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English I, II or III

Title of the paper

Unit 2/Week II(Verbal Tenses)

Author’s name (with ID)

William Andres Gembuel Dagua
ID 715574

Teacher’s name
NRC 21789

Colombia, March, 11 2022

Read and then answer the questions

Many major cities in the world, have large populations of people who have
recently arrived; they have emigrated from other countries. Perhaps, you
too, have left a familiar place to come to a new city or a new country, or
you may live in a city where there are large numbers of newcomers.

Adapting to a new place forces people to seek out new friends, face new
problems and often learn a new language.

1) The underlined word who is related to: people

2) The underlined words seek out can be replaced by: look for

3) According to the text: (Marcar con una x)

a) People have immigrated to other countries due to


b) People are forced to leave their native countries

c) Living in a new place implies many changes for immigrants X

4) A title for this paragraph can be emigrants and immigrants looking for
a new place to survive

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