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Part 1
- Sleep Deprivation/ Lack of Sleep
- Unending school works
- Procrastinating in everything
- Staying at home too much without socializing
- Balancing the demands of a family with studying
- Adjusting to the new normal
- Difficulty with personal relationships

- I reminisced everything that stresses me out during this time and I thought about how these things
affected me the way I am today and at some point, really changed me. Just still thinking these
things about today still stresses me out because most of them is still present in my everyday life.
In writing these things and crumpling them, I unexpectedly felt lighter as I instill the motion of
destroying these stresses in my life. It may be not much but it really still counts since I’m glad
that this can be a starting point to overcome them. Thus, I think this activity is simple yet gives a
big impact to each one of us especially those who are going through something. It is a very good
experience such that you are able to sit back and assess the things that bothers you and give
yourself an idea to address and overcome it.

Part 2
- Remaining calm and not being carried away by your emotions. I organize myself and point out
the mistakes I did and learn from it. Being rational is the best way to cope up, do not do things
without weighing the options and never take things for granted when bad situations arise.

- Expressing my thoughts and feelings in a nonaggressive manner. Assess yourself first and
carefully react and express yourself to what is appropriate and just. Expressing my feelings
wherein everyone and myself can understand. I tend to express my emotions through my hobby
in order to accept things and continue later on in life.

- Have some recreational activity or doing something that calms me like doing the things I love or
my hobbies in order for my body to keep working healthily despite my worries. I play games and
sports in order to replenish my physical and mental health while having fun. Having a good
adequate sleep and eating well reduces my stress and make me productive.
- Experiencing or trying out new positive things in order to replenish my mind and myself. I tend
to try out new things to forget the things that stresses me out as well as pushing myself to
continue my healthy habit despite my stress in order to keep me from going.
Part 3

1. Why is time management essential in managing stress?

- Time management is highly important in stress management since it reduces the amount of stress
in your life. Procrastination is a major source of stress for many people. As time passes, your
work and duties pile up, increasing your workload and causing you to lose control and get
stressed. The inability to create or maintain priorities is a waste of time that adds insult to injury.
As a result, having good time management allows you to get your priorities straight and
accomplish your task in such a way that it does not exhaust you because you will have a time
window to rest and refill yourself. It assists you in determining which items are urgent and which
can wait. Time management also assists you in being more productive and enhances your
physical and emotional well-being by allowing you to divide your time between work and
yourself, allowing you to perform things in a healthy and stress-free manner. You determine
which chores and activities are most important to you when you manage your time. Knowing
what matters allows you to make the best decisions about how to spend your time. Thus, time
management is critical in stress management since it establishes your life's objectives and goals,
allowing you to avoid overworking and taking care of yourself while carrying out your daily

2. How would knowing your stressor could help you in managing stress?

- - The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. Knowing your stressor allows
you to cope with and manage your stress by evaluating it and taking steps to potentially alleviate
it. Understanding the nature of your stresses will help you manage your own stress since you'll be
able to figure out what's causing it and how to deal with it. Identifying the sources of stress in
your life is the first step in stress management. It's something we often ignore because we're too
focused on the stress itself and don't realize how it came about. Your stress level will stay out of
your control unless you accept responsibility for your part in causing or perpetuating it. As a
result, in order to manage your stressor, you must first identify it. You can take actions to
decrease or avoid your stressors once you've identified them. To control the impacts of stress, you
can also adopt healthy lifestyle habits and tactics. Knowing your stressor can help you manage
stress by allowing you to identify the source of the problem, allowing you to treat it more
thoroughly and perhaps solve it.


Part 1
- Mindmap

Part 2
1. Based on the online activity, what is the importance of identifying which brain hemisphere is
dominant in you?

- Based on the online activity, the importance of identifying which brain hemisphere is dominant
to you is it helps you evaluate and know yourself on how you think and address problems and
situation. The lefty, for example, sees things in a logical way through words, numbers, reasoning,
strategy, and so on, whereas the right sees things in an abstract way through imagery, intuition,
and curiosity. Knowing which is dominant to you allows you to understand your strengths and
weaknesses, allowing you to make better informed decisions. Knowing which hemisphere of the
brain is dominant in a person's learning style can assist determine the most successful technique
to teach that individual, as well as how they study and acquire information. In my case I was
balanced, it is pretty shocking learning from it and very insightful. This would help know the
things I should work on and things I should use in order to do things with my best at full
potential. Thus, the importance of identify which brain hemisphere is dominant in you is it helps
you know yourself making you weigh in and do things effectively and eventually lead you to do
things at your most comfortable self.
2. What do you think are the other ways to stimulate both hemispheres of the brain?

- - I think the other ways to stimulate both hemispheres of the brain are continuing doing things
that utilizes both of the hemispheres and exercising your brain through critical thinking test and
etc. To determine your starting point, you should take a brain or cognitive quotient test. Also, I
believe that attempting new things is one of the most effective methods to learn more about
yourself and how you think. Learning to meditate and engage your brain in healthy activities will
provide you with additional opportunities to excite it. And I believe that the most effective way to
stimulate your brain is to get out of your comfort zone, such as breaking your routines and
learning new things, because this allows you to learn more about yourself, such as your thought
process, while also effectively improving and stimulating both hemispheres of your brain.


Part 1

- Drawing
- Lotus
- “We don’t grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges. I found out that lotus
symbolizes growing and overcoming obstacles, hardship, and whatever life throws at you. It is
such a very good symbolism that can be related in lesson. Yes, this is how I view myself when I
overcame a particular difficult situation. It is undoubtedly hard and stressful but my main
perspective is I see it as a stepping stone for me to grow and improve. I did frown and feel bad
about it, but it was only for temporary because I know for myself that this is out of my comfort
zone which is my time to grow and learn from these challenges. I accepted that life can be tough
and it is in these hard things/situations that we can produce our best versions of ourselves.

Part 2

1. How do you take care of your mental health and well-being?

- I take care of my mental health and well-being by having an adequate rest despite all the works
and responsibilities in my life. I always prioritize my rest and my body since I know for myself
that I can’t do things effectively when I am stressed and tired. So, I prefer to physically and
mentally condition myself first before doing anything else. I do many things to maintain a healthy
mental well-being such as sleeping 8 hours, eating three times a day, taking breaks between
works and especially doing exercise. Time management is also a very important thing for me to
take care of my mental health because it helps me set my priorities straight and, in that way, I will
not get overload by work. I also don’t always think about responsibilities since I always set time
for recreational activity such as socializing with the people around me, doing my hobbies and
trying out new things because it helps me replenish myself and improve my mental health and
well-being. All in all, I think the most important thing for me in taking care of mental health and
well-being is not to do things too much because it self-destructs me. There is a right time for
everything as well as even for breaking boundaries. As long as you are able to sit back and assess
yourself for once in a while, you are able to maintain a good mental health and well-being.
Part 1

Love - Caring a person, kissing them, prioritizing them, Sacrifice for them, always think of them, Giving
them importance in your life
Happiness – becoming positive, doing things with your utmost best, wearing a smile and always laughing,
becoming more confident
Boredom – whining about things, having no idea what to do, being emotionally unstable, frustration,
taking unnecessary risks, causing drama
Anger – hurting other people unintentionally, walking out, an urge to attack and find wrong things, being
pessimistic and unable to control oneself
Disappointment – becoming unproductive, having no idea what to do, being pessimistic in everything,
frowning and crying, the tendency to get away from the situation

Part 2
- I need to do the most rational choices in this situation. I need to suppress my emotion and start to
accept the possibility of these things. And once I get to accept it, I would unknowingly find out
first his underlying reason and confront my friend and handle this out in a way that I get to
correct my wrong doings and also his action to me.

- I will assess myself first on where did I go wrong and where she went wrong. I will prepare
myself for the possibility of breaking up and becoming emotionally independent. Then, I will
confront my girlfriend and talk it out in an orderly manner and see things from there. Moreover, it
is a win-win situation no matter what happens I’ll be able to handle it since I prepared for it.

- I would accept the fact that they will surely be disappointed but that doesn’t mean it would hold
on for that much long. I will tell it to them and apologize to them and do better next time. I would
never reason out anything since this is my own doing and I need to own it up and improve for the
better since I know my parents would surely support me with this view of mine.

Part 3
1. In what ways do your negative emotions, affect you?

- My negative emotions affect me in such a way that it takes away my drive to do better in life. It
takes away the energy and fuel in life that I always needed in order to succeed. It drags me down
and makes me feels hopelessness giving me no idea what to do and just sitting there doing
nothing and constantly worrying. These emotions stress me out in such a way that it affected my
physical and mental health well-being. It throws me out making me pessimistic and always
expect the worse out of everything making me do things without effort. It is almost like a domino
or a chain reaction, my negative emotions bring down everything in me and the worst part is I
find it hard to express and stand from it. It makes me feel very heavy which also results me to
existential crisis which adds result to the injury. All in all, my negative emotions stop me from
thinking and behaving rationally and seeing situations in their true perspective. I tend to see only
what I want to see and remember only what I want to remember which prolongs the anger or grief
and prevents me from enjoying life.

2. How do you manage your emotions?

- I manage my emotions by letting it go with the flow. I don’t want to force things since it will just
lead to worse situations. When I feel certain emotions, I make it flow and not hinder it since it’s
for the best of me, such that I can be able express my emotions and feel enough about it. It’s
important to let yourself feel your emotions as they arise rather than trying to change them. Then,
I will start to accept and manage my emotions and really put it into my mind about the things that
made it happen. Acceptance is the core in managing my emotions because the only way I can
control my emotions is to accept what I am feeling. There’s nothing I could do to change it and
the only thing to do is to accept, move on and learn from it. And the very last step, is expressing it
out into a positive way. It is very important to not suppress your emotions because it will just
only eat you up. And so, find ways or channels wherein you can express your emotions because
in that way you can take away what’s dragging you down and during that process surely you can
learn something from it and hear something that you didn’t know you needed so much. All in all,
I manage my emotions in such a way that I let the natural things to take its path. I don’t need to
force these things because at the end of the road I would definitely feel better since this is the
most rational way to sort this all out.

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