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Hannah is a woman in the Bible who dealt with a lot of adversity in her life, yet
she was steadfast in seeking out the Lord. In 1 Samuel 1, we learn about Hannah’s
story and how she was one of two wives to Elkanah. Hannah was barren, taunted
by her foe, and was angry with God. But despite Hannah’s challenges, she was
determined to surrender and submit her cares before the Lord. She prayed through
her pain and resolved to continue to trust God.

Hannah was taunted initially for being barren by Elkanah’s second wife Peninnah
for many years (1 Samuel 1:6-7). While Hannah wept and was distraught by this
ongoing ridicule, she did not stop praying and seeking the Lord. Although her
circumstances were overwhelming and she could have easily lost hope, she
resolved to be victorious in Christ Jesus (1 Samuel 2:1b).

When we face difficult seasons or relationships that seem unbearable or hopeless,

let us be encouraged by Hannah’s commitment to trusting God. Speak life and
victory over our circumstances, spirit, and future. When we are distracted by
opposition, negativity, or self -doubt that will come, we can resolve to seek God’s
word for renewed hope and walk in the victory that is in Christ Jesus.

Walking in victory does not mean that our challenges will instantaneously
disappear, but it does mean that we have decided to not have them consume us.
Begin to walk in victory each day and let God guide you through seasons of
opposition and strife.

Prayer Is a Powerful Tool

Hannah’s story is a powerful one of strength, courage, persistent prayer, and
unwavering commitment to seeking God’s face. She faced challenging
circumstances, felt discouraged and angry with God. Despite her challenges,
feelings of rejection and abandonment, she did not stop praying. She prayed when
she was unsure if she would ever have children, and she prayed when God blessed
her with a son.

If you are in a season of ongoing adversity, challenges, or opposition, I invite you

to be encouraged by Hannah’s story and her resilience in seeking God. Continue to
be persistent in prayer, surrender all your emotions to God, remember God’s
faithfulness, and speak victory despite opposition.

Prayer is a powerful tool that God wants us to use to stay connected with Him,
strengthen our spiritual maturity, and use as a weapon to overcome the tactics of
the enemy. When adversity comes, the good news is that God desires for us to
draw closer to Him and we are victorious through Christ Jesus.

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