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Jasmin Norman                         
Grade: PreK 
Content Area: Literacy 
Lesson: Letter B Activity Sheet 
Content and Standards
Standard Area AL. 2- Organizing and Understanding Knowledge 
Standard Area AL. 3- Applying Knowledge 
Standard Area 1.5 – Speaking and Listening 
Standard Area 10.5 – Concepts, Principals, & Strategies of Movement -Fine Motor 
Standard Area 1.4 – Writing
Standard Area 1.1 – Foundational Skills 

Students should have prior knowledge of:
 Identifying letters

 Recognizing letter sounds 

 Ability to grip and hold writing tools 

Essential Questions
1. Do you know what letter this is?
2. Do you know what sound this letter makes? 
3. Can you air write this letter? 

Materials & Equipment

Letter Bb Activity Sheet
Dot Markers 
Plastic cups (for crayons)
Assessment sheet 

Instructional Objectives
Students will be able to: 
 Identify and color all pictures on activity sheet that begin with the letter Bb. 

Instructional Procedures
Before: (students will be separated into 2 small groups)
Teacher will have all materials accessible at learning table. 
Teacher will hold up activity sheet to show students. Teacher will ask students “Do you know
what letter this is?” Teacher will move on to ask students “Do you know what sound the letter B
makes?” Teacher and students will practice saying the letter B and its sound? Teacher and
students will air write the letter Bb. Next, teacher will provide directions for completing the
activity sheet. 
During:  Teacher will go over each picture on activity sheet identifying the picture and making
emphasis on the beginning letter sounds. Students will identify which pictures need to be colored
and which pictures need to be crossed out (pictures that DO NOT begin with the letter B).
Students will give a thumbs up for pictures that begin with the letter B and a thumbs down for
pictures that DO NOT begin with the letter B. Teacher will hand each student an activity sheet
and 1 dot art marker. Students will begin with the first section of the activity sheet that requires
them to make dots on the letter Bb. When students have completed dot art section, they will
switch dot art marker for a pencil to complete tracing section of activity sheet. After completing
tracing section, students will switch pencil for crayons to complete identifying the letter B
beginning sound pictures. Teacher should be documenting observations on assessment sheet as
students work.
After: Students will draw a picture on back of activity sheet that begins with the letter B.
Teacher will make notes on assessment sheet as students’ complete activity. Teacher will collect
students work for assessments. 
(Same process will be completed for 2nd group of students) 

 Teacher will create assessment chart to document each student’s achievement of
objective (Example provided below)
 Review of students work 
 Observations of lessons 
 Pictures from iPad 

Differentiated Instruction
- Students can draw more pictures that begin with letter Bb on the back of activity sheet 
- Teacher will say the names of all pictures on activity sheet to help students with beginning
letter sounds 

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