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Fukushima and Iwate were already covered by previous JT article.

This leaves Aomori, Akita, Yamagata, Miyagi and Sendai

Options 1 and 2 for fall and winter are meant to be paired (Fall 1 + Winter 1) because they cover all
the prefectures equally.

Aomori is a big problem: most of the things on the list are for spring or canceled/completed events.
The three things highlighted by themselves are not enough of a reason to visit. I adore Aomori, and
this list does not reflect its charms in any way. I’m sorry to put you through this Takae, but this
might be something we need to discuss with Sokai-san ^^; Everything else I can fit in nicely.

Personally I think they may prefer Options 2, although it will mean that I won’t do a winter shuzai.

FALL Article

1) Fall Escape to Tohoku’s Hidden Gem Onsen

Introducing these onsen areas which offer a good combination of nature/outdoor treks, retro
townscapes, interesting activities, unique foods AND a great onsen culture is a good fit for the
US/EU/AU market. With the fall weather and colorful leaves, the photos should also be stunning,
and a good deal of this can be done in a way that is socially distanced and safe.

Spots covered on the DC list:

Retro townscape, onsen experience, 片倉家武家屋敷, 白石城、温麵
・仙台市、作並温泉(first choice) or 秋保温泉
Retro townscape, onsen experience,ニッカウヰスキー工場ツアー、グルメ

2) Local Gastronomy and Walking/Biking in Tohoku

As I think the ONSEN ・ガストロノミーウォーキング tours could be an interesting springboard to

capture reader’s attention, I would combine the only one still planned (in November) with other
spots that can easily be done by folks who don’t speak Japanese very well (and don’t want to join an
organized tour, as most US/EU/AU visitors to Tohoku prefer FIT travel).

Spots covered on the DC list:

・山形県、ONSEN・ガストロノミーウォーキング in 山寺・天童温泉 (11月)
・仙台市、作並温泉(first choice) or 秋保温泉
Retro townscape, onsen experience,ニッカウヰスキー工場ツアー、グルメ
・青森県(not on the current list)either :
-Miroku Yokocho and the mornings markets of Hachinohe, introducing the Tanesashi Coast hiking
trail (start of Michinoku trail) as waling course option
-Apple Road, using the excellent 弘南鉄道大鰐線+ bike rental to bike the loop with apple farms
and cafes. Could include Hirosaki Apple Park for good measure.

WINTER Article

1) Planning Spring Adventures in Tohoku

I went to Hirosaki at the very peak of cherry blossom season, so have access to excellent photos +
my own personal experience of it. I can write about it without having to go, and it could be used to
rev up interest for expats in Japan looking forward to spring. For the Nagai Flower line, while the
dates don’t match up (so I can’t talk about the DC-run train events, except in the past tense) I can
definitely write about the line. Using Akayu Onsen as a base, I can write about the various cherry
blossom spots along the line + the wineries.

Spots covered on the DC list:

Include Hirosaki Castle, Fujita Memorial Garden, Meiji buildings, Nakacho
烏帽子山公園, 赤湯温泉、ワイナリー、釜ノ越サクラ、

2) Winter and Wine Escapes in Tohoku

If they prefer the winter article to be winter-focused, then I think the snow festival in Akita and using
Kamasaki Onsen as a way to introduce the region would be effective. Both have good train links and
since flying to Hokkaido might be tough, showing snow festivals in shinkansen reach is good.
Shiroishi (where Kamasaki Onsen is) has good connections with Zao, so I can broaden out the topic
to include the “snow monsters” and onsen town there as well.

Spots covered on the DC list:

祭りレポート、 増田くらしっくロード、ワイナリー
Retro townscape, onsen experience,白石城、蔵王のスノーモンスター

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