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Text Presentasi 8 ISC


Greetings from me to all of you in this 8 ISC.

Slide 1) The title of my presentations is

Effectiveness of Consumption of Carica Papaya L, as a Natural Remedy to Treat

• Constipation is a common condition experienced by many people in various regions

around the world. The problem of constipation is often taken lightly by the

Slide 2
 Constipation is a condition characterized by the consistency of stools that turn
hard, large in size, accompanied by not being able to defecate for three days or
more (Oktaviana, 2015).
 Thus Constipation can cause discomfort such as bloating, pain and heartburn.
At the time of defecation, the stool is difficult to expel, sometimes the person
may have cold sweats, as the person has to push hard to expel the feces.
 This discomfort condition can make person who experienced constipation
become stressed (Herawati, 2012).
 ___

In a global survey of the incidence of constipation in ASIA (South Korea, China,

Indonesia), (reported by Chiarelly, et al in 2015), it is estimated that 5-23% of women
and about 11% of men are constipated. In Indonesia alone there is no definite data on
the prevalence of constipation.
Constipation can be classified into structural constipation and functional constipation.
• Structural constipation is a type of constipation that occurs due to structural
abnormalities and an obstruction to the flow of feces.
• While functional constipation is the most frequently complained by patients
due to colonic or anorectal motility disorders (Bahruca, 2013).

Many things can cause a person to experience constipation.

Functional constipation is generally caused by an unhealthy lifestyle such as a low-

fiber diet, stress, and lack of exercise, lack of fluid intake, and so on.

Prevention and treatment of constipation can be done by changing life style or

implementing a healthy lifestyle in daily life (Ciayadi, 2020; Handayani, 2015). One
of them is by increasing daily fiber intake, such as consuming papaya fruit.
Slide 3
• Carica Papaya L is a fruit that is rich in nutrients and non-nutritive
• Several non-nutritive components contained in Carica Papaya L fruit, namely
fiber, carpaine alkaloid compounds, and proteolytic enzymes, are known to
overcome functional constipation.
• These substances are useful for facilitating gastrointestinal function,
increasing stool mass, and making stools softer so that they can prevent and
treat constipation.

Slide 4: The purpose of this study was to see how effective is consuming ripe Carica
papaya L fruit in overcoming constipation.

Slide 5: Methods
• The research design is a one group pretest post test design.
• Sample: Forty research subjects, that voluntarily participated in the study.
• Research subjects were selected by purposive sampling method
• Inclusion Criterias are:
• Individuals who have a history of functional constipation and have not
defecated for three days or more, and have no urge for defecation when
subjects about to be given papaya therapy
• Subjects agreed not to take vitamin drugs or other laxatives while
participating in the study
• Subjects studied did not have an allergy to papaya (Carica papaya L.)
• Research subjects willingly participate without any coercion in the
research to be carried out.
Slide 6:
Results: The results showed that one-time consumption of a smoothie made from 200
grams of ripe Carica Papaya L fruit blended with 100 cc of mineral water and given
after dinner, was 82.5% effective for overcoming constipation. The Mc Nemar test
found that there was a significant difference in the number of people who could
defecate after giving papaya juice. Exact value Sig. (2-tailed) after being given
papaya intervention compared to before receiving intervention = 0.000 < critical
value 0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the
frequency of bowel movements after papaya therapy.

Pada Mc Nemar test didapati bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada jumlah
orang yang bisa BAB setelah pemberian jus pepaya. Nilai Exact Sig. (2-tailed)
setelah di berikan intervensi pepaya dibandingkan sevelum mendapat
intervensi= 0,000 < nilai kritis 0,05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada
perbedaan yang signifikan pada frekuensi BAB setelah pemberian terapi papaya.

Slide 7: Implications and contributions

• The results showed that papaya can be used as a natural medicine or alternative
treatment in overcoming the problem of constipation.
• Further research is needed by using pure experimental methods and selecting a
more selective sample, as well as a larger number of samples

Thank you for your attention. May God bless each one of you
Oleh: dr. Devina Ciayadi - Konstipasi? Ubah Pola Hidup Anda
25 Aug 2020 | Olahraga dan Gaya Hidup Sehat | Hati dan Saluran Cerna
Cegah Sembelit dengan Gaya Hidup Sehat 
Kamis, 14 Mei 2015 | 23:06 WIB
Oleh : Indah Handayani

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