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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Something I will always treasure

Fuente: SENA

For this evidence, you need to write a 400 word composition about something
someone gave you that means a lot to you. You should use the passive and
active voice along the text. If possible, include a picture of the object. The
following questions might give you some ideas about the kind of information you
should include. Below the questions, you will also find a model paragraph that
illustrates the kind of composition your instructor expects from you.

1. Who gave it to you?

2. When was it given to you?
3. Why was it given to you?
4. Where were you when you received it?
5. Why is it so special?
6. What is it made of?
7. Where do you keep it?
8. Have you ever lost it?
9. Do you bring it with you when you travel?
10. Have you ever been asked to sell it?

Model paragraph:
Every morning when I leave home, I pass by one of my most valued
possessions, a beautiful acoustic guitar. It was given to me more than 20 years
ago and has hung on the wall of every apartment I have ever lived in. I received
it from a friend who lives in Cali. I look up to him because he has always known
how to make the best out of any bad situation. When he decided to give it to me
I felt privileged because I was told his dad had given it to him.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación

 Describe situaciones o eventos en los cuales el énfasis de la oración recae

en el sujeto, dejando en segundo lugar al agente de la acción.

 Comunica una impresión de objetividad al usar la voz pasiva en los

contextos requeridos.

 Omite el agente de la acción en contextos en los cuales no se tiene

información clara o específica sobre el mismo haciendo uso de la
estructura gramatical requerida.

I have a bracelet that was given to me from a close friend long time ago, she
gave it to me because she was leaving the town so she wanted I had something
special from her to remember the good times, we were in a park when she told
me about it, I felt sad because she is really important to me but I prefer she has
a better future, therefore that bracelet is so special to me, I use it all the time,
everywhere I go, and every moment, I never take it off, I feel good when I’m
wearing it, one time I thought I just lost it, I looked my wrist and I didn’t see it, I
felt scare, ¿where could it be? I ask myself. I looked everywhere, for my
surprise it was just in my pocket, I didn’t realize when I kept it, that bracelet is
such a pretty that even a person asks me to buy it, but for sure I will not sell it,
for nothing in the world.

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