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The digital marketing ecosystem

1. Search engine optimization (most important)

- Listing of website that matches your search term
- Using keywords in title, content and url
- Make website user-friendly, search-engine friendly and so on
- To bring website on top of google
- Google keywords planner
 Help find how many people search for a particular keywords (search volume 
demand for product)
 Try to write blog on keywords with most search to increase traffic
- SEO is a two phase process:
a. Onsite
 Pick up right keywords you think audience is searching for
b. Offsite
 Link building (build link for website/blog) – build one strong website and
multiple sites to support it through human sharing/get bloggers to talk
about it in the market.
2. Search engine marketing
- Process of running ad campaigns on Google, Bing and other search engines
- Pay google to bring website on top page
- Ad rank = cpc bid x quality score
- Pay google everytime your website is on top and someone click on it
- Landing page – a page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized
search result (e.g. 50% off shown on the search engine  ending page should be
regarding 50%) – Relevance!!!
- Youtube advertisement included
3. Social media marketing
- Using social networking sites to attract/engage audience
- Online reputation management, word of mouth marketing, personal branding
- Transition phase of communication – using social media to drive traffic to website
4. Content marketing
- Writing interesting content
5. Inbound marketing
- Pull people in first then convert them to potential follower etc
6. Influencer marketing
- Process of using influence of digital personalities, celebrities and thought leaders to
spread the word
- Celebrities, publishers, fans and friends

7. Affiliate marketing
- Commission for selling goods
- Make people sales partner


- Identify keywords u think customers will search for

- Using keyword planner (google ads) to find keywords with highest traffic
- Include them in url, title and content

SEO plugins

-seo ultimate

Google Analytics

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