at any time: (a) When an object is being typing GOTO 9998.
which characters are present at carried, we arrange for Its i To assist the Intelligibility of
the current location; (b) which coordinate, the first byte ot the the program, the various
objects are present; and (c) pair, to be 100 + (numeric code addresses relating to the
which objects ore currently of character holding it). So an machine code are assigned to
being carried by any given object carried by Merlin has an named variables in lines
character. Of course you could i coordinate ol 101; one carried 8010/8020. (It's much more
do all this in 8ASIC without any by Timbrlll has 1=102 and so on. convenient to bash in a line like
difficulty. But unless you're willing Again, I've left some spare bytes POKE char,1: LET m = U S R list
to write an adventure involving for you to add further objects if than to have to keep looking up
only a very small number of you wish. the numbers.) Line 50 defines a
characters and objects, the Right, now to the routines new function which enables the
repeated use of all the proper. Listing 1 provides three program to string together a list
necessary program loops will routines which I've called WHO, of objects in a coherent way
lengthen the response time of WHAT, and LIST, whose USR call before printing to the screen.
your game to a desperately addresses are 64720, 64782, and Lines 260/270 will enable you to
ponderous degree. The obvious 64900 respectively. Their jobs are lake Merlin's Inventory by
answer Is to add just a dash of as follows: pressing the " I " key, and
machine code to deal with demonstrate the use of the LIST
these three specific routines — WHO — this scans through the
routine. Lines 1060/1100 add a list
which brings us to the meat of position data for the characters
of characters present to the
this month's rambllngs. to find which ones are present location descriptions, and
at Merlin's current location. demonstrate the use of the WHO
II you look back at last
WHAT — this does the same for routine. Note also the two POKEs
month's article, you'll see that in
our miniature world Ihere are six the objects. which update the position data
characters (If we include Merlin LIST — this scans through the for Merlin as you move him
— the player-controlled object position data and finds between locations. Finally, lines
character) and eight objects, the objects carried by the 1110/1160 add a list of the objects
whose names are stored in character whose code is held In present to the location
sequence in two string arrays. Of the byte at address 64945 descriptions, demonstrating the
course, in a full-blown adventure (labelled CHAR in Listing 1). WHAT routine in action.
you'd wont more than this; It's Once you've typed everything
Ihe basic principles of the Information in and saved it, type GOTO 8010
business that we're involved with to get the program running (not
at present, and the actual So, how do we extract this RUN!). If all is well. Merlin should
number of objects etc is information from within our BASIC be carrying a staff when you
irrelevant. Our first job is to program? Simple. Suppose we give the T key a prod. And as
decide on some method of want to know about the you move him about he should
storing position information for characters present. If we call the encounter all the other
each one of these. This means routine using LET m = U S R 64720, characters and an assortment of
storing two numbers for each then the variable m will hold the objects lying around here and
character or object, number of characters present, there.
corresponding to the BASIC and the numeric codes of these Ot course the other chaps still
variables, io and jo, that we characters will be found in the won't do anything, but now we
used last month to define bytes from 64811 onwards have everything we need. The
Merlin's position on the map. (labelled PRES in Listing 1). All stage Is set. the cast assembled,
We'll call these i and j the other routines work in the and next month the mayhem
respectively. Because all our same way. except that for the begins...

84 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Listing 1
•Ml but I Q E I I 5 3 H 2 A S S E H B L I R * rooD 360 RET F06B 790 UEF8 106
ZX S P E C T R U M Foot
FOll 300
B,0 F06C 000 OEFB 0
LD 8 10
C o p y r i 9 h t (CI H 1 S O F T 1903,4 F013 390 F06E 020 OEFB 1
HI I r i g h t s rtttrt/rd FD16 400 JP LOOP F084 030 ORG 649*0
10 19 410 I M I T XQR A t 004 040 LIST xoa A
Pits t trrorl; oa TDlfl 420 LD (HOI,R F OO
S 050 LO (HO),A
FD10 430 LO (C ODE)
m R FO 860 L D (CODE ) ,A
10 •C-
ORG 64720 F 020 440 LD HL,FKLC T OSB 870 L D R,(CHAR)
rcoo 20 1 D 2 3 460 LO A,(HLI 1 001 800 ADO t,R R , 100
40 UHO CALL I H I T F 024 460 LD E.fl t 040 890 LO B B
Fcoe 30
fcds S O LD 1.1 FD2S 470 IHC M L 1 091 900 L O /
LO H L . F K L C - l F 0 2 6 480 LO A,IHL) F093 910
6 0 LOOP LO ft. ( C O D E !
IHC F 0 2 7 490
F 020 500 LD D, A F096 920 LOOP2 LL O
f CDC 00 70
LD A( C O D t ) j R RET F099 930 IMC R
FCDF 10 IHC H L F029 SIO CODE DEM! 0 FO'lfl 940 L O (CODE),fl
H DC F02R 553020 H O OEFB 0 F09J 950 IH C HL
FCll 110 PU F02B
f 03F 540 F PHES DEKS 2 0 1 O'lt 960 IHUC HL
F CE2 120
LO HR L, I H L ) 1 D4U 5 5 0 LCK OEFB 2
t D9F
1 DUO 980
970 P
F"Ct4 140 CP e F 04 1 560 DEFB 2 rofli 990 LO fl,IHL)
FC17 150 CRLL Z , F H 0 1 FD4 2 5 7 0 DEFB I F0A2 1000 C P e
Fees 160 POP H L F 0 4 3 560 DEFB 3 F0A3 1010 CALL Z,F HU2
POP O t F044 590 OCFB 2
F CE9 170 IHC H L
OJHZ L O O P F 04 5 600 DEFB 4 F0H7 1020
t Ct fl 100
LD B C . ( H O ) F046 610 DEFB 5 FOHO 1040 OJHZ L00P2
t CtC
200 1 047 620 DEFB S } OAR 1050 L O BC.(HOI
FCF2 LO 0 , 6 1 040 630 OEFB 3 FOAl 1060 LO b.6
220 RET F049
ID4H 640 DEFB 3 FOOD 1070 RET
tS4 230 FHD1 IHC H L 1 040
650 DEFB 2 f OBI 1080 CHAR OEFB 0
FC 240 L
P fl,IHL) 660 DEF 5 2 0
250 D F05F 670 OttLC DEFB 101 Pass 2 errors oo
CRLL Z , F H 0 2 1 060
F 06 1 600 DEFB 0
FCF9 360 RET 690 OEFB 1 0 3 CHAR FDBI C ODE F 029
FCFR 270 F'MU2 LD H L , P R E S FD62 700 OEFB 0 FKLC FD3F FH01 FCF3
FCF 0 200 LD U E , ( H O ) F 063 710 O EFO 1B4 T M02 FCFfl IHIT FUI9
t DOI 290 LD 0 , 6 F 064 720 0EF8 0 LIST FD84 LOOP F C DO
300 HDD H L , O E FD65 730 O L00P2 F 0 9 6
f 003
P 004
1 00/
320 LD fl,(CODE)
F 066 740 O 9l O BLC FDSF PRES FU20

330 LD fl,E FD67 750 OEFO 3 M HAT FDOE IHO F C DO

1 060 760 O
i oua
F009 340 IHC fl F 06 9 7 7 0 S
> DON 360 LO (MO),fl F 06 A 700 OEFB 1 1 J b If u s e d : 165 rr on 250

Listing 2 Listing 3
to Rem * * * M a c h i n e c o d e l o a d e r 5 0 D E F "N 9$<x)sFM
F H a $ ( P E E K X) +
1 I R E M I " , " R H D m i AND x< > p r e s + n - l C
2 0 C L E A R 6 4 7 1 9 : L E T s = 0 " a n d " A N D m > 1 AND x = p r e s + n - 2 )
3 0 L E T n 1 = 6 4 7 2 0 : L E T n 2 = 6 4 8 0 8 : 2 5 7 R E M
G O S U B 9 0 2 5 8 R E M * * * i n v e n t o r y
4 0 L E T n 1 = 6 4 8 3 0 : L E T n 2 = 6 4 8 4 2 : 2 5 9 R E M
C O 5 U B 9 0 2 6 0 IF W = 6 T H E H L E T Z j = " M e r l i n
5 0 L E T n 1 = 6 4 8 6 0 : L E T n 2 = 6 4 8 7 8 : is c a r r y i n g " : P O K E c h a r , l : L E T
G O S U B 9 0 fl = U S R l i s t : IF M O T M T H E N L E T 2 *
6 0 L E T n I = 6 4 9 0 0 : L E T n 2 = 6 4 9 4 4 : = Z J +* n o t h i n g " : G O 5 U B 1 0 0 : G O T O
G O S U B 9 0 3 0 0
7 0 IF S O l / 8 8 9 T H E N P R I N T " E r r 2 7 0 IF v = 6 T H E H G O S U B 1 1 3 0
o r ! ! " : S T O P 1 0 5 7 R E M
8 0 S R U E " w h a t " C O D E 6 4 7 2 0 , 2 2 6 : 1 0 5 8 R E M * * * c h a r a c t e r s p r e s e n t
S T O P 1 0 5 9 R E M
9 0 F O R i = n l TO n 2 : R E R O X: P O K 1060 P O K E P k l C / i O : P O K E T k l c + 1 / A
E i , x : L E T S=S+X: H E X T i: R E T U R N o : L E T n = U S R w h o : IF n = l T H E H G O
T O 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 D R T R 2 0 5 , 2 5 / 2 5 3 , 6 , 6 , 3 3 / 6 2 , 2 1 0 7 0 L E T z % = " H e c a n s e e ' F O R
5 3 , 5 8 , 4 1 = p r e s + l T O p r e s + n - l
1 1 0 D R T R 2 5 3 , 6 0 , 5 0 , 4 1 , 2 5 3 , 3 5 , 2 1 1 0 8 0 L E T Zt=Z$*FH p t ( P E E K i ) * C " ,
3 , 2 2 9 , 1 2 6 / 1 8 7 " R H D n > 2 R H O i < > p r e s + n - l ) • ( " a n
1 2 0 D R T R 2 0 4 , 2 4 3 , 2 5 2 , 2 2 5 , 2 0 9 , 3 5 d " R H D M > 2 R H D i = p r e s + n - 2 )
, 1 6 , 2 3 6 , 2 3 7 , 7 5 1 0 9 0 H E X T i
1 3 0 D R T R 4 2 , 2 5 3 / 6 / 0 , 2 0 1 , 3 5 , 1 2 6 , 1 100 G O S U B 1 0 0
1 8 6 , 2 0 4 , 2 5 0 1 1 0 7 R E M
1 4 0 D R T R 2 5 2 , 2 0 1 , 3 3 , 4 3 , 2 5 3 , 2 3 7 , 1 108 R E M * * * O b j e c t s p r e s e n t
9 1 , 4 2 / 2 5 3 , 2 2 1 1 0 9 R E M
1 5 0 D R T R 0 , 2 5 , 5 8 / 4 1 , 2 5 3 , 1 1 9 , 1 2 3 1 1 1 0 L E T n s U S R w h a t : IF H O T M T H
, 6 0 / 5 0 , 4 2 E H R E T U R H
1 6 0 D R T R 2 5 3 , 2 0 1 , 2 0 5 , 2 5 , 2 5 3 / 6 / 8 1 1 2 0 L E T 2 % O n t h e g r o u n d n e a r b
, 3 3 / 9 4 . 2 5 3 y t h e r e is "
1 7 0 D A T A 1 9 5 , 2 1 6 , 2 5 2 , 1 7 5 , 5 0 , 4 2 , 1 1 3 0 F O R i = p r e s T O p r e s + n - 1 : L E T
2 5 3 , 5 0 , 4 1 , 2 5 3 2 $ =Z S + F H 9 ( ( i )
1 8 0 D R T R 3 3 , 6 3 , 2 5 3 , 1 2 6 / 9 5 , 3 5 , 1 2 1 1 4 0 H E X T i
6 , 8 7 , 2 0 1 1 1 5 0 G O S U B 1 0 0
2 1 0 D R T R 0 , 2 / 1 / 2 , 1 / 3 , 2 , 4 / 5 / 5 / 3 , 1160 R E T U R H
3 , 2 8 0 0 7 R E M
8008 R E M * * *
2 2 0 D R T R 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 0 1 / 0 , 1 0 3 , 0 , 1 0 4 , D e P i n e c o n s t a n t s

& 3 0 DRTR
1,3,4,5,1,106,0, 1/1
8 0 0 9
8010 L E T
w h o = 6 4 7 2 0 : L E T w h a t = 6 4 7 o
2 4 0 1 7 5 , 5 0 / 4 2 / 2 5 3 / 5 6 / 4 1 , 2 5 82 : L E T l i s t = 6 4 9 0 0
3 / 5 0 / 1 7 7 / 2 5 3 8020 L E T p r e s = 6 4 8 1 1 L E T F k I C =64
2 5 0 O R T R 1 9 8 , 1 0 0 / 9 5 , 6 , 8 , 3 3 , 9 3 , 2 8 3 1 : L E T O b 1C = 6 4 8 6 3 L E T c h a r = 6 4
5 3 , 5 8 , 4 I 9 4 5
2 6 0 O R T R 2 S 3 , 6 0 , 5 0 , 4 1 , 2 5 3 , 3 5 , 3 5 9 9 9 8 S R U E " M e r l i n 2 " L I H E 8 0 0 0 :
, 2 1 3 , 2 2 9 , 1 2 6 S A U E " n c 2 " C 0 D E 6 4 5 0 0 , 4 4 6
2 7 0 O R T R 1 8 7 , 2 0 4 , 2 5 0 , 2 5 2 , 2 2 5 , 2 0
9 , 1 6 , 2 3 6 . 2 3 7 , 7 5
2 8 0 D R T R 4 2 , 2 5 3 / 6 / 0 / 2 0 1

85 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Q . y now enthusiastic adventure following line produces a bigger as normally happens. It works in
wrilers will have saved hundreds version: a rather strange way. INK on INK
ot bytes in their programs, and gives PAPER colour, as does
are wondering what to do with 19 PRINT " O " : PRINT " • " : PRINT PAPER on PAPER, but INK on
all that free space. Why not " • " : PRINT " l l " : PRINT " i l " PAPER gives INK. What this
brighten things up a little with amounts to is that by over-
some graphics? printing characters, new shapes
What immediately springs to How about a cache of silver can be produced, sort ot
mind is lull colour, hi-res Hobbit- rings? Try RUNning: pseudo-user defined graphics.
style pictures or umpteen So, overprinting # on > gives an
thousand different views around 19 FOR f = 1 TO 19 : PRINT AT f, aeroplane-like shape, c on o
the Land of Midnight. All in good 11; PAPER 9 : " (12 spaces) gives a "bullet", and * on !
time. Let's not forget the humble "NEXT f 29 FOR f = 1 TO 39 : gives a rocket flame. Try it out for
ascil character. PRINT AT RND # 7 + 2, RND * yourself but be warned, there
What can you do with Uncle's 9 + 12; PAPER 9; INK 7; "o" : are tens of thousands of
character set? Answer — quite a NEXT f combinations!
lot if you've an inventive mind.
(Ex-ZX81 users might care to Line 10 prints a black UDGs
remember the ingenious background, whilst line 20 prints
a random scattering of rings Turning now to real udgs, this
graphics in Automata's "Can of opens a completely new
Worms".) Let me help. Enter the over it. Now CLS, edit line 20 to
read: spectrum (and without
following lines: invalidating the guarantee!). You
29 FOR f = 1 TO 39 : PRINT AT f, can quite literally produce whal
11; INK 2; " E T you want, where you want it on
1 9 LET h $ = " E MODE CAPS screen.
SHIFT 2 $ " (ENTER) As the Individual udgs are
2 9 LET b $ = " E MODE CAPS and RUN 20 and you have a find quite small they really need to
SHIFT 1 E MODE CAPS SHIFT 7 E of "Blood-Gold". be used in groups to create an
MODE 1 • • = = = = = = = = Jewels need a slightly Illustration of any size. This
= E MODE 6 E MODE CAPS different technique. For a hoard causes a problem. You only


0 " (ENTER)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
l i n e 30 you can enter normally!
0 - 8 16 24 32 40 48 56
39 LET s$ = CHR$ 22 + CHR$ 17
+ CHR$ 22 + h$ +CHR$ 22 + 1 1 - 17 25 33 41 49 57
CHR$ 18 + CHR$ 8 + b$ +
CHR$ 22 + CHR$ 19 + CHR$ 22 2 2 10 - 26 34 42 50 58
•f h$ PAPER 3 3 11 19 - 35 43 51 59
It you've been following this 4 4 12 20 28 • 44 52 60
series you'll know that the
strange keying sequences have 5 5 13 21 29 37 - 53 61
been incorporating colour and 6 6 14 22 30 38 46 • 62
flash control codes into the
string. (If you haven't you'll find 7 7 15 23 31 39 47 55 -

the lable on page 87 of your

manual helpful.) of diamonds replace line 20 seem to have 21 available
Now RUN. When you get the with: (Graphic A — U). Even without
OK message, try CLS : PRINT s$, the manipulation of the
and you'll have the mystic Sword machine's memory that we'll look
ot Power appear before you. all 29 FOR f = 1 TO 89 : PLOT RND at later, this is not so restrictive
made with ascii characters * 89 + 96, RND * 64 + 96 : as it seems. It is quite possible,
complete with flashing Symbol NEXT f with forethought, to use some
of Gora — probably Ihe best use udgs for more than one purpose.
for that deformed AT sign! and RUN. (If you want rubies, set We'll look at this In detail In a
INK to 2 and RUN 20) later article, but for the present
Robot let's rethink Uncles chessmen
In a similar way you can Before leaving the ascii codes udgs (page 72 In your manual).
produce quite a respectable let's look at the OVER command. These are far too small to be of
Robot by printing an "o", " • " or This PRINTs one character on any real use, but If they were
"O" and " I " in a vertical line. The another without blanking it out twice the size it would be a

86 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

different matter. That causes a colours as well, plus BRIGHT or two-number torm UDG needs, so
problem. There are six pieces, FLASH if you need them. when you PEEK it. the values
each made up of four udgs. The easiest way to translate needed are there. The rest ol 1$
That makes 24. and there are your masterpiece into a form the is printed under the picture.
only 21 available. The solution to computer can understand is by So far the program has only
the problem is quite simple. Use using the Character Generator printed the picture on the
two as the base, and link these program on your "Horizons" tape. existing screen colours lor INK
with different tops for each Construct each character, and PAPER. Now to get the
piece. This way you will only working from left to right along colours right. The way the
need 6 * 2 + 2 = 1 4 udgs. leaving each line in turn, then SAVE the subroutine does this is to POKE
some spares. (So purists could set. with an appropriate name, the attribute values following the
have a smaller base for their using that option. Note that all udg bytes into the correct
pawns.) 20 characters have to be used addresses in the ATTRIBUTES tile
But you're not actually each time even if they are just This starls at 22848 with the
restricted to |ust 21 udgs. You blank spaces. Also that you don't inlormation for the character at
can have as many as you like need to bother about the 21st row 10, column 0, and moves
(al a cost of eight bytes each), character. It's not used. across each row, jumping to the
provided you Inform the Now you have to make all next when necessary. This is the
machine of the fact. Amongst those saved udg sets — you can function of the nested loops f
those mysterious Systems have up to 30 If you start at and n.
Variables, the "house-keeping" address 60000 as above — into Obviously you can have
life of the machine's memory, one long length of code. You smaller illustrations (or larger
there is one called UDG at can do this by using Program 2. ones, but I'll leave you to work
addresses 23675 and 23676. The Type it in, then RUN. Answer the that one out). The important
information these hold is the prompt with the name of the first point is that they must all be the
address of the first udg byte. set. then load it in. After loading, same dimensions, and print in
If you: PRINT USR "a" (ENTER) the program will ask for the the same place on screen.
you'll get the number 65368 on attributes value of each udg in Having had a little relapse into
screen (on a 48K Spectrum). II turn. Work this out using Table A. using memory, next month we'll
you PRINT PEEK 23675, PEEK For example, tor black INK on look ot ways of economising
reen PAPER you would enter 33. larger illustrations Happy
dd 64 to make it BRIGHT, and udg-ingl
128 for FLASH. (Remember you
can only have one INK and one
PAPER colour per character.)

Clyde Bish shows you

You'll see each udg displayed
change to the attribute value so PROGRAM 1
you can see what the final result
how to get more out of will be. Now repeat Ihe process Ov t w
with the second udg set. and so e i" s car;
your UDGs. on until the last set has been
dealt with, then reply to the
!i PBIti- PO'E
i - - V

prompt with 0 and you'll be able

to SAVE the whole collection of
udg and attribute bytes from
address 60000.
This subroutine to make use of o* secce i3» FGHU -1
23676 (ENTER) you'll see the this code in your adventures is 1 2 * KLMNO j.3* PC'B5T
numbers 88 and 255. This Is the given in Program 3. Type this in 1 1 <=£H C i F i U U K t ."39S .
I n r t - ir, G t 0 J €
way the machines holds and RUN 9999. This sets up a 15 >=60000 l E " :=;
numbers larger than 255. If you string variable g$ as the £0 INPuT T | I U C* ' C i J i
multiply 255 by 256 and add 88 complete illustrations with the t»
30 t j > 0 ' T n e n GO t o £0
you'll get that 65388 again. udgs In the correct places to 3 1 I F l E n ' . i 1 0 7 H E U GO " 0
II you POKE the UDG System start printing at row 10. column 0. 32 L E T C«C+1
When you get the OK message 3 5 LOflC \ % C 0 C E a 1 6 0
Variable with other members AO R P U D O n l Z E i PO^E «36~"5
you will cause the machine to delete 9999. This information is - 23670 C O ' E 2 3 6 ~ 6 P££>-
now in the Variables area In PC I N T 9S
look elsewhere for Ihe start of the SO i _ £ T » = 0 FOG .'»£2CA3
udgs, and you can do this as memory and you don't need the a* 5T£P
often as you like. Type in line taking up valuable space. 50 n>0 TO » l E t ' " *i
r £ f*r 7
Program 1. (The capitals In line You wilT need a statement like ~0 I n P U T tSltfltUt*
200 are udgs and must be line 100 in your program " 5 I F u i 0O v 1 5 5 T k E - I GO
entered in Graphics mode.) Now wherever you want to call an 70
3 0 PO* £ 1*r. v POr £ **160*
RUN. Illustration to screen. The 9 0 tJE n f.E'T 1 L£T i = j 1
The first section sets up a udg Variable f$ holds the information 100 CPU5E 100 CL5 GO r rt
200 I n P u t t i i u f$' c*Jt" ' 5
(lie of triangle shapes at a new for the Illustration number (In this
I c OE l E N U 10 T H » - |
address, 60000. The second case 1 — it has to be three 0 200 OL
section redirects the UDG systems figures) followed by the title — A 210 ;P'.'ff t » : 0 0 E 6 0 0 0 0 :-150
Boot. 220 .EKIF tjC0:-£
variable to this address, before
the udgs are printed as normal. The subroutine starting at line
You're still limited to a maximum
of 21 udgs at a time, but you
1000 uses this inlormation to do
all the hard work. Line 100 Itself PROGRAM 3 2
can have as many sets as you is Interesting. Remember you
like, simply by redirecting UDG have to tell the system variable -<v\s .A L i 1• *. v v l —
I *
Dv.v I, " • 1 P
to the start ol each set required. UDG where the udgs start In that 100C 5T0P _
.000 := - L r* TC 2 - 1 5 0 - 5 * 1
strange two-number form we 20 OfIZE c CO'-2 2 3 6 ' 5 - £ £ •
Graphic adventures looked at earlier. This line takes 2:^-0 PC* £ 2 3 6 ^ 6 C E E '
z i - - . i . - j j. - o J_£t

You could use this idea to the Illustration number, multiplies • •; . - - j ^ i i . ; TC - ' - ' - i i * T £ P 32 O
Illustrate each of your Intrepid It by 180 and adds 59820, so
picture 1 begins at 60000,
= tc'a"
••£ • T -
PC r e ~ 7* . r
rsE-T i
cEE' :
Adventurer's finds by a 5 column
by 4 row graphic To use this
system, first design your
picture 2 at 60180, picture 3 at
60360 etc This value resets
frr! -£" I I F l ' . i .2
»»j: j 'i
another Systems Variable called c- £ is* *c«c»
illustration on squared paper,
sorting out your INK and PAPER
SEED using RANDOMIZE in the ' l*-'.; * c i i : * PCPi*"
87 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986
there to demonstrate some of
the sounds.
To use the code RANDOMIZE
USR 32000 (or 60000 or whatever
address you used) and follow It
immediately on the same line
with :REM !x,y,z
The x and y are the length of
the note and can be any of the
This is the first line 30 to CLEAR 59999 and all
numbers 32000 to 60000.
Spectrum's numbers, letters or
showcase of readers' To use it in your own
programs include lines 10 to 70.
The z Is the pitch of the note
and the only restriction is that
short routines. There's a you can of course put them as a
subroutine at the end of your
the CODE of the z value is
GREATER or EQUAL to that of the
£10 prize for each program, and place your
program at lines 100 onward.
CODE of the y value.
Note that an exclamation
published routine so if The lines 100. 110 and 120 are mark must also follow the REM.

you've got a novel, 1 0 D A T A 4 2 , 9 3 , 9 2 , 3 5 , 3 5 , 1 2 6 , 2 5 4

useful or eccentric mini , 3 3 , 1 9 2 , 3 5 , 1 2 6 , 2 1 4 , 3 1 , 9 5 , 2 2 , 0 , 3 5

, 3 5 , 1 2 5 , 3 5 , 3 5 , 1 9 0 , 2 0 8 , 2 1 4 , 3 1 , 7 1 ,
program for the 1 2 6 , 2 1 4 , 3 1 , 1 1 1 , 3 8 , 0

Spectrum or QL why 2 0 D A T A 1 9 7 , 2 2 9 , 2 1 3 , 2 0 5 , 1 8 1 , 3 ,
2 0 9 , 2 2 5 , 1 9 3 , 4 3 , 1 6 , 2 4 4 , 2 0 1 , 9 9 9 9
not submit it to Short 3 0 C L E A R 3 1 9 9 9

Cuts? 4 0 L E T c = 3 2 0 0 0
5 0 R E A D a: I F a = 9 9 9 9 T H E N G O
Sound Kit T O 1 0 0
6 0 P O K E c , a : L E T c = c + l
I S * J. Kamphuis has been a
regular contributor to ZXC for 7 0 G O T O 5 0
many moons, this neat little 1 0 0 R A N D O M I Z E U S R 3 2 0 0 0 : R E M !
routine extends the Spectrum's R E T U R N C O P Y
beep in a simple and easy way.
It is located at address 32000 1 1 0 R A N D O M I Z E U S R 3 2 0 0 0 : R E M !9
to allow it to work on 16K , C O P Y
machines (are there still any
1 2 0 R A N D O M I Z E U S R 3 2 0 0 0 : R E M !
around?) but can be relocated
to any address. I would suggest R E T U R N , z , m
60000 and to do this change

Characters Security Program 1 REM Seen illy P r o f r a n

5 LET OK'Ot POKE 23613,Ol POK
G 2361«,0
Jasper Visser sent us this short Deon Carpenter is getting 10 B O R D E R Ol P A P E R O ) INK 7i C
(as we like 'em) routine to print in paranoid about protecting his LS I P R I N T AT 5 , O I " P L E A S E E N T E R
a rather original style on the program, and who can blame ACCESS CODE!-"I INPUT L I N E At
screen. Type it in and give it a him with all those would be 3 0 IF A t • " Y O U R C O D E W O R D " T H E N
try! Captain Hooks around.
LET OK • 1
1 REM c h i r i c U r i
Add it to your program, either T 1|AT 2 ( 1 1 i " C O D E "•("IN" AND NO
lOO LET L'Oi LET H«0 at the start as printed or as a T O K U "CORRECT"
1 3 0 I N P U T "A W O R D P L E A S E . . " ) LI subroutine, and autostart it by 5 0 IF N O T O K T H E N P A U S E ISO I
NE At saving it using a LINE number ie. C E S S " ) F L A S H 1) B R I G H T l | A T 2 0 . 0
1 4 0 IF L E N A t > 1 0 T H E N PRINT AT SAVE "mygame" LINE 5. I " P R O G R A M T E R M I N A T E D " ! P A U S E ISO
l O . O i F L A S H It B R I G H T I | " I - 1 0 C
H A R A C T E R S !!"i P A U S E SOr P R I N T A
Notice the unusual POKEs at 1 RANDOMIZE USk O
T 10.01.. I C O TO 130 the start which, unlike the usual 60 PKINT AT lO.Oi"PLEASE INPUT
I S O P R I N T A T O . O i INK 71 A t Poke ot 23659,0 which will not YOUR N A M E I -"I INPUT LINE Nt
70 P R I N T AT 1 6 , 2 ( " W E L C O M E TO T
160 FOR A « 0 TO LEN A t « 8 allow the use of INPUT, only HE SYSTEM."jNt
170 FOR B • 1 7 5 T O 168 S T E P -1 crashes if on error report is
1 8 0 IF P O I N T < A , B > • 1 T H E N GO S
UB £20
thrown — ie. someone tries to
1 9 0 L E T H « H * 3 i N E X T Bi L E T H - O i
break into the program. Another wise not to use anything too
LET L*L*3 s NEXT A first lor ZXC? complex, after alt, you've got to
2 0 0 P R INT A T O . O l , . Change the password by remember it!
210 STOP changing the letters YOUR Keep those short cut
220 PLOT L . S O - l H O H IF P O I N T 1 CODEWORD in line 30, it may be programs coming!

A - I . B >•O T H E N DRAW O,3
2 3 0 P L O T L , S O - H t IF P O I N T ( A , B *
1)»0 THEN ORAU 3. O
2AO PLOT L O . S O - H i IF P O I N T (A*
1 .B i « 0 T H E N DRAW 0,-3

2 5 0 P L O T L « 3 . S O - < H « 3 > i IF P O I N T
( A . B - t f O THEN DRAW -3.0


i n
88 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986
• I you enjoy the balletic animated figures replaying the each attacking player. The
bonecrunchlng spectacle of vital moves — a successful pass, defence team also has a
American football but are a fumble, a touchdown or a nominated roving player who
confused by Its complexities you tackle The display also tells you can create mayhem under
may think twice about buying a who Is In possession, something joystick control and there is an
simulation of the game. that Is not always apparent from option to change this player
However with this well the overview of the pitch. once play has commenced.
presented package every If you are on the offensive Passing can be very tricky.
attempt is made to enhance there Is a list of options that When the ball is snapped back
your enjoyment and appears before each down, to the quarterback he is under
understanding of the game Including: joystick control. Once you've
whether you are approaching it long pass, short pass, rush decided who will receive the
as a total novice or an expert. play or special play (these plays ball (the cursor can be moved
A 15 minute cassette >eing field goal attempt and
beinc over potential receivers when
explaining the rudiments of punt). Each option leads to other you press the fire button) release
American football rules is a more sophisticated strategies to the fire button and the ball
sensible Inclusion for those who choose from. speeds on Its way to the receiver
don't know their split ends from Once you have decided on who comes under your control
their tight ends. your strategy you have the once the ball is released.
The simulation is actually a Passing Is difficult to master but
replay of the 1986 Superbowl It's well worth persisting with.
between the Chicago Bears and Superbowl If you successfully position
the New England Patriots and Is Ocean your receiver you are on the
designed very much to be a two £9.95 way to a touchdown but If there
player game is a fumble you can renominate

There is however an option to a receiver to retrieve the ball or

play fhe game against the protect your man once he is In
computer to acquaint yourself possession. When a pass goes
with the basic moves before wrong however It Is very hard
tackling an opponent. Defensive iL'.f.n indeed to avoid losing
and offensive menus for possession.
deciding strategy Include a Playing Superbowl can be as
ploy game option where the complex and strategically
opposing side will play advanced as you choose to
automatically. make It. Although It Is a two
This option Is highly player game there is only an
recommended to get a feel of option to use one joystick, the
the game and achieving other player having to be
touchdowns Is relatively easy but chance to see what will happen content with keyboard control. If
don't be lulled Into thinking that to your players by using the view you want to keep things even
it will be as simple In a next frame option. Then It's time both players can use the
competitive game to select your preferred receiver keyboard.
The screen display is divided who will hopefully collect the It would be difficult to
Into two halves. On the right Is a pass from the quarterback. imagine a better simulation of
scrolling map of the grid iron Then It's the defensive team's the game and its success comes
with your team formations chance to organise with a from fhe fact that It is not a poor
symbolised by squares. Although choice of formations, 3-4-4, 7-1-3 imitation of the real thing but
these are tiny a useful aid is etc and to nominate which of within its limitations tries to give
added as your controlled player the defensive line will mark a flavour of the game at its
or nominated receiver becomes highest level. The biggest
an outslzed square as you compliment Is really tn<
propel him around the pitch. simulation, because It Is well
Once a play has begun It presented and simple to get to
can be difficult to tell just what grips with, will. If persevered
is going on and this is where the with, help you to understand
display on the left hand side and enjoy the real thing to a
comes In showing targe greater extent.

89 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986




90 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Why just play compression routines should
allow you to cram in up to 30%
adventures when you more text than The Quill.
But of course it's the graphics
can troll your own with creating ability of GAC that will
be one of its most immediately
Incentive's Graphic attractive features. With GAC you
can draw location graphics In
Adventure Creator. tasteful shades of gold, pastel
magenta and sea green. These
pictures occupy the top two
I t ' s been quite a long time thirds of the Spectrum's screen
coming, but at last there's some display and can be drawn for
competition for Gilsoft's Quill. any location that you choose.
Incentive Software are Just Rather than taking up about 4K
putting the finishing touches to of memory the way a picture
the Spectrum version of their that size would normally do.
Graphic Adventure Creator (GAC GAC stores the pictures as a Incentive themselves intend to
to its friends, of whom there series of commands tor start up their own Medallion
could soon be quite a few), and performing specific functions, Adventure range, which will
Ian Andrew dropped by recently and these take up considerably consist of the best GACed
to show us how if worked. less space than a normal adventures submitted to them by
SCREENS would. authors (although they place no
Loading up GAC takes you
restrictions on anyone who writes
into the main menu, where there GAC's graphics editor an adventure and tries to get it
are various options leading to Includes commands for drawing marketed by other companies).
the different parts of the lines, dots, rectangles, circles
program that you'll need for and ellipses and over 20
constructing your adventure. different colours for creating Competition
These include the graphics shading effects. Altering the
editor, conditions menu (where pictures is simple as the editor If you want to get your hands on
you assemble the conditions allows you to step quickly a copy of the Graphic
required to solve the puzzles in through the commands that Adventure Creator and get
the game), room descriptions make up each picture, and you started on writing your own
and so on, can even store a number of version of The Hobbit, here's your
GAC does not confine you to standard shapes for repeated chance. Incentive Software are
simple verbfnoun commands as use rather than having to draw offering ZX readers a chance ot
so many adventures do (Quilled them separately each time you winning a shiny new GAC in this
and otherwise), and features a want to use them competition.
sophisticated command From watching lan's There are 10 GACs to be
interpreter that will accept demonstration, It looks like GAC snapped up and what we'd like
complicated, multl part Is not only highly versatile, but you to do is think of how you
commands. For Instance, the also simple to use, and could would start off the adventure that
example that the manual gives well give rise to a whole new you would write with your copy
deals with the command — "Get generation of GACed adventures ot GAC and then write down the
the gold, examine If. put it In the alongside all those Quilled ones first location description that a
box then go north." The program once all you budding adventure player would be presented with.
can hold a vocabulary of over writers get to grips with it (and Remember, the start of an
750 words, allowing you plenty of there is already one software adventure is the place where
scope for whatever warped house waiting tor the Spectrum you whet the player's appetite
schemes you might think up. version to be released so that and present him with a taste of
And when it comes to writing they can convert a game that the mysteries and intrigue that
location descriptions. Ian was written with the Amstrad lie ahead. So, Just writing "You
Andrew told us that GAC's text GAC). are In a dark room with a door
facing east" would be pretty
uninteresting. But something
along the lines of: "You are in a
GAC Competition locked room. Six foot away is a
scorpion which slowly inches
My adventure would begin: towards you, and from the roof
above row upon row of deadly,
glistening spikes are
descending." Is a bit more likely
to get the adrenalin going,
though obviously you con add a
few objects and exits or anything
else that might occur to you.
And just to make things a little
harder, you've got to keep your
description to less than 50 words.
Send your entry, on the
coupon printed here, In to GAC
Competition, ZX Computing
Name Monthly. 1 Golden Square,
London W1R 3AB The
Address competition is open to all
readers ot ZX Computing
Monthly except employees of
Argus Specialist Publications,
Alabaster Passmore and Sons
Send your entries to: GAC Compeition, ZX Computing Monthly. and Incentive Software. Entries
1 Golden Square, London W1R 3Aa Entries to arrive by first post must arrive by first post on 8th
on 8th August. August 1986 and the Editor's
decision is final.

91 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

Toni Baker begins a
three part series on Listing 1
mastering machine FIGURE ONE

code graphics. (Program •)

roj£a?oo DQO_S LD (TVFLAG),00 Reset b i t zero o f TVFIAG.

JE?A LOOP LD A , - * " A i c o n t a i n s the ASCII code f o r "•»,

trr RST 10 Prlii* CHR$(A); to the c u r r e n t c h a n n e l .

hen we use the word 16FB JR LOOP
"Graphics" we usually think of
producing complex, and
possibly moving or 3 0 effect
pictures on the screen — but (Program b )
graphics doesn't necessarily
mean that. Something as simple FDJ60P01 DQiO_K LD (TVFLA0),01 S e t b i t xero o f TVFUG.
as PRINT " * '! is utilising graphics )E?A LOOP LD A , * * "
— and in machine code it you
don't understand how to do the D7 RST 10 P r i n t an asterisk.
simple things then the more
intricate designs will remain 10FB JR LOOP
beyond you.
By "Graphics" I mean the
o process of altering the image on
the TV screen In any way at all.
z This three part series is intended FDCB01CE DBW_P SET 1,(FLAGS)
to cover the bare necessities of
s machine code graphics. In
future series' I may go on to the
0600 LD B,00 Prepare for ?56d a s t e r i s k s .

5 cleverer stuff, but for now this is a 3E?A LOOP LD A

< beginners' course — an
apprentice course. 07 RST 10 P r i n t an a s t e r i s k .

tt The first things we need to tOFB DJKZ LOOP Repeat t i l l finished.

know about are streams and
o channels. A "Stream" is C9 RET
computer jargon for "A small
river", whereas a "Channel" is
tt what we computer experts call
Q. "A narrow sea". These nautical

references are, I confess, difficult )E02 GEN_S LD A ,02 A: c o n t a i n s d e s i r e d stream number.

5 concepts to master when viewed
In the context of the ZX CD0116 CALL 1601,CHAN_0PEW
Spectrum, but the words are
tt taken from the conventional S e l e c t t h i s as the c u r r e n t stream.
English words of the same
JE?A LOOP LD A , " * "
spelling; a stream (a number
between zero and fifteen to D7 RST 10
Index input and output) and
channel (a device such as a 18FB JR LOOP
c/> printer or a TV screen). I hope

92 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

I've made that clear. ingenious little trick to switch 128K mode or it will cause a
We need to know about them between the two. You see the crash!)
because although you can only difference between these But now for the general case
forget them altogether in BASIC it two channels is bit zero of the — and this will work on a
you want to, In machine code system variable TVFLAG. This bit Spectrum 128 in 128K mode. We
they are ot paramount is reset for channel "S". and set may change the current
importance. Because: for channel "K", This means that channel by selecting a new
INPUT "HELLO'IAS is the same we can switch between stream number. All we have to
thing as PRINT <tO!'HELLO'!:INPUTA$ channels "S" and "K" just by do is lo load the A register with
PRINT "HELLO" is the same thing changing this bit. To the desired stream number, and
as PRINT*i2!'HELLO" demonstrate, try running the two call a simple ROM subroutine.
LPRINT "HELLO" Is the same thing programs of Figure One to see Figure Three shows this being
as PRINT*3!'HELLO" exactly what difference the first done to select the screen as the
The point is that all printing — instruction makes. (Incidentally, current channel. Remember that
whether to the main screen, the the values ot the remaining bits this will always work, irrespective
lower screen (le the bottom two of TVFLAG are irrelevant at this of whichever was previously the
or more lines normally used tor point.) current channel. Users ol the
INPUT items) or to a printer — are Another trick is to switch Spectrum 128 should note that
as tar as the machine code between channels "K" and "S". when they are in 48K mode
programmer Is concerned, and channel "P". Again only one channel "P" Is the ZX Printer, but
identical In ihe BASIC statements bit is needed to tell the when in 128K mode channel "P"
above, the number after the difference. Bit one of the system is the built-in RS232 interface at
symbol is the stream number. variable FLAGS is reset for the left hand side of the
Since we usually only ever need channels "S" and "K". but set for Spectrum case. It is safe to select
to print to the screen or the the ZX Printer. The program of channel "P" (ie to select stream
printer, or to the lower screen Figure Two will print to the ZX number three) in either case by
(when creating a INPUT prompt) Printer using this simple trick. (But this method.
the stream number (in BASIC) WARNING - The SPECTRUM 128 All of this is essential to know
does not normally need to be does not allow the use of the ZX because Spectrum printing Is
Included — hence we usually Printer when in 128K mode. The achieved with the machine
use the (ormat on the left. In program (Figure Two) must not code instruction RST 10. and RST
machine code all is different. be run on a Spectrum 128 in 10 will only print to the current
The stream number is essential,
and must be specified:
Stream # 0 refers to channel "K"
— the lower screen fl ft
Stream *t 1 refers to channel "K"
— the lower screen also FIGURE FOUR
Stream tt 2 refers to channel "S"
— the main screen (Program a )
Stream a 3 refers to channel "P"
— the printer 3E16 AT_5_4 LD A,16

Although the channels which D7 RST 10 PRIHT AT . . .

these stream numbers refer to
may be altered by the OPEN # 3205 LD A,05
command, to do so is not very
usual. I shall therefore assume U1 RST 10 3| • • •
they have not been altered, and
shall continue to use for the ?E04 LD A,04
lower screen, # 2 for the main
screen, and « 3 for the printer. D7 RST 10 4;
Now — as you know — a
computer can only ever do one
thing at a time. This means it

can only ever print one thing at (Program b )
a time. It can't print both to the
3E16 AT_D_E LD A,16 PR
screen and to a printer
simultaneously. For this reason It
D7 RST 10 PRINT AT . . .
can only ever need to use one

channel, and hence one stream, 7A LD AjD
at a time. The stream it is using
at any particular moment is
called the current stream, and
07 RST 10 D, ... <
likewise the channel being used
Is the current channel.
When we call a machine
code subroutine the current
D7 RST 10 E; O
channel is unchanged. This
means that the current channel
remains as It was the last time FIGURE FIVE
any printing or editing was
done. Usually we find this is 3E17 TAB_E LD A,17
channel " K " (the lower screen),
E7 RST 10 PRINT TAB . . .
but It may not be.
Assuming that your program
hasn't used the printer (or a
microdrive or network, etc) since RST 10 £ •*•
the lost time you entered a O
command (eg RUN) or input AF XOR A III
something, then the current
channel will still be either "K" or D7 RST TO *
"P". I'm going to show you an o o

93 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986

channel. It Is vital that you tell single register or register pair it has been constructed and
the computer where and how follows that a floating point registers A and DE assigned
you want to print before you tell number can only arise as a accordingly, the required string
it what to print. result of using Ihe calculator may be printed by CALL
(see separate series In this PO MSG (at address 0C0A).
RST 10 magazine). In such a case, the
number to be printed should be
left at the top ot the calculator
Things to watch out for
You can use the machine code stack, and then CALL PRINT _FP
instruction RST 10 to print any Note that it, at any stage, one of
(address 2DE3). In addition to the predefined graphics
single character, be it an ASCII printing the number the
character, a graphics character, characters (whose code Is
PRINT FP subroutine will also between 80 and 8F) is printed,
or a token. Simply load Ihe A delete the floating point number
register with the code of the then system variable addresses
from the calculator slack. 5C92 to 5C99 will be corrupted.
character and then execute RST (Warning: If the number is strictly
10. Nole that ordinary characters This corrupts calculator
between - 1 and +1, zero memories zero and one (see
when printed occupy only one excluded, then a bug in the
print position, but keyword calculator series)). This Is totally
ROM causes an unwanted zero unimportant unless you are
characters between A5 and FF to be left on the calculator stack
(between A3 and FF on the either using the calculator or
at this point). storing information in these
Spectrum 128 in 128K mode) are
expanded and printed in full, variables.
using as many print positions as Also — if the subroutine
there are letters in the keyword. PRINTING STRINGS PRINT FP is called then all six ot
In all cases RST 10 leaves all Ihe calculator's memories will
registers (except BC', DE'. and There are (at least) three different be corrupted — that is the whole
possibly A) unchanged. ways to print a string. In each of the system variable MEMBOT
case the text of the string must (addresses 5C92 to 5CAF). Again
be stored at a fixed location in this Is totally unimportant unless
PRINTING NUMBERS the Spectrum's memory. The first you are using the calculator
method of printing strings is also memories or storing information
Single digits between the simplest. DE must point to the in this area.
first character of the string, and
0 and 9 BC must contain the length of Finally, note that the system
the string. Then simply CALL variable MEM normally contains
To print a number between 0 PR STRING (at address 203C). the address of MEMBOT. If the
and 9 either load A with the value of MEM has been altered
Secondly, note that a string (this is highly unlikely but I
number and CALL OUT_ CODE can arise as a result of using the
(at address 15EF) (NOTE: this include it for sake of
calculator, in which case the completeness) then PRINT FP
corrupts the E register), or load A string can be made to appear
with the ASCII code for the digit will not work correctly.
at the top of the calculator
and use RST 10. Note that ADD stack. In this case It is possible to
A.30h/RST 10 uses exactly as print it straight from the stack by The control characters
many bytes as CALL OUT^ CODE, the procedure CP A followed by
but does not corrupt the E CALL PR STR 1 (address 2036). In the Spectrum character set
register. Thirdly, it is possible to print codes 20 to 7F are ASCII
the (A+1)th string in a table of characters and codes 80 lo FF
Integers between strings. DE must point to the byte are graphics characters and
0 and 9999 before the first character of the keyword tokens. This leaves the
first string — the byte pointed to codes 00 to 1F. These are control
To print a positive number less must be between 80 and FF. characters, and can be used to
than 10000d (or zero) simply load Neither graphics characters nor perform PRINT AT and stuff like
the number into the BC register token keywords are allowed In that.
pair and CALL OUT. NUM 1 (at such a string. Each string in the Control 16h Is the at control
address 1A1B). table must be non-empty, and (not to be confused with the
must be terminated by the last keyword AT which has code
character of the string having bit ACh). Control codes are
o Integers between seven set. Assuming such a table operated by loading the code
0 and 65535
Two subroutine calls are
required this time, once the 4 Listing 3 m
Integer has been placed in the
BC register pair. First CALL
< STACK BC (address 2D2B). then
cc call PRINT FP (address 2DE3).
STACK BC pushes the number
5E10 DEMO LD A,10

O onto the calculator stack, and

PRINT _ F P is a general purpose

O routine to print any number. 3B02 LD A,02

a. Negative integers RST 10


3E1T LD A,11
Print a minus sign (by loading A
with 2D and using RST) then print DT RST 10 PAPER ...
ABS of the integer using one of
cc the methods described above. 3E06 LD A,06

All floating point D7 RST 10 6; ...

0 numbers
iii 3E2A LD A , " * "
01 Since it is not possible to store a RST 10
CO full floating point number in a

94 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986


into the A register and using RST continually subtracting thirty-two instruction. Not only will it do all
10. This means that they may be from the number. This means I have described above, but it
"printed" just like any other that, effectively, the high byte is can also be used to change the
character, and may be included irrelevant (since 256d is a PAPER and INK colours, and so
in strings. AT needs two multiple of 32d). This is not on. just like in a BASIC PRINT
parameters, and the control necessarily true when you print statement. Suppose we wanted
code Is no exception. The two to a printer other than the ZX (ie to print a red asterisk on a
parameters must be specified, in via the RS232 Interface). For this yellow background. The
the right order, and these too reason, the second TAB program of Figure Six will do just
must be "printed" with RST 10. parameter may only be the job. Note that once the print
Figure 4(a) shows the at control considered arbitrary if it is colours have been selected by
code being used to simulate known In advance that the this means they remain in force
PRINT AT 5,4; output will be sent to the screen until they are changed, or until
Nor does it matter how many or the ZX Printer. Figure Five the end of the BASIC statement
machine code instructions are shows the tab control code in which called the machine code.
executed between the three action. Here I have considered Figure Seven shows all the
occurrences of RST 10. The the second byte to be important control codes and what they do.
Spectrum will always (just in case) and so have and what parameters they need.
"remember" that the next two assigned it with a correct value
RST 10's will be at parameters. of zero. Normally, however, the Alternatives
The use ot the at control XOR A instruction could have
character plays its most useful been omitted. For channels "K", "S" and "P"
role when we want to PRINT AT a The comma control (code 06) (the ZX Printer) It is possible to
variable location. Figure 4(b) will may be used to simulate PRINT . achieve PRINT AT I PRINT TAB I
simulate PRINT AT D.E; (ie TAB to column 0 or column PRINT . without using control
The next control code we 16d) — it requires no parameters codes at all. Here's how:
meet is tab, which is conlrol 17h. at all — simply load the A PRINT AT BC; can be achieved
This control code also requires register with 06 and use RST 10. by CALL A T _ B _ C (address 0A9B)
two parameters: the low byte; The enter control (code 0D) PRINT TAB A; can be achieved
followed by the high byte, of the may be used to simulate PRINT ' by CALL TAB A (address 0AC3)
required TAB column number. Of (le print a new line, which has PRINT , can be achieved by
course, on the screen (and the the effect of moving the print CALL PO COMMA (address
ZX Printer) there are only position to the start ot the next 0A5F)
thirty-two columns — any line). Again, all we need do is There is also a rather easy
number higher than thirty-one is load the A register with 0D and way of changing both the paper
reduced to a number between use RST 10. and ink colours at the same
zero and thirty-one by RST 10 Is a very versatile time. In fact this method will also
specify the current bright status
I I and flash status while you're at

Listing 4
It. All you have to do is to
change one system variable —
it's called ATTR T. Simply
i i construct an attribute byte with
youP required combination of
CONTROL CODE PARAMETERS NEEDED, I F ANY colours and load it Into this
06 comia
variable. For instance, the single
instruction LO (ATTR_T).07
06 backspace (FD365507) will change the
0D enter colours to paper black/ink
white/bright off/flash off. To
construct such an attribute byte
10 Ink 00 black simply calculate (in decimal)
128*F + 6 4 * B + 8 * P + I
11 paper 01 blue
(where F=flash status, B=bright
02 red status, P=paper colour, and
03 magenta
I—inW colour).
It is also easy to select
04 green "transparent" paper/ink/bright/
05 cyan flash, as you can In BASIC (ie
PRINT PAPER 8;). You can do it
06 yellow
either with control codes, or by
07 white this method: Decide which of
06 transparent paper/ink/bright/tlash you want
to be transparent, add up the
09 contrast numbers from the list below, and
load the result Into the system
variable MASK_T.
12 flash 00 off
For INK transparent: 07
13 bright 01 on For PAPER transparent: 38
00 transparent
For BRIGHT transparent: 40
For FLASH transparent: 80
For instance, the single
14 inverse 00 off instruction LD (MASK Tj.3F
(FD36563F) will assign both
15 over 01 on paper and ink to be transparent.
Well, that's all from me for this
16 at l i n e number, column number
month. Next month I'll continue
the series by talking about the
process ot POKEing and
17 tab low b y t e , high byte manipulating the screen directly,
without involving the use ol
PRINTing at all. See you then.

95 ZX Computing Monthly • July 1986


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WD Software S C R E E N M A S T E R i s a family of advancer) graphics program! that give lull access to the
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